Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1883, p. 1

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-t'iooK 8T81T1 WRITBT. d à%the atacio6étls, Der line, drol murnand C 0aitocubmate es- 1k ka bon ygy~1. aooatr"te xmaie wllh 8a,ero a, bthor*". ,u8iflOss Directory5 - CANADA, lWHITDY, - ONTAILIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Mhtby, Nov. '71, 1889 ly-4? OZITi&I1OBANK, WHIT BY BRANCHE, ýrock Street, '- Whitby. EBS881 TCHE8&BILLINUS ARRISTERS iATTORNEYS CHANCE RT iC -HI. RITOHIE, W. H. BILLING8, Torente. Whitby. JOINE I'REWELL, LL.fl, BARRISTER, Couty Cmvi Attomney, IB and Counly Bollollor. Offic,-BOutb ving. Court tioue, Whitby. .4 JAUEI ILUTLEDGE, hreSBo. Office forrnsrly 00- B uplidbyFars's'o tlap'ex te Royal Hotai Brook St., WblbY. 48 O'SLLVAN diKERR, SARRISTERS SOLICITORIS, NOTA- j1 IEPCIlù,. &c., &c. OFFCES -'72 Tobge Street, nexl the Dotuialqn Mank, aid Cornez Ring uni Tonige Strots, Toronto. D. A. Q'BUnnxvrAm. J. . E. s Octeher rd18.l-4 JAMglES KEITU CGORDON, B ABiailTER & ATTOMBNY-AT-LAW, Bolclor i Cbanoeny, ConvOYancer, Notuny Public, k. Office-Dundas Et., finIt icor vesI of Armstrong's@ilotel. oîsy le Loin-Privatsfonuds-&t low DAVID ORMISTO>N, 1Il- A TT ORNST-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR I O bànoery, Conveyuîîcer, &o. ogacu-In lb.hOffce soulb o! tho Pott Omie, lu Mollas lllonk, Brook Street, Whîtby. ly-lO RODINSON d& KEiNT, B EBBAT-LAW, A T TORBNS- sys, S"i'sollollore, Convoyancemi, ho. O)pPIOE.-In Victoria Cliambea, No. 9, Victmila Street. J.O.RaoI. a aamAERxE5z. 0. YOUNGU SETH, L L. B., Omowa-Ovem Dominion Bak, Whulby. Tai. 29r,1878. i (11.8 .1> fiChaucon? "CiInsaolvsncy, Coao- aneer, ho. 0fflo-Devonill'a Block, Sack Stret, Witby, Ont. J. RAMER GREENWOOD, ATTORNE'! AND SOLICITOR, CON- .k.voyacor. Notary Public, h.-Post Oagie DraMeNoB. 11, Whitby, Ont. ?armea bouVht uni ml ; mâarmiae -8.111 meu if nd Truste made Swctaltie. Loins nsgotlats'l on ail knis o! roperty CILÂRLICS C. KELLER, r 1TORNBY-,&T-LAW, SOLICITORHI 1%. Cb.nceny, Convoyacer,"o,Caniiing- ou, Brook, . W. * L. T.,RARLCLAY, L OCAL BBGISTIIAR 0F 7ME HIGB Court o!fJustie; e'Rgimînar of tbe Bumgate Court ; Clark o! lb. Couuty court, &o. Offido iCourt House, Wbltby. JOUX n&ALL DOW, B AltgXBR-AT-IiAW, SOLIC1TOR £> tuCbancemy, Coivoyautier, "e OM1e-Devedpllo Block Brook Street, Whlliby. MONET TO LZBD-Privuto Fonde - tunscmsn p tea$800, ah a 1ev rate of6l.' loe metl.(ly.5 J0O3N A. MaGILI5IVRAY, <uccesor te M.,. Recvieil.) B Bohary PbýTLi, .SOLcIITfOR lb. 0ee Street, Omhbava. J. B. GALDIAIT9, IM.»., RADUATE of Quesnm aind Victoria C Univerelties, Member o! tus Cohiogo a! Physiolan auni Brgeons, Ontarie. Or,îea-BnSk.gt., Wbilby, Ont., (thre doon. sôcîli o! Royal Rotel). ly-46 A. J. GlENN, 11.D., CUBGEON TO 7BCOUJBTY GAOL, s Bymon Bleuet, Wbitby. wax.IMOBRIUEN, . 5,* l' £1 Y'8 HOSPITALLOOEG. th 01 1b. . .H.tOaunur. Witby, Sept. 801h, 8MI.L - 4 autiIorise< ti 0 tr!acfo.~r 4o8 moensa'ta beM C O V tIPa bei rat"s. m onf eu n t Le Les -cap WII ~Im rhîs vaia <aittlcigbt, iin nting andusty, vo adocaî e Pece, Progrusýa, Xnowledge,.'Brethcrhooi. VOLO. À1XX VIL ROBIN HOUBE.-TOBONTOO, NT. 'The paace Moti f' Cana, a Eeft., nelurulsb.d, aia Unrilsiled. ;oW patni. 0il f- Hé.cana trodu. rooma, wthout boaue,___$1 YPeb. 97th, 878. Proprioer. B BITISE AMBRICAN ROTEL, WRITE Y, ONTARIO. Houes newy ronovated and firnished throughont, gad put in fral-class crder for the reoeption of gueula. An omnibus to and from il trains. Firat-clasu simple rooms. 0 TARIO fO TEL, OBaocK-STRnT, WHLITBY. JOHN LESLIE, -> PropiWor. (Late of the Sitmcoe Houze, Toronto.) ýarawz.nuavtodthe Route tomes. l ba laetoced ith th. choiceit brandi of Lquor. isporled, also coole. Cigaru. Good etabling aid attention. POST OFFICE SALOON, TosoNTo. JE. MONBL- BPIT car TUE BEST ACCOMMODATION isi for Gueula. (4-47) ROYAL HOTEL, WHITDY. G. W. RAMEY, .- Proprie for. (laIe of Port Colborne.) Under the. proeut propristor 14h. ROYAL wîll b. fouud tc, possai every daiable ac- commnodation for guens.ta. ÇB iaol a t tention paid to the commercia agency. 16 C;D T EUNDEIRSiGNE») basing leasel. TERth IntustoMlIotel, Port Whitby, vishbs any Inonda te c"a anidsêe hum. F*zmers ani othere deung businesa &t the Barber vIlfini gooi accommoda- lion. te- PLEASURE-SEEKEUS in summrer viUl be provided iioulbats treasonabie rate&.GEORGE BROWN, Wiitby, Minci lot, 16821.i BROUGHAM'HOTEL, Corner Brook and Main Streels, Lu the Vilage et Iroughim. Fint-clauu accommodations. BesI Liquors and Cigare. Good elabling uni attentive boter. TIIOMAS POUCEER, PROPRIETOR. L ICENSED AUCTIONEER for lbe iCenelfes ol Terk suNorthdsad Seth Outanla. Auctionsie cf zeal estate, f urm stock, ete., aîtended ut moderato charges. Addroso, T. POUCHRE, 65Oly Box 47, Brougham, Ont. WHITBY HO-USE voUMintimate 10 the 1, 0 umpremises bave been lt gueml. Bout Wines, CANADAWALZ LAGER. liWne. Luger, Whole. -ilna Eetail. iby the weck on ma0der- &te terme. JOSEPE A. BAtNDRLL. cÇALN EGI;E BOUSE PICKEIRING- JAMES CARNEGIE, Propriater. This Bouse bus beeun fIlaiupin firet- elas style, and lbe proprietor il .3iv. hI terwonai&lleittion te guetta. Liqucreand >le of lii e utbrais. Exicllent 8tabl- ing and Sheds--. Ploksrng, Mal 1th, 1882. 14 BLACK 1HURSE iaOTICL, Co". PaoUn & GaoSu8., TORTO. ALFBEDOXPOD,. FBOPRIBTOB. (Lt. cf Wellington Hoel, Msrkbgii.) TERI&B, 11.00 PEU DA.'O(u stal- lpg for over O800 hose Pirit-ohlaacora. #édiation for fermers maatlb.traveiing pîUlc i gonm&L. TIRE HODGSON HOUSE, (Lae Timothy O'Uer#') #Zhe aboie premiiesbave be"eu kn lbWudo oiiidai renov belngiielp fiteduap for i raeu#du 01oiguaIus, Butav lelo3ii.cig4re, &a. leaus t au boums Goc ablng, uhed zoom, aniL an allen- 'Wl. HGDGBON. C. N. VARS, L. D, S. D ENTAL EOOMS remo ri mtA- Sknsoîs Diug IMore te zooms over Shea & Shirley's atore, King.St., Oubava. BErance on King Street. 01, DAWES,9 ýTAVIBOr lu"o, btt L 1«the . 'WIITBY, PROVINC 9FONTA*ý,ýIO, TE XMAS CAR-DE; -IN- GREAT VARJBTY 1 - AT -- CORNER IJRUJG STORE. WHIITBY, ONI"&RIO.- CHINA HALL,l sIUci07 TUEEBIG lO 0 TcmREnDI INSURANCE. 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO. 1PHoe= m R nSTAO Faioy Breakfast uni Tes Ssts. PancyDinnen aid Dessert Sets. Pancif Bad-om aSels. Paney Jugu aid Teapelu. Biliez Plated Kalves, Ferksauni Spoons. Silver Plalsi Crueti and Butter Coolers. Bilver Plated Cua Baskets. Eodgsza'Knives ani Forkm. Tes ry$ aid Sorvere. Plowsr Shaiesu foiz Liy's, &o., ho. Glasvur,&IE deuciptiois. White Stone vure, every iid. M2otel uni Bar Coods. GLOVER HARRISON, limporter. Domi nion Wood Works, WHXITBY. Geo. Cormack, UMBER MERCHANT h J3UILDBR. L -A large upy Bilier"Fumiel- iugs, aid ail kinio o! Tvislei Mol&ingi, Doors, Saad milndi. LUE13ER vbheeale aid rotai!, cr by by tic car laid. Plauiug, Moulding9eof overy descnip- tien, Flooring, Sbecctig, Bheiviig, Re- saig. Bbaplng,,Tuzünug. Scrcfl-work, suc, etc. 77lyO<I,8~. 4 TRIS PAPER mal b. f.aund MiIle st Geo. P. BOOvUi& ce&uNewpperAi- VertBln Bureau (10 Spruce st.), viiereai-: vertisig contrata a&y be maie for îIl n Bey Yonx.i1 MONEY TO LOAN! 01N BE.&L ESTATE PEOtlRrrY At lo. alving Se of hntaest. lioney ieoured vitbin 10 daya of . pliutiou. Apply te ONPEUASN Whitby, Peb9M»ay lli 1880. 9- KINO BOTESO, RWHITSY, onTrARio, Importera, DeslruanAma nufoum.uof an LEA THER 'AND FINDINSSI Kas17.SHlORT oOiE. FPRESR- FisI AT-,TANE'J M.*Y8ral leu. m9 ESgTÂELISEE»RD M1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFÂTT & 00.,1 Agents for Canada.! A GENCT ET&PLISHoEMD IN CANA- A DA in 1801. unIited IisbiIty of aKU the stoclholders, and ugeBeau"v Punisa. Modert. rates cfpr.M1in C. BOURSE, Agent, Whlby. Whitby, April 91k, 1878.16 B A ssuranoe Company, INCORPORATRD- 1#33. ASSE 3T 8 .I1,101,876 94. F. A. BALL, Maager. Inurac*e efted et the 1owist ourrnt rates on Building, lKerchaiduaad cîber ProPerty, aginst losor damage lay ie. C. BOURSE, Agentl, Whltby. Wbitby, Aiisi9M. 1878.le r(Ieu7110 V.io 'w. welis 'WI l-i *re "né -'t.i ef ouh,,, atc il 'j 1r c m o 'f ,'rs Gi, Cunad*t anêhsatber, The Jai of tie virhuMo4 the brave and They =&y tll un on <luc thre iu net sncb But, Caunada, thon art l dearerto me- The batiks e! lis Pline hu«si o try #PlisDunuabe-oc-mi Ib-uge- Rome Th. Thames and tli e sip are a national giory cusaecn ]But acroes th. St. Laçre asaeOn not oo. I love tby dark Ieressýitd ieap rollig riveran The mosa coverei, groupdvhere the red man dolli rosmn Tliy touab tite-poez up e ram bondage Re trends tby -free uoti iii he cole Ihee is bere. 2'4' - oppression, Atempa heom hie Soutl-vn bondage ta sion, HMs shackles f sE off and he sayî ««I amn The cliSsaiof Oii Englsni are grandur and bolders And the prouil Atlantic fourni wild onlier shore; ner loonersna dher cailes are terner ani older, But Albion heur not Niagara'. mur. And France muy hivo felas that are richer and fuirez And Italy's valleys tre casoal grouni; Butwhere ar e .whldg thil 10naturear nearer, Iu majeit> gradr, in deptli more Pro.. found? O!1 Canaa give me thy lakos and thy wooaluud !ALe le h eze lb. caturaut hurla aid BY lb. banlc'of oume stream where I gam- bol'd in childhooà, Bo hones are more dar than cunadiau homes. But history varia s v'îlli usofuinstruc- lion, To mark utiere disseiet mlia min begin; For J fauil hoso PrM& 4mPirus nov uvept to destruction, The deadileit blow Alwaïyu came from vithun. Theu, may not mlsanagemeul mur thym- source*, Nor internai iigovernment - pervert thy AdaI&U.treUe bpplbiess redom cuforces8 Winl b. the efect, ayer, iHright b. the cause. A ?R ?Tim FEAxco'.flUSIAiIWAR. Our purty sanebanni v#nu on igil, gid, as anO i)Wc uaba 1.tlehonoiero bsing m Or rlms robl si, sobs umeztai uwpisae-wblcb baid sP- peureti ni ou .l"ka vhâeli a Im ,,And Iahso" si car Iiendl'PunI Rivet, "have lest pàwmsuni clocha, butîIcdan buy more kius&DunI ban my poor camlis! 1TvsutY Yearse!O Iipalieue, sans, &ci doTallen 1- ail tha letroyed, aunlhIited I Aid dâ,oen nov v W Ibf&$ la11e O! iaidaioeus 11111.marbe figure vboîbrbutel,*ftSeR liapioi' DO youMaFWI-vl uii Ol!do Det' try le gnue-yep iiinsvsr sijocesi! - "My vife, ar eraS, bai sievu a grea Sel c cha~ehn.&MI love,' u $biuitome, "sixtsiaybers v. muat SelsuS'oui bouse.' Iadied 'Aid cuir camailas.' "On thie l7Ili ofSeplember, a o'ok ll b. mornnsi, oia of ehiy aim- ens aznved, out o et ýth nA çwil fts'Tii. uhlans, imonsieurw thecied: 'thi.y Are aht(Conbei, and wvil .hert Iý n i 1, U Myfevwu ési.h!iblýît terrr. Plisoa1i1A: 'Lot nei, o Pvs MuY dëaur h I Ac't vanpi- toses Ihle ubiael LI usgo- avatIfO Tel mtube me, no malter t-viera lI fo lb aeoha, sud wu iepwrrlé4. te ieft it lb. *eIaIIfmutll ,igbl servants, Mo o hm a 'Ptlasfmn -e do embi'el Abucltel rm 71 u very inleligent. very abcmdt MI iverý M~d ali le m e vtarted *- Have ncteur,, mmohe ii aev 1 kua**s lîcibey o l toe ie "a muv - &" uU =4 CMl ai09 ave' ilSb la hl* 1Ci m OIC Oiv TRA1 by b. e ui ae'p by 1.Orslr I toob *lhre zsponsibiity OIreatiiui5 uaniproteiiz tse popplo:e UPI»#, mad vue ania w uih9'u&os or, besdoes bengnmade' a knight cf thb. o! Sain Sauveur -by king >Othý O« M Greeka aa sateri #i4ets Itbrougàiàù-tt1hee , agt dkeepi n- itant intercommunlicationiad d tt bonde cf _uywp!Lhy, Ibis- sop i geai stemi. Amcug alliéter 'bàia-fta, il tproaureid me an tIs svoing the viei'o oeo!h olis omlr bave avoir beholi ln aîÏy parS of <lie t Ju f . A i;ieug hir b.th é e', are meut fanaloi clCillianfi, yel un many tire Chiltas nleéilfiOVmný .cf- Li olmuae moig c-0na 1h . u h u lu t o - s e l ais i o n --o f w - o m s u if i t i u lb. aislil o! slaÈea ileahoio on the streets. Whilï vaikint out ih ey hicseoi. I - o o m l e manimani ha&At aahrWtr u MVONEY -TO -WoMUAJW, SM i * te. t 1 R OBB E D vict=ImeUie role GERMAN INVIGORÀOR ctbe disussitbaêle4 tnwonuiiyor cou. aumpiiadpeiauegao byuiail. ThelVGAT sola p~bo~oruts bo.. for au drug4 su n ruetpt cîprice, sefurelyiin 3, l 'za. pdusing. 1M8 BiaillSt., Toledo, Ohlo. Sole A"" .nt" lbUntti$tout. W. B. HOWSE, Agent ftu Whtby 26. P AT EN TS GANADIAN $ si. sae m i uCtseus. I la boit te Patent ra t w w l .-tu ..4Iis pp I l P 1a «esU Patent 1;othpvie imew1elutd Total ool 1 lneiu yuenS dan 'miA.gno OQ tisemiotl. l sw &- LIVERPODL OI.,LNODERS Y Erryiwowti'&»- Iliarbr, couj ive sefi Chines pa. Le Deal Sa rauta lu miy m n oises lu My nlltetu. tà greal dea-- Mu. os. Write a0 7_ Duy Street Mae. s ait a, Dis Rgeaf sRo1 IlIJTSDAY, JANIJARY 4q' 18813. NO. 3.' everyou preudies.Burtoem alog, mphnlly, 'you -e.. Ihal ve are notet ut laIPrussian colonelsi nt cerne ale mequoky rà aut table." a]is Now, au revoir, I vii ln, d and h. wae net wroug in re. "But I doi'twt lVt ivhîg taesua." yen te talk over family matters. 0f tr 1 he Bavar-ians. Thero ver. ,,Youdoî'twant te breakfast wllth course yen vwiii dine viti us.' mâvements of Iroope. Tiey teiok 'Our us§. M4fore, ptajudices!1 But you muat Hé inivited me te diné at my -own Prussiaus from us, Ibey sent a deluoli- corne aleng, neverllieless, for tlie bir- bouse h I oould ual mid a single word ment of Bavariau iufautry w1rich bad onu.e Weattablé vithue aiud wili be en- with which le repiy te him. Rie book iluffered greatiy in tihe vidinitofotheie ohanled le îee yen." hie ,departure. I wus loft aloi. witb Loire, and whioh omme te us for, a lit- "'The baronne h A baronne onclinut. Antoinette, and she, 'Witioul wailing lie reouperation. Pillage comrnenoed4 od t oese me V" for my questions, oried out, sas oon as titii oe. Ilmuet lie adrnitted liaI il "But, wiîheul listouing te me, with. the colonel was gene: vas very well organized, fer that mat- ent aniswering me, the colonel grasped "'Obh1 monsieur, dîd you notice bow W Lr. There wae a stroug colurn o meby hie arro and pusing me before lie leoked ab me as ho vent away2 Il It-îaýmp followere lu lie train of the De- i, rnade me cosrn y salon ; lien, je horrible, monsieur, il ià horiible 1h viniregimeut; tbey lirew them- opening tb. door of my dining-room, Tbat Pmussian i i love with me!t-Yen soies upon tbe chatean ike a' flocE cf lie criai: muet net ecold me, monsieur. Yen, or'ows, and began te meake a kind o! "Madame la baronne, here je your muet puty und thauk me. 1 devoted. iflilVery. I wenI reseiulely lu fini unaI, bore is M: Rivet V' myseîf ta aaving yonr bouse, sud, thatlî 'the major, it wus a major ;vite com- "And tien I euv, seated ut my tuble, tlie wbele cf il. Wben the bolenel ar-I rgàid d Iis dietachment-a fat, 11111e' eigbt or ton Prusian offloers and, in rived, on the 18th of Septembor, ho risd-faoed man, wio- spolie a frightfnl the midctof o!home offioere, Antoinette fiev juta a wild rage ou leamniug liatt >igen, blai French,, bal! Germen. 'Ho, -Anteinette, vho bhad on oeeof my the.proprietore bai.departed. He oried 4ài7mnnoed ta utter sometbiug ikeý wife'e veivet dresses. My wife'u <hum- ont : 'Ah!1 that'a ths vay it is, î4it l 188 Gsfjey aie &on as lie. put eyes n end ear.rings vore inu ber cars. ail my Ah h tbev have run off on acceunt tif ai.ad, itout giving nie lIme te vife'e rings on ber flugere. My vile's eur arrivai!1 Ah!1 tbey* labo .ue fôr! " a word, idont.1 necklae e! black poari wus aient ber -BarbarianB i Well, l'ilaseewhat I oui , 1pérueIvoa srat neck, and all my Ivife's brocolOls v ere do viti thIis harrack 1 1 wfllWsta W-i lt t - iWwVik .;ilapernt-T claspa aenbo rtS~'Iubiophelrês.in tbs'aorf"'ib#t sparkled Iu ber bair ýana" sepphlme9 s seI ladoronohed uwuy ilu-a >carner, ansare the-devil! You can'I catch the shane upon ber"corsage. Antoinetteanad as the colonel badl net seen me, t Pavariais as you caghtthe Brospiani was ne longer Antoinotto-she wus the shot up lie etaira four stops et a lime', I have ebies, I geai ebies I-Au refoir, sbov-vindov of a jevelry ehopi1 alipped one one of madume'e dresses, servant, au refoir 1" He muid I know "Anloinsîte, ou seeing ve enter, hastened dawn aguin, und sai I vas not vbut. in Germai, te an efficor; araeo quiokly, turned very rad, =and lot monsieur'e nieco, Mme. la Baronne de -two seldiere ronghly soized mend Ibis ory escape lier: 'Mensieur, il' j.W Bareevilie, a . igb-souuding, name wae tabou on foot, mniuo et monsieur!l' Thon, quilîiing 1he table violi I- lionglt, veuli have effeot. ta Rheims, 'being pusmed by. Prsia immedlilely, oie rai le me, t!irev ber- Yen muet mkowîsige tht Lave not! gendarmes te tiblez ruaingna soif vioiiintly upen My neob and liegan beeu avkward, s for more than a: su. 'AI beime I was Ihrewn, in te kisa me futiously. exolaimiug : «"Ai I1monti I bave led tbe colonel by lbhtpprsn I remainod there fez uw*eok, baw happy 1I arnte soes1" Thon eh.e!ofbisenase, aid liaI, tee, witbout it, upen aie elraw, Sbsisîidg. upon bri reneved bem kisees, whiepering in my cosling me unylhiug, I assure yon. I uni alez., At the ei à! lb.theweik, I sur 'Kise me, bis ' me very tenderly 1' arn be geai a Freuchobvran te allow vus taben betore an offloor fe,! . Saxon 0f course I cempiied villi ler requeul, myself ta be teuohod witb lie- oui 0f a oavalry, a balle blonde yonng merri vho andite eh. haered unether fleod of Ms.- finger iy snob a mrature. Besideg, liad net a toe wioked air. "tI amn bouî os Opan me, un4 ville ooninuing teý thora are a lipusand;dragoois suni hue- ta et olyet libbey.." mid lie, "but do. whispir toi me : 'Besra moe affected, seai lera whlim I mule like a'odeepot. net ebbsmp!ta. ratura homel.,:There le thun that!1I1uam yeum uleos, speuk tle I have saved yeum silverwàre, yenr att1he oliateu a stnpii report madeby me lovingly-uh!1 thul'm better-il le. herses,,your carniages, und. your came- Buvanian ftjor. These Bavariuips are ta save -madunie's diamenis.' We, lias. As le nimadanio's diamonde, if I brutese! Alil hie vuld netbvehp veut on kismlng befoeo&ailthb Prus- vear them ail, il la ual for tlè ploasore peued taejyen if yen bad. bai la deai siens. The operallan, howeVer, vus o! Joloeing like a jOvel- case, but because Saxons 1" I vas free, sud I have sue- ual ditsagreouble, &ntoinetto. beiog a lhey ara sater ou my person thun lu ceeded in dragging -myosli er.. But cbarmiug lutIle persan. Ail tb. afficers the iruvers. I knev net wliut tie BD- monsieur youz pour pialeau is lu b-ad atarei it me, uni bud tb. air of saying. variais amounî to, but lh. real Pmus- bauds. I four Yen vill net fini muob ta themeelves:aie&@ de net amounl tae muai, I eau tiers on yeur r rnu 1" "H1ov delighfl ili lutlebêble ahi tel1eRyen!1 And nov, monsieur, if yen I faud ielhng af Îli1 there, vben .I bis. Ibat prelty girl sau muai us yen viali te de me a favor, yen vililoueve returued,1 on tbe 10th -of Febmuary,.dur vaut tea2" Iis place immsiately, fer, lu snch a ing the armiitie. Ne -, a m- wrenig l And, nuturally Ibis exciteà me? litho gaime as I 'arn playiug, mon are- saying I founi nothinil ut ail.* luI my "But, ufler Ivo or tire minutes cou- abselutely goed for neliing 1 Dnning greenheume, lu my peer greoibonse, on s ecralei t le Ibislsing business, miug- breakfast I .wms ebligei le treai on lite spot formely ocoipiei by rny delii led vithireveistione ani explauations. your tees tv rcm lre. tjmes te prevent> eus litho mtarbie figure from Naplei, Antoinetto teck me iy tbe bond, led you from inrstiug ont, anid femme de asud my udored oumeliasl vere *ie tme around lie tuile, und obligai me te chambre ouglil not ta treai on lier Buvarian tomba, ' orialueilsi vitb speu myseif. beside ber; thoen, vith musýter's losu er lie table! Iill peho inscriptions libe 1h.e folloing: mmci gracu aid mlf-posessien, mie gel yen a goe<] Prussien pues, miii yqu-"Hore reposes Hurtma, the 4 young ipreseuted te me ln turu aIl my Pmus-enu tube viti yen ah madame's dia- sunihaie.oBvna hasudtk 1 lun gueste : 'Monsieur the- colonel se- mouds. I wiii put thon In.a litth oxo in tie Ibloom, e! youhh! 1-Trialitsd' Iand-no,oe!thie 2d dragoons, Monsieur aid Pierre, viii drive you-uvay in the. fzom lie Froidi o! Ludovic.Hualivy by- tho major se-au-se e! the 8d bussars,1 break. As fer me, 1 viii re&ii4ri 9p George D. Ce:. t stc., ste.' As for me I vu k. oninl- Lgard. Af ber ahil amuses me -greatly toxioted,and I ausure yen lhiI Inist le isceive liuePrussiens, a idùbpkec-ez' utm ho anteni kr aving romainsd thus Iheni believe- Ienia vmai >0Cu,' PM ebd for au heur authuaï;table, ammi Anbâoinette - à 0 elier 1111aie speaechB oreo!.-erécsou!r 'rlltboso idrageons anid Utos he-vth sa muai energy, uni cenviollan erly prei'aiiedinlutle.ruralportions of ous ienger kiie itbhore<1tint I could not belp;àdniipg1u Englonani n erefiieeparle May stilI wn or viat as tukiug place arouid- "enare'a bravogrlAtentt'Ib. <nudte seme ièetent. O.o-b me, bli,'noerthelsii I have preaervei euaid-'"a brave girl anida iret aplrî4,, meet curions of! liee.in olîs b a vary eleuar ÉcJioju ttatu r- IvunyQto e m5!O: omelhung, Apui "Appis Kevlingi, iolibédoiW&Mbg cir onvaraation vbich euod, ï -uni a-,'I wmayn . l.bqus rle assupofe oscm lu inoih, deaills ényseif, 1.Nu, coni- Whtl linnlu- - psled*paluepae. .-Permission tebie ouS e0on "WeU, r. Rial," uid hi colosi «'"s neico or au femmne de chair, 'teé Iny'âni- cuau II hope jet i iiiriog buok Mine. Rivet "As femme 'de chambre, &aitete.11 'witb Streàg -itiCkS, »0 l ia, wo ltnniudiataly. - WelJaa a ebnrlici- Well, 'goaeamoise, < oobT lits beri, s yeuir nueïe. viiite11yen. aheai1" a mb - onlitbageisrpi jAIru W. arenom ie u t hé B.avaiges yonr; 1T'gave bier,&roUelu$f akSà hnth ùoigýo ~ioiéuargit r "eL. J'ilîîunio, Au - fPray(oa sonnlusa owling crep. bburet cf th. sani heavy laughter V 7ieh o10 î tt donet put LiaI bracelet iu Evémy-lvlg, aupIBà-big1, a 11111ewvile befoes ba4 ebaken myIW, Haâve-the hindiut ta >b ep ftst for- Every bcngh, aples nu 1nerves. Inshanlly ail th.effempre lu' YanO .!"Fu t Hll qatt sca s f!, eecr, fobeylng a omta- Wl leaune, monsieur. WâIt for uEuslrau 1- aositemse1viâ le violent hulaity. me hors; I vil ýbcbaob u in flàeonOn. fbè tbiac~ulSti There is a liveiy uni hipht gsyoly,. minutes; but do net commit uuY ýim- ciemou oncov's iarailiiib vhicb iu Froidh gayely, uni tire. isý prudence; do net quarrel wthb fie7 cémeeytébôsOapi h re anohhen g&yetye, lumbening oni brutale Prussiae. -wt hi héu .euiaie"~ vhich le Ptmuiakngayael; Sic tan- lighlly .away, No acner A ppVeHow1ifl&.va * eÉGe y app 4tri "No, vo arsenit savagesý , o.ti=ied vus abcouot of! sight lieu I eoecdaeiiu. L $: -. the coeuR, 'na ye n annt coniso t'biat, nzy iugbtrliai reqeshédmeta hgrkeùla5& OItIî 0 m. i, bopts ieveo vi-ter brig ber ÏIve photegrphe -which vers heu Spâ-rtg, fli baâýijf -nit li>hovellet 4.seie-o e sa on hs'mintleiseeon 11111e eaGels.. I deor, mngIng-voesaM1 r euiniihorseftévlhlewinter. NotoiirIre e poOla.:ImnWAsasz ubsI 0 xccutiof thé siege ofe!. PmI-oh, ma l the slairwa, a inear'he d4eeusa1ppeilgreat bovléi 1é wilW3Ëàaùîs su Parie i,,jl butaken in'ii ve o -si dyit ln- k.et sugrl5. Siînebpdy vas play- nibbozie, and fillaoýi t ' ODIÛPes1 l -tbe jet cf Noeeôbem utt h.ehuits. ing thé piano a bt~uer's cialnb- eaértbigJi5iT*~ IBut tièe s ill bel, re-har, certain tif- or 1I1 knocke4xo.vry modes3tly.Coe Bnfeties about the reesablallsntnl -of !i." -1 -vent -lu. One-of lthe ficenè of vtlitei th. emprrY iragôonii À f, blende yoàun i""'~ ' Toreetàblsiitient o! lb. emper- fwith anoye-glbinhïm y wsplay-, -tt, vbiçli anethé ýï.nv lu or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ î 2"- .igiofO1~ôcwahFzes, opeu oresIc r Omtleuy yoneuxeu s~etat' a» --i'ew& dù Dya.oovy .0 sues, from lie uuatrou i gazello-eyod aie lusI Il ý 1 aie surE

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