Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Dec 1882, p. 4

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4W Mýh-ial b;C aC ., luklg bonal «M uatt oaaat pay Xvby wiiug'« tingeal., bI~oecot IMlar vsy,ý-a iiealtOgIIebo ut. Nftgy uei more andi mors, ~h.udavil felotprnug,oprtuglug, ThWtbeel uehall=2 tyhebcdoor, Wiia Sglinpse of box endl paokst. And a I1111e rutla, mole Maàkeesuah ig mlgl sisonnâanmud racket,- di4ch a 10112bualle, huohe- TicS the youluigeens lui tipir Places, Huliuig0ml71Y cutle! eigbt, Ait ah4 60e uhow mhliling face, Ait at once socruamnît ildlîgit. Go As ah OMenswhatle lhs'mmàtter, .What lthe f ugouwian ud li- Wfiat lhe maanlng o1 ths etatterl WyhaL lthébumsti and th ialn. Beýr tamo, hosar lbin, laugh andl shout Alil ogoh ear ilium amy, "Whby, wot bave youi been abeut, thun, 'Not ta know W.à Christomesdey -NoraPevrl, ID the CRItaîTUÂe ST. Nîcia- lumAtacU or- Atortaxgvc.-The fol- lowiiag aory aboril Mohammed Ali and tbe carnets is net n0W, but it is inter A Pcrmlan ulied. ieaviuog suvenîen Oala ista b. diviilsd among hi#. îhree sous in the foiiowinic 'proportionsa: hie oldletta bhave hlaf. the ecood la thirel, An ie LI.youuigest aa ainîli. 0f course camelot emnt1hlasdîvideil intn tractions, sol iD deoip4ir, ltitbrotbere eoubmitd tlir diBfiuly ta MoiatnsdAlil. "F'il la,îd« yod muther camaal ta maka eablmmn.an ud now dlviii. hem your. selves." Thé onseIqueDO5 was, each biother got from otoa-É%igbth ta one-hall 'of à omenl mors 1uSD lie wams entilleil $o, And Alil raoeived lmiscamai baok agan ; thé el&aml brother gsbtiuig oiuie osmaule, thé sondi fl., Andti.hé hînd PmaYXG qcDi lUOT4Z.N3NT.-A littIs 011 City girl It Idown hoamy bsr eV. ;éni pryer, oue i.ngil roeusly, muid d icua inltse ppiicauing position 00 lonx that wben te rose ber fatbsr "Whisat bave you besu doing, demi, ?" '18aylug my prayans," auiowered the IWlty do yoo pray sa louig, and wbat do yod gy? Oh"r Il il omii. ravely. -1 .ay tho Lard'. Pryer over twice. Yen sce in thbmomrnlag I have ta burry ta gel &o sohou.l lui Lime,.eand I doa't bave hlWe ta prays M~JDI l! savil oYfr lwiO0 A Cincinnati wommn wae nraing ber buebauid, a broksn-down sot, when ho leapsd wildly tramn bi-s bed, bren- dished a huige knifo, which ho lied enîr- athe flaor, docloring liiet bu wae divine. ly omnîniaed ( ta le. taun s muiend a ileeperate hlaght, in wahih..h wiulnau bsld fasîte l is, bande wittl mil ber nigh, an-ho vas nlyable 10 in. ilci mmo enli ouf@. Jut As ebler ereîîtulyva fadn, ld ire lir o: brangit h.lp frocn seversi .nelgbtuouret. Uti saat êGmped ta e oatroci lntaI llisy dia not lIntrf"rae whu e u tundteblade aigaiuiet bimoîf, but alwdhlm ta Commit suicide unhand- An anecdote of Lord Beaoonefieid im relateaï by a Lonidon paper. WVheuiha roturned ta olilce after hie tiret retire. meut, a question arome me ta Makio>g Lor& FBmlyn maler of the buick. hotinds. EHlm lordmlp batil, il vuaurg. ed, every quislffiomiion for the. potl. Ho wasa Rood eportammu, IYIs epeci. o i 'otýrry.m la wa vrred thaI lhe ewora liks nohody mloces the army lunFîmuidera. 1"8wiare, Jo..es h qsuoth Dia.y. "Then w. will moite him lord hbcooammson«er t he churcli of Bollaacl' andC I& vas donc.. A bon moi ham reachedulne wbich il would h. st pily ta withChohd. The oth. er .lmy sallielip, wheu travelling in a Lonidon 'luse, met oui. of his olergy. "My loru," omld Lhe latter, 11 bave sonc a Biutîop in p3artibus, but uiever ti lui day a Cllehop nu omnibus." - Iondon's tgrandl uew Roman Cath. olin catliedral. LuoL $1,12T,50,(M b Lt b.. bogue in Lhe epring. A recuit trial han eiicited the fact thast many Germen girl. cultivat. thoir finiîr for mala. Beatty fine hair fetohes smie $5 mui ounce. The earter tho tunnel the sweeter lhe kise. "lTure worko wondler,' me the wq- man mmii wbeui eho gai marrlsd aftmr ua thirteen yeare' conrtmhip. A DuteiîLth - A burgornateres Dose. Yen eau Cîold an onion more drcnly tban yon cati cilh a liornet. -Blood wîll tel." no b. carefol bow you cuake confidtlit of yonr relations. Men Who bave mouisv ta ltaon tal. the groatlselposmible luteroml in thoir buinem«. A LITTLB SMITH, ehlld of Patrick Smith, living at, 96 Chenue- Ville sirmet., Koutral, paffa dil long otomacis Worms.,on Bmurdmy lut, wvlth ane doues of Dr. Smîtlim Great Garnian Worm lleuuedy.-Poi. Keep Iltayour famlly. The beo rsmsdy for accidents sud emergeuclea, fer Burns, Scoalde, Braises, forons. Sere Throît, Croup, Bhoîmtilmii, Olibino, and Pain~ or Soreuisme ofa&U kinut, leabat anarvellous hsallng rsmady, Hagymmi'a YOlCow 011. Dmugho, Wlve, Moelhookolyotix hls1ihe imany pinul and weaoniug ilomasfro i In youi enlier, daarn of aeuea cmhrmbed by hat un'àufaln regul&Wor-sat ud riylug loLC, Bartio Bloil htiara. Aak yonr draltfor proof. A Wise Maxilm. "A etltch i l= utuesaaine," not ouly in maisgremsje, but ableinlu mzg healii. I O rectoral »g=mnu vre ,n"d in th*eïatuj ."of'Oolas Mud mmyom e 42»ytà.brliW théiIgbYp m ae ters heuvs rm oe u bIo. *0-ily, maiade a haâ rvy laver. »OU-4 it "a Put Thîs lun Youi Pipe. - c F;ank P. Warner me etlaout mtore ho prcliau a a Da luotia cfZopeafor&~ friand, ausd a tenl chahs(Ur'. Waruer) *an ammleW iwtb kidney éildllvsr Iroulsls for fie yemrm, and al blpali *2 a $o S dootore 1,111es. anid hem box b'eu eoinlef4 uo u b u e s 0r lwo large bottie âU 4 ciamui mlie ai Ziîupt.e Rle wutm baut£1 ne Lme haýlib. tact 5.pauinde o4 deio, but cigor iuslotg ZnpoaelaltatIlie. Je à moutd toan, sadaiow woighe 144 eu.ndf- Re was toiud in îLe prnie. mand rcad ly cou- seutcd tu allasa ine tLuine lienaine fur reicrun e. Aguitu, Mre. Forheu, wilee of Mr. 14. G. Farhoe, Tlesinrg, Onit.,' tbmnngi 1Mr. (C. Thomtuson, Drug<iuit. Rays :'Eh. wmm alltug for yarasai t ilitiueuc aîmi Dyseps,u, &id wut imiuci toa a mure mkeisten, bal tbrough the une oi Zopeme en;,irely recover. ed muid gaiucud 18 pocço."- Zoposa in net a cure-ail, but acte diroctly upon hIeoier. atmnacb, euid kiduieye, car- recting Lteeidigestion, glufittO acuivity 10 tie liver asudhemîti te thé uirina. TIAle cr. recto the wholoe ymLeni anditheî uIcioî bo. cornes pure. - lier Teoth wcre huke ;uarls that glîteucd Ah 1 ye.. they wsamine catiful. very, And i heard her reiniai-kas t Ijîleuid, "<This contese u! ny tiaiuig 1Ti<àiiuutyi." Kiilney Discase. Pain, Irritation, Rllu<tioîi.uuIcon. tinenc., Deiuotis, Gravnel, &c-, camail by "Bachupaiha." Si Buicici's Arnica. Salve. The Dlet Salin ltie malMi i,r -ta, Bruinees, Scecu, Ulcu-rg, Sitlî ittî-ru,îîîVev-r Cure,rt uml mlielmîmi î miîle, iii .maiye lycurofe Pilou1.itamî-iidmm:rcr ictl satisfuaction or uiouî/rur fmbuîle rîce 25i ete 5per lb,,%. livl <plî y T G. W'hitt fieldI. Fifes andl ings- Flue., roaches, at.., 1i..ml lws, rots, mise, gropherc, chipntiunkh, ceared ont hy "Itiutgli ouiln te'15c. * There arc many foolich Ihinge ulone in thm worll, atuaiorle cflhue ubt foolialiu eilviinIMY mid viceaî) uhinge is la negiecel unCouglu or Calai, N-îw tue kutiw that Conua. ,Colîme, Bîroc- chitie, Calarrh, aitd alil Clket, Tiuroat, muid Lunag 'Proutlîce,- 4 neotcîîee(, arc suru ta .end in Coeuwijîtian an] Deatb. They tna y boe emmili eured by ulsîng as *ireted Dr. Caraaais Pnlmnonary Congh Ùropm, lier. s i. o remedy t-quai ta it. It neyer faile. Sol eicry wiere bu large boihies mi 50 centf.. The action ai Cartetre Little Liter Pille te pleamant, tmliiand naturel. Tlîcy genily oimulsttheb lvei, snd regniate Lue baweie, but di fnot purge. They are sure tui pleacuî. Do no$ talie Pillemr cri'wderme aui- ielnbug CaloUel, for, aI IbiS liU2C Of lie je an, dis remits nuay be s-erions. If yau require ýa dope of physic tLake Dr. Carean's Stamacb muid Constipation liftIers ; ih ncte gexitly on the Bowcls, purifie the Blondi, improu'ee the circu- lation, &tmuulatecih e Lin',r aud Kil. neyla, andl pidiy curens îiuisisa Heaulache, D)yepepsie, Inigestimon. flaerli the lrug Storese - froua atie cend of Canada ta thc othor, andi yen cannaI find a rcnely équal ta it. Try it sud ques it lijour familles. Scld svery. whem-e in large bottleit i5i) c, uc. For Croup, an-tîii I-ltiusd decp e-eilemljîîd imnll ,utC All-nea LurtigLiauni. îs uit n:. T11ilmmr coinun. Tîxaumenîls Ii-*uNi.rn ttivi-lIoliiLi(' pabll. tinie curatini.- pmwî rm (J t,. UIL'AT GERMAN INVIGOIAL%011. tlme uiîly reînedy tal lias 1roved itîcîlf uî i- ric for seîeral d.hbility. i-.timtai n-raiL- lneg, îuuipci-icyï . i, R111il/tii< mauvra tittarine troua evIt-auîîi, r osa r r imd braia. fitiallv m<i.ltl1111g illilll11)mti li.aauity .undîa piiu.LtegreaV.. 8(11 hy &Il du-guisie, or wilI ien-rt free-or] receipt of $1.0)0 lper Ibox. omr tixt l e for $5.00. Amlîlrù- -. J. CIllNEY, T1oledo, Ohio. cle mm4uul 1ý,r îlm,- Unitedl Stektaim. Saîuud for rvtluiir.i oui/I umtuil moniale 01 MItmuîno dure. A ooad 011r. The 0ihpjur~ira -sarrnMzll ,otipatiy hlas juel isntd mii iiluatrmied tFt~al, -Tb'l'h. eart cf îthe Continent," île.'aribing th. woulerful growbii of 1h. Sbx Oreait Stelùe. Tii. book le ieauiifnlly printeil. andl nutner. eus@e.ugravings of bigli ruterit railîîrn ts pages. Auiy con seuding théi-r naine mand sddreee witi twotlui-ca tout iffet. aïge tamps willi etîivti a co-uîy ivre- buru maie, by afli ing ta 1îtt'i LowLL, General Pessouig.r Agent, Chîcaga, Illinois. Froc of Caut. Ail poraoîie wýialingiz o tF tlii. niarits of a great remeuly- one ihît un-l pîsi- tiuely cure Congmumplion, touisî, cuulA, Auhina, Bronchitio, or uîny alleatib of tie Troat or Luuug-aro re<înrsed tho cmii at Wbitfild'otCrng Store andl pet à Trial Bottie of Dr. Kine New Diecai- ory for Couiumplion at 10ce, wlur'o.h euh shcw you what a regular dollair-size bable wiil de. Fortunes for Farmners andl Meciiniçs- Tionsauds cf udollars cen ho sed by ucinq peejier juilgmninl takiuug carsof bbthe ali of yaurselfîuail tamily. If you are IillbouB, havaéeaalow cm. pluxion, pon appetîte o. iaund de. preoseul epirits, rand Reneraily debîlihe- locldo uiaL dêlay a mamedt, but go at once andl procure a a btli.ai0thos wonîîurful Etectrio 1BitterB, wliich nover fait la dure, and liiet for lthe lrifling smi of flfty centLs.- Tributne. Soid by T. -.. Wbtlh. s ERV ANT GIRL WANTED. A ppiy ai TUE CHIRONICLE OFFICE.> Decemtor 12, 1882. XMAS8 and NE W- YEAIiR CARDS! XMAS AND NEWueYEAR G.IF'TS!. 0f every kind, toc numer- ous to muention, and A TLQWEBT PRICÊS hi 18. FA Cat2rih of tii. Nasal Caiity -Croailc ad lJeM.tlveao tii.ioued ind Mutou s urfaces c0tii Sïstein. If ih betoitticd urifier lnthe W 1> LOD.aod li wortiALL tuat 1, argo1 o o TII gag- triTURC MfIL T -ffl WE.ýLNu, Ont., itr-rahiien1S for two yeru, tnid wan vcry iouch bcnsfttted luy thi e ot* ' la Oturrii 0tinre- Bhe fte noir about cure, W. T. ROUSE. WiLuTOnt, Merci 20, 18Mu 1 have ue"ic llu.1*8 trrli Cure.' iad lndg. inq f rein tbe 1; ui ~i a1derlvod foin ose bottO, bo!i"'vcit wllcon the nt oatahoari cale of (eiitrrh i t îe 0 o o ontlinod for sa W. EL 1HELLE3MS WuLcL.Ontiaroh M ,18U2 <.,t.lisve colt Hall'sCatarrb Cfrm for the lent year, aua t givos entire satitalacllan. LÈt W. iidnso, Dumist. llalls Catarrh Cure la msold by IlU Wholocalceand Rotaiti lrnjgbIo an4Deetere 10 l"eui Modicinsln teiUiteld taates mui a isd& T'CLCE: 76 Cents il Bottie. $8.00 aB OL. Tihe ouly gouniWe EIl1' Catarrh Cnrs la =n. uiactured hy Y. J. OUENEY à 00.. Toledo. GQ gwemsof IuitatloczL Do4fO lMe 0ulW rUiaoby H. W. HOBSON, Welland,.Oit PRINOIPALKL.S nd KNS AS CITY C, , -1,e, eu-), PROVI NCIAL L.AND SURVEYOR. (in i-f .U 1l utt î!e Law ilfnc-4- if . 6. Mx i.u.m Jlins ua lerty Etpt. A wem k tMbde rit I.. ire Ly tilit indubturio.cDiut t , no w bu2oitOue vpul-lb, ..j ml l ot 2 neemil IW.. un-tii cintyou.%feui niam n s ,.ancd girls waneed overy-i-lere te work fut ue. Now ie th0. Liane. Tic tan tworl lu epure (li.ni' gr in-e you ox% tlle ti Id. the tl'uines£. Ni, ather haumties, wil paï yOUDCunorly ils>ell. No One. cati fxu.l toii tueensiemoilg pîy lu as. g aggut utuce. taumly outt muid terni. re.Monc.y mamie fat, easilv. andt iccsor- alul. Adilemu, raLa à Cc., Anguieta Mals..TOti. 40antnc s, umeuous aud = lcu e l Cohmtaluiiuig l ete loine tue cr o Gjimaee taatlkewthm0 c iitaondy- Pl DiLES.a iaGcl.o liaitn1ý , 1. sud eeUB hheyaeUnOUfr0 and euati icaIntlt- aid n arttîme ni uniy îi pprl L ord tuffOrin (saciet.ssuetih eguureail-f cmren o! ît'itLi hie subuPenption sacil pe npi ui asuoo-etifsas hLm varnappe . ailen cfAi illity lsepcdto luthaaer IronW-rCulitiokuns l oare Il a .ot nl taroamlaut lunt butinhlm, - an Tus pinioandl topuipln of gl.Cug-p es, lIl\ewareuntilako, uial ieonmpm..i .etitic powrtotli inuof a Cnadea. e i pu t&lsnesthb lu bis k uwhifu. ia A&e et al ince lipypmacnoîgein oof athneoah ilaydllo uujte; anti frontvwde snth su' oanduuis arsi-cuaunmled a fn) ati aiilble tte nxo., 4msfle Ihein Wcgarea t i l JohnlAm. Moy m0c OiTidUp\ wr Blaonsasd motoul, sude *enavery resp etf atalyjna nu dreda a) iuenlitonurionthe Doulio LVYDIA E. PINKI-AM'S. A Mure Cuire for ail FEMALE WVAl.s ?4rS ESS. JeUdig LeCc.rboeMIr- rcug2-and Pinfalll.a?.aID In flanmaioi uand TJicerfttloI of theoiWeufib. p1,dlnc. PRLO. LAPSUS IITERI, &o. fl'ceit tli1<0q tei, ctfiraclore and tosoudiate !nut, ict. It iua rebt befp lnlpregnan. a uid m i..<.pin .dueLglabor %ad a.1 ragile...pei b.d.. off --Itlr eux., il l. aouutto nio ree..ytat khses'nr ) -n le-fiao tepublic.;mand for mil dbuCECI orethte lZàpzçz Ii.t in h reafest lReusegî < Me Wol 63eKwDNIY GOXWPLAWTs ofirltbpr Sem FInd <iremaRelienu. lmtoUse- LYDIA IL FTNiIaws RI~tTYUFE -M m ue"aulieavu.y tig of11cm" futtelutahe nio, a hus.. tcmlzgl tôu~ Ovgbt tiiuth thie Comspound Rad Vlaed t-iOer m are - pared a& l2Mad 2M Western »rAnMe, Liyce. Ees Price cf atiior, St. lixbofttifor #& Tiie Compoiud lo "nt by Maul te the fouma uf PUI8a.Gr e of eU<geu cn receipta cf price, $pper bux fer etbur. MNu ikbueu aami Staer oepamehim. NUiuathdapue »W-Soid bl mBUDruglMta.»CM ae aret Stanatea, P.Q.-Northrcp I.m uiTrcuto, tcuil. Agents for Onaro. HO'ME MAýRKETJ POP. ROME PIRODUOX. CIIEAP FLOUE, EVERY MONDAY Until inrllior notce.1 vIll dehiver Pion &c- toa euy peruon l ineh TOWNoif WHITBY, lit quantâtitiDotleu atha~u 50 Ibm. ai Lia follotring quofetione : FaO Weact Fiant- - m -......$2 40 per 100 Sprlig I------ ..-------2 60] Ganose lie--- ..........--2 20' Brai)-----------------------70Ju Ste-(rio-----------110 ec IYiifiS CA . I FIl(<.' i1lEL 1 JUIY . B. BICKLE, i lirookîtn P. O- il-h/-mm Iuiy a;?/ ,)i'ý- ltEt ut M. J. .Il Piipfi hit-mu-s opi-; Du-crnie i4t., lm8t 2-tf DR. FELIX Lî BRUN'3 Am Gueranreil <Cure i i-rGonornia *ad OILt.cisale, îîlieàîîî aand eluile.N'o bail e-ltcca Itoe Ite nia. Dace nos l itarfere wiii biuntm eor lie-h lPrmm-e 52 lulr box1 or tirc boire for 84- Wnitten gumarusce.sauuei by t-'mioî--anutza/l agent mc retend Lia mtiinej d- t1ir.-' e i- tai-4l fie cure. sont .pustage preuimi on roi ollit aof priee.. Dit.ii x î tTir ltwuu & Ca., 181 &n .K.iig 61 , eeti, l,usolace lur>pri-itorc.W. 1IL ni- mthea, i-il agent fur Whitiy, Oui. I E plni arc a1i s o louLe cootfor ebiea ta ici-e-me tlîui r suiiuga, W 1 S andin lime iecomei nneauItiy .tliome sho do at uprave (Ltir m-mîipemiii mmmain i p--iv, rny. W iffver a greci chance tL a ce atmi ViuIcla inork ftur ne riglat li tiair owui lcahit;t-s. Any vonc cem- do tic votk pmop. crly frontu thse ftrmal. ThLe bai-nees vii puy marc IbaniUn tims..ardincry- wagem. Eu'ouiîe outfit lininuxedfroe- -NO on. isba engagea filaete nice unpccy tapldly. You cvan doyaIs roun vo icmue ho the. wiiai. or cnly yu>ur r5 aoue.Is u tiL rmaiion muid aIlIbl le aZmamni Irea. Addr,îae, SruNatux a4; Co., Portland, Maine. North BritLçh and Mercantile, INSURANCE Co. T BE lm]reoiabava appoIntai 1Mr. 0. NOURSE, Areuut, aI ltby, for lie. aboie utuieciCompanay. D-, LOU$ MAcDOUGALL TUaS. D.&VIDSON, Mapaglug Dirootoma Moatreal, Match 7th, 1889- - 8. Will liot Tars Rancid. itla îtic 8NSWARK C uil ~tmx8aats d te9ail, xpeffil- «ib- thL,2f131l41. Za"JUNJ SA L E OF BUAUTY OFt ml iae unisi ny o-ru came tram the st f'~ngiu-nnçm1$ai, oz .as lof whlch aM " 'wr hiolt--ccnuiot tMlC ho be remmnueralilig t101h puichemer. Aa I am circnuncedeun:cienl hoelier tiiem &aH, J cm ie no iurryl.ut those, Who came fluai el1 hîxoe ahIetîchioc" tfr îre--I- j #jêtalCvwhJalàiu ers of dna Umiulto cors ne s es my stock iriotheor m ol iloy lutnndto pmure. AIaEXANDB W!IuRI, ---t Jo. 1, ebi Cou. Pickerlig. 46-t Baieam P. O. HEÂLH 1$WEALTI. De.L E. C. WxeT' litave Âlt n int TiATe AIETi, & guarnteed epecifle for Hystemla, Dlx- îtnes.Canvuiulna, .its, Nervous Nouralgis, Hecde.chc,i<evhuus Psiost=atao cauiaed by Lbe useo a cohlao r tcbacco,Wakefuilucse, Mental Depreselou, Seftculug e! the Bmaiui resunllug lu o! Pawer li eltier sax. Invefuiulary Losemsud Speriiatertboeo caohed b y over-exertiouaof thie bralu, self-abuePr oCer>indulgence. Onec box *ii1 cuite racènt Oameg ac a cuau n inonutbs treasme"l. (tee dollar a box, or -,Mx boxes for flic dollars; sent by mail pmepaid on reccipt oni wlce. W#.,guasutc six bazu& te cure ancae.Wfth -escclorder u<oeved bY os for sx se,acSzmpâild wili ve dollars we wIll seuil lie purchasoraour wrluten guar- aute tu refondlLhe monoy il the Ireatunt dome inet e e cu re -Gncreuntees asueut by W. R. HOWBB solo aUthoîlzed agoni fom WVhitby. Ont. JffHCO0. VWEST, soleo prioe- tem,'T'orontho, Ont, 1y-4 1 A SURE CURE for alidiacuaft fh*e Kidescytnd I lselen stascatul#hiehuitii ecrot.uc ffle , . u . .tu 'i lu tllasse oultbieui 1 t Mn.ysd1,1u7 sui 13YUVDRUCCIBTS. Prit- ri The "WIiIe" Sewing Machinci F<OtUR ILENCE, BASeE, PURABJLITY, FINIS)!, AND CUBAP14ESS. A FRESJj LOT 0F BEAUTIPUL -I ACHINES DIRECT FROM THE FACTOUT, folloviug ladiet, hebau twa i uu in have purciaseth le 'IWite."ý-Mrs. Chat. Scoatt, Un. WSu. Mmhsall, Mr*. Wi. Botta, Mrm. Wn. Graagsr, Mm C. F. S51ev. ase, Mmm. B. &Z"rirIIMn. Jas. Relid, Mis.Jas A. amp~ Mm.Tho. d t Mia Aex.3a, Wlthy ; r.Bjsl McQna 1 olln ; (r. -Grlltlm ir.B.. SoeAgpWhtby I I C.i-.- u . ?-îî j h ~ 'tA WILL 1IAM?' FIOMPSON'I The Largeet and Most oanR~f1y sé?Ieeted stock luiflue county, and at. prices!te-, ilefy- any--competition. I -ý AN]Y GENTS', FURNISEINGS, Garme'nts miÏade té ordèr, order on ..theo shoetest notice, and in the lateat style of fashion. READY- MADE CLOTIIING (Jonstantly on hand.-Something nobby nobhy, in Boys' Suits. Buffalo and other iRobes ini great -variety. JOHN FERGUSON. M:arch,29, 1882. DUNDAS-ST., -WHITBY. FALL AND WINTBER BOOTS AND SHOES, -Li~IN jL'LjLjNJ IY.L K- RP.J5 F-u yJ a. %J... e. ,-No. 1,-- îi MARKET BLOCK, E NTRE L Y N E W j,~ Please exatmine, Ladiep', Geents', *Boyà' and GÏis' Boots and -Shoes, at ,al prices ý of the begt ma1ke and description îtnd'latest styles, Never before has the undersig'ned ,been- able -to offer a greater v.ariety or botter value, >C am nd, ordepred work as heretofore. Whitby, Sept. 20, 1882. HE1NTZ'M-A-N .& 00i, MANUFACTITBERS OP T Grand, Square, --aod UprigIit We confideuitly msait Ihat oui Pi thon airethe.i- heat. value obtainable. Evry Piapf _aranted i-foTrs É., - 117 ýizgst.-West, Toronito. SOA1.~ES, SOG ýALES.m Every - -147armer,.;shôu1'd 'have one,ý-.asa they soon "a for 'thems;lvei. We have a good assortment to select from ; calli and see thei an4ýýd pno Apple Parers, the best in the rýarei>ý r> au sP liQes ta I-~dùn't kuy until you see them. E8t&t~ Tha M ile offeie4 for sale by PUBLIO -AUCTION, At thn ARMI TRONG HOTZL, lin lie ~IOWN Of WHITBYY Saturday,t ho30th of Decmber, 1882, AT ONE 0'OLOCX, P. M. The followlig valuabie property: PÂRGEL No . Â splandid farm of 140 acres, being composcil o) part of the South hialves af lot SU and 85, in the 4ulh ýcon, cf- thé To;rnuhip of Whitby. On thie faïm Ce a gond lar ge Brick hanse with Iirt-claus, berne1 sheila and ant-baneu. Thie tar i C well féficed andl walored;- in a good estain cf enltlvation , with a firetelme card; mail nu.,faised. Lt t. s n-wn sa "Bonnyý Bamnkt arin, the homeheaii of John Meah [Ses view in Ontârio, Cannty Atlas, page four-] PARCIIL No. 2. ConuCutu aif50 acres, ai the. Sonath-.mat part of lot 6, in the, Bd con., Pickering. This la alac first-clas land,, in a gaiod etale cf culrivation muid well fenceil anid wàtcrcd. PABCBL No. 8. Consistaof oan ndreil acesc, bcing the North hafit flot 18, luthe th cou., Durlieigien. This iu a gond laca. tien; ini gooii onier; well fenceii; wil conu- forteble buildings. PARCFRL Ne 4. Conclsting cf ceveln Cota' iu the town of Whitby.- For further partionlars epplv ta D. O0mi- atout, Soliciusu< Whutby or ta Tolun Madl, John Bell, or William boucan. LEVI FAI1R-NXS, lu. ORMISTON, Auctioeer. Veuidoru Baol'or. Datoii 12 I>cccmber, 18a2<62- 0.N E. The riunTigrdiont in DR. WVILSON'S PULMONARýf'lGRRYJULSMil un extraet et wild cherry bhrk, whlolu uo6thes the- 1 frtldlransutclul i ndair paasages, a&A à à 4niete tha somaé,a8hiuga thy appetite, bas a iothing, sucati huinluence on tic huart and.blon-d veeuals, preveuiting palpitation. Two. Tne. lEoNO llocene and displaces the tatugh, stringphlgmu whieh causes so snuch pain andd.istrouc, and wicise lthe caue et the covulsivle cougning. -THREE. Tue rmRD iingredient icala. Ctlutho vital prupertyof the pecnliariy uaathing muid heal- mg~ guma oft he wite pîne and fir of souLiim rlunea., et the sanie ime grateful sud boeSef- uial ta thoe tomach. FOUR. The rouino ingredient te a picauing sud setilglubricanttiiat supplies lie place ai tihe niut ecretian sahich, saile the arqans are iea.ltiyý, coahs the mucusmemrnihuue, ieepiug il %oft-and natural. Il et finut su plies he place ot tic dccraed cecretione an asuluhun retorng (hein aus lu perforin their prapen anudnioet iuuipanm<uut duties. Al the.e nvrking (meether, beuu-eficialiy make DR. WI.LSON'S P ULMONARY CHERRY F-ALSAM thelaet cure mosan for throat sud loung diooeauea, gr Solil in 25 and 40 Cent Bottie-thc 40 Cent size couitainiiog double the 25 Cent sire. Soitihy ail Dnggiéte andiDlesicrn Medicine. J. W., BRAYLEY, MOINTIREAL.- as Diz. Eleedaciè,yct Crtr'itLttlaLiverPlssrcqtauiy valuabie lai Ccuatlpfln. cnmlng aud nrcvcntlu r Ibis anuicyllu onpueit vhitle tbcy aisscorrul lldee of Liehelcinsacai, .iacuiaiee Lilvar s ud L ù rgltehbeweie. Hi-ou If tbcy enly cureti Acinti]cy-wocld beairnoshprlceleu tta i Who frtreiIie dîstresalng complalit; but forte- ie lb. miakeu Our nsuad'larga sà«toýk, of, Hardarae, PaiIltsOils, GIMBs, Puty, o.,wliohwe ffe o&4~-bengboü#ht befôé tIiày late rise ýupi0 -jffp8 .*4 Lamp GôQos. A aaï'<&alÀ Î13 , hde- - -Stove a~i4Tiuw arge stocks4p. HATCH & f bT Y Wwell'm Celebrateti Ea'y o rn.dicn fftervont Debility, IMontai nu -WIVPnce,:ua Iv-cOail eti suWp, ofly 6 - cenits wo pôahag mtampa The c.e -açe utol tl duba a"yv-, c0ogl deômoxarlt, frm tirty ont hdi agoroneus neo) unturnal meali. dites or-tho naêof-tlia knfe- *aindlng 0n a mnodoof cureé ; -a pl, etanmad effeetuel, by moans' o) whie V uryefumrer, n.o afte wha hisondiion 7 beniay mehiselab"lyPiiv;ýcyan-zuically. W -This Lectuie should be in lie hanila e) evemy yonth sud e-vemy -an u ic heland. Addres THE CIJLVERWELL- MEDICAL 030., 41 Autu St., Ne-r Yark. PoSt O00ice BOX 4588. 8.ty GRAY'5 5SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRAhIE MARK. Tins GMaRT RAhIE MARK. Eucc)r.gAm-E oure for.. Weahne au, enunofetSeit-Abuse; as les. et1 Memory, UvrcLasBituile.Piin luhe Mach, Diu- uce of VIion, Pmematiure Olut Age. snd many amher dieauethat il aoIuiauity er Can- selption sud a Ptcmatnru Grava. er 'Pull partiColere lu aur pamphlet, *wh ou esicsho sanulfree by manl lu every anc. Ire- Tis Speciflo Medictueleclutold y eh drug- gse at et1Sipeu package, cm clx packages for S5, ar. uli b. munI troc by mail on acciph of Lic m3oney by adluesiutg - THE GRAY MEDICINE CG., Toronto, Ont,, Canada ýT. G. WHITFIELD, ioder, Wbitby 77W 6areec Imrt'f .'1. COUGFirs C(QLD'î -1"-,lIl' . BROM0eT I1S. L<J,"ý'8(_p VOICE, e.0A RfluÇEýNJý-,%,. i ND TIIROA41 A lT!'ECTIONN, FcP)ui.erm rtelint edruùsce Gu'il- P.11 cta Fluueus.lBaaeuuo, "nuhi p xp-C . andi Toniie.'Sl ulriota c â fosn ejrri oi tfh«.obe c c a nte -à tire ac.hie,.i i (cots Of tui aunuthte cases of Lsiig Dia- u --,.-<. case. ..- u ftic plisi- RED:,' u leWt aruief orucr theua toutd ei. a tea made 'TUO Qý- m t he re G M lis rernarkau(e 1,jlluui.' <i -certain form s f B'n-a~", almost specilie eff il . . - atiiu.te hackiuig Co< , . -.- known to the-publ<ic ci 1it, Salu' bijailt,-ee2ièeiebiceIa . 1 l n% e.e httlc, 77W wiori -SIpf..d pntic G tuile 0?u egiared Tuufo B . x n.e.d e . i, - and lbcua ca vegoiacc.d Soieeisevo'J t EAR-S THE MILLION!1 -feî k NouBf~m of Shaîks 811 Pce1lîely Reetores the Ilearung, andi de ae OWAbat~,0 Cuire for- oies cf Snuall White Shark,c ughtu' T' discov.nd 'b ya BnddbiLPricsl baUi the ycar. 1410. Cnr*uMmrp180 nuinrons ani , muiBo,0 eeasuu8 »ig laneuàk at lb. reRdVç"oic*uly prcclaimed cicr the exeoemi.amosgi Chineie people. -it bas pmrfoxmd a,.tlmWe='- nzYTcas. 1 Ihave -t uIaMO&Ib3-uiioi.iyhs m&à, haur muchhé"tt.i-- - - My deabesam alpa.agrest dea- tliinki auatheibtlê< e llFurs<me., - L t-.l Puli BýLa D -~BROOK STBZRI haïe d t t ha rate o)f Ç- qieql insertion. Speiml &epaîo!YEI Saoete.lBankst lasara±me o5Clpainos elieêriptiau viien p aon ter tan conte par lius., oy Meyear, or otrms ý èObtismadiooui miat boit n liutg. 3,u8iÎnes D TWEST]CA "I iTBY, 'wbCtby, Nov. t4 18 0 14 -T ARIO1 - WHITBY 2 -Brick Street,.- .MESSRS BITCH BARRISTERS -A 0. Hl. RITOIIIE, JOHN K.1]A JAMES -ig 1)cupieti by Y% to Royal Hot 1Brui Dw A. 0'Bumaxï ÇOciob;er»r& .'0 -1cayPublic,A L -fetdor Wsae)Au o-; ano- Lean-m in lturet. Wuuuxuy- r.G. RauuxboN,.Nt~ G. Y<-OITNG ~ Omcm-OvurX Faut. 92,1518. - Ju Hi mv. whhla 1mai I f ome. I peor ~ie RseK JOHN SAUNEDERS, Na. 1 MARKET BLOCK. ifiiiîwàigd hua ----T ý ý, ; -, -, -- = - ý j - -

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