Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Dec 1882, p. 3

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~GANS QBXMAS 4N, 1Y~~JIEf RETSYARNS, FLANNELS, WINOIES, 'OOTTOIXS-etra .goodatroalw 'ALL-WOOL" GREY FLA.NNELSe at 82o per yia8.jpeo-ïll vakes. a0qr»gp* D RES8 <*00DS and TRIMBB ko&wflia.eCisea ojýeur M&NME CLOTHIS an{d ULSTERING8, stock. complote, prices 01MU UM XIDLNRY»pARTMENT, SPCIÂL N8E ISAND BA1GAMlS ]FOR lIAS TZAlE. 're offerin'g to-day MANTLES and ULSTERS at -asi;onishing low pricek, and w announce thst we are offermng ~ES M~KUFREN CH' SEAL AM PERSIAN MUFFS AMD CAPS, AT pRICES THAT ARE DECIDEDLY THE VERY WLWEST, u want correct goode and speQial pies inXruas goode, we eau and wiil supply you. L ~CaUil and se. our stock. iDEVERELL'S BLOOR, - STEJ.WArZR.T, - . BROOK STREET, WH[TBY. &Mçc.DON AL D Hosry, Inted Wool G.o"ode,* Shawls, Hoods, Olouds, Tailoring to Do; m/-I.; i:?e mMO DCDm s in~ great- variety Iy SIPECIA L UNES IN SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS@ order on short notice. Full stock of-Gents' furnishihigs. Boys' Overcoats, Amerîcan stylqs, special valuie. Dress GFoods, 'Brooa1de Velvets and Satins. beautiful for Manties, and Fur Trimmings. z-Druggets, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Bugs, Cretons, very cheap. À and GLIEAT ÇLEARING SALE, SEASONABLE GOODS. 1 ---COxSIST INO O- Gents' linderwear, Flannel-Shirts, Mihlinery ?LIMED) Dress Goods, Mande Cloths, Manties, Ties, TOGETHER WITH AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F STÂPLES. i W-H E SALE WILL LAST 60 DAYSk0LW 10 PER CENT. jWi" be taken off ail purehases of $100ad p.Th sock complete and Worth pOur attention. G O ~ O A D -Kig St., West, Oshawa. NEW GROCERI CASH, STORE1 TIIIML-S MCC.JSj Begs to inform his friends and the public that he has OPENEMr A GRCR STORE In the promaises next to his Agricultural Implemeut Shop, £W» a few doors Soiuth ofth Market, where wiil be found CHOICE FHESH GROCERIES 0f al tinils, Cheap for Cash, Fine Flavored Teas, Raw and UoGfined Sagmr, Grond coffee, Spices, Cauned Gooda, Fruits, Oatmeal, aud general GToceries of al Fresh kinda.1 Try the New Cash Store-a few doois south of the Market, where yon will get the best value for your money. S:e Wall Paper for-sae-a fine stock-at lees thau cot. Bittfer, Eggs, .Potatoes, and al kinds of Far7n Produce taken in ezchange. THOMS MOA-à Wbitby, Nov. 29th, 1882. Houer te Wborn Houer la Due. frurte the Dama cf Dr. Scot Put.usm,1 in=anorCf PuTsaM' PliNqLEa Ceai EX. vaicrol. Mauy luadeuerving mon bava tbair nomes aurebed among those cousider- e d banal acers 0cf heu race. Whp net bits? Ask thosa who have ued Pntnm'a Pslilu.s Coin Extracor what thep tblnk£ c1f i. Their tbanidul hasils. cnnot .ound bispruse oc lg Sae, mure sud pain. lasa -Bvarecf hsp ubtitutes. seld e*erywelat5hcggè . -N. C. POL- ,The oimle et potent herba from vhlch tb. Pountaizaof Healul islacompouudad wili seyer 911 Ihé bon«, viii minerai poison, uer the stomacb viii commdb wrblekey. 25 cento à package. Dizziluesansd slck baadache pild aI once ta tb. comblnead pers containe6 in Poun. tain of Healih. PMeu25 cents. Àadime mal he weU spent lu the pur- chas. cf s samnp le hotts cf Hope'* BEtgu. lating Pilla. Tiep neyer doubla pou Dp, maakug tb. cura vorsethon lie disoee Thera te ne pil se mlld, asie sud effec- tuai for infant or aduit as Hope. Begula ting Pilla. Pica 10 cents a iasuple boula. BuIds bohlnga vary superlor Bye Salve, .. la a_ -a COinmnî lisI cannot b. sur- saasd for the. curaofc& aiares sud &Il in- Bamad r .Aak for Churchill'a Cimax Bye Sa y saud Olinmaut. 25 centsas box. BEbumatilanicannet bé cured i y cuivard applicationas. An alternative medicine 1k. 1h Pfoniain cf Heat inlanoeeddwmcpurify -the blood. Prias 25 cents. Fer Cougis sud Coldo, use Alen,' ýmung baeamu. Seo adv. iu another *NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. -Adminlstrator's Notice. In 1h. mati et ofTAMEES KE TCHEN, OTICE 15 EEBY GIVEN THAT N &ail ba.he JaiUeagminal lb. asatiof MMS BCBlaie of ta Townuof Whibp. Yeoman, doceased. Are ta end by post, propsld, or te deilver te Aloi. sudar k!taheu, Â tI.Isrator, Brooklin, or te tiennderslgued, on or heorae t iret day cof Februarp, AD.,188 a statezuent contanlng ihair Dn an uddrmse>uad foU partiaulars cf theu laàmeansd cf 1h. sauritles (If any) héla bp theux ; and hat sUéer lb.esid ast mentionnaddate, Ithe Ad. intastrator vill proceed to dislribute the esouis cf thie mald deceaied smoug the partes antilleS tiereto ; regard being had anly tlte lailmaof wiicb noticenlias beau - Rivan agoa requit.6, sud that the mid Idmlultralor vil not halisible for the saiS, &"tu sora&Dypprt thars o aupperson or p erseus cf viese cil-na otioce shail Det have beau recelved hp hlm or tb. under- dagnsa aI th. lima cf snob distribution, Trhis notice le glv.n in purmsoocf lhe Esylia statut.. cf Ontario, Cap; 107, Sec. Wbithy, 271b Dacamber, 188. D. QIRTON, sii oUcieor for àdmi*ltrlter. RA IL WA Y TICKET8! Thie ,audrsnDM baving beau appointed Agent for t*0 CREDIT VÂLLEYM a=di -CANADA SBOUTmN Eary leinf ea fousuppilo. Âpply te- ZAIME5 ONG, - - - iw R llvypimgerAgent, 2- Ooopu*elp ee. edss CASH! CASH!!. - e -. HE CASH!!!11 A.WAYI -AT BRAZILlAPý 'EHOUSE I as reduced 'the price stock of Choice Teai Groceries,Coc immense basis, anidtô éncourae the cash system, 7 1 beg to offor the foUowing inducements from nia date tilliXmas Toi the CASH PUBCEASER, dnring that time, cf $150 worth of goods, we wil promeut a handsomne naw pattern China Tmu Bottitlue $20 ; Toi EERY CASH PURCH&SEIR of $100 or over, a besutiful Chine Tea Boit, <aWus $10. T EVERY PURCHASE t of 080 or over, a haudim S Mojoies5-o'elock Tea Bell, value.$10. To EVERY PURCII&SE of $75 or over, 10 ibs. Extra. Choice.Tee. To EVERY PURCHÂBER of t5O or over, a beautiful $5 Tes Boit. To EVERY PURCHÂSER of $25 or over, 5lbs Choice Tee.- To EVE]ýY PURCHÂSER off,$15 or over, beautiful QWssBot To EVERY PURCHÂEBB of.'$10 or over, &ýhanasome, pair of Vases. To EVERY PURCHAS9B of $5 or over, a beau Mojolic iteher, 0 G1paswaze,- di6appoii1ted. ComarneEi get 7ourme yBworth ai; the BRAZILIN WAA1 I. Our stock is large, ý our prices are' right ! «C PUJLL STOCK 0F' GROCERIES FOR XMAS, at holiday prices. A large and beautiful stock of Crockery Glassware. We are determined to reduce our large stock before the iuew year. 1WHIITBY, Dec. 5th, ý8S2. NEW* ADVETEMKS Tcry$heElectors of the Town of yotr vote sud influence "0 respetfully .oliIcted for J. B. POWELL, Deputy - R me for,1883. J. B. POWEL. Wbitby, De.. 98ot 1leu To the fatepayers of the Town r Of Whltby., u, baaI bave te mm *u h.aklad sup;= o r.e mv .da at 0 u , d s ti n fo r er e r , mp csndidituze for lb. oSes .1OT cllr &d 1>ePiy.RAsVe. sua boa f t aiaon inyssfas.as*&naias" for u1h. offie o E PUT1VY-RFE EV E For tt. oar1lm. If e=ye aislu.m Let ju4Pg-%t sud d.voter «M pIllo«099 e .xeamute tb* duiacf or . 0LUU *abc"stlutttof the. Town cf Wbitbw. J. R. LONG. Wbitby, D«o. 14 88.asP- QA0.ýLkJfl- TO the mletors Of the coutre remutoUfy solcited f'w H. W.,.ANNES, As 3oncliUor for IM&S Whitby, Lth Duc., M80. WILLIAM, BURNS, 'u co.nmor for ln O.aluWatO. Whltby, De.. 1h»1M9 CENTRE WARD ELECTORSI VOU " TEA=D INPLtTEICE e y r.pcft~rqetdfor l*.0ieo. dion o J. S. ROBERTSONt Elotion va e hdd MonIyb 3amuasy Extensive Credit Sale SHORT- HONS,- And Clydeadale itorae& Tho udsiu4h.reoelved inuiu- lusss. Wfi. BISOl*& SON, 0o qe 9, in th oonueum etlth TovnWbp ci Whiâby, ou Thuréday, ýdan'>'. lBth# 1888 The foD.bvàk vlo ho*Hosusu«& suda41oiSsdHal, 6 Ialhcus riiaslvfsnlea ýlidt, SALE AT,' WELV5 OCLOCL MEM.40sd undur, au&; everthul ameai 1uls~en&#oufruslu p pr. joLeannus. int gr ReP L. FANIRN PUSI IN.EW 44ADVERflISEMENTS. AN NUAL REPO-RTI 0f the Board cf Sohool Trustees &f the To'wn of Whitby, Conmty d'Ontario, for the year 1882. neii. badof lEd fa tie f hTona of Whitby beg to report am foUfl: 1h.~ .6 su sdditonsi Division for the accom- Bp7 th*OM.el oeO "al lau a&tembauendon. away wifb. Bp lb. o- cupmior fdbeuftclsbezminrou Colichool lbey bave beenau led b W p 4. fit up tais ro ai ai...mcoul ibam would bave beau pocs"ioudl nsul lty a; th.ei ÎU!o'wa Uàm Epk 1blaà I 11, i.Division lnâ the modu Sh tl b. ervsin f 1h. S" X&"M r ah e "obtainéed sthebMdcoucf it. maIntenanmc tr Fuel sud Car6e- "ikng hbLn om »M M IMeqmznsive. 2. Tne MoWelbool bms >eeuvery sucenesfulurn .p~yer, *àGoveraimt l8l.opy *maldmlaesbY Te eherslnlng has reuiled in hà &gsoftel du1 the. whalé puer. hoe shors have beau altended With fuir st4cces. Au eraminsiion cf Ibis building wus made by tbe lite John Shier sud Mr. William Dsreuvic ruoeihithe building ina ase te b. nsed for achool purpoies, but owlng to requîirf much repairlus, sud for 1h. health aud corofort 0f & duf treetBnai hooLý-Two'Paachershave bme mployea during 1h. eursuMd the mot necaaaer rPâmib»ve beau mada The condition cfi i. building lu such Iths mb- atmnt" repai ii Mb.ssqwlr.dprbsblpdurig th.e sulug pur. IL M» lraglarllPlu lb. eom:ýmment4h. COcfiste Institt.nd lb. probable Sire~ ~ l o.,BI fbge d»uci. T*s course wis recommanded bteib iho Te AsocatIn le1h.~eoaecrlnga geatr raulaltpo! ttendanoe, sud vas a o mus, a o h i e l àdhw The foiowlngabya qu ltUdancmetaI lbe &blu durinu 1he puti per: coiesiaue In t te ..... N o. on thefBou ... . lu; avr lagedsipatua e .118 »u(uBIa chool.........tg1 e.... M 182U Du........... 44 . i1f0 44 "4 ....172 Tdil.......71 The. poulson ofthbe Tovulu -Mfflovue, vis -.Nolh Wuad, tlm; th. centre Ward, W7l8 ; md 1he ob*Wed,E0M Total, 9M0. The ammbar df uchSop ge1(8 AMSTRAOT W F B IPTB ANID EXPENDlTUR COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. Gev. Gra m hall et 2881.. .... 9794 40 T eWer' alaries.......... pas8 =nun f "it.7au ciPumi........mi.0.......... lu98 if ....... 72 U Ful........ar .................... -Mi*5 MunIcIpal Assesusceal........ Sura..... ............... 188 * PU1ELIO SCHOOL FsesromN~.PuhlL......... 00 ItelofLe 1............. 8w Gev. GrantX.I Modl SoLool..... leO <Iam t"Mo"< 4<À.... 000 pe.u omMOdU co1u15 35O Muicpa Aseamni....... 410989 s THo8. * HUSTON, Witb, Deceibu 64-1. New- Foilowing 'iOlt o Tea 51be for. $1, or 25o p good Japau Te&i foxr$1, 81; Sl1bs Extra Blaok Wý eeW5 pé r ,lb;- new R &f Bra.zil, Filberts and Wal bulk, pureF1avormg Eli Powder fresb ve da a irger .......OU! Ful.............. . .......rutea... . . .. !, lkes ................ Clak...................20S D. OEMTON, Chair N EW ADV ER'I'ISRENTS. GOLDSMITH'8 HALL. Holiday preseuts iu Qrea.t Yvaiiety. Great reduction in Crockery ware at the WHITBY NEW ID ER'l-IEX NTb.~s 1MORTÂNT -NOTICE. -Ha;ving concluded te go. ont of the Crockery, China and Glassware trade, 1 uow beg te offer thewhole of my large stock of Crockery, China and- Glasovare te the Public, at aud UNDER. COST, FOR ONE MONTH 1 Cail and eitamine the Stock for yourselves before purchas- ing elsewhere. TOMEET THE CHRISTMAS TIM ES, I also offer for Cash for one mouth, asplendid assortmeut of choice Teas, Fàmily Groceries, Spicea, Pickles, Fruits of ail kinds, Peels, Candies, Oranges, Lemone, Orrapes, Pears, Apples, Oysters, &o., at prices that defy -tompetitie n ueiher Toronto or or elaewhere. Agent for James Laut's Famous Teas- a present given with each package. WANTED.-200 brIl 'good Wiuter Apples. 2,000 lbs. good Dried Apples. Higliest price paid, eiher iu Cash or Trade. 1833. 1833. E~4ablishecL E&alieo: FURNITURE., Cheaper than ever, «t hi& new store BROOK 8TREETJI WIITBY. The u.udersigued mn returning thânks te the publie for the, liberal patronage extenae o -e hm, beg-s te state that having zemoved te hMe oommnodious new prauilss, heo-is now 1»i a botter pos"itnca ever' te supply au their,.wants. Ris stock of Furniture embraees 'very-haudiome sets,' and everything that eau be cafledfor ü Ideb lino, and an, examnnA ion w41 oonvinc. that tho prices are 1ow <enough'It o sit lbe imes. Foc-adSler G old eer, Wedding and Gem Rings, Ooléored'Gold Neçklets., Colored Gold Lookets; Silver lookets, Plated Neckiets &,Loekets. À LARGE STOCK OP' S IL VER W A RE. ENIVSFORS,POCNS, 'WAL<U T, NIXE AND GILT JAMES JOJIÇSON, - r Geel W it r XMA 8 andNE W YEAJR- FUniu N D spila Qreat Saci W.TIL Beg to cati attention of the public to- the following seasonable goods: Woolens, Blankets, Flannels, NEW ioId for sigth re- IWowo uimable asaiar.' é la ad- iloualy le Ihe, "671 i. $As eT* uuam XMAS! XMAS and- goods; Blai nket8, Flannels, Wincey8e at bôttom price8. -Bu--ealo Bobeg, Ooat- Bobe8, Hor8e rug8 and Fur8, extra value. GOLD8MITH'S oc> x :E-> lu C> m4T. WHITBY CIIINA TEA, STORE. 1 uember 12th 1882. I833'l 11833-- Rich Rhodams B. PO ELU HALL. THOMAS MoCANN-1

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