ssupidfout. n th glonces I rSmase &*tes birth I Monument of palmspbood via. A, .isPosl!Mvwbo s&: 'à ngVY "s1auc a Ms.ely bmih.:- s1V meL vitaazahad seein Ibis h,.ndwrlLlog on tb. all bu wouId lbwv. bien rmo. tirdM4et1b h4eu,,t Doubgles tbosî h~lb. ltmanèged publtoations art sometimnes rferabie ici tb. oarl.ssnoss of thé sompastor or proof-reador, but, ll b it ajoriy of cOses, the auLbor o1 tibtiolci.n wblbT.ý be 0 < i. 1 t is hs -i .onL, E et;l je h'pnplysou Ytest.. hat Lluren'o are accoylig W-au sutbor La undeni- abe; -It lu .qually cortain IbaL, Lu be generai reader, tby are amuaing, as IUitIor oftè "eIooleljr"Journl, fi bsis cfldfa - e,*rte: Her daluLty fieL weroe OVOAd iiiabois tuai milglit hbean .utà ktu.for fairy boo e Imuagine i-o.tral%.%esod. &boasiiai boà ~~h hita Lken foi ~& un ltollid édb ýurîI ditrioti affirmeul tut a young lady si doare X e4upiIiw tdervbdeu an lie " ~IZ12Z aW ufb ho eo*e6aoitd n Angl' Wbiakor' (wbuap r)., ;nýbt In#ù b. late civi W se, trootpoe" :(côçp obîi ta in enogagemeuï. o litmoni lopt the devi ai. haying oi( word BocaL.. ~tbaf bis otbogral no mean orden,i - Ieign th*endiyoe - » ' 4 laeenqred a poakii - ou",, ai bis' vali-ka aiïlu e sb. would." à "- say ithe aspirant for poli, - wé-, ct gratlfled vimt là » amen rding Lo Lhe pe sue due 10 "Lisi veli ka min bollng va&tor and dry 1h.i SUD, aId I1tÈe-ypuai. Thoe e s'iià timt bulbe, net babes, dit.t =a1 n teslculy vitt .piag widuav byy ali *ra th".'Iba ti i be looekî au fait;"<snd fi had, -ehu , al it or llu)av, 'aist 0 eo th@lb Aenisa Bibli [Lieu of -tii Bible Lu a i~rd"inatead of' moe a Pym-)clieo i Iy 84a" offituole. Moyebuv b<s -h ulbles&'ýlbbth du, vtoluty aebei eda t'.o d rivel Mt.' "d lb m t" ad nu nue .04n hoegnyso: V. CM ~ omj îro wfl ti t li V*lcsn, if libre l eb iPlacetioo, ra eic atill more i l itlcn Meneur se euuj Vlo , ualreuar3 lu bls'atmospirrs,, wil icravel more and moiqvi kuause j.I1â @uu's atý le Nî épi îeth nom woulci fically cone to nesit tc ývelocity vith blhiLbte comet's substance would' b. xu6lng wbn iL actuelly came into dm%, w à , qrWe.. wso- i . 0 aaiM sud 11r ile e t iâlo torwc iêvapOir by solar li.aà aud iuibing roiund at tht, t'remenlotis veioclty. belote ither ouddeuly or grad- uslly hl irer reduce, to reet upon tWxtlo9»ngUtfs*@ý 'right b. Opib.11 55 t prduc n 4ousdéibleeffeot -ccc cOr Suu. Even Ifi i8laDot thee t at the cornet ýFDIld fnaliy ho abaorbed, *but bslow the visible atfrfuoe (wbich, aften alla bt oui cef many sler sur- L 1ALt U et woùLt4- on17b. ilereas84 M it dley; 'for thée1lOver, tbe layer,-i whlcb the cornet cventuaily reacbed thé greater vculd. bu Lhe coiut's ve- loclty befote iL vas brought tuo nuL. Io *thora, thon, danger fieL fhe scier sys- $am viii sufer,, aller Ilie Uanner sug- get.d #Y sit hsai ",obn lu bis Xe- marhs 0 oudullS'2 1 6 6Qtbe oom' ret baLt a large part of t veslooity thcongh fictrnul-rosisfiloeý t thé bibitauf s cf.. he artli wezre-not . miob the worae for tLis diatunbaiice Ibus oc-1 2casiond. A slmlar change toék place. iu 174S. Isud agaiu in 1800, and yît again la"ý Bptemnber.. Tbi4lou oa f motion Itu baeRe qfpticluuly lbkind ld-.ceat,à ilyLe produce vhat- ever micilef this cornet eau produce. . If the final absorption cf the cornu vire likely tLobe ver, =miscievduavW shonid cerf aity, I tblnk, have exil: Irlenoed smre effeo n uJainuy, 1lm, and &u gaiu last Septimber. IL May, I thinit, bu falî'ly tsanmed tiat tbongb 1»teappro..oblog enoounter between the ca n omrnet-,-esplendid cornet ir, id oe o th Lw boiestaking part ini l, t wyllnoct bethea bc ilsfr. ot Thc N. W. Boom. 1- '4 le a,. 110w LAUD iLOSIX ttITODli&u£nDELmXW49az1 ,,mN Ut u tRaîCE-AucvToE j 090 A Winnipeg oorrespoudent, writiug eL of lest wvei saya: A. klsdred subject tb the lsyiug out o! thc ou site cf iRegina aio le the alloe ifirvival cf b. land bôom. i DI InI Double columun advini.LsenmOt are ovWI maiLng tudr reappearanoe in Lhc daily je papera, and thei aucdio oorn arc oco isi mure Lrcngod ho tb. doons. Tbv eu- be Lrainmtin acheapêr Lis-n Lie theatre 4pen. or walking matches by lady champions IOwO of tie wvend, routed oui for te oca- sion fromn hotel kif.clmenand thie auc- Boak tlonoer'a show la quit. sa@ edtorttnoiog. :m in1 I have no u ans of $s0ectsinimig wMt diton salon are genuine and tIi% Dae ot; but vas the pooiou of gennine, I siould fancy from indicationes erny seali. 4hast, 0f courue thle entioneers wil tae. their P*osoiemo davy that cveny timni th. hem-. Sb.mer fallailt tll a esb.'Thia, boy. evor, I tbke-46 be uly neihen etidend of Lie man»habb qngelwomg efôrti cf- ev.E. ayailitammà nd ietw L I a dis. ye". auago 1ecked teo qualiiy otper. h1 a t'Othesnoilouôram tsiking nov. ffov tly do condema ilu round set tennie faila inte al. of paper tovo.. Thcy afTbanal di. nnthlg. but soJ4 propet. e Lb. fien, and monoey ould not Lndueu hsm e L oach cny otbqr. My opinion imitbat ~udtiey vouid bandle Liýe skunkm If Ihere vas any markcet for hemn. Tiéer. le no mli,.oed for Lb. auctiquoens îpologizlng for 4 go- tie pat; the pe'opIe pnieened buyiîcý part, tarin anda at 840 per lot, ait lu the sons cr, ta payiog #7 an &sesfoi simalit go o lanti u th udson JBay Company, and 'duo- tbe suolioneers only supp4ied 11mw e. M ihi ceitrioda4t. If Ldbé s-iot doue 'bath it 89=0 pQM else vo04. Heppl lb.h aprtown mania là put ;sud gone. OMM.t* çv. ave doue barm. b1ifthLb. ity Il Y porceptiLlyIdamaged thereby. It is ho hi be~d #mvut tid anh a fovea- of b Im. ont. Ille Proportion nov bis< ofoned, ý sî for sa0e-aà e: anch s ladtoue 'snd imblei< the atL. daugbtsnia n's Mlluta oa4pg ug a I& 4oroeomnmendl ~tu. Ifaucy tbaLs isoé-syl u e Ãnsee 'th bativily là utLb.éval' estaito eî Pro-. rrt: ort e ert out'theo cliy 11' [tdg ikily do more tbsu mnizialti>r ro 01 aý sent vle, tpobbythiers yulii 4h blii a bsrpeîmgof pnlcos la reryiè ilh~ siraliefor redeancesand vitLliLu Lie 4O4standard fiftein Xini'w1mo :i~i~stict. Pareela of farmj, 1, , ô, ,ûiay movA piU, but tene 18 neo nte ami. M bau atay uiea *Ll anqeover'ur- "~,nt prions. MuS bîtiùmgb lb. rmatMnmonth af 5u17 s -à 1%,~â~osoip oa r veiabl* Id ave& .to: bcc&m, 4rauged. I11.vintatveia Dr. Oarob s B lu 811 1. lvlet s od 1. ablox i Ç i *io à a bcool.SoIla 1 M s-a 1 p IdCosfort trithe Su*et. Tue aEstt 9010Dh.n m» Sisu a"nset mmmu. W;&rcw,.i t he, dep oha ndôiluiti. onctpO ON ,su roc,, -f tife'd pl~nVJI5 t'y ottncccc .u#,ct ieW"*à ohlt I th tci. Thatlx A»nCte lt - e l1s9d bÙ4pilioi >7er ie cr,. ni L viei the Cu;n*pocicnd olýJieod :et4esp-. 233n à ed 91 W ei4xJLco i.iX* +Pit e ~ttIr,*. L: hillrfo ~ ls e m cfp118;01- ort sittun e18e ppenbe I-c. ne 01telrsoitr ibuo Vam hs. ltebb*aIn caclu tlirwmor&ruetfthe 0atea-l utmai hele Arliregb theboybe o th.r ot!tao ecl-nrom cas dois é nd o pIet":I=oe It ooCe Sry t t-l atirîiott i. i T, thobune o cof niny tir tint herc là , ier, v. mouon graZ buc.,t.Oaec pille ce t whhh -ot il-ôaDo t. Caer$ its .11e Llvr 11118ar ym M7 cii smd Park%, buto bïrS-icacch i .veelwOi ltynartSt çcrylstoor tient by " FIRESII FISH!- ANtD FOR SALE, .AT TÂNN1. j"R'LS M ABEET BLOCK, WHITIIY. Ordîra promplly delLved.ý Miay 8nS, 1882. lm-5S> HEALTH Il WEÂLt~. I E~I ~ - #lWuij 3drse . T,.P COO*TnT Y !ONTAIXO. Whtby-.. Jn. 70Pb.1, 'iiÃŽ1A~ , 1, Jue 1, july 8, Bept.1,.2,Nv Uxbnildgeb. 8, Mat. 14, APr. 1, MY , JuneI7,epLOOL. 4, ov.Si, Deco.9 ir 6. glosi agents linov, as ar emut FOR iLUEl4 ASE'# DUIRABItoI NISH, IMANGE OF WQi9K, ÀFRESH , LOT OF BEAUTIPUL ] MLS- > DIRCT POM THIE PÂCTÃ"ËY, qlMà A?= LTHAN EXVER! IPEUXCE IA)dndly permnttd tb thi pag a few cf tb. many> Who, havit pUrchosà e-Wbite."-Mra. Cha.s. Softi, Mc, #1z. Marsbsl, Mca. WVm. Deti.s, MES. wmà . Qrigex, MP. C. F.SLew- art, Mmra.B. Ar-mxr. n s as. hotU Mcm J3». A. Camnp riMa. Ãmo. Lkvdir, mm s.isimamie.n. r.John Tanner, Mn. A»xL Jeta, NWbttby;-lia. lBen&Mmin Pie gnWUy 10. Drtick Btreebthiby. WILLIA d-.-ItDbfPs 4lw WIWLAV- AMHMUA0ON 4444044i4b ;77, 4A~tl*l *oeht - We ..aecr thdt urPiano9 are the best value obtamnable. ~'.vey Psn fulyWarrantcd for Five ~ar. n A. -6rylrpi iBecO ssolicited. 117 ingSt WstToronto. i 00. PLEASE 'OALL.- AN- EXAMINE. ~TWILL PÂY. to oel dà &inspect the goodls ani3fbq Oâ&bq 12, '81. ---4--~-.~ -A) DIkB STB sbot position o! sfAtercoo. Reace tesforretur ickets. Intermediate, 8 - iatol, ôsrdft, sud London aI same raie 0o sund furth"ernforrualtloE ppi Oct. 2OLbl88- b1tij (Brinae No"FooS,) Wa1ivein PI4çad 'ad ~4~OL~REL MDOA0c., Of'k8TV4#E E (CTffJ~ J-AIES JOKNOTON, jmrLos of Breiin Power, 8ezai Pro- rcUo ight Oee, Bpsrm chea, dsa T WiSe4o, Siretgheiie Btore~s. ¶ nrg itsuInualeBemey.Tic Mrdiiu)wpleasant b lb. ýktas!,andcci $aLluaour.kampblet, vblch -ve de- Ã"5,or lflbe mailefrlm of postgeou ce- ~elpt cf Lb. mney, by addressiug MÂCK',S 1(GNETIC MEm ryNE 00., .Windsor. Ouif unada. by, ,Wé]ELQà 1 au i E:oll W N t DYYW 1d*liedge o! instrumental Miîc to*perfor et oce ond unsrmnt,ve bavepea~ ~Lustun embaolu aitho populaMÀis, pinte D lu sile à teg on cardsi0 si tboinstrument sud play sc l brqsci lunes vithont any ft c*4of etmlnoyel inventionsfo!tbh eYN .eau Tomu oe ni wh "A&t b "4YSun. Price 80. ep maqzt vmoalWithdabe be Musical Telephone can only bc purchased of b. M a e DISN MUICo 0., or tfrongh their severai branches throughout in mmus. ever fail lu cvts Linudasmu Cmlt onvh uevs~plags QL>JI0 efer 0&, 0r tunes.4& jThbsevb U. uthA outry away frotcahrtmyar ee- Intmmanou mi. ih strctonsor luri v sel ou. sa~ ud oi o!Edlan'sMuicaZelepiiouea reffiatered y mail. We ren,[ 9« smi lsiwb7jiytlsvIl iV5itet 215 à ý 217- W4 IUT ST., eU -ADBLPHIA, PA. #1i 3tQ~iIt.~re, M, U66th nt, 81 Lois 13RA NOU O CEB - m mie AfkL~ * .a b'w ahn~ m t*eB ao ,s, c LofhzI*,oe it EtabIiýhe Ie imu ed 1 th ~ p~4blijar the ,na vcrylbig liraIicm Fi ea iiui444ppie(l-- - qu'a4 r u r y 44 I ~kL. I v 11fe-eieé dion 80 Ion carryaon Li enen ana thé,é tgab~~ cnrbwn! Tet9a R E tb$ bII e"' luiu 15 oro uïtc"o nt u &"a ad ie grea-A R ONLCHUITI LOSS OlP - Xeiesin-geYRwi~ - - casrese oft-@5 L I II O M 4, o r p ro p e r ff e a ne pr- RED a » RE D cea n s y lIli C-s trit, a F. Z phCe cota es *drink pft,etbS a tecmade -Ge f ,-ee f ' 1;me m . rooiad its qG»mO8t 8peC117c effeot inm curing ob- afRtnate kacking Ooughs, i8 noiewell 7<nowrm'to the puUc 4a lar e. " b. i b a l 1,-sgcee d l he Mn!e > * C- à 31 11 m oentsa sofletie. - - 11 27 obrdtIlSyinip of Rdip-Oe Gen4' ue ece u Reùeeelf-oMarkand ouer ,rapper .K~RR, à WTcSON < CO0-, o Poaltrvely Reletorea the Henint sud iï Osiheman kncws iL y- t.- I. I. .*13 -MdNEY tO I-dAýN. lug momiof mconey froeù privais parte.for 40.The4e monsys Wi s.tdyn à e a low rate of inleresi Lm 48-tf Deverei l'aBock, Wbitb)y. FARMERS!I, something to givte to b Bissym su prepsrs hizm for vork. WiII do this by oieanaLug allimapurliea from tbe blood.ý .USE VITALINE in a&l affiguctso Kidthsys. 4147 - rôo~.-8 7ePNA3LY!ÇEW CHBNIL f mC~ _Sena eh . 1 tP . eyAdresai ena- eue, Itbave been gèaiiybenclkteu. - Mydeafueus baled a "g=it à d tlh î f- MI id for <rmp dos 04 Aeb er .t4.lil g.iqi!ieo eagwsy.voit=ra 4 -- W ý 1 ,, c aïîu A-Z ý l ;;Zn liaimii -22na, 1882-. Our. 1 ru