orde oftheod&Y&atY =7,7 Succle Sam uand Brother joi '-w- t t Tue Ighet 'Price paid forJamP Ibitby June, 26eI,1082., lanti vs. qulofedathe prOU ud date for lt.eLocal L.gilatureu. .-, S Mr,AJlatloo Mathieu, insasruent do-eM -cisionwgn n lamontti, helO liai b matils Il>fransflosmpés muS0fet prove t hy evldSbOe that lasse@ have beaunus, taineti hefore hy e svi; oic*, holt0&iefy n P.O T By an order- in-Couuoil eac ocf the te elec3torl dfstricta of the Provinces of n Ontario, Quooe, New, Brunswick, sud Nova Scois are coumatitiit helth dis. trials uuder the. Actreapecting cenuss biud tatIstiOs. 'The Arrears bill'ras resd s firel limeb lu the Haneof Lords on Ssturday. Il Owing to tbe grave condition of affaire In Egy t the Conservative peera have decideTinot la bring abouf a crisis by i rejecllng lhs msatae. t Tiuue ihonsand peaple have beenF pandored homeloses at Radziwilov,u Bu@"ssisb re.0 Ganerà ý Ulysses Henreuxn:bas bhua .lscledPesdeut of th. e pablicof San Domingo. f The liborasof ot nb BEs av es chosen U. W. D. Balloar tb onlten th. rdlnt for th. Local*glaltare. Thé. BUlalAnsteamer à Mostw.ay, vitb 200 mon bn board, la anpRosalto aiae foandefttiWUlli.11banda in the ludion Ocoan. Iil. unfieralgodt lat lheBart cf Kimbeni, Colonial1 Sn.Iary, vilit sucow kbr. Johu Biight lu the Ohan. cellorship of t"i.Ducy of Lanoaser. à Manitoba oommilaaln meichant Do novl Otaa anocudiinsoudly aif 1he extortinn rate or--egb u i Cesad& pacifoielvsy. Tii. freigbiha uilietrui. on 1h. Eaatenn Rilwaesbus prato&Uy ended ia he-defat ofahé li o, and tii. block.- adla of frlgit la boilupgjpldIV raised. The. coniat for t.he Toronto harbour1 works has benu awarded la Meata Coolke & Jones, cf Brockville. The Atantic ana NorthW«estanu tatway bas acqaireti the. lgbt of vaY tordgeacrou te Lb.SiLawruce rivsr aboya tie Lachine repidi. Tait BeXCURioN lanail of the Metbod* lat cheral S. 0., on Manday to Lindsay wau an immense smoes. Tioe wove about 1900 excursloniste. Tont &,liohis for Vitoria, .B. ., on thei ultasaueilanfavor of Mois Blake sMd- Shelipear, eonaervsilves. Mn. Dr. Ocemo. vau 4efeated, The O'Flasey brotlha, of Londoa, Ont., Who veré aatted as Trie ou suaopiclonZ of belng -coacerneil i-th Phonizpark inildert bave bwn re. Turhlehinterienticu lun EgYPt la nOWI sait ta be out cf ths question, sas suex- podition cculd not be sont freux Tnnkey vilbout rednclng tttâganiso.ati Conu- atulluoplo, sud rcalllflg troopa frein tie distant provInces. i John and uLdy Rose, andthle Unieu.ecretary fan the Cilonle. ahve saileti fOIbcà ai4a. Ti. Wimibledon meeting closeti an taturday, lhe Duebeaso! Albsiay dis- trbutlng lie varions prises. The- caMa om bve"to-ay. Tipropctus bas been rlin l Lzounf a Dno ompay.hichbpro-1 poals to atabhath new cible oontectîons hatveen C&a ndt lieUnitoti States anud Earope. BBRO BY à s aCoNSsrButu.-Â 'ark. dis conetabe, numed Albert, apon dis. coveing tva boys tnespaesng ou privato grounda aear lte Humber on aunda ppursuati tlan. Hoecaugîl eue, naictl&ndevYoung antilabscthe ý ulli dead on lie spot vile grabhung lun. Aninquesi vasla elti anti s - verdict of vilful murder roturiaet agaiual John Albert, the coulsteblo. The romins cf Eari Cravford bave been lonvarded. ta Lancasirie for inter. ment, Tho territorial disput4 etwalean Mex- Icosu antisemealae ob.refenredt l tle srbisrastau cf the Presllont of lie Unitedi States. - Pfl thf- We pouea lr 1,yWom, ithe eausd aventlualy aisUnole, sain. au eappled ta toi UnIte Stae.s, in said 10 hve on;. inaledl i the r cf 1812. - An inspso. tor of army provisions ai Troy mame Samueol Wilson vas called by hi. výorli. moa "Unole Sam-.,,. One day &soe.l body aakeo na of the. vonmen vbat, ihe lettons "U. 8.2' printed on a cask, iueaut. The woriman neplled that ho supposedil tmua stanUncle Sam. Thle jolie vas afieruvard spréad lathe. rmy, snd thisa aeerding ta the hi.. aoria Frost, vas lbhenrgin *of the ntliontal sobriqueot. - Hawkins andi Ferry aeonotorioua sud wealtby Chicago gambiens. Bath wers suitons for tie @ame voman s bandi. Tbey quarrehled, naturally, and Lied s figlt, but tiltimately agreedti t pesoeabi - uccept the vwtutn's decision botweeu îhem. 8h. lied another way lu settlink the trouble, 'bnci vas l'y the deali of the contention. She drop- poil off e bridIge, islendîug to drowu, but Perry rescued lier. Wboather his exploit will advuiutsge hlm romains le b. sien. Tii. price obtalioeeta a London show for the prise hulldog Lord Nelson, vho lied won evliny cup for violi e uver casnpit*, vas 80,00. His aspet i. desc4 4.ibqd a aof thh. mosiuprino. =put ruf ata ever rn nen four legs ta ielp bis master in- the atteoli on a heiplies'traveller on a sterllght nîglit." Bis coat i. mill itle, bis epos nid anud bloodaiiot,ýbià chape juil dowu oach aide ofbis Jav, andi wben hoelies bis lips &sa shows hie teeti tic spectaton drew bac in luterror. 'When tie Gerunin Empreas travels lu sammer tie roof of her railicatilcar. nl4ge le ovreredti viiaslayer cf turf, vbichisa iered freqnently turing the day as a devine le keep ber cool. Thi Freach Government bas offereti. for the second lime s prise of 810,000 forth Linvention cf flictost tuful ap. pilcation ai tie - voltaio pile. Dorng pattons. 43osne objecta juil fouud lu NeuichAtel à Se cansldered bty Swmss arcitualogises lq 1mev và aew ligbt on tLe hustory of 111 alie dwellem.a. moug lbem are a carniage wbeel anti ircun ei, iran avertis, sud many human houes. BiUiouauCss. 'A furre tlongue, *bail tuste in the a!ouhl, nales vmîîîg aeau£u "r cpett, ualtenai.tinm aaioale aqa, fmpues, eaunne, pellov cea cf yes»ad contenancle, indilcaiceser- iiliunptroihIe. Jen»aiice sia a i ean overfiov of bail vile in tIho circulation, &nY Of lies. E tp o m e i b o u l t i e r a u n d l d v t h o t S'adBordocli Blood Bitterais tic eedy upon whiob pÃ"a may anrely roly. ra@rovlrtue a eoleu lant cooin sn goaen sa ptîc, anti besal;Modicine. snd visacombiu.d viti otiýr valuabie vegoablo extrects, ils inDr. Fqwla's ixitraci af WiId travberrp, it ilaua uafaling nimedy la aIl Bovel coin. plaint. wsitea us June Sud. "We bave salI 'Fo'rler'a Extraci of 'Wild Siravierry for a nuimben cf peursi, andi fintiing uutiing equel to it, for tie porpose for whiecit i ui des3igned-" Dr. Fowler'e £%tract cf Wiid Strawberry oursaIl forme of Boifel complaitiIncident to sommer and Fail. The flrm cof J. & S. McEaciea, Doug. laa, vnites ns Jue lot., aaying, «*Thora la ual anoibîr prepansiion ve eau rec. ommnat ii sa ranciconfidence ne Bnndack Blooti Bittera, ns il invaniahly- givea lie beet of satisfactidn. Burdocli Blcod Bitters curas aIl tissass of Blood Livor and Kiduepa. Msa remedy for Ses Sicknesa. for any irritation of lie stomacli and boiv. eh., for cenker of lie stomacli and moulh, fur piles anti bemorrage, aad aIl vanilles of boweli ýcçmplaints. Dr. Fovler'tWild Stravbernp i. natuze's brue opecifia. ý*"W. H. Crooker, DnuggistcitWeter. dovu, ntiondate cf Jupe lut. q ritea, liai "Dr. PFavie ' Exraeot' WII Btrsvhorrp cannai h.e urpaaeeu, vIà en &H.1 ,.tha.rar'édtlafail than <Icornac 4o A candidate for Congres. sudlie theressue, andi1I lad tbe -sasilarge Oommoveallattomney of Wytheaat nrelg idBrver conly, Va., fougit s deul lu tbi. poslily cnris, il Boveili emplalutti. Virginla vootis yelerday. Tires ism. - leusrotmda vire Ibd, and heatilIies -rce Ios aes.* OeaOd.The.druggiala cf I9 iscty are toisao TiomnsGudia, wbo obtalned thé e a bg elas no* n 'uthe.stif of 'St. Iprusidbe tC iogis 31sabp a rvolu. Jsecbs 01. On, drçgglat bu vicin lion l 87, s&Ù1.bat-- ince MWdi ie we icahioù oh atlirday afiernoon. sountry viii a roda!01InoC4, la 4«4. 0t4a t l aîoagli bis eswe 4 beU containiug îagyein large et lret,-lbep hbave doabisti lstely. beensen taBagsia rim MIlsir Aother sidt tat ise popular bus the bOfl lsontnfo liai ho PcimeiierdlyOffap o! Spain. The aitempt fsild, anti 0vsoie snejpply up. q, oulavinsv eral areNtabave been matie, have pol ne te l lli ons.V The army cf vlno.puliers *ho have maialica n. a stI t m tuât ho Invade t iiwoa Lili veelibavenearly effetlug§soe crea, orithare venu not*pOeartohbave talion np yanyttet Thre people bave gai the Bt. Jucha a$ licir meelinge vhlch etos Mo f Ofifyr &andato-jitbadcn presin îmMgeenc i 14 crn ali4 ýs qi presIng niprlasa, r(>~ag trDgr,-Of course, Ii Tiherlo"-leumiiLonAon coîn sadi .oüld tinet bcho s, ualeq, te, remialy cible. ibhat tb&C OMuAda itbi-Wl'wu va nly. mteting - Çj i, ow , Lad Compme; via h atve ailsieI: onlri0< Ie mlsuhparbasi *mu e d-e -rIý4 f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i O mMf ~1~,* at's O--Gmaaý üuu- Wôaft i.sa v.. Aale.LL.- i. ..j~ SatChe, 8orina f th Ghaat iriga and spvaiaa, sun>,Md Soads, cGu»s'aoly Too<, Ear and Nfoadaohe, Fn>.f. FOOt acnd Eara, and ait oifip SPain$ ud Acht. Noe Plrfrmlo on ueib b etl. Jà ACO u à e,a m, sre .4pisU ndchec Est«mn Rfmoiy. à trwalentall but lb* amà uavoly îtigug entXay of 1W Centade 116o» s Uala-i lr'c utti> pale CO ha"e cb.e' Md 4podun tpIu of etjuluU.anIagmu ROL11IA-LDLDUGITB AIDUEAL -Ai VOGELER & 0 Trhbl e Dncov evelicrtv - oosuis n e e ulitin ale moie secrpe th aceaSbl ctht leain th pbsécrê o us.~ b.niofe ae difla ult eaof ibroal ,or Lanale ae u a KIn~<eW 1~c~eryfor ing il iauae ai rdoelpt!ionbotle, witi tbir ai vp direos ixIcme 5M. taciod. Tho paieniIactirwý andt tep gel the rsdit. TtbasiTe. Prebotles free st Hcvie'e Drug1r ot..Large tise $1.00. Vie moat vondlerful curative 0am. dieu of tbp preseat day, are lices a como frcm Germany, or. ai lesat onlg. mat liro.TheoalraSntprepere- Uv~ucd wutaie M zmq.h~Uh counîy, latehle (IREwATUR(M ÂNM VI<GIATOII, whiett bus neyer beau linovu to a ui ui rgà iêglO'use of iMpoteaCy, spermateoxuoe, vmlmn« sud aIS otier diseases resnlting frora sf-abase, W bervônis debility, inabilityf maniai anxiety. lenglior, lassitude, di-' pressfion of spite and fuactional de. range munts ci the nenvoue syseol. For icleby drugfigit,, r seuis fre4aby mil on ript of pria., #lOO.- Adire..' F. J. CIIENEY,. Teledo, O., sale Atent for tle Uniteet States. Senti for To vcnry about say Liver, Kidncy or UJriaary Trouble, B!seistly Brigbi's Diseas or DiaboLos, es Rap Bittera -"ver faus of a cure wiese a cure a. RaIVIs Ostarnis Cure la teneaintera alIy. Il acta dlreclly upon theil sud lie macous surface* of lhe syst~eé Uf Ctarri bau deatnoysd pour sease cf sinel sud hisaning-, RHalo a Calrn CurevwiflcuWyou. 75centt par bot. -tle. Druggiats sall ii. Io offestifer auty ome. of Catarni liat cen' b-e cnred viiiH al'. Catexrn Cure. Talion internelly. Pria. -ois Tbrougi lie proent month ot Judyr th* Stomaci sud Ilovels imevémyitl bo bacome derangpad. Tbio-prper pro- latative ioe Dr. Capbou'e tem at Canatipation Bitters, for by lhil use the Digestive Organe are iig&«oid tie Bavais kepi andtheti blooti renderel -pureansd cool. 1391d in large baIlles et. 50 cent& by a&H Druggislu. W. B. Hoveo agent. Thora 'rouiti bp- 11111. if uam sines during Lhe bot monlis 01 Jahy and à ,nguet, if every oee ouldti aie Dr. Crsonts Stomaci saud C'oustpatii Bittons, as lisyprpevcut snd cS'e 431r derangurmeituof the Blomaci eutiDow- duis oltîIamqag botties st 50 cents by a&l Drugaiste. W. 1B.Hyuesi Tioso affotedthibi.-vrni-Lun ElU«e"lÀLve »orsttretteltO aie fo sules e ! et" 0i'f bave en~~guaevov ed ta ntaetes, 81 exputato-,du.au-uM4p.tnpb bari th k ugfor t t- atIb Elcu mrl mItrie r g rnee i i ' cu -d _w o;re e d o itià 1b ÃŽb W, ý 1. Srejuv.stor, knons lyrsoe-feei like a a usa colt" EesII.everlluemenit i nbicmr The BBafsli be "fer a f ecI "i$Msfotioa or mouey ewdd rc 25 centis1per box. !RIîc» end 13ugv. Fluuieo oea, sutg, bodIduga, rata, mi.1 grophera, ohpmunks, olearèd ou b'oghon Buis." 150. jaNolof f Bsrfha, marruagdf, - cis hargei 50 eoek.h MoffLELLAN-At Osaa, o4on tie 2M 4u4ta., Louiqe E. belavedi vif. cf Bd" H. Uin 1Ic.ta , saaldw4angh. tr cfDr. XMt. ijaed Id0oes, 8 ulcths'ant 29 days. l.,1-1W b Jeeiahnae ibÃŽ tn sud ô mentis-su cil sud veil lin ciize cf Whitby.______ WHITBY MÂnKwrFS. OoKO Ovca, J*Iy 9th, M89 ~agWhtj .20 * sa =Pc..... 8 00 *801 Kay .000 gau1 ï t a1o....... ..... 0 1 '11 011 0-V .. ........ S .......... * Mutaaa Uicara....006ois - ,.::000 Oa$ niec 11X ni TE nieKU au,0 i hu o fII Ny1111 dug 'rs roil 'ml0 e and 'W" er 14ValveyMach benobto about urai.W. T. HOUE ~liu. euov.lwm he 1.moot alibi case~ ~~ ~b ofOIrII lau.b ontnu.dfi Fj. W. H.Cue tuZ ~air Oaai M.O *4u*4b m tboUlm ,y I sd caar WePisI 7 Milln~ryrat Reuceci Pres t.' arpes a -dcued Price. YeltHat atReduceci Prices. - 41 RJflJTION, fin order toCer themftout before, F GR~ a;Ivui.aI-,b LUUU-V. )OROCKERYj ,:,Étoo BOK - D -DUNDA8STREET. ~c o~~wttt4< LaM~V~7IN DM.tVM an~gt.~SlTOU~ n tama . T I B R ., FISTS=PM170 the lateVrisein price, andareUs.teomine t-iet iru- ote NI ,,inheoeSfu~ tomrswhoma faârthe.wththeruatonaeoartofin tkt c~oe. csGyýÃ"Pttl FdA -,C.es eta f ~UU ft 00010 NSiMORE th A . la lf -lamt-- suppiel a lheet ucwi * s nSou. ~ ~"""~- e - ru~ t~0 eX ino ia. a n&I1 é. tk -Maxi ~ ~PflING A iV 'q é-te- soc Civc olday haim ens ae stockk, m whih.t o nlk. Âti wrke i hSwýt t the laterise in rice, an are detrminefot give teir eus WHTY~ torswho yles o t. Ladfh tesPaGenalemPrtOfn, îmalefo ffeo TEUR8ÂT, Âdg. 3dnd i re, t is emw.r1.d ayb1yo w XMu GRÂN% I'> G&LÂ 1ntk! 1witWHus bY, ______and____________s d LTO-LB - roe fr ah A lageIppyDfBlRkm m' n MÂN&0EMEN'i "O M'--"e.. forOaHN SAUNMyDERS 182.. 0- r At 12.80 o'cana oo BÂ~~ID TOUBdo&thivT P116 TWEr 4 COT&iLiS m ý_ ý_ r 1 N G A LLLiJJ.1 THE ' TEtTIo,-,FA CsurlsaghefflaluEVOUeTb~ar t nd uo1~ ~i~ctd ~e- v:k . -'os'.MES. ~~.. 1' icé. P ½ O<* ROv9bAi91.1 g t-Â . t1 )--e 14cl,~g - of lif___ .9 'wv"r.JIU - buhz ISLI __ _ t. ral.8. j'YU -RÂ3-.cpma15tpnse ~ ,;À agOe-e gi 0.n -ini-e . '- e m- !eTL iiich ri ZW Latestli "Stles Itifs n '"<~'~ - - 'YAg.4r, U2 âûG ât. C 10. murn.ÂC'Vstauis, Àn yiles Suits. e ratoru NOF rv» usFaLu..-Tbee hot .1 w...,.ue.& obur lbsPAU oa. Maja. e.1e ...Laina ~.1i ~1 - --i E bsuI b% îlâng th itua tf à qp-~- 1