Yery là 4 ,&o hcoi' took of Tweods &xid Olothsl of th&o,,be iOet oatmgs 'ýadfanO Tronsei ;--Xw g9 Gve Box, o&o& of the o xo2@gOt1i ed Thâ bqo&klves lst of thé '988 popeoè 0 euDang sueniIà owe; a I" Josohis, Pooui, bous lu OavpDluobo, a Marc, 9, 1810, 4o40Wietiob. 80, 1878, 0 and ovowsed Narels 8, is uOW in biti' 78r4 ler u d #1hýMh yuaI 61bit Pou- The sered Poilegb le nowv oomPosad ofoô adj~i.Tr po"urornt- ly div. ,Va * à e1é#, f ,ioh on1lfour romin to b. 6il.d, stuc. th.esame of mew oustâsil lu rmtovod inlu ptore . -Ibat lo *. h» asbeen det.ruùneâ ~Tb* 1déaa inihir of the'sae oa1 éd legs luà (.lsduunlDonuot, Ârohbîshop of' e Cardnal Zglnitgy49 eana the sacrod college ans eufollowe: V 1-talians.... .8-4 Portagnese . .. 2 0 French .........Ã"Irish ..........i . i 6 .Garman ...... 5 Poah ...........I1u Spanib ........4. Bolgian ...... 1 te Englieh....... 8 i!rkiab ........1 lungari an .... 8 AMCIoan ....... a FigUr.s corrcctod te April 1, of the P prec;ent Yeur show tbaitlcthghout the world the Ç~atholio oharoh Las a hier.M arcby composeil of 1289 prolates having ti jutlsdlotloc.' Ibisnumber .arenoct nluoded the vloargensrale cf theo db. aceséno erl. oâoýrrv monsignori.e DngIse poniiaie tIeo XIII. ban erectled ô obselepl.opai %oses, 16 episoo. pal us, 7 apo.iolio :,vloarabes, and 8 sa uposiolo prefoires. 1 . bc Another 'Dreadful Passage of Irish Hlgtory. LORD CLOUCUILM'5 RVICTED TENANT&. Horsei1 aBpaBngeo f Irisuh ltory not a deati asdot bsu ltivrong, snobs Irisbmen are oensured for ohsriabin toc stronglibut anitem of RevU osbled train London, only lasi Friday. There 0 was a debate lin be Houecof Gommons t oonoerulug the evicted tenaiita cf Lord P <lonourry. Mar. Dillion suid ho wase willing t10_Rive a pledgs that ne violence r would reedîlt if bats vere oilowed le ho ereoted lave the evioted persons from foing tôte iwonk-hous. Think of it, Americans vue ltnow wbat wretoho4noem i., oui y by tradition. Tbose familees.'ýbr. Trevelyan ad- mitted thalthibre Wére ivo hnndrpdE and fihiien familes erlcted 'by Lord t loucurr-aaked permission to buildi bate b y'lhe rostisi, wbere *vomen I and obUldr.n nulghbu b. sheered fromn tLe elomet, sud Msr. Dilues, who i. oonsidened someihlng cf a dangenou - mnprolsd Ialno violeno. would bsppen if the request vas grantea. Thai mima that the police intenalea otherwise b alestroy auj niiserable ehelter ibrowvuUp by. the bouseleus wretchea.t Mr. Treveijan iben gracionaîy, sailai thai buts ooald bo - oe.oed fer, hbir ubelter. but as if le varun hem liat lbmy muai net pmasume -Uln p u ab len- loey, ho added, "intimîdaios vould b. ol.ruly reprosL" a The agente of oorolon vill have ne 1 trouble lu ldçutifylug thé Amniu thprs hlch are la b eoxcîndeal (nom MUÃŽ1I14 usi f Ibis As (1. vaY Eng. land propooo slpmnig 3usloo. Every bouest Âmeriesu muai shuider M the labuniajibab n sdioa"d lu the evilln c oa wp buudrod familles,t a banb *ty hb eau be mêsured-by ths moasigoalie wblob conaidera per- taiction Ibeoreot bu? by -th. vay'mde ; a piece of pa-gnanimîly. But intimida- tien vilh-beëlru roire oued. Ioubk 1 lesu. And Ujrilon wyul b.fobmâva 1: bytrtnbuÃop.and Chniaian Enlani will wonder Ibal fige oniol -bu galber. .6 (rom Itis to- day in Irelad aDy more tIbm ivo iéuon d pars ago lu Ila bout îslzton jean l6ino. lhe. Uniied States purohased finom Russia the terfitory of Alash&,a, greing lu the1 ireaiy th. purohaea la extend le lh. inhabiante th. operailon andpreiec- tien ot ite lave. The necesaity et Pro- vidiug some fnrm cf goverument fer the terriory Las eeveral ttnes bean prged tapon the atioztîon of Congres@, and yet bitherto nothîng lbas boon done. No,. however, two bille are pending beore Congri- one i he Sonate andl thé 0 îev in the oune*of nR-pretonîn.-C tives-thst pro 0( ateetabiaba a gev. ernuoin lu I'sk. TIeSenagk iâhi khosveu *",klh' m , Oilsuy, wns atoueedat e Asinuml, oil brt. obhol"zka ' tdoiaubise ber eOpduoU Dth. ývossa. l'à -s nbemly ladj'yike *Csà uus4m4 tha'eh@ vWa bo as &noiee b. à ofJtâc dfayorablo r. John FradaeClak, vh* ulp"eü Ils$ lu the. udems' box 'it Epeoni sund deelarÃŽs oi yosn tb. vlnuert ci'lthe Deband QalS! bas"oooupied Ibat posi noety yjeaie sfaithor asi dgnat. sibher held It before hlm. It bas -boas lb th amliy .uvesty.elz yesru sud fi. w111 b. succeodotiby bimto#0!'a» à *»&& Tiksor n lui oti o b. om o mono oppr#teuibst evas w. Ie breakf"atsaiuseal la ha modeel rouions of! hait a *doven, - vlh &114h of coiti muai, are nov-ý dianorçl-As îith saveral sorte of vina-auadvance of ierury vhlch ean baie ne goed 10 «Yl poople." What wouid Mr. Tick. ner ha'vre ihought of ithe chage which sun yeasehave prodWeed lu Nev York ? Lunoheons ezclnsive4, for ladiea nov. adayq often ceet tram $15 to $80 a plate. à liliaie painte ti.e iit.ile Princes. Marnie, of EdiuLni'gh, occupied in kali. ting a stocking. ' We sav a mas yestenday Who ba * no alvie ho <iv9 au odator regardingîthe tone cf blm paper H. vas de"4. 4Wha itlu iis man chargeA vilh 1 aokedtbe judjp. Ia With wbimbey, yen honor," repiid ithe aeteuiious p2lice- Met. AWoadurful Substance. The Chitaga W-ster Ctholw sgays: il le indoreed by BI.op Gilmour, ot Cleveland, Ohio, sud by soesof ot nosi benoed sud resected prisis tbrougieul the oeuiny Who have U»4d à for rhcnzsatios vith snces@ vbere al otitun rertedies failei. We roier ber. to St. Jacobm Oul: W. know cf several persona in Our opwa cisela, ho vere snfferiug viih ihat Areailful disease, rheninabian, Who t.nled everyi.hin and «peul bundrede cf dollars.-for .c whiaou ProveofD o e eneit. W. adl- viisei tben to tny St. Jacoba 011. Som@ if theni Iaugbed aI as for fait inl the 'I sent minif," they chose tb ceil it. Rlovever, va iudnocp tham tb give il a triai,, au il acompliabeil iiswcrk vitît snob' a napidity that th. "mre people are nov itc srongeul ad. vocales, anal vii l ob. vititeat il lu thélr hanses ou auy socount. Mn. Joel D. Harvey, U. S. Coliscian ot Internuai Rivenu, ef bis lity,bas spent over tvo Ibousanil uIos; on medleins for bis vite, vbo vas suffsrng mieaUDfa<reot bnatitm, saud yuL. onl derîing auj benefil vbaimvsr , jel tva hohiles of Si, Jacobe Oit aw- pisbed vhal the inoal abiltal me aia mon faiied 1W> iong. W. e ouI gin. th. namesof bundrede uhe hà Ve been burod . by ibisvonidarfai remedy, did spac. pae-mit l a.Tih.latesl iMsu vbo ba Con al1bappy threugb the use o! îhl&aNblo liniment ileIfs. James 'A Cousun, llbtarlan o! ihe Uniîon Cath- elle Library of. Ibiscity. Tii.foiiowing ta Mn. Couiau'm inalorsemeni-: j Union Osiboio Llbrarj Association, - Ohioao, Bep. 16, 18W. I viei b aid mystlmesny se ho the morue of St. Jacobi 0O1 as a cure for rheumatlem. Ope boti. bau cureil me -aftny tlneseuondieoae, vhtc gave meru e stoal ofe boiher for a long lime; but lhauks t0 lhe remedy, I am cured. Thies tstemoul isauuseo liolted by auj osetli't. lnhenstu. Very roupatfuily.& Cstah efihe Biatdfen, Stingiug irritation, inflammaion, aIl Kidney aud Uninars Complainte, ouno4,by "Baehapaaba." Al There iu no moe.whclesomne or de- lons on esutb Ia tLe WIld strav.' barry. aud ibsne la no more effectuai nemody for Choiera, Dyoualeny" Cramps and thier summen cemplainta of infinis or adulte, lhau Dr. Fowien's Extraot - of Wild Strawberry. A Wise Precautton. Dn.-xng bise Summner and Fait people are hajble le stiudeiu ttacka of bowol coniplalut, aud vfth ne promspt remne.y o>f'mnedical *eh tbad' Ife may b. lu &angor.The w hose exporsco ha. Fee'uEttnach of Wild Stnavbmrn> at -band for promptL relief, andi a pijeloien Druggissi of Belhvilte, union dae of Msay 810> 101, Wnitos a@ (colla :-'- "Yoa uV ùrdck Biceod Bitters-haie a et-ea4y sale, are pWronized by lb.eboul .The veilknovs ding drua f 1N. <. Poilen & Co., of Ksugsten. viiea liai Dr. Fovrler's Exînsél ef Wiid'Slnaw- bérry hailâo s, an slaredthliabut nianket, üau da4s1ïisi the* *r boecomero. Peok in tbêéfbijhittnifimet. Wiid StravbernylaiL hast bkuou e 1Med'y fr Ochblcit ýMbUO..Pant Y7 [I~WG~. iaUt~, Some nobbyuult.' ente 6h1rts, Ties, -$oaa-fs, Idh~ AND-, -GARPETS, THIS WEu Wu7Y ~"FulI to !f COX[PL TE !TN GEN1 -WFRN FULL- SUPP.LY,. -F Fý F... Pan#an' , Poing ue'ahea.b#r À rjrAtrie!enisils e bs eeipaavl OetaY of à $ Centa. andi sey Oeue sui In~ th .pain cuit have che..a Ad peilifu preet UU la m 'April' I8th, 1682. 5 flad5'fi.,~5.Rme,,, - i Omose ut at s a au» um baffies lelientfl6 *ii.jl erep ecrb. Dr, Klug'ua 14v SOOri7 oï 0<*iuipto, oeghun 0 t tb*d.'The pafâl io n iikaud aY m4.ce"l-Tibu»' Trial boll 'flesozeeptlcof ef erai ladIlIduaI. <rba -Typboid--lever, viblo .relii1 loa, vasodlrcily inacea t10th.el 'tl ' e btey u*.isied aneecel bat. ofettà utL ' tlb.nueof Dr. Csnson'a Tiiuu-madici l u re yvogatable mont &Waioceollç, ud may bad of ait Dnug- <1*1* Prii. dmeW.R. oves, Ageat ;UeIisdghi.. To won, sant may IAver;imbey on Urinay Trouble. itep.eialy Bnfgbl a Disease or Diab.tes, s Hop Billets nxevar (ails of s cura whane a eure le pouie. W. knev Ibis I I -c Bad Blecd. Twblaod If ithe ira.e «sMMeoe!viwa- ity, iultbiPmrebloct thMO= aub. se f sudw Oeà ïiobuerblemloh.m fl beveia, kidumy,sisae a4sonl. Complt. Hit. 'f4uil manyMosuhl al <uebl b>rI4,vsokaksa »" em$ùy'ê i sysb eiiézliy a ualoe ab mucb, and'culy a onlb uies sudai ofuolywi pu athon. 8ev- e704 jeans s, " al*pnsIi enMeabackc iphheni&Wa, vPuies.lot 1 v s n u s b i c q o e e a l p. 1 Ivase, I ave te t, okre Ne M earoulY ed th 1nom o!iL. Svmtw, tvas retraile i .1, wban coMpl-erbait su &Ãave mIna;dmn ta liiu ay. a. mot ai. mcy resemo lieultit auhlroe lan heu stlml iu. I caut u e b entrony lu lie pre frhave mebda- OjIUe ne ued ile i ot er uhur o va ior oe aie gaot Srtiunilu.tSoe yaI drts nt fgiats. The But Salve in lb. *=id for 'uts, BruiselsSous, Pever soreu, Moer, 0hypsRan, Oiba obraa. sm Ziî la pilou. na ostve. ot ealtctl or money i m oseNoUoa-.of BfrU.., gmfvagea, Mud D.aa#ch4srgeL60 omis .ech. ANIB1-HOLDEN.-At the roi- dano. of thé. brlde% moghe, Edwin nis, 0< Daningion, tb Francis M., à ldeet daugtir of the laie James Roldan. WHITBY MART8. Mul Peau. Pesa,4 xIse m Wlood THERON. J. LYMA.} BULKLEY, HM. D., cf New York ' $&y: ' bave aaed Dr. WHEELBB'8 Cem- _ pounti Elixir of Phosphates asnd Cal i = o maya -largeiy in my pracilce fortby eUbl jeans, andl in uy judgmueni thero-,o e t s 'preparsiion of tbe kini liaI can écota a -par viLi il. With foeei- auemnts à &i $-vmenu, ot viom vo have e ,mauy, sud lu cases couvalescing (nons pros- tnesiug dise"es IauAi hanily iuv hou to. <et %long vitb LoalInleDU.- PEPSIA Il nots lîke sa rn-n<e lu any of Ibo long Usi cf eà laiîe 5 - diueaeu, il l TUE femedy, - vokb - Never ùeWsointïïti. - 7= ma Tor <eau -,rhôbd p. upeoi tvA « 4baug of clsa, wstor "&OC;, e., te lt sbouid neyer b. vichout Dr. Povlon's P»b ERcraci of Wîld Stravberr. - foiLle remcdy for ifl Seumer c' Plaints. - Don'r Dle As tie Houa.. "P.oflgb.on R.te!' Cl«aroui rats Mica, roacLoe ,4bugs eu, us, t moles, chiptaunku, uërophers. 15e. 'F Dhbolos adi otl»er .iso -et -thle KIdnepe andl Livor, vhieb yôt arsh lpg trtghtened ab>utai, Hep t*oisaë oly 4q~uu that wiU i;and pet *neffl"ypr n1;niihm 4ur w Ai e A6 sud lips make jeu mà asurtioworseO e n I*uportau ï= t~ 1W ibmt...... - 125 rpernovi......... 800 .................... 077 bla............085 .o.*.... .... 80 ...............cats S0160 r........... 01 e........i .kà ............ 1là ................11 lii b ................ 041 4encyl ........... . lu IWp..... ......... 014 . palb...........00 ......sru... 00 oa« i.... i00 ne% pur boa&. ... 0 1Q *007 C 006 006 ~'-'1<' fie 1 t1and -22nd Inst. I- OÂSHMERES, -PRINTS4 '&*' GIN*GHAM-S ~4erie'i, Laces, G Cloves, Hosiery and Parasols. -î* ~MLY Aï. U8. 41se.O7 Ino neede& Weiwf tryu au ibos n& girls ah. tlipî. oorkAdU PaeM ody You a s iee aido the wdrk. No No oneaoïnw1It -mu" e n.rmpuuà ebe ftes. Momuà Iasu4osiy adhbouorably. 19 LD8MITIP18 ,HALL, NEW, GOOIDS. ~T 0HAND. TlIckcs,,iatha" anlynvi Cekbcted U Lne t4.go ' adtrsveI& fllea il oflccein uxmr, lnancd th. i OS. PRCVA.LOWU FATMS FOR? SALEI1 No. L-S acres, Sentit Sd of Iot. No.?7 iu the t0i cosion desalal iow=ahi. ThIa frm ia Vin feuSd, lin good stateo! euvatlon, with s ~ear ulig vonl »aerdanerl.onu o wMhh a&dste O"Wava No. a.- Consiste of th.Inldkeh& !o! Lot BO4. t'n tesesos o isid, Uwsh For iermb sud coudtbuippiy te 1D. Broolilu,, Ont. AuP~?to >1 3U&o<a oi. su the Rebvis~s lmsigelth.n4iof JOHN jI 4a-6,; We.ltham Watches, Key and stem, also the P" proof case. Ladies' Gold Wateheà , the fiest stock I have evor shows, - Walûuùt, Nic lend other 112,grosaVt oy. Eleotroý-Plated, GoodB, aa Forkcs, Bpooni, Dim'ei and Tea tioITory eaIvo _an -Piokie Fiames, Craets, Btter Coolers, Bery Dlshes, Cake Baskets, Card Boovers, &o. SI>EJCTACLE~S TO SUIT .ALL SIGHTS. JANE8 4OUNSTON, Match 2U& 18E& t - elà ~RO( - -CLOTHING TO -ORDPER.» ,RIES! OR RDISTIRIBUTION.- - T - H- m2DW00.00 - y- s- TheV, have a large stock, bouglit before. tihe late tise ini price, a.nd are determrned-to give their eus- tomers who xnay fi6vor them with their patronagepart, of the beneft To Btrfders and Carpenters' we waudd say, you will fLud special advants.ges with us, by callig and getting prices. A large sùpply of Blacksmiths' and Carrnage Makers'- Out. Ilails, -8 inch and over, -$2 90, cash; special prices' for large lots. Qood qunlity. Whitby'"May Brd, 1882. 1-f yUl b. il!ai A.]qÃ"-P0WY PEBUX 3- Il is indispenuable that Gand uotify tbGé ccOunit Tm n1èctor, i th. FIRST 'F JUNE af i 23.KE - RpeOt JAS-CARNEGIE. SPRIN ARRUTALSF *SIUITAe3lletFOR 'EVERYBoDY An immense stock fo hc o'ae a seleeûtion. Latest -styles frLa-dies'.,Genlemn and Mîsest'mt akbIylow Iw' ustom WorkA, s m~al, a Specialty i âm-B--t', -. JOHWN AIMû , RI '1 I ~ soaC télb doI,,laato ghimthéau~m c09 lco -1, à Z: