~RE; PINT & INGH'AM S .1,5,-a d bîm te Wis 1 ild IL spa' % . tk, 0 tel ar irptition cf similéï labaiPe. "If tlwap conupsétion ba not maszeur..>v.aIl avery peau tuad oursolvea lu s simiar Mo 14 eigh. £on *ré,-o» qiapini NO .Lfden oou. liièof taii*siywould b. lu. en - ufftoent lu the trads of, lb. oouay, lu sauy ulb.ettOiy susituau..>t». rate. pa payera veu lougaince have saaembled ffl ~in massis ,meingsansuivea To" tb filiheir ludintigin ln lnes Ibai coula! __ not pae unhetird. Why du vo ol do - ikavise ?-Wignipag 8un. Mr. DavittIbubas~esureloassi foin Dartmoor priou. sud bas gene to Lon- don vtth Meura. Parnell, Dillon, aud' * A Nihuhîst manifesto bas been dis. tuirbed tbroughout Sothoru Russie aihe C nsaresud le aniordmbns. ais th rn e l ci torcmbns aais Saoo oward 1 'Wil b. psu for tb. ieteotiou sud con- vtiction of aml person sahhtmg or deailug là bogue, equl.rfell or imitation of Roi. Bmu, esp.laly, Bittera or gv@&toe ith th. ivomi, HOP or ors lu Ibir Dams or connoetbare- vih, Or a iitenâ.II olà 1muleai an. * . ami cheal lb.public, or for ui1e parallon put la moy forts, preland * lu b. lb.came as RomBmmasa. The r euebats cluatem of Gasa Sore (n"o,,ttie i) prulul012th whtelabel, ensullu, .pclIpfou Kiaapry Laver sudi NeuaçDimauases. Dvime ail otheme, sud Of prelende. fofraulas or roolpes of go? BmsTas publiahed iu papors or for sal. amibth are rauda and ivindies . tr d186e Is luam but the<cnin. viii b. proe.ecni. BOP Binruss Mmc.<CO., Boobeater, N. Y. Quantity amhi QualitiY Ane ihisr beu &ms ganimaiesa. me lrthas bave hibelu e.>ilx.d vit» ÃŽAlaYxLa ColMON rcl ovusa, vhlcb fdetroyalU isieaudoireanht la bealtu, etee f - luecm s»d -proUlfieuc. lMak. pour stables sud haroyards pay. The.. <resI speolieanfre u"ul.e ery- Horm, lu Our Ovu Terrltory. Ilnaualmoal b. assriei that l8t. Jacotba OÙ vorku woodeus. Sbortly ho. for. the NcvwVeu, vbeo I viele.>M * fasnilylu Michell, I founi oMy son d- wsmdl, à al 1111.more tIbm ten peara Id, v.ry ick. H. auffereul wiih uboumaioats, u oterrlbly, chat ho vsu Psrfsctoi IS lislimbe, coul.> nos pcably valk snd bai lu b.e erried "rMipaceto place. At once 1 sent for someSt.Jacba Unsditilaccordlng to Wdirections, an.> lua s(ivday.ocoul.> se-ovidevci cf cousiderabls lmprove- ment. On tb.hsullu t i bis aucuilu1. &gaiu visite.>uy fawily snd vs. salon. ishe.> to finithlm welani bearly. -Re' oco, more lbas frealu color in u bo ims tc sud eau go 1b c éoo again. Wbuncv.r ' lt.e01.> troubles tlraua to'ewlm- relief la immsdiateiy oeurci #y the use of ch. celébralsi St. Jacuba 011O. From ibomu juy over Ibis reanl I esnot vîbld reccm.udlug 8t. Jacob@ 011. lu suffsring bunaitp su a trucbeme. factor. Ca"& lsrzsouv, offie of che Vlksfremu<f, Germas' paper of "Cr.-bbesl thlug vo kuov et te beal a cul or wven.>la te hlm. up tI1bljucd -par t l s cesaturaI.. in luerry Davi' Falu'Elllsr *Nol the issimportant fealure l Fellowa' Compono.> Syunp of Rypop- biosphiles, la the (Jmferl Buoyauey suit!Vigerwiblula Ipre.> by ilsae, ansd wvhladevelope. as tli# paleul roeer rom aokesae. UriarporI4v oiptulacno b Diabte., Brigt'i Disese idney, coniracteil by pou or pour famll 1 R02 Bittept are usi, uaji.If pou i I * e rsyuavesny of theas. ae aHe Bittera Ia tbe' culp mediaeîIat wii Poatlvely cure Yeu. Dou'à <rgott his. sni do'l gcl smenepjei p itou chat îwill 0onlp hum p * Iauy modielnua beek too suddenly uot s of Bowel Oomplssluuilduipg * dauneona luflammallon, Dr. Fevies. Estraet of WIId Slrawbemy, elanui, ietluatpm à ui beaua lb.élà ---'> aM4 wsakied mucueus auaaocf, thé 8tomaclu an.> Býo*elo, an.> flyeou 'fveuy Wfoemo umsber Complaluts Tsfaby, oi mope.dy ,,Fsud be uud-loombi Dr. !evlr:a b beuryla 1h. rime for emergenehe. eptre or rehleve. vnj ali cku ofdluOl M-MÉ Usmamans musa i e W iri fele". %e e il l.stuaw- t. Kep ta hlýndt 14usue 1 ver .vé.j>. - s.1 ae sýUderig vlth Iloy o* de.' pressiopwýiral, lesof appe ,puw si d.btliy, dlaor4ored bloci,t'eakpou. sldtution, hoadacho, or aloy disause 91 bilions natero, by à l meausprpcrek boule uf Elocîrie 'Biters. Ton *91l be surpri.sd I.ses the rapld improvermu chat viii follow ; ypu viii b. in.piredl vW" nev hife; strsbbkth aud aotiiity" IrillIretirn;paiu and Uuasory vCiiicea. sùdlb*euoflor&b YOD virejore in b. pia"fs.utEléotrio Bittera. &oICI 'M fitycents a bottle by W. R. lo*se. The Piret Stop. Baltf-rospectin t hé. iras stop lina&H refocwious;and uhen your blo.d i. ladon witb lm nriesa aud yau are suffering (romë hi lousnues or dyspapsia, the firat tou a radical cure tes b take Burdook Blood Bittera. Prie. 81.00, tra> aise 10 coute. Teung men sufferiDg from eariy in- discretdonsac ak brain and verve force Mack'i MagDetiloMedicine, advertisod lu another colunan, supplies ibisvat mod tbus cures whien &Il other prepara lions tai. Anaver This 1 Cao you ind à eeof Brlght's Dis- oass of tho Kîducys. Diabolos, Urtnary or LIxeprComplainte that la curable, h1Ubp Biteablas nt or obamol cure l ask p ouraihioua f h Re*t sud Carafort I theb. uffeting, -B sôw'sEoeuP.as zba o equai for r@Ulel'lz g ela bSlieriai egoliIl cur pain la lhe aide,, bao TeOlaeb,~1.mbe oMu a uîany iî 6b Bloc> aRéUsa, se i. acting pdver la vonueox*l.l 'IBrovueIo ousébold Pana- csi eaioni ael2cwl.dgod wastlb. peat Pain R.lavr, ai cf double- the. stà gth ut au y other Rhum or Linîmeul lu the world shongb hoiluevery faniy ready tor uase vLen vantai "asmIt realir 0ath best raMedy la lbp wotd fur Crampe luinte Stomach, aw4 Pains aud, Acheofs il kîni ïad b lpfor sale by a&l drugglls m tzcleu' Arnice salve. The Bet Sà lve lu th. world fur "=t, Braises lu jm Sl om er Bores, t Ocf Pr Rnd, zîa's 1Corna, ma i iburuptious, aidpositive- tly cures Pîles. It inguarautf.d io givo per- te satisafactiou or monay refuded. Prie P«cet- bo= Mqf,(,ad Headaou,Frad Feat and Law, aal u/.WP SPain# and labes. Ing wlth ineaou bal# ochou, sud pmgodliau Diremoona la un" *gug UOLBXI.L1U 0 foiJDEAU ofEDI~ Ousoa zOMMe, U lm 11, 1889 eWbeal «211?,1 11 4. n et us i........... 07- 01 ............00 01 bus.,.......... 0 W csiec.éeir,.0'.cW- 0 I~.,.,,*,c*,-,.- 012 O a., - BROOKUIN, TUMB»fiY, M T -28ed, '82, For lb. purof etnomlimnaln.eaCandi- date 4b coulesal b. BiagJ'a- lb. Lfae»i. intofeAI athé.ua«iuatm bi ie The obair viii lusta t on osel1000I Dolagatea appolnted by tha saveral polllq Bb.dlslslous viii corne properly accredilui vith erltmea ffl appoint. ment. REFORMERS ARE INYITED TO ATTEND. J. C. SMITH, Secretary. May 8th, 1882. D. ORMISTON, Proat. 80. R. A. id-ci1, BAILIFF'S SALE! FOR TAXES. OP ranteIsu h Coilbçtpi ftaxes o lTovucf 1b siua. u oc ami iziw Tovn or six Gang ?Iougba, Two ?Isc t MW Çger. Bight Oidn is Two Pf~apftb, {Wlttbï *lsveater.) One Double-Bp*M gWiggoa. AUl 01 vblob propry vii b»salu m PUBLIC AUCTIONI1 ON9 T"E PREMMOI UONDAY, te h ibDAN opMAT, . .D.Il« at 2 o'c.ockila b. aftsruoou DMets itIrdeyo ayls, 1888. JACOB ERTAN Baili. ~Te &oaBois ~ aPOSTPONED unlil aONIAY, the l5h ini., 4t th.emarna tima s8d place JACODB BnAN, Bailli ~Wbii, y ipPh m'L1 TAXES! -TAXES i*ý. L LLTXSOLTM AGotUItD KUS? .LB.~ ~ ~ o beilmmdasyc.proosaiing vii b. eate capi-the alauttese 4L. Tkn hial hiséoI TEE TAE (G. CRAWFORD, Maste.) WMi roks be r regutrips ounIbis moul- da~axoslsd> PeiRt o erJ « ,, -à " r d & c ~Full Stocksof o COMPLETE IN GENS'FJRISI FUL-L".',SU PPLY 0F FAN Z . ô Whity, Ai 8th, -1882. TOWN, OF jWiFTBYe Thora wîflbe a lonl 'Tuda, une 3rd.182 AI 01M O.'CK lu the aà eruoct, AT THE -ROYAL HOTEL, iu th. Town ot Wbltby, by virtue of a Power of Sale conta&ime t a octain mort- P thERSON, vhloh vilb. prodiai OMOsal, lthfov nprop.rty:- Part of Lot No. 26 in the. Sud coucession et the 1rouoblp'of Whîtby, luin .0the c Ontrio botter knovu sé Lots 8, 4"n lu 1h. Ãowu ofWbltby, as desrIbedinluà e lau thorsof mai.e by John Shier R. P.L.S., &»4 oaflxeoce ouelb. sai e0 Brook streel The follovlnglmpoOU*uIl are ai 0b b.ona-là &premmises: A ivo- sIffoy bnýek bufdla*#uisi s a maaae iwlalamivWood abi, showrom ad *oéc, âlSoaa i"s.nllu êc , Ablacldsmzsbp vlh rou sà Ihâ a aed, grIiuin<? emnbousm De- shada, &c., &0., aQ dteintlhle.centre ofonou thtei.boit tubicIuia& dstictsinIaOu*d8 @y t18Oadé iebIonLthe aire, us JONES BROS. & MAOKBNZIB, Solletor, Kscule Hal, Torculo, Or luO0. lBOURS, Esq., Whilby. Toronto, Apfil 9Sm, 89.it.o bouse and Lot for Sale. rflR&T HANDSOME RESIDEEC eta J1, preeal ocpis i ylb. fsny of Mr. DsV&sO u 1 Te bnomà a ccm- tortilbi, ,romy, loirybriok, lath >md cf Mt r;goioiécs; laanoei plna a..,VUlhfruitftrimi doyer >i orte . I MT sw r 10. ILLNG, o s RomME bsxnosupZL1cr C>e KANSAS CITY ickeotvis 4 Md "r u ill Calesiu fnt udtrarelig a TiLPOTTES . PUEYMAL LOWELL. ~là C"h=te"ein aNe P'OIL SILENCE, BASE, DURAILITY, 111<1851 RANGE 0F WORK, ARE)n CEÂPNESS. A FRESH LOT- OF REAUTUIFTLMACINES DIRECT PROM TEE JÂQTOEY, '1.- tan3i nioivbetore the Phibllc I éan make monoy ltter aI I fo u han, a aZ in c,'oèea evlatr' untlous. ltpwsdealiuombosouji girl waVaeu 1Oveyhere tb vert foruns. Nov la à i* p-t l.0 b" PaYIqv nrly as vel. iladhoe«oably. I.HOUSE TOUET G ONTINS EGHT OOMfS, ingooi crir; ucren ndgood stable. MES. DANFORD. GOLDSMlTH'8 HALL, NEW GOODS TO HAND. Walthain Watehes, Key andi stem winding, also the Patout dust proof case. Ladies' Gold Wateies, th fluest stock I-have ever shows', * qu&Ulty guarauteed and pri- ces , the lowesi possible. - Walnut, Niokie and other Olocks in great variety. Electro-Plated Goods, a ,fou stock. .. ýForks, Spoond, Dinner ad Tes iivQS, in Plated, Ivory ana imitation Ivorp Haudies. .Pikle .Frames .Cutg" Bigtter Coolere,- Berry Dishea, Cake Baskets, Card Beceivers, &o. s- ERRSH F.ISI - -ýhi &ÃŽ la ti Nilypaulls 7aIW OR A, as cet lr. m Kihai lt. imm prmpay deiâWm%& roo mpsMun 7 1 loite Sl T, m-IoT uci, ,Pî;L;w La _________ seAgent, wblIby L19.RANS ]RISI ~hWblb. N %E, BTYRE -GTI1%*a-- iOMketURbERYt 4W~ k.. panc~g Rosi UW'I5T Taus f1r bltt. ou 9rw»ý E; EC T, A C LE TO à SUITiLSIGUTS.L B3rook-ai.,Vvit4m R ALLIN'S * CLOTH1NG*TOO ~G1 ~~~~iJ ~ ~ O0,1' Si ovz ,8tt on uaead!1 They have a large stock, bought before. tet rise in price, and are determineéd to give their ' 0 Il tomors who may favor them with their patronlage Part of," thà benefitA To Builders and Carpenter§ we wonld say, you will flnd, geoci advantages with- us, by caling and gettîng priceg. A large supply of Blacksmiths' and Oarriage, Makers' LCut Ng]sb, 3 i and over, $2 90, cash;, special prices for large lots. Good q=hlty. Whitby, May Brd, 1882. 104fu A- RRI VA LSýati RDER. COUNTY OF^ OA- (Efiltor of thé Wtar-c OauzOxoa VOL umE0 0 PG8 imTESr E'ISTOU. omeucn vti :.puActio of I.oriDorchoor-17IuÃŽ sud he rA c l72-~-1s en--7.. Cjouty .ai ~~OOTS AND HES' SUITBLEF-,-R' EVE-RY BODV..' An~ immense stocèk frornwhioh, to mak-ef m ýLapest,, for dîes5 qe' istmWôrk as usual a S]peeia.lty. ..I 22j'l 82; -o- ANd l Forý h~2 w le M-1 uso ià nu' 011 »f' 14 fp Mr loi SPRI1NG ov Mt o k: th a We m u. à ur Ibis % air pau. mmand il. ber maukel 40u of MaW- 88 ouhi. vsl ide- 5r.The oai pal. moaIdedo reakdon 4 the. Rail. iauMd hré Vanderbilt ro hocere. . ape umigbit ma oulraied mId b.a - Le Ç.car. dutolraart 'thelr bell maun Jr.W. ut11 badoer, la fobuteu a' bas beeog but bissalalm psvllally is Romor Il rto a com- il 10 wreo ois.vdà , vi' il. TȎ Âmulur.- Pn Whitby, Match 15, '82: tf-18 1 1 1