Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Dec 1881, p. 4

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rick1 oretdga i A A A A -A A W7r s * pîsuce -rogue; à q oan pl.did wste, ri h a ul'ýadaplndd w. a 'Lrgain d asaplendid itw a baian, and a spendi visw, i sterkonsd a splendid mtw. i e an adaplndid erapte ig' stlend a splendidomuulan Alér p g a aspeni leas et.e I hotile, sud a #plendid bonnet, I fellow, and a siplendid match i aight-eap,' and a splenâdd À splendiâ out ai Cod, a sjlendid night, Aplendid cook, a spiend a apstite, A oplendid whisky and a eplejiaid a, A spleedlidwig, aaà a splendid cat of mai, À splendid set ct teeth aIle1ndid hba À splendid pie-nie. Amncbslni u A splendid loi, a splendid foot and haud, *A splendid trompeter, a splendid boud, "Asplendid steamer,- and a splendid wherry " spllendid round of heef, a eiplendiîl . herry* A splendid kt, a splendid pair of trnuserB, A"splendid pair of cate, both splendiid mou- "a plancâld pair of grays, with eplîandid ac- Àa pleAýâuli nateh, adsplendid perpfct, à oleudliC aerl, and a APl endid tyek, A ,jleaaid osacl, ca splendid erah 4qloh 1 how splffndid 1 Jetîy Treffz Trub1 Aspýlendld fencer, and a splendid abat, A, sp!endid ehrystal Wacaie-and what ntI A handy Splendid 1 were il not for ltes, *Olt, a a lues the presernt, eawould bc. An interesiing dieeevcry le reportad from Pela, the Chiai naval station of tles Antrian empire alnà formaerly a station of thea fln ieet. Near tha huge ampbtbeaaira, nlyaseond la tha Coliseum iu itesand enaseivenes c f construction, se worlcmen were ]ata- 1y cngaged ite digging anulc osilar for t1le une of the mquadron and tha naval arsenal, ee4en, at &bout a yards Ilpili tram the taariatîc, tiîey cama up<Cn a statute nines fret treajuches in hei&Zhi, tepreaeentinq a Romaen Emparor, and lu rt tataetfalmt p erfect pereervatian. Thia ef4,y..exaouted in Graciant tarbla eft he fureit qunliiy, ile oateid tlbc he i tneat beaaetiful andi lighly tlniahad effigy of Ils kidn eau ixienca. Il lis biat an yei bean rcognizeti as tha par. trait eft any particular Empoaras, but wenld appear tulieha râtler*n ideal or typical preentant o et li man Coeaâr. I ilasuspposed that tItis noble statua originally adorneti one ot the nichles oi the veêtoîlile îeucacîta thaeLiietre hult tîy Acal ;Cori honor utf'u lis da ,tii-r. Joltc, lcut i 1cear Ing ie cname. M1r. NMeArîhjur. uoftCar:-. l .,lie Foit tua niito M7,r. J it,t]u I Ila..loi #41,ut)jL. I t- i4 Il I-ii..i. tiîul.- relaiingtoti 0wiwatr tlo>î, r. At prestit lieaare, 1,00 1paletnt clotifinvi n 'tus Longuea Pafint- Lilatic Aayltucn, htey-aevei lora LLuhave ever lut-ic utned tlit eione. A iministernsie ie Fritauco ta net a happy oun-. Il Papema fat àMn. Gago botta gl'auta fsw autiienciemattikëesa thu arhivisis beay. Haeije ega<ed tram monninu lu niglil ounlb. dyu ha bas nea u lurasact pari.amsutry busi- aiees, aed Oltenufiern m the niglit, la raatiîg deapaîclic andaedltera net lu- - lade] tor pubtioahlen fi-cm diplomatie agente le lits pradecceaora. Bevn et bia moala ulielbas decurntes pread on lte table areued hlm wbinit le goes on sreadieg miila lue eut. à A àOag danday expreais a desirs laoineet fiva Young mern lu a duel, tut regardle tlir proposition thai thay &ili firn oi hm si ence, wlila ha aiimaiîsu- aously puls he trigger ait sixpiso, asu tmnre buruesque." Whaî bede- manda i. serions bioodehed. But llise tsliows amni risc aboie a jokie. Titoir offeuoa lu that, ilearning et lita perina. cloue attentions t auaninoffensive girl -wbo boardadinlutlb.saume batl, lhey saut hlm anal Oe lu ber Damue appiniteng an Ouidoor meeting. na vas la cogna lIe ieheaktsroom vitlà bisl Dock wrapped in a handkenchiet c.a sage ltahâ greffi. Thtis ha did, roeiviag mach cenlealno cou tlt proeeusit t liront. Ha paced bye an -o Cla oth# bitins eold for an hour a& thee tapjIoIted plus.oaaly ga racelve a nolsesayIUg, "Oh, the poor lamber.0 Noz itMDou t he isa jokers appamd aMbreakfasvtLh Ihoir lroate Virapped 'op, and ve oainlutheir tlk etÏIiv- i autcou standing lunltaestjset c t yfbJ1ir monlhe open n languira. Tiore mdiimi profeision iu Germe bu suallui a Sevelosa nbe d=ai of fflf. Busch. The daasaad, vi» ysspnly05 ysars aid, bta u bort limne I osorred aànecesaail operatop uapan lth. Eprass.. 3),, Uah Vus bora lu Marburgh. lua1l44 ho ami- mnncai he stuLdyIotondcne as Berlin, aud i 1851 began bis praqtolea l~ltai altty. Ha dArd at Boita an theuP Re became especialuy rag -asUa skluI aperator durieg 0tiS igno of 1800 andi 1870-71. - ~ Boston eau Cotint;tp 208 va inî 4htietyvot lth aven 0 1,000,000 ecis. Man forty yaae-e aid go t&'sohool-ln- ~t4beda iaind telesse sothlig itow. n h i Masva s howubase wilàhàa il- ver speon ln hi:e monîlamuai hava litre- "ru say thea podl die Young la a itaan- diu0ginvitation far the ammmli boy tla ha ATorasjury WraITe il -1', lise gury, fine Oxalla aidiaud E ho diajlmeniahed by a dsou e-e ea, S eaitisae formner, w erawar etftths latter, a a vomau vas Poison Tb Tiselaaty conilndA Gaveramsutr et Japan aittes for mgol a cocosiof shtpvracked 1#a8sa1s la Dow, ta oparAtui.td'u ofiii trnsiattos icla glisbau e P~y.seeut~s~have beau -d-, mit Wiw o nniuy Poor c ot 4tI gto ar parinersansd 'n iàù e to A ava 4sbu"sides anc ssasnnad- thé I #M.. * Bucleu' amAri&@Sal' The Boat Salva lu tha world Ocres, sîter, OhapUeà Bande, bChAt s, Corns, Mad lain r~tuptions, an pcltv7- ly cares Pilas. It ila uarned t r e- tat etstistaction or meney relucdad rç 26 cents arbl The alose coufinement oftU aIltataeywork,, vu vathe epertives patlid faces, Poo appe- aaul theltyalcians ai medcies l iisa woeid cannai belpi them iullntes they get out et docorots e HapBittera, the pureantsMd hast remedy, espscilty for snch cases, bai- ing abundance et healih, stieshine snd eay ohaes in thamt. They cest but a trile- Christiane Recorder. A Sense of Wcatiniesmi lescttentfaityperaons Whe cannai locate any particui.ardisease. Il they wark it ha- cameas labor ; if they walk, thay zacc. tire ; mental efforts hacome a hurden, asud aven jnya are dimmsd hy the shmdow af thde weskneaa which Je ceai ever their lises. Hecoure s al d ometimea c.a stimulants of a: daugarqe character. The adrice ef pby- .iclans ta refrain tramn activa lahor pro- ducea nu happy reenias. Why ? The sys- teom le debîitated and needs ta ha huilt Up properly. Paruvian Syrop wîll do tbis very. thing. Lila the electriecarrent wîtb the carporeal tunctiona, il ralsas ap thaen- feehiad,tîings the caler tu ltae heek ainï and huple eihe deapandari. It do à 1 1 usant promptly and weli. Sald by aU deug. gicla. The Dcath-Ratceof Oar country je getting te bha teartnlly lrm.- ing, lte average of lite baing lesseoci sicM your, withot snyeauenable cause debt cemtioengi n. Ait tis iseman etftthe ysar, apclaIt,acaid is snob a commen, thing thât ila abs hany of svary day lits we are ac o overloc the dagers atlenuling il and oLn find tee laie, tlimt a lever or Long trouble has already sel lu. Thonsanda lame ïheir liveb itie *way every wioiar, whits had Bacese Geet isS rcq.beaui takes, a cure wuand have resutZ amid a large hill tram a doctor hase mveideuà. For all disata- e et the Titromi, snd Longs, Boscke's Gi-rotait Syrcp has pravnitseli ate ibeh g-eatestddsacovery cf ils tind in medicine. lavsry Druggist iii this conntry tel)] tIt, ý n ofutâ ite îreurtul affect. Ovar 950,000 oattleas ot] lal year wititnia ingle tai. aire kLoM I. You H-ave No Excusa Iltuce von aiy i xrnai, for nlLcricg with Dyspepiei or Liver Cocnîîkitt ? la thoera ruy rearon wtîiy you aluni] go nun froan day to datv rom meli, pîitationo ttb Htait, tlea&rt tinri. Xttor» irILMti, tîiewi 1111(it IlItl a' îcîîiLîî ut the ;)Il oîf Ihe Sccllcar, Yiîton-Shi Ciuted *Iclot o, Etti] tal c--Litct Ii -nthe o octh tnî,îîg )tipftid ittior vîiîcc, ci spirite, &rtin o? la la pcaiitvrty,,nr orai tault il yeni do. Go to yonr lngi.-n get a botteofii Grr, tci'uzcii lowerrfor 75 cltitsýior clir T crtauii, latil con itou IcI tht,, g-t n Sonti lot tIcfor i et miad trot il, ,ccica.acilic-a-e >u. Frutce Ladics. Thc- ancgcd, tîreoioe inaatitîs, rcla-s frît îhe c-îainci roII lttiatisuliif,, hIm Viihtiai tir tTi inirvilig ftie al stnO. , i iiar vital forciet;, rnudering uil irri t taind t fiilo, con vrciîy Iha ne- ccvîi lmti ti p n of thal iarvelota remedy tI-c beitaicic ri mi t i titrur - i ....c . f tir i i -ci-'e rc-ieaeîl at one, laci.iieeI >r., il Vi i(J ii iin ie-Ithîs? Sai iîîti.urdcoay NigFl. TO 14IVMIT ON ck Mortgage ReI-%[statc Scut, Appîy le CHAS. NOURBE, Itcu-ane Agent, Whllhy. Ocluhen Otub 8l«. -42 Notice to C ted/tors. P UIRSUÂNT TO rSECTION 34 0F Cliapten 107 ufth1crRu-iaed Sîctulea of Ontariou Notice lu herelcy given thai mil credituns ced etitera having claires agaistheiEstatu, ut JOIN 1ITZrATRICK, tata uftIhe Townshiip ut Whutby, in the Ceînty ut Ontario, Yicoman, decfeaai, ito died c'u or about the trinîla day of Novembar 1881, are raqasrad te "maihy pot pr. i and reguicr]s e eoe . rarIi& ~ tatigp, elthUtaTowvn oet Wlttthy, l inte gmo eounty, Balctte, on or beora te I9eh day ut Jiancmrynaît, a samîmeel t theirn emme and auluroasas sud ltse full psrliulnrs'f ltaoir caims sud secuitisi (if &any) itld by ihec4. And lIai mter lte sai luth dey cf Janu- a~1812,lte cedersigusul letzerntaacfi be -àlais 'John Fitzpalrict wll pacedteO dlsinibtete titeasets cf 1the sii tatolr among the partiesientitîied tareto1 havieg regmer io titosae las eiuy cf Wbtteai saa lhave reelved notices aareaa. Datai at Witth is tis 1dey et Decere- han, 1881. Bau. JOHNf J. MeENTII I -DANIEL MURPHY,' 4n5-lRaat NOTICE TO CiREDITORS P URSUANT ta chapier 107 aith tIi Rvis ci Statutsa»e cisuno, suitiai Auý Act respetegTruieseaed Excu lte credior .1theasotate of A mES UOLDENK, lats efthîe Ta-wneoetWlitIy, nlu te -aOntaio, Esquire, tWha diod on - day.at Octulier laet pasi, are hi- oi te cniB (en ng Smiah, - S icitor et OrAllia iloden, amnon - B. Taylor, thte zecutorneits0 cd , onl or hefoete îth ilday-eV D., 1882 temi addrcescs, andl a ticlar deseniptuon cfi their cigi liai, aid the naturaetfany se-c- bythem :and in o a onotice aly alttar aid dataelt a ea exeua ,ttoSed ta disînîhota tiotoei acoesec auongel tha purtie entit ta, ltcving r- gar] b thtetaîme mitich t Uta aid axenaters haisetitan G. YOUNG SMIT Solcitor for oaid EB Waitby, SsiI Deccmhcr, 1&1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. lais of tae Tawsiao i lel i the psppsdand ragiaerei, ta XMrs baeai uteigeo for te t0h day gdoe ntlg ai aonary 2 a tat- ment eftIheir uue JaSdnesses 'd tse (ifami)ih tly Ut arn Api ilialattanthe aaidl9jday 1 J' esiate aidlé u w t Uibrite-the ie'" t ots -iew8 Tastator amen g 1he parties entitllai thereto, bavingergailOliIaase cs1you Ibsyshli hve tred btloe îw 1,oisd& Oslsi et Whitbye luis St day of Daeom . ber, 18m1.OHRN'- WILLIAM fi tbo-ïriýé,ato Mua N ipavsa ~ ?îccpstccga.ea, wtIstu .w j ruesto any addrs uwaînasomie Xdilcisnaild Druggis e t orI5aspr ber,-or 12 bhesa fr 06, or wiii hamailaifres o; poiagoe pn nj,- cip ofthe on byfilsa . M&CK'sKGNTOMDCH Ã". Windsor, Ont., Caniada. 5old lu Whftby by W. B. HOWSBsud&Ili PAT EN T8S CANADIÂNS esu sentira patents tn the United States 9e. the urne termes mu Citizena. It la be4t te patent flrin t e Saeas, Clua s eurinpg a 17' jean patent; oiherwiaa lime vili hae lirited' Iwo yearc. Total noat et Unitedi States patent $60, cnly #20 on making application, the balance aely vw=npatent in allu>ved. Totl st ciof Osaidiani 6 yearap&tenmU4} Addreac, 0. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite U. S.. 1Salicitors et Patente, Patent Opc. J Washington, D. 0. Plamas mention vhere Yo3j saw Ibis adier- PAT'ENT Si Ws continue ta ol aa ÀSolîotorjor Patentt, Cavsats, Traie Marks, Copyrighs tcto the United Sttas, Canada, Cuba, ng ad France, Garmsuy, etc. We 4& a edjhrty- fiv.:yeaa rpxeae.Pae tcaeed thnaugh un are noticed in ltse Srczwnxîc Axmaîcà.. Ttis large and splandid illus- traled weshly pcpr, 03.2D a ycmn, shatea Uts Progesa ot Science, la var intereatlng, and tuas su etiormona circulation. Addres- MUNN & CO., Patent Slilciiori, Puhlahars et gcianlifie American, 37 Park Raw, N. Y. Biaud botik about Patenta cent frera. -51 Skatcrs, Read!1 r1qMIE VICTýIlTA stlc.TINltISI NI "liii cpi- yc in Mccii c.cc, lic. 5ht, lifi, fior LL Ëti i s of cI1.1,1 ccdiMt11r. ADISatSION i-tIR SEAS0,N FîirtîyT il, - 1. 0 Gevita tsfi-m i THEXKEY TO KEALTH. Unliccs-.11tîlie clt-gtca vén=eof lte 4 xeaa ftdnyaan4lmliver, cornyac uoff gradeal li aaîaaut wcal.cning the "ysems, aIl the umpuitîtes nt fouIl hamors ofthstu cacretiona;-,ai tth anete tume Oor.CtUg ÂciIIity of thet Stonacb, caingBIMU. 0usues& Po etdachlm MI>- Drynesaof theSkia,Dr i nasa ofVîion, eaundlco, M z EryaeLmserofula, Fntterlng of tir«LNerousuaand General Debility; aIl tite"s and cmny other aimA- lar COMPLIis ild tu tIhep Iuec ai BUEDOOK ELOOD Sampi. Bomtis oc; Rouliar as 1 '?r e a by cli deers la Co..N (0 Pretsstcam, T«ei TOWN & PARK LOTS F0O1 SALE. - I/ FLIGIBLY SITUATED-EASY TIIRMS. Apply te W. H. HIOGIItS, Chronicle OMfcie Town and Park Lots FOR SALE. ONB LOToenBrock wla ONtE BLOCE (Pitre Lots)W a Street. TWO LOTS an Higlu Street. Alnls st To persans wllhbng to ia for friands ta Gret Britain sudIrb"d, loefft rates sud iuulirnoton Riven by latter or 9uer- o; e,,&d iid for me~o, Oorrespanence sofcltd wlth persns 4r We s~ oxsaaor wishlug th pur- 5STORÀGF deFOBWABDINGffl (Opposite Union a io. Dckach11ie sfprny f $v.coit ingeand ïun,?ur n Tc rc.e::.- crs' IHeadachol, Frosfod d fCP~ ai-sand' ail othop aC-' lces. ,ýuA15icntSiT.1 - ,Ou. - - i-i. c,. - nil C5I-a.#p Euccnî i 1,A citLe , icaparati-ýy i ~ .L il( îi,.,C iiieiaitr G- J7:, tc --'rai C 0.,tuepru TU ,I-e(i-ozA i euarieairîi gedýfor C 0 UÃ"IHS, C 0L DS, A 8 TJIJA, BJ?0YCJI17Is7, LOSS 0F VQJrE, fIk9?t$kÀN TIIROA TA 7 rUv Prcpaared Irom , flilaoel-d S 0rite i,. DeS- clou, Ffa, -iBalaameut. Pa Etla e cpeiranta aned Tonta Sapener ta onale "uctilelae a orf au t <i he rd mtadaie. A aa-alje abfa Xedioieocpurlace Eiera, ce, ra <lita à""rdG RAY'S ea& rftefl of the-airet S p r ueae tml saieeof boaad IMasJ Dw . or p raperflea ceai, are pre- 1. 7>.a" senn. j te pli- EDcl sv ereqai wcr larle yepauf a pie 1 9e g.etr te", çr Te-r.1 c e G U,1. Arenrkab 4 rZi .g1 <alinost peeitZc ii.tia. - Saibt ailmvess tzwi =re baffe j ! airtsou <c oîHARNE S,ý. WILLIAM THOMPOQN lu te SadleSy sud Hneain; IiEATHER 'VALISES AD SARATOGA TRUNES. -A LOT OP- CHILDIIEN'à CARRIAGE8 1 Var handsomne sud Citeap. At tse oh s lullcmnnt- 1Dc, 11,1679. ,WI4IàM.btTEOILS.,SON,1 s-1<Sirely, Wbitby. I rnla lnpars] tato itruah pties i wîit thte Laet ?,CREE-NED 1COAL Il MINES, si lowcst prtcca. D. C.DWNEY,i Wilk nuotioi Blckt, Blck mreet. Cora Phitby, Matc h U, 1881. .12 ib LOS? MAtI OOD R l A funl asormn iin CHINA,. GLASS &OIROOKE wae, st exceedinly I ow prce1 IT WILL - 1teU &u inseclith% tgoodà and- October 12,:81. W. JL bIB80O, 3-PUNDÂBSTRBET. TO THE. FA RMEI? ' 0F -THEI If you If you If. you. Ifyou Ifyou ~you If you D OMIlNI ON!1 want the Beat REAPF4R- wa.nt the Best MOWET- waeL lhe Bet S1ELF-DUMPING HORSE BAK9 want the Best GRAIN CV0PPER- - wanfi tbe 3est GANG PLOW- wait eesSTR&W CUTZr~ want thé testeI'LOW8 for ïaÎÏ1dÉ of land- want the Beat PULVERIZING HARiROW- -GO TO -TE-- OLD RELfABLE WHITBY FOUNDRY, Where yoe aunalways get - d vaine for your mojýiy an4 verya~I#îbp4 t-o give'A -,the, best of asao tio BRÃ"WN& PATrTERSON MN F'GCo0. Whitisy, June Li 1881. ci- NEW TIN SHOF. W' s -A Rel s 00X-ST, "WE1-IB-3r 2 I' Nexi Door South to dlames Johnston'8 "Gooldsmith'8 Hallp, Illa i~ n te*1, LtbvçBýii e 3and. igï now iii *? here everyt1l jraiigtiTin, Shee -a vinized Iron is manufaotu.red ini a workman- like ma eir, on SHORT NOTICZB and a.t rqasoI4lIe rates E.J-am'O-PLrrEËD <d-O D oit SP R-' OR QtJLITY-.ý 7,l kna a o Jap&ued Tin,'and Sheet-Iron ware conalantly kept in stock. REPAILRING done choaply and neatly. anteed aatisfactory or ne psy. MSanrth hai i!atit hall aatit hall Lerlt hain South huit Rart Nantit1 Sonut haln Itart South1 art North hait Part W pz 1 149Wi 60 8274 o SOI 866 Pamnt i BROCK. 7l -~ 228> 206 4'82 PatantesA =at qnarter 7 14 42 61 2 16 827 Patented ~ *. *~sJL Atantea 4 a los 20682 .251 2288 Patenta 4 .1004 B28"2 ~1 1- as i0-6 8-e2 1-868 -Pateniea- 8 UIl »Q 8110 221 10ai un 'tonfd 0 I1l. ti 1087 246 2088 Tsne hal 81. il 1 28 241 8667 PalSenteul 6 12 100O là587 289 17-76 Untetd 6 12 100 -158es 289 1777 Vnpalna f~aHi 4t' 87 ~ Lhi 1 'eai~~1 6 7 202 S78' Pala ha2 21 1 1 826 8 926 274 Pnaten &H 29 12 0 8 528 7-6 82041 tna 10 18 100 90 92 92'5 8 23456Unpateub 2 Front 8' l- 1'es "1Q 18 Paa 44Front 7 e888 2 2' 1054 Pala par 1 1 8 80 2/0 5 89 Patentai, 16 4 100 88 78 2 85 86 68- Pateneu 14 A 100 2986 2 75 82 61 Patented id .B 100 27 57 26w 8026 Patentsd 15 B '100 27 57 Il69 80*90Un atenlad la E- 10)0 It 51 26 d - ~-E.!00 1q;94 n4.~ 14 E 100 1898 -2955ii" upe 17 y 100 8 90 210 6 00 Unpatentad 5 G 100 1958 249 2202 Unpatentad il G 100 1826 2 46 2072 Patentaul 5 H 100 1255- 9-'n 147 Ptna a8 IL 100 18 49 284 1588 upatantei 2 x 100 14 59 9 86 1695 Vunpatentai 18 LI 100 15 22 2B8 17 60 V--"e 19' L 100 15 22 2 h-1760«Un I M 100 15 22-- 2 88. 17 60U LIana1sa~d w60 8908-298 -4201 Treasures ornas, Sept. 201h, 1881. HARDWA RE! l J. B. LAINfG, <Large StoQks and Low Prices"' being Our motto. and examine and ho oon-vinoed, at -1 Cail WHITBY-No. 4 Brook-st. 111 & 113 Yongest-TORONTO. MONIEY!1 MONEY!II WB ARE PREPÂRE D TO LOAN On good mortgages, at 10W RATES OF. INTEREST.c Cal and see us, and pay off your old -mortgaes, that are drawing high interest, and SAVE Ail work guar-1 Am~ercan and Canadiau COAL 011, Lamýp Chimneys, Wiûj, Btruers, alId Whitby, Feby. 24th, 1879 I~E~~LE JW. BARNPS. Uony Liqur Store; Wholesale and letail - KING STRE ET, OSHAWA. Just received for Christmas and the New Year, a largo stock of WINS and IQORS, diect importation, comprising Port and Sherry Wines, Brandies, Gin, Ruin, Scotch and Irish Wlhiskeys, Bass$ AIe, and ýGui-nnes"and Blood'a Pprterý Ge4ram 4Wfflȍ plebmW O014 Bye sud Mal .WhMey, tb bt Aln the ps4srt.& Somi' Canadian Ales as Prt.er, as~. The largest ud hast assonai stock af CIGARS An lta counly I Port and SherryMines, ofa uerior quality, at 95.00, #4.00, #8.00 and 02.50 par Impereal Gallon. Natise Port sud Sherry, $1.75 per Galuon. Manteil, Jules Babin u ain essoy Brandies, in vood sud baille. A firet-elas Brandy foor cooking pfarpoe st aI$2.75 par Gallon. Red aed Grain suai Ohd Tom and BaDau&ds Gin. Jamssou'a, Bnrk'. Dunvili. snd Stnmrts Scotch sud Iriah Whlakays. Try our colobrated Toddy Wiskov. the fineat WIF.seyi a Cegrare à Son (Toronto), Taylor & Bals (St. Catharines) Aie on draftIl 5, 10 and 15 Gallon Rap, sund lu Baille lu nias oatone dosait quarts sud tva dosan,. pinte, aI 0 1.26 par cas. I5ÂGER BEER Y Tva doza o0e~ ak Guiness sud BIood'u Stoutinluquartsamud pints. Coagrava & Soe's celebrated Stout, aI 01.50par dazn quarts, sud 75 cota Apan dozen Pinte. Pion Fina, Prinoas ToIle, Fias- de Aima, Allasome, Heur>ý Clay, Windsor, Gold Cura Ktnes, Trumnpess, Grand Duihais, Audrogynons5Mapla Leu&CrcaI.., Dest r»oigar, Famas, lNaPl"s Ultra, q<Oeankatie TUrf, -m. P. Ce#toia Il*____ L ra atolios, YO0UFR MON E Y! whie t-ho rate of interest is low. Auguat 3rd, 1881. 1833- WHITBY. E-tab1ished 183ý3. FURNITURE, i- FURNITURE, Cheaper than ever, alt-Ilia;news8tore ontut diserousnus e 0 tinrlut aines or'lts ns. ifflotse laite oia SThis lece absouli ha lu tha e brêh of eiery yonbh Mdtievery tminsul. n tej r THE CILMEWELL MEDICAL ê, 41 Ane st, Nwy,& FARMERS! a Workingmen, proeeiaonse men, sud ar men, requnres eaI ilisason et tha ys* VIVA&UUN WtIdo thia bY aleniiuggal inepurias km USE VITALINE In aul afleationi ai thta Kndneyc. solS by anl Drnggisa. Price, $1.00 p« THSE GRAY MEDICINE Co,' 4kn-47 TORO1lTÃ"o LUMBER!_LUMBER 1 ce JOIES on,~ LUMBER MERCEIANT, W H ITBEY, -Ras en haxai a large suply ef aiulnda Bar> Lumber Boaris, sud ail nsnasMq Building Lumttea. Peneing, Sawn Timbecj suzd Bcanllieg, a barge qs>an on baud, LaBAà 1luff, iMWa DoorsSuites sud Blinis alvays on Whiiby, May 7tà. 1877. l utile. eit Cr t.L -i. ne ils '-'o? T.4e undersigndd iik returning thanks t-o t-he, pb1io for t-elie .tha FAt1 L 'c Ub~a1-a -e*npded to binbealôslt *tu vig iýmm-cl1oe - i1 omnuodiinsa ew premise4 -ho 8fWika w jjBbétterpoaitio tàe 1Huss àoki>f4!urn cembnwgvr baù~~ii," s . intd evcnyUun bc calfl,fo n4 ', eL' mitib convucetlat "pnarie e.laMnug0s- - L, UJN DERTAKEIN G. r~soTRR Funeralo fufy supplied, M .L ODNB3 IZTBE WE ARE MÂKdIrG A TYLE 0f Photographs, in sipia, life-size, an enfirely NEI Cards and Cabin'ets furni-*shed inI th jý4t *tyle Of t-e Art. Fire f ÈRI izes àaas on hanid. 69sp~18 u -eiea r.o wh q (i ks & IDMIAIý,ýZS

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