Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Dec 1881, p. 4

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Wilo owih W0 DAY â t mlied: 5 no slop tuthé uob lo t., Et osmsthé l dcita laI oâ t ti1. théam- 3s toumsd oM hie b.d NU its Mai La bulo blébooks andhlms.. Ba u aioltng~nhuear 0, when viii *$y mis camumoneu WitS tbi boëÏMtedoommonan ool plan, Audhsu bat a boy wauo# made for à guy o.i â uth pépie Arise Aid remousthe. yang tram the books, àn2 effsèotlUy Ydiathebm yusm oaiorain, Aid roîta, at "Reformer" A. Crocha T Italloween vws alebrat.d la the old style at Balmoral ecailead the a,. rangement, for thé festival worm of the mcml elaborate oharacter. Aàlinge bouge vas prepared on thé lava ln front of the castie, and tlis va.lilght. ad by ?riacsss Béatrice. wbo wau os- cortod by a procesmloa cf tva unadrod torah bearres; thon a witoh wae drawa oub cf thé table yard on a car, foilow. ou by mamked figures la a verioty of gr t eque dremuee, and, aller a drum. clà sr f trial, chu wasc ooaigned to theéidamem. Queca Victoria remsnied outide durlag' tho, porte, sad lber health aud <bat of the Priaoom vas drmul* iafui Hlbland honore, aler vhloh 1h. Watlanal AntheaWs a na bY >a e miany, via numb.red aearly Tii. Holjr Les.ogue lu assis vas sîerted about tIlier. ontije ago tb doeoi NIitla mIdparonie sympaîli. islag vlthelCanse, in the rancm cof Rumla soieyTb* ismabers of thé Lqu. b"Sig, te aulolceus9af oclmy, Itotai tht nareel lb. <bhroue, to thé &y eopkopériTheassoiation lu 1I bIi (bal us.bererêsiloub aiwac othei . llg ieéLeaque a clmolna undertaklag le demanddit ram 1th.per. on ï1e$rcqus eofplâyiîg 1h. part of py in 'h ul lé ie ntmaI. fMondei'ad a'equntancesé. The. salaries, of, thé agents u aysacording te tbe vaine cf thÏéir mervlc. ad, 1he real tlioy diuplay la 1h. work of déonciation. Amaug a iftciorob bcdy ot Ressianintelligent J e &1li0, nsane et eztlrpallug Nihiliena Muoli commotion le exclled lluieéCtiy oit Londons by >1h. suoo.ssfpl action of- Lordl Londopdarry mil bit. brother la opesaliula i tho peorer neiglibor. -boodu »der their owancamnes aud ttio., chope for th<lmaeeaioà, witi the raîowâd objiot of dolng away witi thé râlddi.aind, aiud puttlng their profit. lite thirowapob.ts. The. prospectus o! 1e f"rI *li1m iffteulename.gour. lub La yelloir isiteri over 1h. dlngy *lauceeto tii... cai storts, saythat lbey Winisoil noal as aie ehîlugape son obapr <iut is'tbeàsine ceailibn trona tboir iea.ad bepu BiIthrto deait1 out.. WhuIeteqd-oï<h evn daughl.r ilsveU#4>ab y lùirrlag. <o oà Youag Ùobien<ho àle aéieadeaier sud an. tbesr a *lu* cmroba*lto tere eu beno 4Ïbseln luduence, e@"a la Eogland, ta gué Maïe ofaà lltied ceai vender, vlio et the re lemRiver ot g>ow1ôbi e i à là-ad to be t #bUrpbonds, d'eIlcc5l hos * (tnbr ofUl 41ge dlsawhr s&M ttyAEW la lbngtb buhaleit n, ' 4dlmàw. sud foresuosl. ObChiu:bave maile E<btoesare 14V IuA"er ViieM be kt lois t han ton W tveuîy dollars a .anks of ve river, and lu cîsoumtu vsyéen.d biie. It htviite Sm~ would bai more llkeiy te pepd ,lu dtirink- lu& whlskoy. - T op 1 ssays1it geW 1 40oColi las wint,*<u thu région that 4Uloý8ilv«r froee liardeneagli toe h nabde ïlaie bnlli.te,%but <bey expérence. th.lbteum t fthe li Idou 'net requir. any goulus eorj btaleu la"ud aul 1,Wb te g1'. ocredit viser. gredîllé doiueuladiative cf a Essr Muboid.bsor.toaugcI Pu upvitl a iaIvldh 7u 00 o&na maiaoa blyn-ai thealeil ho Bie ,i1i ws ~Iulory le s6 ,nd e! Nqvegate Oaen- dar, leeglsto f M ae:anti miso tl. 6AbuaIji.tdO I tdiov àj A U DDNs'r Suiv vo Lm uIT.- lNevly eMarrlad -iusbaid <Joollrly:) "6Well, dear, Il thero je aash ia <ho lino you'rovWall proided for. l'va, inadi M viilYOD kaoov." N. M. Wlft (playloly) ; ý_Yos, love ; but dois'l r au tîla you d botte r rn an sd gel au unsurauce ticket for tb&,Urgout amouat yen eau,?1' t wWoud ha senlaudy te boy the m%uro k,; ýbiok &I*vasdld* b. comm me go." Almeut Yousng Again. My mohber wascftliot ed a long tim viti ho.url5sla cul a dulIbssv. inaetlvfonadi- I"o fthe vbolo sydteù; iseadacie, aoerv-; eus prostration. sud vu ammoit beiplesu. No _phyoiclana or mudialium dld ber ony r ffThreb moitis cgcomab. bega'tô use oap Bitter,,wli suobi good Oed t <bt mie seea udafeela youug igalu, ihtieugi avec 17Oy.s aid . eWthlnk tiers le neotoler meiuoaln t teusellite famfly.!" A lsiy ln Providence, B. I.-Journal. a-ee - A Vezed Clergyman, Xvon letieneof Job vould beome sxbaustud 0 ve h apre.cher and endeccor- lau te interest hlm cudience wvile they wve l<eeptag uUS4inlcossant ccUghlng, Maaktng il impusltor hlm te bs isard. Tut, bow vuYMeamy oaa cli tit be avoad by utmapiy uing Dr. Ring's Now Dlscovery for Con- sumptIon, Coei.and Coldu. Trial belticu given away at W. B. Bavme'm Drng Stars. Buclsa'm Arnica Salve. Tic Duel Salve ta lie torld for "uts, ruinis Bore#, Ulcers, Sait Uheau Freve: Bore, 2e.c Capped Randac, Clainc, Corne, sud aIL ukin Ilruptienu, aud positive. ly cures Piles. It iu guarsutusi tervgiper- fect satisfaction or maoney refuadui. Price 25 cents pur icx. For Dyspepsia or Indigeuion, Ilabial Constipation Bllauuec Liver or Kidney aleactianu, lithe ateut and Lect rerrîudy ii Dr. Carcn', lomach and ConstpationlBitte»s, lie grcst family medicine. They a wis perfect mafcty bc given ta lie yauagest chsld as tlcy marc puaely vegatable la comspositian and i Inîi athuir aconi. Radidnalargo panei bottes ai 60 rents. W. R. Rieos, spécial agent foc Whitiy. Wamnan's Truc Fclcnd. A f riend ina aed islua friand lndccd. Thie lions eau deuy, empecialiy vian saei"tnce lu rcndsred v heu ne»is sarely afiiotutil its dimuime, marc partlculaniy tis, conîplainta and wsakncmscc cmmoa ta aur fmain poulton very womaauihould know frinîsan sd viii positively resloce ber ta icaits eveu tien ail otier remedcicu fit. A 410416e trial aivaye pravas osir assertion. They arc pletinant toeeste caail y cnt il y ceats a boIlle. Sold iy W. R. llavso. Oct Out Doore. Tbe aclose cenfinement oa Il ailfctory tark, glues lie orhtic0a0îifac, orappe- titi., langui , rosuorah tfeeltngs, poor blondi, înactive lHuer, kitiacys sud utrinas-y tr-oulec, sud ailthse physicians sud modilnins athe venLd cannot ieip them unless lhey get aut of docte or use Ho p Billers, tise pureut andS buit reaiody, specially for suai casces, av- inga bundanca of bealti, auuhine sud ro.y obeeks la thein. They coet bal a Irifle - CharistîinRecrde,. A ScaceofetWcurtrses toeallenfit y prsns tWio osunat loae aDY partiealr ises... If tiey work ilta-e coaalbrifl sy watt, thay soae lira, mnaufrtbaons s burdn,ad evea joyu are tiaimetiby lise chadow ai tics-4 wuaîseeu ahi-lautset r thliir livus. Recourue lu a W ometimes teateiaulatteta ab dangeraus chas-aclan. Tic advice of îîiy- Rialans te refrain fram active labor pro- daces n hapy recuite. Why P Tie sys- tuia ledeiüttttd and neutis te be buittît p properiy. Poruvisa Sycup wii do luis very liug. Liktee letic cucrrent w'i lic cerpereci fonctions, Il raies Up le an- faablad, brlags lieclar ta lise cetejala, and hoe.te the deupoadeit. lu daes Ils vorkLpimptiyasud 'ait. Soid by cil drng- ri". Tii. Deali-Rate et Oir ountry Je bg li e b. erfally ala- Ing, lie va 0 en.ilessuued evsry Toar *<il6olst u4 u siecause, ulesti ssiI o0 co bi saocf tise car. hWIle 0bzirmjof avsr de.y 6fs voare zekm "ýW ý',ths$ afavr,rLung troble bis sir. 'molla. Tîtousantislou lhi livîe t , b az cvsry stiater, vii l Bcufe?*Oerlic ugs«M ténakua, a 01dravou dba;r. reuzrL<54 .9a1a bal hm #à dectar ome.avaeu. For &l tisss- M of tiseThroat su& d.Luge, loschee'. baie~ Srus~s praen iwaIto ba haie, otest d= 7 dr oite tinti la medicine. lu IbIt I hs cauptsy vili tel 70%ou, t Is voderful sifeot. Over 950,000 baiüllabeld lautyeer vithsaut a single fuel- ur@ kuiovu. Y-ou Have No Excuse. Res. jai uy excuse for callening w-tIi Dyapepsla or LA-cor Camp lilatPln hure 1aou on Whrc vjou siozii oan irrn day te deya piaaU g it urlanac, Blet HedaiHaltui u ta Mo -tali U4 on f-atioss, pal- lbtationao , t Ie Et * B ar r. Watts:- Lcsh Gncwing :sund b otliis aI the gIL athe Stamic, elobSie Cat' c.g.. sd isra abl tstin c mant Ail Ktîds of C..l Nov ouc Bad 1Il SOREEN' 'CGOAL I tram ticeolebralti SCRANTON IBN f lU ovent patoos. a D. C.' DOWNEY, TME KODGSON RHTS E, (liste Tîmothy 07j'&') Ti 'bo-r"eftpls ha"ebeavunIten by ~cunvgigedsud re ov beipg 5i0v1 th ltraib« ublli ttgeas BIedie Wlisquou cIpmr, &o. 1àc1a aI G ustabl5ug, miel noomanti cui atees. PortWhitby E/avatar I T ERBVAToB AT PORT WIB h»novresdy ter tio reaeqtoucf Hu~.UYERS P1iS-Lsorties-. D. GALBRITS, Mansgex 8ê1 Pt. Whbîy BasbarCc. IMraitt. ble ,prupencees mn -tue as..'oz t.. "---i But t o naldo'Street, sud Wortis ef ,tho LaIs ohlg. TbII en a cf <ho Saust building lots la WIlhby. posite lie abovo. andtjinigteBiw st.atou. Titis pert > eladpted fer -,l~lng-4ptcsr aasanuicatery. J 1 PLCE II.Al tia4 as-t et lot 25,-iu te lu eieon ai Whitby ovuot by thé mui4d lata N. G. lIteynolcis, aui- béing otis afllie Ladies' Coliege sud OGlbetntts-a, cont.sllaa bouLt 0 acrôs,-,ývel apteti for Ob tarn. Doolsald bfor. 1h. 1.1lit fMay nutt, Ilt ilt bc focruaIt Aima - Elgit Lataounthe- oNai sduet Dusîdas ts-eut, sud West of, and adjaîalug lie prp 1ya TisomauiDot, Ecu., eaci aorinÃŽn r'1-5 etfan acte. Wil bcold-î siugly or logolior., lie Lote on oaci cerner af Duntiasantid Renls ereets, atia alot stijolning lin. sots n ot ido et Dantis treet. Aise ueveral Lots atjolaing tise Grand Trupk BIillvy Station. Aima fen sale an ta rent te a saltablo ton. sott that doircilu Dwaling leuse, accapi- cd lise laIe Sien i COnaas-luandti stuât- cd au tlisBoatis-east canner aof Byron and Dunlop stnucl,- This roporty lu aloely sitîatetlie housoead onthaldingu arc nearly net adintaood rapai-. 'Tise bous la fuitwtvastaruju, brick, 45 x 60, titishase- ment kiloien, &o., islliroomu, W. C: &ad. -AlcOoriogasce, tamaiy- Carniage, Pinitai, Buggy, Slutish Carl, Waggan, par af Baba. Basne., Saddîu, Baffalo ane ~Wolf Robes, and a lot oaichier articles nat nunioned, w-ibis tilt i.moitichesp. Termes are easy, and cosb ha at on appil. adtieu ta tise lZecutaru, or FRED W. CASET, Solicilor for Emecalors, Octobar 4th, 1881. Sih al. Q%,.TARTUIINQG 2ýDN8COVERYI tuaI, sIc,ba t aulam v tosu DEpAI<TMzxTr VCuiowx LLArDs., NiOTtC P.la burui.y gven liaI, xnder an 0N ider tCu iTaorcswBzaus la the underànutiontud Townships iu the MUSCOItA and PARUT SOUND DIS- TRICTS wilI bc affeidfor cale b yPablio Auctian at the D D tment cf rava Lands ut TWELVE 0o lc 40ào, on Tues. da, tuSIXTH 1day ai DECE . BUÉ auxe visa t-ToWnehipu Of MatrAT, UuAr, MC- CoNxxIr, llnuy, PÂkTrttîna, MuotW, Siu- CTAI. BI~IirNi, PsiaUDFaaT, OuaD, Màcýn- An IITUJNO, JOLY, LAUraLE, PiROLE, LOVTw, NIPteIKIGancd IIIeWanRTU. Thé tiren ta bc dispoueti afin thse abovo Townships go Timnber Berthe ta upwards of 1.4m<>square toe, cnd te cuit 61ccses ofa parehaeere tâct Towncship wilI, au neorly go practivable, ho divadd t ion? four i.s lhetu caîîtltning cOnditiaitu anatetrmue ni sale, 'trith informatian ac te Aron and Loand coicnucoioac caupricet inlicachx Baril>, w-i hefaraiuhed onanpplicatiaon er- onnllyor by lutter, to tie Wuoe s au- ET UNW0the DeP*rtmasUt, or te thse Crowa Tibur Offices aILORTAWA, BIEoîz- vir zand Quntr, sud the office af T. B. Johnaton, Esq., Par B=u& T. lB. PÂRDXR. ,Coecmiuiaonr. TOoth, £op adNe ada a*#, Fo.tu 'Pat. aiemanaS c sesmii cfui b"ettes 5S0 Forme flai0Os suds iii Ageofnt b Nertle-WeFÃ"gi1Traufo ioa onfosdert uahicard, - a"d'04 of 'reuwe" Counttr 's4aquarirss. i CANADA PACIFIC RAILWAY. - Te penonus blug <ta sentfor t4sipamte Great Dinilndai Irclauti et Frusa.and fIl lafOrMutllon iVenW blttes'er ?chés'. vi..; ha surssud sendti rra.,e oore Corrus epoadeuce molloted ' vItb parsene iavlng tasme for sae or vlilng te pur. Sam STOJU-OP & FOR WINDIN..m Office, No. 156 Front-8t. Weat, (Opposite TalinStation). -. ~ -- - w w - GRAY'8 SPEeffle ~ED1CINE. vs déuira te sent reym a tees-y os.! 83r' TisaSpucifla MDedislnsleaafltby a&Umg giteat 0l per pcisor- six psctaeetcn on viil bu entiehyaon ripl cf thse tuiîey by attissng TUE G.RAY MEDICINE CO., i5 Tarante, Oit., Canad. T. G. WHRITPIELD, ioalor, Wlsitby PIANOS TtYNED. G forMa. Mason & RchToronto, Part ies lhlng liait Pianos properlylauneti viii plecce lbave lsasenti rers vi Mesrs LYON &a RUPEUT, Piatc-graphers, WIf ktasaa's Bicot, Whitby. Osien iy mcl atitreceedttaMestre. tA-aiea& 81<1., Tan.: te, viii recelve prompt attenion-. iy.18 WILL14Itf'ýT#PSON Town>andPark Lots FOR SALES 017E LOT osa Brocat-Street, asrs-o ONlrRiLfJ<Lo Btwo.su0-1,lsau-XOùD -Street. -TWC LOTS an'HJgb Street. Ai uts o-iWarti, anti sultolQfol - huiitiing, gtie= n Z t -P P. rw omet -Appiy la- MR. T EALLI t 2-28 , ~ t 1iO TH E F4Pd1ý R8 OfiJ DOMI91NIO0N! -' If you Waut the.Best RBÂPEw- If YOuL want the Best MOWE- YOf yuWAnt the Best ELF-DU-MPING HOMBERA 1"ýy!ji waè 1 Èes~GAÇÇ9~~ If you wntte~s«~L W If you *gint t et 'Â1"Iofa MaLL - If you -w&nt the Best PI3YXIIII HROW- GO TO Tmm OLD RELIABLE. WfÊBY EOUNDRY' 'Where you oan aiways get'good vàliue foryorm ey and every article bound to give yon thebeàt of satisfactionl. Yours respectfully, BROWN & PAtTERSO'NM NF'G Col. ,Whitby, Jane 1.1, 1881, NEW TIN SHO?. JL W bE?* lmES B~JOOX~-ST, rWý Next Door South to JameaJhrtne"odîf'sHI, - Has opened bsies iithe aboverprenme and is now runnigin -fulù baa, Wheeéverythin. Petaining to Tin,- Sheet, or Galvanized Iron ià manu.factured in a workman- Jike manner, on SHEIORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS of '- UPERIOR QUALITY. AUl kidde! J*aua oTin,adShe0.fron wacsanpç an9y kept bua-etok. IRPAI:RINGý done cheapbr -=d neatly. anteec4 smtoialry or no puy. Ail work guar- Ainerican and Canadian COAL OIL. Lamp Chimneys, Wicke, Barnov,, h. J. W. BARN«PS. Whithy, Fcby. 24th, 18'79 County -Liquor 8tore, jWhaIesaIe ianjd Retail, KING STREET, O k.AWA. Just reoei'ved for Chiristnias and the New Year, a large stock of WINS and LIQUOËR3, direct importation, comprising Port and Sherry Wines, Brandies, Gin, Rfm,, Scotch and Irish Whiskoys, Bass' Ale,, and Guinness and Blood's Porter. -----00:0e- Goodwarlam & Wort's c4ebrated Old Bye aud Malt Whuskey, tb, beetlulatlie ¶Tb&, levues &uýd bail estcofo!ÇIG&B8 lu the coun<y of superk a00aid-#2.50 Nake.i»-Xt sud Sherry, $175 rGaIlba 'jati, asibn a;à npabyï sdsa d udbattis. A lr<.Ls rsâyfoot eefg p s . 1.5per (lIMon. Bed and 0raem sel d Tem,and =oGan la JTammua'#. Buk'uDunville sud Stumii'u Scotch aud Irish Whidoes. Try ,ur el* ted - ~W~aky efinest Whiskey ini the marâot, S2 per pâ.U or *5 per case of one dozen Basa Aie, bcttld ly HitAnssd Poster & Sons.,inQuansd piet. CWsgrvc& Bon (Turontl, 'raylQr & Bals (St. O&=arao) Al. ou draft, la- 5, 10 aa 15 Gallenn ge8, &nit lu Botîle la cases af eao dosen quarts sud tiv o assu pina, aI $1.25 par case.. LAGE3EE M- FOR 1Wv, USE, Tvo dosa bottin et SL25 par case. Guinness and Blood'a. Bleuinlu qarte and pinta. Ocugavo Sousoelhrao&~t4 a-tL5Lp.aloxu q arte 4 - 7e outeper A e ttaao<ha emp -.o! Cigare oSatly oui hmnd.- -or%#PrfueeesToioc FIerdo Aima, Double Bo"a Water,Lomon Soda, Smô Large or tua ,usuiiee spplléd, s lu Whltby a"ud uamly. BotW tia rtu bl* thon ntcag TC)W,- ,& A KI ELIGIBLY SITUÂTEDEASUy _TM Apply te W.-H. IIGGi ?it 4Lot Con.-e. Anal cf Taxes.,' Cubp BP I -t w f 82 207 Block D, Ni Vlllaapot 11,-A86 202 - .. TJ108 At; yulmge Lotie ,Nanti Bide VlL Lot274'dimc Nos-hi part Sauth-test part Pas-t Norh-eust quarter Broen Broken - Seutihaol Nbrtb hall Seutih ait North hall Sentis ball Part Nantis bal Souts hli Norths bal Sauts hall Nartishuitl Souts hall Part North hait Souts hoail Part South hait Nos-lb uit Part ParI Part South-eaut part Narti bull 145 99 14 9 60 8274 BROOK. 8 7 1 2926 7 14 42 SUi 6 200 83.'ë7 4 S 195 9082 15 86 100 1471 4 10 100 29 28 18 10 100 4066 8 il 100 810 9 il 100 1887 81 il à 4 26 S 12 100 15 87 6 12 100 15688 12. 12 100 51 64 12 12 100 51 64 la8 12 100 46811 91- '.l S 6 78 22 12 100 1828 29 12 20 80 25 10 18 100 20 92 RADIA 15 16 14 14 15 14 17 5 8 2 18 la Part w Pt aS pid Treacnmes office, Sept. mOb, 1881. Front Frant Front 1 4 A B B C R - F G G H H K L L M il 88 1183 888 8 80 sa 78 29 86 27 57 27 67 14 14 -17 94 16- 51. la 198 8 90 19 58 18 26 1265 18 49 14 59 15 22 152 15ý22 898 2 8Patente&i 4 79 8 14 85 56 4 82 8 27 Paténtet PatentaI Patented Patenteti 8661 Pstentsd 22 88 palteti 17 08 upatenteti 82 02 PÃŽatentaIà 43 68 Patentei 10 81 'Unpateatsd 20 88 Patoutet 6 67 Paateti 17 76 Tapatenteti 17 77 Unpstsnted a 94 Patenleti 54 94 Patantel 60 OS Pateatet 2 75 Patentai 20 74 'Unpcteatsd 88 01 Patiteti 28 45 TUnatenteti -280 -1418, Po=utt 2 go 14 18 P.atuict 2 21 -10584 Pahenletil 2 09 6 89 ateta 2 85 88863 Psleutsd 2 75, 82 S1 Patentai 289 8026 Up&tuu 2 889 1808 Paitenteti ',,2' & 0 u - 03UnpaBié 2-10 6'00 Uapatenteti 249 2202 Unpateuteti 2 46 20 72 patenta 2 82 14 87 Patentel 2 84 15 88 'unpsitude 2 86 1695 Tapatentoti 2 88 17680 Tapatonteti 288 1760 Uipalcutat "-2 88- 1760 U~gtd 2 8 4201 "luf. J . '; LAINqG , ' t Ca. Treae,, Ontaro.- -HARDWARE! "Large Stoc ks and Liow - Prieep " begu motto. and examine'and be conviced, at -I & rC" i Cail & ZBRQ7S, WRIITBY-No. 4 Brook-st. 111 & 118 Yonge-at--TOONTO. WE kRE PBPEPAIRED TO LOAN On good moftgageg,,atLOW R~ATES 0F INTEREST.. Cal an 90 'uS', aday ffyUr old ahmort-aget dat are drawing.high interest, tf SA VE -YO-MoNE-Y-- 'whfle the rate of intereet is Io*.'- jAuguait 8ra4." - HATCHL I~ - k ~WK1TBY, j 1833- Establis hed 9.0v,(lithu t Pbecal Incapcf m peuzts ew wae t.,nsstlm ro entwa -WPloa,Iia msoki ril - 8 - ly censertI c pguap.15'l emoi, trantt jatât'saccesufal pnaetlsc, ltsaauti..<i enu e nnces taybe raicily caredt cli ot27 <l01i-aune finternai uin~ alSsu on tise use ai ie s e peltlg amoeecueat once 10sil, certaI4ips effectuaI, by mais o abi uaisc64nySu ne matter vsaI is coadtlanmay, , be- oure bimeeli cieaply, privtlti- W-This lecture shoaldbnthe ua oftuverY youthand evs:7 sa in1te ma._ TH1E OULYERWELL MEDiCAL Go., il Ana St, N ait. Pont Office Box *W8. 8.ly TO INTEST ON Martage fReal ,Estate Seoly Apply te CHAS. NOUBSE, Otur61, InusîrucuAgent, Wisîhby. Ocoe t,1880. seaed àtàostWc. 7/. la. sciasui s- D. sm.cc0. iNEVER FAIt MffAJOJR MILIS. Tise Mill in nov su Complets nunumj entier, lise. Machines-y ail net, thea - 1" sud most approvea kliat. Thse hc doncpromity, lutic BEST POSSIBLE AKNE - ni «les entirc simstattn. Supplid wilh FLOUE cof ise Best quilay at Lewe'rates., 'FOU N] L D~PMILL Bu8ines8oDimestr yOBàa1m, yÂ-K, THOMAS DOW, RITCHIE kBILIQ B3ARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN, CHANCERY>d 6. H. RITCHIE, W. H. BILilOS, Toronto. W< B BITBS, ÂTTONEYS, 801 firat dor mthcicr,»» .B. PÂEEWELL, U l. , Couuty CrolvAÂttorey:~ B AufflTBRI3 ATToÙexHYS, SOL, mis kTE~~oTA=BIE,-C., &c. omPIOS -72 Yaage Street, nazI t Dominion Bank, iiud Cernr Rng a YrongP strets, Toronto. D. A. O'UWVAII. W. E. PERDUE JAMEs KEITH GORLDON,= 1 goney ta Looan-Prvato lunditla A TTORKY-T-LAW, SOLICITOR 11. hancey, coi1V6y£fli. &a. -, OMÙ BzlitaO wuto moi-fthe. Pc Whutby. yu -BINSlkOk.& KENT, -,ff.v.-TDu 'poéx 4 RI oIr.> ~ AT-TOB1 9,,Viotorià Street. L.G. Boisruson, W. à. HenA.w > wJsOntinuc FIURNITUR, Ckýéepr thian ever, at h?Ï8 new ,store The undersi§ned ini returninff tuiks totn hA avi lfa4 T&kLnig e Wb Wator . 1 ý -.ý- - -- e-1 - - - ---f 77 . EYY m- -lw 1 1 - . - - - - ý

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