Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Dec 1881, p. 2

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Bsyua o.'a OCabtmt. or"isal.e fPave ai Bey.... Qr idel.of BlapeUtuaiBrye'a Groûi mes.of Underclolhlg aiBlyee'& Osuleale er dretgodu. matia, hos. le , o. At lbryou'a,* Gret al ae cBi RaUDW-At Bey..'. *Xmu.and New Yen!. SeaoD-J. o. Books, loy., faaoy god"-.8 o Boéévui Bo. SBgtikl I artv dpurta.nl-1 & os.s Day. of SalIg-The Man&x Lina- Oard-J. I. r.enwood. Tob kates-W. W. Wood. 8peolal-SB. Prout. Insrane-W. I.L ohuston. Big punu a-SimonFraster. ImuasFrnit-Blmou Frqer. General Grocerles-Simoni Fraaer 8;ro*ale-J. S. Robertion & Broi. HasriiraMagasine.- FarM for Saie.- Servant Want.d. To lIent. Ontario Holel-John Leslie. Brougham Hlotel-Thot. Ponclier. 1mai Grocrie-B. H. Jameo8n. Everythlng for 1mai ut The Italien AUCTION S&LES. Sale of Iarmu stock, implements, &o. the property of Mr. kndrew Sammel- ville, on lot 11, in the 5tb con. of Piot- erlng, on Tueaday, Deceinber 6th 1881 -Thomas Poncher, Anctioneier. Monthly Sale of Herses, Catile, Bug. e les, etc., etc., ab th. Globe hotet Bookli, at noon, où Tbnr.day, De. cember, le& 1881-L. Fairbanks, Ani- blouser. Sale cf firsl*laea farm n an iokerici Village, ona Tuesdaày, Decmbr 6U 1881, ai eue ocok-L. Falrbukg Auotioneer. I. I. I. a n i I. r, i. i. g h s, B ONLY Sa 50 PER ANNUM4. WtlIlby, ThufSdyl )m lu1881. mentfaitaiseo hIt sieot, f i h te muet tbe bolida>' denti on~7 netislsg ipa.. Municipal Elecaleus. Wlýtbthe ie xeptuofe Mr. Gres- vood, vbo.a oseSappearstu other oolummas, tee tie mayorsit>', Ibm Town Ooumaileandldatesabave net yai ýmatie public hirbe anonue mante. Modest>', v. ihoultias>' ha ne pari ýla keeplagpenaofethlieulu lhe background. The ralepayr.oagite taRie iepu tegine gee d ni ccp"isi La vs g gotep.vstsasliai tMs. Billingi le'la Io ield.14foc anoibuhr em Illa unlk.br liai tisse vilibi M'y chnemaS. fa lie Township Consei et Ploke he b.oemlug yeaa. TRie 91001Milme a OMM o aic ppeartebans gflaPorel u"tsstoa. léile aneal te ai0enti a meeting of tic. *Ã"ctace Codunel M akébI od etf-Sing bualeau-.liro a l»s ".pouileg." lb. »Mtoelàcpelsereeta. tivea cai vrRiesnti = siteikuce Taxes tth i.eoMt cf ïsud yIt>' lieusahatidSllairasM, à" sud jdsoeymedd lkes thiea ti*eio aitic bos vis do ubels vok 1k. hut»a.010114 l uIna vaY-ban l o» uecl. j.tluiev-4bai intomeofiet t ova. eh'p. Wel olIdl b foruic lova et Pilot 'iousti-moniteba. Tic mmn> tieu; uSetM. Treon Whit vil! b. pleasei leahmofiMe sne- «U elu Manitoba# As uautiou.S la oa -formcrime p e icCnaoaomz.Mr. Wbllc ovus-a 10ralusblc secionsulie direci lie, e icCanadien Pailo Bal va&Y st PlIe Menu. 'as.bas giseBpa up saRadouma rlsinlliloSrduvi; laltuub lasll enram nim. Ou lie IAi Neteomis! ihotaieS lb.enali feroplg. ansda imter informa ui U4taton ic'Iet Deesber ho vould be remdy le make dous. Tb- illcou e viglnoey uallstaollon. asd h. pruet msoftheicbriglteal. The firet fvaether'grond til>'bagi per day, ai liu sranged te cio>p on ' priSa>'.. Ou tie feilewlng Pelda>' lis> M. Wb#$ MIySliébas navar butnlu btter bealli ami liatithc olluata agneu viihlm ivooietly. Thciet IMOI1nS ignl bus resala. .4 ne outalfag Mr., Widl'sa tincnils ment 0et*lieMgel l, snd a vor>' on. pImciAWYtacy oflise tcorLi>' propri. VaIne OtSMMELt"As Ulas-CIig Tb atuirpeos suod la>maIep.RU mutuel Ineu"ac omotpauy. Ai a meeting ef the Board of Diec. tort cf th. Company, bolS On the $lot inst., a resdtotlon wus paesed te cie%ý up the buoalcees This determluatioii was.noî arriveS i Jwlthout a &Wgota of considerebtlon. The CompacDy lba been over Ptioleabre lu eistence,~ andS daring Ibal perlod bus doue goodî prvIe. For son»a lime baok -oliq'. bolderi have beau droppisg or., &Du lailerly %hrbaS beutondl &0e-m.ah spathy asd islnclicato oui enee n 0a homeoompanyy-uotvitbitanxdoRsîren. cou efforts Pnt forth by the offices- $tl the directors came te 1h. conclu. sien thal il was- bitter te close the doors' Ihan keep Sragging ont a lingeriug ai- lence, W. as. teldtSthhIe business of Mutoal Insuranous see ne longe acceptable te the genirtli public ;- that thé great competillon-the long terni lusuranci cf ltlabes, anS the 10w cash rates,-cf stock companies heave ne room for compacies ou the mutual principle. The dindcors, au has been, already re. marked, have net arriveil MI thele de. chsien vitbont tmatuire dilibeestion, and coly wbeu there vere ne longer prospectsetfearrying on ths butines. profitably. Tbey made every endoavor te gel ether companies te ecary the risks. bol vithonî suocese,a tbeY were net lu a Position tW Pol the aMount ce- quired for roainsurance. Speaking fronu peruonal knowledçe, ýwe are able te bear testimony te ttue oaroful anS iccuomical manner lunvbh the butines. of the Ontarie Farmean' Mulual Insurance Company vau con- doe. And il cerlaiuly isthbroogb ne faull cfthe directors or etflthi manage. ment thatl isea succombeS. The et. fortesof the Preadent. Mr. J. B. Blokell, have bienau lwaysindofatigable iu the inlerestieofthe Company, aud at ne osinllceIte bîmsît penionally oftlime and mouey. Ha belleved in, anS vas devoled te. th. principle et mutuelinu surance, and veeked te Impreus the Carmin g emmauniy vill the biSlu cof baingubeir ove insureni.MHi.efforts sud 1he efforts cf bis ccl les daiere. ed more succeuiul recognition. Me. Nonne, Seoretary cf the 0Cm- pany, brougbthie i experience sud 1.1. ent4 telle aid. Very fow mon oculd la ton more capable of fllling lia poi. tion, and noue vltb more -iaithfalniu anS snergy.LA for i$s ndnitry. lî vas uotiring. Bat, wlth &II, thât he aud hi. dlreclori could do they vereuable te ý [dont e ieof competition. W. rertth Isolution ot the Companay, sud hat haefort f home men te gîne tbem nelghhoru eheap anS reliable, lu. susano@etaihome bau net hein bitter hefocinta eMr. Nons e May mention th&& heo bi ben appointed 1general agent foee tome frîtelau om- ipanlai. sud tual those re inihrîug vith himt eau do se lu tbe tulleel confidence ot hsing Iheir elaki satiafactorlly placed. Harpe'a Mout-hly Magazine. Witb the Decebr number beginu lhe 641h volume eftIbis Most menalorione cf *I1 monthlles. It vould be Siffielt ta aeggest-a»y improvement vhlch cel malte Ih more acceptable toila., ,,adlug publie. ItlaI.the great on lun thie filrznmeni cf literatuse around wt&ih. lusse orbs revoîns. sud fromt vhleb lt.eydrâv Ile asud ighi. It bas gaineS Iis alte& position Ibrongis yseescet ndaetrleu t aielligrni de. vU oils the -pari et il@ pubhsheri lu > = 10 a igeais rIllastratet egins, oupes lil s sope l.,,d # of bo etumn koewgt. 1 seeuaue4 b"rnooan"aonematve, id vitallued by the slroualu lset1 lsof encren t ufbeag msud n T inas. "atleeomae arelu-lb.h»' bal fo~rtsof th. ai thoo.. ai i bli nombeir lf afula Bot elreuowiwbedby is conaln m 1 meus a« It î., pseslg buid on te 200,. 000 cepiéa meulhly. bthallsfalt wbee lias Bagalalgusgs la spokse. Its subocriptlcu prie. là $4 pear um. -BIse Forecutce,wbo fer .everilyese ,peut bas mialstèred sud preacid te Wihelgleus lady huevu as Disciples ai &Plckerlng. vaspestnteSith apus. ooutaunngîl47 lut yack,s a Mark cf repect anS akppreelaion of hi. service 2y t mberi cf the congrsgation. ThiE te net thcéfrit oeaunhsn fltc 1 voethy Elder'a services have beeu k lmllarîy recognîsed. wbipl'mett bina' iahiebe P@iwa appnsil) wi hé-lf.$iWU'e vascet. "Doye Y'kuo," seés 1be, la s lever ine. -a soort &Y bat vblsper, an la tb. vsY vldh hilm"-Lis suo av thé»e Sat- 4cgoxlek me&Stha Wod)-tellevs cal. pillin on Airs lately an wutotekick one'atbnse<'Thne', Adtgus, sn ou c ,nJu.J.Hvknan a lot bRie emg, u Je ave iabrane t complain liai Uiey don'i gaitiair tare whsek an the *1pi.les. Wat, 40yen think an Iba for impidin0se t" "'sur John," 1I anieredquet aauoy. ,'Tbat'sa àdelikit, or oatbr ondelikit way an preiolin sieh a maither toesa Baldwin Reformer like medlt, a- "Oh I11 orgot. I orgot-"' "Yen simud remimber. Sur John." 1 vint on spaklu gravelysulnapr.ialve, "liatitI lat heanauB:sldvnlkfôrm- ors the Consernatines oveS thair las. an power for lvinty years. Twstii Baldvin retorocri liai p ut the young lite bîcloito tbe culà Tory Conserva- lives anS resutitated enu cotn hin MumifieS, Ilwaat1he Baldwin Refceni' oe fout the bardast battles for u su bore lhe hate an burden av ihe day. Yes an gel lie hatleu oinnan msny et thain fermer Madin jte Bargatu or siaudin by n. anov n uS ceaiu em oitlik aun00l she whi tic are voeu clownvn ursiarbe an J lie good aken ont an cm-" "HoviS, bovId 1" ses he, 1"yer gettin varm. And orbea neare suna v Onr Baldwin Reformer frindi liai you tuo. I lift vue a ticty simd b. ad- esèsd - Mot ae mllke a geod glas' Md'& tievlljilalittU*.gaiou." The lasI wurd vas s.Sl lu à -vbâper- S s seaoul a dosuicul Crdinltbes- theib reonu an teck sales.' Thare vS 8 vcill kuovu Baldvlntauamoagil tb. crovd «,but I donulcemm aboutcouha lu nabies. Sur John vus a&U frndllu an qeuility an erdbcssd lvsryig an théabeathecpartyvnur ail sonlin ahW-i 1ev an aperils, iu more, vaya han vwn. Sus John's jokessuùibrol 1 toiorles rmSgeale applaus aM Wt tber-jist as if hosa pelini only bard cm Cee lie Irai ime. Intuhlb addle av thc fun he criss out % 'O'Daby vire's tbaL sont, yen promiseS about tie een. vinihan V'I -:pelleS à oit. An"ifor thme remaludor an the mite Sur John an bis frinds sang vldh fine cifeeki lie tollovin OcRi 1 di yen Rien tRie rouslng cRiesr Went np aI ie héurenton 1 ShèJtèsbnsy Hall =bot di f ait Juel as 0b.nerymention 0f Sir Job's pamo-4t mamn ef faue.- Noir gina e syouz attention And I vil sbov-nmaklegDne "41w- It wua grand convention I Sir John, ses Ri, Therq'. the N. P. To thie 'Ireaury bouches; ConfoundodOniusud gave theoails, And broughî theoadasp déjectilon Stili rosz it lonS untelthe croS- Well go Il ou Protection 1 Our poUtienov ber e vAx- For yenouport wnmont bety- Lit avery mam tviii or eau Support thei Tory P_ t. a WRaIiRicumaRithe cry-'Taxes r ll~ AnPcele SelooRi jour 1 Tour Ingees a bsp-ieCeresa rop- Au lengas s"rle npower I Ou=r luVIs pin-ob 1ce m clisin. MIca Q v plise à. asi i rts 0f ibat ieo*'te imlsteg ;- About thi ea".t living I Wllh cefars -filleS, s ntonciebeli =e la me prepare- Altohcarry aciae, tisé,p a» We% lshow ltherbl onmm srbribe. AnS neyer mnsi a"ScandâtI-Pl We know telr. ey, betes day. Corruption 6" steRbanale I TheSente ondby et lllstand; ihUirucoetici trou lb.é "Pacifie Monoudbsa mI searti us1 W. se. lins fan "sinevu eft r," î AnS "ings"that vat "Probsetiu ;" AUl square sani"e, thusemuin«Mo- Tocarry euh b etion1 Nov frleudu maks bal-about, shoot, OuJohn A."l ThRe Cileflaa thé aTories, Hie band#afar cl&c--thers uothlngmukas. About hlm or Ise aorlet ; Don'$ mini tRie jeess. n catnsà ua Th4obu blfih ve'ss bMAlinde H.'. np te soni, a lam ' sauf- Oas stalsmàase o g.nne laumaR Ihurrah I 1ser"JohnÀ.# WRio'i alvaya lutb. or,%l Prom bhlmva S mii al aenoutrust TRia prinelplos vs I4».fort1 W. Ménas-u7yto renuomsWhy, njreeve, sud JohnaKUlebaI. Ri ,dbir vaws aken bhelic sucre, le..il ler. lines aS- ud ppred. Oteion "oapt fediona sim. at Cor areba.e ae olr.Mr 97.B. Ïloulgemery.0udelei. lng the counellte taReis mb cildera tien tice et HeligneB"ek iWbaSà seo suffored by tii. Ire sud reii hie taxes. Ceuni ycourtdg e sorder sllowiig Hecltor Beston #8 andti evi àMachi. 04 or atteuding 0Volera' L ourt. Cirtillcate roc offi t lerk oft h. Pesoaut se seepit furon liai cf township anS senvica ffl0 nhilr IL Boston, and L. Mahe as elet' ors. ACCOVNTr. cÀ lrgau e., an1iafl Coreforp elli b>' ode, vessui.d antor h"lncaS boe vewers rroadteal i respectiv cenanailee t. rdt hersetv O mtio, icesv ltiUi cl Co ticonheu th esginslet te obéirtcs ao n bo rtt e theomlning inStet &porg pn i freatin ccoudte. Cozgounheevatrincu lic Car io th racs infadotte cheir Whpoute a occt umo e fo paynenl:rie n ecmede o Micael lesn,4:cnt;J.W -iMin callutona45crens,;J.7W. R. .ae, ro semerao, #5 ; George Pbhip, 416J6; John Barry, 015.2; Gco P1pafor JoienDarnes, #0; Wina. caiannick,20;-PEBai8h CO., 114; James uriuu 10Js otla 11 ;Me. Bisa, grave), $8.70; Mn& Pot.,grrs,$7.1o0;,John 1Beasies, 20or lv a il r'ealcag80 ntO-la rosa, 1265; Peter -UeDonedut, vork ou ra& 115 ; Thos.Peut i, vnro eSd, #17.»0; lobanl ir, rsýpalngOUIl vert, 60eébt:J1. Tdlp gavaI, 1&05; D. MeNAb. cm00 uscucre.181pendlr ai lerment,uoun t vîtoucier attIS@b.S 1, bllp Dan#10; tzpriut* nS isu ilslug. 74; Pickering Noe", prlnllg, #2 ; Jas. mcColgi soco., #21.25 ; Sinclair Hiolden, #20; Jas. Tioratea, $6.87 ;Chat. MeMein, >50 cente ; Gao. Bidke, grave), 87 ; I"oni ie, ioleei. ing jurors. 49 ; Hautes BBosten, select. ing jurera sd, su orde etCotant>' jndgc for atendance ou Voter Lit Court, #15; John Milner, alecllng jur. ors, #5. Tic report &ame catieS lihat the cona- cittese baS coosidereth Le accof t Dr. Adair for médical servicesou Lucy Joiunac, ana LiaL paymsni cotaSnet be recomsnde& inumuci A& ne order baS bien given toc the sème b>' ani member efthLe coucoul. The corumitîce rocommnsdod liaI the praysr oethle ptitions ou bebaît et Uri. MadIli anS Heur>' Brook b. grant. ad ; &W thlia John Bîa* ckb alleveti eue dollar a vssk f rétm lat Ootoe for tRie support oft bset Fulton and liaI Win. Covas b. a onoleuloner te spen th le same. TRis dlfiaîelly vid liahestcsir, Mir. Blaui, vas seuêtileS b>'hy gns sunet kge hmaRen b oa cet b»4 iaha. iodletanceticenu- .1akuos f e Asana>b. secasan>' asti protapidulic fanessuLiheai"M ltie b>' bruce n m-lea era i oSasti su bankeseaiIla qpr e ta-laiotrpals "IsoallsOl#10Sus hlbm th go Co graVai osul*c Kineon cs&eeS os taitaopar blmn»Wv 20, a # 40 bi Aseson coplon o e ic. Mle. Sble opiniéon e @a ek by the amonhob. aprueeti a stacllon vîwlis hearmige"su, as iL veld lue for thbe 4molb. chéomoul rsuer lues bave I it glng oo. Tio, ameni t 8 800 vas Iben incluS-; ad In lic repent upos samants. Mc. Menkhouts ropenteS iront lis ecois*t teecwomun ias a e usfor Shep ile. b>' dcgs vas retenu- 1rueounmàdiog pyi tlu"aa . iletc ; te, le W. Disse>', 118.16 anti te Jetas Oley, iiPa. Report adepteS. and i Iteu IncluSe lu report ciote. -m o &. eonts vas thn Adopted ateors '*fi iid bol hre, a ubir cf the oh, hs -ety inoteS, each mer, th" emntential bat for Christmas. m.ther sombre appe lm.an 'mtRie aU.... >pace. . Wnsmrtela attentin&A if ,th. ener'Inealug valeîy cf Oiffis sud NeltyesCa'carda. Wiat saam-- ans iïdustsy,' 1ngennlty asud went iSdsaýysd mpi/ittî. holiday -souvenirst. 'Vai<nine 515nelaltrac hait the attention, ludeed lthe Christ. mas CarS lis upersadiug cutirl>' tie old nalenlin.Bôme oftanaianmanu-- facture anS deaign ara exhlbitta tuis semnaeh"'aivlga groat improvemeni upon laut year's attempt. 1 '-bnder It Goncrumeni orginis are no# Ws .praiti bs industsy anS calling Il an outeome et the X. Pt1 0f nacre intereilte ome Iban any inch negleci upon their parti the baies>' question ; a p tloud langoI>'sigeS bas bien presnted thtehi encoîssking Cer-'lh. repeal of the by'làw oceering tie veigfil ot breati. Oistalnly lie bakirs migil give a bettar.siaed bat lien thsy do Cor tie sixteen cents lime>' charge. The-qualit>' one cannot Sud flnith i.but lbe quantity les àmore boibersome subject. à gooS mauDy op- ieins bave beau adraneed lu the pa- pers upen lie subjeet;- but opinions on aIl serti cf things areiumereda lu the puapotsa Ktpreseul. auJ Uitie-lt an>'- good seenas te ceme Croc om. WorSel verdi I Word$ 1 verdi 1 nethlsg but verdi 1 St. Andrev's Baillei.te eopen the Ses- son. The Pavillon la likely teibs erewd' cd, extensive arragement.anS prepes- allons hansbienu made fer the e nn, anS th b. Mmb leorwta *"a «0- lthl be. lii iônitfo'd Sa*uii Det, feegoitls s 1,11 h.ou in.t ttt ef;;eo them c inaldltàes. Tic Solciman le iavlug eresylbl nI Ibis 1 sanfor cnln1kia arivedSnu for il. fMatois e a lrcdy «rsad for te take piIft »..Sktn0 cns ban amup~aledh uieN ment muaitba getln luemelas vell u 1 henbl; Dow e a iis IMes hans bien adSSeStle l. ucobse read cetablled in th» 011y. Tic -fDon, 'a frosen ovrsani accidente are reporteS tlad rouem oRi brcekls.nuo threayrtt.nureolaeMonthc lie. The m breakfast on SunStyle coq- nlsnly establishetianS Scubtlesu c'ges- 17 leoistifor. A sample troc tl, bar follovei in ils vake. A nov ciarch (Epluspal). ichinh nearly compleled lu tie northeuS cf ilme City, on s8- Joseph Street, vas somîvbat iixured, eh $,Bnday by a couple cf las u tartinz a lire on $ho flber of lb. building. PFcrtlt Il vas aisoovered lu lime te preneul éionieS damage. Thc HarrisonsetaItlhe Royal are de- cldeSly vorli a riait, anS judglug frona lie large audience ou lie Irai ngb et their appearanoei, tbey are likel>' te have good bouses. The Cresty vualbor continuez viti bnigit MOOnligil ulgbt,.lie gaz lampe of corse îsylug tedispute villa lb. coon th e auptecose>'. - L TEE TOWN DEO TO JOHN Me oh evuomebas sent lu Lb. domiuoSulcpWaSblov utsan Seut againsi le -soeporstlen. à$ lie'tiv»s fe b.mncia leclon& st ai bad,ý mi*s NcIdeaoemà IuidatIl e. r2o au .Teupra Ooumu4ref fthe Toto of -teoOr '5ntdius Diuesl gîta "ébotlieDu> Corp«eralon orOcprtn =ZîibtoVwtilliePat rI>' enPsalue Am5101.5Mdud esetein WRethh. iRs>' ar ails to teks Ca.et01anS prOnidé f-r Rim- selve. or soi; sud If sol nei bxuProvISe lua hérleul e Prse', seTeDe xstate eitble Du»etriamput ansa i bÃŽ gaibr b avng ich leitbm aIget tRi hiera amysUanS-u etf Work eus Mon* iDumage tbme, John rntereut P Taotamen 2.0 1U9To éa ilg ha1 f NT G lafl oidasS. ,D.Ps TRie sub lu Pat ilmvluaiy eaetle muti severo ttacs t isace Aile yens Nelgihoni about -Tiena. Ani flia>' bave use S mnxLsCotEr- vr~Povuxus mÉ SvlilefedeÙbi pntr>', hopsor cetie tRie>' viieaionce saY tRe> hnsreeleduMore eg _,MMn meat, morkmxUkana oebtertiUpe vicusiîù-ealrd.Seldieveryvbere. - Il i. MU15 lia m. cf ltheslilolde vhlcb entezrm ic écomblnallen, of PuUows' Hy- pophosphits., are extracted frop, trie- wlcb attein t dtRial Ibis tact iuggested lM 1 lb.theidecf Ihals emplormeul. Whetbes thu succes. Of thecvrepsaionl s Sue te Itbis re ne ot prellaed te sa>',but lb. idsa 9 àa geoS one, Gray qpsul Iro effns uperfe ie i "Eeg," but th. lime requinS bgel bo of Etterbnois Steel Penà s ajua onen- ougbh b senS l e isners-illor. Wbciesale by Brovn Brai., Torunte. - Whooping Cougb and Censucoptien. Prom Joeuhj Ho"s, KeyortN. J. 'This certifies tRia i sforaeny emr afllicevil t iaiseofshelungunil I Riccame se veak thatlWSut vsvh 4ffcty I comid ««" .My colugRi Surlug Ibis lime vas very senere, cansing me frequanl>' 10 raise greal quâmtitius cf bicod, atteuded wilb prolos. nltIsl Atez using ver' ions remedis e"e0uipo 1 vsadnie te r lu>'Wtari aleanu et 'lsCherry. J di o, and beforen sing lt.eIrai boudeIO W& nieirestonS te perfeol Ri.sitbAsd S siso oud "mention liai Ibs B1alim nonrsd a 1111h gLiof amine-cf.'a se- vers atusck oet vboWulg coc, vbsu ber if. vas gien ovin>b' %tRinslu, sud a&Il coueSrmeie bia lai 40 cents anS #l.W0a botti.. SolS by ail dnuggios. Ont Experience Croco Min>'. "i hb iensi maumiserable se long anà baS causeS amy bushand go mach ex. pensa *bd trouble, »ne s*seeilte mev ~ibLmlIed m.5i at 1 vu mpîlel>' dis. ïeasicued anSdlascoursged. luinIs trame of M244 1got a botleil Hep Bater1 euSd useShem: nknovu le amy I mO'. 1m begsle o iuroeeasd gaigeS se fait uth" my habaSaSdf*Mlylbongl Itsirange &a unnalaral. but vbiu ',ioltbem Wh"a âbul mele c.tbcy saiS, "Harrab for Hep Bite.Ilong me y ther ptospsr, for lie>' hav, fusSe motRie vau l dus hsppy."ý- The Molaer.-Ne'te Journel. A eeble LadIes. ing you toleel ocarcely abé,to bc on your feset; that constant drain thâa tsaking from yoUr syslem aui is elasdtty; drlvlng the the bloomn from yourchbooks ; that contnu- ai sIzain nipo yonr vital forces, renderlng yen iruitable anet freflnhoan "siy bere- inoved by the ns. cfi bat mareions reinedy Hiop Bitters. Irregulsrîies and obstruc- tions of youx systere are, relleved sI once, philà th ecillcatinsecf periodical pain le permanently remoyod. Wil you haud Ibis? --Cincinn"i Baturday Ngh. De Net bc Dcceavcd. Iu tbree imes of quack medicime adver- tisemeuta everyher, il is truly gratifyiug to find one reih'edy that le wortby cf praine, and WWhCII réaely do«es srecommended. Electrle Bitters ve cmn votqch for as belug true sud relabieregd, ud eue Ihat l do e zmnà d ided, bThey invrably cure et«oh<md-#Orcowlplainto Disceeoe ln ltry dl&cltîm .W. va ese aw peak, anScam rù4ly "y' Siva them astriai. -SolS614aI 5»Y cents a bellie, by W. I. Bourse. Dr. Casoes Stomach éS#nCons4tipaio BterS, are rpç.th e place cf aiLL otett.fr ~ l ~ddfeti ers. thÊ. yare a certanmurefor ail ilins.oM. illa. large le t9aioeta.WR. Poople arc baginlg t fiuitont tb. trne virau et DÉ, eau=,£ .Sicca"u Consti- zaIo uera, aid nS hy'arebecomlng thie favorite li sdlclu& of the Cnadien 0 eforai dr nete f the stomac, - r a inSX ny. ulare. bot- twc ai 60 cent, qes gnyfrWib atW.3.owme ,Fs.etCh arge. AU persoa nuftrlug froco Congbs, Colds, Âstbma, Brnchtls, Louet Voici, cr any et. fection cf the Thtot t i" Ùngu,àe rogue». teit té ééJLet 1W. E. RowsDrttlo t'ore sud gsas Trial Botte cf Dr. Kinge Naew Di. ccvary for ousumptln lisrc cf 550?!. melle anS show vhat a reguler dollar-sze boude vISSe. C&U oeuly. MoGILLIVABY.-AI Poctbonthlis 18tbh.Xovanbir, lie vife et Bey. Mal- com McllrsM . ta Saui ler.- Re Il. JAMESONs CRRISTMAIS AMINNEW lEAR'is. FAMILY G-ROCE-RIES!, NOW COMJNG T. HAND, THE FRE8HE8T AND BE8T 8ELECTÊD 8TOCK. 0F PURE AND COICE G-R00ER,1E3V wrN*s & LIQJtYORS That possibly could be purehiased in the Best Markets! CONSISTING ÂS FOLLOWS: Valentia Raisins, ail off stalk, Loose Muscatele, Sultanas, Lendon layers, Black basket,'. Blue basket, Black Crown, choice table Raisins, alsn table Raisins in single layer boxes, ,Currants-Patrass finest; Lemon, Citron and Orange Peels. Canned Rii'gs fot scotch. shortbroad. Oranges, Lenions, Grapesf ]Dates, Prunes, Metz Crystalized Frenchi Fruits. A full lime çof English Cosacques, asceap as 25o per doz. PICKLES-Cross& Blaokwell's, Moir's, Whybrow' s London;- Batty's Mild and Hot, Nabob, Soutli Amýerican Digestive. SAUCES-Lea,& Pern, John Bull, Bqatty'siDaké Edinburgh, EIders'Iýoa1Holyrod, Prince of WalIes, BSaW Sauce (Cross & Backwells), Bengal, Jhtnoy, Wlnut Cu,Muahr m asp, -Ourr Powder (Cros& Blackwell'à geode), Celery Sàll, Tellichfty, White Peper, S hot Popper, iamsnChocs., Blanc Mange Powdecr. Âltred Bird? Custard'Croam Powdier, Extraot Calveàl Foot, Gefltinie cliMusard Rowintrees' ,pure Blook Chooolate, Bensdorp & Co.'s Pure, Soluble Ooooa,.,Epps'-Cocoa, Queen!. Chocolat. Aise Ohecolate Oream«sin boýxes. Special attention paid in this Une. Java in bean, anmd ground as required, Mooha aloo- Cafe Des Gourmneti, in IL. bottios. BLAOK-Souchong ana ýa0kling Congp, of choiceat qnality. GBzEEN-Gen Powaer, Young iHyson, at al thi e Ucfinest lIaan' in--,themarket-80c pr lb., and ail ohor grades unalim ci- Agent"for thc ý4-quor Tea Oomnpany., In -va ety of choiceë, inI0'v r d tie . N a tiv e iW snnuing aia tut, eft b- Go Ms,. 3 Ibe. A 1%ge

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