aurwu Apu MIL r te Camplet* icret biset, ft iuuplolaUs 13LEX L. E.Nps or xi ),-pidikrWb L TIURS. br hope., b>'iti sutl a dtensulpto 't- T. P. WBlT.5 M,8. .7 Propni D 'IlE TABLE au Oct.92usd, 1881 10.15 1 Isoe' ,1 autie.u.P MT -W4t DM5)" T5.9 k -s t s eeg1 1 J.noSS, i, Ver. 1, A Bap. i4 Oct. lJuly 4. sept Mer19SoNi 7't 12 511, s -tlbe Gee Dl nljccfU? Convoi IE-W/f IT8Y OU NIL fgiiJEUDlAY M RIG IBOax STREET, WHITBY. Tere -$150, por Annùm:.- Am ment s e55 Oinla 1upaXIel, Voit bzardtti1h. rats cf 8 cent*, par Uia,, AnsI ae iansd90cens, par "*u, »oh.subse. 1centt tnsartion. laranuCVmpats., anti matets ci Ili daciptan w e mnv es Met. teau cent. par ne. Speetlconrets mate vill ti vertlmars 'y the year, or alhsrwlse. .Orders le discntnue sdvertismes ,euât b. lu wntlng. ONTARIO BANK, WHIITBY BBANCHI, THIOMAS DOW, IMESSIIS ITCHIE & 13ILLINGS BARRISTERS t& ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITOR-S IN CHANCERY&tc W b Ui t 12b 7y C. H. RITCHIE, W. H. BILUINGS, Toronto. Whitby. FAIîBWRLL &RUTLEDGE, BARlUSTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI. citora, Netexlès Public, aud Couvoy- Q~a fntdean nantis 1es RoByai Uebtl, W*itlby. JAMES RUTLEDOE, B. A. J.B. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Coenty Crawn Atcruar. 48 O'sU!LLIVAN & PERDUE, ARRISTERS ATTORNEYS, SOLIC- .0 TORS, k.OTARIES,,&c., A&c. OFFICES:-72 Yonge Stret, neit Ithe Dominion lBank, sud Coruer Kis,& sud Yonge Streete, Toronto- I. A. '8ULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. October 23rd, 1680. l- J-AMSI KEITSI GORDON, *ARRISTEII & ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW. ;B boeilcîon -lu Ciseuceny, Couveysncer, Ntary Publie, &co. Office-Dundas St., firet dean voit of Armtroug'& Hatl. Mieue>'ta Loa-Prlvate fund-at 1ev DAVID ORlISTON, iB.&-, A TTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Clseucery, Couvlyesscer,.&c- Insî lstise Office sontisofet to Pot office, iunMliau'a Block, Sros'k Street, Wbitby. Iy-lO RIOBINSON & KENT, (Là rs Duooem & RoBi-ieoN.> B K~RIISTERS-AT-LAW, A T TO0 R N.- .eyes, Solicitors, Couvûyaînre, ,&c. OFFICE-lu Victoria Chambeis, INo. 9, VieLents Street. J.O. Roi&sse, Mx. . astecur A. E. Kitur. G. YOUNG SMIlTH, L L.. B., B ARRSTER, &., &c.-Money ta Loau isuofetMarage Lîcouseas. Ornc-Over Dominion Bank, Wbllby. JNO. G. KELLEY, BARIISTER-AT-.LAW. SOLICITOR lui Chancer>' sud Iuaclvency Couve y- sucer, &o. Offie-DeverilIe Block, Brock. Street, Witby, Ont. J.IHAUSER C.REENWOOD, A TTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, CON- .jveyaurer. Noter>' Publie &c.-Poet OffIce Dnawer No. il, Whissy, Ont. Fome ibiosiglt as ecîtMers-lge Setle- meula, WiUs sod Truetes uai, S .calit. Leasenegoiared ou ail -kinde ut P noperty. CHIARLES C. KELLER, A TTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR rN ZI ChaueeryConVeYsuce, &.,Caning- ton, Brock, .* L. T. BARCLAY, A TTORNET -AT-LAW, SOLICITOR ,AuInCleucer>' antiInsalvenu>', Couve>'- sucer, &o., &o. JOHN BALL DO0W, BARRISTE-AT-LAW. SOLICITOII in )luClianen>, Ccuveysiter, &a. Offllc-D4vnhill' Blaok. Brook Street, Whitby. MONEY TO LEND-Prlvate 1fundm - inaeux"up te #W00, t s loy rate of -lu- teresl. lty-59 JOHN A. IoGILLIVRAY, 1 (Saccesar te M. M. Ilevail.) BÀBM~STBR & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 1) Haler>' Pblie, &o. alotteor for tise Dominion Basic. Ofto.-Nexl dean te MeusienRHuesaUxbrldgo, Ont. .26 LrMIAN ENCLIS IlIL L- B,, BARRISTEBI AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN B hancey, Cauvey&naer,&Dt., tc. Sino- ce Street, Oshava. J. E. UALi!SAITU, i., RADUAT aci Queeeute anti Victora GY Univeraîttos ,lember cf the Collega of pisiians anti rurgeno, Ontario. Oou-cz'Breek St 'Wbitby, Ont., (tbrce dean. aautlsof lwleyelotal). y6 it. J. OUJNN, M. D-9 cimM3ON TO TRIO COUSTY GACLI eBîo Sreet, Whllby. Wsx. MODRIEN. 11-D., M.ROCI8., GUyq]S~OpIT'LLONDON, EEG., Ise e e B. o. H.LfL., Oia*, Ontario. c ABD. - - tIR. BOGART, t>sisaîn, Surgeant Accuabtr, &oc., &oc. Wbtby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 4 R.J.erioutÂg ts 41 Park Rov (ries Dulidîmg ,NsW >Y*rk l autlionlzil tus contreit ndr maets le the CHRux LE W. ADAbMS, 00OMB OVERB.,].1 L 8~W 1.80 le , p. n. Belaaea.6 yront ant iOlibert streesi. C, NI -VAM 0 .S Wlt h ce=m Priateti #ords, peat tlkughts, ,iomd utr [VOL. xxv, C¶OMBRC1AL ZHOTEL anti STABLES, 'e)54 anti 80 Jarvls-streeî, Tarante.. JOHN McB4E, . - - P1IOPZIETOR. <sUocsEBou TO JOIEUELLT,l Thse beat $LOO0 a Day Hanse lu theê clty, culy Ian bloks tram tihe Strtiseru D.pot and los. te tise lMarket. Tise iouas has beeunewl. Fitted out. aud svery-tisinFîrat-clase. (y4 R OSSIN titOtSE. TORONTO, ONT. Tise Palace Mlotel of Canada llttlsd. Refurulised, eut Uurlveiled. New i'eeeu- ger Elevator, runulug nigist sud da .Tise oui y lreef-elas lotel linCanada, wtthgrain- ateti ries, viz -42, $160, sud I8pClr dsy. Momeuier of Clubs snd othere, deirlung roome, wiîlsout board, #1t #2e a Feb. 27tb, 878. Proprietor. R OYAL BOTiL,WI TB Y- Tise ebove hotel bas been thoroughiy rossovateti asid reurnisbed,anud la Dow u. der tise masiageist of (J0U.MACKIdE (formerly of St. Lawreuee Uil, Port Blope. Eivery attention ý&id te ¶:uesor Com Eâevecslly good Ssnspl- osfrCm mercsal travellers. B RITISE mRCýiHTL WVLTBY, ONTARIO. Houa. nowîy renovaed aud fusaitiset Ibrougisont, sud put lu firt-clese andfero tisa reception of guete. Au omnibus te sud f rom eh trains Flrot-elflsssenspieroosus. S A RE S PE ARBE IlOT EL, Cor. King & York-stH., Toronto, Ont. J.A. O'ORiADY, - I>ROP1UR TOP. Taoxse, 1.60 rzu Dan. (ly-47) P OST OFFICE SALOON', Tuo~RON. M. McCONNELL,-..PI<OPRIETOR. s...-TUE iDEST ACCO)MMOD)ATION .wl fur Onesa. <)-47) 0 NTARIO 050ÇiIL. 13itocx-SsuTiL. rW1iTBY. 'JAMES '. J EL, Proprictor. (Late of thse Nipiesing Ilotel, Tarante.) Gonl Liquers aud Cigare. Comumodioue Stabîitig. Fsrsl-elae Liver>' Stable sud Billard Parleur attarbiet. ly.lt3 T IlIE Qt,EE.N'S IIOTEL, Bseocst ST5tErT . uîl51y. Beet Liquors and i Cgars. A Weil s piles) table. Airy isd.rooms.Coorbe statsling aut large yard raam. Charge. moderatoe. -83 CENTRAL HOUSE, OSHAWA, ONT., *W. B. McOAW, - Propnieton. Piret-claiseaccommodation. Beat Wlnes LAquons aud Cigare. Goati stebltug eus attentives isotiers. ly.17 WH-ITBY HOUSE DUIÇDAS-ST, WBITDI. Tise unlensigued eouit entualetesutise PU b iaitishe aboee 1rumiser bave been ..ewî,y isuilsant ilîtei up tisronglsott, for tise accommodation 01est el. emI Wins,, Liquore and ('igers. vTE CREAU sOF CNAA'-WALZ LAOEIL Aiea pure Usine Wlne. Lager, WN'io1e- esie Rani Itutali. Boarders laken isy tise wcck an moder- JOSEPH A. BAEDELL. Juîy, 251h 1880- U2 B LACU iIURISE IIQTiIL, Cea. FRsONT & GERssEsSrs., TORONTO. ALFRED OXiORÛD. - PP&OPBLETOB. (LaIe et Welington IHebel, Markhau> TEBMS. $100 VER DAY. Gaoti ael- ing for ai-en 800 ises. Firat-olas aocamu- madation fo a anon sd tise travelling public lu genena. l. MONEY TO LO AN ON EASY TEllES. ,Apply te- i.l. BILLTEGS_ Orffice aven Ontario Bank, 10-tf Whllby. THOS. SLEIGH, HOUSE & SIGN PAINTE R, -Cau nov b. fou titialtbis SIsp- TWO DOORS WEST OP ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL, DUIIDAS STREET. iriÊ Ail Ontiens prosupti>' atend tie. la-M Witby, April 14, 1860.-1 LUMBER 1_LUMBER .I Ca JOHIN SON, LUMBEiR MERCHANT, Has an liant a langea pplietAIU binais cf Barn Lember Bardusu Anti cli mksry Building Lumise.Feuclng,9Bave TSber, anti scautilng, a lurgo quentil>' on b anti Lasrge entiers tan Lang Bm SlnDt, fOedý frdte Mils et sert notice. - * Dean., Saihes anti Blindas.s6>6Y9 on> Wllby, Me>' 71b, 1877.- ly.90 C..N. VARS, L. D.S. DENTAL BOOM mroyd ov n iAt. inlsciu .Drog'staré la radins ovor gir &Shirle'.store, Ring-St., Osava, altrpaolalRing Street. FARMERSI 1 WH[ITBY>-l;, PIfOVINCE -". 0 « OOUGHS AND COLDS51 BA LSAMJC -PREPA1tED EXMILSION BY- WR.'HOWSE, Corner <Iy.161 Drug Store,l WHITBY, ONTARIO. CH IN A H A LL,I INSURANCE. 81054 OF TUE aIe JUe (REGtSTZREED> 71 K/NO-ST. EAST TORONTO . OTROFRE Fancy Breakfast an-e es Mutual Insurance Coy Sancy Diuper sud Dessert Sets. Fsncy Bed-room St.. HEM) OFFICE, BROOK-Sv., WHI'TBY. F8s=, Jug sd Teest. SilarPlte Kiv,,Forks sud Spocua. TlHIS COMPÂNT Insus.. s rrBuilt- Silver Pleted Cruets snd Butter Çaulers:. suiga, Cunr Chuvube, Schoai Sîlver Plste Cake Baskets, flouses, sud their Contents, st ratas se now Rodgens' Kulves and Forks. as thase of sDy well.aslablshed Comspany T'es Traysansd Servers. la canada. Flower Shades fer Lily's, &c., &o. JS OSSPOPL A aluaeawi-aculdecrtitons. JS OSSPO M AD Hotel ant Barn (Se.. (ILOVER IHARBISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Works, WH I BY. Geo. Cormack, Tr IMBER NMERCIIÂNT & BUILDER. JL.i -A large su ply af Bulte rs Farieli- luge, sud aU kinda of Twlslsd Moldinga, Doure, Saab sut BOunde. LIIBEII wboîeeale eut netail, cris> by tise car boat. Planing, Mouldings of cvMrydascrip- ion, Flaoring, Sisactiug, Shievlng, Re- eawlng, Shaping, Turuing. Scrnol-vonk, etc«. etc. Witby. Oct, lati, 1978..8 TUSHA .U mi b fLud ou ft.esM T ý lm. . , o'sNevapaper Ad. vertislug Bureau (10 Sprue St.), vliereades- vertiasng eontracîs me>' b. maie ferîIlixi NmsvYeix. .18 MONEY TO LOAN! 0100,000 FOIIIVSTET ON REAL ESTATE SECUBrIrY. At loeot living rUte. of intereal Manoy eaune thi il 10 dayî oi ap- Appi>' te JOHN FARQUHARSON. Wlillby, Pebrua>'151h, 1880 . - 9- J. B. BICKELL, JOHN WILL1S, Prealient. Vica-President. C. NOURSE, SZZcAzro..- Whltby, Aprîl DMl, 1878. -16 p HRN]X FEE INSURANCE Ca. Lombard Et. and Chcnlng Crose, London. rSTAuISHED uc 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFA.TT 00C,, Agent, for Canad.. R. W. TYXIE, Manager, Moutreasi A GENCT ESTABLISRED IN CANA- VA lu 1804. Ulmitcd llabfilly cf &U thse Stockhoîtienan sd large Reservo Fonda. Moderate rates 01 preumiuqm. C.- NOURBE. Ageut, Whltby. Whltby, Apei9tlm& 878e1 B RIISE MERICA A suranoe Company.' INCORPORATED z833. AS8SEBT8, *I41,O789l O P. A. BALL, Massager.. Inguran«e eactea atethUe tavemt aurant rates ou Buildings. Merchantilse, ana ti e pnapety, egalnst las. or tianspaby Ori.. C. NOURE, Agent, Whlishy. Whitby, Apni9tis. 18em.l1 ARCHITECTIURE !, DRAWINO AND SPECIPICA 'ION aF BUILDIN~GS Pnemnptly prepae vitIs, vlav ta Econ CHURCH AND S01101.MIOIITECTURE A SP!IAl,. Cormsfspadece Rempectftuy Scictet. H. B. BABER31, Arabltea, &4, 0,e.,ont. "1SULPHOLINE LOTION, Au EÉnclimlte d Island, A voutierfuul Iroauilbe river Tlsue, As Il ruina 1hragh the reuscf tsar., WltliasfaultlesnhYbbm and amusical rliyie, Anti abroatiur v atia aur g e saubie, Anti blonds Irt ùeoan a1 yer. TIsere'sae musical ià uptise river Tins., ,Visere th. acftost.ot irsare ptaylng, Thoe'm,, a coleuilqutanti a tropical cie, Anti s sang as svee *a e sper ahime, Andthie J=se5illi the nases are ataytug. Anti the.nosue Of thléa ie, te Long Aie, Anti vs bnry aur IneaSures lisera ; Thora are broui cf beaty sud baomme t0f TIsera ara bnmp. aidi, ,bul vslova tIseni a; Tisas. ara tniintsanitresses cf hein. There are frsgiet2.eut s sngs tIsat nebady And s part cf su infant'. prayer; Tisera'.s alute anevepl anti s iarp vithaul strnugs, ThIe are broen vavu and places 6f rings, Anti the germent. mise usad ta vwear. Thbre are heudsta taStnc aveti vIsn lbé fslry aehre ythe mirep ittt uar nde sametimes huas, Ibrough tIse turbu. len t noar, Sweet values va Ibsondila 1h. da. gene be.. lara, * i l- Whou tise vinti 4o'w lis, river la fair. Oh, ramuonbereti fol' b. tlessoueil ie, Au the deyof lite agi~ Andi vien avealag cames with Its Iseutif a 1 smi1% Anti aur eyes are ctoslng iu alumberaWhýIla, May thet "Oronvwo"cf saisi be'ln'lgIst. THE YOUNGI DUKE. 14 MoaeSTed., loeg)sgay.) Bir nvcyJsXIsi rAaÂUÃŽ BSEL OF EEOONIF. FMx., L.. CHÂPTER LXX. Tbey Coulee ual; itlua te. - goladail ready lelling aIll t he relapses mbo ber aveel reverie. Her Ibaught fixes on Do subjecl ; hbnrziind is uintenl an no ide&; lier oult.e meibed intà adreatuy doliht ;ber auly canmcioumma t. per- fect buiae I Svel sonnets stili ache lu ber ean, snd amlii ber pure pulse beala, trailite firal ambrece ef passion. The doar epens, and ber faîber entera -laaning au the arna oflier baloveet. yeas-bo bastld &Ill M r., Damre p. proacheet, sud, b.udiug devis, presmed th. lips ef bis chilti. Il vas tbeseat of their pligisteet faitb, and tld vithaut speech, that the blmming cf s parent miegletd wi th the vowa of a laver 1 No allier intimation vas at premant neces- sary ; but the, th. daugliter, Iliauglit nov ouly cf ber tather, Ihst friand af bier long lite, vbose love hati ne'er been wantin,-vas the &bout to, tecve hlma? 8h. arase ; se l"Wober arme aroundi hie neek sud wept. TIse yaung dte svaked cvay, Ihat bis proena. miglilotaIcentral th.etaui expression cf ,,hes U hailo t oul. 4This jewrel in mine, ' as bis Ihought; "vhal -viat have I do"seta berse blomel in c tow ites ho m aina jalue them, and wammeakaby h«tide; aisi Mr. Dacre ;osMlslely rsm#Mtbsn. thst ha wlmhmd ta .me bi tewward u ty releft alan.. Their oyes mette atei» ersofiloo el t hat lhuy ver.' "hiking cf1eah a6ie. iamur etmIais round tise book et, ber *bair, sud vill bis ailier band 1hogeully cptures ber.. FinsIlo"e, onst lovoI-boy mécy a giewlug bard bas snnj lby beautios1 Rav many à poci devilofta provlng upeiars, the Polte, teaols'ut IiNo daub, thanreygad cf, oug Desir thon art a mcml bevltchisg lei dmusan; sutd eý* fart oy t, give ume lmat lave. skamnýM tuaned eut bemI- t1h. final hors. ho bough4rtn h.eueasb. nov aamter.onP Asi-butil, short, thon. la nathiaglun vhich kuovtdge la mare important, andiexpenoUo. Mme valuablo, thissu aloe-Wheou W. first lave, v e namuwet o ui, ealux-: agluallons. our lougbts are bigbeiMr foeelng, rime traiecu e dosipet caVos ofthéIs Irunltmsus iti. ef curfulllit#. -W. look aroatifor *eue leise ut exguflul osetigu.5 anti aauelty tise beastie of aur belng,. But Use beautw o n areouy i uru thaaqhtm.W. fepi 1lke berces. whes vore ebue l&s.Yet Ou' rni* 24, 1881e iers heart hatil ften miegiven hlm when had ~ dthou'glt of Caroline. Now ohé wae happy, aenfot cnly happy, but conneeted wlth, him for life, mmlst uh. wlahed., Arundel Dacte, toa, afall mon. Most wiahed ta like, and indieed Most libed. On. feeling alone lied prevented thiemý from being bosom friende, andi Ihal feemlng alan. had long triampliant. ]y vaniehed.. May DacYo b.d been almoat from the beginning tbe confidant of hie cousin. fa veinu; bawever, Sad eho beseeobed bimn ta intiuet aIl ta lier fathei. AI- though hée uow rapented bis -paet feel- ings, ho woull not work up6n- himmelf to change ; and Dot until haolied enter- ed parliamant and sncceeded and gaingd a name whicb would reflect honar an a fail witli which ho wimbed tb identity himself, could hoe impart to bis anale lb.ý secret of his heart, and gain the& support without wbich bis great object1 -conld cevar bave been achieved. The Duke of St. James, by returning hlm ta' parliament, lied been the uneanscion. i cause ofali hie happinase, and ardently« diel ho pray tsat hije generous friend pugit Suaceoid iin wbat h. wsç welL 1 awars was bis secretasiao, u "ha hie beiovcd. cousin miglit yiibdýer baùd1o~Le any~.nb~w AeÂrundel Dacre confid..rcd worthy of her. CHAPTER LXXIL Anather week bronglit enother letter from the Barl of Fitz-pompsy. TEM BARL OF PITZ-POMPEY TO THE DU'Kg OF ST; JAMES. [Bead thi. alane.] "My Dzsu itGEO, "Il beg you wili ual b. alarmitd by tue aboya memorandum, whieh 1 thouglit il but prudent ta préfix. A very dlsgeeabie affir bas just taken place, and ta a degree exceedingly alarming; but il iniglil bave turned eut mucb mare diatreeuing, and, on tb. wboie, we may congratulate aurselves aItbth re- saIt.- Not ta keep you in tearful'sus. pense, I beg ta caît yoar recollection to, the rumor, wbich. je ln circulation. of the intention of Lady Aphrodite Grafton ta appas. thé divorce. A few days bosak, ber brother, Lard )Varist-on, with wlxom I was previonsly unacquainted,, ,çalled apan me by appointment, having previcusly reqnested a privateintarview. The abject cf hie aeeint me was na les Iha la sulimit ta my inspection the lattera, b y aid of whlcb it waa anticipaI. eüd It lb te divorod' miglil lie encese. felly appaeed. You wilI h. astouishfid ta bear tbal these conaselof a long eriea af correspondance of Mrs. Dal. Iington Vene'., developing, I am shock- ed ta may, Machinations of a-vany alanm.. iug nature,- b.hafect af wbigh, my dedr George, wus no lees than veny maIsèrial- !y la oanlrol your, lartunes, in life,- andi tIsas.of Ihal oh4rming axstuly admir. eble lady wlonm yen, baveî.dellgbted us sif mc mach by declaring ta fu- Ixirà relative. "Fnolbevery delicate nature of tb. dislasnse. LrdWarlatou t ait "the great iosportance, Ã"f obtaiuig elUnoes. eary roscîits withoct mikfug them' pub- Rc; and,, aotutod by hb... feelinès, lio applied to me, bath as yaur nearesl re- lative, ýan .acquaiinlauce of Sir Lule uas bo expres.e it, and 1 May ~ba nerusilledtî ,ta~eal. as oe NO~a49e -]naauteville Houaesud 'Hauteville- Catie praceeti in regalar causa-'their nsanifaend viliga iii neyer orae simple anti deliglittal Boseomst tram lb. gracotul memary of the Duoheofa St. James. Panliamneut, andinl a de- gras, eaciety. invite tise dukiandudtuais. osa escli year ta tise melrepalie, anti Mn. Dacre is generally thair guest. Their inast intimata anti baloveti friands are Arundel sud Lany Caroiuse ; aud e. bon iadyship nov hbeda liseestabtiab- -bicot of Ceetîs Dacre, they are soldons eparaltd. But arnang Ibein Most agreeakle company is a yauug gentle- man etylei by aaourteey, Dacre, Mer. Qisi cf Hauteville , aud hie yaungen 88er, visa ha@ .nout scaped yeît ram ber beeutifnimother'e arma, anti vbo4 bearsîitlis, tlaoattise Lady May. Bander I aur tala ia tld, andtihie 'uveet sadea vha toorlisree wsok hliea stolon tram deaay ils conacicusuesa, sud lent lite even ta languar vanieliid. - laair. Tho syllahies are sailiug an lise vinti, tisaI are tise ating af lite. Fare- well 1 Oh 1 word of wae t -Oh t sant cf sornav I anti yet tise neceeaary termi- ýmnaia i joy. - exUND. TTrn s ÂD P&RTurIIIA.- 'Somp ydsrme ga,.asys lise Cleveaend Leader, Tobilis Baroggo anti Pentisenia Mucpi. voot, itva Cialvalanfi gils, vonke inlu c kilalien. .Tobilia, marnue a-eti-to.- do mercasau; Panthonia marrieti c mii. lionsire. Severat dayo, ega tise.tva vomen met fanrlise firml l ince Ihey, workot legether.- III am,' very gladti la e. yau," sait Tobillie ; "4time makea no difféence in My fieutship." 61I rememliar ho*wveuet la thra'w places cf liiecail aI euhisother sud'gig. gle," canlinuati Tobitha. "I1 Ibauk yau vory mcish,"oaid Partis- enia. "Anti, Pantisenia, I vaut yau ta camne and, sec e i. I tou'llire lu a grand boues, vithli veilans reel anti en-ý viable vaika but I've gaI suais a plea. sut III tbsnk y6uI veny nsucli," laidPartis'] onia, 1villi a lisiok sladav of'tiaaim- faction on hon face ; 11I Ibank you vsny. machb; but tbink aI your apentmenla."l - "Oh, vweli," reptiot Topitisa, pretend-, ing ualta oobserve Ilie, allusion ta lise dilfférence of situistion, !IlIebd no ibtougbî't ftisI, bat lia difflcaity shah,. bI liobviateti. bel a dalieacy lu. Iregard le my parleri,idon'l lot sIt put yau out,'far ta keiep yau la yoiS naturel felemnetI'll -uthéb.servant ýl away aud ecieye luthe kitCeon. Yo need'l luru up yapur nase, partliesia for you kuav vishea -ve .uued- la alams But'.l Pantenie - Isd4 fainjot. A blue ubark ar outi-isor zuntistaI afthse voil- e nt- slnn ggle. - -dLiaBLNR55 rrmna.--ie Man-, ueie mlkus uIN 'Cane.sdld J 'J BOHRnSJ..a, *fui allOs, aa WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Dalersu anufaclurers of ii AU ____ Klatis of Ppe' uuu LEATHER . AND FINDING8, sin*; Cash patti forBides, Bark sud iaUser. cm =i. t=e Luather atrehd. .tu nrla SHORT NOTICE. Bae u Mal, 1872. mU aus the esUsuIpr SAVINGSAN tOA UIMAI (LIMIEDJ A uthorized' Capital $2,000,00 Office, Na. 72 Churcl.SI., Toronto, DI RE OTORB. HON. FRA1IK SMITH1. Bst~ *5 ElIGINE 0'KEEFEI s.,Vice Preisltu PATR{ICK R$USHES, Esq., W. T KtLY Bi JOM ~Foy, Esq0 JAMES MAQONO Moue>' lai rates of lnlewot#l, cf yraemt.] - Ms -ae Ty.isex localame aun,# n Kig8 1 al i terie lau nthe '~liOasPeace, Progres,, Knowledge, Brotherbood. mo,\TfFRSAYNOVEMBEJ,- r 1 - ma.-M ýo la iv- VQivoon lb.'vemen of -,,fi =ttl.êas ,habits aud one' of a cearmer fibre ana& more aloeetynaturesmIlhe appearauce cf Ibeir beti-rocusao. Ple roco f&a vwe. mcan cf muas refluomaul la' pervadedi bye asubt, .chisanidue - laIhat ylu ber toilb. Ivany-baoked- brulis, tbar. toise sheli combe, lace cwern loopeti bacIt trous aval minýroný--lI ise.rnsy b. iaaking, anti yet c raom mcy alnike ane as à very baver. For instance, asvomna et -the. hinil we bave in view vauld fmofttan tbe agît. uss of ber plain woodon lirusho by tise neat tramnes mse *ould mnice fan lbem.i At uiglit,when mise undreased,ahewoulti conceal tise ptainupass cf liorremaoveti germants by tbe aquare <af wbite moulin otigeti with lace ahe waald tjhrow ever the chair ou wbics tbey i ay. The ele. gance of ber combing.jaakets andi dresa. ing gopa w vni atone for Ibe inexpen. aivenas cftbe mateniai.; sund tise laak tif ornements ou bor toiiot4tablo vtouit be remedieti by tbe tioligltfut treahea oftheb muslin witli wà ci a bs madie up ber pinuabion. & W. vili begin wilitiste bruis case. This is made ont of ai piece cf mauve satin 'or glaze, 21. inabes bang and 22 broa, coveretil au oe-aide wilis sbottoti mualin. This im Ilion 'douhlet inait andi the tva aides are alitceet up. The ae itasîf uovlying fininheti befona yen you procestg latnim lise upVenmasl aide or cover. Aplaceu of uatrov inserion' muet lie placed ail, rant cia. ta lb. esage anti an te bath eldas of tisa inser-, lions nom. uerna 'visite lace mu t -be sewed. Tise-'tace an thé allier aide aboultiajpuu.tîonè.qnarter cf- aunis beoathiseaes cf tlee s. Thle vo,. anti eue-haIt yards cf-->pale îmauva niv, bau uhaulti b.matie uprjuta sRiz small bava, ane oÈ these boys beidg piacet ab. esais conueraud tva lulhe centre. TIse ,cofer tva uât bliewv uitq s cerner eot tise came, aI tanc 8rapectiîety --f aâbaut, brea luchas tram lbtoAp ant 'battom, sud the atitolies iate7uing lhim tovu *mUatýb a lken' -riglit Ibrougli ta 'th. uoraoe-tess.By lakiug' thee sudi. rgIs .troùla oeuple'-ai1 dl.visienm remti m bils'a lpý Ihe brushL .A ruis.casebaPtbuslciud oa af course-be made up lu a U coloa ta suit carpets snd wal1.papeo. -. , Tise taioet.idy.wieh guet',Uy bangs ou i.,h lierklIantI' cfithe-tine*Msug-table, abouaiMatch the brushcase. A piese, of very atifi p. p or eight luches long anti six antiaa hat7iuolle ade mliouit hU covenotivilh lte mauve glas. tand spoti- led munsin, Tlsoa lb ahaqtili bcrclod- up lutoa au b'qnbary sugar-loaf bag, asti made tartsin ils shape by e coupte or se ai setitoees,'-Front h. oclaipeint oet. beltansivto or Ilirea short suds onarrow <,rlon uhouiti bang, vhile the menuti fILie bag:i tudhpomini pointaiethtos bp aheeldjbound round vils nbsotsasd tiobedoif vils a mmmli law. A asanei a nd'o cao ilesI bcavinýCeti brby reoaybo M luti vas hlmî - aise vii l efor e moment yioU tiaIlis cuit have been ovr iauytliig but il* tisa vas pure, sud beantitusi, sud goit.' CHÂÀPTER LXXI. Buatbhaugli W.are lu lave, liuai- ness muet uol lie utleniy negloot, sud Mr. Dacre inistitisaI the yonug dulke abaulti fan eue mrnng ceeue ta *aut. ariiu.hla p-an sd listen ta tis e resat at-hbi. exerti6os uring tlb.'leultee miotbi, ié g 1c- lmnue i; Boula ba t, a isen, rulit vas boped ths lhey lied mon, Ibir ;vont; lIse Wradt hadt lieé aucesufully a*ppaaed- sud ooasis ad impravedi, Tise ULeti amn- alan-'andte lb.Ahambra' bat 4,atis been tilspos.tcalti s éI at h. finalt-l 1he nov Fne -As mbuadbr, .and lie:se. coud ,4-;-ta~ gnoosy.ode& mbook.olben,ý ver>' icli, vhos. ssving ne s6é, de. lerined'tale make solitude amiuulg. Tbu-praoods i fies. aes, bogtber vil etuusby sins -abtainoê by couvert. lugInt oais b.stu&- tIse-funuitture, andtè -s sasete r<u 'a suaon raspectable lfus-it, hAli " s-ypsi'bff lbtril, M(nte-ean., visite le arti Use buidings aicéuIt b. compleleti, de- terminad iUsaI noneoattIse cabales sisanît bernit, 4leveu mortgaget. I.splan vwu le preeratinâte the Iormiuatian et ltes. ubdoerakingt, andt ta albov eai yeanitmeli ta Ãordt tsenecessar>' aap- iuegLBy annually aetling aide oe :Imned housndpountoinlaseven an elgIsI yaaralie Isopet ta faat everylhing compîsbsti - eut alildcliiciesned. He didt alhuint lsdthe extravaganeofa the. tube eulti justlty auy timinutian in th. sum, hicb baihtherta been appartienet fer the maintenance eft lis Irish ettablimmets . but lie Wusaf opinion, thatthé edoredtiportion, wii elitiy, as virell as thse western es- labos, nov affordet te lie ttalinjcames, vas a sufficieul roeao. Faurteen tisausnd a yean vere cousequanîl>' ai- lottet ta Inlaut, anti soen ta Peu Ilronnoak. Tisaeenemainedtla lise duice cant tbirty Ibousidtpean num ,but tIssu Hautevible vam la be kepl up vils Ibis. Mn. Dacre proposedti IisthIe youug. people aliault reaido at Roae- Mount, andti lit cousequontî> tise>' migbî lares Iheir establishimen&t ram the caille, vitisaul rcdnaing ISoir York- aline appainîmenta, antiavrait thoras- seves wltliont au>' obligation, or aven tise oppartunil>' af great expenseset ail lise stventagems affgrted by tise necea. .ary expeutiltane. FlusIly, Mr.,'Dacr presutei bs ndshthie Yungu dukc luasil bet telse"elllsa upan, ruo g -e aheu b. prepartiin'$-le .e ereneelehis Who ltAnd , futuro e- a came, -this geuerota th@r stanne mate' qver le hlmUs te greal , cfbitspar. tnlProprt, sisoçu5tlg -ltaup>wani a$a neuWtoisc nt pomed&14 a littie neadjy maucy, cf vhiasha noeDo formed, lé i s slz an i ils-paie- ivne te i? r-e a," i "Mvwe motiveou aôyaum letton dit ual' give us muoh surpris.eaus xpecbed ; bu,1 ameure, zou it gave ù$a as suuch plosuere. Yau ave.-aboyajyour viadotn anti ye,,r Iambe' lu oun choie.; anti't aie Iras l ceau, tisa1am --eqaltet viIh no ou. mare 'sorti>' of the station vpicb Us.î Duameof St. Jamuesmuetatrlwaye ûl'il sMletYs 'and moe.captste te maintain tiea diguitr cf é bush>'-l 1- 1- laa AVary el