Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Oct 1881, p. 1

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MILLS-. d4 )ind, The. tfly, uIi &laIoaeten N~lD8 0F MILL' SALË f~1*or Whaat lasby era I 1 a eurmlnatiau ta BET ê LINDBAX &jy l.Lapt . .w .sm» id TreuilRak. le Bitain. VVs- ml by ani Agents ai r Tranto sud by ES HOLDEu,, Uaueglng Direte, 20hApril, 188, je an "hiroute, 7inounngat 7.10 il, an arrivai ci trains from the U« at Baciesler I lrthierCe.. tb. 14e O.- 1 Charlotte (Port xk p.i, suaipl mye A a8p4m., ýhielbetheapeslM na'ytouplt BD~, Port Hape, DERRY t-Çtuebeo. am: PNFO1LTt rdlng ta 4u for ra. Vi fint fAE00 maif0 lu BBOOKSTBEET, RIhy c harged aet the rate oaiSqk# ae.yrie fia niertlon, and onepw i2 ~ h na. 1juint insortion.- stoiements o Bai 8~~Pço,.~a descrIption whopatiml tir 0 ycne* qlig meoiw1loi - ONTARIO BANqK, WHITBY BBA.NOH, THOMAS Dow, MN E1 FAREWELL, & RUTLEDGE, t> AURISTEBS, ATTORNETS, SOLI. )citore, Notarles Publie, and Convey. ooeee firs dodr eouth af the Royal Ilotel, *hltby. JAMES BUTLEDGE, B. A, County Crown Attorney. 48 MEnRES UTCHIE & BILLINOS ]BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN .CHANCE RY dc Taranto. Whutby. O'SIYLLlVAN & PERDUE, B A»«ZRS ATOUNBR, OLIC- OFFICES- 79 Tango Street, oeil lhe DomInIon Biuk and Carner King and Tango Streti, ýaronta. D.. X OSULUYAN. W. E. PERDUE. October S8rd, 108. ly.45 JAMES KITU GOIRDON, Monay ta Loai-Private fond-at irs' jutereit. Whth r4auPi wo&, ia4nbs i.utrg 1 su, ,ý' VOL. Xxv.~ WÈ;YIROI 0F O-0 iL ~Bratherhaad. .-L.~ ,r,., ________ NO; (O]MROIAL HOTEL and STABLES, .84laid Oô Jarvls-etree, Taratb. tUSOOEiOiTo àlUE»làE, Hý 00b Eanlthe ec y, oely Pîttodoout, and Overy-tbtag Pitot-clam .(1y4el RDOSSIN HOUZ.-TORONTO, ONT. The PalaeHoteu 41 Canada BRo»tted, 3.funlbed, aid Unrlvalled. BewPeaeu. gaBlevator, raunnng ni< ht ad da .The. atdros i -j29, 4150, aid 88 par day. -Membeore af Club. aid othara, daalrîiig rom, vlthout board, Il ta $2 par day MARK e: IRI;i, Feb. 27th, 878. Propriatar. R Y H OTEL, WHITBY. The. aboe . otou ba in thoraughly renovated sud reurniahed, aud in nov un- der the. management of (JEU. MACRIE, (formanly afi St. Lawrence Iall, Port Hope. Every attentinpaid teVieta. meavalare. mpIBI Ins forCoam. BRT AMUBICÂN HOTEL, R A Y Ma, ("TEra aaou noexusu1 WHI2'BY, ONI'AR J. Hamnse ey renovated aid furnlshid lhroughout, ams upt l in t-olsea arder far the. receptin efgeest&An Âomnibus la aid frc= aIl trains. Pirut-clas sample roonis. SHfARIESPEARE HOTEL, Cor. King & York-uta., Toronto, Ont. J.A.O'GRADY, -PlhORIB2'OR. Taa,141.50 na Dàr. 07-147) POST OFFICE SALOON, TouxTo m. ilcCONEL,.. -PBOPMTOBO sa TEE BEST ACCOMMODATION.u ftr Giet. ,lth 7> ONTARIO IOTEL, J' RAMER GREENWOOD - j JAMES T. JRTI'ELL, Proprielor. TTORNIIY ANID SOLICITOR, CION. A-I-,yancer. Noary -Public, dc..-Post Fsnunkboughl aid eold ; MarniaguSettle- monte; Lotus negofiated au ail lade ai Propory; Wilhs and Truite raide 42ly SpaliIe. JoHN A. MOILLIVRAT, (Successor ta H. M. Howell.) B ARISTRI di ATTOUBBT.AT.LÂW, "Notary Publie, do. Solicitor fan theo Dominion Bi.O£ee.-Next dan, ta Mansin ouatoNseUmbnldgu, Ont. .9 R.T. DARCL#AY, ATTQRBXRT.AT-LW, SOLICITOR £1 nl Chaioary aid lInaivenuy, Caevey. sucer, dc., &o. ,.- LYX&N ENGLiSii, L L. R,,, cee Struet, Oshaa. DAVID ORMISTON, B..- A TTRNE-AT-AWSOLICITOR IB Oric-In the Olffe South or lb. Pott Ofie, iu MeMillan'. Block, Brook Street' Wbitby. ly.1O *JOHN BAL 1DOW, B AËRMTER-AT--LAW. SOLIClTOR Wbitby. *ae MONIT TOLMWN-1>rtvate Fande,. lna mrna p ta #8000, at S 1ev rate of (n. tereet. (ly.62 OFPTC.-In Victoria Chambeon, No. 9,Vcel teet. »Ow. <i. ELLUT. h,îcmàMLAWSOLICITOR e o&. Offi-Devreîîrs le L, Brook. Srtwhlty; one. houer oaI arriagl Xçies.. Orrusu-Ovar Dominion Bonik, Whltby. I>fl. 2b, 1878. -(114 J. E., GA]4BgAlITHD. Rai U -19 Pb ue tn~ n Jx eu s t, it Orav.~BroBaWbitby, Ont., (br ~UUaG»ONTOýýE OÙNTY GÂOL. W.. iMiouRTE, I.13., M.R.CçU., CÀ B D. DRI. 1BOGAItT, Whitby, 8opl. 81hd'o4 4 i~4,tvgarsluf net, 41 Pr 11v(Tewe oni ag, ow Yot4* beit rate»* '~ W.>DAMS, (loata of lthe I1ipiaang Rotai, Toronto.) Oood Liquors and Cigars. Commadfione stabliag. Firat-clasa LiveryStble and Billiard Pe.rlnur attached. 17-16 T IIE QIJEEN'8 HOTEL, BacciSrazxzr, WÉhray. PH.TLIP fcc.LNN. - - propr!etor. 13aM Lîquiaro and Cigare A vo» su pliad table. Airy bed.rooma. Caortab stabling and largo yard room. Charges moderato. .-a CENTRAL HOUSE,1 OSHAWA;,ONTr., &,W. a. MeOAW, - rpe:r Fîrst-claeaaccommodation, Beil Wini, Ligepone ad Cgae.Gaad stabling aid altýtelvehoa",re. 147 WHRITBY aHozSE ;DUNI3AS.ST, W.T The. ondreignea dd l!intîmaI.ta lth publie that tie alu*e premtses harobeain eaowly built and iltted op tlsrougba, forF the accommodman ai guetta. Best ;Winea, Liguori aid Cigare. THE CCAM OF' CANADA-WALZ LOt]iR. Almo puo Relhine Wiee. Lager, Whole- salie aid RataiL. Boardcns aklen by the veek oun moden- ate term$. Tuly, 231h 1880. < B LACk MORSIM qOT»I9L, Con. FordGaosaaaSrs, TORONTO. ALLRED OXFO4OD.. lng f or aven 80D hanse. Pwt-lai eoos suodatson faforeis aiitýd le travelling MONEY TO. LOýAN -ON EAST TRN. 10-If r, Wbitby. 1'HO&LEIHi- nIHoJJSE' & SIG -CI'&novlue Io=&, st bis Sbop,- TrWO DOORBWÊ5T >FARMTE1s RÛOTELZ ÛDS TMT L{JBER VLUMBER l LUMIBER MEI«JHÂNTq W HjlT 2 Y, Ras on h&a&J "GERRIE's CATTLESIC. The Best Jen-theMak! Large Boxes, 75C. - Small Boxes, 25c.ý FOR SALE f3Y Wu. R HOWS-E,* Corner 1 (ey.i8) Drug St ore,, WHITBY2 ONTAR'1O. si» or TaEs10Dra EZOSTEEZ 7 1 KING-BT. EAST TORONTO. ONTA1&91 FARMBRR8 Paoey Ireskh at dTea Sels. lMutual In8urance Co'y. Poney Dhnnor and oaniBote. ? Ynoy Bed-nom 8ets.ý HEAD OFFCE, BROCK.Sr., WHITBT. ue td Te&pats. Silver Plated'Crmets sud Butter -&olers. lne. Oôntl7Churubai, Sohool silver Plted Clake B'ests. Bouses, aid er Oosleul,4staIrateas a.Z"a PÀ)olsKnl'ra lPols. U. haie of, aiy vigaishdOcpn Té& Tresn Srvra lCn da. mpn SImd..=esfor UZ=&. do. o.8ESPOMTY M) Wht. 'Stan. vire, every lind. 33Rola Bar Goode. J. B. BICKEIL, JOlN w=L18, GLOT HRRIONPrieMont. Vlce.Preldent. Importer. C. BOUBRE, 8Sucari. Dominion Wood* Workr,'~îy pil9h 88 1 WHITSY. PRRNX PIE SURANCOR 00. Geo. Cormack, T àBRMEECANT &BUILDEa luge, a uÏkin*?ay>otTvwsflst oud lnge Doore, Saab and Binuda. LUMBER vhoeseie and retail or by by the car load. Planlng, Mocldinge of evoe descrip- tio1 Foo~ng BhetugSbevig, Re- aawngShaing Tunln. 3ral-Work, etc., etc.. ,Wbltby, Oct. letb, 1lem M NITO LBUD. Trhe undoraign a a ay monuntof Mon- oy to Leadupm Farmor Town Proporty, st 1Lea mi e psld inaumu la suit boa Apeti,17l3 Lombard St. and Oharlng Croas, Londoni. E9TAEBLUSHED IV1782. GILLESPIE, MO0FFÂTT & (10., Agente for Canada. B.W. TYBE, Manager, MontseL A GENOY ESTABISHED InCANA- Fende. Moderato rat«i of prmm. C. OUMS Agent, 1%Itby. Wbltluy, Aprl 904 18M8.l B BITISHAMERICA INCORPORtATED z833. ASSE 3TS9, 41,1019L,24 Xnsuranees e fldettble>wmoeurml rates on Building.,Mrb% losdote C. ROUMIE Agent, Wbltbyl G,. eyo, Youi'ro 1Par imam duo - I menture ail 6, sls eWhite " an*v* Wm its Oefia, b=omiteéqito'st.rà, Andatasplol taor Upan Ibe peioeiù4cad Of vIgifib tà té veno ak I lad. ber &brtadpcoaq~ Bot I havie ladaWmyrlnd Taa enyWI8IZI iJ5J , My bzan cd falry erev- And yt ur î4wà btnme lu weu lagm vü , fine On wbleh4or muniemysat Yat should tbiy r~hu ao Theeias a rbarvhete Tii.y may eat sat «y", My frld, A pot rtsei adir- 'with cordiality, did so ptu disia(nroes thsy lbidocma g auptheftossowrndjJûc Iemwdlervaàts leuhis- atin, Hnltein wase b :à, "Is~t e ir him"v wIf Wl, on .pontobtainuag titi(i Spi ofhis ýmaae!a'81Gron Goinâg, and drunkonne, &n he. nami prodi4aLe ai ,ofau the, osuss ahonin srra, bIl ~<>1 lb. ail j '~We ci utrai kiwi litlI itx- Bût fi-ft tmje. 1lbop$ Dot. ,w~ ama lia. kieHi6thé lbu os of êIt ouwoaafmae e&vr Wfl in , h '*ho *vi,qlti -he da"ist lv thtanoaleco esa rig b", ~ aid, Ie@ùfoulhc RsIuLpor,~r aepiopsiiy s 4w. waters )a.rpo hgnd lianuWliiahs-. 'wiielt apr~y 4eptlsufbia atead ~ ~ ie afgie o t ndaïhoîO tdfufiiulbtilo %o anme, ont ta me on spééiai".(pan* àI~a1 ~.. toieu "7.t l yi 'o naù-pyi oly nwet1ptd carets ab, mon bar., c oersie-, tii. cto.cg ak"du&~a ioe oci e ad a doiai, tend <u .-u -aP50 o*bu î ta thaetsora S a itb~,b t vout d , 1aa vl vst eçlora In ,au havi, p~for -fruýe olaiiQ O.'.Waa LâdyCuno, W fnin -oeuà boOafflogr - lo éiel4- And eo, ma'm'ueo h isII X5 n nnÀir,.ý ý1_î etoot! condition. 'For tb. reofaiyoultlh éa uie dr i aw4b ýM£n a) which 1 om as b. hderbato iy aion <gees ait! ho~uty viii na 4trWeL Butthe dOor oeebi t,~ by thoee evwoî erçôand aaçsw *uo ,in ld ayOrls aVir 14tt,04M tçtes tti* aha..s ait! var hbiWwtur~flssTon ûÏMtaieadivyaiib ~4> but, Land ai4 iQêwy wlh 40 mornng 41leon. evonizog bailwere Màe 0 leus do vonda oar of-n4yk jginlT~I1~ 1 Iep lovolines iélthong1ah ,li 'o &H 8, yaun#Cg du e *ù y,aand.sI. may ba.speu ss, u »~01~ mng. .ÂI Isthé MW.aidwrb àog*., LI thj_"brd 6,oï i Io.Vôe'iâtelpnt P e ouae *Ok,.Wa, ,a sa1' b. l- I br_1 * euJ os, fr.ah - nathiug ut froua g At dinn4erto 'Toeago RE set os HISose onIIOtm "y ARCHITEC luRE anU,.aseuius - f«Mts;but ifyau vislà,to kke li DRAWINO AN» SiPECIPIÂTrION leu.,I am nrgey viti thse mat "> Mu rfornca, x~-i 1 uatI do, Promptly pssffl uit, vkovteso CHUCH ltO$01001 IIliIECTJIL ATii.duké W PeOW a itarmy td 895o14Uw. I Sag'vilbWb -,ïvi lau CorespndeeeRspÎ~oI~e, 1 901 la.Pin %BiS iespq S , ABEarolueet, c, efiata ne oz&uaw, Ot a à e aPuri ions i "BULIWLIE LOION~ *raotctbl kmg Adt w zd Q pIt IRMIX OIT»R. S'40 WRIENEO'KEFE,Eq, JAMES MAASON,- omaI with aLu AR C, Aid Scointllng, a- Doors, Si. Whlhb7, Mai1h. 1.80 ta 6,p.M. Eele boath.eatr5a*ee banls nsblock,9 Kng Sînuit, Oit JOUN J a Lolk- rmâtou, sni rate frbIends id avez. lcii are 3. Law. mnalled,. u pl 1 ý 1 Ný, 1 >JL)&UÇE-DxmzzTo wàtu"xnz. 1 w ýli'ldttela [OHINA HALL.1 1 N'S U'ý-R- A'N *£ .

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