Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Oct 1881, p. 3

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THEP .(IJ Uv]. Iii~ k) 'JiJ'J liii WB HiOWe, ODY,» EIGYN A 'mnt op Fille Frenoh Worstedý Coatingà, Nobby Patterns of Scotch TWè uitiugs. Splendid Patteriis of Canadian Tweeds! -ouR STOOR 0 K VEEXLARGE,64 bIing osoust aea ot hi. niv=rityo Cloursa ).an l b me. . u ~1gotsato rmar ~ P t yo mayelyo OVEROOTINGSý-Axi immense range of ohoice goode suitable for Overoaàts, and make sUd Fit*,je perifot, andi saation guarutecti OVERCOATS-A large variety of Ready-made Overcoats and Uleters on hand at prices to s vcry one. If you require a good Suit of OlotheB, an Overcoat or Ulster, or Gents' Furnishinge, cal on the GREAT OLOTHING HOUSE, C. "i VE1: AIw No. 1, DEVERELLIB BLOCK. "lTHE PEOPLES' FAVORITE <JLOTHING HOUSE.", NEW ÂDVERTIBENENTB. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.1 EIIiNo. ~ x AUOTION SALE OF VALUADLEC FARM AND FIREEHOLD pertîa, vl cln tho forsolebyP e Satoîday the 29âh Uctber, A, 0.111, iPartil No.!1 conprisas thosporta af Loia Fumberai18and i in lths SnI Concesion of the TownshiîpaifRami Whitby, mankol ou ocertain regltarel plan theo ai I-k Na. 8, Contolnlng oruanoui82 perchai more or leue; atia.ail ib»Mpar& aiz.M number 71a mrîst upon moi Pl=at. crlbei eu fllova : OomenieaIthe Forth eut angle ai aoîd lot numuber 7 and rnnn sace Sonth 11 degres Piaf 82 "nealus oui ail, fieuce Sonth 7% iogne.q West 92tchaîne andi 80 links aaie or ls ta th. centre aofa ne theuca Bonlberly followlng élbce b e ithe creek to thé Soullienly nit of lb. sai lot numbar 7 fbmlane 8ofi 7 d &nesWest i1tibain astI 58lb or o sm, la vbere a ost lia beau lanid eta g of th. road. thenca. 8U lnks. tlioes abt,4digne.. Il chaîne' ani02 lnks ta lb. Souibvoot angle cf mil lot nunbsn 7 thence North 10 legres Wet g5 obtuasand 06 links ta the reor acielâ i Conceasl", theno. Forth % dge a= u 16 chaîna more or las te thé placdofb. glnila, cculalznug 84 orna oui 90-100et ou acre more or leu. Paras! 2 comprises ail tht part ai Lot 2 aama,rksupnra"inlrti plan cfLots umbee l.U8ati eltl.moiïa SMiCou- cession deitiibeti as follove : Conxmenciug au thé southara i Unt ai the im oit i un- ber 2 atithe distance oai2 oboins oui 87 links Iran lb. Soubveat angls ihereof, thence Forth 10 legnees West 465- cllainud0 linka anars or laeu ta thb.-Forthlun>linît oi lb. aIl lot numbor 2 thouce Forth 74 degreeREat 8 chansaià 79J links more or lots ta the Boateri>' liait of lb. sai lot numben 2, theaica North 16-egrees Bast 46 t4ialanoui61 linka mare or les to the souih.aaî angle qisali lanusbe ,-ac Southa 74 legree Wat 8chais anl¶9J luis mars or leue t tha placeof aIbglnig, cotalnlng 40acres nors ornlms. Parcel 8 comprise.fiait part of lot nuln- bar 10 u hthe MCouoalmisuohlb.Town- shipo01 ButWhtb utispbatasolo : ocotinnclng et aoLua t he o lI.bt. an Unit af tIshé moInmban 10 at ai&. hase o 8clih"ni rantlé. othet angleý Iheneai, tIle ob, 10 diegs«Wun $6 elalu-anoui79'"sb, thenca Bath 74 dée- <ruWeel 18 cMsaina, boce North le de- Weschilîna ainks1b, thame Ch4gnaWslcaî-na totbewail. 0M lisait f sai lai number 10 'Ibeuce Sathlegn, u t E 97itchaîneaollinks Iliuo Forh74 a i Baul W0octine la, lta, pIeofa b g ,n cotainlng 50gArai nons or le. Panoes! 4 cmnailSonutilquarter ofLal numbor la Ibe4iuConcesionof thes Tovnship oaIEast Whltb ,evaspi ame qcnrteof au ao f the Bouth'osat corner teroofonuwhlciathe 3E. M. Chmralin atania, oiaso excepting 4diace. cf lb Forthana thorso aiaouiconvayolt toW. IL.Thomas, oulaing 45 ocrai mmoro lue. 1 Parret 5 comprimas ail that pari ai lb. WesallfliLot number 10) iu the ri Cou-. cemalmu ofRBut Whutbz>'damaibai ai ici- Imvi. oonncing onth6etonl>'axit 09 a SiimS.et à a apotiut Northi6degrué st 9 chaînsanoui529linuka iroan lbecentre of gatiConetu. lience Forth 74A Easat11iobtina 74 link, theaice Fonthli i.- Çreaawseal9 tiiandi es linsI , beuce Nrh79dogreaiWail-ilobtinsoui 76 lis mors or lue te. the Bo«itey> uait of the Fouquon Pool, Ihencealmont; the ButI- arly Uit aiffthe Fouquon Rosa aouiaii Sm. coe st. Qllbsand eminks luIs parele f lbe pIso e ognng, aamtailng 10 hma, nors orlema., Broen PronueopouLùêErleinlbaorva- mlapof Berti, in the Causa>'et.,W*llla, aui centaine »0 garM.more OF leu. ' Pacel 7 compnlooe ail tua part ofi Lot anunher O lia ths eI Concseainci lb.eiMM ITownship ai But Whitly,,bounlel ou lb. Rami b>' lb.allowano cerîotibotesenLlo numbesand ami tuhle saliConuesion, ou lbe orth b>' o portio qe sali lot nuq J,1 alan, oui on lb. Sculli bythe siovonos tos ne"inlufront Port latI aiphor 01 Antiou- faiing,* mmai.mois an lema Partiel 8 comprl« aeitsa Setisquartirof lelaa.b.rtinulbe adCoaoe.Msacitb. eaud Townip cetRamt Whitby, exc e Inoveilet ib:, eingbaasi laina50 ocre. faorse r le nunher 9 lu the Ilti Couueia cftha Township cet3Minlthlb.couty' et On Panai 10 caonpisailot> unauben 5on lb. West,@a M 5511..Uns t -L n&1î,==bàeer tendi by a never-failing atroam ; thon htea goci orchard of about tva acres. Parcl ai htva milea front the Town et Oshava, there in an thh parcel a ml Dvelling IHoua. uidor=aithatoneusofa- dationi, andi Stable .ii young Orcoar. Paroal 8 la about nx ilea iran the Tovn of-Oaoa, thesmou hlavary <008, it h veil vaerdby evwr4alng orsek ; lu wvll lencei; thaere ihthereon a Prame IHoua. and Baru and àoamailOrohard aifgpodlfruit treu. ' Partiel 4 hla&bout Ire mila frin ihe Town of Olliave.,on the Nonuuon Roai thona la on thiapanaI a very goa lbuf.n House, ivo Parus uB ie6'blahle oe ame <ci; thora hfau Orcazd of about 0 tore. Perce! laintva milsfrom tbe Town of abwfronts ou Simca. atret, la Wall feu. ced a 6 l di.arable alte for building pur- Parosi lo lavai tuated ou Lao BEio vîltn" &U a91lle ofaittln of the (Grand Truuk Rallroni, 7 mles Iran Fort Bria, Mdi 0 MIlefroin Port Odibonaîe- thera la ou thiaps et a good Brick Dveling Houm sud n d goiloutbuiap ;neaenexcel- lent Orobaifi ai&bout thlrtyacreaof aplae larlugaandin a ;Wa Mte af oultivatlcu ; thia hloue cf lb. malt deairable properile lIn the Conty of Welland. ý Parcel 7hleabout tva mile.sfrou Ochavo, le l tâtýhY 0AM;thm l W&property parw e-il tmoie ran 1Obbav", tbrs la thareot agoci atoue Houa.ellitrhua IchnB Mdai oit voter; 6 Dan vlth Young Oroliariaio about ac*re. Parcal 9hintimbaretisuni&bout 4 ni". fram Athéely. on the Mila Baflroati *Panod lUish bowai se Thoxuo Llyaiy etoblea. l.buIl onneBrick anilcon-. :codiona s m al! Uittea up, lb. ait. la the beot ta Qahava for lvery Stable pupc' a Partiel illfaUertha centra ai Omshava, =ixrala leono lcbmth alip. In la a Paril, 8 h h.lo ao <00Freine. Roug. Puoel 14. Onuthia partiel ialarge Irans Coa eteet $bo;-vib goalXa6i4 u Parnel la. eu thlajparcel la a goo trama Cottage vIli batone fouuiu.tiou. li goci ne- pain. Partiel 18. Ou this, partielah a goci Rougboaat Houae vith alan. fauniotion, lu Bougepne hîRugqca Haue.l¶,od relrrw e haultrama Panel$'~thopancle a aaalbirté EoughcaetBoua. Pereel 24 Ou,$-bisparc; La a400oo4On ou re bail 1>1&" ank W e vth "ooi Stalioutbsilna, lttat UonKIn at étus =l. otelthe Tovn, oui hlaa de 7.P5rtt, - ciay. on, about 70 aWcre.arel, aMi heabout 7 niomfa Ornoa. Pareil9S0&On Ibis p inorsyh gSO là mtoyu7 C boaaDvauiÈôm lo one» fouiation La cir.orthire hl.a PuarU la heb.roednce ai the Venior, ecomuprisesabout Il acresate beauIey altu oteti on the W.agie 7ai'SlmnaeBinIntm Slante vüktit bleefruit atioruantal tL@,Vtthcuneof tboat UL awnl0"aia va 1there ihaàlange BrIèk Dwallfug Houge -'in a=, aeryt caou >bhil Iinteeon *ým,'Wlth'b"IrSon ou al toiderc, eonyanncuae. ThIa h oua of T=BUS 0F? SALE -Ouaeth Coaliet finetaie, wfl uae. nonth *çwâamta enouigh to naha eb.40osgImthe Paeh non., tbebalane lu Ibre qarouuu lnstalmefm ith lutev ajet aiucet, apprensmieaurpayablé la tva eeai asa- n sutalmente, Furlboeiicu1i#uiIUw5ma0ia ýeau b. liai rom b. Vau40r. W4ZTJ QUA& Oshawva, Septambw 80tl,1881 TafumyciaUkcwx Limes,~ DOMIIONWÂRROOS, OROK &DNDAS.,TREETS, on'FRIDAY^,-SEPTEMBER *8Oth, and will Saturday, October ls-t, Monday 3rd, and Tuesday ',E DISPLAY 0F FAS-HIONA-BLE -MILLINE-RY &'ýOOD' Rc:rOTHAEiR DEPÀRTM N TS FULLR STOCKED. '.«IO 881. DOM]j UNPAALLEEII~ f 88LFALL PROCLAMATION! 18 - '00. 0F ONTAR! ej s àÈ - TO 'WT: la sllinge 5 Ibo.lmlolre = a pin esf ~~ 81b. caddie, fine new SessnGre ea o $;bim**sot IE THE GRAND OpENING D A )F 1 th deproJaa Tuon~.Mgata - 1es t, ha t dfy competition. Canne Ia, iLý's ChoicePie sudSuces, Cocoanut in bulko Flavôriaf * sPue8 os1 - ~~~creami of Tartan. , The <IOUS" 3kin 1 0 o%..n quzlfor, pi eesd"Yvlnce bsale of t inc v se b"(meeWa P ~for scaillil ,frse Iud - fcormon aift OAPB; 12 cakes TU.Ss b 0," BRiUSES, UES, siW.6SEBQÀ% A. RIEAT SIIIRPý,RISE. o 5.S F a b aneisoko * CRiOGKERY AND ,GL4S8WÂJi His anticipations were muoh more -than ty pecial nu TesSentCianTesstyesW realied. LMSvery 'cheap; Glas Lutmp&from, â TE.BU8T FAMY- ,PLOUR, -Between $900 an d $,000 sold in -i ToStores c on Saturday. - ~ irsetui olieibfr 1wver-y LwP, ~ * Gooda are being clear'ed ou uimnnse CHANCERY SALE. PARU IN, TIIE TOWNSHIP OP PICKERING P URSUA"T la au arien maie by the Chaucary Division ai the Hlgh Curt cf Justthe la the czatter af Mathew Devltt and aber ifat. nti wdîWth the approba. tion af George Hanry Dartne% , Pqulre. Local Master of the sai Cour t a Whltby, thoes vlI b. eoesifor als by . PUBLIC AUCTION, lly Thomas Pouaben, Anuasr, at Policu. amBI Hava., iLu th. VILLÂGB 0F BROUGHÂM, At Tva a'alack p. n., ou Ioesdaly1the SIhday i of lu% 1881, * thai vainoble tu= ovait anti occupied by the lots Tliomaa Dcviiibelgomposi aI tbe South haitof lot ýNa. t, u the 11h Concessiounaof tas Tovablp af Pickering, mai ta ecutalu 110 acre.morsor lesm * The feroi leU o iearliai oxepi about moyn euora afhardwooilndJou oulb.North enid thoreai. The Buildings on lb.éaliaIam consita of a frome bouses 9h2, a trame harn a str houles OrGO, a frime ashedand otale The sail isla asoioiaeitifailalocalai iu th. «ublcnlyc i ebat fora inPiclar. ~ho purchaosr shail at the fi.. cft b.esle sy a 'depoi i c ton per cent an the pur- chia.moue>'tuth . eicre,solicior suid thboli" ib one moulb lbarsaiten pay inoa Court the balance af the purebase Thio purohaser abolli unoyment ai the said ton per tient b. enttl te, possesaion for the purpos cof dolig fil pouglang. oui tu comploe.possession ai fias ui of one month tram lb. saol sale on poymsut aifltas baanco cf hi# purcbaae moue>'. The séadeus aolIbc sli irsé otii thé mortgogo thersnandou tneb. ovsr of Isabefla Deoit, tths aanof itlb.infants ta rean In liCourntou tehaappliedifl> mentalf the mcntge bers.. they re- spectlvel>' becoma us. The Vendon or their Sollollors iii! niot bb ounnI lafurulsb y vuouf tae i ts excepi thons lu thelr pouwmsi, anti neab- tract oecept a capy ai aàDeitrana àb. :tract, Thora vilî ba hanv bliai dby lh. The salevil libe bouueliMilan« the sadn conitllof ahel. saliCourt, er. ce;t as ereln varld, nUrpartolas nd anti ouof al nia>'b. hadastlb.eLaW -1Ofiosf mem. Farewell & Rutlsige. VendicV sSolweilan Whiby, aiflath ellomo i etbtueun. deraigued icMater ai *sacourt G. H. DAUTNELL, VainsSoictor. Sin. T OBOUGH SERVANT WASTEID. T Appi t M S. H1GGfl<S. Oct. »., SI.The Grange. nul'DIT -SALE!t Of Pa&= Stock, Implmnal&oc. TheVUndorefguet! barocaïel insatructions iran MR. CASPER STOTs. To solb>' Publite Aucticai vithaut raiere on lot No. 18, li lb. 41 acon. of the Tovnsibp of PlCKJBING, au WEDWERDAY, OCT. 261h, 1881. The Foilovtng Vinabln, Stock andi ImpIe: -meate HORSES.-1 Hose, S yearaoli i 1ra Mar, 9 jeansal, lievy dnaight, b>' 018 cuquérnr, 1 Broci mana, 10 Yeo ldi e Oral purpome.1iMore, 4 jYan ol i Bl Colt,-eue y4ar al, gt b>' JiclÎBeIl,2apung Cltasetb> Cioamuan. OÂTTL.-i BUlljensal, -I1Nov MhIltic cvw, cmliaitlier aiàe mIlholi cv, 1 0o4r,9 er Il, l fi, I Yeanllng Brnffr 20 hSveeUw -bei CotuvoIiN ]Ur 1 Mws 1ulu e Q-Is7091671 Searfuud and Set o ZNov îStugl Bannes,a Sot airii boMani -'l'Boi o ibMëtïtm Nc.okae9 dohli$ let«, I Box Blave, 80 Tons .1%991 94 Acre o uàa i in 1d0,00 cf Brick. I Bs tt. Machle in, animp amont., poria, à" ai.a Sale Io cOjmmence ai 1 o'lelc, p.M. TEBRMS,-..Âli.aune and10 u ader, cash- or«« thal autoIl xola~credut not pai vban dua. THOS. POUCIRB. picke àriu e ui. 1i Ï,111 ntoe AUTION SALE 0f Thoreugli-breti nti GR ADE% r- ToL- 1.OST MANItOU ~TWA: la ni lb. loa Panai, West midi lui tlbs .2 nuamberl Gcommeni3i,g WIIITBY, - OMXAiIiO~ AN IMMENS Whitbyp' Septm 29th, Il contîni~e 4th:e NDBljy O~!N Msalsat au Attan- *SON. et front for.. lentwoi ns b>' 017 o h vis sluded The r 0ro Tin ui ranIs. hg«., t.- or 1 àvetà INIOI-N AR~O BIJY EARLY, ROB Wulh-brei Ive., M" = -llý-'lCý

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