~> Y! LU JUIl> Grand Mi llinery Operô FIRmÂAY ÂANDSATUB MDAY, -SEPI muq DII sass eau <111 mae laien a 28 of 111< ment s 00 opp vIs W84v1u luta. A à Wholu îand" th, l'CW g0154Pm" i. Hie seuu iii cf Ivelawd >u& la enillA, ai valuaeof 000,000. ,Oet tan III. Vuas ary copiena in but in u iI S fouieS -tîme mrai abouf a of lthM 055n s Josthli U,. duriag the madi' .ver et U te i. ýr 10 voeo&P, efhi înd hhfrt I rons the, lSi i b destroy, moment haît bo« 'suflei iteed ,art aère a s ý andi modem dalo Couert t ho cot au na bita trainI ,vi bein -bul orthilia, suid et thhirunequt )ho"will play sot Ife né1e mânles. #O! urtiarntheiiP aed publiec o u tngteagrs saiS viwat vu crime proed the ufât'uofes aris asifna mie@ Wie pouseu goerenit axo- eos viii ne oa Thsi la t1e gress Ireland ect te ber W. are oocevlced, abéres te taesful mS Ast, bul Par- ovenacmet viii ie. sm cf, hipeope, à eS 1"at ne feras île heugh forces opie frein havisg LanS Act. I eaUl lrs of min ia ite support tbm LongeS chiera.>: the Irish labour t Leagu.couves. ' Il, prasth. r thé esceesaoe!the jea Ahe reprealeta.- naS laaS.heldenu to gýO'an) Ac se-' fèeAth la hiberrs. ,-4raxeil, i bis a ».foaassate Mr.. d sud bai idto.Ss est unrin ion. Pir n00* a sea buceboi sinate.. IÈH A"D OCT., ST.' When wo will E&ow at ou? Milinery Show Roome, on the . abovétdays, the Largest, the Biéeet, the Gra.dest display ove: offered te the peoplç of Ontarjo Co. VIE RICHEST SATINS, SILÉ$., VPJVETS & PLUSHES, IN NEW .-OfifBRE" SHffADES. TEE NEWEST BROCADE BILES,, ciombre-' and Gold.striped RIBBONS, BIl.k, White & Cresa LACES, "Ombre' Plush LUBBONS, PLUMES, FBATHBESB, FLOWEBS, OBNA.MENTS, &c. oUR DSPLA O? 10HTRXUED BATS AND BONNERTS!1 MUL BE A VEBY SPECIAL ATTRACTION TO TIM LADIES.-' our styles,, shapesi,a Trimnig are perfectly immens-everv Hat ae&l Bonnet a marvel of artistie tate, n a nas.mdperfection, . vil shw only lihe hatest sana most Fashionable goods tebcbeobtained. Yonr attentionl is alo irected te 1the large showing of General, Staple ana Fanoy Dry Good and Novelties. Kindly look nt onr Dri.. Gooa, Blaok Cashmeres, Shs.wls, Woolena and Yarns, Manties, Mantie Clotha, Snlitings, Flaueels( Eosiery,,Gloves, Laces, &c. The stock is large, now, attractive, and th1e value is unsurpassed. No. 1, DEVERELL'S BLOCI. Dr. Fawler's Extreet of Wlld Sttraw- berry. Curnss Il tormae 1Bcwsl complants e le . faitsa:radulte, The montale, pleasent anaî perfect rsxnedy keove. Pnry elyygi. table and fris heom Oplatus or poisonons drega, A Hard Taak. Te fimd a bette:rsmsdy for dysfpîsa, in- digestion, snd impurttes ofti bloed, than Bnrdock Blood Bitters. Prias #Il trial bettiex 10 cent&. A Vexed Clergyman. Even the patience cf Job ventS biorne exhausted viere hi a priacher sna endiavor- îng te internât Mabisnseswvile thsy van keepingepuan incessant cnging, makteg It imposs eforhlm $t e hbieard. lot, boy very esy cmanS i bbe sycded'b yslmply usieg Dr. Klng's New Dîscevery for Con. saxeption. Oongbs aid Colas. Trial bottles given away at W. R. gowos'a Drug Store. Woman'a True FrieS. A rinin noeinl a friend indueSd. Tixis nane can Sony, especially when assistance in rendsred wbin ons ii soreiy affiliced witi Suucase, mri partlclarly ihose cempîsIints and wiakeusen so common taeor female population. Every vemai aboula knav that Electria Bitters are woma's tune frlend, an i vlI pcsitely restoe h er tt, beitalt ven wben ail cte: imidies lau. A single trial always proves Or s&$"ton. Tbsy are plissant te lthe tante ana only cost ûfty cents a beitia. Sala by W. Bl. Revis. Worthloss Stuif. Net se fust My IrieSd; If yon couadsoi the. iîroeg, iealthy, ilooming men, vamin aid chiliren that have bien raaie froxe beau of atokeesa. sufferlng and mimosandeth, by tic ns. ci Hop Ilitters, yen veeld gay "Glorxandsi nvaluable remedy."-Flilê. de iphia Press. Beautiftera. Ladies, y on cannot mske fai: skie, rosy cheiks ana sparkling sysa vîti ail the cos- motersoa!France., an buutillens cf the vorid, vlxile in poon beftlti., anS notbing vili give Yeu auclx goed healti-, strengih, buoyaii spirits aid beauiy as Hop Bittera. A trial is certain proof.-Toirxuqxh. týe Noticos of .Brt, Marriages, anid Deaflss clargecl 50 cents acd. D E à T Z 8S SMITH.-At Port Wkitby, cn Fr1. day, Oct. 'liii 1881, Jamies Smith, aeî 62 ysaru. WHIT.BY MAP-RWV. Ouuoscr.aOrnOt.12th,181 The dslvery cf grain ba. net be as large Un .past, u theprîoced1ig waek, cwing te a dols e -npuucu-the bottins apparently baeiig faim eut of 1116 barleî sirk.t. FaflWlst ..... .... .il 5 55 Bpring Whist .... .. 1 80 i* 1 8W Barhey .................. 070 a 085 Flour, parav* ...... ...8 W a 820 Bys .................. 090 a 095 Poua............e-...... 070 0 (077 Peas, blaakoeid ..... O090 1 Ios Blue Pea.............. 080 ~1 05 Oetas.............. 08W 04do Hay.................... 800 <1000 Apples, pi: buts..........eu0 40 o60 P.o .................. 045 q so6 Bggs .................... 015 '50 17 Butter...............O 15 < 0 28 Chses ........ *......,#_0 18.(05O00 Wood .................4 60 <@ 500 Sheepklns ............... 040 <5060 Lamb.ilnd quarter.1... 1 5 000 .. foequarter.... 100 50 00 CaltakiiRe ...............O il011 012 Rides, per lb............. 007 008 Pcrk, percowt ............. 700 57 60 Turiipi ................. 008 @ 0 10 Celery, pi: Sea ..........O 080 @ O 40 Chiakens, perpair . O.... 80 O@ O 00 Turkey, perlb........... 015 05 015 Woo04 nnwased . O..... 18 @ O CO fi awhed.........020 0028 Befby the carcsam...007 @ 005 Mtto,bY the cariai. O OS.008 @00 Ritail.-121 c. Veal, carqais, 6c, rtail .... O010 @ 900S Bacon, Fasre'.O.... 12 O@O014 Rama, ' . . . .018 o015 Ribarb, p: bunci . O S000 O00W Asparagus, .....005 <5000 Sialoti, i,..008 5 000 BXaise, c ...010 000o Parasa........010 O000 Csbbags, pi: boasa.'. O C* 0 W A C À 19. T Oailwbeareanf.rlg ron h.ernre aidlelacetonsetyoSth, nervees weakaesa. early decay, lois et manhecd, &o. I viii senS a re that Viiicure 70e, PEllE 0F CHAIS E. This grest rimedy vas dbtsccvrod by a niaery in SouAR Bunrica. 8Sud Ca »U-addmuea en voioe te the uv. Jo9sapuT. liiix, Sig"esV. Bible Rliue,.Net <~ <v NEW ADYýERTISEM1'NTB. "TWA HOTJRS AT RAME." TOWN HALL, WHITB'Ys 101q£ R OJY MONDAY, 24TR OOT'R MR. KENNEDY, Tie ScottixilaVacalît, wvlll gAe bis Buts:. taluent on thxe SONOS 0? SCOTLÂIID, asstieS by thbs foininMenabers of hi. Pamily . Miss HELEN KENNEDY ...Soprano. M iss MAXAJORT KENUZDY Soprano. Mua MAGGIE KENNEBDY... .Ptseolorti. Mn. EOBBRT KENNBDY..Tunor. Mater JOHNKNND .Von Coumece I 8.00. Body of RaB, SOc. (laiera AdrmisIon, 25a. T I EWRI XVANT WANTED. Oct.1, T8. hOGrange, FARM FQR. SÂLE.» MR. JAMS MAILL e: To asll bisear ln. WPXOUENG by Pubhlc' At RAV'ê HMOTE-Loý lea tbTon of WMTBY, on Wednesday, Nov,:2n1, 18~1 AT 2,O'OXiOOK, P.M. centanngoui bpudrid lo4 one.qlOQj ursmi orele, eêÎ4 . 8 - Q r4ieup 0. F. SE AT "THE PEOPLES' FAVORITE CLOTIJING HOUSE." NEW ADVERTISEKENTS. ONTARIO SA UL T STE MARIE RAIL WA Y COMPANY. NT OTICE las hereby giron that tbe maps 14or p asnd IBooks of Relerenoe sho iai lands throngh whleh the lins of the Ontario Sanit Ste Marie Beiiway Comnpany it te pasoinsheb Township of Srse and tbrougb the Serpent River In. dlyan Itgeserve, have been duly certified, and lopes thereof have been deposltedl in the offi of the Clerk of the Peece foi the Dis- trict cf Alffona, and aise in the office of the Proviniall Secretary, under thue provisions cf the Railway Act of Ontal;O. DateS Toronto, Oct. Gtht, 1881. J. D. EDG3AR, President Ontario Sanît Ste 'Marin B'y CO. B. JAFFItAT, Secretary Ontario Sault Stie MariG IVy Ce. lin LOST.-On Oct. 9ti. between ÂAdle Land Stb cen. P1ckering-Lady's Bl clouh Mantie. Tic finder wil oblige by re turning saine to D. bMcBraidy, Eçq., And1ey, or ta M. &' S. R. McINTYRE, Whitby. (lin GOLISITIIS' HALL 1 D13ROCK.ST., IWHITBY. An ENTIE NEW STOBK now opineS Out, wbiah has bee n persorially aelected, and every article guaranteed olthe fouet quality. GOLD WATCEs, SILVER %WATCIUE-4 COLORED CGOLi) SETTS. COOLRED GOLO EAIROROPS COLORED COLIS DROOCHIâr, COLOREISGOO )NICKLETS AND LOCKETS. GEM RINGS, KEEPÉER triWcs SILVER JEWELRY, ichistanow e ari aioeabe-a largie asaort. ment i LADIES' SETTS, I3ROOCHES, ERI- DI1OPS KECKLETS. LOOKETS, TBIMBLES, ETC., ETC. NEW JET GOODS. Nov goo in Engliih Plateil Brooche., Bar-droipa Nîck Chins and !Lockets, ana Gants , ,hLins. ELRCTRO-PLATED 0001>8, Ail the ne'w pattemas, n Cx nets, Butter Bluhes, CarS itecevers, Vases, Luz. ÂIsa large stock cf CLOORS, Spectaoles, 511k Guardli. &c. .Ail of ehich twil bis /ferad ai 1he' LOWRST POSSBiLEPRICES. Watcle Zealriog a specialty. jewehy maSe te erder or repairT. JAMES JOHNSTON, Practieal Watchmker. Whltby, A.ag. 15, 81. 16 MONTHLY SALE, AT TUE GLOBE IIOTEL, BROOKLIN, At the solicitation of many lnfiaentis Parmers, I have beasuinducýed te hol& a sais at the Globe Rotel, Brooklin, far the disposai cf Hornis, Cattîs, Iieplements, ft , et 12 noon, sharp, On TIJESDAY, 110V. Ust, 1881. Mr. McQuay han proniised te do aH in his power te meke this sale a succe.. Ail srtilels or animais entered for &&Io two wseks priar te de y ef saeswil bc ad. vertised in posters. A book willai et at Globe Rote , where entresa may bce ue. Shonla sulllclent enceaxrsgemet li given itsà the. intention cf the aubscriber te con. tine thase sales montbh1PAIRS ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE. N OTICPAinherehy gArethat ILgh Annual Moitie of jti s hbolr oI the Ontario Ladices' Celle g e i take place ai Aie COLLEGE BUILDINGS, ce TUESIIAT, SEPTEMBER OTI!f, ei Tvo e'clock. p. m., for the pnrpose of electing Directera, and for sncb cihen bua=*es s nay be hrougbt hilare thebs hmarebodrs aisaiS meeting. JOHN BICE, Secretary.1 Wblthy, Aug. 27th, 1881. 21n.87 Tii aboe meeting vlfbe adjouned te Tuesday, October l8thl, 1881. at 8sa0MeAme anS place. JORN RICE, Whithy, Ang. Blet, 1881. Sicritary. The abere meeting is luthir adjouned te Tuezday, Novr. l5th, 1881, é e aema ime asdplace. z'4 ordr, JO"N BICE, Secreta.7. Wbaitby, Oct. Mt, 1M8. 8 EXECUTORY- NOTICE, P UfflUANTAto Section 43 of Ch=tr 0 ci thi RaviseS Statuts& cf h.Provice ë! Ontaio : Notice la bereby given tiARl ai eSilons and ethirshaving claaaggaist tbe estate of sTrEPHEN FULLER, late of hi Tcwnship of Whiby, in hi ConntY cf Ontario, le tbe sait! Province, GentlemaS, Saiessed, wbo departed ibli lido on or about tA ie;veti day cfApril, in tie year oclou: Lord oee houase=0d i=h ihundred and Eighty, ar rquirid te senS by post, prepald, or te Selivir te Mma Mary Sarah Fuller, WbiAby P O. or te J. Ramer Gréénwood, Soclieitr 4cfefide aiEstate, Wiitiy P. 0., cn or hilare Ahe 20M day ct November. AD, 1881a staiement coniain- ing tueir naines adesrseis aiS tbefull Faatouisrs oeir claimesuad hi uecaiilia if an yJll y th= ; sud IRai &(ter tuai saiS Sa" laitaforessid, lie Ezeenili vi tecormgabeng tbaeS on .teie late cf vxanoie bébe ien as aboya ri- qlaand th, saiS Ezictri viDnt b. hbleer tbesadsae0£etanypa- thrie! to any porsan or pras Iof ie d aims notice sha net have been recaïved by thi saiS Ezecntxix or Solicitor st the ime et Datedsat Whitby. ibis lIM day cf Sep- tember, A)., 1881. MARY 8ABO&BFULLE, J.RAMER REENWOOD, Ber Soucitor. Notice ta Creditors. 1 p URSUANT te Section 84, cf Chipie: ..107, cf the revisid Stauts, et Ontario:- Notice la herelxr giventhet ailcredters ana cthera lacir"s aalnsmt Ah.estame cf JAMES',MU>DLETON, laie of h. Tcwnahip cf Pickuering, le Ahe County of Ontario, yeoumn deaad, Who dAiS on h.e xgbiiaday of xes.18are requInS te .ixd by ï'.n.pi, dr. AireSto esien.. F AP<WLltrJaUT- Dqltof ihea lciW#hitlxyl3amlstes, on ofr u lIlr S ape1 None.., 1881, me rti.s, = afyhubîee And thet ails: ths alS i7thSlay 01Nov. ember, 181Ib.nndthe gnd xeoun 01 c ARe estte c lb, aS timmsMdetee, wI1lveseS1e SIitdbte ta*ia" fthef b l«kt ra.a m i4as . maig Athé patis. Alhmewlhu alinh.t, rgaSte c1e. aims oly 01 vbleh hiy aMslh, DateS AI tby of U a c ae ber, 1801. JAE vmTR PEAIS, GEORGE T"DL. BEuotoni wuL. HEI!EY Rux l, PROPERTYIFOR SALE. uEndueSgnd bas bai na&*4 b TARs e'z«Mescflb laIUt@N. G-. Rp- bum popets l b TwoWit PAROILL-Abe Ji M8-00 mu, lyà a 1iB Commencînçj on FRJDAY, SE*PîEMBER 3Oth, and. will continue Saturday, October lst, Monday DISPLAY» 0,F' 8rd, and Tueslay,- 4th: FASH IONABLE )THER EPARTMENTS FIJLLY CD71W MILLINERY STOCKED. -ZI DOMINION ..WAREEOOMS. sUccEss t 18vFA LL PIROCLA MAT/ON!-,,ÇN VR,' r IMÉTt. CO. 0F ONTARI1O, -A.SM: -IO WITU* J Is sellinglbs. unSolor ed Japaà n Tea forq Bli cadaies flue new Season Gnon Tes for $1;_ ehoice nov Bseas-n BI Tea, 81b for $1; 81b. caddies Supenior Japan Tea for $1. Au gradds Euf à t pries Ihat defy coxepetition. Oanned Gooa, Batty'sob oice Pie] ana sauces, Cocoanut in baill, Flavoring Extradai, Pure Apices, 'J' Cr-eam of Tartur. The"Iiouise"' Baking Powder lis. no ,ýequa là fr pq ana exceilece, 1the sale. of it iucreairig dsi6 Ue 1e indese'Was for eeonory ny he 1eLUndry. e.xj.éktcc of comnion aud fanoy soAPS; 12 caktes' ToilaI Soap foir 20ea. 4 assortmçint o!fJ3ROQMS, BRUSHES, PAILS, TUBS, WÂREBOAN &o. ; 9 Brôouis for 25c. S. F. has 111e largeat stoakof - 1GBROKERY -AND GA in 111e county ; special bargafits in China Tea ýSets, noi styles; Granité vare ; new styles inu Glassware. ]3eautiful Paiutcd anddBn LA.MPS very cheap ; Glass Lamps fr9m 80ëechr THE BEST FÂIWI,:LYTOUR, GRAHAX FlOUE, CORNMEAL ,AN» ,oAmeAL,. A caU is respectfully solioit.ed before .peroas supply ail at Bock BottoinPnices, at e1,c"ash1 Sýept. 21, '81. H. BI~YCE, & WflIWB~, = NEW ADVERTrI8EME&TS. BOOTS -AND SO$ ANENTIREL.Y wýuwO Fout, .i0#4 Toofhà , Eaud Faut und paf, issu AuI1 -N DOMINOi~ WÂREROMSCOR0KBR.OCK.& ýDJNDAS STREES AN IMMENSE # rÈýb jse Wbit.by, Sept. 29th, 1881. U NPARALLELEB G-OODS!'I THE GRAND OPENING DAY,0F Dryces ra ae A GRE~AT -SURPRISýE. His anticipations were. much more than realized. Between $900 and $1,000 sold -in his Two Stores on Saturday. Àstonishment expressed byeýveoryooe atl the very- Low J-Pe8 Gooda are being oleared but inimensel BUY EAIRLY AND BUJY OFTEN. ROBERT CRPDIT, SALE! 0f Farm'Stocék, ImÃrpie- mientsu &o.- TiR e nuisged asoreuilvid irneons M.JOH-N GRAHÂM7 an-40 1