Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Sep 1881, p. 2

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Tou siz mm lle ioe a ~.Powell OMataOs-1 F, stol Berlin Wul vorIm-bis. Allo, IE d-mu, Allia. AIJOTION SB&LEB. Of Ï" n utok, lmplemtnsî,a. Il = 9trfur. O9rgT Dizon, J>os enront, Plokor, n Monda '4tfarm stooks Implemente, Un, tl ai 01 i. John Fitspatrlck, Ic 0 $rd con. Whltby, on Wsdmel * day 004, 12m, 1881. L. Fairbnki Auton., Ou Thisday, Oc. iluth, et the Car Irail hotel, Oshawa, a valvable fami Darllugîou. L. Fairbanks,' auctlonoel At Bey'a Rote], Wbiiby, on Sîl Oc "t hcquol Fanrm, lot 10, dl M bnsanotiom '>on h«' ote] On MICeh&y, Oct l7tb, ferm 8itoc i ý«ntsý&&,on lot No. 2 ln th 9% cou. Wêib,the b.propsrty of Mr John Grghm-0. Dwa#,, Auctioneeî O e édyOct. Rb, fartaistock ImpIéýt, l", 1h. proet of lb lot.e a*Toioa, n.on 1l o 18, inu l &.1hsn.*eagTo a Poochejr ONL $à 50 IPER ANNUI. W tbThusday, ýsept: 29, 1881. PaoaàuaL==c-Toronto, Sept. 281h. -Neithwuutarly to Northerly winds, freeltbiù ghlliçurlug thé day. fair cmol. oret hba, probably a e 1eliht show. Bitr John A Macdonald. Sir John Ifacdqaald hbu bien Invited toa ttàand thpoouut_ Fair et Whitby mcl es ekà, a4 vmilb. foremoit iotuncu - oncualag Wbltby Harbor. Ho.bail héd no provins Idua ai 1he itaportiace ofsulli an outiet for tbe trade af th. north eOuulry. Da,tu or Jouir V. Hax-The detb of Mr. ;Obai V. Ham la reomded. in Ourb l aiathis.ek. 1H. d*e M14àdaoompetlnvly eerly ane. R. wu baodeSo f Dr. J. V. Hem, and Ibrainglbis" YMae'a interut vas D"pio tIq py laQ l ava neut$ magotbeva#wu' se fiIOWala ghaeof abuaue< es, &6.' wl*.ut, hovo.r, f Dwng a0y good in reoring bhmta peransent belb o ady aine luonthu bà ba. hadaOosimeS te hie bouse, tobaly inca tai.4 trom bodqze". Hle lImî fitue 4s b au h6"<t.àaC ltallway notes. Sr!gaotor Laugeiluexpeesasd bhen. glvemach ý bleaed th what lie mev .ofinthéltbby,,Pari Ferry AàLiad.' H. vas. sâ u spbsd on tIbm bléob 01 caIÃŽ 'PMg r Langevia et Wbttby. 411.te -a toryfrtend 1« iseeitsyta maY ta out i.gof, thé pitoi. etait: W. clip th folloving notice fromi ;'1crot* Mfini o! Sept. -I7th t-The vas a large, andieoeAt et Uic oyal le 'rt niîght#but à; vasunevonl.y distribub éver the bouse. 'the gallery w idoovebut tiiero wsre înany va soMa ain the parquette, "Grizzly kdacà i4 anaîber of thoue draa where & hols.ktvssandrevolvers are conîin à4 yftgbtlng for isnprumacy, and no c Iifll0owd 00 t1h. stage Un11088 ha & '¶ellbseld." The. cliaracters ilut] ciel art equaily dividsd belveen bon W. bly ,blo94.îltlrsrvlians, wvue. mu for gore lue appî,l1y tompercl by a mn despicable-,oowsrdioe, and supernatu ally curugosmon vho, in 1h. ual ,4 yof -Ibeir natures and rectitude cLalc.,aracosbet*een engela' hayon and maints qpon sailli. Mar.1 T. Goodrieli, vbo asmed, lhe raie lGrisoly Ademu," ile lleod ta b. autor, but an impartial jnry vould ce ~,tainly acquit hlm oai anytlîing but ta htentI. Novertheless, lie vas interse Sing ta a student af enatomy, as shavir *. oy mach e menmay dittunb Uic mu clos cf his thrcat without permanent lajuring Ihein. If bholied been ai le unced as a cantortlanist the effectl utbis performance would bave besn mi o! oi plsasiug, and lisuaifa surpriait ce, nature. The company was equalita t r@9uiremeȔts cf the place, vhich wi i. prîaoepally composed cf startling ta in Ieaux. Soldiers vessuddsnty startit r. up lu unexpscted'places ta cow outia lu ito snbmîsion by a 'display cf th O*'Stars and -Strip*a,' and the antiau b er. aotnuaaîytuning np again wbe Sthe audience lied been decoived int ballet thst tbsy bad been siummard b, deait vith. The scenery vus very gari lu end e pleasing varisty performance wa r. given belore the introduaction of 1"Grizzî Adams" upan the stage. Mfr. Herr Lloyd seng several excellent -gongs ln Sstyle vhicb lu eech instance elicitud r. dominai for an encors. Mr. Frau r qempbeUl'u ligbtnlng changes v ae Meature of lbe entertaiinmnt. Mr.J ir D. Kelly, vbo appearu ta b. ali ïk te play on any and aIl kîndu of muaeo te instrunients. drev îartb repeateul buis r, ai appieuse bylils voaderful imitations Mr. Goodrioh and his tell campai viii oppeer nt th. Tovn Hall, 'Wbltby ou Mond.ay eveang, Pet. rd. Resasanr he bmannuel gaines ai thb Whlhby caflgiale Instituts, b hio -ou Friday Sept. 80th et 2 p.m. on tii feir grounda. An uxcuflent programme bau beu pravided, and the affair vil uîw now dsservm addilional inter,,i from the taken af Sir Heotor Langevin'e hbneôadoe gensroslty. Mis. Glen <i fOshawa Lbhevf. aifthe. Oounty Meix ber af the Dominion Parliament làuex- pected ta proent the prizes. Haîmon Navm.-Arrivalu, Steains Acada for vbeat,, Bchr. Mafgdala for barlsy, Sclir. Pandora far barley, Bohr Flore Emma for barlsy, Sohr. Liza Quinlan for berley. Departures, Sohr. àtagdala, for Ouvega, vith bârley, sabir. FloraEmmain, for Ouvega, vith bariey, Salir. Pandore, foi Osvcgo, viti barley, Str. Acada, wltb viiecî for Mantreai. Tiie Soir. Ida Welker arrived last ve.k wth four bundrod tons af coa for John Blov. TouC otsc 01%CaONFOR.- Le.t Moaday Musurr N. Moore, D. G. Mil- lsJ.W. Menley, Wiarton, and eOa IfcGillivray, ofiCalpoy's,'leit for White Glanid Msan& on e untiug expedition, returning on Tnesdey. No ilap oc. currs ta mear the pleasurs of the party untîl their iretnata Wirztonjuil aftuî tb. boati luded. Mfr. McGllivray vii handlng lb. différent article. ta Mr. Noors, and in picking up one ai tbe guas, lietook hlild of il ?y tbe muzzilu and drov Il toards hlm. lu doiag sa, thbimumer ceugltithebmseat ai lb. boat, and lb. veapon vas dioharged, the eharge ri4dllag Mr. McOîilvray'. oc&$ leevefioni vrist te elbov, epd pesssd dlrectly ovor 5Ur. Malys head vbo vae lu lbe act ai toopiug ta pick Ép bis con, tireby. lu &U proabliity, sat'ing bis lité. Mr. Moore vlîo vas standing la a direct liae vlth Mr. Mo. Gilvray, prabably lied d lb. closemt uhave ai 81i, bis faocevas blacksnd by Ihe amok@,,thb.ccbarge jut grazing bis er. Tii. trio wve oansidsrably sterti. ed for a 1ev atomnentsbut very tbank- faI that noloig mare serbons than the, mutilation ai Mr. McGilivrayas oaaî had resuted.-.Wiarion Bobo. Mr. MioGllivray lu e son of car ras. pfld t ovesman George Mcoillivray Buaw. or Pasimur GurrýL.- àAetr, hyiug $Ome day. in uLule et tho 0apitol kn Wasblgion sud ai Cîeislaui thé memalas aifPreeldent GarfielsI ver. lacterr.d inLalmov Coetery, on TuSidiy. Tii.paper. are filhod, vilb lucg r ai tue oeemoes, vhicl, aller -al, ouly emount ta **duat la dui V, ut2M a01, eday bl bngiag ta lir. Gcorge Omnis- [e oun bli..viss, o , atsluc ye .llghlning on tié Ptue ti Irallit;t illed luatuly. We- raoafor underslan! bths5fr. Ormistan blaua isib biedaylaismenollcy on bit stock againel MR&. Aza.ncbasjuat receiveai lie Ur. ~cls lu aret tock itby, fa 1 godu oi Se. 0 chMrg. au.! jusge for yautshvem. in ab MW 0~ Tho gruud Wfo&irstîg bootha dur- M amh.lag fit day. vus a"alon Baturdeay lest by lb. sscrelary lMr.,Ws. McDougall for M.1,- lAtI4 on L j«ido h Souslth epadatl00 being made lest~~~~~~~ sii ntP1mBil nal xibîtian la b. ~ ~li5C~i- .Idonlb.XAglcltualgrounds ou .pw bqrs w m one s Tussday noi Belanad oui UIng.bIb Th m.metryis kept bnsy mak- Ila - l' h. mrcheroula ara. getiulg lelarg 101tClb 4butow ili viii ho -ýcanpletc by tlie MA depb cio'f . tienis McÇrohaen but avlu àhén ss- Isle aoM nar uWedaludylest frnMiik- tu>two W@ Theoare miapuai hlas u ic he klythe4bb " iiaiinUdlffereel p'arts ai thlayao te 4"e"Wtqa- - rn~a viki 'The hIt 5511 piare îîghWtsbm-s - '- oartrh=omancd clesnaiie Iat oy' à» toangM. i usa, - - ,the lrs tut' renî nit. rellaniUCa iWii I.à Ou hlm arrivai-el Wlilthy, by aspoclel thé train, eccasupanled byir hàSecrtary nd rri- Hou. T. N. Giblis, lic vuresivoiy- nia- "doputation o! ,Tovi ap$ Ooîîy Gin ait oai, and e.cartsd ta lis Tâavu Hal.- ni. Uoforlunalely, oving $0 the train bslng, îil. Ilt,,anid tie haîr oai lbe,amrive-s iun-. of certain, tlb,-attendeof citIe public1 i, as not go large as il Woald ôoharulue B. have beau. At, thm Town Hall ho vas F ai rosenlsd viti n-drho cgau an ation, by tis Reeve, via offiie.d in or- the. absenceopi IlisMayor, via vas un- the avoidahly'absent. Bit Hectar doliver- ut- .4 au claquent reply vbich lllicitad r.. .ng peete applauso, amd created a vory fa- ns. vorable impression. A large namber 41Yf thase presaut vers then introanced su- la hlm. aio AfLer lhe praceedingi voie over lie ire vas entertainsci aI lunch by tie Tovu ing Council, alliae Royal Hatl. Aiter lie- lunch tihe paily drove titan g b tvn, ras calling atet iaHi Scicol and tic La. ab-. dieu Colloe. At bath ai tioe s suminar- [g lse Sit Hector addreussd, a 1ev kîudly .W$ worde ta Lie scbolare. Tiec ompany ho lieu procead te the. Harbour, vier. tie 'Ws oawmîssiouer ai Public Works express- un ad bis pleasure and surprise et the im-. )a mouse expanseocf vaturembruoud viLh. a7v iu tho barbant, sud made close aed aZ coaroful enquirles ai ta île salent cf Pas business domè there, depth of wver, ly nature of battain for dredging, An., aU rry of wih ili ragmet vith bis oarly and l a favorable cnsidération. a Tîrongli.tLickindueus and public îk -ptti fr. James f[lusathecMan- a g Direclor ai thc W. P. P. à L. R., J. aspecial train vas ik veitlng st lb. te hâbrt, and Sir Hector andcoampauy lai voestalien ta Port Ferry, wvie oran sd la bis- friends vuru recoived by Mr. Joshîe l- Wright and allier leadiag mn of lhe y place, and driven Ibraugli b.vilae ,y aitar wbioh tiiey stopped at tia Walkor Houa. for nearly an bout. A large number ai thc residentéetcfthe-village eand o!fermer. froan the neighborhood, and ai bath political parties, vers pro- ic sontsd ta Bit Hlectar, viiose pleasent e and affable mannest as greatly*admit. le cd by al vbo ad lbe pleounreofaimoet- [i lng vit itl et On Lie retain ta Whihby lis Gom. ,' nilusioner af Public Warks vas enter. oftainod ta dinner, by Ibmel'ave Concil. l'h. bey. of lbe Tovn. 5fr. James Chmnpbell. accuplsd -the chair, ba"anq an lies rigbt Sit Hector Langevin and Mr. MadilI, M. P. ; on bis. lcft Hon. T. )r N. Gibbs, and )fr. Dryden, M. P. P.- Mr, Long, lie depnty reeve, cfiokicýd as vîce-chairman, having on lis righl and loft the Werden, 5fr. J. B. Bickell, Sand Mfr. Pillip MaRse, tsprssentiag the County Council. Among lb. othser vir-itinggueats wcr.5Mr. JoaunaWright and M N. P. Pattorson of Port Perry. Lotteruof regret for anavoidablo ai- oienc, vere raad from lie Mayor ai it Lndsay, and Iran th. Sherif--of lhe County. Aller dinner, Lbth e unl toasts, fier SMaesty the Qiiesa, Hie Excel.ncy lhe. Gavernar Genoral, and fier Rayali fiigbnestho Prince.. Louise, ver. du.1 ly prapasod and loyally receiv.d. Neat9 tolcvwedtheotat iThe Parliament1 cf Canada, and thb. LocalLegilnrte1 cf th. dilatenût Provinces. flA@ponded4 la ou bebeli the Sonate by Hou. T. N. rGîibs, and on behsl'fbithe Locai Leg- 1 eal1aures bv 5fr. Dryden and Mr. Ma.- -diii. 5Mr. Gibbis, in a vîgaraus peech, vindicatod nat anly Uhe nooaity but = i ra ueefulzînisfaite Sonate, not cnysbody compaseidotsnanyofltbe muteminool and expori.noe.4pull..io mon il ths Dranlialon, vbo varked-harid-c and faitbfully le lb. Irue ictorsl ai th*. country, net only lbie, bel.-lie Senat. 1 as constltutcd uBer lh. Gonioderation Act, vas ut i-.ality tho Very bout saWs.1 guard ocille tlgbts cudlibrls of tb. a u aller Provinces. 5Mr. Gis' speech t vau ireqnenlly and loudîy a plaulded., a Mfr. Drydenu vas'varmly r.Lv.*&d, . P In a short speech forcibly alsiondeal tb. usefulnoeuofitle.Local Legilaluati d t' the. BdelaiîLe tsmembers la lb. trust reposod in Ibea. lUt. liadili, vhose appearanes V40 grtifing ta inty i. sent, via! W Denvier hihm speel, vas also eordially iselved, sud ma.e quite an effective u1eolln r ily te th. toast. Bob 5Ur. IMydeu and 5Mr. Us- 4 ed. t Thie n«xl-vas lb.t"oasth l.e ven. ý ing, Oit GùeesIthe.Hou. SrB iotcae.r Langevin, vho on, iinê vasu resal viti beacuyeolg. lui aadocvu el an eloquent andI uwlrlvwmlstiô Ot afti wo L o idn f thé N!aionîal Pollsy of 1 tha Govermentasjbundantly attse.-A od by thi eel lmpMInv aevsry de.. paibanent oaiobu ,-aasby its oeo li , --1-- s -ls 9lnt.dof. 11à I îsecsof P minios dj wï the mi houatCo our s mars af 1 lawe, upol1 aýQiesen.as ceud a $ýyoiirsairof lthé niats oc t. claiinslag. i -i tlb Govemnnt sud 1"a bruit thst 791 vii ho ablola dlaOover Ualat-!tpn ub 'le gro'unda the barbait cf Whllby c suffarÏd claums tla=it your iccler ehlon. -Tovn Hall, Wbhbty, * 7tb Sept. 1881. - Tii. Tovai Comhiot Ostho'hei press tirsymptbylt îsUnle Statueoit l teaoau lim"d Iy- Uic decîliailb. -late Prealent, Osal Garfield, lhe fIlUovingtesoleLtions wvu moveaiz Bfrved by 5fr., Larke, sooonded, by 5fr.Smuth'a"u*B euIbsoÏM-.-Tliat lb.eCa il "oflb. Tovwnao hav, on bbhelof ailauxo- deuire hooxprm hetBes symat' wib lth. Gbvermeti tise Uatteta Shatea la lie Irreperabls la.. Iby haie iusheleed ilath*.dBea ofi.their lProsi- dent James A. Garfild, at lie hande Thia Coineaie" roapolly aoffre ta lie vidov ansI fam i " dasme 'Presduntt bisdu*p stney Jto I tbe poople'.f IIs lova,Caloua- lmotwly. MovMa by tir. Diagle, seoonded by Me Mora'l, thâl me a uile to thb. mmeryMU.helai. JaumsA. GarBeld0-ý Preeidentl ai Ibe UnitoBed us, bCI Mayar be quested la*ue lsproole- matice, inviting th. citizen@ cf lb. tovu la suspend -buinessa item the haut ai2 lo 4 p.m. on Manday uai,4 thetim apoineilforlb, fanera, tad toIaetruct iâ êtretaker, ai lb. lava holio ton hèl etsme, asd hala réqùsto b. madc ihal ailUche eier blis ila Uc lava bo touls&. Osrtled. Movsal by Mi. ?eblyup se=ond by Mfr. Morris, Ual bis iforegcng raso- Hem Maiul' iitre abnbn ooudilthen adjoamn.d. (rarnta Lettar. Tu 17m Edutorof/tho Wlaitby Okroraîi. Dxà i Ste The eimrardintry feue in the. respect palB ta Uche mcmry ai the. loto presoul h. Usit@B Statu. isl o bef ouIna he .con4ebof$ *0 people in tiet country. Ths hiternot ai lhe lateealeclion steslahave. beo put ont cf 4 suad Ibe wbol. nation app.attato moura sf, be vas Uér unanimously ic bea ebl.-bes0cao cod insu thalalemoa yga (luth. brepi alSby theoautide vorid- shows haw Iifortut bas b.ecome lh* grest ro»pubu o. 0ix . Yoam àau vise a melodramat. assin chaobt ranc igrbater an O=he i lotoeures dont Ihors vas 11h11. Mthe- ympalby ot oven tlb. cies et..aroinemt oba- serneai hy lb.nseor by lb.Vaplc reS.el boy t4 oaugSMmot oiv Oz~rcli ba acqllli tssUvery Mredtably sa-Y» vairsaeeMn ; mony of tt 1ip='ir duite frantao thoirtq haeuna rosldenoce.aud plaee of insinuas, cama s . Jeing closeal pert Mo fier NmncdaMonde>. l'h. Plis JubilseSingm erwors for. tata tog ta o rne fû a t&Ulla unta somea:bisb.Icedtng batela aud Mbhtve thi sbeau".laumn. Tb* matL DuiogTi'.Ciamu-. ktohvanAi~.24. -v.»vers session ana lma htut r Cia ginRvs ioîres , o'ock, eno layaàva»kothln king ta vialt ' posuble accoât i1 coud tutu a yers "lckh&lfbresd S"la t Iis lhlny-sel 0 tladieglon, vhor. mna aioftransport4 Rogide. Utalaeaveu bau as #goad as Pe>ter Cad'ir acer.remely bard ta - Sud,* Thi relellesa bugle monda sud 1 haBla thirotllado Petor'a vork, bldding bim Io heep as quiet- as possible -uh lnbtantliil I-vas ready tl akaid dOvn.-,Il lu anyUling but pleement la ILbure oui ai ans.blankots"just at fouly davn on cold, devy *'morg, vreutla Wit ch tsk f dldnga àfircwith deep tbrgb the vst grass la catcha9 psWr of mares Uhal diot knov cnaigh ta come inla camp for heur'breakfast. -Aller hrlug i lh*bêMares Came tbe oaklugoimyavn breahastand pcetis, and àas I nsyer ha.! ay -pàrtUalty for ooking, I am efrala!1ppatcwd raîbat a sorry.Iooking mosi, for a slok man to utroggî. vlbh. Some Oi thépolicesa.- slssd me intaklng d.in any tanteand loeding my vfoandsIt laut I vWu an Use roed Jagia, l-oy fer Peter vculd ho able ip endure lb. jolting cf 'th lb. 40 vagn i e oleuld no& 1.11 Dr. Oeeliü'. br#alment appeetot Nor 1k. a Oharm, howver, sud he iPpearedB-to b ulerdily là pÃŽ, Mg ail Sb fUMc ircaThe famsItvelfà or f tason mil« . ai lb. day trip lÃ"ak as "b tIbm laeaiity kpov as MLe. limTlU TURTLI XaIzRTAMS -(no" Ong eationlalbelrtur.knovn name- * aika. avay'ta the suul-sast cf ts, andbérev. paMSced luh somo.of tlo4mt hl hmiug senery v. -have met villi an Our Iontgjourney. le one plaucenar I4e middl* ai Ibis boantifll bla hof wcs ulvuas alakelet 4te b smùet, a bl.Tho banksq dose tw6tîy or lWenty-.Ave foot aboya 'th. valet, sud varo 80 thlckly ovar- grv igreen PapIMr.and vllovs Ualt Ueer refiscblin mueaisabotder of >d4eep green aen Btond il so vidaebth oniy e a mll ialet $f brigbt bine sky vos redotte.!la its ri'l.se stehet cen"s;eandei Ibi vas bordered vilb e golden filageairipsaèd prairie grau, ced kn b.esplendeur oiea gloriops Aug- net matuing itl ooked 11k. a gisut gem "evlugon. grsst brigil epyirs set in thiok Chouter ci smaliar emeralda, sud tbeviiole ieîd tagethiet viii a cordaif golB, As the Ireveller. ver. pams*g dove cutloi b.epa througbîliobi111s a laroly View vas Opeaed befotenum To the vcetvard Iay Fig ;Sait Lake, unquestîo ably lbexuohtbeanlufueset she"O W&WatoXlhâve 'îetvWu since Iaavihg 1at Portage, ils Bath bIne suri- auo ripplsies-a ansI ;ltterîng la lbe aiiorning sunlIghti, wîtbeyery golden baudai praire gréasssud avety dark gre n lump ai poplars on dabi b béanletaUa irrored ilaite gloam- _,g depUis. laIs,. I cm tolii, ta ýdîéideIy sallnéi Dtaablaetauînclof 'tb. iloughsansd pends où vbat are Cal- -led tb. sat"lbI pllhrpelare. AtlOur noën ompviio u I vasgel. ting "inor my maresmanaad lgoetay aff among lbhbluffalcad ftsr ips ng come tite la;Iookb for Ihom1 vas tompelled laempl9y ae blf.brood 1relgt .r,wvia vswu mpeaimuais, ta haI tbem-'uuandbriagîtheux la Ibeit aboàu sur bnbhin*lbrcut ai lb. parby sud vas a Il" lla n tlng ýw ap ola. litvh my mare. prtty vJh an" ulnt àtiaI. Itvwu zctb# aà dîsm2ourtileut about reklag camp ii-vlogi elp. but I BiB mot vom long alone as Uhe me-bors ai tse eOort rend.red me ev.ry c uisnc in tbeir pover, cedbelote 1 vasý Ibràaqhgi vth pltublag my bont His Bsslleney happening tial ay 1k, tiliabi la, Invilsal me to -dia. viUiý blmn,v e eConstablhe, vios«tunta i vas to, Cook fori thecet oneed bc, prepar. Poet '«spper for lhm, o th" 1vwu »yod ftom vbal dis ta me tb.' muet tcibleaom. part, ai Camp aaty. - - a To-D4bt*- vo amc - 'eado TREPOS I a rsCentl formel ai lis lm mornîn2 I swoke ths :fcntroal0 bita in tUeic H edôording la th jadgec, aupe rel -Hereai olth.-201h Ioilowkin eils notes aOn exbbn -"Tbs exhi. .rti"tural Depariment, he opinion ai competcut doi iquantity, the shovs cially observable la lb. nigit sucoessinlfy coin. prodncts ai any part ai with tbis clse di exhibitis, me wt h rea11y xag- ytrdIl siiovuby Mesure. culer. lThe collection ut tbirty vioteies ai Ibis lan, il bas tucly failan aea display ci the kind and tnifotmly uatisfac- If Ibis axhibi t he taken aio the grapc.gtoving ce. Dwer Canada, vo mey !Z- ar future ta be indepeu'd- ild lu ibis respect. Not ablc feature is a quantity miie, tho resuit af a se- Messrs. Gallagber & Oau. aIt compoting for !a prizoc, ao bc proud ai their splan-. 'borcliugeOof reghslered.rn4b.îvsan Thisi seupso fééi .iarleaOrcties and Téonto and fruits, vhicli i If ,uébc. t i prposa sendr.gis. pets witb tlb. tered mals belvee"n Ihuo pointu guard- tbe WorMa. 04balbblicowblija l .k Ia'cn egienlg e nope peisd ecp l.torn of Wiovsare firstairt tb. route. Vde Êc'pop_ d "ai- n*ficent t ia Srangementas elqy. vh" w4o ocu on@ld mie, Nvîl I bè ub-vfi&d, ird:lhtesqn hauis, ' Gal.gber à&10 s Iims vilibe savsd la tranmporting .-cmpissaboc' glstereahallsfrolw-Boiton tii Montrel deliciQua fruit, âud thirty hauts htelean New. York to aur lot ta soi and Monîrsal. lTh. arrangement- la &o ubhorottýhly1 far informai, and muet be aîprved, by b-ory au"bi. J thé Pogtmesters-General of Canadaand uanauexamplea Ibm United Staýeo- Tiers ilano reaqon, pahlies of Lai hovsver, la doetthat Itfi ilmeeoit li pËecdithl Ie neai atheir epprval. ont OatIhe ver] tle aut noticel Losa oi the "Alice, Buck'".-Tvo 0111. ci fine Bla&lbei acors andi ight Men Drovned. cond-grovlb. h t tIbier, thiugh ni a panisb Town, Coli, Sept. 28.-l'h, living reason Ic slIp lest off ber. on Monday nighl vitb did collection. aton mon vas the Alice Buck, nol thea &LGm Haîésbury. l'h. vassel alruok. with an fl~ avial crash on tho rocks fifteen hun. cose Vney' dred leel from Hig Bluff. Tva matas shov liv. grapE and parI cf tho crev, puni strickan, fruit, Wliiclinn. tention. As an jamped jute the vaves sa vere na o bsprtîc sean again. The captain and test ai in hspOie the crmv, vithiUic presutvets, only loft ahi. proportioni r héaship viien ther@ vas nôt enaagb coaea mucbla loft ai tihall üta stick ta. in the proupieril no distant data OsiuavaExmnno: sr. MONTREL.- Gîie ae Oshava as usuel bas a gaad Place in uurlng lie hitha the lust ai primes vinnor.eut thes Pravin. t bis particular i ciel Fait et Montrepl. Ons of lb, are acknowiadgi Munîreal para spekng ai lie Cabi-toacansfid M net ca. erhibits uny&. The Oshawa tnadLni 0aletC., of Oubava, bave- ane ai perfect maturit the mast extansive end richly 51.4 dThee Bruiaisalo pvlons in thc vhols exhibition. Ti. heo iea furnture Ih.y sho*ed 1.je.speoialy grah of u'ii recheurchela character and designad derehly. cultiva nioseeimagnifensny. lu tiseze. thel Ibis provin hibi wUtbè-f=d ecanadaadav, W-rm st, imuke tye, valued e framuIt irait 81.100. an oe ny and gaild dr&%.intstssd. cled room sel ai Egypli a ractur votlh d.'r SM50,an-alaboretely carved b. wv aide. té pa the os( board, piles$500. eleganl olloluans acaaPe h roclining chairs, drawlag.room louages, Tba ex ibil a6f Y an ehany sa gold mantie ai Qusen Ihior i8 net intë Anus style, very imposingt. ebouy vn their manage,1 dcv comices, brasa coraico pales, Tork- tudent -aifthe îsb and lacs certains,, doublea sprun ment, but the j, matresses and atlrtelegant -articles rnahighly c0 vhioi fully suitaiu the higli teputation <i5ll. ai tuis company. Nolhing cau exceed the cOnsplcuun e oil tgats vitb lilch Trai] Lb. viole el Ibis comtly cabibit is ar- range&. . ALARE HAUL 5fr. W. T. Dinglo bid.ihiu nav Houey i Fanning MiIIon Ezhibition for vhioli ÂuD,.mpaz4 ho rec.ived a BiraI prime. Iran Mountaini T'he Misses Stricklend voeselao rep. trainu veaMa n resealed in the Ladias and fins art de- by tht.., younâ partmen". and mccceded un carry off Lboy drev revol a number ai primes. conduetor ta sk l'h. Oshawa Stave Go., did bettar et did. Thsy ther Lie Provincial Exhibition ai Montreel lhrov up their hi lien vas reportud tsklng ona Silver getting $800. T] and tva eroneMedals and 12 diplasa. the express car,( au qual ta firslu' Copp Bras. and a et ta open lie ai firni sbcvlag American Stoves laking curtrncy. oThey mosio aihle aIlerbohor.. l'h.Ouliave oniauning Sifi Cotapaay mads a prettly dean .veep ai valueleu. Tic the lut prites. In Landan Ibey ver. Non., oi he ob unfortunals lun beviag sème Of hbeit iad any board. nov slave. broken and t1h. caîld nul iIth,jers ers: show thora. They, hovover, toak sigit and liat the 'toi, primes, vhich, underthIli circumstances boul #50,000. 01 vas Dot bad.-VimZicaior. lost #2,6W. FATAL Aacomc.-On .,Monday,. h1901 Says thé Oas. inst., IL J. Chose ai Oshava, met vitb Hood ovus a hei e paluful occident; which resnltcd inlu ic hyard neax Isa deathSefie ba e am ofbcrums lb. obain adé ateaed la 5Mr. Thomas' vae.rngca'ri. baBy bing abai dtevlng veter, ta a i%.-M n Ibtesher. W. ,P. B3mith.j Thay vurebtied to 'aecs. hlltsmen lbhpatry, mî vent la dinner. Ti.hé'arses became sénjlalle fightened .aI' lbth oapig atsem froan Ib»ebeeobox thé engin.ens atwmpte ta gsI eay. igldhmsi M'Q aes, Ibtal goscould Manage tbe chimnoys r thea,'cnghlhei byUs hadsandhom la-a rov, ai sdsaslte uitihm ve oecf1ka tenpins. - - B the «"im , nurd end'knooked bian-of etic pies and dOvn, sud lt.eathersr atepsdOn bis ubewing greit psl 'bovels, jiafictiag vcty srions and fatal Ho empti.d tUe lijtloee. DrMcGl vissnt f9r-1anddd he roil, nsd th ail Ihtwas oasibi forisdlakili, ýpiLthing lbe 0h18 te do. ut. Chas'.Intjuries ver. p, n- vindov, and endi ~~are - .tsrtalnd cf1bis retovcybefiaor aural4 bt-oc WodneeYAy i8bt hegrad l m inlathorM g re <-r. aid , s'ank'ou a Turuzday od frcm vorli. eftseoaat woocla lh. deceaaed-r.d heiat. hs*w 'bas r.sled i-la bis' a lghbotod up- osgltnh4 vraofilblrty-ftvs y.asià bvlng sinÙ- thravwn bbi Liï. ,Watsd about lb. year 150,iAMn lb. StlofNewvYrk tog0=4W 1Fe as One of te: mé mitrÃŽdd,&ilè anal huBadi-chdreu by tie ,Mcc OMair Ibs m lslde acndtwo b hehsecond. 1(e aderae~ -'Th i w hSnc hermen on .he- nprlh. oàat coeai tNevfiadiangjl are again causinâ trouble by violation ai Britiali rights, ýn4 thé autiiorilies 'have laken acinnlemalter, but ai vinst nature .Tee ortcme# from Âfgbaniuta Ibàt Âyoob Khan hm bisen defeelsd by the Ameer snd bas fled ta Heral, aben- doulng hi. gins and baggege. Tie Aineer'. succesu. 11km. bis rucant deet, vas cansed by A.fghan fioklenes. On Fridawy, ln Tbnrlov, several. per- air, vben Ibe'boilgr. explonded, kldlnL tc. imon &ni a i11111e gilaged eleven ycr.Tbraec' other *varlimejanend a uMl il esmriously- injurcd by lbe The daim of'rin v. ï O9onnor, ie. volving a lairaby Miss MargaetLark- 'in, cf Hamilton, for payrsenl by Hon. John O'onnoar of mnoney barrav*ed ta eneble hlm toa qualifyv as a *nembèr oa' Parliament, vas baud at l0. Ssmime Court on Saîurdlay. -The defence vas Ibat a paymeul ai $500 made vas lu full ai accaunt. ,Han. John O'Connor bimseli vée examined. The jury, aller being lackcd np for several hauts, wera unable ta ageu, and veto disohatged. in sponklng af a nevly.vedded pair, agentleman mad aiofIhe huaband : "The ruble witb John lu, ho bas no mid af is awil., ,Oh, Ilist viii maike nô di. fciîence ; Sarah yl alvayslic ready ta give. hinm a piesof ai hrs, respanded a. lady. The Canada ,Tompera"se Act vas a. doplcd yeutoiday by a large rmajarity in -Hauts cany, Nova Scotiai. Com.r4iNrs ni PAumuvous- il. T. R. -"Borna ci the pasoénenuby l'eaylar's lest Grand Trunk Excursion pad.y are laud in Ihoit complainte ai lb. Iratl mont received, Tihcy ay Ual long d- -la ye socenred, osa balexcursion parUe. vhlci staetd eter thhy .luit- osaia vaeetIo days abaad ôai hem. 1Mr,- Taylor bimm.ehi lcft-b, e t> ai Seais It ie said Ihal a-goBd deal ai ruffianiom vas alîaved'; liaIIthe."ialler vas maide vorse by tLiecars insa unier ai instances heing lait ilettaldarknoso; îfor instance twa candiesvars lac.d la a car,asd no aIliers vere sau ,ed aller Chose lied burned ouI ; 4MinAtne cin- stance somc ladies-firmly raiuscd ta te- 1main on 1h. Iraià, ansI xprassed theit détermination le-gel cff ai bdi' née liItvoa mpe vers behn place&le tuîs parhtiler car, vhilo lb. aotheres vere stîli lftitnludarknielu; liaIthé passougers vure loit vitiont vetet as vell as- viUiout llhi for -a -greal part ai the j*uney;liaIthée-tem vasw talon avay rn lis lino la Grand Forlu, and dýe-ieed ire for lic de- lveny ai freigil, etc. On. -maený, lios vile sud biree emal ablîdren came thmaugli from Ontario, Ibreabens ta write a detailed accùnt-af-lieé-gr-m- auL, ces tea anumber ai bbc nepapers cf Ontetia." DàxGnous uAcemzw.-As Mranua Mis. Ruthierford, ai Otenabsu, vwoe driving aIoag lBathuno straseleoer., homo', Friday aitarnoon an -Uchit vay, ta Merîposa, théo; droîs ovn la 'a creteLava e hit br.e. Whle- standing inuthie alet aometblng fruglil. ouedthie animal',wvici pluaged - fi. ward, uputtiag the buggy end'I . &w îng bs couple ouI., 5r. ttlirfoad es 'capcd viti a fav slighl iries, bob -i violence on a heap ci rougli stance blietý aloodalby. fier ak#uil wa adcomiplets- 1> bare in - "ellaesd - ber face very sevcrely laceraloacl besides abher' iiiedlaluîycartled imb %e- residence api Mrt. Grey, on Murray strool, and DJr. i Clarke 'vao-sent' Mrfim~d iremiad Iba *wwdl a s tÀhe lady vas. imýehly-ié#y- îi ysars cfiege, lb. danger, o.th1k.n:- aidant mey vs» b. lmagined, Slïis Srîai-Jlâerfi'ra Satley lbh i l'f, possible. min le l0Ultg ashoisne b ciioi dm,,Io li Pna 114chu madrake. mt 0 so any and gub mavlu ai mviderful orse as ILP uig5 rcl and poor, pustor and docto; wer-and edilo; ail teatil thaym, doulit no loner-BFoit. Dr. Canrsouneve l",e o lm8oa en.Cosipto Bitte r iekCULOm "av"n0o7 EZLntrG., but WvL gte q,ietcon. ScionmSUMOf the imedlalnal virtuas hi, pra scribe teliUm ' tlhos vwhosuffer Iran earenn tf bbc lunahBoveh, = 11=1t Lilarxe 8 OZ. bottes- Li r=ens. W 6lL ovmpe"laiagent for Whltby. A SenseofaiWeatness is tn oIt by s b o nnaI locale suy particulérii euse. If llioy work il Le. cames labor -if they vslk, lheyso on tirs;- mental eo sbuccins abUdu, and aven laya aredimnied by* lie ihadov cf tîis vaakniess which i. èaet ovar tli.ir lves. Recouru iaslidnelimeas t îkalanlaci -a dangeraus ciieacter. Thes adyleci phy., s-icians te refrain froni active labor Pr. aces no appy remlIs. Wby? Thé sys- bsn la debilîtated su mnods ta b. ut ni, properly. Pordvian Sytup viii do bbis veiy; liing. 14k. lthe eloctria currenl vilth " cerporeal uctons, ilt aises np tho an.- febed, brings thé celor ta ltîe chik again. and hopojo, ho despondent. - Il dos ic vork promplly sud vell. Bold by ail dng- You Have Na Excuse. Havc yoa any excuse for aufiering vitli Dyspupisa or Liver Coinplant ? lu thare 4ny rearon wbTMou slould r an Iran day - ta yp gwith aur Sten»Zh, Sick 1ead-acé. Haituel Costivenesu, pal- pîtation cf tlie lesrt, Haut hun. wae. braoh, Gnawm padbunigain staIthe P ibof theSto ub, Yflov Sklnc.atat Touque, and dimagresahîs hantein tha nanti Oaming up ai food aler oahiug, 1ev spirits, &oc., No ? is l poilively your owu faulî if you do. Go la your Drggist-.-aud g et a beltia cf Groun'. Augnat Flover for 75 conte your cure lu certain, but if yeux doubi bs glaBzul aIl o 1 ot and t l vo-doses viilr.lievm yoa. Tho vhesare, subject ta Bllaunes, ICantpatiorî,- yspfesieIndlgeationor suay XidneyAffection, johui bake lhe advlce af au abI. pliyslelmanludnuséDr. Csranl -la nsd Constipation Bitter. In large baIlles aI J6,O cent, W. B. flovas special Tho Deaili-Rate cf 0cur aotitry is gotbing to bsefsarfally Wkrn. resu ti2o *împ t Mefrn lemmistnugnfm year w lits slason a lb. yotr bat~~~~ lu'si aieey .,,,ve rz alte- > 1 -lIe la' afeat O àn . ab bileayullu '1, elr ial esInibl iüve i -very vin t ille ba ere's GCO ma Rf'u 1-f. bk,-n. hiran adtO e ena'i o aci dla- as 4>1 iet irth %a&L a gsBeslae' cur borat' eov f ltuid nl a UModIMi la rt- io"bud S"cte. l A seote of yeara a a long limo- ta look: baok upcn, batut *vban - atonud witbcon.- lInual seFerlnq lh'ssoemaslmnaccntury- « oz4udail bi pain could bave beau ed If lbnariver conmeziced lactrouble- you if y ou' had toIsaiBurdack Bîcod Bit- ter.. Prc $,lIýtral mise 10 cent. Soalhing Symups .Supercced.& Dr. Povior'à Extraot cf Wfld Stcwbary is liebest remey fort nfinteolhiu'g, itin mureplessant-, %a. rollable.. sud cures For(Yaadà Chlea or <Jolis and mu- tory cof ailierAbUfdran,,)r adultesbhere r. n baller remaody. --' --- r.FcvlerIs -Bxtract of, Wld Sttav- âruet- inali reire- ocei a Coeur-I u aueglif,-fa, & Gauurnma it obie Be- rards,1'aiutc Claire, P.Q., ie vines, bearing splendid aturelIy attreet mucii ai- * iudusiry, grepe culture * lias essuined canuider- ne, and promIses ta bu- more important cloment ity cf Laver CJanada ait bc Moire. Gellaglier & doue mach toards an- ta aciieved suceesua o industry, and heir vines mad the.bout, natably tle îora's Early. lié Brigh- ay, a.il of.-vbiob arrive at ity, sadbaer îaîrgaly.- show a second drap tramx iiarIy. Bhackberry lb. Iii, promises la beconsi- atesI. Evidencc proves noe exceis bath Westorn 'on eho Stafes, ai a fielI t ligroving. > feot trici due attention from tias. only' reqaires cars nat mainring vaiettes, se as simevhat early fraste.- fasers. Gallagicr A Onu- undad fer campatillon, as Mr. Douelly, im seperlu- le Rorlionîtutai Dopart. îdges haroevatiisd this Roubera Agaiu. 4Ark., Sept. 28rd.-Au esad Scutiéru Ruilvey iight 'boarded eh Hope. Ig men. Nuar'Kensehb rver., andI ardorod'the top the train, vilih h i made Lb. pasmangoru iaudu.aud vent Ibrougi, .'iy aierwards vtaited compelled tlie messng. if,, and taok #16,000 in ylhrov avay a package ,000, thinluiug il v as i robbar. lien loft.- ubetu veeomeoked, cm Aicotier :report aletes flice robbers, aU maulasd, aI1 azucunt shelen in a-- )ne peesanget, il lu eaid, elph Hes'ald -John B. ea. Hie ba i ilchaifd r Ile banse. Il broke, unterea the bouse, nu-- iii proise bSUt 5fr. Ihe bea aked -ina; ltIed Iva stigur-bovIs,' kteup aed pickles, bol lave Broui tis aboli anid yuitb the contents, boosk i elampua#pîsed' ed ,keccked han dovn Gr~and- Fi THE NEIWB Qui DJBPL -W Kindly look st aur -Suitingu, Flauneis, Hem No. 1, DEVERELL'S: ii. Chathain B"Inr - valterorsobhpe _fa, vhich i. la furnisi mn iun of pure vater &aacostec The valerie I o ebroigh sixteen miles ftam lb. Ch Winnipeg City Joncll parcose Uce prcperty -oi 50on, tva and a bah Mlle streol iot a public park, lains slxly acres. The pi la instalmenta lu $200 pei 5fr. John Htat, -gr.,i faIlwlit floer. Johnj elreluvne lrciMt of *Chircl, i, 414.on the et th.eadvauced aneibif2 - Bccaedoane laIo his Lincolnairc aboeîfuy ye iteù IIl th e 8r&, -cm rentoitmsbp D.l. BlIýn, oi Bis ùn "green Ua' a Pel tagoe isevuelt rncr vweroe trilyinfiame,a aârmU, aid-ha wasIlte sul»oinlylhc oit-mai- As a Pamily MeOIcle

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