Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jun 1881, p. 3

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NTEW BlRSS OMEIE Thé itnobr =a 16weiprice. ALL-WOO!LDuBEIGES, . ý ' 4r f kbie ýb1goodo. PLAIN-'.AND.>HEOXED TRIMMINGS, &o. Vhe novost goodu in the Mlllnory Lino Lt low pricos. $Â3TIN PÂRÂSOL5, BIBBONS, LACES, PAMOX GQ)ODS), IIOBY, GLOVES, FBILILTNGS, IMULINS, LI-WNB, PEINTS, &o. SCOTCH TWBED CANADIAN Olothing mado io ordor in bte bot styles. GENTS àààS , -21ES RASBox, GIiQYRB% f0.1 WHITE ana BEGATTA 'SHIITS, PLAiN ana CHECK DUORS,' COTTONÂDES, SHIBTI>GS, We are offering-the best goods in the tràde. New oodsandLow rioe. ]iudly-take a look througah oui stock. New Gods nd LW prces.W e cainot be undàers"oldý The printers,'Parliament. 'Phe annuai contention of the Inier. taat1ona1 Tnographlaml Union of Ose. Sas sud-, theunlLed States, openeda a Torc Ci on'Monday. Tisi a the 29th BD.Ïu M ofvention. The followigare th~ elàgàa e M th, e Malîiea named. a-enoj*o. A. Enan. Phdae pi*--h" . Otrander, Tiînotby Donahu. Geo -T.Knom. Aibanf..Fratoîa PtecIdeton. Xoqrzorkcht&J. N.Lodlloger, F. P. O.. ! Gblm H W"Efferson, Phffip J. 1'lhbug-Tcana rennan. St ILnj-. Clark, Jame aly !Bualr.441 H. Close. . 'Louluf'he«.-arland B. Allen, Menipt*.-..bhu O. Hock. Bdkjsane-Edward L. ;B&zne, William J. Boo-Wn . Trmye., Gao. F. Clark. Câlea<o-Jameu H. King, W. D. Stevenson, 0. D. TuttU.. Detrot-RliUff Daryea, DeWtt C. Hotch- kiss. ElipirmA-3aoob E. Sedhler. GaVestos-.Pauk A. Christian. Peora-Oha.. a. Willam,. St. Jsp-PtrNotent. New Bvu dm-. Hoffman. Denyer-Wni. B. Mîllbumr Troy-Walter N. Thayer. Cleveland-Thon. .iay Young. Cambrlde-Thos. X. fHector. ttcs-Joaeph Joyce. Toiedo-IaMk IL lakeleyr. Loot c6.Albert O. Walkier. t t-àmD. inaur. Brl.-Wm. P. Atkinaca. Taronto-Thog. WJI@e, DeVèe J. Hunt, Norwjoh-Wm. IL. Uov.y. WaaIn~oitHareyG. amil, R. W. Kerr, Ottawai-Wm. Camne Toque, J Dutreano. H=Onlo-Janae. Grive. Londo-Eouy & Tbmp*on. q usbec't.E4ward Lit. Motreal-Theophile Godin, Wm,. Wilson. Leadvlle-JAmn eLaughlin. ar-. .Meehan. Sincerity i. le mpeak s w, tbnk, to fo swe pretend and prof...sleer- formaned cmke giqod whai w. promise, and retily to ite vbal ve would soo and appear to b.. iE.ry enberpriae of life, frein the aimpleal l e bMiost Complez, ha. iae n.ee.airy drudgery. On thé faithful peafermano. cf Ihia la found.d aU ire. emoes; and only te.. vWho aue willng tic boearth. burdeu wlth courag.,en.rgy :and pouevernce, have auy- rlght la 'erpect prouperily. An cM lad y wlit errerai uncoarid 'daughln er ft 'heen -on tobahdiel beoas. Il la rlch lu phesphorne. aud phoaphorua -la bte eseential lhlng la euaing match. To have eodbealth th. iver muai b. keYt n eder,ia uuhealthy action oauging bilosateks, Jandice, constipation, D atis, Headache Bcw.l Complainte aroe islordera. JIr. CMa a.stcmach Bitters stimulâtes the. iver t.e etby se- tion. Go to Houa'. ruggit and gp a bottie ;prioe.50 cia. In mlarial ditriots Dr. Carna 81Bcm- ach Md contipation Bitte.are anamelny valuable. Tbey prevent chili.anS foyer. Imfild op th. ysteen, torW tii i&gai-ualcou. taina4Induoe. ealth aud viger. la lare U bttls 0 cie. W. B. Heu.. speciai egat for WhltbÏ, I bave derived mucýhbenodli from umunn Fellw's Hypaipboapbit.u lu.chronie cenat- pation JOHN B. MOORIE, Forest City,'Montana. Butter, Mdilk and Eggs' Thea. ibree indispenable aticlm. cf con- gmsption are me greatly improvedlaun . tity and qualily when Harvelu' Condi=o Border, are mixeS wltb the fooudcf the co aexpuiry that ne dairy or pouliry yard cae.pc.alb y be zenumerative wiboui tlxem. Aak for ltaoin.' A Hint. Il you wlab le gave yoursellyour farally, and ycuz fIrendsa aworld e1ta.ufring and ai p aie, which ai prisent they endure eeed. l.aly,.nmae&e gave many m in . aDoc.- ter', bilas, go ai once te the 'neazeai mire, and buy e& bco f FpMrqI, ub lr A coue is . uua'Iythe é& , it cf Nature te expel eome ieorbld inatter irrilaiing the air pasagmes of th. Jauge. Il my weyer pro- éed ieom au lagamâed ceirritbe condition of the ibroat, a s4lht raab -or bunier ofias bolng pereptible. Lotel b.eau..eb.vai il May, >the zemady aboula b.é ayr' Pectoral Bal aco purelj . iaIeBa mamie Ibrçsa t enllngbo&aI r uut ail doeal unediclne, at Uee ipur be .11.srxm 1 p-aoP I h e m i e r a i It ~ "~h. p-01 l e v it e loo BttmIt *t =6 ou the asudlt.eKdn.ys.., IlpurlOsahlb.blocS, di. pelm aOl foul i huier, aud -izeagtbena lte haroea.aaddeblIlat ayateL' Ne knewn hou aftdo more. 'ry Il ana lbecou, là thet.approachof .8 riu hlry (COUplaitpr.vail tai lenpùbiS lo usrloua rent.G agaleti Ibair s.lack ti i lon by uslng BnDou k ImdoS t1 ; lie b..e LirzInvgouralc- rds e r.t - ttrd4ôBowaia andS ein.6 h M ume=ng~raent lonla t he wvnd, 'have been arznnged lu Nev York fer au kmalgsmàloncd te Ivo Canada llegrapb compais. The baais cf th. anangewentl i.underslood le be ltai 'th. MeonîrealoC'pSfy #allbe SX5fl- te.d .8gtland the' Ddioipa ux par ,cent 0f Ibe 'aurnînga 'lteé' Wtalern Un. ion reùwg bau of &H ihai iW t=Me,: jabove Ia anuii Bulea's &Arnica Salve. The thé.'vabew«or erOu, S" 199 VI Blers ali. hnn~ee Bos, ahp Ed ais bJbaa Cor, sud,,h lini etofskia rngbb This salve 0 tameed 0 4 0 saisioimln e u aeor in ue da pie U00" Box-pu yT N EW ADVEý'.RTISE,'ME'ÀNT-S,.' TO THE FARMEIi"OF THE If yo 'wa.nt If yoti Wanft If youwant If you want If you want If you want If yôu wa.nt If.ý you want If you want DO0Mi NIO0N!l .000: the. Best REÂPER- the JBest-MOWE- the Beitt SELF-DUMPING HORSE RAKE, the IBentC'RAIN CHOPPER- the Beet GANG,,ýLOW- the Bestli'RAW CUTTER- thé Best IPÀl~NU.G MILL-. the Best PLO*8'lora11 k Iih'dd ~'ln the Best PULVERIZI'NG HA.RROW- -GO ,TO TM-M - OLU RELIABLE'-WHITBY FOUNDRY, Where you can ai w&ys get good value forypur xnoneGy,ý an14-oýVery article bound to give you the bâot olf atisfactioif. -ours respeotfully, j' l BROWN &PATTERSON MN F'G Co. .Ja clot 1881.. - 1833- Established .1833. F«URNITýURE, FURIT7URE, Cheaper than ever, at. hi8 ,newv store t-4 00- ST., - W I B- The undersigned in returning thsanks t&' the publia foi the libera ptoae xtonded to him, bega b stato that having removed to hlie onol nov promises, ho is nov in a botterpoiintaner to eMpplv ailtheir vants. His -stock of Furniture ezubraces very handsome sets, ana everything that can be csflod for in bis line, ana an examxination viii NDE RTA I&~ Funerals fully muppied. ____ ____ ___WM. TILL- A Great C»ICago EntCrPri.. The Laboratory for the mmnuftun o f Electrie Bitter. la eue of Ohicago'. greatuat enterprisei, glvlng employmneni te a larm numb«t etbanda. The. eaive #aai- ready ntained fer ibis voàdeo l z eçl te jpt, h eý lre*~.cuwho mie Ra ou«f as Ma a raaonble pxlo tty cae. IParmonzly &agUr f acenylte Syrniombu beeàn rua: a faVOIFz6 a nsof i. * h pâùélya foia e , ci lam qvr i efodn ieu presntel atoý » prepaeale m ya. moeihs,-aad has proveS an antidotea4 niay chronmaiad a- Pso" e. I of Gre.e a ugeil ployer -oW' tuoe vO1e<U1i bdUI~1w ,ldtaeauaei cp .Orieilar neb expeolug te reip a tifer tb.maelv aitb th ena. 0 b. . , 1.Tii. Me lon*vs nr.A..c. in IN&R sud for -th i WorM. tblog the syaiem, ma eradioa±lng dlaeaaes laç aayee., eae Vg awa i crte aionce. The SÂVAGE-DIOKI.-.Oà the25th Ma ', 1881, as h. reeldea.. .- l0 bride0'8 wobber, by l.. .Camn, D E À T IS. PEBRY.-Mt Yaby 4=a *1J.Hau 4V~~btiisii, bk1ia la siraraged 6 yearu. Falha............ *II swingWa.. O 15 ~ae..........0 00 *90 ;0 Peou .................915 8A Fi" ,blao.eL 05 *086 .....e...... ..... . * 8'w 0 0 tom .............."11*4, .0900 ............... 07 .Bef b teomi ....&0- 0 Shepki e >~ ~t ù P;r ilks, S11 y Ties, ~ie and *Or' s., .e.~..%....M V -rt ~Ç7 4~3.71 s At -e tsef .. 2 i. n . W A~ m o o ~"-*"~I1 ;1 Afýresh a r'rivai cof'Fec W rtd, Sotch adOnadinTd- it ai Bid re.Bitt ahb ~OÃ"~eecSomet -ing nice miGns~0t~ Merino and. B'albrlg' an 19 B~bËIga Shrsand Dramwers. £ - 4~f1Q à~~r~ly¶Q fff~T.A~oA-MnT New iUinry, 1tetadewteot , ty1esý. Dress and Mantle mab lJsual Family G-roceries.j.; Whitby,~~ý'-Bm 1a Sh . J B. POW EILL &O J,' ~ ~ 'ORNER -BROOK ANDDIAS. UiW A.DVERMlEMENT. à Grad io l l id cU f théB. -ChUrch, cOe by be olge 0f TUESDAN, June l4th. DIENIEB wW Ib. e ed ai NOON. 1 THE ITALIANBTBep,~.BAN.b, fkwin , artitlle - D Alsdm a, ow. BErot'hN .wag.d fer ilh. oosw4o.L Ail kinda Of Bm. usnlgJumping, ITb C.nunilte. are worllug-'ak te make th1 Pie-nieoaa leaaanîandajreab1 'àth l beCroas= and Temperanée D'" b. had on the Grounds. age, 20 cenia. 2 OONDENSED TIM TABLE. 'taklng eÊèei on gay 801h, 1881. Ulieewiitby M8.10aM.8p. ;m 9.10L Poierlo» 0 7m 8- 1.9 Ar','.Lledaay 11.4 9.10- 140 - IMAMom re ouvm. For time stotbera tathcm.aP0'àTie. b" on te sur f tub %My for aul pointeaou aMd anSve posr praax-Vlt t.a» ~for ExeM, lia"E Lnoeax.n-Wub lhVitori anafla1rNaaa Railva7 for Beacbrla., nA Fr. Ore Zndae C . by.himlap GERMAN, ENGTU8,AM]I AND CANAIDIAN - ' - MAXNUFACTlIREý,T-'f' AMrost --pltestock Of-, Silk~ Lisle - Thread and;'-Cotton ose LADIEjS'.. LADIES# LADIES, LADIES'1 LADIES'1 LADIES' LADIES', lain ani .Ftnay Clr n kar rm8ete 1. !o >o o,40e, 5N, 56à. E,*mtont aloi 8 to5Go onte, COTTON HOSE, ina sllnov mslteb. o1e te $1.00. QLII> <COIiBO COTTON 5,vtot aofo e81 inoch. gleI (301,03 QOTTO1WON*108EÉ, vitit 1Ioz; rm',onx5t 8 nh à& OSE.8Efrom i'6 teohs VJIIYJ4W là4IN AN4D ANCYGÀA4DIÂN 0-MADIAM MN' -'ANOY ýOTIPE3COTTQNI MEM' ÂNDIA1ANDAMBC EVERtY OE~h ds ee ithe 1arge stock ýWHAT -'THE- PEOPLE WANT!' Sperlb>. BAWB EMSXI7eL'A-I*9OF m s N~Â A urg.udocf<7tmily (ht d a 8 canis, I - ADVF4pTi8j '5, Up... Fkst. Fronôh1V~ 'f LJ WAt sa BU P Giv.aUpb7tb. Doctore. 'r. -.m. Il fm foi sé 1

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