Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jun 1881, p. 2

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* ZAnd. fi. rl~. sas bauhrupi y. added-.Sbast 0.67 umr Meou HJi .8 a4.8.bob. .a-, 8, mobuen i Berlson Bros' Tho 'Walls n-J. 8. bérWou, Brou. Ted ovi d<vTolmeteT Sal Mmer itais.-.I heoi DriotI ieef aas aa Waboua-3. ONLY ta o PR MNUM. Whikby, Thursday, June 9, 1881. NoIti Ontario. The eleoliom, o a lnnda>', of a menm- Lior of the Legisiature1 olalaro, lu placeof lV. Paxton, vesigl, reatel, contýr> te genetal espeetllal tho rtInt of Mr. Madilli, b b. thui mejorit>' of8. Nvor withur ouimm-- or>'bu ha.Ihrbeau sn.b a quW lul eeelon ee" la North Garlo. Tbrougoub, &Il ai apoal humour.IMr. MadflW "baou-,of, suceen bolng -ouslddol bepubosu, bis canv»as sregardol vlth Ile.utomcelgeai nabts, and Dmn> LibraluvWho mwlàoed a greairegard for Mr. M1>pors*mn0l=, ve e rn tinol of enpieesng l. Coutthe>' voli h co.>'tae-hlmbeted. "Of course.te" l 9tb, if It vesnoou7.a tethe' aremuées., ve voubi vota auie ia1bult r"voanetut Vantai, anti(mk a i a tes> gea fel. 10*." Xbdlffaro a ndtonm m pool. etir. -au a. f suceMd "Madlll bêle« aapoi4l ov,'* prvsiitosur. tbng liothe NUhpM "te boletpofi- e. . bleviilbe seau b>' the fgure MI'ble rpoo'esd ta <1'. lu fuIli Blounev. Mauzr.r.. No. 1-llea........- 69 do 2-3poon........ 7 101 8-Greubani-....86 58 4-B >S--------......44 48 -5-Prince Abrt... 51 74 ......hetar 50 58 827 8BU Port Pur>- No. 1-----...........84- 9 2-------------.......78 40 .................. 66 86 178 86 SOC"o.............. 85 40 No. 1-»&abe sscioel... 54 sa I-Bundonlaud-...24 101 S-Vnoomatn.80 120 4D yvle.... 47 88 echool.... 50 87 * 205 '489 Thorsi- No. 1-SBeool Ne. 2.... 40 I 2-Beavevlon-....50 - 104 8-4ebooi No. à.... 41 50 4- fi 8.... 24 51 ma-155 275 N.1-8choi No. 8 .... 80 70 2-Tovu gai .... 62 -85 - ter ..... 75 do Nei-Bhol No. 0.... 8 8 28 2 21.0................ 56 88 Comigtn .........64 46 No. 1-Tavu bell ...51 80 a-Le.skab.... 19_ 28 8-Udor,. ........ 9 4 Oou lc . t. 28 82 *~ ~ ~ $ 4-laair 4 0-Qua ...-, I 74 89' Totavos lai9MU 2044 Summuaeeie otïs appeer ............ .. . M8U _m. port Par'.......... 178 es8 BOok.. .........905 48 TBr............. .... m 489 Maîrs.. ............ 181 27 Rm.............. S 210 .....*8 ..... . . . 57 4 DEcl....... 2sa 2w6 Ureie,....8... 191 Borneis nov vr on the mail staff, ýýniounb QI, 000clt, is wrtUng op, Undr the éditoriali bd, butaller the truc Conservaîve réaction, ler$teIsbcw~ 9M. Gtobedisposes of hlm t8 eniusyl vo do not suppose'an>' one, MDo 0u Moi& wrllte àsuperfilai eteugh te 1., #oe t lb.thelotss ofa single 'ueney by às silder Imêjorîty basa iny polilticalslgnlbioance, or an y deeper confidencoe. À feeling, of scaris>', sud the offlequent lsok eof orgainlsed acll. -it an @f«ýaided persbe, 4 1.oatj uauu uÃŽ"#el coont for me te.- suit. _W.have no doubt tbe Liberals; ofliorth Outaro viii con lbe lessou vonland laylîttboeanà, 8sas togive a Ter> digeoreut accut of lhomselveu 51V the. <encrai leotion vhiob, for.tunatoly, for ha, iu net fer off. Mdeauvblleýlt>. ls dos leio bs bthelors luinot"e, looslltles should laebeb. bt, aud.vw* woeald eolqmend it espeolall>'te tbe ne., formers of North Wsledo. !:Y iayii do Wall ormmhi htunf&tuuatc- 1>' the bavlug or rlght sud Sound Pol4U. cal maxims ohIheir aide le net suougb of it..lf tb Insu. vioon>' even lu s 1db. oral strongbold. EteÎÏal vigilanceile 1he price odlM ioal prourei as voli aso oI ll a liberty. The grand pri a. 19iples for vlhai BoformoeiluOunlo lu common v12h iberis &Il over 4b4, empire have se long asu eusslzly, ceutended bave stili te b. fought foré sud mstltii orth fightiug for b>'&ai honorable meaus. Lost1he Modetif' houest sud oflelent local admInIstrat- ion *Pam neo 0brt te mabe tbe majorit>' lb North Waleirloe se large as tfeot:M usly oouctonaot suy'wrong iiâpreeslon thatMs ha"baebeeungiven b y lb "snatoehoilftor>y cflb.he postionlu North Ontario. Wllbuh sk tandard- hourer as Me. Solder if, sboud onet ber diffionltbo do Ibis se ampbamticsily as4 te sileeaffec«tual'bbae lscht ter about moton.- Th. Conne>' Ceuncil. The ptoeogs, uras re b.'have goeo, appear iu other columns. Little bas beu done, but a sced duom te bo doue, aud muçb te b uid, la the managment of cenuI>'affairs, lsexapect- oS. W. &hall not auticipate. - Tire prtdaodlnse u lb.'taetk.place, viii rputa o oebes in Ibose clumnu. ehTirn.apjoot@d "reenullutir.Norh Ontario ulection le lb. subject oh »uncb A BannSOLM.uan-Ws bal a 0311 mcom Mr.Thomas Fanghuan, the anthor oh"I Lite oh a Britishr Soîbior," on Tues. day. Havwcg ireal> reaa' hie vor, vo vers somevbat prepoassed lun laver nf ont contyman,- ior 'Mn. Fangirnan Is su Irisirman, sud "lc i bis seel snd brocS" helenge tote reolI Oburcir.,Tii. latter vendsonitheiauen tence are-on>' adbsd te point, viralhie bee o o en proved, lihe loyalI>' of the Irishr Osthirnesllier tu Qneen and Irayol lu lb. iatbfogsphy o!flMr, Faugiruan, and vhichb.e relates vitir snob gnraphie pover, <ire &ample ovil- anco et ths. Of lb. vork i hic! vc do ual buov tirai vo bar.e eer reioauMY bock vith se mdeb pleasune There mes ne Braddor. on Wible CoMis, Oan>'. tIhng 1k. th. pnplesclomal hoolimaer about it. But thele s ameé el ievmng lu the.l'plain sudnvaroelele=6Zie commcd hoboo,-udlb th ory Qaebec Leglelaun., Il isa«pueobd ibathéhuslnéas belone tir. Houa. vii. bave so eran aiane tiraI th. prreagallon viii Ihe place about -tho 20th InsI Thonora boe»a à1ai toi * lszed b>' I UNE aSEBEioN, 188L Irai of ticeJ IBBT DIT. Vmioe"le1 la7.-~wly dîne. W. bowe çoen of lbopinion Ibat, the pool vas not in the luqvea1 of the 1bvu of Whliby, a*41hth u"i.bas beau Wu large measura transfdtàadt Port Hopeand we vere noverioe lo..aveolýý aii4 t ui*ve-ea .'té' kàow thes pool bas beau bonesil> oarri.d ont, and oselong as Ienrt Holden sud col hâve tu do lth It vs licilevo Justie~iLb oot. paâmes, anddsuore especlay WhounFO iôïolder lb. large lutereits iivo - 1 lu lbis coosrbcllon of 1h. line ta Bai EL', M osdthe ,Victoria, àdavlnýg ~chlngd bande.-'Thop rob a -ore t l iil' i 4h sdedd a be«oMomthé. * Wetern eniilet ef IbeanaaPcfêl wblheievtlI.s111, Port Hope, Whitby, anud Toronto bave a 1a eltetreet. Whbilby havlng ou#ei tot 1.be barbets où the North ahore, sould, b. areatly frnftdby auch connections, un 'con@eqnoutiy w. &A ~wiluig bato âlu cartyiug ont ic 0grand au objeot. 'W. hope th. prou viii disonrage, sobdh, or- rsodusas *Viatôr" D>s oIy objool seemso tbb. lq' clir. Up jlousi>'y 1suad strife. Obitua>'. Dnivn ce' Mms.Pmnrr-Jane Mar. Rare , wife of john Ham Perry, Esq., 8q~israr Ont>Ouario, ,lied aIbeu 4Uý1idce in W*atby, on 8aturday fore.. ann. 4tb lit. Elbe boitbeau for luonlm5omplegoly proistrated sMd ber reOovery Pr1eouo.d cihopuesa 1babr d e 4 h u A u i D t l t l . e p e i truly ZlOIan Uhop sd' realtin, and to the' last wasmoIteowsdtmte for thee soil f tbos, abot be. 8h. vas amoo estimble lady, a mode> vife sud methar, vhoue loue viii not oui>' belote.11hbar meurn$0g rotlatives, but bymmy friands-sud empoolall> villah ob: bmies.ed b>'the ooopeqUe ad and raons. mesber, al "'Y& esinee iu pcomotiug oear>' objeot haviug ils udsucemeut iu view. TIMIUuersl took placeos on da&>' 1 th, Union l»hyiug grond,-, i. Mr. Fidie dRsul v. J- D. -OCyley ai-, ing aktbefunerai service. On beins lovwerod mb lbhe grave the lad of the cogin vas oovered vitb vreatbe Sud imiortllcs " alast eartby tribats of afuooate frignds oMtedeosd lady. Mm. rennyWv4 52 yotrs of ose SU wva married lot Judle, 1852. R.- Uif mle botsw by Rys. hi hbein ime vreýwil l t luit 14 m bride on front Ton.t irai>' ud 1 bn o8.bc fon oa 41l aI 7M~ n a -boe. Tonoulo etr gccd déai of imo véAWtt, and!nov &7,5 àdJ looks éif liens wa4 a llupouhtou l "crabe up or besh liime." Thee etimtes M0.4 d S ar nv .ngý pal lbingb as hast aslroalci viii possible. Th. suru oh #10,000 l l gan. ehaeron ol to Moutéaliot aperm.iment exhibi- ieulj4 Éhou lion. Tire largea=su ofeh 28.85Mleinltuits., dlslribuw el anthlie ss>'umos ant: W. mi chanilabloe caltnlions. -besail t -- -1--,-Ibo pissn Wiltby Stndeuts attire Unlvenuit>. uotvllbtsu Gh"auITn Ta Ix MC.SL ExÀnm nm,.-Ai th c' oéei s Meiles xamluaîious IMn. W. F. East.: rusais, the yod sud Mn. *enicO lobualon, ut"h fnIbi tes lovu, pas"sel eucdlngi>' goal ea1ni. vuttah sUions. b standýig f bat t u lbil up chatai. naspecclve clamacesbelng ver>' bi1. Mn. Rmelvool lu -lb. third lyooum cc j4ýo * paeusl vllb honorcelu- urgir>',mcl. frey) >fj aIne, Mu vile>' ricelanuiomy>' sd ý~ utood OMinl sblq.lt tument :-I - Blrass crvm~.-Te ntepri.lail e, K ffl terme, lb. stockr of licesi.Hamil. ilehoicé, Ion ir -Àrtvt. à Iffiii ha'sein by etecu ai ibafr ~ ~ i auôueotl ther comumut aBmlitp*iý lb.>' ~ -ff bvmae>teadditions (tge*0be rtIbis I sComut 01 10,0q0) f no go4-'fl-su4'lunoin * nob n eidajé' of lie ira Ins l obses-vIlcb Ge. Ken14 tbo' bayéocontd, bybll ningéode ab>'. vonderuulo 9v4pisesqWbuby-pe- ' Pite illmme teaddition ýfà Ar1 4f lb*i0 I vmpi the lovu. TôOuontcous- lb. pieoo ürMndeulc va tommeul I»o finm.ai cpou eIiat M 'M.Js .Catuphehihas êah naus on Wedm lasneov improreti maling rusoiulu. tra ci lu Io mer maeîube 'i ndiens hall M- ILE ý. ni mn r mva fair compulisons have obe rien lb. Nipissug mil Wbil- scanse tire former mus direct- Snlo., But lot Ucecompare elabbos m-Por a compuison Wke WoolvM*b Junction (a ile frozuindea>') »sulx- the. T. and N. B., diabani nIe 65 and 41 miles respect :4dsaysud P6nl Peir>' on BY>'. listent frocia m-teo Iarviug atITr«oub 11.16i nurs mid 46 minuxts foïr lb. =u iîa'migtrain fSe> ?BLO u Pr ue andu aI otnttLoilathe les,. ndu>' 2.0. rep îasve Tomtoby Toronto îîeaviIe Junetion nil. -Ont n'otice theime le M"c l b. rond sud tirai t-boy have, ns'bavo ou 4 heni aud 45 li cýomparï irO 09M ns but *ir b'teWbl>.linosud Of t ae thaege mfref fa couimonp wt y theTonto sud -Nlplesle ponn4. Thia pvu.. Ibii lute *kiat 6"sialL4à Pierson, Biob1,Blb3, )ould, Prom th. claib o*thelb. ont>' VW. toril, lan o!reo.lth 1100-gau W ceu n ou, rmade i l 8, sd esl fon action On lb. put 01 lb.e ounly On- PFrom Bevd& li. EseMUt, Oshava, teegnlng ion o0 tnl>'bcad. nu s o Lmese,2la roerônse10Sir. rove' Bridge. Prom ltb. BIflahla on. eplmeut inu refereuce te tire iotvading cf shool' aons-tbce o»tnly eatk.zplained7 cassie o! dola>. tir. Camupbell commuulcitad lb. In- foration liaI tbe courdo oOée- taket vas e*kt sud Ibat i, -B. Iv- landu ias luatendan.. ab bis subsli- -Ou motion of lMt. Campbalt act- odby Mn. Parker, oceil adjounued aI SeCONmDDair. Ocueilmetpunuant t0edjeOuru onemoion acf ehmuseal Wi, ie.ir:=hnull Jeaby, 8mith ýol.w ijt. oqnzing II.a. lge moyen, j» - appoit to equ&Ui e . asmnloilU Agame of orik.l vwu plaliel ai Geeleeo u BatuiMda>', Ma>' 91h, beCweeu th. Broughami sud Goovood ècIzib, yhlcb nosltul ina drav -Ã"vlu playel, The follovitg l es cr- . usoaeaue, ion miais. B. aun,bld.Hligus-----------..... B. Pel, bld,................a W. Heodeop bld. Hlggn...... - Dr.Promet......- J. L»Ounn, mat .............. .t W» Nuaoiq ebld.Hlggtus ... . 3. V«»84oQî mi. ..... ..... ...O ............ a........... Tot .6.. .... . GOcuvoýoD, 18T uaners. L àAbet c Gioseen.blt d. irson. .S a. Àlol bi,. euleâ.n . ............ G.PiuS! edslt d..s à c...end...... 5 &. ii =gans, liu ci Reun... B.- 5hu l.Mso~e------ Bn. 111blH ul s........... IL000 slt. Msogmev. I Extrss................u To tal--------------9"0& Ou Sorde' ae a lyla Brougbsmn oves laBrubatu :fi Mulg,5; oeeeaiisaln M08 t* nêi it Secondtnlgc 8 ice coȈuna eth*l. leismMcv estaed- .~1.OduI .Roolo Soxa ver' nIntddelhe.-a. fi. PO=otmeau. d Dtý « Pàreut ia th smuLoa li suil lngsousn.- - plth bock«place au onuel on ~ $0.TIhere vasa& ver>' ploasant iii y iy o lh. pumberof ai uerf miL4~, linpro"t.The chair vau abl>' -Bs * . 8TrAjos, of tbe Port 1eP~O5 dan ~tsu ?Prsidont of tb. Cana. dnPieu Atuoislalnn, the giiest of 'tb. a,~ vening occpylug b. pdsl cf honer on th oMst4"The Quoeu sudber . »ý'Oanada e ber OoM>llujjon," vWo vas bonouvauà 0 éiqeà i~l O. W.È Sb A ,ltn, L. n x.W'E publi elmi le;on ýyohago sud IVst 0f si =ta ko au p in.tea , spread ol i onal, Ip i, Canada vas ailîiq-all 1 hm 1lit wae nI' oui>' Canada liraI, but-canada' togOtbot, sud bis loyalI' fr Ibis conut*>'WvuSe reaithat perhapu bis loyaltyin' luéthbr dfretlen.-lad boan.su (or Tb* Socretar>, Mr.,W., P. 01 read a umbeor te Ia ron= eli. knovu pressmen througbotthé pro. vince *zpreuslug regret l th>' t'ewre u ,abii0 t tend aud lbpl o#, fl ap-, provai ai the objeot ni t"1b 'theins. Guse t,"euogled Ibhe getlman vbm &bey badmet- o >bdiïwi M oee Who learleiy ezpressed bi16--ý,"oniose- gardieu of lb.e ongoquea cos. ývon ltbough those préenct ml02t. disagne. vlbMn. BSwim làiunbopifimps ho ex- prefscd, y.t they mut: -êoienovbedgo ibial be'bsh doues tafdioà ~ ea tue lu canada. Ph bublio vbioh teudcred Mr. Bîn>l Ibh s omp i- amnt*5e, e'vfbed ouaf toeu 1>' non-pIIcl udh r,%d vould aW&."u emain s IW >thuopropffld>ÃŽiras druuk ~~ociférons eipreuel t tui. Mn. Smith, vbo vas appisuded1 on risiug, ald liat loy sud simple wved -fietatbon of their goodvll i ulecm.I Tb.1y Vn. l. enh.ofbi- v prféo .]ofore thenàqîn Ibeirpre- seno., suÃŽd 6lu ibi=contr- hoebad dons vbhatver b. bsddoue, sud, eiy veré -bbcboit judgee vhotbor he.: red voe, penhapa, citcmtwtarkjes le J0 ~Omoas, t iowfhiho n. ot'jYuoial- 1>' adont, bioi.mado butne nf etoem doubl>l predoi.I4Wbtoev- tempeste becoôïtb niigbts aa- hIi literai>' pstb b. voultifeai comiertoil b>' their support sud Iapprobation. Ho ibedtheni, hevevsî,uct kW lbiub fon a meout bat hia Mlnudbrttw 'the, 'Iribute ,lie>'1 bad 1offor o.. 1. nev penfti>' Wall, Ihat. it was 'qonfohPot-! s0ese malee u thit il bad notbiùg "Vhaer fapoica.caaer it il denobtd net su>' s.ea nenI i epin. ion, bat imeoy ît1 I~1thatai' bie proeso. 0~ soito > whem aho vas$being otainod as»s non-.'oiilciasoID un rndl the tabl thmerevre nlemea iaii cpI.' ion,vwilbsouao vom hbehadI hé 'bonor to dsgs uun~s uli Porlant "14b1 "t4. -9*ra vas lhe Tory' tis lyig dovuvwitkhthéGl-ea golugbos> lmb,, but 'hosvould &a. Ilgt-~n&lie labthe.inoopeadont tribut.le an> gpar of.4W*6 a- sei>'wobre. ots. -mhibpeê it'jdex-i enu.5m I4 or onfiI~i ihe>'wens u to mnh paloa x- n frlieasaoneddSlaiI. u ttcaninte 1 yaf nb Ã"àdo. Riladoe brou blte O Ciediis jour themlb aloI ' -ath*n "," h*ý bai to " bao bondt W al.e bu Agelsomtuaissa and liulorrmoi,-ansudha lbcnght buý eucu ah 1mb>' » sa>' t halbu-banoer nutlwua aertl of dieflohte"ti anuy one vbo bmd ohaoti dtht oom 409eu o *esoau rtesy to4elnt.H» hasteot a " sealos, twwoij& lu-cde thelb suces-A Stirring Addrees, -Anchbisbop Crqkii mecluded ,t T. t- las onue o ef lb. ex'-o;lpanjba Eageof bistry. IM Grec. ven &npVillwo s~obaon n~sever l~,ago ce, urupn nw J ts't retenti momont. [ntb.oneuroou, ho muade a remuankablo appeal te Mr. Gladatoe te- Put, a stop b eviotieus. hie Graco' said :-IIappeai b ibhis great eItes. mai, seli> as aun'Irsh pation, a sug RIn lhop, lu the naine of Tlp. fe nyad ln tlb. uiere of Iriia 1 'Au em ,tgo ont that ihere arc to lio tie more eltes dun i rsn lm.(roal che.tlng). i tea cuit- 2ions tact thbc verd I1,vlotinnthlb se iluib iii saI'oierè; I.scarce- Il,. buovu lu an>' oth« 90111,utry l venda. Theü ri osob su d wý 'ne n ouci Ihing elu.viero. It liÏ V'word -of, cvii omen. ISlài a vend thal importe the. depopuan aiuof eut ceuntry'; ýbst importe th~.grdUbSar~e Ot ophaJi that importa the>- tz'amispontiUnudl ba beyognd tb«.ws$ers I. forelandus ~arc oLi~e moas 0<lirluhotICar ng vIïb tbem lb ep1w f engeande agalit vhale farla the 'b.grealt't 'Epirs la the venld, bat vhat le 21 ls cettaini>' lb. Empire whicb bas ieted 'Jrho"d verse than ?ever ain E1m pui 'le tiïi a de Ënden - ULnd Choute), Thoelre, 1 wonld s>' las Iblgreatst alesman, il yen- valu. telive olOur p.pple. if yen do ns vibte perpotuate the national fond, sd lb.e sanufnazy tnadibloo.thal hbave a e i Aoutz7 oragas, blot ont tl4l, îtéie -oýk .tbewverd Ieviit-' ion,"' sud lot ne Maun bencefort b b tunnel-out cf bis baui, nlesu àlsnquit. ema itatrlb.mone>' 4whbch henkil bave "Mm bis ougageniante vuas ate.- laUy' sud -ioliuby dheurtes. (Leul. Obeoru.) It *A' cl>'I e nî oher day> ltiai 0ie enerablo paniohppriest oh Me>'. êarkrugt tbld nme lisùvhn ho becamo bie«Vilést ' if* t ' pah-,'il ceutaluol tvie bandred familles. There are at paeoui>' font irbuud.e.' Lot -me asXr.'G1adotcue vhet bas becorne of tho cight- bundrel famxilles, once se happy i hi humble hoe»o, Who have disappeanal item the parisir P Man>' ofhorha have gene lutoitho grave man> h' . 'oibbouses sud mmi>' le Great Bepubliofohthe West, beariug wthlthot& ndyiug habrd te the ceunî-, t>' Ihat banish be hm fjpm beir nativo land. (Gréai Cbeng.1 Allihe sama lime if tire uvictions 'rc te gn ou, 1- vould elvise yen nov te sol. Do nI brng yenrsell itb collision viti ltre yen. "If unI ovon fer conscience slie, oreurovu preseon, uipr o£uthe é oh oxpedieuoy, if nIo!t0pnm*ple.Wè muet &eto *flb. he, dl W.muai oflerpasv -roeubnce 1>tirtose eppea- q-d-to-ws, ~i s ial vt a>' lb.y viii gat btod nf lb, coulait, because aw hole, 'unted people have ncver yeI bea en-cis In lus aevening HiseGraco enlereti i(ollyiuto, he prpieut position sud aia. lIme gitsllon vas ocduc Dvii' 'non PanIýoUoterhiovem nu, ut teO thre tiibalogré cîva s e gby -rMvn îP_ mtbIe shpeiea test 0oente zt Manuli'.sud romunve il. Wilh- qui tbhre thool nI Irelau il v oul ba*bssi mpossble, ct tGrace, for the, ieovemout lpýoacb lb. preeut rntghty dimonsiona. Il bal bbeusi that Ur. PAnnelilli net wisb the ce- aperOlioiicf l. teprlesheol, but the1 'Arebbishep declsnedanortlvy ou hlm in Jbtbliu n l ane aljy s 7,weit t0 Us,fàl.iiinfluonS.. W bave Ihe ztIIiiï 'b 'Govenm-enlnW -re-gard *o le e ilng dvheat lu bond. IH. vent -,lbr oMonIres> te blok aite $beintero$ ýof 0sb*wà-relatlng ot e i Por L~r vspJ"l, , owuod by thebo ixtmansd Oshawa a y bvp y -the latter. The race va or1 -sidat, vlich vas von oeu- il'b>' OshuwaDoit7. Wlleon,.of London,siber 'o thebcBoy. galaifr, fumaeri>' cf Ibis town, vilb -bar à sbÂn d ilnurse vau on the ifi. Mr4kcdVicto, 1 aIthet lime -of its col- M g.of6î t e ï iu.Tii.luldy au old voe s u ed lu an almnost mirso- -_tilOs wayjuilo hlb.the fqr'nurse v»s OÀNonG.-Mossrs. D'Arc>' Grierson Af&W. Blako,. bye adoeteu-inhe, heat of' a oeiuho arnfvediluOsha wa. fhem Torouto, ou Taoaday of lutI yack fit Weil a Unne lait Oshawa ouFi- tia> lust, about 6 p.m. for lhe roîun trip. 'Iley vont înt camp on ,the ahoe.aI dark, aud' risiug cari>', corn. plcted the romainder of their -joune>'. SàD OccuaRrtxx:- Tho finonde of Mr. John Cartei vill regret tb hear of tire dealb e! bis vile, vbicb sad aconit. once iook place car>' ou Monda>' monlg lust. Sirevas buried on TuesIa>' aitoinoon. Tire fanerai being lar eé lbottnlol ; lb. employées eh the Oshawa Cabinet Comupaunytunnelnl lus, boldy.lire. Carter basves behind bot Ilve smal childnen, tire yonngeab 'beiug 00>'ye veewoka nid. Gumeuvàa OutzaiFcrour.- IlrMa>' 'net ha uuinlenesllng tb eut readens bc lbain lh. nev cireese fIsor>' vici commincol opérations semo tht.. -yackes inoe aI Geueva, i. bing veli. Cemrnenciug se Il bddv-th 11v, patrons agI leas Ihan 500 ponus cf milk, it hasàoniinâid t6 lucrosa. evor>'day, until nov troarc oven fort>' patrona avoraging fal>' 100 ponb et milb te eoi.- Tha buulueaa. oiý_-by, Mn._ 'biaughuesy sand.- ber elaten vin are ernplôe4 b-Mt. 'Svltzew. Te>'Javea novo ou&n rau4crne 11(1>' oheeee tiraI préetanl aueediugly fin. appesaaca au&,wli average about eighty. Pounîs veigirî. NÂEEow EscÂPu er rTm XaOBA.- The schooner Magdala, owno b>' Opt. Geo. Farawell, ofOuswa, lýehIO&wego onThansdia>' vingof lut w eeli vii >a cargo eof âne cosifen 61. Cathorlueo. Anl veut vel nul iFnila>' evening, vheu off Ciraint, a violont equsîll sruck ber, carrying off honfore sud topmeta, jibboom ie aiasix yard, sud Oeep- iug sae>'aillber- esuvas. Tii. crait sirook sud creabel and. Ià vas feared eh. woald <-bplaeos. t- Allbaude were call lup, sud b>' îlot ofhbard vorli aud outting saa>'tiereigging, lire Veasel vas saved. Iustaied.of golug <o isl. Osîherluos;' the Magdlala vwu beadel fan Toronto, vlsere, with 1he assistance of tire tig'Olarie. ah. aniived on Mcudsy netglit aIIselve o'ciack, bosuing atieug évidence of lb. sevenit>' of h.estorm hrongir wbioir aie passed. Therc le nov corne troublé about tb. cargo viricir aboil bave beeu leit aI St. Ostirines. Linday>. 21%be Post a Ilut wceek o .utainel s ver>' lulenestlug socun t of ahop Cleary'a vieilte olinsa>': ai e 2 dresses presue nlepis, sud su ahi. sump;ar>' of au eloquent sermon delivered. by bis lordship. The Post alwsys doesjusbice te Catholié sentit and opinions sud luvaniab>' dévotes a lfai t hane nI its comumuete booalbatho' ai lihe Pdst stands outinl markel' sud &Ïatnabcontrait vt tc s al iibers>papers,-(vii e. iron l.>' eit offoneisai>' sd deservea- hhem,,apponi ni Bishop Ciexny, wva-è-an.pleasel-le pecfe aîda bhigh ., ibute te Revd. Palier Siàfol, the- respeclel. parisib -pnot-the abtoIe h hose -health ne- qures et forla vhile, 'sud dtateI that ho lappeintel 11ev. Father Flemm- mg tlaké Pîthesi&8teffO4&'piace dur- confident théocgreÈhtian ýwqflld finI hlm competetaisi"anI d. oi of - dis chéarging bis à :ôiýe>iPh's*ith fileli>' At a mu t Bowrna oyrs ;,le Mm'l The Blritish Parliamout bal nrn. *Large cupmbers ofiaime&tacontinue te, *Il toôk tht.. days tl e gel rongh thlzteon, fines of 1he Irish Laud Bil. The- extradition papers lunb.te.mot tb. -Peohlsy brethere ha!. beon for- vnd4,,ote e ecrtar>' cf Blate at wVbôlügtou.4à Arcbbisbop Oroko, ou returuiughomo from bis camâpaigu-in lbthee tioflb. Land Leagne, received a mo enthusi- slio elcoeo. - ---ThoeossIleat: -Mev-Paas.vLr- covored b>' tbe police àand military vithont bcdhd b ~eec~a force of one, thonsand Junmen avosavag. Aheb populace. - - The. troen oo0uut Of tlb.-COnD- soiida.d Fand Of lb.-Dôeinimof e Canada, duriug tbe monlh of dawa 1891,560 ln oxceas of thatfor 1s1ecer- ,rcspeuding'meubth cf lait ycar. A London, England, tologrmn reporte tbé rume'r th-ai -t.e(Jaaa pacific Blilvéyaycmpanuy bas sold 2000,000 acreofNiIorthWest land la Frouoh agriculturallels, wbb intend teoatabliah a coleny. We hope tbc report is cor- reet. À witnesa belote bc ci at Belle. ville refused obe hovn -onu* h6O ld version ci tbe bible sud toekftbu oatb on the new version. Hia Grace Ârohbishop Lynch admbt.'- istered lbe' sacraiment cf confirmation to 200 children lu Se. Michael'. catbed-! rai on Sunday luat. Ou baud ni#gbts on lic Cibadel, Que- bac, lire lelopiione onveye lihe mic bo Spencmn Wood spd sovoral ethor Cilty aud country ufansions.- Ali. 8reg7g, sei'ving s beruci f six mgatha ia London, Ont., jail, atesoplel la bing birnself yealeresy Mornnig i tire jail , ueiug l.the net frem'* bis- -bd for the purposo.- Bey;. Mr.-Parsous, of Knox -Cbutob Taront6, Ithinko '-tirai votklngziba èh'onllalva>.s'e ab. cptbwitb ticb atiies ho ssid sté offlb.e ste.' Tire Grand &Duke Alexis bas been lu-- sien Miuisryof Marn u uing ltresb seuce oh tho Orsul Dcki Constantine. The Kingste onootiv&-Worku Ce. are cslltmt or'tcndcrs for théebuilding.- of theiir-nev uricineanie recblug sirop 8ii4 i'esllong-b1y 69 f..I vide.. Tir e ieuils have boon expelldhemî Nicaregea, b y enden of* lb. Goveru- meut, vhioh bu aiban obligel 10 erir aut-iroope <o supproesrioba lu-ia hit fî- von..,- . Freuch- vêetinar>' surgoon base diuoverel a rumol>' by lunoculalien - fon tbe siimknewu oilel"charbon," viricir ile miliim of francs Worth oh sheap yeatl]y2 '- Tire Royal Gazettir (NovàN Scotia) contsinu lire- ppoinîmomi t ofPbilip S. Bosse, accunlaul, of!Montras>,to he a C miioerfoi tl, Pro-vina cOf Nova Scolla lunlire Province of Quebe. Mn. John Lyous, oh Qîlava, contr&'t- or for lire Pariiarnco»ta';buildîà«s, Winnipeg, iias receivol a Ibird ou-ý tract for tire hniiding'ol -imotirr block oh butîdingu, ainoutiu g 4 2%,00.. John, An.erson,, -ofhe iaw10nShipof Denrby, basbeen amnstel aud'ruh -belrotie >uaiaesh ai we on an' complaint onI bis uuer'nla«o abtemptinglb poison hboL An "ulionov"bas preautel an ani; balance car, T9z.oot.~ Ode thosnu-Chomnitza vscs, Il isaxpscteiltire cens- Wyul ebov Halifax te have a ppuaÇmoit of ionte A zoological societ>' -vas> -formel lu Toronto wîth Aoapital nf 88,009. À New York corupan>' wilb a capitaF eh 20000 .going lut0 gol miniug on. tb. River bu 'Loup. - Complainte bave resobol the o>eot. ment,;of trdthe oad puliouo ltre Dominion, 8ur-ay- service ùimBriith Columbia. IL-làoxpecol lirhat 11* Panama can al Vilbso ,cte4 in £0 - - - ,- -, a cash nf 100,000,00 francs below lie estliata. - Shea andi -'t- 'r- Shirley, SUdOESSORS -To ~IkMItJO~ a~d tÃŽARRIPH[fi1 -C~5-~ Having bought the stock a low per centaýge4, are ~avautfgeOua purohase. 10 t mmcc hast litai w, ~ a T 'Thear Siahional ada sud Tarante aunual~ lie lilas

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