f UuS.DAT ONIG î.OOKWBBIT, WHITBYé Term~ *iDQ~ ar Antu A DTBTIIEN!.,~~&31&4îe*ln m u â t b e n W dsi m Bu ion e.é' DîrU*> ONTARIO BANK, WIIITE!BANOI, THOMAS DOW, FAREWELL & RUTLEDGE, B AlUISTBRS, ATTORERYS, SOLI. otors, Rohrles Publie, sud Conî.*Y. O104ficenrt door otusci lb. Royal nlota, *-itby,. JAMES BUTLDGB, B. A. J. E. FAEEWEI.T.., L. L. B.. Oouaty Cr0 uAttorney. 48 MfESBS RÉETEIM & BILLINGS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CIUjICERy &C O.1.RITCHIEp W. H. BILLINCÉ, Toronto. Wmstby. 098TYLLIVAN< & PERDUE, ARRISERS TTORBYSSOLIC- OPICEtUL- 72 VTnge Street, next the Dominion Bank. and Corner ing and Yon. Streote, Toronto. OA. O'8ULUIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. Ocobr dr, 1M8. -4 C0.NERON APPELBN &osMe- AEEI$E19,ÂttoutyN. Torontou B tBo etito r on.4 oot ECOCA Il, 0. X' . .APPELBE, JAUnts KITS GORDON, BAMBTX - TOIE.TLAW' rîotary public, &o. 02off-DuiiaS b., ral dec: vet cf Armtrngq Motel. Interest. JOUN A. IM0GILLIIVRAY, (aitcceuer to H. M. Moyei.) ARIUBR & ATTORIMY.AT-LÂW, BNlotsrYpub0', o.c. Slitor for the DoiinL k.Offce.-Nomh door ho hisusil ous. , Usbtgo, Ont. -2 CHLARLES Ç- KELOLER, ATTOENSY.ÂT.LÂW, SOW01TOR IN ton, B14k,( Le, T.e ARCLA1Y, A TTORNEYÂT-LAW, SOLICITOR luiiCbsiiOy 'sud Ilieiay, Oouiey. LY39AW ENGLIER1, L L. B-, .0" Sreet, Osiavi. DAVI.D ORNISTONs E.&., Orirca-In *tise0 oufc etis cf lb.ePoot Offce, in, MoUMan'. Bloekb Brook Stoot, JOIIN HALL DOti, BTB n-ATLà W SOLTOîTOR Ofiqe-Deierill's Block. Brook Street, Wlstby. MONEY TO LEND-Private Fonde- la ugumuUP te $800, ah a lov rate cf in teret. . (y6 LisDuooax B O5ouum) B ÂB.PItS.ATLAW, ATT OR N. B oeSollOIhor, Couîeyancemro, &0. OlpFIO.-In Victori&a Cbhis, No. 9, victoria Sroot. J.G. RBINuSON, v.X. iHuanRurA. E. Raser. BABN'TIi'.kW BOLICITOR sucerd. 0*6eDisf Cn~ SrsWiltby, Ont. Gi 'YOUNG INITils , lL. iDe, _Oymo»oa'Oir oiluipasiDeiikWbitby,. lan.9,1282(f J. B. GALERAITIR, M.D., of byecSss'aTbm u'of ktarla.g i,.D.Ie >1 With .1CaltaPlne wr entthubtsd =Unrlng fdustry, w. e oct VOL.1 xxv. flOILKERO1ALHOTIIL sud STABIiES. zêm M6AZI. - PBOPPJETOB. e hasot SI.O a Daybuseinuthe ciyonl twc bloobafroro tie Nieru D epo.dole te the Market. Tisboue a. mn nvi, IgRe. WALKEY'd, TEMPERÂà NCE HO USE, DUNDÂS-SBTREET, *IUTBY. Qoda commoda-t ireasonable terme. Boarders #2.W0 per week. 4 HosNIOUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. The Palace Hol cf Canada 1.011.0, Befurnlshed, and Uuzislled. Now Passen jgo Blovator, run ann ni Vi u jd~ Tse 0ul frota R ofsl anaa igad &te rieo, l:-P2 89.80and sa8pet_"Y utbru cf Clubs8sun che s rn rooms, viosut bc, 01 toJ da5. Feb. 97th, 878. Propxiehx HyL OTEL, WHITBY. The aboie botel bas been th«orWby renovatsd and reurnislsod aud is nvMW n-, der the mmnagment, cf VBO. KÂCKIR. (formerly et St. Lavrence Hal Port tope. Every attention tmaid tegaei;. tmamëpjl omf or 0=m- B BIISH AIMBUCÂN MOTEL, (zÂ'Ta S0u5s1Hnos.) WHITBY, ONTABZO. Mouse nevly renevatcd sud fnrusied %hirugisout, anépu in furt-lus créer for taie reception !of este. Au omnibus te sud from *Il trains. First-clase sample rooms. S ARESPEARE HOTEL, Cor. Ring à York.ea., Toronto, Ont. .V. A. O'GRADY, -PROPRIB2'OR. Tunus, 11.80 P» DDtr. l.7 POST OFFICE SALOON, Teosare. §W TEE 133ST ACCOMMODATION MI for Ouets. (y? O KTARO flOTEL, JAMES T. JEliELL, , Proprielor.1 (Late cf lise Nlplssing Hotal, Toronto.)l GocO Liquoru sud Cigara. Comusedious t.btg _ ... ..,ag,.. WITBY, RV~~0 Che rnm1s t and P~git DÂLER IN- DRUOS, MEDICINES AND CEEFMICAL si TOfLET SOAIPB, PERFUMERY, TRUSSES, SPONGES3 ANrD ALL* MiNUs 0F DRitiGGInTe' SUNDRIM S UUALLY REPT IN A FIRST CLASE DRIt'G !IT0RE. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully composnded, eana ordors uiawered wit h oke ana bdeupa"c. Farmers sd Phyuicians from the oomely will find cur- stook of modiolues comploeo w&trtated enuine, ana of the QORNER BROOK ÂAND DUNDÂB STREETS, WHEITBY, ONTÂIRO. 7 1 KINO-Sà T..EAST TORONTO. many Breelfasi and Tea Sets. Psuoy Dnnrsud DessertSes Paiey fBed. ou St. 19Mcy uge Md Teapeta. s= = Plae nle., Foikisud" Spocua. fian lawPstd mets andBRturCeelersl. SIUlVerPlated Cake ]Bakets. Bodffl nies sud Pela. OsU:zre, Ifoesr lfe&a. . WMit«»onvure, avery kUn& Moeaud.Bar odas. GLOV E HARISO, IMPorter. Dominion Wood Work8, WITBY. Geo. Cormack, Ir MBER MEROHANT & BuiLDER.ý Lt -AÀagsppyc oidr1Puuus lue su. nd &U rk plinOs f 0 TvuuhtednMoldngs, Doors, Bahi"asudBnds. LUEBEît isolesale sud rtail, or by by tisa curlosO. .Plsuilng, Meisdinga of evey d«ccp- tt4FooiPl O7lcil lving Re. uni-c... Jrwen ~uc. ....Imm. uswm anîy.51 Tu... w-. Parlour attacied. î.l6 etc, etc. vise auuiBOUS, oaw. j1NET TO LERD. H. CHZ8TER. - Proprietor.- Thisthre-stSThe.underslgned bas sny amount of Mcii. Th 7tse.tm, large sud OUMOUI en y to Laid upc. Faim or TownuPiopoity, a4 Houma in r"efuît.8 funlsho te sit theso uMuusliy Loir ates cf Interst. ý vante cf tise travelling public. Table snp. Losas emu h spaditmu te sauibc,-. viewti thecholomet cfhtise aiom. Tise rorexai sé,uPPUiai wtb .tbe beat brnde, *Wgd 4 M lignais ;sà ciga ns eu teumaf ront " or aia lion. Ample sta& isoutiers. -o--' * lu & d1.ly tues, Bank, s«Jchr021~ T Q394UBBN'S IOTEL9 ofrie AE ODN BWCXS=Zlr, WTBT. Apri ilSlLt PHI'IF MfcCANN. . roprietor. hast Liquortansd Clgars A WOUaliup plicd table. Airy bed-roomis. OomortabLe stabling sud large yard room. Charges moderato..8 .WHITBY HOUSE DUN'DÂB-ST, WIUTIIY. Theo undenaigue od i timate ta tise publieothat the .bom promises hai e hen nevly built sud Oued up threughout, for the accommodation cf <ueste. Bout Wines, Liquersansd Cigare. THE GREA#S 0F CANADA' WALZ LAGER. Ais pure Eblue Wne. L4gar, Whole- Ssaessud RelsiL. Boardais akef' by theise ok oninoder- aIe terme. July, 251h 188. COB. Yo S 8». "TOMOTO. .&LFBD xPo.D..pnoBIBOB.DRAWI?4O AN1t PECIFICATION< TEMS$OOEZDY.oosab. BUILDINGS in oroir0 hru.Preldaise Pronptly ~e~eIvltilW Ut~ogeo and L 'hé setr"i UI COOmROiTCTRm publie lin reis. I4.' E. H. RUPPEL, Correspondemce Repatfaly8clilted I.peprttesil iielrctionin lu cl end *H.B.BABE, rilteot, hao, lmsu entjtl >l.a Mudlutise Grwisu &ndPrhcbaiaitWellr pivate orinlt9bartU clse îsi r edamne, or*llt.ebaud- street ' tf- ARC-HTnrT. on RbetnItFOIa Royai hotel al,1udI epetmuy so tise patronag, cf this.Pubiée. 0010aborfl a ud ME HS 7.431 may b. taü nn ' &4pu ponsirtable ebcTa..LGeo. 1P. Eoell*Oa'cola erAâi -retlang Bureau (10 spince et) *hrvbd. ept-. 1511, 1879. ~ irlugcurau iyleM..,c h MIL J. Nevapaioi4~ M kderl t k niuaa, 41 Paru MO NEY TO eTwuv.4' 2à t4 B5ff4m« NVwTork# leNV*~'. gmtwi»dw cometfe -r etvrtei s*i#l oi Mutual In8urance 0o,4Y. HEAD OffICE 10-S.,WIIT. pIIOX pAlITtumrsFar= Band- sud uep, Cnte Chnts « ats meov ana h* a tesd L. J. B. IBICELL, JoHN WILL1S, Wiitby, April 9Mi, 178.-18 Lombard St. sud CbRulng Crm«, London. E5TÂELI5EEDni1782. GILLESPI, MOFFÂTT & Co., Agetfor cmaaa. *. . TYRE, A NC STABLIBD INk Fud.Modoxlemt. mat ! prt o a.uOUtE,$ IWcoRPoRATSD 18,1. Inuacsef.cted ab ithe loveatouret rates on Bui"ngmerbandise4 s»d atber porty. aga=nsi'oue orduaebU. C. NOUBSE, .P»PZAgMtc tud» haie body, fulgo l" »M90 systo. m cim«dgtpaon. =aula t..e babià , e istabo altai. 7cr dobOh!d eatai frbma tais * f.t ! bot outu I bis ku raohiltO th rlyerslds, j l.b et o a l 'ho fa~biM ýats'lsig !t sop t~ob. %bdl1&.dwuplil isa iaumbdiai- % 'plypdtbtdr7 so-be OMO& inigh-by'taelt.tdd Oaimpnt Üs. thfi fyisal' thé bàs t'- î ýar_--,jm A1i~IWl~hiOdl7tBtialid05S4 e ,it: Ii. ufeilolat re~tifl5k lis vronig ma, and ,verésp PaIe tevpo~tsednky(rmii.grame ueâ1h # oaor# 55wrong *émeu, Hau' =e vOLO ndé' idt-su vhIbkwh imIi ofeer'th j huio ij t ébuO ~8GIIi 8iih1WI suir-itisa dalghtediwit&t the pïiâi' -lp- -WmmboUt. Ti Alla the AÂrb wba y W.b aGnje oubi, ...- sgI Z#fa. 4ste u , b lt>mehi.o 1. Wisen tise donk iopped cf lb. 'aler thed"Me$no, the m Ikaii1., (beuabcbp,1- Idneuo 1.1 Jetl tuPb.obl9iadbksd# r 1(O0KlaU n 1MH, b*uutsA lbetSuidh Moiva b7sopedlg.oamaub : t ts li t oilOanlsi, leeasb grsen -w]ai ' lb. ~hEIaIh Ha rct.loli. At , George bajoltti, do FftS~ ~ .qieIly~ila sud Ig-takhtts Inîà rià bI ï iv TiseE A-iMe hn iema i la i*t ONF h5.~. giihue<tbrsn Me beqsigd telb. Hlkeing anke 4IJi4 UOiLIiS q -,F icuh sm bnti in h nat Skttio;*aeI'--lpaIU1 o hohf bis d.Vrciu to THo aeAri ua sem n udcft, sacn OonPt40:bt h Idg w Dst nay oj4p2n$u4upoâ wesosle,, m I'd iMe lu rs v t au frflig iaytolbg ----j va» u t g doiflfrIu Tafelm thea si$rm- erbII ee bisaaMd tiw the d wii .* »aimbe mii l enw Tbd a ,o fgoo Dare'silineu, vM&h arily 0inoauedM., iu goures cf ad lu 7cr.0 mpy bskts beysd Olfr Mns ile, jo4ipa.i re. q'smi oà f l u q sioo011à PIIncen Par mn"may iai, mbman h sygeitno bitecoriid And ia u gyg anaslh, 'l in r uk, rivï ï ieIbor w sy jdtNe An ù Eio luTer. 16eroa'er, weM.Dce-ahin u oe;h Tsie lubrastrdie lol b. " 1001ernt a.brtlfto oto, is wouildml8" to, romw hre mb.mcrov Thet_ round aidat'ïç. -- - mulaapaoulafefte datemm *it l , Y-,tiut i t ce U-Id't o'ad. o , , . .uiwlebj4 r -Po= «ss4 esie ub For ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Nsen Lii udomes, tl lis, er aut iaci Forau s4atinc I st~e~ u M ff maySM nO lbtw- bouse st THMIYOJQ D X lat BSaun DESIAUO,5A8Lor I»A Enlna i.Normai Oosqha th. insutIon if Alà mkl£, à Ami 01, vwulyye7«»baha ôcta ta -,siwye asoalgatihe wme.iod iâsê Britain, inte on. of t* lb rebfin ope. Tha Dais. of8tUsnie pas «.tates lu lie els s a It h ls Enland, bsides a visai. pr«u ,=ean. -ZnLesdoe, lmerwoa handome *q ad -four sires asade cf-=uak, wbiehob figt i vithtbosa cf liai-Qr*#d'Cofhi tos lootl. À$iflbIsWerlena beW4, lê.O£4e. PM"ýpid a< ÎEY TO On : EABY rTJ B0- 46loa u Ring sIre .1L gi 1 q