Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1881, p. 3

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'A NEW DRE3.88eoODS) NEW BLK OASMRIB3S The. b.tiqooruê ordXW«t prie.. ALL -WOQ DXBBI098t PLAIN »3ŽJ) .OEOEJI DRESB GOODS, SMBIL ,SATINS, BUTTONS, LININGS, - TRIMMINGS, &o. ~ANDJ'l '~RDAT.] MILLINERY, &c. .IMD 1HÂTS9 STBDlMD BONN~ETS, BTBÂW, qRP & TAPE RATS, 0HiLMIENSB'-RATS" o The newosd odsini the Milinery, Linomst loi price. SiLRPÂAAOLS'l SATIN PARASOLS, BIDEBONS, LACES, PASCY 000DB, HOSIBRY, GLOVES, FRItLINGS, MUBLINS, SLAWNS, PEINTS, &o. GENTS< L1OTE:ING: FENOH WOBTED SUITINOS, SCOTCH TWEBD 8" . CÂNADIA.N d Oothinginùý,t car -hi the bea Blyles. GENTS' BOABPS, TIRS#' COLLABS, CUPPS, BRÂCES, BOXL, (LOYES, o WREaiadBEGÂTTA SHIRTS, PLAIN sud aRonx DUCKS, COTTONÂDES, SHITINS, We are offering the best goods in the trade. Kindly tako a look through our stock. New Goode ana Low prices.. We cannot be undersold. Augilas FIower.. Tho ilain e sud a ti ea puafty ofGreews.Aaut plower gal lowu& imn V&iae ag e lIviWze& wod. lse Cansot mmiy Iitamto adopt imUlar narmea, ezpMCtlocrepe hbarest for thommlvea atthezpeiaeofth aSctat.TblMed. loin. wfa ltroduo.t in a1868, and for the cuofciDy~mIaandi Lirer Ooplanta, witht m- ach de = Boni tnah, Coatlyem, Blok Stomaob Blok Hoadache, intilgestim .pal àion oiMi. Huartvr tigo, etc., ;tc. fi mg.r hm ailaUd geoOur knotpla . 1qredomgsa il1 releve&D Caae of ¶Çyappl. Two million bottles oilaiut yma. Pria. 75 conts. SamPles t Gusitan Purga i ma» fyins tne mYstem. ii n y fora. RUnnokm suOger-Coatod Vag. etabli I'illia veUf, this for they mmep a= m&ù internai ttcodre t On-..They a~or aalaverywhera SNotioo of .114M, Mcrriizga, and Doa0â'.ch.rgeod 50 cents ec)i O'SULjLIVAN - HIGINS.- At Whltby, on the 24th int., by Hie A. OSliabari 0ar Tr0$, to KIa~gln, qtiat nglter cf W. Palha........... Des # 12 Spln ate..#*... *-...110 i11 Biay... ............ 095 *10 FiOur, perjowt .......... 7 0 800 RYO ................... 070 0 0 88 POUa.................. 0 61a 0 68 Pets, biok.eyed..... 088Mc0000 Blue ýom..............1 00 <110 Obt ................... 055 ( do Ray...................900 510,00 Âpples par bus ......... C 80 50 do ...a................ 010 <501n Btr....... ..... O_ 012J a 0O17 Oho.................. 012 <501à Wood .......... ... 460 500 eheop"g n..... ......1 W (B 1 50 Bot- y hs ercue...007 <a 008 Mttc, by 6M arcaa.. 008 05 000 S eitall-234q. e Voal 0 01, ieel..010 a 900 J.ame,blutiqurter ..... 195U<a000 fooqurtar . 100 @000 Rides, perilb.......... .. 007* 008 Park peoir........... 700 <5750 TUQnPS.............. 006 <5010 Calry<petiu........0OSQ <a 046 un - 50 O080 Turkmy, p ......eosa i wooî,anwah.......000 aSa0C0 Vagmd ............. 09 u021 iiAco,Pa?&nue#'......010 a 012 .an.s,.... 012à 0 000 Eliabr li sbch . 010... <5 a000 . ...... , ~ 006 <5 000 .005(0000 ......e," " 0100000 Pamaip a 4," 010 * 00 CabbagePU head ....006 op1, A CAIRD# 'l'Oail wh6i*re mafrhig-fo tu ecr 4L. fanti ntiou1ona fflth, arVOna weakus, arytaejl f aaboct,&a. I ,wll endtA cru tat'.vi«M cure ,n PUEE 0F, É I.Tbis gret remedy vau tlscoaretby a misnlaluy lu South Bueérica. setsema atticmenevolo toIml. oum T. lIan, teUo, , 1. ouas, f.u Tn04s, Flîst Clazi Faims For Sale 1I TT gESuBsoBElîmoffer for sal e mlolowing iantia. jl t- kO CRESg, belngrta cf Lots a a" nd 8tu h thoon00ofWbtb. Soi, good dcay lomlna agoodt aat. cf caltiva. tion; Weil WAÏereti, velifonced; villi a gootiheumehoc», anticocanotiloaa berna ant stables, atoe rot bons , wahin moue Mu" Oo1Wbtb th onty tovn), aMtitwo Sot, day loé; Liane -ious. anti im. berne anti tablas 1 Ivo 6gootiVoilaeOth. peo.Wftbl four mARia of the tavu 0f mcao M f fbâPubIa stmationuon B. *L. I.ileilway. Tanne cash. F r usler atioula rusap 1 te . Ommlato, Bolieitr, Whtb, or CAUILMN URUH, CHAUBES »Bmuawnj Ezculor. Dateaitbltbyo SaM ay&, 1881 U 4 MECIIANIC8' IN8TITUTE. TfIeA1çNmuàoL MIElciG -OF TRm .h bty Moibanlca' natte,1hbelti lu ýther0004Ocas n At%.L or rcsvig Ftira nnalreport, NOIRTU ONTAIRTO BLECTION!1 MR.JOSEPH -BIGELOW AND OTHERS - - WIl Address the Electors of the North Riding of Ontarîo as follows: OANNINGkTON, Th=,rsday, May 26th, SCOTT, Town Hall, - riday, Il 27th, SUNDERLAND, Nomina~tionU beetiugt ci28th, GREENBANK, -- Strdy 28h ZEPHYIR, Monday, " ath, UXBRIDGE VILLAGE, Tuesday, '<31st, GOODWOOD, Wedniesday, June bit, UTICA. - - Thursday, Il 2nd, PORT PEjRRY, - Friday, Cc 3rd, 1881. ci ci id 94 Ad 't ci cg The above Xeetings will b. heMd at 7.30 oclock, p.m. A LAMGE ATTENiDÂNOR 18 REQUFLTED. F. MAJJILL, Esq., is respectfally requested to attend. MECHA NI CAL ORGUINETTE. AN AUTOM-ATLC REED ORGAN. «TIHE OfflUM972 .a~ mvb.leIW a célebrated insamrment. Ini toue i la ebluth lthé abuIM zuebt .organ niait b. iaiipuUMtd b? au argla; inuW otetaPMUoduqa ua; thé' oruluette leou thé oller baudawly eh lèedli ulatioat a'irflu x it m eu, b.matie tc urimh aln unilit .upy faUhnd f mumc"Toot Globe. "THE ORGUITTE le indeeti e musical vontier. Il le a miniature reed , ith 01me uog eArt. nslodiousa atoue n lb. Cabinet aise. Il surpasss b. sit eorgan for th* isasontuai th*.lgacra lu Anmui.eam play itm i vu a tam tao.epliahed profeasr. Th@ Orginette ta airoag iid aecuraeinu if weoham, asti cona.queutly mot hable t Sieu t of oeeS.î-MmhiWea "THE ORGUINETTE la lb.earoat perfect antomatis,muoiallIarn yetinmvneti; île repertoire i ma niutati. h. tone 14 remarkably goot.1-B'MWr. PRICES, $16 To $16, W ama fl5't"oW, Fi1880eT &Mce, i to, 21 VOLTIGEURS STREET, SOLE MANUFACTURERS AND PATENTEES. MONTREAL. <Bn1 1833- Established FURNITURE, FURNITùtREi Citeaper than ever, at hi8 newA torC The nndersigned iii returning h.k oM ~~h liberal, patronageextenad o 10hini. bes 1. saté tha t9*~1 lits eoommdibum béw hootilei o w in a better Posiin a ver -to aupply emli he vwata. His stol of F'urIituroeméjbrsoeO very hànd5omp-ets,& sud e'erybing li 14sb. nulfotla il ino, sud an ezainatiU vii couvinco al1h. rioeÇo'e ow utoi 0suit 1h. limes. Funeralsfuly sàuphe. M II. SPEIAL NOIO At ai". ALI4'8. q«adonWfon TOanAffll»# MR S, ALL1' N'S, TRI; WEEK f1 w hitby Book Store. MevIotbo4Aat esodProabyterlt. ýinu MNT0OTIO'Ea3 utcfutrotTS~EEGMV ?Mâits, Sflks, 811k - LADIES' LADIES' LADIES' LADIES' LADIES' LADIES' LADIES' LADIES' LADIEIS' inles, Fa1ney Ties, 'iE -Ose. tc.etc.t A. most cop lete *stock of Silk, LeTihread and' -otto n'Hose.- FINE BIa, ROSE, in Biack and colon«Î- FINE LIBLE THBEAD ROSE in Plain' d iFancy Colora and fBlack, from 85o tau $1.40. WHITE LISLE THRAD ROSE, 60c..-LADIES' MERINO HOSE. BALBRIGGAN ROSE, ut SOM. 25o, 80e,'85c, 40c, 50c,,.55c. SOLID COLORS COTTON ROSEwighout cdoi. SOMI COLORS COTTON ROSE, with clox. LACE COTTON, ROSE. 8, 8j and 9 inch. WRITE COTTON ROSE, frnm8S 1 50 cents, PLAIN A1ÈD PANCY STRIPEI> COTTON ROSE, lil Hnow nakos, fromi 10oeé 1.00O. ,CHILDRENS' SOLID COLORS COTTON ROSE, withou.t clox, froml 5 10 81 inch. OTILDBENS' SOID COLORS, <JOTTON 1108E, vill i ot, frm 5 te 84 inch.ý' * CHILDUES' LACE OSE. iroio> 81iclos 0H11JDRE99ý FPl1ýCY SfIl1PD 5 E;r o 8 inchi, in frfty difforeint tterms. CRILDRENB PLAIN AND- FÂNOY C4AADIAN- CANAPIAN 110e,, fron 8 tionhs, ui MENS MEIýO RA.LF ROSE, frSom,20e to 60c. MENS' FANY STRIPED COTTQNS, u great'vmricty of v mLElq CÂADIAN'AND AMERIfAN COTTON RALP HOb EVIERY ONE'shouldse th lage -stock of NEW, ADVE RrFIS EMENýTS.,- WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT -1 FINE JAPAX, Tm-.. it 20ci , 5e s5odan 500,per lb., worth from 40o to 75o per lb., 3. -FRKSEZRS, A8WUI'RY EMP. DUliJm i Fine anan aneUm aa..L&40. 0 u 60ei,fli I3ÀI~GIN NALL, i pel~ lb; ~ t GRAND KS'IRE litttl, 4 pli FIEL». Preili Xm~ Preali Tai Stone Freuoh Wl 4,'! iaudf liq DOIVKINKON, .GEýNTS' -FURNISH; INOSU A fresh arrivai of Frenôh Worsteéd, Scotch and Oeanadia4, Tweed.u Blueand Black Serges. Blue ,ýYachin O1te0ec oehn nc n;et'Qto Merino and Balbriggan Sox%. X-,-ý-Ba1brigga9ýýu Shàirts and- Dr-wr~ HATS, --B1ÂACEse- CoLL'AIS AND TIES. New Mlllnery, latest-, and,,.newest style»s. Dress,,audMu -a~n o ordr Usual Famlily Groceries. Wbitby, May 25th, 1881. CO1ER R O DNA TETS. WHÎTSY CRICKET CLUB. ATIIETION SPORTS! THE 'fAIR GROIJND., ---ON- Tnu QUEN'S IBIRTHDAY, ]RAY 241h, 1881. PRO*IRAMMdE. 0-AS-YOU-PLEAIE P.A0.-1 boni.- lit prise, 1; ont i; arai, Halfdomo Phoos, gro byA.Barrat. GIEL' RVE.Prls, roocli gim nby .. Jobaton. JulO.YÂDDRa&Cx-Town Champlonahlp. Pris Ca vonby JdeDrtii VAULTIGiO WTPOLB.-litL 1$2vaine givn 7 . Glihmtdl*; lad, Pictare ati. scrf Pin glven byJ. Z Bernard. 8.LEGdED i.C .-iit, Pair cf Sllpera vion by.W. Daari; lad. SMIsRHnd- keci9 io by E. & J. CenipheMl WALKINGRAESile-itVae f%, ironbyJ 5. Boborteon & Brou. 21S D%=i hirtgivenbyEB. Prot. RACE yoR BOYS nader 14-100 yard- lit, Rat given by C. F. Stewart; nad *Cnpg yen hi Htch Bics. _0.AI AEOpet to cUon~ t On- R1IG Rb.STEP.JUMP.-1iot, Cair Stand gtvan by W. B. Hoismi; Int,l Pooket given b3y X .-1S&; nd gv IJohnson. ~ - ?a~ttabr of XfIGloves giron hy jam. prce Eto racefee 5ce.l l racesat lintnlqsta b. matie With C.EB. IMa SaaH:teon Monday, MVa,9nd,1 1 Ientiteae a.MnOle harge for a&l entries make on the gronnti. C. E. BAT. RENET BILINO. Tremame. Sécreta:y. Whltby, May 111h, 188. 4q SEEDS! SEEDS!! 1833-1 Wo. W. WOOD, au st atreclvià langa antivarieti masorimt cf NEW SERDS! l U ---o0fLu Kilo,' là- SEASON 1 AIl Stea aiusei ai prise lever than tOfrhl:taapv ou luge& Uok W. We lýWO:OD. - -ni- rçe-s ,wk JLth" té ueumet ri Ccanty Cot, la anti for theJOR County,.of. Ontario,- DES1 -i1- 1 OUEIl . 81 , 1 -, TOWieNe TO the E244r of tew T N0-F WHITBY, -ON- Dia Sa,.- P The cani GERMAN, ENGLISH4AMERICAN A NDCANADIA N Ta * ~AN.U'&JTUIEAT BR~YCE'S' CÂSH STQE li Lu 1 l", " -,

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