Ofthie 4esps. teuit.s"d Iselag- Stti *oitosa .teo ne mr. b sssiéseits eof rysici nsor aver Ilg eto!nt wo;à -'*é,rétnatspurpis bots o olde ctwhoemleolby set4siweldrs. Lut 4dPprsr*et. Mes. oiea up st e e hDi. 1.11e,, Mastes, ttse, ods, reurember - 74b r esomsaueeicldeare meu; bionaf i"bo, mci feeling,- An le o o of s sust e, Titere aretoéat suibreistret océans, Tirere are 11111. sooti-'oad tille; Tirer. are obie tuci-higi sppliage, Tièes» statitrson tb lle, Go,, vie voua by seule, net stations, Loves aud por y u d ame, Pur te h inM v aindstntion. Are 84 pebils, la thé. es. Teitios -à 'teiee Fod and lttoZ.n , o tire'"me; Dly tbhe si t ftbue m torba, Livin oniy to rejnlce. -Whtls t b spet metu'. outra.getifreedom YclI;h thi¶q e volÃŽe.. orauwllblovsetue;&ad ilgit; Secr rong s.1nover'ropr. Gi, viruesvord-vlde vol sisnglcg, Soudilsslove te yeu ndtime, uuleoppression vtb bis. titis, ButiA mP",« blýe 14 e CoLo Wzvrsaa-Iu le" the. ool& tu idâ " lu u vso excessiveý lb. fna an lbe vlvs ud o tr diouuaoun"th.eOaid ioer." LJi tli ansd lais *vetremsi asd Oe4s lom f~c or m itéles frûsthe Zriz,4béà eaà vèes#truckt 1.11., sud ue. a s arisd byý tbpu*cbd~iu int bonus. Th.eAria. tic >s ait a ross.ansd emnuthe)&*di- terraneau .bcOs eeja,; aud he citrna eluti orangs 5,êp,s uaswrMextrsrasly toi 1116, Wus"o ite. 1mé4 p sel--tavd-serg"es b tlitri ru_ owhceu' e t$",Pro. @e.W ctIs % beep ver* burisd i thre Iu 1740, tbis wtter ws. ,dareely Mu- £t'ripr t ai dý1709 Thii. suow AJ IlI'fi l *W goJ 8aiï aâ culPrtu$g:rl Tii. Zayddr Z". vasfrotsb oser, sud îtlustide ofpcopls eut se*roise il sud é 41i1~4, l tthe r Wýwss ey. old unetit. ing tate> tsd.pet fveaty- Slitronbel u the lpvel. In 1ô ilt,175' te wicters voe su'rèAd cold, 'u1771, ts 'ZIbe wvss tresate the Ulm,179. ie Daubia boesles fis. .4t tîbick betov Visuon. The.wvters of 1774 snd 1776 vers * s'tsowweuty evre. 'The -Little 13s1 r.mstrkably oold'#idUparl.lrly the latter W niuo ais., iM~ earkabily s..k.~ et- of Suks.. ' 58 ceeuul t obis *44 abcil rsu svsy from il, erplug cu Il . t a>t L veut 10 lte astIs..," b. so tiarut,F "1Sd lrb Io to esealm thei cto"(tso! bir oc elato, acuthIsi'Mads muudirstrod vhy ttsy Iasd ld. i iî!U re1litsd to-e i"ts isuts myssit. bLtit lentact 1 Milt, sitheugbit lo4hdso niet l lsapjîbers ite u cIaole in' #W, lff«bï -Wussstew» sehUm1ks psrtueeli, -sud viil thlb. s ai t. ~u imrhout nudt mvld, itcep Imy, 14V 'z tif tor» fiatm litt uès% éoî,oIiisti qstd it. ou*stives' thé irhm , ho otif tra.T, sta or gn terrerWbate.l'yuln qosonse Wminroe d utctac.fotnl ca1s 4 lts ý->_v it My ksf t "d & vansdt&W h'terriblese ~quq4nay~ qu*wiagst aüvoIkul wi nair f. tip4eua:ÃŽ4. udhey aLb -ibtrr'a ooe nteaa srlrjs R el~a le~ 'le r 0 .to id !'fosin s word-tbuse wiîo ot&'t Chaenge hi opliion.sud i uior e t u u't.. à goud ducLur i."-a Ittitlewau we psy ltre. dollars a elcît for ac viaiug ne le oct We@.and exeocise more. Ontin uthe worid Mn.asow ue Ive sides citirhoir chcracters by lbé rs. et fools. Makiud resti ttoc usuei sud it 3~a4basbis i, ts4J5# the id re thei, 'uti ntu ¶5i thlog hu bas Rot. Ab rtc boVerwzoe tourna ltýe 94 AU lse uperm âsteuts or soboolsi. Nélila a cTexas lovna brdessroms île usme, jttdgiug by lte brbaliy't tht.. recentlmrtiers. à tmau sent a note tu a ricir neigbbor wit.i wtow ibuwcs on triendly terme, to borrow en &se for a ev, houri. The. wieb la expose bis ignorancè. Opeunug the. ncte. 4M Mirtending»to rosit il, hte reflected âaurcauji,&jiied to the.' servant : *Ve Rooud," sait] he, -tel your . umeer ri-il come oser mysoif Tva lawyers laLowelI were reltan tram court, wben lire one aid 10tireh atber, "l'e, a notion ta join Roe. 1Mr. -e citaroir; beea debatiug lire mat- we toreçe ti Wh&&Nbado-Ion. *"k e ?0l11%da daoIq sld gl vootda't do you no poseible guet, ,Wh$bl, fI eu,! b. c great iuprry ta tire good tory af preacîart cri arllesm. AI tire Macteuter ]%%lm;lil ,lsrge tresco ia tire dedti îý'p.ffL On th. one aide. vsbs@ a ie J0oviab Palce icuging by the ihcïr troate brances s u aon; an lb.otiter vwu a mule b. bcd beea ridiag, gcltoping wvy id cnd soaret. Twe men, edntliy of iiorsoy proJileiies, looked Gu dùen,-I. at, sir, ' 'itase no positive idee a ob.hepour ltiig came te hie dectit. Pet-l4Is t isa t ltaket'à ui tfod for -b;lme,* I dasitet upon th*b. s, s toc900muai.of 'l, cantrcotet an titmrrtion of lire stemaci tiraI ibraughi on deatir. Thea tag ustrriryuîpo0 litimuifde. Prbape -and te ide& preseats ivloenoty at tilt cutoea-il cudesvonred t teswal low teo large c piece of r-rglablp ; Ibis retueins test lunlte tiroci, eausetl a ciiockiug u inteévitip Ipo. Thia la the oaly reasan I eol'id 'g Iûer tIre' tiestir et liai inseel. Atîteoasrecest o! U l 5100e, a nev edilion lu about to' b. purbliisd f "ys e a of Land jenuro, aseyspu~iir uder t4à t acln O! 'W. Probyn. Tii. publicatiou b l the Cobrden Club ofthlie Han, Mr'. roti. ~s vsIsi,~e4.atis.on,"ucll thes Meî xeq ' tiret. a nue 4: - êçu t 1 la 41 irb rtià à boae 1sdWspcssd et. Lsbou, oeue a bamu rof Mcvdsly nearPr it ur44p4tmh4si . J n ovrtitaou 57, 000. bo loek be- reonllybeuw-e 4'Seîs for M87.000, t situns edecute 1w - he1ç sq4-o t k*eP 4t4U ApÃŽu*u4ê og e fou lce,-qdtrhbe *teatiou, ~ad otiierpblarpl e. Rome of lte eoe of metaphor et reon Tiroa1 * uo"-met ','et0bite 'presu on f!'rWé q Uofte ý,aéT ZrustoeoI 5V Zia ttr i rer, se. O(-ouet astce eovmr, If.. for' Ssyb, 1the otiier tbsI laléwib umpbiut racuer leapt Mi t Nortbecté;' ire à 'batdli. els profostng et dvil it tire geoeV i*;mi 4feswu . ps)ld carmeth~le Ob-' er, sir, elues tbq i1'lourbi arn Ji stlbIo bebid utt i e ait h» 'bul by the bora." Il was ta a s"il- 'Fama 5(5POoous.te amtIto th& r loseiga ~~'la 04i"dinRo ' t B thoaes 5 G;ouaent Loeirdbr u uecil apee~~oç be~a etbs"r lxi*r' et ebeuld be ta e' Tireo-aiMîyo Mr.U'4i1'1ÃŽle akay SI- suq_ fedcid me udis ae Iraton eu tnoe h a e coun1gis, cods, tacteut Cousu on, ceesitacases vwberé pertons écrs ual or -plain;awcy f os ocudîllon o! mtsorabie. ue, tatne on n onws iri &lUtes cure m trou lrido c ttle lnoutil 'Truaiis-" d "Proverbe" lansuolircol. on lire User. lt. RXidase'sq#.. Bves The Oreateet RearsdyeICuevu. enaiplibu 1à cortsluly th. sd renletly oer P=eti* Cettie, Asthme, Brocohitis. ByPeo derietir ovra11- hymalW thlereore earncstlg ergite ynte CRUiou yeur druggest udget cralbot!.for test osuutawhi: Win consses ie muaiet kepi cal of it4 wontiertul meltsa.t show yenr whtca cregular titte totlr-er s . Ile wS do . Fe ceby rT .GWbIt~t, Whltby. l ctinà tapsbl - "le pichu. asulu=ç Muchra, Mndrele lieuea, &.. abt M88r*se go yau bio, ye.u muai 1e:cum Utoayeur. selfsud doubtene ougt.Oe lte col. Our taus VI, h*esauia. t bopn et Il te" p rix -o sa beokeof W I aryt -tu, zii1secrmlttg aao ntla elfs, lte- potrt 1111e ufent Im- At hoe û4tt rto il, vIE no te sud give st to lte seibemrsut - ireclli tte cà i' oe 1Vke Pjýqçty aud DusUres. 4yvtelyvie pr47r.î.b 1,e! 'Mt~r, I io a e ,,Ii,. o sA e.,U t 11 v 011ý 444nifa aises Famling Implements:- -f~L jIVPSNS WHiiTBY HÂBRVESBR, (Improv4d.) YOUNG CANAD .MOWE.B, (Improved.) The a oemachines requîile Ie icommnent renus, afer passiig tbrouilh sueh a humemes athela4ti a noffthe Gold Medal for Cana", tepy CASH N D UNIE, to oeil at our office in Wibblr ~lactns 7OL "P swum,7-aoto aitth Au neil as à pract*able, and thereb-Y maie our price lost et lowest liv- Gie us a' lt WT& P¶ÃTE9N M NEA r<fI~~ g~Ù6E iAAl4ATTN F.EE D, For'UHorses, Cattie,- Mieéh Gow's, ~Ç9w,~r~ep, Pigs and Poultry COWS ted on titis Fus wil givn onc.qnaiier more sud richer milk than whcn fcd on the o]d system. Ttà s las becu provcd by'-utusi cx-. periment. FOIR FEED1190PP 08W8Sà i e ee Âv'wc Fus',,if necd as dir~4dwhi fbtn l asnpnsinlyshrt im, uda csiderable saving wrl~i~cfeocd i prpanng nimle ~r bte uanet.Thefiesit o! sacl animle s mch allr su fimertitn wten ed u lte rdià ryway. HOGS-Onne nimis u th ~frmc's um-arddoe hie FEz» shos is god f~cr~ops ~ nor. stifaconly ttanon bil tg, If viii miPigu Ieu lnit Uqual lime. READ THESE REÇOMMEN DATIONS. Cor. Lamrox sud Rosseu Bs.& (near»Daionsîs Square) Mautreal. n12, 80. 1 have nsd te Manhattan Feed for my hoeansd cowe, and i bud il te b. very ben- skiai sud ver-y nollcecble ion cm spslly tr untl!mlk haviog.inenuaed con- sldratLy vili theb.simne quantiiy eofaed, su -a i if&yi2!llno aeale o nf eable ifl ta câkifit atfli w MAlr .lAts tsdfor Cewa lotoreetime,1'.end Sud il heneficral bolir for milk and failaniug,if gven t hetregurly. THOS. IRIVINGO. 1617 Yôxrge Street, Toronte, lauary 22, 1881. W. have trled tire Meatatan Feetl for aur hôos for severci iteeke, sud finS il lthe boat we have ever useti. B Sgo, . eoF' Co,0 Mliten Ontario, Jsucry 27,81 )h& oviÃiuedl te- anatt n Peea for EHorse niCilefoSdi hobalhiv vbas ueo i lea-<.i FWat. Sd.) Jtmee A. Frazer, James Lindsay, Johnsou Agnev, J. B. Mitchell, John Readhecd. daili~.ecept f ~ YSTRS bon bradB) v - . W.S-rlIT & o.,Proprietors, ?fontreal. - -~~ f 'Foret ie l irtby rc-tWib de c3ki vv T * Q- WIUM à Ls3, BokS. ht -FINNAN HADDJEÈ3o. NTD IZIRT!'8BISCUITS, PREflu. B6pMÇ) eWDER, REOKILL'S PARIS VINEARe ini Demujohnis, ~.ZN MALT VINEGAR. f e . b , Jee The ftnest hlat - eau be got!1 ej it , t~'20.444 ARHL â] County Liqiior 8tore, -WhoIesaIe ýand Retail J3uït ? eWèed fOýr- riî ms ifi he'New 'Year, !, larger itoo ~fWINE'an LIQJOR~ dtetinportation, oomprIl;ingPott anud CSherryW es Brandies, Mel ud GuinxieaS ýtu14r BloQdl' Porter. Goodsjnbam à Wort'u eelqbr&W d,18 Ry.st<d alt ciWsbti.islll Bs'on d"ittasd inbts TI*. largeet andi beet acoted stock of OIGARS iunltse couaty i Port sud Sherry Wto., ef superrot quâ ai I1O~t0~BP u 25 ltaueW'st Fm nrst', i.vio pet rusuou...- - or i ItBbie suidellsuasy Brandi k-Ji sud boUtle. 0 isI ~ay~6 ~eeâgpf i 8flr ýien >bd sud Gresn ses litsu osu G. jsoeeo'e, Rosi'.,Dunellîs and StuaRwi'sSeotei sud Iisb Wiikoys. Buaisef dby libr ori sd ieer à Bans, la Quarts sad, Pla. Coegmsà A-Bon (Totoate), Taylor & Bato (St. OCharinus)aie ou drct, ta 5, 10 sud 16 q* psc n~ BIteÂ~esofi ups,~ee ",la.sd Ivodozeu Ooegrave DU.Ç t at -e oonqatans 5cnsper À lrof etlb.e mpisao! C"se onslautll ou haut. ilécrye tuyT Windso. nota lar M1 s.$ooýGadDém ,LN.O0UNCEMENT. FtIi'~ftIfE -LFIIRNI TURE!, ¶4iý mx~esgsed begça resýpeetly to ,announoo to the in- 1ia1Itntset IIiby nd urrnnd2gcountry,-thai bu hasnow opened ont41h. old atad 'V4e kn<ywn 4at6btislxment su long kept by bis father, MR; .A. biaE-L SA M-O, PQ Broek ,Street'. two doo, Sonth of the New Market, %dIr"e intend9 tb h ltà irge ind eli assorted stock of EURNITURE, itpsby stt-atition bu- U*es ýtomenta continuance of ther 67e 0 long bestowed h!;îéd! establishment.- 12" vqffû , müIowýfind a ohoice and êdâ e 'ôôs in s b6ýâýèé as been gaI 'ip cm-' iefrbuis opnin, d ISiadd 'uew goodefrom the factory in Y~pasers i3ay rely on- gêtting good Furniture, at the ea'rof-l*îhe stock is 110w solicited,ad whte you bny-or not, ypen &i Ù ho welcome to inspect the' Furm- 'AI'-LORI900 T'and -8HUE 8OiF D erell's BloCk, Brock-St.. Whitby, m ÂiTHBW -COLL INSK Inora neomr hta teaoeestablieliment will be' ~fç>ua TU ~ BST, sud PINEST assortment of stock of- iBootà ama80 su ~oebLez~no~ Montk~I LDotbelsatià fled wiitb loo ing at the d islay li the show ebe aledfr i nt e6otsnd8hlin., fox"Laues, Gmts s nd Clil<n's ear. Orr~ 90(L co~- OerJps. ~AT 1;0W PuICS' Noq ýbî1o*w .bt W'à l erigblnu yng nat -the, biyodtnd te*iea nw o hnd aslare astok a 1See tii.iew -Berlin FeItBoot.--Ladies' Fine ]lid Bootsý l Tiusma ad Vaias in great varietyi: at.. lowest Tue Miiiinoth Parlor,Bcot and Sho. Storee' W"rby, Oct. 26, '80. IEEEL IOK ~W~&LE4 b~aDX77 PHOTOGRýAPHY.- J. . UPRT 'purcasedlb nime 1 h0 culandulree o! eetabllsbmenl, latly ccruled ou by the Mgessrs. LYON BâOTHER!,- WHITBY. The extensive' siberatlcuesu Sd, Improve. met te ae fti2o aré e bourgtili added thby lthestdition of 998 ÂOORSSORIRS. ALL WOBK GUARANTERD FIRST-CLASS AT TE LOWEBT BATES III -CHILDREN A SPECIALTY.- See Our' TABLETTE PHOTOS. PRAMINO iu alis branches, PHOTOS. COPIRD and enlargedti, sud aliaised--plain, i'O t-er colour, i, ori crayon, at BOTTOMPRCeBS. AGEsT forI Ma*son & R'iech, mau-I facturera of Pianos and Organs. Orders for Tuning promptly atteuded to. J. W. R. iropes hy.strict attention bo busi- ness te meril siai'. a! t.é patronage me liherslly b9etowed on lus predecessor. 1. W. IRiRFBT, -' Wlkioun'e Blodck, Brock.st. Whilhy, May 14 I188 m'the i -M ~oo&i -ÃŽ , Ire #uO cmM c*ajohave seU itMeuta s lto s4ilt 'boE Il Lzïcres : of Nature's-* n'A Is Agent,Ies sIlÃœinodnt dures aou?,ÈUa"tni neiee every pas'!s Li.of o repairing cdamages'anti waste, sear'chitig- otg, miori-bW sore- Tiis he secret of lte n'on- derfuisiir.cess f titisrendi curtinU DysPeelu, "liver Om- zhoeaBoflb4,ervousAffectons, Chils udFoer, m, ,LýIVERPO OLA A 1 ' KLI SHORTZST, SEA PASSAGE!1 The Steamships o01he. Allà sns ar fe tobeý bb-, ostorOiry Tbady, ~ttHlifarou rrdy, aud viii Jeav "mRuon EER 15H WTEnia BosTox Cabin, $63 isud 188, 18, #91cecording to vôsiiouo! ititeroca. Lover ruet. or .re. tara tickets. -luedit at,4. 8temerm ci lovest rcies. fax, ?eOb. 121h. Polyneels from Boston, Feir. 24th, froa Hall. lai, Feébw95ih., Cae, as r- Boston, Mah ird. tamHall. tamatien fromBosicn,Marchl1811,tr E all- fax, March 121h. Ocasslnrcm Boston,march 17114,fmgaul- leu, Itaroir. 121h Steerage asenmgera areforw E Lon- donr le sa o doudrry asi, Glasgow, Quernetovu, Bristol, ad su ld Loudon aisame rate Parties vrshing osnfr their frientis ca obtain tickrpe ta low rates; *Fortickets sud fnrther inlormialion apply ,--GRO.B.YUM*.- xpress sudit alegrsph Offie, wibitby. Whitby, Nov. 22nd, 1880. t.48 F1 OR ALR BM PRIVTE COITRAOT ,F he Sonlbjthseof Joto. 29. 'sud, the 'Southjèof tire Worth *of 1NO.5o*int"g 'atcnoslnof lteTownsblp o! Whitby, COU NTY 0F ONftýARIO. Wiitbi-Jsn 5- eb Matr1 1 r.1 -Y B ro'tghaan' Msy 8,.ti-4, Sept. 2 'DiStýzkJau. 4., Mi.BNOV. 9. Port Pewy-.Tan. 81, Mar. 4;,Alts. 8i Ma 10, Junêl?, Juiy 22, Sept. 6' Oc#.'-7-, . f De oè5M Ux b.g -Fei , 1Mcr. 8,, Apr. 14'-Ma y 20, lune- Bept..8, Oct. 11, Nov. 18, Dec. 29. caig1toa-ebi.8i Itam'9i- À. 18, May Pnllshed byvider oftbzu Geén" ew sso. -JNO. E3. FkB!WHL 1-ly - Clèrk o!fltre Pà tce PIÂN-OS- TINED., For Saeb (0 *,ail dOW4byss"yinr9"l1 IMage et Oliver Gltsmtt; T set, oberso.,t ' tire ofette tr réemble:os or the Irtaeit osi atctisi, -a fat. oqella vot dbu ns homa e e an" of tire MostIla aner i-e Inre. C. H. RIT BAI o'st 1 , r 1 1 %we «4. bý.d à . à jj Nwo $ ni