~~sRarnGï ~ i c~ .r ~5J'tU Nu i STE AR I Announce the Arrivai of our Early Spring Purchases. PRINTrs 1 PRINTS 1 W. b*vo;receivea the 'Imoot extensve assortment over shovn in Whitby, an! ai very close prices. A good .,printk , *B,10e0, 1 4, Splendia d ue, OOTTONSI %-'LOTJR flclrrUrà MUV£ The best in the Dominion, ai Mil Prices, and in some cases lover. Good Cotton for Coc; very good, 8];Extra heaVY, 100. Dont buy Éê single yard until yon haro examine! our iarge stock. 1 TWEEDS!1 TWEEDS! Tihe largest an!d cheapest stock over shown in Whitby. You vil be please! vith this departmlent, an! ,t Ãœi pay sny buyer of clothing to cal an! examine. speciailino ut 50c, vorth more.1 ~F. STEWART, Fasirionable millinory an! ciothung Store. whtby, March 2ud, 1881. A Qeod Thlng. . à msiýynrtir théspécial prescrlition efDrt A Onab$e, a clebratud German Physlclun,sund As ecinedgoe bcbuone efthlie niait terlaate dîscoverles lu Med. teine. It qnlckly cures Coirgrn, coIa and aIl LUirgtronilea ef tire seoerot nature ru- imoviltg as-At dotsa, tirs cause of tire adect. u slarlng tirsp arts lu a strong and bolin condition,.iiinot an expertient. aimmedlclus but bas tood tire testeofy ari, giving seidà ;tlon lu orory Case, vir 1cr tt rapli! tncreaelag sal@e ery sléion con. Armné, Tvonitllion bottiez îold omuuaiiy. 130%,4re6ot1 iodiclaufs fiimlar naine, lite- ,y lttr&uid. Bescbee'i Germain kyrup vus ttrdgud luthetr.United States tn 186 anadlas ucv Bi II M ory tensd vil- l" ig -uthe cirlllsu orld. Thrso dose vii rilieve sy orlnary congir. Pricer78 cent&. SiMPle botte, 10 conte. Cani PlIn olu tirshepins voode iras been recaw,.nd o econulniptîr. fatients, and lire '45v Di. Mtrrray, n iis Lok on tire ArOÀads<, mention£ a romartable dure f «tnlu Isemunt oetIbis nature. Every oe affiled vRth putnionary digease caliCot Ohmke At donnacient te camp eut uer lenIà irecoepar, vi. ail tire benà eit of thre iseatmenl eurocurable by unsl.g Gray'@ t8yrup of Red dpruce Guni. a scientillu pre. :parabîurr, viicir prusouta lua aconcentratcd an"4 uable torn, aIl tire virtue oft lii MeI= m. As a cure for mces, colili4 more troat hoarsenese, l le rnvalu- ails. Soidby ail cheironte. Prica 25 and toqn ta par bttis. 41n-6 Croup tiraIdire dizasne, irai lst ia ter- rera 1Io tuais virekeep Yellow '011 at irand. Yclv 0OU isnacurez Sors Tirreal, Quinsey, Ceageition sud Intimation efthtie Lugs. Nov ln tire eason te guard agait audden attacke ef daisi. Ait your druggiat. for Eagyard'eTallion 011. Glt-Edge Butter. Than la alnayi ani active demeird frc butterthtiaaup tetire gt-edge standard lnu qastysud celoi. Mucir butte, abat ta otco'vleegoed îell ata a reductiori frnm tirs. te 8v. cents a ponnd, becaue delle- lent lu cler. Dairymen ebould Ibhon ue *Welli, Ricirardson &t Cee Perfected Butter Color te g Ina brigiri lune clr.'Tis color laibyfar tire brnlptest, purent and bout made. DSoid by danggita.r Bucien's Arnica Salve, Thi3mlor SuLyinltire vend for CuIr, lirutues, Soens, Ulcer,, Sait tbeyrm, Foyerb Boie, TetterCiapped RaniCilblamns, Venus, aid akl1tl49 Mn ie ruptiona. 'hist salve tas guaurltee te gtve perfect aatiflactlou la eveqvcmaU.tr monay refond. omd. Price m ewdbtp«Box. ForiulebyT. 0. Wlriwsd4 whlii. »TIIo bge: Ricir. Yios'grut secret et ebtainug riches, inTa ara U'le wmico economy, asu sgoc4d 1 "tDoeoor Buiyder.~'"I111;used tcnesvy tireà y7Ilf. omât e!ne tepa neon o esate isbille Lt on 1 have strach il ricir." ReoaltiandcIn haprurrsa r"ghsupreme lu our ltIle bouse-. luoN, and ilstply becanie vo use no t -oter niadiclne bet l Eeetieitîtens and1 -eaty coaie ftty cents a bottle." SeId by &IL 1 . druggls. -Bl8n.10 c l>Notices of Biths, Mariagea, dnd tDeaih. oharged 50 eins oacI. DAVID8ON.-On lire 18t1 nito., the vifs ef Jolie Davidaen, Esq., Tovnshrp Couneilor, Whitby, of e dangliler. WHITDY 2MA.R TE. FaSU Wirat ......... :..Il 000 i 10 spring Whieat... ......1 00 a is1 Barley........o @1 (00 Ferpec.........20 70'O il85 Peu................0060 087 Peae bléok.eyed ....090 a 0 ab Blu Peu ............ 100 < 110 Oate ................ 0 35 086 ................... 900 <1000 Â per bu ........... 5 O080 . o ......«*"080 08o5 ýLWood ................. 450 * a0W .0po......... 90 .90100 .700 O750 Po,~et........ 700 70 Toem i......00 ~000 Tuile......008 010 Or»L, ,?t......012 a 000 COM.Ptdons....... ...080 00 Du eêpnsr.........000 000 TnsèrkMg,..........1 1 Wurer, U wmi n. 0.00::::8,8*3300,1 vea, »ibufd............0 00 aO00CO Bacon, Fîmnie ......... @09 o 1 ai, ............010 <50 12 A VA XRD. l'Oail vireare enfgiring lon tire erre adindsrtioniUs et 70errons veaknui. suny dscay, lois ef manhood, &c. I Win usnd >a recipe tirai Win cure yon, PRUBEO09OH903. Tis great remedy vas dtseoverd W>y a msilonar,y lu Senti -Bzorlea. 00e4ird a lddresaed enreioj, to th# a"u,,Joira Tr. Tuen, Station I, B"bi. Mts.,NOeYO rr'O. NECW ADVERTISEMNS. GLIARDIAN8HIP NOTICE. T X OTIOR tiraItireunnderstgnd, eonà oi fthtie Townahfpet Beach, lu tire Ceuuty ef Onterio. Yeoman, anCl John Vtpond, eftIhe Township of Raut - i Wiithy,jn the s&d CouncY'eoman, viii; St tire eQîrtiof et wentL ,days &fler tht. natice - xke a Iliottonit Zacheus Burn. hem, bWeýlireroidgo oft dreConnyCort oet thre Couuty of Outario, 10 o bapà ointed1 Guirdianu ef'Tnom" sItophon ipeud, ~rv[pond sud 10a" Vjpond,aIl of tire Townpsi-a eBliut Whitby ulor.uad totl d48reu of Thenra 'VI1,od te oi !k eilpcf f IrWlb,~oa, SAUNDERS AT WORK AGAIN!1 Miy old frionds and customors wiil now fini! me TWO DOORS SOUTH OF THE MAREET, WILKINBON'S BLOCK. Hfaving bought out thre ostiblishment of THOMAS WIIÂLiN, 1 vil carry on my business ini that stand for the pro8ent. I amn now preparod to- luI ail orders eutrusted fo m, by n.Y old customers, and as many nov one@ us wili cal upon me. Ilý1t Owing to the heary Io" I bavie snstà unod by -biving thre vhole of My stock of Boots and Shoes, louther and maobinery destroyed by the late fire, ail partiesundebted to me wüi pleasoe ail and pay their accounts et once. Wlitby, Dec. 18, 1880. Extensive Credit Sa/e. AUCTION SALE 0F DRAFT HO0R SE Se Thorougli-Bred Cattie, Faim Stock, Implements, &o. WIll ire sold by Public Audtien, on Ibursda^' 24th llay ofMarch, 1iBi, -:AT THE:- VILLAGE 0F WHITEVALE, Vire following valueble property ielorrgirrg te MR. T. P. WHITE. l Mare, 3 yaarr oiC, in foui te Bay (',,met, 1 Geldmne 4 veara oit,, lîvy draft ; ôOuIC- mr11, risrngI8 yqeara ad, Il. dC irding slng 1 yeara oIC. b. d. ;i1Golding, rlaing 1 yeîr old, h- d. ;I5tiraJe Cowui, in cal( te t rucibreC bal; 2 Farron Cowre;I bcrougir-bed B nl 4 )-cars old, 'Rani et ~aklaed, aire of &Il the young stock ;i hio ogir-bre wu sle calC te tirrugb- bred baill; 8 Bull Calvez, tirorougir.bred; 4 Huifer Caines irrugrbred ; iBfer, 1 leur old Ihorngihrbnid; -6 Sieurs, 1 Yeui olC ; Heiferu, 1 year oiC ; 7 Helfur C alrea; 2 Stear Calves'- i Courie Dog, tmp. ; 30 rirorotgir-ired Jotswold Ere, luin ib te * l uëk; 1 ct*oldRei, m, 2 y7cm 011. i re iotSWllSon vîlip; i Torontoelleepar, cen; 1Iloy0eR.aper - inPions;- i Toronto Mover"- fii Ract.; 1 Cayega lMener; i Treebig Machine andohes powercomplet.; 2 Fann! izMille,4 Wilinson lPion; nroulit Pl Soes; 1 Double MouC. bcmd Plov, 1llrou SouMeir; 2 Ga smed levers; 1 NormeHa Rat.; 8 S;alsetsIron larrons; 1 Turnip Dr il -8 Turnip Sica; 1 Nov Lund Barrow; 1-TUrnp Pulper ; i !nltlug Box, Mussey a; 4 Set teenr hernese; 8Sots plon bernes, chain luge; 8 Boar Wagg ;2 osKeu Bobseighs; i Sel Beneh Bobsleighs, 2 Long Bobsleighsa' 2 Inîneni; 1 Market Wagguu,jleand airit. nar!y nov ; 2 Baggies ; 1 ±lgbt Waggon 1Sadulle ; 2 Carieand 2 iot» cari harnais 9Sets Single Hurmer,; IOz eke ; 2Grain Cudle;lDalry Priace; 2 Copp e - Iee;. 1 Con Cheiu; 8 Lo olgCh&ici; 2 Iees, nitir a nuniber o et her articles. Asitire ppretor irasdispoird oet me rma tie wiele ii ie sold nithout ru- erre. Sale to commeneoet il o'cloet; lnchr ut Dn. târ Cenvuyanese il! ho allire Martiran station on tire T. - N. R. R. te conrey partiesco e radae. TERMS.-AJlsmonsfet10 aud under. caih; over tiraI amaunt, ý7 montil r's trat wi1 ire given on furnlirling apprortil joint otes. THOMAS POUCHER, [arcir litir 188. 13- Auctieneer. WHITBT5 ONT., Mirch '1881.- c à ti t fi Pl S0 p nt ed To the Reading Public : I bog respectfully tu raturen y tirante to pust tareransd havie8 matie arrangemeonts $e tiraI alilsubecibera le the tellovlng Migasineaeam recethem Chromes trou of dulyas neluila postage tre I beg te *sollcmt yeur furthrnpetronae. AIl ain ai eleevitir me nul bc re *enedtn albeannoyanco et their crderiaeng délelned by tirheOins. To haose raen anet vlshin for Chromos, 1 hare added somae very nueetul preniuns. - Decirtîon oprmme (December aumi- bora, ii t nni itorte,> seul tu any MI Box 289, Wirltby,'Ont LTST 0F MAGAZINES i»x JOURIALS, Our HIome andINPru.ide Mog4iesacoHaltt SCe., Portland. Moine, 12 C"irrc, 16 mentira. licue*retad FemiLg Eera&-Tmuo & Ce., Augusta, Main., 12 Cire, 15 meit$he. Pepisi' Rustratad rournai-Stinson&tCe.,, Portland, Maine, 6 Cire., 15 miottr. Bousehld Jora-S. G. Ridiet S& Ce.. Nov Tort, S chromos, 8 crayons, MZudared FeoiilygaMnU-8hav & Ceý, Augusta, Me., à . chromosl 12 mentira. Fireside Visir-P. O. Vletery, 58omeins, 12 mentis. Amount et Subscmrptou: $1.00 for eacir;#58.00 for lire six. Thes Pepier' Home Journal-PY. M. Lupton, Non Yorkt, nitirprainin, 12 motun w coule. TUo FIr" uicfetome-F. M.Lepton, WT., vitir preminni, 12 menths, 81.10. Tiro tho Ina îtto prenilumi,5.5 .ilu<traed -tHomu eCmousseo n i t mlmaGe. tasn*CePetluz~ Me.. 51.25. clubs ofi; or mrre cgiye s ex«tra epy "à A .rraC. JOHN SAUNDERS, Wilkinson's hock. WiEW AD'VERTISEMENTS. DU C. DOWNEY, Wilinon's IBlock, Brock-etreeî. CASH FOR WHEAT, BARLEYPEAS, AND ALL KIDO OP GRAIN AND FARMERS' PRODUCE. A anpply ef Westtrn corn now on hmnd fur sale. caeHTGHEST CASH PICV, FOR EGGS. Whitby, Umardith, 1881. -12 BEFORE 8uying a SEWING MACHIN[E CALL AND SEZ THE WHITE" tand IlRAYMOND" MACHINES, ut FAIRBANKS' 8EWING MACHINE OFFICE. Thea. machie uss.mryadeaniso over other mcieann hc r siperd, 0a"e, eelf.wxndlng bobbin, aell-6etting nede efadjunîng ohutti. Sold cheap fo cshoraort oredit. Wjaole oana Retail. No trouble te ahov snaohlne& Donl buy4 UU Yen ik owsaofina- jusl viral yen vînt. FnUly verr&uted. L. FAIRBAN"S 12. rc-t hty AUCTION - SALE ,-r HEOUSEHOLD FIURNfITURE, Seut Orrta, Feed, Goin, Mare, de. miR. lWENrmANr l WiU soil h7 Public Anction, at hie promise Glendbu, Lot 23, Con. 8, .Townahlp of Whltby, ou xRD r, hrà fcfigibh.181 the foflovlug propcrty, vis: 8w0 bosae. «nt-olaga clu, sud Cat, white, e lbwohel, feed GreÀn, a quanti Potatoos, i Brood Mmre1 nen redt Cow, 1 Cutter, 1 fsrmmg blegir, 1~nun Mil1, I set Single Harnesa, 1 Long Ladder, rtsk, Rakes, &c., 1 Iron.axle Waggon. aueo ýAst*ck 117 or 8-tonuay. Hn.sehold Furuiture.-Teleacopeo un g- table, cetre, kiiehenwand aide t"es, cane. se«an sd ceimonchairs, 1 handsome ivbatot, sola lounge, Drue!,cepestair and otier carpte, cooktng store, nov, 4(Nortb-west No 10J ecoking store, beiore Jarge hall stove (co&), aidoboard, bod-îtoade,ý vsahalens, tUai ,~riiure, ea ,iM=bouse.' AIs apatent neglo. Mfr. Wenrasibetng &bout te rmove te tire Nurth.vest iînmedtawey vil«Ii l. eu *arile nithut rasseye. l a $40to oofmece a$ 1 oIck, Pi.M L Wbitb Maro tth. 12-Uin Antor LOUND.-A BUNE OP 0F EYS.The .'ovuur eau have tiresaie bjrappigyk uRt lis Cio$iclnCpaytng exponsos HTORSES, IMbuo JuMun, t armê.,e 28, i n.thlim«e MIlciUb, on tbw c ltelon ai y Pubi ai,,auernea -tdm,-B* a t"os, lônuet ,Wiiby "; > - ednesdayg MlhrUS2d418811, lie vholuetfhon Stocýk, eq tellien, vis ;I11no jIoqNbd" lae, 1, , arerising 8 ye old by TimeO!Day, 1 Mor 4~osn elbj ou¶eea. 1 HoAIs in 1 eva,1Irouglr.bred 8.y.ar oiC H«Uoro 2 2 um ber 'W&Uons, 2 sts Bor-ilelis 1 OuttIer1, 8 ut Di>ll 2- aee4e Itever 1 8nlt4 HeselR«ilng G -uiOU~n..s~-10 ,i NIOiN'W:~ FULL ASRrET0 ADSFT,HS WINTE R A A ful stoc1k of (*ee'iaëraIGroowue'ries anà d' Orookery, St. PatriDk*'sl BÂLL -AND-SI Wi Wtoi koâson st, pr EV~RY l~TBNING PUCHAin C0ý ~HUDMAKE-iTl A POINT- TO SEE lieoffrs andia Fatoy~ otia a nd in some cases 1*w i~tfaïe- GOÂCNADIAN F'AMTORTCOTTONS &T O8OENtt'8. HEÂVTCA"NI&D1A1Ë FÂCTORy iM-e âè 7 CENTS, 2 JBT8OT.. ou E'AOTOBY COTTON You EvER &&w. VEBy HEÂVy ltIwl FA ~IP YOTOXs AT o9CNTS., THE. GREATEST ýýBARGAINS ---11{C-ANiqADIÂN BLEACRED COTTONS EVER OFERS0 GOOD CANAPIAN- STEAM LOMS îT7 OEWFTS. HEAVY CANADIAN STEAM LOOMS AT 8 CENT&;,, GOOD YARD-WIDE oÀNADAl - STEAM LOOMS A 9 -CENT& vi RIS 10 CENT CANkDL4N~ STE*lf LOOMS ARE EQUAL TO' REGULÀI 2& (OI" '~- - FOB 12 OENtPSrHE QOFZS A,14 GENT iOOtD, WIDE STEAU ~3~ ci HLIS 12+o HEAVX rsTEA.MLOOM F R 8 U T N S 1 1 ~ U~ - N E U L Â H R O E The flnest Canaaiu, En gli' h' an meianSealom"Whsal ~~ bries, &o., very oheapi oA .voryIstge Look of Bleaohed e& I~ee Sitno u e1c~vx~r 9W'Plow Cotton n'll widtha from 40 to r4inch.'1 Inaortiom sho haseve eown. e.tes pcilOfrag.T - 'î ~Tlt Whiib, Peruar. 151, 181 , È'; TO ARRIVE PIL lsT, 18 Liverpool Sait, ini quan ities 0es per bag at Statione- Wç>htt, 1,0. bi " I3est,Ç_paQBréI. bozr L y , AN i-------------------------- JOHN VIPOND. ated. lin-Io toi ES FRNHAND IENGLISH, PR l'NTS-,4 Â~ERNS IYUR HIRINSï, GAMB]300NS, COTTONL-INENSI--TOWELN- , CRPT IND 0?OO-I '4 GOODS STIelL SLLNG CHO ICE' ~IIEA~P i TO A.~ O, ~ ~JLOTHS AT AGREBAT REUCT1N0 OR~~~ N~n Gos W TE S TO H'A ND'. Je SWhitby, Febrdary l5th, 1881. 'Bu POWELL& DÃ"MININ -WAR-OOMS DOMIN ION WAR~ROOMS, e,~spstea-$~Il. iL Tj~ocsuuh5L sud - tN~stseplj uqI~ lia. - NIIU O LGH4 OLD 4 8,RE M )tRONCHITI&I LOBS OPi VOIOA HOARSMNEBSS .A41iD THtOA T AFRTIOt"& Zr ho zMMt GRAY'S ad t4e pi.. i SRU LMU M4>. - or fé py- RED ÈýSPRUCE r& Me <triet. rm Sarm fiieoter inrwirwWfn ce"nfommof lmclait anducit almat qp.cideeffkct mes=rigOb. dînate haeing CougaP, ià noietmaf knoro to the publw ica ge fo &W b~ u l eped«uo metoufs.Jt Sa ai bu1.~ tori. suce~~~~~~u eswratos 55 u epper XRBIRY, WATISON & 00., E. H. RUPPELI I:r= te v ntru-Uou iu Vocal sud a ta M", M intire Gerwmu wid Frencir anguss, eiror plvste or iu eis"e thl is esdece, or At lb. restd .P. 0. Bou 9M, wuam1. Ir eotdsc-Coererstreetooae esue e ofMr. G. Y t* nit,»n JOHIN scVLy, L A" A» D MGRATION AGEN -500 Pu uisa0tsri@ mtd Lauds lu Manitoba for Sale. Rstiva1and Stesaboal Agn.Specisial for Ncti.West Trunaortati"C#:=y ~m a.ky Tickets f1r sa0ete aSU pointe. O »ie,16 Froul.st. Weop. Unio Statio, Refeeuce.-B . 8. Hady, Ceai. of Imin.; James Bealy, jr. Q.C., ma or; capt. non. Wmn. McDongll C B MP' Bobert Ray, au h M .. e.Mcav Wtue queun.Motel; Hou. 0. F. Friser Coin ot PulcWorks; John, MIScOrI'reeZâtdt Board ef Trade, Toronto. galsora. Md Foeardtng. 1541i SEB12D. WHEIAT 00BUSH EL$: A neota' Seed'W at ýC!W ample M Oj cigorac~.8 10.Sn* . clarfearout P.0 N 8 Day 1~ T ~ ïôth i W. ai. publie amcru crdely lu PRINTS 1 COTTONSI corpTaNs 1 TWEEDSI