Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Mar 1881, p. 4

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' h acaw; hA, bra bad o' ourler, came marchin Wi htrweapoel o'Warière, au this Wei '0come ahouluhter y'roleoSmad,-ye'r searisport uBI b. ra.e; chaudel s. Tobis ira',.body gnard cor trusty "skip" pols, ti '"Coa., follew me, lads, toer thé. lue Il broie ou.vieloe raweaobi ourler'ko-Whlva honor au -Lot t Ç 4sruU ebu-itrqWAq "dCame, ehutser yu'er bronzms, lio, &P." Whou ont on the rimai lut gude f elloweklp reigu, Au Mie ebuamoel miat"birra", vwi'rmiolalan' Nýwi'man ; o.quarter we'IU glu. noo the gamme à lu il, Jinug for vlory banldly andi honeatly strive. "«Came, ahouthier ye'er broooa., lad@, &o." :rh N oto I&agJ&1.&' r But -a luthe dsaneyeablino may hear The curiera' ia $oat-.thc ourler.' lound cîeer. ".Came, 1111 up your cupa, lads, and Iai l p y Ur cab Baa!opa n Fu (oètpo dslgqnt land, Victoria -cor'Qaeen, aun cor der iative land." The Sacklng of Callao. TIh. latueut b fi U a a noiug t4i faéuetof il Z. 1by.t~ vicourioua Ohilimue reacheci OalIao early on th à C"'180of 1,.u , sit 1 anieraboul. was tgo bu fougbl aM the ltcry Dedby Pli. b, lietkdfsoaaUs Prf~B4 8PrésAete, le t bMIthé Porcidâi,ý8 tétéilak * usarôf*t'aediy tu thé capital. Thîs lsavilag mitb. ppropriation of bis Hout) Ï.hPnetet)4 iaesly 8000 Mo., veilt.qnipped, mr*tl 'for -%Ji.The. Oitl waatbor@Wm~'f.a tircîy tu its usbltanta, -Who hobavebeau aivay. «iorpmipl4 @*ýï,c1ben -ttse jism- e~I opcratopg o Uiceuulna of the * uae4~*4c)llli~a rtsàd Ote m(moll weri eoqto b.c eqp mrnhiag in lu I dJireecilou' WLathîe alt>paandl stop,à; wliiuab worÏ siatg broke reaiopg. Callao -* ý cw te l the baîrl, O,- sue, Sotéwoeboard, lhue Lii buîaîiftg. of tmie leavy pro- ,ïjele, w'uh i as*son ulwsotînstigo ocapsmee ~IiePeuvunDavy vere ail su-su tobonla aufli. -, Tiespectacle wliicb h ii i thlb lia>' dispîspea intaindiaonlhable. P-or- signe *ga~ran~ pf~ ta<bblv wlîht leytii.faibisa tley Wt u tai aiewlta'iaa~ai, isêha te .de.- vqcqlmi* lqegB(O, W eré @vci eou f k. p 0Ow. tsbo lut"*e lis ciL7, th.l e i corard oafort&.Ftîàe a, eqr3; re, cd6,10tou !vhhs ôd tanîoeo"ed. fut', tt ?obbtl heli un ~Iî"~ulu cfl t eion y. e sud oU4e , il. otg o prona.11i daa ~uadotuitylthejaslouiathato. "tî - de a' qrae eebing oaikeâ, iliumeck. bl èo!' a-eefes béiag reicyci Bp dw arlrsTIc oy 'tDoalb te thie- oClaoet" vas ana-aui cuLtmmi oupaily italtlau vlu iort#on ezpéed te wa Doct long buite bg«but eau«. ail t"ïý- < Ve. t eois I Lsolacd. anti 4ua Venp stenit1lsaê vre lofé aminus tbmîr eatnt' iimmi oases, bover, Whoau tLia. evier e proies, isbu-lii. ln the sbape cf Bf4y or oupabadned soles aufflcd te rpel ia atiegi lf«'the Lionebelisp outil anctiser Ilevcral m*Oak lpstmnpu-bv 'qp ,etbbhiid b. inâe a bXu#iat cfthus Poo ad'aogb paymest baw The Germain bau-k Anju, <iext. Ililer, wliicii aîr'sulat'ei a[iR Borner Wloale lu the Iowrur Ly ta Moadoy'a log, wiIl, il aa feareal, Provo fi tottal wreoi. 'Thea SCa waî entrayusterday, anti if il continues so te day ah. wrçok aog oompan'y ls a eligliL hope cf pull- tuedranus oltem feet of ester, butL over Lhe aide the. voter vsonîy aino 1~a i sr1@ ir (t-aI 're erWia ouDec. 15§and ÎaQ d in Lb. lower boy ou Moaday. Ou se- ceuni of thioIape op ý pCoptin hiruti aud pulleci the.Auguste upou the sloal, TIene vaa Iigh ae nuniag, a ilW vasimpooible Co gît nean lient'otil yester day. Lier position eai vua'y danuraus util the @oeamodenateci. A part of liai general cago wsS L1itO#ïi overbord 10usi geoetas-of ~~44L4lu wlîeiw b I e ae overboard. %a Tistarday à, laglîtor vag fastued alougeida cend the wonk of tran.ferring » li bcd thon thireàùffi itf ~oto la lier hii91 TiaAuguste is.uf 920i tous bnr<en>nd fa ceneail'y ~ion C o. of Rflzurllave. * tilie '4ibuIf in Baltinmore iu 1851, and ae aifonaely inovu nas tbeAnatapolis. lier value i. about $20,000. l3he carrleci an unuau- slip valuable cargo for a ssiîiag veasel. -=-Bt 20.OQ.T0 t ou loc i0.iI m nal'usevencT'uuIre lcnatei cf crockenj enapty bottlea, glycenine, effl(encils and anarbles. Tii. ,r.21. ,.. rf t M6003.as L. Bombera & OOn 4â*Wb'q- isilmur à Co. IBar ovue. f4ls) orj bista, the MolcoUEa&SI'tI Wi tbc eost onm cf Apnil 29,1880 The Aagnote insmai to bu laisurs ian Eur..po 'aud the cargo i lLiiscily. 'h. obeoer Garnie S. Webb, coming hlo port va l supon aund molass, rau skéocd yisleu-day foronoon u orn er Crawling int a Furnace. TU, WAYTÂT AT RtoOLTe T t7uNtGER- One of the atoRt iaov-I ceescfsuni- eu4e over roportud ooot4rnad otiToeedaiy olgbt la Flaîtbii. pàiija Ti a, 13,yosr-old gardeidr,caw'i ei foresecest inthe .fuanac ed 1telicou the. greouhounses cf bii Unole IQnis sobutz,jÇaiaÎ.F b'au vas, uB4t*dath.. Taeh, mt Io tht outry about a your aigu, sut wisa eanployed by hie. naaie, wio in- $i'odad to train 1dm a. a fna.Thi' Young min esa quiet cn.l o1tudione. ad whenlis diby'. varie vaisftieh ha we.s aoatmd oodLaiso"en. in#z reading. He frequently hiloke of thea borden cf life, aud eaid tbat lo ied net thi l1f. v olftrli iiugbut his Ssoolatea did not Suppose that h. 'Ute 9catd ni ,q. lt asvea prof 4v't Lkehatalan log itje0o iese, Iprn4ce. oi * ' iig, Tiirthe1 ad - Âfr. Deaa'ns ao ellew labourer, 'crr ebdln tgtheithe ii.grnîtlonse jUéitpvit ho 40t"Ie. 1, b faiae n'nktoJdli e &bt ie Iin.r7 , a> i4ae rfeu a.ie.n iïaè batIr oi ,veabout 6'~ljk~s4 oaa .'fisicus Iilralobs1sprD 'b~.. then veut lot tha other gruau. éusend itan fllsleop. Whîn lao aaasaver, hb. couded uaL Trsie fld oue te bed. sud! ho dutenained -te f the. furnsce and go t0 bed asc. in uapproaching thIbmtace ho eau dp te o f rruiohI protrudiugfnouxthe dpohe .uruace. He ai once puleti ,l eQldyý out. Theii.pper part 'vas '18 rrf~o loaoftt iloyad tcouioaj. 'TiaLfrnate aooèr lisoan onaIt that rnioiiel amue thave ca'àled iu. fo'i '1ak v.! ii biaditoifeet. This bis ehid net have doue-«cithonue.a 9lu labaudesesueroîy.- 'Tier. vas a aubj litn of bot ose,-wbicli muet bave bilru e isfiela bcore4aeas asphyzi. r tahe'L i gases. 'In" ssarcinig iai FgeU80 ee acakd WW*fou ut, whieb r oêniorad the folloviug WNritten ln Ger. GiWdby toaIl. And. if any oui la itreffhife as I amn , jeed only do as ai t 4ap ont-bdo. Coroner Keller bad an iuquest pua. 44rday. AiredDesroey îestified that .ý;i>usbel baid alLen sid îLot if he tati a p lot ho vould shoot bummeif. lHe aim okuet faiugbumaeoif LousBehmuntatotit Lia o b a -~ ~~~t erdnssals Ia if lie bmf,> effileC týùul '. leas feeling. Mr'. -ohatz idoutiffd ie dstn' t~ .- t...a t or Ache. * U waaa Moou e noy quiokmtei vonderfl" "Jncw's ousebe 4 anoaI,' b1 g ciiaowledged as lb. great Pain Re. itevon, sand of double l theumth cf caSier Blixir onrLUniment .lu LiaQ ahlad be lna every fcxully ianady for use *bon wanted, "as it roolly àlahLbuts romedy lu the vos-Id for Onn min Lie ,h, 2jIddh. lafen~dbe1afIf y 1ou IdsmisslonaryLie formuia oc a sImple ,vegolable romedy for tiie i eandi fal~&h!,.lm(Lpar =P»Pb Offg feLovAcustiib asaov ant; a 0, uie t tv iaa#ufelg6 ,, i Poci i.lu G a i, ro c ,on E g li, vilh f eh directions fan rup&ang antie Uing. SicÊ by mathi-l Vt inug0 149u; y. bsa ~ l . ie r" êmint Hayia.. . Sv!ty n aE'-II ayi wayî questîoued. sud his adminitration tegowid tlle1oono boLle ýftt,.ParcoIsf oanei Discovoran&îtls Lmléls. tnailon carino e hocraîciseti luIoses of coughm, colde, inelient conauaptlon anti scribe i uepf10 oOblcfgaat. MIaeuableucss. The niost ucidenful sud marveous sue- cess, il ucsi haeerousns are sual on piun, o""'frou a codition cf îmias-b nia, that 'n e nk=vivi,.al, thO ' (polfttble patIents for dooLntà laobtained, curefroa le dat dii ntilactt p until '*Truihs" Anti "Prorenhu" l ncihr. cl nain.?144-. Burdock Blond Biterns lanliasbéat Bloot Purifier, Llvar tiBd m4 1 a* Roalorative toMMiulevn4,ilcsaa onnlie tirer, Lhe Rineya san ove reguls ar lp gC 1 The Oncatest Remedy ,Knpvn. sumpion t, ceu-auly the. gealeet memlcal uomeady ove'- plae-i ithlntu eêi-o suhersaaiutuo o titi T proolaluaý Doutpile, .Pod iColds, Astbuaa, Brouchatis, dlay Fever, , en 'pemarAuiatec tiootaoThrua4 thoeforre earrîestlyrequait von 10 caît on yoau- drtiggit au e araatriait bottl.fou- tea ce-nta whtch wtfl aoaavinaee lier mireepti-1 c&1l of ta.. '.rndful monita. And oLetwy Ye witat a nrgulair onîtldollar -aise botl viii do. l'tr aile by r. G(k Whitffelal, Whatby. simaplae piati..ais 1ia381s, uchu, M&nd-aL-e Pandelacua, &c.. Elulàmole " auand EIa' .itestifyte. haviug beau creti by (liutyausiait ev-e audtu-y thean your- seu, and dauLt no longer. Seo othen col. leeliaIf $0,goAtuneeau tla bouletieo MER u-nar.nWraiana Irfaîa UP. . mt.tld opÎ, b i ponu Is ture- ls.'o 'on U iZÂWhdho4afà dt.wat =llf tell yen aI ocecathal Il viii regulate the. bourds, ana glva reî osi is maLier anti ne.ý pne.cniptioua-cfleue cf l th MitmIanti boit feusiephyi=&as.nd nurm l inihemUntoed S-t.lO. Soîla everyvbore at 25 cents a boutle-l Povrtiy snd Distresa. Thal poverly viticla pruducea the griateai disîneu la ua o! i heparasbtifcthe Ia.. Deprived of ils rlchnoaa, it becomea icant mua vaieny, a condition hua-mu! ,,s.sua in ÏopdicaI 'eitînga.Giron hbi& condition md .crofubons wluag=4ntibrea, gmncna andi nervoas dibetID"y.jbora o a & P. 1olte, vwk unge, (roal dusuè4usmaticon- "" aption, arc amorifithe comaâmnromnti. Tisrefor if yAO~' a snffonc-froatiain, D" nbîoo tioh teao,.'labutempsoy t4ien 'edca.-Dscvny iaaai unic ; hnloti sd a'idlsly canes'..iaae affer- Mous by tikfiiMthLie root ctasvii anti aceorlug taie ue panalîlar fli r nMeut" .aHoua.- re4ea %Vot tbk d.a , l mlamsi admutteti that laiUetg.n giu7LRas o *bout almicaL e -rr g ud titoe sabjoct 7,pl e raiIl," Lv ho ba iu lebismnd Palatalu greatel s :1î e a 'l5eais. Fo la] T-QG WiiIJl, mpt inte tha pz àgSÂUe jI,0WsAru*W' »Ce. - . ha e o ulfu eal ~EOPtt 1 nn s. .. ae - vlubuis f0 7*ip$4IWt or Mi Ê DO0MI1NIN :0006 eue ïdu ~nforibe -o~f 16ê .a*he'Mo#zigfis- arigImplomots ~I4'S WHITBY HÂRVESTER, (Improved.) 'YOUNG CA.NADA MOWER, (Irnproved.) . ilhe âbo i Ë L o , nêaîËe rie eo ent uaer PfiiLhri,~ euch a hazvot s the luit -and carzymg off Lhe Gold Moal for Canaa, ~1ah~~b~ melsiery an! ü pd pat5caI lfin- lù htb>ý, b~f plaoing your endors elsewhere, a i i. our intention te adopt the Aa nearly aa is practicable, and theroby moka our price list at lowuat liv- mngprio.s Give us a cal!, BROWN, &PATTERSON MN F'G. Co., Jarn daily 'n reoceiptof FREBH Q'YSTERS (best brandB), MO:KST:E 2flS, FINNA-N HADDIES, &o. A. FULL A.SSORTMENT oif CHRfISTIÈ'S BISCUITS, 1~!AMAAI (e,8ACk),PRI ,Un Np QW=ElREI' L8ÂI E VI~GARiniDemijoline, j eIM"MALT VINEGAR. HêWY, là otsper. lb. 8PÈCIALîATTENTION toý- oî r ELIREKA 8YE(Tt 19s The finest that can be got!1 ef Wliity, Set. ~8 '80.IAIN WÀREHO USE 3ŽT~JAL~J COunty & IXý:AJ-ZN'S 4iquor Store, Wholésafe and Ret ail, KING STREET, OSHAWA. Jnst received for Christmias and the New Year, a large stock of 'WINES and LIQUORS,,direct importation, comprising Port and 'Sherry Wines, Brandies, - u. lum, $cotch and irish Whinkeyai, Basa' Ale, and Guinnùess and Blood's Porter. Goodonhani & Wor' celobrateai Old ILpuasd Malt Wlaiukey, tIc bout lu Lie TmyJr ~I~1c' aati(~ogrsv & ens C&41&àamiAIes'anli îPorter, antd Lge Thei. Isu-it iboatL aorteti stock cf OIGARS in Lie couaiy I Pont ati Sherry Winues,cf supenion quality, ai 05.00, #400, $#8.0Ocuti $240 enIpriGallon. aneulsbin sud Heuneiay Brandies, luotiadbete Aflnsudsà'ýrsaôdyfqi)mohgi oeee, .102,75 3aaeao~a Bnk'a Duvlleand tiSua-'sSeotci anti IrilaWhiskoyo. Tyour colobrated Toddy Whiuk«,vý. tii. fiest Whiakoy in a Bo0ttes- >Toronteý' Talor &à iL. (8t. Cathenés>Aie on dua& , i an 1 Glln eianti a1Bta ia mses ofone dai40Iquarts andtiio dosen Guinness 'I om osubotLiei .#1.25 perar z-'UIDé in-&kýdyssbüt4 q aaid pinte.i- eqgie .a&Seu's clebratï Stqt, a#IJO ver dosen quarts, andti75 ouic pur - fovaof là Aeogyncus cxc If, ooumtkaitly ou Laid. Pion ti. Aluns,. 'WIndsqj~ *-~Db Gnicieîhers. FED For Horses, Cattle, Milch Cows Go~s ~I~epPigs! and ioultry, OOWS fed on this FEED> will gave one-quarter more and richer mxnhl than when fed on the old system. This lhas been proved by actuel, ez' perimenit. ]FOR FEEDING PURPOSES, theX)iaïuTTmn FEEn,if usu&'asi ,direc e~wMl fatten i a snrprisIngy short time, and a considerable saving will b ec ad i preparing animais for the market. The fleali of sucli tanm*~ muoli botter ana firmer than wlien Led i the ordi4m y wty., HOGS.-On no animals in the fa,'mer's barn-yard does this Frno kisow iL0 go_ feta .erqr,mgre patikctog4y' than -on'ýthe Hog; If g*eîn-tm t a ranpe vèti e ncre for the Hog Choiera. Ik will maire Pige fatten i half the usual "ie. READ- THESE RECOMMENDATIONS. Co.Lacrolz and PEcmesu Ste. (ucar Dalhousie Square) Montres,, Jan. 12,-'80. I have usei the Manhattan Foeod for my hunses andi cowe, andi 1 tount iIt te bu vury bon- mfcal, anti vury noticuble on cous 0epelslCIhe qantity cf mflk baviug lucreuec con- idrbywlthheiRame quantity 0 obaoo, âau4 utheYqhave fatteneti 0,10 a coneaderable theu 0 mii. am re. iZ. GRAVEL. - - *'. Loan'sFrm, Montrual, Maroh 22? 1860.. 1qfa la t0o rt6-tba h ave usuttiê Mànhàtt P eut for Cous for me tiane.ti fand it beneliW bath for mili anti-fattaning, if igiven 11, themn regnlarly. THOS. IRVING. 167 Tongbetreet, Toronto, Janaaary 2% 1881. W. havu triedtheii Manhattan Feed for our hoore for several weeks, anti finti il the beat vo have ever used. 'ISIgned,) E . GOFF & 00. Ravi tUb"""atenFeet forHanss -MlIton, Ontanlo, Jannary 27, 1881. Saig mushu anatnFefrHres....and CatLle, vo find ai tho boit that wo bobo usod ln-the. way nfPebd, .-(Bd.) JamuesA. Frazer, James Lindsay, Johnson Aguuv, J. R. Mitchell, John Reatiheati. * R,, W. ~SM 11 & C ., Proprietors, Montreal. lor alie li Wh4iybyý T a ~s W '~' ~ Rock-Sît., Whitby' ANNOIJNCÊMENT. The ýiine' eree epoht to announce bo the in- habiaxat ofWliiby amI fb!oiuaXngc4untry, that hé bas now opened ouIthle ol n I wl1 own èstabtishulient 8o long kept by bis father, 9u _rook -Street, w or-~kt of the New Market, #hýreh. htend5 te 14eDp>&ilarge l i4 vieassorîea. stock of FURNITUBE, 1n$lee y atniati ttenIÊen te. lbu«iedal t monit'a cotinanice cf the p fronao 0long bestowed ou 1h. éý,4'dtablishment. P.rxsdesirou. of fumnieh ", wi1l now find a choice and ~1soe tdstock-uiooa'êfroi, asor$n article bu ce on got up ex- prutsa1Uor ii opening, ana I shah odd new goodu from.Lie faotory ini Tokai-ae foulat op aieeded. PuéaBers znay Tely on1 getflng good Fumniture, at the Au. eatly -ins3pection o bf the stock i110W solicited, and w4ptiaer pou buy or not, you ail wiI be welcome lu inapect the Faim. Whitb-y, Oct. 281t, 1880 PARLR BOT adSHOF STORE! Devrel's BlokBrockd-St.,Whitby, ~kt4TTHE %JLLINS Ix~frmsoueqmasrtat'eèttheakove establishment 'will be foond THE LA4eGST, BEST, Snd$IET asottmeul of stock of- Bc4~ 'u! 1e ewestotnt nontreeL - X)nte saisfie wIethl 100rn tth lsplu.y in tije ow wa ldow -, - *ý k16ag z nd mn ni O o airel$eaor Ud wt e'reytag than can -b. caiild for i the'Boot and.Ihoe ine,,for LadiUes, MiaO Gnta and Cliildren's wear. r Rdicn cf upe~ioqi-4tp t LOW PRICE$! No blow Ibkt w hLt,;'18 straiglit, mi- styin2g that in- the eu"0 tO maaced' the uindoigned bas'npw on haxad as large a stock ast See the newý Berlin Feit Boot.-Ladiés inè Kid! Boots, ~'Tusa nd Yalises in gret variet-Y, at loweat- pri-M llbyOc.28, '0 TieFinest MAT'RW COLLINS, The Mannli PaornBoot ont! Shoe Store, DEVEBBLLS BLOO0K. P'HOTOGRKPIIY. J. -W. -R UPERT, Taiîek aure luinfIorig the citzn of Wbtby en uj Olarothaieha iVUITBT. The -extenive alterationi anti Improve. ,mentas helafeLIIn2p.W' mli ALL WORKGSU4R4,WWRlED FIRBT-CLÂB8 AT THE LOWEST RATBBii! -CILDIZEN A SPECIALTY.- See ýOurABL PHOOS. FR-AbING lu ail iti branches. PHEOTOS. COPIED anti enlargeti, anti ainÎahed- plain,:in Où, vaten calotrin lkor crayan, at BOWIOM i>RICES. AGENT, for M2se04 & Rlsch,-manu- facturons cf Pianos andiorgans. Orders fan Tuning promptly attcudcd to. J. W. R.,hopei by strict attention ta busi- nos 10menit oamiare of thei patronageo liberaily besto-ueti on hlm pnodecessans. Wililson'e Block, Brook-st. Whlthy, May il, 1880. MARES TH9WA TGÇ iedt*knof-UàiIçe boa er-: s1w char.èutfo*a5$f, waI, P food.Is, a ais.iern fo ofsas N4tsrtied Oo F.Wss ]plaient, Iro--f, 'fie ool' a, cuus an qOyr/>'mpif e[Iqes Mg u ofrthe 4ece- d ains nd a f ZeavééfngntIn for 'All L ine WIiTB ýVIEvoOTO11 AsD SHORTEgT SEA PASSAGE! The. Steamuiiips of tho Ala&n Linoar r ~ppaieti rou - dtmon- vor Tiirma atHilfan~nisyaiviii 1esve TXcUex IUB ATEs "My irz, cita 1308TON Cabin, $63 anti 068,-181, 091 accondiug to positof matoroom.- Lover rate for re. * - 1 ùita 'Itaanedistu, 0.steersa±, at bcvest raitais. ; - )TE n 07 a AID miernnlan;'«Bouton, Pib. 1716, fratuHanl. fax, F;101h. - - Paayneilan from zBoston, reb. 24th, frou Rail. axFoi. fOuh, - Cas~ifdm:Bnsou, Ma r is, from EaU- aiatlan from Bc uton, March îoM, from ~Hall. fax, HaCh 31" Clncai= fom Bot ar ch l7th,4rom Hait- fax, MMrcgi. 2 Steenap uasengers are foni'ardetito Lon- donderry, eolfsmbGlasgav, Quornatovu, Brasbul, Cardiff, antiLandau amme rail. Patiesviaing.to sonti for them frieulti can obtin tickrets at 10v rates. For tickets and furtiier information apply le- GEO. B. YULE. Express anti Teîegraph Office, Wliitby, Nov. 22nd, 1880. FOR SALE ZiT PRIVATE CONTIIAUT -Fthe South iths ef lot Ne. 29;P andtheii South iof théEkth fof IotNso.80 llte 6th Concession of the. Township of Ïnitby, oontaîing 200 acres. Apply te tii. ONTARIO LOAE & SAVINGS CO. 29th Aprill18. -1-tI Oshawa. COUNTY UP ONTARIO. 8ITTINQS OÊTHË DIVISIOm'fOURT9 FOR 1881 2; Junel,1ý ly 2, Sept. L 1, Z «" Bnougham 1a ,uy4 et! 'Duflu 0rekls.n~ ar. 2 Nov.; P o r t r e r r y - a a I e r ,  p . L; ' , . y M, e'4y 22,8,ept.18, Deo.2817, Oct.*7, Nov. 17, Dxa'dg-.ebSMe.8 i, p4 , MI11 Juüe2, Sep. 8, Oct. Il;- Nov.;18, De.29. COanixgtonZ-Feb.-8, Matré 9, Ar. 8, Mày- 19, Juno 22, Sertt7?Oct; 12 Po. 22. Eesve$onMar.0,Yne.28, ct. 18,Deift. Atl-Î 0., . JUane cHT1, TDe,0 %_T 110Mur. . Azo & EWELL;Tiýýï v a bin w vlu1y about-Ithe numidle ofM Parties vluhlng their Pianios proýer1~io LYO-N,& RUPERT, Pôbrpas » iklnson' Block.Wltby. '0tdeh'yb-u addrutemati Msra Mseon:ý& ]cb, Torea te, viceXveoproniat atteion, Iy-18 OYSTER'ý.PARLOR. r rmovedto-t.MAUX=-P BLO"K1, tf.4S mI. ato= Pi For sole by il" in To~ mBii] jeI- -a.ý mmc1W ,n a .~ Sp. BLd. Inw desor Lar Le 'Sp' a,>' iii -a Bu bâàà@UU w-i;e4 It T -L -L -1 .4- 'T t'L' U. Bel ý - t 7 - u 1 FURNITURE!l

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