Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Mar 1881, p. 2

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~4aoe wtllcn'EaaileWauob.- LlhIiug Street Lampa-J. IL. Long. Wabtt Vat-J b. 0m. Reteou hsoir. Bai iaNtiof Oaiglle O-. a. Bob. loe-,E. 4 jamemon4i4 azar n Bao.-Ir.Wom . Rb thic roqorty ot lMr. Eulward Daulop, ai 1881.-L. lshrhauka, Amiloneer On priay.Mmb rch î, ai Gendho, Roueeold prnitre,, md grain, pots- tutf,, , orpe,,00w, tiplernents, &o., Pro. porty uofAir. Wenma.-L. Fairbanks, .&ooioneir. Aàt the resida.aoe late lames Iitohell, Wliumby. en Woieuda, Mu-eh Lrd, Riaila Grade Cattie, Ilorces. ïka. L. Far.kAotioneer. ONLY 81 50 PXR ANtWM% Wbitby,ý Thmrsday, Mar, 10, 1881. biodorate winds, moctly from l ti nortils 'ld wme ; filit aoutiowed ald The Sauta Lino and Mi. Cumberand'a îmllway Lesters. raillway latter, aiddtacci to Mr ie Mm,aneral Ma4s<Grand Pmuask &Bkilway,. 1MeOCumberland evdentlIy te.. arde labis produotloa,-coîi %4 sailatntae twa-ea levr-af tbeir ttld-. Undoe u appearauma cf osutlcur, la. mlakcsa retParbat.of Ilaie coseat "et.'intoruula, ut Lires.ho lsussaaaete tala. uer his cola la0dvidial Patroagie. Arc West- ,ar a lsaic laiu- ay saicitSauges ai ta reqirelii. elfioutiole hampion. isip f,, lamte iGrand Truol a nl- tte*t4 inVaest QOntario. One* vonît b t,. lclothlIn htbe iGrand Tramoibatiou S uola tm.ect as be Nenîberu-as Immfeina, Westernpoint of viev, -a titIle more. TII. Grand Trau t Wlty c-sere&Wester n- lari n nwliatefr mos-seffolisalltueu the Norlisesor nNorlls-Wealam "mi possibly pistent go do., Ur. . Cucnbes-. taud ws cmas lje pequslhelteasssme tise ri-ofa!Western slIa>'obampion -, 'It liquisle a gratulboca jprhotteu poa Mic paré. AuMolioLpouilloatb. îms not q oves-la ud.hns villa Ibis Pont Poci>' h Lotua>'EallvY. liii Mn. Cembesmd.dit aedsi gnares. Isa eWhtbylIimoýlà,sgatl"y ema b bls eer.!pMat-lb, iilnlg-le islvet"ibout l ana téIs veut. is .nte*& RlyeXM i- n Mc r S' se sim bu vevooa wnUm veatta't to matie B$4 g.ogsmptaeal Oaiî tion iamýuImaha' Tosa ao th e ,atral poimlsi àtie Ncrtscrn Jtsiway lb. the Whllby i s-a'.~I ompl.la foua Macille ant)ls a veadais oilas sa.eret Toronto, VIa Wbitby, lion by tlhe, NorthoieraIois guraes-e", (r-cm Magliisu Graveabus-sI, 46; Wiiityto Mmit.8;Whilby ta Tratos 394 - makang taàa&l 107J aile.& ibdistacea b> lie Northas froot Gravenhorsito,-Torouto la 1l4 asilem. eGiog;evetamitse suan ahal lna anfs-he! lb or Wbitl yroute. Even talgbag Hamihies, lh4lelon-by; tisa' Noitlsern muA24, teiea . Hetlllton tram s »*isums-slI 14 1006., Fs-m Graveabtto. Rmit, bon, via-,Whbydnal Ibo Gmt Wasle (rom Taoto, ot147t, osleet1 ,Novi, ii Ur. Cumbartcnd Plemia- 0e00c10 u'imt the et" oml rogpoint cp ieIO. "'I 14e iagulsaoamef !admille tfoomc MIleNotre roroule Was0ne dvanlags for the West oves- ths.Wbitby, rpete. la "mulg tissus batic bus bp tIsa it go .apear, b. lu, aiymln*wleg bis somatisa&bd t heoevag dom inf lie »y" cf lt eataeio mleadKalms éle wurk cf thu s"ooIgt ofilie ai Ut'arè jaelnstul w a n t her ort of lb. prorogation~ T~hi l lspeala for itue4f, ncitlI-2- standing tib motero f Ibm "Ma" îa' Iis atiemupt tbbe-Iliîethe obaraîter CE cor 1oo'Legialature. Wait fer ;n tarointaI mii.buaL0.4oitaIegilature lae pat bcagtb an-! glus legiultlive 9fMr 40 th obaolm f bar peope la thei mI . ibyiwluraut Acta wbii e ol eV 1he.' Lieu tenan.3overnor's assaut ou Filday. Waeil pJNbfs l;oJ)ug'r ia 'uris&oethbitspeech laya lu notîig Ibil -j,11,ea obseinsit lh mub h ltoeas 'liaI you, bava, asuatiplementarny b& proeollm RIlitl '10 ilwS', voua mogmys ts id o iorial lines. the cir-. *~iega4 oniclselauaIyour banda." "1TI itiuîesIne ty vhîiob Ibmegraul iý 618Çariva t mnethIme xlstlng, Outnlohua vilhobaCanadienPaii ralvaI)'tiasbren mail.appl~lb 1 tau à atonston 0 ochisl a scamti te Soult Ste. te au pudelrtakg nolblng ]lesu hbai bsîfouul la 1ts exteand att elAraWr 8otlamenl o!of ntavetopeit uachlous of lbé province. adt W a«onamucb nouai:- cd faitities of cxm c to ut u fmshr-grmtwiug moul ladustnioo. oo.OwOni, Uthtatio, a hé rueûiroy ai tha Domin- ion Government, anutheb. ?acific Syndi- cale, insuait uiome nlI lkca lb. Sait hune, voulil hi a pans look cul for Oot.sri-aintenastu ai matters nov stlatilOttmwra. It ( aime v ell tuat Ontario bas thae means eofaxakiag ber tele heartl Ibrougla bas Local Lagisiahura on Ibm liomîb-Wauî bcandary pf lthi Province. The Dominion Govarument bas falli to do Ontario justice in Ibis malter. Tii. bouudary award và adeta! lia Au#- ual, 1tI77, "att ituadie -411, ro. te d sd solutloos Ibm oiao Ooveant bas deliyeiît takinagayý clope op talb. praeut hlm. e oecnêmm th. Prtvoe la I.ha Juat rigbts. The Ontario Govasmeol is ltaemasetay cf the rlgbts ofIhe people cftho Province, Mud ezpelahebagsahon laia 11* lgi. lailan bas eocod tlargoly ttha ot. fas. of tité Province andt people. Finemen*s happer. Tb@ anntitsupper beli th lb. n asoil otel, lait- Wadnesday evenînê,, by lb. Whlîby Firemon, *aa av* pleesmal sud imtml a4aaxueoiul on*. AbuiIfty gaihiefimn, inelatlung tearly ail tb. atelbbeao! tb. taoncaiueit, sudit aeru ot st4etiog éaiinfiiene an Ibm tovuandaI aenty, galberait roattat tho poli apromit board Io - vbiab ample1 Justice vas det. AiSes the p.'bstaahial pari et tbm programme bitt boeencarri- et ou&nt nost usftlly the "fet of resoasud motw cf sour*' cummenceil. The marnai loyal tosta vaeepropomei. Dr. Guan eptybng t titam of the Gev- aernr Ge"asumd Mr. Farewell to that et tb. Lieut. Governor «ud Leglulature1 of Ontario. The lovas conceil vas te- apondail te b i teéResve Depuly.m-eva.1 »a oîber oociona, rlthe Mmaafaotor. Ilg Intesesl. by ex-Mayas Harpon emd1 tile Ar.my aiS Ut M. -Par-ewell.i Repliai te oeimltoasts vnr.'.uada by Mn. J. B.:Powell anet)Mr. Frank Clark. )0. Farewell, secondait by Dr. Onn, thon proposait Ib toaito! Obief Bu- glaea Bltlts utIhae Whllly Pire thbt propomail w lischoit eotspilmtary pamy a Ume.ltberai l to'Iiaa foin t lb. toova for lbgla, 'fale i. arvle. Ti*r1 bail vas Isaarlty scovea -te*04é*note# 4 rapIce fs-oma Mn. SImules, 'irs. Beau., 3(r. flaaper sud Mr, Tanai, thabklng lit paepuesudmmclcawd«of, o! Iba10m ft Ibsgodvae aI kîat! erdi, aulamlsgIa l.Wib Piramen venli alvas lie(tendneaty a uyla eaUst Ràauuasca Wmtooa esos ou Saliu- day vasas enliosatie sb.ho oil bave ilesireal, u4vt'n th le - drvbacs e lIs an a nd milcsîsi> olreeta, 4Ilithe ra foute eXde or ni Torono anal Lieutenant Gonrcor of Ontar'io tdialiseisoisori lu weolnîng tise Champion and meaing tise preesea- itrsiay' aviag, Banales- Boyil.oe! 14ev Bruswicvlk, ent.stalaeithlitsnsnbessof Ils. Ps-mesGalles-y o e aoaaplmenryý 4olcsAt h& ltSnte siciïg Cisambes. Tise. as A large number cf scu*aote Mdi aise0o! CI lng uc*-ouoaes suA - tieuSe pimmaul.-Tihe programmea! lmoI vas short bait tellng and brotigis ou ou> poues«, und aosccletjo>' -Tais fo. .C cnasnai1 o cen priSa>'ennlglasî, on ils va>' hoe. Tise Whlby P",. .SLRl. va~Uo le euneatvili lie 0. T. I Z wlq let hie blelnj o! the, toaa by ouov. Tslsnfnîmd bar v*>' tlrougla andi rtiroei ta Liait- tb"~ àt t gu, reublpg than. about- haqPt la e e n At, jeutai foéwa stot ae vel, 14 aieso of laItmeeting *sedmilap. -Pron1. Taylor, Bmi-mconger.asin- îîtïtket by.lavw, altovbng mas-abaitI andl crs tg-&coaiei - PotNious a"king for thea rmissiaÇof thet*tazia c Mansbce acuatMs, ~Patidocn cf 'l1ots"8lsel sashing we be hea bdote tise euvseiLit Dr. Bogsst bro'ighî isnlis.repiotof tbm conmumi "àpon lwe 6psoany, anl suhmitlid tisI a e5le fer lb. town 0c0t 'hi hoogbîtirm the D4ïp erBttofor 450 ; NO's. '*0 mut20, (nota J,'& .Ty le or 8270 (#80 cff for oasI); NX44 11Y 1,21 An &t reanGolei, h oCîbc for $220, 8240, M20 &bd t85, repe- tllvely, vtth 10 or cent. off fds euhb1 terts, for, #900 cash., 1 The comuâtil hbad i senthee sire ta tise' marial building, No, 1 Wo Jno. Saunidenc, at $150 ; No. -2, Taylor&h Cd. #100. The comanlthee recouiendec paymeoi o! Ibm amaonts o! WV. Mithiemoas,22; Wb. Pt. P. S . B Coq' S00.15 -oant T. Sanby,874. Tisa saorI vas amaucted by striiog cul the finit 'clause of tie report, andt s-elirring il b'mok tàte m amîtte recomanuthIe purobuse of #moepar- liejilas fa sudI eau aopIq,, Tu ALT5.stars SAit*àAY. Ndgro.aseb it ltas -* etinmaitta co.t ho!t "io.N 4 aboov, 'éoy lims-emecas Blow," Hamun aur. Bogmsl, b a ppointute 10draft and for. yard aa mmoSw athé seDoslaloa Goe'- trmos, p 4uhog iaI isthare ah RItvyi ba ot gratttet, - udith$thtle ,charter asisailfoi y he s.OnîaroPuai- tia Jonction Raml1at hob gsitq, me., Eoldea wras boaard Ieoalt cneunil, motd-*Cte motion wvisa aje uaaimoualy. ane iteid bt thliea s d atas comit, tb hainatimucted tc aitfoi t4en oris 1iolning tb. siraefl m~ no tawape le beighotoeven lise %o! Jane ans! tIse thI 0tSp.1 ÇLrIê on mehicca of -Mr. Slow, M. R(unea taxes for 1880 v*e* amlltcd. NOV mc ne tluD tloke, uVeai ibai lames Siielisba boartd iera ibm council. Lom&. ivisixGIr man av-nAians On motion ai Mr. N;os. amecontet by -Ms. Kelley. à commilaces Of Mesers. Iilow, lliasaam santhIe mayras aap. peontt orevis. ths by.laws. of tht corpration »dcnt .vule. eut regola. 11Dmttirî Coauncil vili a vlev tb ba log Ibm pniatft.ý Mr. Dunkley, cecoiteit y Dr. Bogart, lasirotucet a by.lavW goamant ley-h4 ., 11. ttby mlafti 1 olthe gh of litas zotabers î lb. copil, ane cf îstt.vabebngosalimaca b. el. paovemaent 'mmaigte." EyIe.retm:t CauÃ"acl1 itjoumed aietees'lc. Pgaazomss-t. It<auvaiax.-The inaugà:rallof !Paiei uieSlc pliasat w bSuiotPslilay vili lia caaalatd'hy -Propiâ.aaî' ('t" anmd econanet by tlb. anale, is eompose oftbe Iollovimg tBlle.8crotaty o! '"te; WodcasiTretmar;-,Jaues, Iary o! hlt aseror;-,Lincoîn, Boes- tory of lie Nas-y. tac X Osmru abuis>' lut anoh gis-. Ing otice 10 mOlas-tisa sov frooi -the wnalla.. Thaso wbo bas-e net obsyat, os-tors batlbelles- do se asdsas- Tmp Sui: WALK l e iBay, hime i - LANu vs-i tt hieTorob o p£sêàlattas, Ibnki'ng lbe ailitas andothers ferIr i sceepicnandiS eé Iraelefr th. auêpIjii g o o. laient the colnç euon I.s@ta" of ca Tam MAEE? on-Satatia>' JsutanVa -*en attend, .emlus!tngth ie -elalbOf- lite mails, Prisserangeai for , 10 10 18 ceuIs :'lutes-, 20to* o etei Tttu LtMof ffiroe t -on e. N enuter. aS ale<ghe a dthsilaetetaîl nratbild adsia flvlê b-aaaa. l' eab -! Th 14eretvû-f o1.t fo the ibs mp fcâào to i Tiset mitoeplut fori neteeDomminion puhilsiait during unit mites-lait harnieat. Tiaresunqouîionably la Verl ion- ciderabl'e Increasl e lse sage a88ilr vist ta lm 0ovs- l8? epedailylu tie fal vieaî gsowtoq eotttea&bd tie styics foisliter. andicalct-a vs- lan, ge aurplu. oves- th o! priavios yor -a hfsftau slrqisS-b0 undit il as cott*S.nil atçpa ia ils. tie»urlus for- export '(outacrop of 18w ontd Ias'geiy axceel liaI o!1187. 'AIlvieaeoneait'iili*ea tride o! Canada areawaaré istIshIe imat bulk o c f s al vl wh usos-heleit c.a e -ol nevigaloma. ýlà, soYÂ-.1 the *ps-lg vOamt mpnndlam tise -et . 18m0 va à iatsdtâalta (lure. flis at* geasesally admitteit. thast teaix màonhi s min8 80mhJane, 1lm.,the Dominion ai a viol. baiunoatSphos te exýpori i' & i Uhkoe y b mpomt more anheel anSdfgous lien it muaexporl ; hence eus- net exporte for yes- eudimsg 801h ,une taxi, steauns. 10 proveoimucb les inctesd cf hsing larges thon iu lat wus, acso coofidently anicîpaa., "miàgthsuoui oet *axport. for juar ening, It ou ue, 1881, vill ual Vary mta-ily irons lb. qamtit>. abois o 1- hbitai for thei si mantisendiag om feembmr, 1511, tisa acosparisen vili prenions yaarc viii sImnd as fotlows: Net Exports, aqumi hur.: Wbas, 187-76, 1676- 77. 1878-79. 1879 8tbd'18"0. 5.58(,510 5.89.8078,586,667 8,113,668 Sboving the quautity o! Bmsleya'ymo Barley Malttipiarltedloto and ex paîrtei (sons the Domiinion cf Canmadt, durinic lie six months aadhtsg 8a" Desamies,- 170 M,6 18,61 The *0lexporte for lté si*<astit amdaing 80h lame m.lBasly anit-Malt toalvth i ps-eliblb ab ot ltv miline h - b.lc, or thlie viola yasr, about ss. nS-ua!million boihea. Foi~~ l"apup , o oopwaovt forma moeth cu*at iafolvo exportecro.tro rp o!1875, vereo tie luait mlfa-lth hitory clii. taail.. Nelb exp1 1orte of B-loy aid alt,(rei -lte Domsinion o! Canis, -fos th e yimsa endlng 801h JUDO.e- 187545. , ~- . -1877-78. 1JuiL s.OG. lu may J3ty uirenlarhout faUilo. modl at« llr urrocl, estimolawlt.e Barley >arop e »&@t Caadalom8M0asfrot oun le, Iwo tmillon blsamionsIh" cf 1879, bul mct -qui@ up 10 It of 1876. 1I"tiahat the ienal ssutiop hooOt liane nxtwilà"iw si e EGREUT: L LAWDER. WIllbv, ?Ib Maitb, 1881. 1tho.Do4-01Hob.for iwtae$lc-vhlu 1 hope* puwatt&iadly pablimlgimi At lUo m'look lis flnos Ibm tle.. teaaut. Goviruor .lî!t Goeanument RHsiouoiphlned by Capt. Geddiu, A. D. 0., 'Ideut-Col. Deaison, Dmputy TAt an-Glnerlandl LieuLl. t.al- àbdp loddoteia Lagsslve lAmmbly, emcorlcd by a dattobont of lb. Govormor-Geatasaîs boaly-guard, 27 otrong"üb'dettisa ooamand ofLiuts. nomsant ma.1 '-T.., mua Wlueo vuba moutteil, sud lookeal ezà.eingiy wo r& b! th. Fieldt Baltery, anusr ovavae ndoru s i àle gad tient.-GO ., raqissslsjtht tlie> làe cbo«ment vahhr, con saqusntly theré vis o ilia-ydspa.The, attend- amcm in tbe'gmllonlaa à? thse Hua. vas amalh~"îAlpog ieprisent..,on, tbm -oom*f ite Hjume vus. noticeil hbaýfol.' llog .nnmt;ý-Ohauelor Spigget, Mr. Justice Psteroon, Via-Gouasal Rooney, Sherifi Jarvis, ax.Atd. MceMur- nay, Vice Consul for Nlea!vy sud Siae- don. Hâ ic caor bolng sati on the, Ohroaa. Tbe Clarkt Assaltnt-t heu oal the tilles of Ieiil sfolboans 1- Ais sott la muhorisa 'the Ttnstemm cf1 St. Andrewns Cbnscb, Williamtavn, te Bell certain land. Au Ad to smendthebaAcîs rampacling Ibm Yorkvifle Loop Line Bailvay Com- paMy- An Act to inlboriza lb. Trustees of the Union Obusci, of Pari Coîborue ta mail certain lands.- At mot leo incorpoatae Ibm City o! SI. Thiomas, Au Act te ffaonitIheitcIo- incorpor- Mle Xnoz Colage. ten AUl leorganilb. the utlclpallîy cf ettiig.i Âa Ad rem«peaogîhe Canada Vort- gage Ag*ncy (iMitd) AA hello omaolldmte ltaeilebt cf thé An Act f6 piovldi for lb. sale o! tb, rctory heu.m anda"'lande 1llooging te Sî.'obn' al lu he i.tovbmhip o! tendion, An Ad bgoineorporale the St. Cather- bases andl Nagara Contre Raitvay Oom- Ao Act rempocliarg St. Paulm C0isusis, in lte tovDocf Woadatock. An Aef ho trases'tisa securills. ai th. Angle Cauièia Morggage Coin2- Compmnly <LiAit)ýj An Act reptl tng tise Hamilton soit' Dutas OL ; Illlay Company. Au Act 19 amandt Is.,Iinorerl- iug tl AIte c0g,39 rasLad Drainage CampsMt>. An Adt o ae nathle sease-l Acta se- laling to tii ercute Grey' sud Brdca Rmlwuy Coopany. Au Actelrespadling tle diletune tebt o!f teé County o! bimnoe An Act bo amandtheb Acts nrelming tu tise Crédit Ville>' Railwuy Compansy. An Act la amandthlie Ac t I incos. porato Roman Cambolie Biuhepe ef To- routa ant Kingsbon, in Canada in emeb Diocesa'. Au Act anmlgamizing lisePort Douer anti Lake fhuron, and Geongian Bay, mut Wellington Roane>' Cempanieu, as Grant Trunkt Géorgien Bay anit Lmke Brie Rsllvf ogCmpany'. An Aml îupacting Watèr ans! au Works At Parhdmic.e An Adt seopecbing tise Pbonix Fine Insitrance C-.ofo!Ontario. hpA d Act t lacorporate lb. Port RosaIs and Durci Rive as- ailv'Cens. pao,. An Adt rosemclng lie Por-tRoa andIJ1 LaIsbioreRatlvay VompanY. An, ActeIo %end lic lime ferilthe ocaapleion t t a.Brie and Huron Rallay. An mi b s-sof at e naiyppl. o6f R.El. Disco, ýtIse propprly tisarein eoimpsisel,a mo baulisosize tbm cale aidlteming Ibîreof An Act respecting the Midlmnil Rail- va>'Y of Canada. AAt a epîctiug tise W),tiby Port, 'Pas-r>' t dLlatdmayRBuay f6tuptny. Acello ebangei-beumame of 'dm lova of Otliflon h liai cf iagaraFaits. An Ac tc oincorpor-a"he .Teronto BaphisIoud-go., is %tasc SAu Acttu, *anblthe uteto Bétehi ICopregaticu, of lbe lova et Orapgevile,-to coeu certain bauds. , An- Act'-bWincoroai.thi Faderai Pis-e lncaanue Compaty, o! Onlarlo. 1 u hoAt te auoriza tisa Lawn Sci of buttas-jo ta aditlFrmni H.v BEcies ad & Banîewtlclr.-La. Ait Am t beosposte tise Westear ad-Doffiu'o CreekRallnm. An AmI $0 thaio eiiVilleof 0h d rspfing tflâ PlaeEdurdi AU AcIte oamenadthe.Act respectlng Ibm sale ans! muufmpmanl cf libes- on public lande. - An Agi le give bétail rstability te motoîl Ose lusuranca'eospaniis. An Actlte mtend ha 1mlew respacîlng Ibm segislrtion o! birtbe, marriages, dontib. An Acè le fusIler provid. for tIe-e certain cass., An 4 taxtasdlb.povemu cf Ibm W =vScclt ttppes aniaa, -4A o -l &Wafortibcr provision -ae- statiasli Centsa-ahPrsn, lte An- dw Marcas<llmlo1cm ealay for for Foutaiss, and1hé Indatutrisl IRefuge foi Girls. - An Act ébeteil Ibhépowarm' fo! au- Au Ad leinoorporat lb. SaulI te. Maris Railvay Comapanyi 1An ActI b frIbes amenilthb ovismit ýSltolue recpecting Mortgageu end Sales cf F'erions! Properly. Tht Municipal Amendoint 'Act of The Aseemenî Ameudmeni Act o! 18É14 An Act rspecting thm àppointmenî e! guartisus t natis. . An Act to regutala the fias of certain cifiners mot athers. An Act boprivent theaupreait cf Ibm Yellow arounti pesuh, nectainendmo other Irees. An Act olae md tIm livsecuring le vives and abiltren tbe benefit et assur- anca on Ibmelives o! thair lbobands mut parents, An Act respecîiug aidtot certain rail- 0 tbasm Bilis thse Royal Assant wus monounamd hes. lerk o! Ibm tagisîmt- ive Ausembly, in lb. !ollavlogvwordm : lu Rn Eer Mejey'e nama Hlm He1nor 0i LiaultenantGcveroor dcth tuent te the.. Buis: Mr. Speakto sit May if >ieuma oser Hanor- We, ber Majesty's mesl distifol and hsilti mbjecîs, the Legictative Assam.- lily cf the Province cf Ontarilo, la ses-l sion ascembletl, approacitTo'ur HIona 'r 14tbe aloce cf eusý laitons vitb seni- meut t1 t-ia1nd. 'devetion ,msd 1Loy- a àl lo rmajaper@on anil Gev- emmoent, aisl d mly beg teopreqeat for Tens Honoor'm accaplanci s&Bili intilul- @d "An Ac d frgrmting 10 Bis Majesty certain sums oh money te dainay hbs ex- 'pensas et Civil Geverumýent for lte yaar 1881, mod for cibar purpases Ibaremu montionat ," thos planing etthIe tispoasai o! imcrovo tbe meansý,by wbicb Ibm Goveromen au an haide efficient ton tbm service and vehfare otbe Pravicce. To tiblaBill, tbm RoyalaRueot vis annoocoet by thm Clark of the Legimia. liii Asseastlt, an tb& followine wrd :- "*gis HonanrthIe Lieut. Goveroor, totb thak Han Majesty's tutiful mat loyal subjietkacmelaI their benavoee, mut asnant ta tbis BllinH3 b1 jst1 livr te flloingspeech: GeasUemeaof tho Legi8ative Amem- ""M»" ho tiocberging yen iranstua-liter aI- teutansea et the presnnb ima trous yens Legielatina tuies, I bine le thank yen for tbm samefol an-I lMotias attention yon liane iscelomilupen lihe large u'aount etfisasinemc li asimuié brouit brifos yen. I *hatl Dot fail ta CRUtheliattîention etflise Dominion ,Goîermanî 10 lie'- remolutionm ini vbicisyoo bave once mor potaetl ogainsl lb. detliaI e b ataanplace lu lbthecogiion sd conirmia7 cf tie-avardw sraby, se Inn* siuea Ihe ihbrd -'day e! fA" etl 18,78, Ieo nosirti>'sulesel;bat aris o f Ontarlc ve. clièrmineit ae your cordial support leo>'y Goves-' meniasi s ep. l May b. nicessmry ho tala. tOa CUlm thelb.Avis-cl, sud tlai accntdntmaluhain Ia' sud lgt ai doaoftbe ProvincO-e. 11 Tis -sgstafo o lsemsaots»lde mua"s-esof 4muahi teresu lÏd mu oport. anaisi, ns! vhichis Ibave, no îlobi ii hi feunàd, y axpeiîne le coritace lamgly le ltb. vellare cf tise pia The AcI eonoclitîng lie Supericr syssean o! Plmaitgan» a-molitca,' md maig furtier ps-os-lstp (or Ibm ail. usiusmtmtin~c Jctie.Mars-ha n-v aata lié istosy cf judicalse, - motj" vîlI, White aîmpmiin R logat psCïeatn, rendes-jusie morem memily accessible ta, anilassieea suic The follpwing are iaougt tlb. mcml fnuportanti l"uset eus-auliamentary sumînary. thm put womk :-Petlioine woeoprmainle4 from tbhentgiliia mbmi.' boldats cf tha Norhiiorit Balirea com- paityi proteslg agaînst 1hé pssggcf ,ho -Northboro ailroad 7Amendaient. At; tbe-cecond firam tbe Xerhmn Bailroad, prayiog that tbm Ontario and Pacifie Junotien Qcmpauy's Bil. may oclbacome 1mw ; and tIbm 1usd freai certain electeors' in Middliesex, praylng lt atbey'boeoistad ho migrale le the North-West Tmrritosy, bmsing thbel, op- pllaIJwupu' bmpolloy of- lb. Gev.- ennoient Jo aidinq Englfsb and l Bo- pean esigrens te coma te Canada. "Bills" warm iutraducad incorporating the--Nor-hmrn,-Sorth-Western, muai Sault Ste. Mariae ailway Compa, anil almothe Acadiata Sîeamsbip Cool. pa, The Minisler of Justice almo Jo. Idcéd à BM te smnd Ibm Actrés-' peetig lb.AndtoW*Marnai'-Ontaxio R,,Jefonmat.ory -for Pemales ad the Central Prison of Ontario. The Minis.- ter of Agriculture laid' bis iinnual re- port upon Ibm tabla. A resolutiou making better provision for tho inspeo- lion cf sîmambeats ana hoilaro was pasai in Commitlea, andl afterwsrits a Bill introducat hy Ibme Minister cf Marine fndet upon the mime. Sir Leonard Tilaey intreduced a Bill rmspectiog certain Savings banks in Ontario and Québec. In Committaa, an lntmrosting debata on the Ministor cf- Agrictdtflrei Bill1tb am4nd Ibm Piant Acai 18'12 bokplace, This ih a Bill propoming te namove dartain patents wbicb bave lapsait by-reson o!- Ibm pâtentea's negligence. A vigoraus amsultîl on the Bibi was madi by 1Mr. Thomas White sod Ms. Mactoogail, among other Minimîerialists, tbm resaIlt af Nibicb was precipilaleit by Mn. Blae's ceustie crlticism, ail Ibm Bill was net adoptet lu' Commitleean d prognes enly was reported te eneble. Ibm Minister tea enend. it Ih o sea r- ticulars ta Meat Ihm abjections imata. *On motion ta go loto Soppty, Mr. Anglin, in a' brio! speech, cnitieil Ibmth Dominion Go#emnmehtlas tare 'in Ibm misppropialion for' Ibm Irisb relief vota cf lt eyar, ant nrgîd Ibel forthhr pipera reapecting lbe milles b. brought down, Aflar roes, several Pnivato Bills vere atvanced t s stage, eoeong wblcb vas Ibm Ontarioanmd QuéeceaRail- *ky Compiny's Adct f Ioconponttion, vbieb ît tbrobigb Commiteo! Ibe Wbole. TIIhe eate ou tbe metion te go loto Commuttes of Supply vas me- uewed by Sir John Macdonalt, wbo tefenild etIbm overnmenfe course. Mr. hBake clearly sbowat Itbat the Gov: eromant -had. teliberatelypermittedt ha grant ta be oset in Ibm manoor wbicb Ibm Heuso tesiredtel proveut ils beiog used. Portier remarke were made.by Mn. Mille aot Mn. Angtio, turing wbicb Ibm latter requasîed the production cf au important Ordan in Ceuncil, wlîicb cont.aioed evitmntly Ibe kay le Ibm Gev. erumenî'a myserlous' candocl. Sir John Mecdonald refusai-dthebapiper on tbp ga-ouni thial il was confidentiel. In Commitîme of Sopply, Ibe voles for the improvomenla cf barbours ent river,. uretging, sites anilbooms, routa and bridges, télégraphe, &c., un- der thb ipbad cf public wvaandt build- luge changeable le incame, amothIb votes for militia and scientiflu lostitot- ions, marine bospitals for sicit mnt di hreeed sesmen, teauuboat inspection, supprinlentanoe of insuranca compen- les, geological mrvey, ant custems were passed. Monday, lie etemnoon vas taken opt vitb s discussion on tIbm OrsI crdîson1 the papas, Ihm 1h10! rmmdlng o! the On- tarte and QuboRaýway Bill., Tbree a meodmenits. Wo5i offemed, ivo cf whicb varsetouI îna vole, sud Ibm Ihird wvas declareit loch on a- division.- The Bill vas mmmad a Ibird limeasond pîset. Saveri coher Privalm BUis vire e; vanoat a stage, and, amngsî atbars, Mr. MécCaîhy's SuultBsailwey Bill Ma' rtadi a secandtlime and niferrmd te Ccmmilîeo Ibthemvming a débats oocm. ejlh teokplace on Ibm mot. ionUn.,Mactouell ([nvernesis), tedist contsinue the officiah sepoÃŽtntsg, 'aheIbm colose cf thp.prfiaent session., MsJoues-< o! t-lràifax, proposedait e atheb.mot-: taool- bom', and .hipoclaîingrAbtbal1e20 member shahhbava oppestonity cf me- a vision. Msî.,Lentry rsoposed an am-1 antiomot providieg for saîîimmary onlyv cf, tb.espeechesm biig tmkon.- luInbeh 'iliscueio it vas évident hi't u bmop- a Inlan of a large. nombes cf tbm membirs" the présent arrangement lu fer fnom a perfect, bot ai ne -practicable methot a ofsuzpmaniziug was preseeo healIbmssa cf thIb nm oamas lu tavor cfa& contin. é DAT WoKTNG o Oiri xe., O ,The ifoing'partinlrm relating te the meett-sa of Johnny Skaa, a form- ar Osha'wa boy, is copied Ircin1h. Carson City.Appeai, Smo Frmaiieiso Ilitie more Iban lwoatmrmnca Jobnny 5km., whom everybody knows, weuld vieil <Carson saverat imes a mentu, ami asob.pmsmed clown the streaI frea m he ilsoad depot, witb an independeot swagger and a more inde- pendent leck in bis, eye, men would "anviously,'gAU -'f.-imandeïp-resu their convictions IbaI lie. wootd moon outstrip mny singlé e2pber cf 1the Bonmoza firm in . te -possession Of mil. lions. -This-iras when Blara Nevada- aod Unionwermeloing-,at from $2609W Io B80 par aliam naStiwas abp- posed tu hcld ,000 shares cf I tocka cf Ibose twc m:in1ie.ALt bat period ho .woold have limO ne difficnlty in realiz- iog 810,000,00(7id cool goldcoin fer'bis steck ; but nô, ha waa tmbitioli4 and -deiired no lenger taplay second Mdla aven te sncb a colossal financial pqwem as Ihm Bensoza fimm. Ha faocied Ihat _the ptasectiia dividende of Ibm Sierra aav ndmi Union Conmolidmted mines would ba grealar by Icofoidt han Ihosa paid by Ibm CafornisanmdÇeonsolidahad Virginia minei:--Johnoy' was over- sanguine ; ha imagiomd bsmsalf a hon- - drat-millioneir, wbose millions worm safaly deposited in tbm bowea of Ibm enntb. 0f tuha iefeît cartait,. In tha matima ha aolerlaineil bis1 friands inragai aî9lm. Me inviteilthem " Sat Francisco te participate inpmltogly. esh and champagne sopporEi, wbicb wmna sprédd eas Ibmhere ir o fef bm Virginieatt Golil HMi Water Works,1 fromn wbicb Ibm loscions irott- wae 1 tekeo,,èçd in .varions oýther wmys ex-i tentad ie ishospitalty tafriands Join b a mannes Ibat lbey privmtaly callai him -Prince John." In Ibm midast cf Ibis, howaver, lha Oid one an!nkh nsd' tb&ýha~ a in wtfliogUO,O 0 .iù,bondd' àpon bis> wife Bqo1 e1'iýïlia b . stock eLthe was ourel to rsaeh a lamm esi ,0 e iaue, lha hypothacaled Ibth~e ldotolhe1 Neàvats Bank, aud pnrchased sevese.l thousant sheres cn a margie., Soom bmreafter tha mmarket crashe, adit 'A wes net long baera biostmockvas quot. idat$0 IafOnd 860 par sharè. 0f course that nearly mmmnd Blia; bol being a mûuifof nervi and desirous of retrieving bis loi. e ppcmtunily, ho weot ontabhting-ibn-stocko,,wbicb aib na lime migbittiieplaed bhum in an enviable independanùt positien, unlil ho lest ailIt ha ihlait mmvad from tbm first hblow ; aniilis aven àsal a tI Ibmý 8250,000 which hoe sittled, ion lits wife wantth bway o! Ibm rasI. NwJhn Skaa is in Arizana, in place uf'livlng Jo luznry andl superlative-,elegmne,* eek:- îug a Bonsoza, whicb be probably wl never fiod. It le only, once in a life- tima it aone man iin s million ios'O an- cbmntingly smilat opon- by fortune as4 Jobnny Skie wms lwa and a bah Yats i Tng aisH LuADN Or THE BOERS.- The Times says :-Thè Irisb:man dem- cribed theba oief adivisor of thb- Boar commatuder la Alfred, Aylward, ferI soe lima connectait with James.Stap- eus, Ibe. Fenian bead-centro. A conres- - pondant metml'iîm in- Natal> after Ibmh Zola wa-r.- Aylward muid Ihal ta, meting cf Ibm Feian Cent-ral Com mit-,a tee, Stopheos-prasiding, ilwailecidod i-- ta ammasseinate tba tata Lord;-May,, Cbiéf Secsaîary for-Iremnit, as La pue-- ta aLlakChauler Caie'forIbthepur- ' pose of precorloq arme.- ylward Ihought Ibm lime inopportuna, and a.in format èl oimuhle tba lié'hé bol' ioform Lord ,,Mayo o! hicsidanger.. - h "ard ant n'o'te tOLera my@.%41lsig1 him neo qpis lthougb the CmmIl-yarfl a at by àsymniau ai 'a, bnformmêraitd avenoedin two placas. 'Whbsi' ha te- a coveailhi was placail audit polico pro. 'a loien, soit jtccepteidan offer-of mon.y il rrom Ibm secret servicé fond, on ccni-- tili o obis> -ieîving 'Ibmhe.isounitry., --o a emiàt ta, South Afries- an d wmm. 'a he m es vain hm ±ur--- Boire, bifir -stail AI Itbe figlil at b gernug viti tise teers md'op bise-i uc ed 4ta the authos o! '4The Tril Ha 'was op ho quite b < WaelWitla'0s5a -Mrm t Onii, te- .isl. Md 'ývacat WITE Nam NEcEDMOCArTE op RCOVE. An accdet oco m nmonday et Bmy, Olaricis Contyi whih àprovedI te b.eone of -Ite monteilmorardinary cauas ever recorided in thé- himlory oE mnrgery orýmedialjriprudeDce. jas Gaupei FràahoÏ-mnadiin' employai as Bamey'o Mlii, feit Item a trestle abOut tiwelve' foot tc thé gronnd. Afier reccv ring fobc shock renultîng Ircai lb. faIt ha ,w*s uaue 10 mcvm hlm hosud, Dr. Bdwadm, attendmng phylcin, isoverd ialhbte teck *64 dimlooa ud nme of tbe boues -brokeù;bu i ws videt>i bat tbe spinal col mo Lad flot; bain mevered. The dodosremet and potthbmfractured ock in position, >and seb about devising moeans 10 6put il Jin placentil -the brôken bones and ctmmd ligaments attiiïtb7 omacnite.To Ibis enid-a mnmlin bandsgà IbreG itebes wide irswrappm tgbLY arountheii teck, aid 1toil vera attmched Iwo luge, one on mither Bide. To IboeIs. arepe was fastensd: and rnn over a pulley fixed tele.m ulin of therocai. A buoket wms souspeoded, et Ibm othar endt cf the repo, suda in il wmre placed vazi ous weigbtoi noe ual tbm paient cau adjuel Ibm oolrivance a. occasion May r :uieby .simply reaehing te Ibm anke sd ramoving or addiog une or _two weigbts. Re remakes io a Sitting poature, and slwnld ainy slighit chauge of position occux thm tension cf the hope w tll li support the weight cf tbm ba.WiIh theso appliances for hi& mupport, Ibm unforlonate mat willbave le. romain pr&ctically uibmthesame posi- tion util lbe injurmd parts become united or dmath ends thecase. ErPoàns'Or IMRcTRat (TTLE.-Sir ,Alexander,,Caniell read,-a telegrean tramz 8fr'Alaxan&der GIaltmtiiog Ihal Ibm ,steamer City o! Londm,4from Hali- Ifax, hiad keen etopped in $ie Thames on accono f tbe caIle bmisag infecled ,with foot mandmoouhdimeame. -The steamuer had ocnvmëyed Infmcted caIlle F! -of i aI thi ai M D ce xb Isyàftmzn AT Osamwàë.-Tburslay =vetiglb"çyofle a mile Cbild- Wu ,oun lasver-cleeî n l. W anth a e! Bdwin'Hlluelt, booa4keprAunin- quiet vasbitlit-al e iajnry - red Ibm follovbog nerit*:-Thim jury, u tb. evideaica proilmiei 'boee t gays iI lb mil maa chl'*di'on thea esir f B Ed in H lal, O a i a , sa ho l i ,e a a b:y1 io en e il s l e ! .by Som'e rcon unkunwn le ajr Bu$tIbIs -jury io! lb. opinion 1 tb*&, Ms!y Calte-, late luin theoipboy o!fB Hml(.'Mry chr la roms New- saille. Si. lefît ain c al ubknovn. Thea ippuation of lthe Gesman Em- pire. mccoïdting tha "recet gênn sl t5;474,172'.Ia1871 W i'vs 41,028.095 and iii 187,,42727,880. The c.-the o 'bmBritish army, whicb 1fr. Obhilders. fosebadovei lutsJ sataient in bisa <ommoncin Tis. dey nigbl, are censiderlble, sud ira as- pectedtho effecl a yesrly snxng in, irèaI Brilsin m-anitia" of - 250,M9 Tumfa cKATAnomioz.-The cos-on- ars'iy-là the casa o! Msso.,, ixliay. iegêtis e e the nichimo! an 'abortien,_ ilt Lyndan,-Ont,,bave salurnoil a s-as- liaI O! -muÏdes mgin8îtithe prisoner,

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