Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Feb 1881, p. 4

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-laoto. iheaUtcfahir i1» iini s hape, Tu otm aurl gixuwftearsi se, placite cacp wberé na' koala saulights pataw, dom aueh lojured. belayp&y" ilw&hod àn1mc vaetîsida, porchace, But al etetr for a avol eal. Deaay or PU qeVy tii uît, or .o.'. .irgo&i arias $« par4ffl tau, Wi. héMlle vi13lla Wlb Ti b M"14 or affeccion"I'loei, .Wb&,t boom tsa he itm1h, la o ant the1 0011? l'lie vol edlove wili boear th. e arfor- o'ri. Ail a heprectoasporolan n te flie, O a loi. lb. fragie dtriluga of the U ye, liiMalle petit pure Iremareaproudadu Tho (mrit ant itîle iribloont ame litâtlt Drtail Otherougb touch 1Dono imogain gte,, OInce goule, or perfect trou or feiarleas lu prayer and patience mou.e i whfle y. livs J, ô te, i itback lualae WARSAIL: A Christmuas Story. Pira 1 it la always a fearful sonn- hioftl earfoi wben àftcroi uleepersu thair bod@, or talla on the sars cf those Whao hava. gone down ta the ses in shipe; yet il vas fearlui onough nuw-lo euhl the arir1la of the risu-elers, te b lanoha lths faces of th. womsza, aud malete man's lbeat,. boat hbik. At irut'boere *a@ a gi*gt boula, a cai silence, and Iien 4grec. £ babel Cf toiss, shrueka baivies.,0 a n sthonersWà$ a grea dteatbt. ail the oeil éi o h rooi, lhe faribeal iom b ot-obail bease luire. Tih. Bti..bad unot mch tnsaary sauyoroeon ai of 1he, suow 1an the thatob, bat' whenaver lbey sangl tonfis o. aiod-dry raft.rob.- taatij& hhere votidb. a hond crache snud a bares, ant'i aower of apaîks 64las 1k, sarss ln the ïky, and burin brattdoshoot ep,1k. -skirackets loto the air ; fusai clonde ofai moke, hhik Sjanal murkytilield away in h.avy mon- eau-hrea.lngsgaaof ithe étant pcv- ireti; aaisntived aboutinla sart af be- wlor sked-qvc7 u. gvBoe atdrso .,a 10tuthlnk of atition. ,It a is 4snob a ilsue tbai. 1hîtutu ir preicace oainam mti wifl mey al pforhi aton"e tu lake cauanwgn4 d thé lia dterl .8silair Dîvk va. nov tho'mat iilhot . 'ilocao oiong, lada.," aald- ho,"Lot'* tu work, K4g agaat l iolàwg o»'t pà uni the flue'. 1 am au cld irelîman, ad jnaaî licou me; now al yon ibhalohers brizik< laulderi andti hcle, nd make a gra'at gp in th. roof belore the ftawea, Fe as te ki11-the flure , yon labourera gel, lttiulîuslanti wei blauket tapreati Lver thiestacke udloi ucke, miyofb ald 4er areb-out lhe Catlle ýth ie ld' sliei If tiera b. a n omaie' aonc?'paii F&ou aaW ai th bà a epend, a-au d an p vaar asefail Mu701 Cani - Il be, uaorai Vrios Iheau vi eo randai ,: Evar~y *nce oogntadet aioncelie h roaao"sbieaget of th aidera, sud sel *bout Ita carry liel ont. "lThere shonullboa esaiu goevsry mUwUthén ie moi" 'Vi ýIbe captag l isbche bal. ga4,'satd aid Rît-. ~Autiinooe dd d U obt ob" ihiaindiwb atba 1ii.af 4zi 1êuS lui. inoy &bat lac ws ufder tirgecnal V'il linch allr eer salcb-aad boa"icu î: I-r,'oa lîe1gno~*hlcb -vas in trvli o'mon. r i balb 4*W44adIll ake Charge 'Of hl, aa la. Ti.dmame, hearing lia. directions giren, anoved quiekly la issue au Il g r',nireu-buc4ete and pais 9vt'. alid fari a niaqlie;sdwbeausiret, .4 bedî1sacha smore, enongiteowrap nid warp uaY onyfrshcoog panera. Utsisi fPatrices, Tb*.vr tc r ganîseti soda elseveti prorl, Tier pkehîninary puesaul oat v eto edl caarfd ot i ;t I ola. erson t w» on tii. ricei, and. anestocai a i tae àeet j (pointe vfth, boketsreadytl qoencb the li reti .prk aitdoce.Lnckily tlr fr03»lhsalovcy. d . u hàoi v Ma Ahie ebaverestian vent an, e@iata.nd Bnci malt CoNfhoiS Se Shc UUEeulUg toiIqSrd la calaieveîy Word,.aaînoltIs oitso»n pll&z ul" Doi n Clyou k thla.enraie va. saY' equfor ici tàn bt nera I i elxuoWg about 1he cap-lie cap, exheinal. 15 cures ain linl vim wtia Lihy, andi 'swas brougiý -or Dcv!.., SrETk alwUluetla, dovat, andt hi enraie apri»a it, and thbAsc a15 ( moit 'Lwas ausgicail vaîly as aIl Tiegar.'.BleIW and.-ear~ rov anti nov le. niglat, Whou peai Guyy andu." «Brw a - sav 4h. lie burutng ne fiercsly aveu r l acknavlodgsdr4th ie Ipat e lias biambîr viere 'twas k.pt, h.oitr,-nio dul iies orisltt hati iandi ubo lil-deeda lxro W&ti venu hommcd, nti uhadlie sinhd- every faaily bandy $*oi us wýuý beburnd, ud &at ie aoul wb v wntai te rcehlyin lie busS b41 Itiet and i laaanred for breacltb o niy l e l arb lrutansd ho rusied avay 1kê uad." ?aa A sa 'ii u nlnck oeurnce.,btïln ý faïslebyÈlýtast 'ta*jul 11 hm. owetervo ah . * - eaosu hal ha. happeneul; meau- Consomption ore liane, let as hoesantitrust." n Tieue vas a Ili lnov ; te voukm hati ý aard &iai tic yeoman, vas rlb rh ionsm, aunt hin canltig beddans vilîsi vegelable = t te oi e e m lie îýîéty va.donbiiul. B o ianIhç, Me atialn3ehseseas1 I Env smpt .1 - M 14 r vas, overy sounti I Rvcry crack l> is he ans, a m~a itej an lladi raftera vas supposeti t&0Iii sraak O*_, sur gioal-otcry gust oet ctoke abilli)« uaîv'pvesl 144àaA f asS Rs Atlist oug Pretty Tenmmy, vho badil .1 lt t il. dtsy te maklt lkuo hois féot teiata tairoase. r:sbdont &bout.' ai feIv.~ta M"Tibnky'acorning, îbey've gai na1" ' »udp oeG te 611viaodes mTek-o-hnk Qed," vws lie là u4ht I.di, a ui$vuraal exclamation. Prescntij~t' hb &. t5aby, lmli tva mca emeuged ftram the honune, saanaln tis W~r, -. . bcarung lb. yeoman beiveen lieun, ap- 19ea5P5Jc~fT ~ paretliy senselas ad llfsheus. There va. s rush made at once tevauda bina, rdetays i- bai 4be vicar meticoed every on.ebak, The validily af Mu. Hayes' titis uaal.- rApaqnesttoced. anti il. admtinitation &aYaai gtaI lthe hreng vonîti eppuase elo W a epcn Io.jla aaît -lc-ep s li tra bin. Th dsu ids.a1~i t te an.hatlof oPr, PIereu already Matheu mnsround bina atlen Me&ditscove sud antiilatmlnis vâamsnuumuring, 'Guy, G --My dê tetion eun yqr blc eilhl0184 lac .a Guy.'-mny aear aId bhu i, cau' tlainoeghe ad, olalulcaa.ààpi6,at apek-o, -ou renoshur-heis etgeaUrdebila for ieadlng phystolias o mpca-ebpouare ol bui-e imnelail achools onz use the Disooveut anti pro- "No nias-an,"gays Jsmes, iao've only - .0-- ivounàdt. laan'i vs botter," ho addti-Mlsablences. eti, tuinixag taelihevient, *"iake n maie Tii. montvendetta! anti martelousn ec- iute tias epen anti OnU etthé v-sp I ap c409. a, t aa.vaasros£Ssc by tie arbear perhaps vonlib. the. hntag avap fboul a conditIon -cf issiable- be t 1 lace" a aU h.v t,lta aone ktiovsa ag la them es, Jameas erit,"ýem by 16 ~ Etae isyef viii bad musnyhile been toltng ies cerafremth le BdaS dat hep lipn issyl andi pulse; "h.ofical y ina prf thliantiStrengthi hresiora. ~leIai"àl "d asuman-u lias 0aclor's atansd heo.0v.ueanS n SoIrmlbick> hati reinçi'aliad hi; Burtiock BlocS Blta lsbosS 1100 cha*ge gov, sud retnmned Le &se boy Purifier, Liter saiti KdnepBelstori t affaira >8e sprogueseing on lic raci. Reomativtontte ic a.Il Zac Thi m«» soemeti allait l t ba fmid enlihe liter, i tb ue M andi*0b. Dc anditobe canquering lt ire. Tiarle 'n«-mldt, 8" , ~ -h.-,e th atas ~ ~ ~ we n ayvtngapevenfaniblooS. Aak pont tdruesifer Butticck lb. iuae, vibere ltgera vas ienougil la Bleet Bitss. Sample ales10 cent, nei i; and onlthecdgeo.fltiit liua.rogiauafuslO44M burtng foebîy santi flly, uerey thiiig out apîlefal lPýguestaS lic TJeaete«t'Remedy Kasovu. cisi1 rtera. AI làti Sud a thr liesl. Lias le v wDm.oya4îfor Con- chioanqy, hovever, 15 va§,fhtillint&po*e, aftien irice tatel olb.grett Mdatihl andtur ieanovr aIl ebe arh-povei a" luemdp oea pp aivthtinlivrsae of v.lar-p%>ei v.. bclng cencentustedti sfertoghuuilt. Tioaandsof once, 0~IrDcor ciiher.>X'Tovà, maeeigth eitss for Ù4 vnve .a- Edow to hingo vere goine ou',w 1oîl ktird le hafo t ene%0 uia . l h ahv li io.Net alo",t b. p uta-aie ical"à saisned the. t î pusi.y c'coampi, uile ibettti L as.!, visiac» c"nid tC 0145 Aiia a raeutfi, Ra, Peter onI oi. tii. graup ceair o undth le Eceasesasandtticaetions c<tlie Thr 700ht150.darft-flurative povers se U bp àsgie.We 'Yoilag Pretly Tommy ra. 4standing lierefor, .a,-,,esfy i-equeayo e t«cIl on in liea contria i oon wuva.boue pour drujit t a triai bisfou taln 0o p'ôà.IaueuLled la aablîaet coints ViaiiI onvince lie naskepti- aIl tie eventi of theLia nîgl Whouviie lIe of ca011 vnterful meuits, aniu ev o Zu samedarkflanri hiteti toubehiti ii ylaeregnulanaui olI ia'etabotle v .,md r f elddrmeidtedo. Faro, t %id it luit-et, ant iai vomantonchea i itn sebyT . llfilWil tho ~ ~ ~ 4 afah r apn,"oTommy, t ifii vic to de lie foimer aégoo0 h seema impossible nrcorne viiixme." -T m , yfol- That ~~cqi.matie of siacia omaton ruonndlthe bscko'f ti bedrhanlh o ti isudluDU45lLe&L.. hônma" gsie smnp and lirag~ es~ en 6, 6-, p4ul .1oiiaie{santoudrfulou#sBou. lanîhorun te ce.' -t'-.hVid *)SILby tisulhiue ..p ili o~g p the ,jaabet*é-ti .t-gfoî iliere.'shore anti atbelolaer. e icMc laS1, thiiipoint, $"hars'* Ibis 'Stualandaosat Paa~ -dý thOn bivnt nov ltouth tkeaeak D of tlvctiOfts tcluis. I b esas voaaagqatgap£0ae 0 i offs t tor.e thp4Ie> i,r -Oallif54ap lat it. oen bue muae i bigslie& '0 "God 1" sic cristi, semi ane ha. h" bers betor ns--ous lt'f fat- plQbýMl~ _.-, Ai"ti udnm DiZZê .» an yg gravI, snd msdc a fa-ce îa farvard A '~'lAt!i same liane runuetips i . lléy, - Dingo 1"I am he li0vmancoma0e Tommuy."! B thleyad tagropenavin Iheanmks jsi i tlma; for lie fot as isaghn" ta tlow- beneshti er feel, sud Tommy toavila ave fanteai, bet for lie"wm; atsnppariAUl lias ime theo' bat "*ucupsWkn8ae el wstboMRas -*bout- a itaiet ta,7tb f n a t i ouc e t a PelalaIe $rll 5cr ni 5l u i ib.os. thor enI Gaa~elclhsl Pre n0 ai.Pt- 1y.'-'W 1d~B. #BOOKSELLER, ]~Jsea~, j t Bla4kBooks, B1ox&gPapers, Ira1es Inks, -,Se ipy IrM 1 Crayonss Soj0 k% -cils, Dr~I~o1~s, -Sçhool Bags. OPlEJOUk-ÏNAL'tt'F'OA 1881. Wiitby, November lti, 1880. GEO. B. YULE. IItM A WAEHOUSE!1 I amn daily 'n reoeipt of FRESH QYSTERS (beet brands), and keep oons1tantly on hand FI1N NAýN7HA DD1E8S,&o A eÃœLL A88014TMENT o, OHRISTIEBIS iTss PMYI coin Ai~q EO l'8PARU, BLUE PENC~ zi~émiohnds EN8#01KAT VDEGL Whitby, Sept. ~8, '00. -17ALMY-WARFJO USE 1qEÂS~I & IX~IAN'S 0"ou oty Lqb'-'tre hleae îdReal Gm,~in~Sooohs~4jIýie.Whiskeys, Bs'e anead6im~ -ana; Blood's-'Porter. Me 0 s, o - epuin qualfy, 1. 00 .00, 8800 ati2.5 M àg " ,PS M W $b.75 pet p rGalok, omit*i.bs*piWoddy Wbi.. the-. meut Wlý,k.y-i tii. mark't. $2 per g&.- or.45 per oe. of on. dozen p ita #1.25 pasuatssu 7icet*p. A fsy of'SIi et Fini, leasue, ~1CnvcKInga, -1' Alma- Grand Duclie. lrh =QAq AT W YX A NUTBI[TIOUS CONDIMENT. A 8ure Jreventio& ofthe Frevaiilng, Kendall's Sai-L O r ONE 0F TH eb1OT IMPOTAN DI8 O É FTEl AGER. Wý makoe tcnaeêi&.dNÂTI4vi ur»for Ban Spavinesuanti oaaapely,, reuiave lth&.q4srgpmeU1tanoitiatic butrthcrsp- giv ~otimuiaa fom ersn. ie avqnet, taprove Our etente., ICie excèeehet for romoving unnatural elretnia lyku. ds o bue nor cause any sore. It hâs no equal, tea ur knovledfge, fer spavin, spli»t, ring- bonéï oumb, cailan. ptai», aveilingo, galle, lmnesrom vhatevor cause, and aUio e~rsethe icjoint&, or in sny pari af the body or limbe, and is acsegood for cala, scratches, i~omdo, e. Fcr àslai tuea comploe remedy for C-oruap Frost-Bîtea, or ami Biaise, eui cr Lemn»6a. 'W. bave aoomntly publbeai a NBIWZ-RBSBOOK. A, treatise on the. batée* and bit. dlssaem.'4bouU«oo,000have alresdy boeensoid ii shbortI lme- eaI le loy Hô tIcocf 85 cents, or six copies #2, A.nd every one who msecs it pronounces it the boat book ster publish.d for the pries, snd may claina it la bc verti n-more tlia» hacheur w-hici (bey have paiti 85 and 110. -R.W SMITH & 00,, Proprietors, Montreal. For samie in Whiby by: T,, -m W ZTWI Za~,Brock-St., Whitby JW OSU FOUL VAJ*UABLB CIRCCULAri _M~ -ANNOUNCE MENT. FùlNlTUflE 1-FUIINITUIiE!1 Th undere Bnd bege respeCtfully to annotmnce to the ini- ha teOaiWhtby sud s=rounding country, liai ha bas no - i&pened 0 t thecU ai u well kmovetabliahmontso long kopli by bis father, nuBrook, Street, two doors, South :of lthe, Ne'w Market, Wh iâdi oàù ten beep a large andwel asrtd'tcl f FURI IIE an lýce-byrstrict attention tg business te mert a continuance of the ptoaslong t~ do i 1~,p~1sact P ies Y o~o xisig~il Ã" iia c01i0e =n wc qo4qta:uQ«as rip .uery rtcl h-been Sot up ox- prc4lyfo1I~jop a ui îhll mdd ncw goods from',the factory in Pmo 'mesmay rey -on -getizg good Furniture, at the 4n,,early inspection 'of.'tle etQok lu now, soliéited, andý w1it 't' r y euy rot,ý,youq wf awelcoma toiuiett@Sui wlubBI 281,180.W . Devere11%- I3ock, rokSt. Whity I . seiaomista tth uoeetblsretwl be fonu4?BlýLAB<OEST, 13E EÏC. du'~B asortmcnt of stock of Boote,--,tblpsed i,ýýhdi 1y ithe 'show,ý eb. 6"fat jaurochiecstoreiIldwt i î"be,àeSildfo uth ic oonsd Shoe lin., for Ladies, and Oiildrcn'sweaarM cass et npeedletmeugndbs *on-habd aslarge a stock s inol - ~ baiiau (bu'meP;~ 8.. htn.wBerlin JFeItBoots-,.Ladiieg' Fine Ki& Boots 15 ruite si'ad- Valises iigret varetyat Iowest MA T]W COLLIS The Masumot,'idare B-tand She store, aeF 'I¶hi ~in 'St ok iTwf 40 ~I c PHOT J. W. ,UPERTI -Fotheivelll- own i fBRUCE - &00., l6ionto, Photomirphcrs. Takep pleseitre tinltilorulng lie cliti aci Whillhysud, SetiOnWaia, liat h. bas paurahâietie eïiboigh ti îdandtecre&t et liai vell-kuovai Phatcgraplc anti Framiug ist&bllalnnepàtl4tly c rli&onby lie Mfesuqra. LY--ON BROTHEIRB, WHITBY. Tie, extçnalu e atten. o'anti Improe. Menl.,by lie tac rarse baing sUn atâti ebp lie daltiaýi ônI ALT, WORK UTIARNTERD FIRSTCLÂBS AT THE LOWEST RATEBI!! -CHILDREN A SPECIALTY,-- Sec Our TABLETTE PHOTOS. FRAMINO inaIlfia brancbes. PHOTOS. COPIE!) andi anlargeti, andi -Bulsieti plain,-lu -oh walet calaun, aor crayon, aI BOTTOX .ýïICES, AG£ NT for Maien & Rtscbà, manu- facturras of Pi îanos and Organe. Ordera for Tuning promptly attendeti to - J. W. B. bopea b, oticIattention tla busi- ness 10 matit a saat of lie patronagesno liborally bestoveti on hie predecesens.o J. W., RpERùjT,g Wilklnson's Blcki, Bt-ck-st. WlilIby, May 11, 1M8. MAKES THEWEKSRNG tiae5crnacer of an aitiè,û-s, ema ig ¶eaem3Li ainU<t -fo.It increa.ea thse quU41y., afNaStes'"Ov1VFîa ic*Wf Agen4Ifron iw A-U.eioo -a" seas-cling- oui n -#W cem'i tionsmaciavfr aîg iofldng foi' disasefoferlaryn. curLitp)yscp aLver com- M08W ôt, Co" ,- hbtiDô~ riaeaoSsetùaffrcaloxs Diseaodi of thaeluy n- ]BIadde, Vémniwi bp~i~a, e nt graéo-fghoâng. PIANOS TU.NBD11. G m mos. 'U"'t 1Râa TonSs,'o Paies wlabiag UhslrPianuspoel vil! ples., leste latoiera ii~ur LYOU &RUPERT, Phtguapheus, liii- adesd WhitV.'Oiets b mi ta, vil!récolte pramplatteutan. 17.18 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY GLA-$tOW. Al-la-n L 1n ë op ROYAàL Mau STEAMBB., WINTER SERVICE vuA BOSTON AND) HALIFAX. SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE I The Stcamsiips afIthliella» Lino are dispatcied from Bouton eveay Tburagy, caffling Kt Wirf -onpriday andi n lesae Hifxevery Salnrdsy. TEBOUaR XÂTi5 floXv Erni, oica lTe Cabiti,16 4i,6 , MI P, #91accoruzg ta posilitinetfalateroom Lover rate for ra- turu tickets. Inermedafl. Sleeamge aloweat raIes. PoiynîslaifroroBon, Jan. 131h, froinEaul. fax, Ja tiht. ligh ouBoston, Jeu. 101h, from-alfz "ane. 20ed. 5azlan Atr ouBostn, Jan. 27th, frou Hall- 1"x, JeuÃœ. 201h. Ochisn fram Boston, Pea . r&m Hsfl- 5etlnn tamBosonV.b. 10M, trouRUi- fax, Yab. 121h.L stemrage ietgera are forvatded toLa»n- tionteutRlla Glasgow, Quernatovza, Brisol,, Cardif t udLandau aIsame raIe as te Liverpool. Parties visaldng ta send fort tieir frieti.s cmu oblate ticketi at 1ev raies. 1 For Utetst.anti tnrther nfomatioa appIy--Ž GZb. B. YULE. wi0y. OYSTE R -PA RLO'R. ramotai t.MA~KT ýB~.l Brai tior norti. 14Oyaera. seie4i u 1aE2 ry lie1 Th: osf ibay lga,&. q *~bliy~avSme'.I topos.~ trie, g done bio i steàü maaun o-ela SAaLE. e» -oe AaIarlatimîp tti z- coGe aaiy 'LXi~>~i1èt8 -- - P~'rco. Stili W F0W~.E-& SONS, Propriç 2iaotc». Bo~~ il-V l>iiUGO1tt~'Oitht~hiAJ Yers6lohy -- 'T; w~ti~PiÉtio -~ t.~t~t±CiIaii-~ai i - J-e, À us. s' 0151 -Ina. Sesa tort Sp 'y il urus BL on mu M BA il JL- U-

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