ar la tise Transvaal. :.OICNh1TI'; OF( TUFà BOERS sthe Trantvael is flow a triiuvirnte. whilibof- itupetlîatioti for ber ex- h. 'rrà sovaal, jtwilling to -ent officiaIs eud recuite ali. ljaanuication with it open oitrp g h Chliing t'O th.front, with ings. Sir George Colley, 1o0 caOpe troopi. mass t b ouppressedi. but ho islton and charges the 4m rb.t ta the JBoers, Iad dotutled, are, in tha ,bigh ipirted peope, se- lUge entitied ta aur res- tlique are in progrtms for 'f troope Lte the cape, but 9e that if reinforceet)to tI Dutolwuenof the F ree Mko Comuson causýe witti ~sfew -garrieout arec10 ith lin rr54ISaal te relire- eh power. W< TItISvntîî,r. , long bruciU5LI u 'i tIse loerc iere iPro- ou5 war. '110 fuei i voJ MeLllelburg districtsi Oce bevu lert-rel by tlîîir 0g Uiai inado thianr ay ~t IIZ LitilititttaLb srallied. l a rî"d mset ttoug, wlticb ferais thc odon ilgbiug tor reekiug nea beets blsily ruanufse- lartu libusees. lospitall -hoa tse to receive tIse 'lker witb sb frisn(dly wel- £late Lmmcl from itl î.Sbrewd observers bave tg lsa tihe Boors would Jrealau is 'zery mach #ci#n anti:Jevieh excitleint. Tiso bat moi$ ÃŽunthat cîty araoocu0pýied by J*eà , tlîey are tho emartest peopleh place, takiÙg thse Iead la buclasse i. Thomua Oook, of ourw jje bas lo& bis only daghte, h, b sayx, Was tise plon$. travelling m oment, n "jugm wth hlm n.arly lthévide wold 0ys>, Sh@ wcs drowned in bh..»oath et home.. A speolal clan ush.b.~fp j the dedocisae otthe Vilam ma. Biarritz, whleh inds the onder beavy penalties, teo Slb~ miorfal masses le the privaI. e the villa -on the annlvesrln sleatbe af Louis. Napoleon and hI#lt Josephi Sligman, lho New York boulier, Rave eway 02vz,000 a onhglij -tus-S 1,000) eacb La publie chari,,, and $î55IU cacis ta tbirty. A Michigan farmer invented a trick witli a liOlu in.t-He sld ral. of but. ter tisaI bad bain mcde hallow, fled witlî water cnd trozen solid. Mlr. tbaiîah Dawsou, a famer le Lasînrte couuty, led., who died lait wî'ek, lied litve-Isixty-eight days on Isioue, beseg unable La receive aey solid lols becautaetia cuncrin the aluni. lii. À vkry mail itew cornes froxn Boston, it liiiig iotilifle sstison that blondes are Ont of fambisn. Young mon Who werc foolish ceugis la warry theni vii nwhave pleety of time for repentance. Lord Wentivorth, thes bir to th. Earidom af LDvelace, andl the son af Ada Biyron, sole daeghter of th. poet's bouges andi beart, is tu ho married short. y te a dangister of Pighî non. James Stuart Wartley. ,si,,, 'I ""'n"' vefs, Tlîe asitvation ai tea lu Insiaia s 1. ilswamicrs an tonv-oyaeety, e îtis, on ils. aarry -'out à gealy oaraed during ise lait fifteou af. attaack an thie loves. yecrs. lu 1804 tise tatl production à la consat ofetting fine vas Dat above 8,000,000 pund&, "bile ne or tvahoune.., andl ai this yaar a ara p ai 40.000.000 Ce 45, an tise kuova z9adioes af 000,000 pannas s leexp.ted. @«a$in tacase cf fine ta - Tva aiflise aldeot barnntcein te of- Igive ascistance, The ol. landl, that cf Bey ci Haystcuu, createal tisas dspéeeandce 118bis.le1685,anal tist af Napier of Napier, niptia, arsateal lu 1627, are aboaut ta ho eonnee. taxîea -PART OF nOES tadlt is e niamiagaetfMia. Napier, lu and take poesession ai dnglster ef Sir Robent Napier, ta Csp. .nal the love. It vas tain JabeHn aY, son and aïrheioetair e.thsr veinlalnot figltI Robet Hap, ai Hapstou. hy bsie i, esvy fIn. I a e Miss Duncane,cf PrcvidsusB.I Vere excellent saos ansi Tait Lirn or As Exsrva.-If aunal. an cisultliscoain u hnlinu lIer omit@ nyîhiog hoein laxy. It h. en*durnug of lbour ced speeks cf Ib',»gs as Ihey are people gel ili knaw v e-atreani and engry. If ho glass. aven on emootise Iîîy iu tlîe country; that love tise rougis pointe h. in briheal. If hosrses ln uffticienît num he calliitiings by thisr prapor nanies ghtl brui a singarour forcé lie le unfit for the position af au editor. L9~ caIilry. The Boers' If lia doese net lurnul recalera vits is sihlerent fsose Iat of jokes ce ii;a si. io. If ho doe@, Il@itaa ~ilizeil cosolîii4y ile ts atgiillaSing taiility. If ho ylove lu lite su hnige roinif-nins lina îrong ha 18 a goîi fel. 10 ,îilt,001) iaires, disannt lcw, utnt lsbs4cirntiou. If h. lit@% isus annîh iealît freuî thse stnîspa toiinjuries go unmsutioneal Thetyii . r~-'liaelie itei a rd ss. If lis exposes a publia ii T 1i. lii' lits' tt)I ileii' is;snsIw i e i grrttfy epile. se tise ir -uit, tiî i t sitinîltuo; t i lclqule, or balenugg talise Itehi ieîle-b fur sîîlla- sî. u t, 1flus (!indulges lu personclite i a>gigîîbtlîro or ii( oin un. i-e itck rî -Ifliete sont bis nîe-1~ lais, is- jtistir-î, vse î'almr îî duhlitunît itaîjîidg. becs',-i ny iveii a T i lv t' W ee s-i îcas Telegnopli lises calînnnîn i y x-lereutsht s itiite Ii-rls-s ie 'of liritis-li Columiai sînius---nî. I i hîs.tîn~ -ame te i <il iiofte )Domiionitf J I NA ittÀ inl s4trict hesrcîulesin stis. e la-sî led 1b UunIner of lues-s ocre unLîshwand. andI te- 4e Bains%. lu tise cys ai cou Ripublie, if a Bois- t;d bethins tise Le.odrec!t'si uWethat elicites tIse eym- trindsal, an as-mes body ai oecompeny hlm Lateh vo lb. court ; an if tise îmd-a nasoltilon cealiaI- Balsa'purseileal ai paster- v oe*eso rt cf arlnoalrne saîshsl bu made againset tise rtise people i t Preoes-a. intel Icelingie are of great ina rity. They reagardl a nation- Tlîuy enusitor ie-ul a siatiihesxistu-icee olîl;>andsîsifestring stîen i kie ta imitsli ynile if Ilia Tise sierance ttaiean 4 il zd shlellife ansite vos ces-ain go crieste a nu diitrîsntcmet in tliseTraîng- ilittlithîties cilîsienas PS-tnilitsn WVOIS41lcé) uut Ii i iîsf4 iltn ' --.îa t 1411,1 liii ' nis itli-, . lin- 'Li tIi-- 11P nîUi -i ,li 1 -vesiiaîî' t \t1 I&,îa imr - .kwamd luntos- thetsaBritishs -.sto tefly oe-s-"rasînaal ei toldltOe Bier, thîît tiay .ji golatise laui-t ian Lthe Lisydiaplactsil. Lonsg btue- ahanntreishssîl thlis .0ta tt Is-li' lsds.,peeuîleil boniycf tluat ns ttîîs. A la, mrile issi noeg bis irl ai unusual leauty. -ilgg 1tIie axcapîhuenal laver y bas- lord engenelereal otisar wvsa, wvisa ost y So. 5h. came, e in e fit vils chis, caddIlion il uan vere sol about tRal csisîeeifs-cm the iis- omisaud tise vifs vaa a v iveas avre te tisef ry, analtise Young viferý - cnaort efthtie orallncry 14 dbave sufferesd certain oagtili cf6bei' ttretiîon@ s a TO ItlC5tP. liltT fi estitîs n Tisurstley lest. 'Ih- I niiî altmy estivantes for tis yesr -Ili escfeas wanty million panai tisa rasult of tise Seuils Afghan ont- bs-eaks. NISWIIARKLT 1bas joineul tise nnks of lthe Ontarioa Lave, andl on Scturdoy nif git tise atuizazisheldal cbanquet tg ace elrate lis. osant. Tint Passa bisreinatea aH tise Calliclia joaneleaItRanis ta suismit thîe-r articles ou tiseMta.of Irsiaisd to thse Vatican, sase a uavotal wlarip- reselatatian. 1ALPuiasNas for alebi ftaSollanai vers iibes-ated attis et-yak. ai muinigbt on tise Blet tilt., onder tis, provisions af tise Act passedat thlie lait saudos cf l'as-liaesni- TissuCAisn Cot.oav force$ have ln- ai-tsts ignel defeat an the Tombacite ms-be, t klling eigisly, vonndieg tva ltinîld, sud captsînîgeg iglit tisons- enîts cattlî and l fse bisudrad siseup. C0NxriTANsosILE ha tisrectened vitis a 5551er itsutie', tise eaorvotn, au 1>era çtsîtuttnui1 sneiy sfs-w dîyu stspply, ittl tose ai itanî1îenl harely sudhiaent 'lTi e'leluirî<'îic)f thne nev ionaîl Csttnmls isunis f et lisea bois place Dti- isy ltiop Duisamel etllciating. îhett structure cent cant 87,00W. Viitih ie regret ion tise deatis ai George Eliot se univ-ersel, ît le sanie- tliÃŽng on ber aid, of tise hans-est thaI sbe lis-ad ta êe a cabinet edstiae ai ber wotrks isi 20 volumes, anal an edhf ion de lis-su ai "Itamala,' iiluatrated by Sir lereiderick Leigiston, visi deaigna are lu as close accord vitS lbe ide"sai tise navelaluceCulakeanke cols are vush tise text ai "Oliver Tvist." Rx-assSEMBLiNG 07 PAaLUS.IssT.-Par.- hiament mot an Tusdsy. Tisewva euly c tibm bouto sud no business of imnportance brougisi fouva-al Tise House adjeeras te-day <Woue.dar) La, Pridy-îhi feaaut ifsthe pph any l-ý ug. u Tlsnrady. Tise butSai tise meibene yuli n e tu isatteodance be. fore toit vîek. A BaeANOur ieO, ean.leting ef usemisenarsll.aoieas satîonc"teo, whc bave hoon flood * QZuO e illa -êrot ka'ms, leu'se, uai LAe.n-m«à -e.-pI.- s-lIs, annd cli. as gis-en tise ataulanoutaresalofalte mosahn ttqclnte b aeaaompsoy in Nov York and, Milan. Tise tisual l inl male Wa>n E 1s-wxua Tuagai » act îiaur. tise V'aal River [rom -Wcn beoten T. yndl Gnece nuv îe Tornevaul îeiary at PPeikratebe unavoldable.-Tise arbi, seasvaal tiLOeso tsltonejebeqme lbai prOVuda- e aln,,. l tVg t - X Of th G Ws tsa d i y q uesti a s t D o v ne u sa în u . t ti-is-tier tcari. oouidared prebabla i1li-iilslIit liy itbpte O Utf uie event cf lthe Greeaegettieg ii uss-ofs tie coulliet FraeoItaly, lnoy titiîun cf Item, s itsîînisig1liaster-a tinît ' -sgreRt i innsaunt BaieI& eve pübliaeed à 'i np-s-iirIne i 1lsl:nui ithie %ns-osId onre&adauble. tus'.1j( fo, s eesiiicutllsiss u £5110 'On £1,Q0 a aide. uC-sîîîs- uito, Les-i l lluitso taieLord Beeans-' il ~ iii sel-- ta su lii- oi-lilnit Ion s-idiuuliî e iaoberseter s-li 1-ii-i niut iiof litérmssy mou ino liii npvaes li a t- tt ai! l l)s-mt.; I it i nîssut-cî i sal i stte Dulie a! mOitts'0 tiitAM1lnisnt, Cà aiduge intaela t uhga inth1500~d Ae'ter tirillny yofirs tliri ~Of>-Cltîe in havt-our o'et b. *î-re abile lu 14iletisaI -1)-ki o! Ccnacghî, - 'miceu'iant cf tise Bas. Led La lis- lIra-eujeal Sir Garuet Wolseley -vil! be uat te' i tua.Tlite Britlis Iolalao muele deesg itIs Ielin ho taarbtîltesIde anniys-visoae .ispOU4 j«lss, e-@nl isin t etléds tuiiilly grov#te& enSile ige fficituoY ta ýO-%igthe bot ooe.ntaaitly diniuiahing. @htteIcy Ea.-O'air-la reI il Msode tise saiele t u-in pohutt iti th iair, .afrtS.-, for l.It1 i aalueiune -Be*s~~ Itos; wvite Ài.cel le- 1It he - an551 dI 5' glei" bave lstol eâltge pièce. s. puilil. Prinoe"sa seulo as bon eli o an ut ml 01A iber Ladl.sî WowS k oeii gin Useful Present~ WB OFFER À MOST COMPLETE STOMOK F'NEW AND of tlier obigations as le maintenance very bseily. Tise Company have powor ta builsi the Sanîl Brandi; tisey have projaclei a road fron l)silatista cueneat vils tise prairie section tisose Iwo hanse vili afford tise shortesl rouIs tic DeluIh and Monîreal. ced visan tisey $hal1 have be built il will hoctlirowing goat lnoney citer bcd to proaeed wmi tiste Eutern eection 1111 tise plains haiste ea uflly populat- bdi. To secure tise c'.nstriction ofîtie llaen Sectian tise Conmpany shoeld ho cospeileiltu build il mile for mile vils lise prairie section. . Tis esigisti clause providea that tise Compuany $hall "maitalo ced effiantly eperate lise zon lle Whod ]Vi leta decide visai efcet operation caneietm. in? Tise number ced alsaracter ai trais ta h mon eech day sould have iseen e peai. liedi, or power ta aip,,aify in this regard iroin tins ta tises sh,)id hava been reaerved to tise Govemer-ie-Couacil, as ender Mr. Mac kenzie's Act. Sub-section b, clause 9, af tise contmacl pro. Vides tîsat thse sui.idies duse ta eaah tventy- nmie section cab. eplacas insupossession af tue ompay a soo assuais section shaU be compete an eqippd -as s&hal)l se ne- quiras for the traffia ttsere'o." The trefIlle viii aiiieunt te notlîiug on thes Eastere Section tilI it in ail huaiît, ced toe ry bittle au thse Central Section for a long lima. ce in reqaitresîfor issnling mies, ties,.oeil ballant. Sl"tiL-Setion d, clause 9, gives tise Company power ta nmsse au indetunite ainount et inueey immssuîuag iortfaga baixela on rail- wsy ana lauie, and isîtereet to tise extent o a f 0000S lial ho guanom- taei by tise tiovernnient on tIsses bossl. ini thse coltract thue issue af sucis bonds in bînîtesl tui 820.000 a îiîtie; bat as tise raiîvav ià ous datinesl thiit t issyii>icîîde tIse Caniesh Ceeu-raI. tlie Saslt Ihsarch .aisîl înyiiiîisitar îoi ottier branchiés, tlie enost ti t a Oc raisesi 4î tbO-eenîment guarantee in ps-ssttally un- nu test.e iteb-section r, clause 9,. provides tisat tise Uoieaniue rnay> raison tor s urnte-$%00 per nile fronitue catiit pi.,aeeon lise psa-en srit section. inf«L4e15theuîr ('nnpaîy %hall saise nssîey ceeiivehy Iii-giu.rateed iiortgage bouIda. %'et Oie rovsaon uali sjtu aiIy shtoulîl tiha Copaasy taise te s mi, Ies insissuaan nd t-si hraa-et frointise I ovenrent. net it lie a tact tiat tise ane- pesivwll re maiv lmosr for tise ps-is-se sectioni r, taka tg cash aud andl at-et tisse ho saiuing dly u jo sî,tî i îiurtgz&ge bosed laesthsai S.30. 000, 000. Clause teu oi thte-îîxitr.%act psontic fos- tise fr11 Lrsti If tland îs-îlfor n- ntabd -. tieut.. atatîî.n-gs-ssii. nsikstinpst. dock. -grîîssnt'. vîtes- fssntave et lermint en - issvià ,atle walers, t.uîltîtugit. yards. &o.' ltaptis t uii s ssarleil tttat tise rossi- lwta-- tI Ia>gs-antesl i it-elîL ie100 ic1in %% îîlt1à b.%the Coissîliaîted Ratlwey Act. Buot cLts, 111 (ittise Act oai lss-orporatioss ps-asiles tîtueCiian satie 'a tirs-ater ecitaulc land». vlictiis- publi os-pris ate. fos- statiana, - lrpvti. wqnrklsslss, iildisngs, Miile-trackx. nil rns. îsrbours, aîn-du'/scsuf,, ianîlfor en- --Cosssîisotu-l llsilwsa, .Act, 18M.9-lu fact ttseysiîsy tke jaît seiattsev plcase, Ire. oifechargeu, t» the consent ofiheIlatosen-i ment ; ansI v-liedoubla lîsat tise Cais pany stîli lai, influene.etioagis le get cussaoefrein tte i mnu -li lîîhaveislagresita siirienslar lte as-hle traiIt niflihe Yortls-West? Claà usei 2b ni ther sclisdn>'c pros-ies tisaItise C,ot1t.sav isail thave uvier tu- coqui.m i vos-I. shev.aîî t ulucoquine. own, holal, -hr r, ut s.wos-k.anuit s-nu steaes andsI e vS-s S'à - o os arisgo as-Ip.usngera, upm uaij - isn:s wî aies- sWitt-Ilitise C-anal-tanPacithe --tava iliay s-cuiitor -conmeect sitisil *Isawu nîsît elttiagit tusi ge tei e tia osoly ai brencis s.--il)skt iv t. butt tlisyfiliist raIse gel ebsoluts paver t- h1AeueLt niyà isitependent persan or coim- pusst> e a îsnsg sevitismius- steambuatiaide- positt -i. .. s-ilîîs ra-le, eitlà ine- sthe~ -s-- sstlI*urit kincA, ontIesaae-e" ofLakte Stion~s tn l.-ttslsluuosesaos- un Montreal. It liut> 1)1- a-sti at tî-y sa-l ualuse sasci pîts t. i ut t-i i ta i reveat thiesedoiug &a aii itliiltîe% lsoti-: îtuud asiy indce nd. cuiti ci -s sice l I) tasi t-amp!ue itis tîs, Cui,kIIv !- -!ajtjrqa aîd atean b. tss~'ie (Ȕ55lèpt îi-nalu d usa tIais- iwser of di*urizisaà îrit4 ja-îîu-t sumil1brassai ne&&tica autsivas-toi nent- -siiiaippitng anal ele. by a î;tsokt- sf tth- <tte27 mi tise sýtedule li-ilsides tisaI tise Cotispsany uay teirtiie tae -csîaneration of lithe rctdottit I Uiri-r.u, &c."-,Na liait beinau elos sjus-sch ,usesaiau, thse Ca)mpas»' qase, ini case a psuit nif5.53'10j per cool, vers ster cares-oilun tisu -actsitcnet etotisaerond. s-un op axpeises aa as tua ai-id a reluethon ai talle lav slottunig tisa salaries nitlriieut, Direatana, andsi xecutivs Caminittas. %Wauld net lise obietiholdere preter tint tise isortIsy niangers shaiuld b. excosianshy paid raller tissu that -tises rale ai toits slsoulsi ho reelsced ? Tise naxisin rernuneratian cf lise Pacifie PRailvay Esteen. lime elieulal iavo bobn setu forth in lise Act. Otiser instauce ai tise exoeealig loeaeu oi tise agmemnt migist eanly ho proumei, but sae have anlelenaugis h show lise caielea. neas vilSvih helslieGos-emmntelaveenterca iuta gigantha onagoments. Il lenazpessîble le eay sxactly visaICanada vh is-ye avay if tise btirgain ho raliflia, but cerlully Ibe con.- cessions ta lb. ompansy are an mc rail a seg1e that lie country vifIlnover hote tao tse oompçustionn.ciaery ta rensunera. 145 . ' pcuy ton ureneleneg ls vlsw4 mgiti. Au is escape rrnmhe liabi ty t t ~-liépaux tinte tise anre necesaary taceh4ïe be afi ilway aas ealiine±.4 coul et ,MDM MI tatre la 8110,000000 1 890m ëa t'tico t et the sanie lieue c tenapcty éd 10 t 00la~,m tndefitsly'shapes!, tisaà pa ic ensea "If shape Il lh t slas, b4sia Dltngi lsaîIsinembai'. or Os istaneemeight ieeà U , vasénout, Fer euhisosemoellister u btmack te gloSéAS riercea on teFui, terrillefgMl By tise praposead or laoosspuWl*, the Canadian Pacifi tlu1ve-a v is d"ied ta9 oihet ai tise, is .roe~~na conStlt. lise Boa>, Mpi t th %pcap lIstook ai Ibsscompany ii $0e*. $ODun~> aslal buinees tl o cts U iIGP- 000-lihas-ve a subec trie,Ç j> cen (;1 a a'O publie a I. qI~pulo a t ig ~ ia hs - b. ~ b lee rrl ti ops~ anhicniplion. Tise le no eitt l a'ed arbitrr>pewer l à etev- asmlç b Onnssase wâ~vle msai lae Isat uà bc.- oespersan. Thse "oof incorponalion requirsal Chat stock-books vere ta heoupsiee ton anb- acnuption lu ail tise principal cilies of lth. Unite&dStates. A diatinctivaly national char- acter vasgiven ta lie wark. A igautin un- dertckiug, promsing Large profiI.,vas about ta ho sisidizes frein tise publie purs., sud Ameniace citizens vere luvitasi ta coing for- yard ced participaIs u is e benefils ta ho deriveal iras thair ao liberaity. y cv différent vilS lise Canadian Act I C4=- 0tpareil vils tise risksaiflise Union Pacifia, tise 0reiponéibililies of lise Canadien Company are enothiug ea I aL.But isead ofiniviting tise publie teachars a is e profilsaiofIbis tnnly Inational vork ;is teal ai previding ion tise encouragementofainai vio, iras patrioa aor alliher motive, cisoala destre te unvet ot nnl tisa developmeul ai tise1ýNorths.Wet ; insteasi of compelllug tise prasotens ai tiseunudertekiisg ,f ta ailot stock fairly te eIl subsribers ; in- a teasi ai dstributing among the pubite the pro. fita Ires tthe uudertakiug ; tise Act carat nlly amits ta place aisy obstacle lu tise ey aiflthe rfis-t seven menibers of tise Company allutting lise sisares lu env direction tbey may thinik propar. Tisi provisions confer, in one marnent, on -tise Syndicalecal tise fatilities for exerciaing fpelitical influence vwiuel Oakes Asasacuqutreal tisrough thCli strumeutality aiflise Credit M obilier. Tus Crdil Mobilier vas formeal ta carry ou tise Union Pacifie vork and al e ialventfge ai subsidelhea but yet ta avola tise resrctians aoflise charter. Tise ahanes uf tise Credfit Mobilier ver. et oee time extresely profitable, anal Mr. Ames has tise paver ta allaI tisme I iifer value on not for saies. Sa vil lise ahanas aiflise Cansadian Pacifia becoine lîsgblv profitable, analtise saeapawer te use tisi, hares se coaterreal upon tisa Company ai vas posaseel y Mar. Anses. When tisaI gen. tises desires te aiare tise vote or influence ofaaCongr«sman, c certain number of Credîit Mobilier ahanes yee.tasferrcd te tise nase ai lthe patriensa leglaatar. Sos. o! thes. hanes store refris git.. Otisn ers 11pail for, " as it vas isasoreaily caltesi. by charging ageinst theun un the bocks ofthe Camp-tny tlintes-est visicis vas aaiing et tise rate ot more tisse 100 per cent. per anua until tise principal vas extinguisied. It vai c very groat faveur te hoe lloveal te ove a 1ew siarea in tise Credit Moteilits-. Il vil ho cgroater faeuor te ho ailotteil mIses intehie Canadien Pacifia. Wisetiser tise paver te use tisis iaresiho exerciasis or net, il ln directly aantrary te thse interet af tise nation tistat epotentiaI fond af thà u aharacter ahonil ha farmea. If tise Com- pany vente ta silence nosanie rtive seshor of Paniinent Iisey yl ho ahlé ta anetbise âmne aisaes. H. say psy thse par velue, ced appeer te ho gisiug lue soiey tn ielp fan. was-a a publie enterpNiae. But tise pro. mius ta viialtise stockwliviI peedhly ruse in tise market vil ho enormous WhaI.ver may ho Che present -value eftChe lana grant, noely supposes Chat lise Campany WinI par th llcoy f ituaden$b an acre, inienlon Ds. kolas Md Mianecota lin e olg nov sellng aI an averare aof 8659 pet acre. A f., Vei isec 85 ill bo c low price for tise phakeal lande cf tise Syndiicale. las addition ta lis tise7ylget 2OU,03» linsney ad 8$W. 000000isuresala anal serve va as a remunenation for buildiuig ZOOO tmiles ai railway. 1.00 mies ai vhial inilnet cent moe ansu$15.000 c Mile. It inseavtesme isaî lise profits te ho nespedam aroetcolossal Magnitude. A aisare ougisImmse laho orth four or fiv. lises ita par valua. W. isear tisaI one l.cdiisg ceu- Insetor beloegiug ta the Conaenvative panty co.atenss hatt a lttva mulhlesa of the.stock asould bho cliottesl ta Torontoses. -Hel.dais ttobjiet ta tise barga, but lie vatacà ifir division. AU lSd, however, s lis.malter glaada.enesuta vlshe .Syndicats. Mn. Gren.1 feul anal Mr. -Rose of London, sald Mr.n. ney o New Yank. ibave sure taesay about1 tise division cf Canada.ieitage ai lied anal1 tise mnions cf moeey &pont aunlise Pacifia rasai tisanay Ousadiusa ave theà parIsiens. Su iwlishe vin o!aurMinastèetaIOtaax. 'PWO BAD B.&RGAINBOOXPLftUV. The povers sud fricihescoufenreal apon the Union Pacillc aulrosa Cmany, et thse lime aofliae reauiofaiil chates, er" Chais - quiverislly uenen a. uhowiag lt.eail lavisi extravagance on the pant of a peoplei detenmlna tg gli acInsnseentissnatal osena any cosItvisatev«r. Thèe. vas a 186 ei 1864. vison lie autervasmadeecdueda! sme justfication ionrIbIsexlraviana he ci DatiS vusin thetiro eu t W814to-sa!spesdy 1 acc elatisa Padcprovinss 0,1ée0IMt uoaaeiiy. Fenthtise pirI ai iralioe s Se m o d, dtise 'peepb. vem so dhpsees! nouai lb.te t 09 ytlivsamiW*tlbq vates! to pôeu. Natnrcly ans vanld tliini ýtisaithe. puvnis. uso. c tia oaant t,ti.Causaiuca e aala voalatbe muais lmsa evxlncvagua isa lle etQ lis. Uwcn Puach iele. nie Cmndt.urc.d Ie bing sonstrisisl lsia apedultet *5 faial paoe.i. osissu rbe# whiebôlà - , N CHOICE -t quat. provisions of tis. General 1laivay A- tui tise great iujury oftheProvinc, u t eario. Tie Union Pacifia charter _irevi4oiChat tise nrailtrad onspany &alolI py al t'ise expenses of surveyleg lisé landl gmauleand-of selectiug asal couvéylni the sae. Tise Canaiianbargein Ilirova a i sexpense upozi Chepublic. One vould *think tise vital pointe of iffer. suce vauld ho quile enougis edvanlage ta, con- fer upan tise Canadian Company. But inseeca aih ttsI h. Cenadicis diarter positively liriste th polte n hiis1it exeSals th. Union Pa. cifie chanter in tise paver. lî,b;istave. Iu ad- dliinto tChe above disabilitisa appliegto tise Union Pacifie anal not taelise Canadia aciflo, lise Syndicate bengais canfers upo tise Cana. alan noaaltise folloving able ta aisov tisirth exet o$, à rsje i viie vas4 ta ie %4p~t4amna anlper milewune êieepay beltlis. Govuinnilu- terest aÙ 4 pon , du .ws~Y.eycsOn O sw uai mssaslie' t ahrai t tde- mA,salin #44dtu.11 00 per Mle. Tise h,,da , .,,* ,t'cià vr ocly oe.tiizd <t j ad ea . ireigist4ii, nanliïà theepS, e o traiest nb ~ p~ . ~ the Thve ùooinCies i,;a anal boeii~ais or, 4i à srglt sa teGà vrsiet qho«-ae visaI. roaI oria ça.s - Peusy irem thecub au ' rflaspalesta be deduotod 5«t, nay aal by tise GQOeaMeptii-. Tise pulc:ei#stod ihave umko, !,gor.batnov belon, ta 40,mC0WQsM f«,tW lo~rcZ B$iCiPasy ulaudave .,bilâdt1Anos 1 11 Thse Syndicats is ta tako vtisaIIlrequin., ilseif, cf course, being th. judle Tise Union P1%aide grtant for riglit oai wayie confineal te land for saUtiona, bulldingswork- ssopa. sud dopaigs machine slhopI, aigsi aide tracks, tnrn.tables, aud "t«e statioin." Thse Canadian isarga indudes4ail heu, and acde naddition, "do* fond and Walter frontago aI 1h.tersjfew on th. navigable wvaters "; &a ltia t Wdfor "aliser appur- "lenances raquired for Ch. conveaient and "effeatal construction aed vorkiag ci tise malway. 1 The Union Pacifie oharer provi4ee tisailise United States shaillI'eteguiss sh trap ya macybcethe Indian tile. " Thse Canadian bargaus provides tisat the Gaverent siaa exiguiish tise Indien tille vitsaut any reservation as taeCthe time ta hoe allowed for lth, extnguisiment. The iend Grant te lthe Union Pacifie vau eve,y alternat. section ta tse amouet outen sections per nil. on eacs aide cf theaaid mcad on lise lino tisereuf, and vithin lise limite of tiee'uy miurs on eacli aide of tise rosad." Tise Cens-pay waa te taes good lands ced bcd as it came aIl aioethtie lieofaits road. Tise Canadien bargain givos-. cvcy ev.ry alternats section vithie fweutiafour miles ut tise rend. Tise Company need take cul y tse boit of tise land. Wisen tlio 24-mile belt Is et- isteil tisey eaue soefy their intention of building brandis unes, aed eautisereupun seiz& other geooilanids; oend failing tise construction ai brancbh lta the Coespauy cmnseize land sit eny place in thse Fertile Boit where îil w good enougs te suit Ilium. Tise Union Pacifie landl grant nons along tise whole leegth of tise lin. Tise Canadien pacifie land grant ine ta h taken anly in tise fertile sections. Tise Union Pacifia charter provides Chat aiU tise minerel lande exeept coal sud itan lands shall ho reserveal ta tise Gavermnent. Tise Canadian borgain allows tise Syndicale ta gais alternat. sections 1au iltihe cool sud allier rauerai, lands ai wisateer descriptioe in tise Nortis.Wrat. Tise Union Pacifie charter pravides tisacll Me lami gruscd te i/se Company metirii s"eU t bc sid by/Me Ce siM/in tkrve rare afert.Me1 aompbetio f ts rcl /A/iI besubjeeltse Sie. monand oepre.emptioa Uik.- ier lasd* et a parke9 net exeeelig 01 .114per carre, to be pakidgo lite -elit Compeany.1 Tise Canaulian hargain centate net c word1 limltieg thse prie. or tise lime of aeilling hIr c lands. Tise Union Pacifia b2rgain asIle ta make env provision againt tise QoverneLtebsa defnauded aoflise landl by tise handteg aver afi tise landi grantate à eutral compcy. Tisef United Stateu Govermenl wu, defadldby sucs a handtng over.t Tise Canadian bargain ieaonsits tiss ost1 Iisahiary provision. Tise Unian Pacifie charerreqird hat all Me rails amidather irontoe e lli theato. etreartion or thae-racui e)af rofMea!Amrsicn iecatfaciare, Thia provision mor.tthan doublesi t tise coit oethtie construction of tiese d. The. Cansim abiargein, cesepted te la Protectiontat Govesrnwent net dnly f"o protecl OCuadiaindeslry, but etuilly dia. anmstuates aganthomeiad sr5yadmltn foregn.sel aricls ie o l f vIa pro. senin iseCcxspial isersvliatois ont ai vInais tise home senafacturod articles crt a mad. Tise Union Pcidfic charter providu tisaI the Gtsverement #hall have fire.nas. ' a helis. aclfer tse tsiaespo4t>n ai tmope. munisions of war. u=lepulic itWOn, Mai neila ; <And of the teI rpias for'tise iree.' ransl!ls i i ofde- spalcism; tise charge for snch Ãèes'ic ta lie laed againsl tse m , ab*idyutil the.r Uniteel ltaIJhaereceil alhcktseia . oi ite money grant. Thse Cenadim asrg&in oase cilfersnes te ancs a subjeat Tise Union Pacifie wu aspeled ocommence t ils lin, on th. hundreallis dgeW langllnce, and taeisuilal 1heure -"by tise dir*ct clin. tri!, ced practicible ranIte" Thse CaLnadian Syndicales ha 'or to cou- struct tise ha. by sisy route wiii boit serve tise iutereste of thiSt8. P Mienso. polis, sud Manitoba Ralnaal. T4*onlecu rity tise Governet lias laito j 0 aItse route isha e bjeel ta appr iï qli. d v snur.i~OunelI. e., Ch. G; ite 1 1 visiciheuclredy sbownite Ar'$eaoos4 74 daIe Che S.vadicate et tsoulry a expense la sveny possible mansr. Thse Unioa Pâcifie vawu aepelld lt> 19"cs it& rosal ta tisaIotiser rclaaenna ta h. sisarter eca ior Juanctions viZ j a .-r. ý9 juireal taashow these Inctim on iet ocmellu a Tise Osuadianbupgin, SI.iusno m pre. isions. 44 Tise Union J'eolfio va. roqWirM to conforni ' ite s AManal curXV«est Ii.els 9(rt thé a eso,ôlre and Oio mosd. As iïa«S r-fu the Union paac e id not folle* h4audcae but bu;imlà tsd,-i w ievnlrad tia ee weuliut. ude te O slano $ckuashcthalPl sen ame so h h.p at, 1 iherk -1af, hM T8 t o net a* fulà l ý te 0 M 0a " is uilt tth ane ut usofs.Ites buAci8ce. 1'ot m r W wz chebsn Sir; AnVÂrAoEÀGS zcar rossusgrxe Y Ev ruUNON The Canadian birgein prerides for Ch. hand-. iug ai-en tatse Syndicats, as a ira. giit, ai Parleaitsofte nasal viicshave cosalealor viilcail 831,000,00 anal more, vih are tise mont diffi- colt of construction ai tise visole ark. Tise Union Pacifie Company reneiveal no sucs valu.- abie guI.t The Canadian bengais avards excessively isigh subsidie tetahCe mst easily coustructel parth ailswork, anal rslatively amailer aeb- aiisfgrtise mse difficeht wvans; anal pro. vids c moins sy vhics lb. fyndicate cen make cmarmons profits ont ai tise oountrI, and lisen sirk tise aramons3 parts of tisir task. - Tise Union Pacifiaelied neo uais temp- tatious helst ouitate h. On tise contra-y. tise mouey suissidy vas soaransas that hree tises as muai vas piaid for 1he dilflcuît as for lise easy parte ofthlie roah. Tise Cansaian bargaîn ires-ides tisaI Ch. tise for couepletion may ho axtaneaon se- raount af! "intetine disturseuces" anal other =ue ond tlie central cf tise Compasny. Tiimakes theo Company isutlopandeel of lie vonkiagmen a, if c itruke oceurrei, lise Cas. coulsl ceaie vork vitsout prej9diainq rtk Tise Unian Pacifie charter contains no suais proslisn. Tise Canselian bargain niakes c pneenîtat the Syndicale ai 8790000 aofprofits wiie hsaveaaready accrued upon steel rails bouicht vith lise nation's moey. Tise Union Pacifie rsceived e iusais preiun. The Canadan Pacifloý anal evcrylbing ho- Ioeging tta il 5 a hoexempt ires muniaseci, local, andl national taxation for ail tise ta rame. Tise UnionsPà aiflamsanualnoaexempt, Tise Ciasae COM Pay le telhave c mono. the ? priege ciconstnnctieg brancs li., un an yu directon.Tise UnlinPacifia, an tise oIsor n aial vas require tae-gire, every facility la lad.epeüdent branci lisse. Tise Canadien' handl grenl lseemptel tram taxes for tveety yosra citer tise landl ha reetea le tiseoampany. Tise Union Pacifia charter canIeanus hexemption. The Canadian Pacifia la exemptel tram zutame taxation an saesals usealinecon- .,trunciso. Tise TUésoa Pacifiaevas cospelel te use Anieniaomaude materials, juet &V tise lime vises suais Chings svere aI hiseir Isigisti prJcsýt T* Gavmrement isala psy fcr a"ee relia asud al o a msa a dalivereal. Tise un"is PéicW neosishoep. Tise Cassatis GOvmanie t haie s ~a ente. -lin severci uniatslllgibl.vays. tac tain capital cioaply darneg lthe consatruction of tise work, Ise Un"onPacifia cïd auosishaid. - .8aaiot gels free road.hsdahonsmad Otelslle accommnodation ionrsny branais rend tbm cicse a, coaet;t.Ta. Unico-Pacifie Isal 50 s4«isgift Tise OcludianPacifie l ecurel iroes ea setiiofonweeers nalisso etrecisell stapIýilees hat*0absene aicompetition le DvéIcIymaegenpel IThe.Union Pccifie wu dd wi'a cmpmetortise Norhsoa inclhesevyyéË, 18,in a*siis-lt& chanter vas»s yean MaI tie Sanhera îPacifia Isaneemtsil EHE PIRT IIS T 0 -TUE mons,,vwu only 24,580,969 acres-or aetuafl y lois than the Syndicale subeidy ! No- onder the people of thxe North.Weât are arousel et thse proupecket suais land grabbing operatione la thsfr mlIdit. TE The Largest, the Cheapegt, and the -Bfest. NEW PRESSES - NEW TYPE - INCREASEID SPIED IN PUBLICATION. rimH WEEîcLy GLOBE stands teu in adrance;o anyoaller weeldyCanadlanjournal. It circulates mu-vrycrer of thse Dominion :and on its <epehbooks are taise found the naines or seve- rai tiosad r ar subacribero la Great Brttele tisa 00lai olnes. tise United States, snd other 06uatries. Thx.oegsont Canada Lt 1, ouud e the hanses or tise Most intellIgent classes of Our rural "apnhalln - espetly amang the Clergymen. Schoo aciers, ariners. business Men, and lu. the year 1879 tise agr-gate nusheo t copuie pninteilofai TueWELY 0 GSoEx vas 158.0.or an average veekly Issue af 30,740 copies. . Mron tise led ef Jaennry te tise 301h Jane. 1810, tise eggregae enumiser ai copies sirinted vas 814. 142, or *a average veekly tsue during six monnîls ai 3UM copies A GRAN])FFR WW lIlprat te onoiseblhr ta THE WEEKLY GLOBE for 1881 a Rland- soIme Steél Eà graei Portrait of lise laIe HO. EOGEBROWN 4W Ptu pta i he hreisSyleif ot edrs At. - Rmnber tisaItifs à esgrnng ls ta b. OLVEI< onavli a" anml a lyliesmeums by subecribleg ta Tue Waxea- Gnome. Mcny. ne uiubt on sw- to % -lssngic svaY, vil have an Ides #Ilisolec~usfsr;tl#Late a gresuiniltaks. Cbupiçstspros vig~exSt, but5net lis qnlty. a. are zes*4 on acepmst ar tie,- unatuci nus-. B. squlsêteel bemai evory lov raie. anîl la otiulFa -thli Emov lareistiureralarpubliafon ther licp4.a r ulme ià oxeeie-anil wlibepnb- lih a l U sosi Volausa, cf about utisi rcdU Wmsnn noe-ce am tisezc only-esicâe loy Pdfee of one doar-nîTise en>daasey-suepnipon X>u ithe-tor. A prminu;n toSianhoto Tia W~tfTi1%m~ Noue *isè,*lible Ãhipur. I County Liquor Store, -Whole8ah KING STREET, OSHAA Just received for Christmas and the N stock of WINES and LIQUORS, -dir comprisiug Port and Sherry-WinE Gin, Hum,'Scotch and Irish Whi Ale, and Guinness aind Blood1î Go<lerianu & Wort's celebrated 01Ol e A and Milt VÇ Domuinion. Talr&ates' a s erave & Sots' Canaiein AlI-s Béer ou @erft ced iu bottle. The hisrgost and best assorted stock of CIGARSlih e-c Port mud, Sherry Wiues, ai superior qualiîy. at 65.00 p,-r Impeulal Gallon. Native Port and Sherry, 81.75 par Gallon. lartell, Jules Robin and Heuuessy Brandies, lu vqfod i A final, clamai Brandy foor coooling purpos, aI ut62.75-per Redi and Green seoil OldTom cend-Eollands Gin. Jîete.on'F., l3rk'a-, Dutnville and Stuert;s Scoitcel, nd Ir T'y our celobrated Toddy Whiskey. the :6 the market. 82 per gali. or $5 pe-r case Butties. Finest quality of Oid Jamaica Ruse. Base Ale, hottled bhy libhert and Foorêr & Sons, in Qua, Ceegrave & Son (Toronto), Taylor & rate (St. Cathari 10 and 15 Gallon Regs, and iu Bottle iu cases of asti doge pinte, at #1.2â par case.. LAGER BEER POR WINTieB Tva dozen bottles at 61.25 per cai Guinness and Bîood5ea Stout lu quarte aed pinte. , Ceegrave& Sou's celebrnîad lStont, aI 01.50 par dazon q dozen pinte.- ____ A fe'w. cf lise octples of Cigare oenitantl FIer Fini, Prinness Tala, -PloC Allasame', fHenry Clay, Wiu Guli Cura Rings, Trumpeteis, Gi Androgynaus,' - Maple Leaf, Q Best Ze Cigar, pramas, Queen cf thé Turf, M. P. 0., y-le GiII Edge, 1rdlFm~ u Amaerica, La Carolin, La EnlogaGouzalezE;Hijo, 'La Fier Eaninente, Aus Wilsou'sj7 Montreal-G inger,-Aie, Lemonad«-, Pata Double Soda Water, Leimon-.Soda, Sarsapanilia, "in l Largo or esMall quantifies supplië",eand delivere.fre. lu SVhitby and viainity. BotLies returnable wben ual ohangea for. -- Dez. lOtit, 1880. - 1rEALE- Wisoleaele anal Relu OSHd MILLINERY and, FANCY DRY GOODS, LADIES' ansd- CHILDREN'B MA DRESS kND vAN~TL. , FRILLING AND U- -LÂDIES' ÂND MI VELVET, SÂ'I ÇOSTUMEz-A- WomaufgÃ"ture Ladi a 15 I il 3 Lu - I Tise mnbena aiflis. Syndicale, Ila tisor os aces e of ma lattas&-tse -noawlge ai Isulci gre à mu=tjgg ta 5s5.00 acres.Thse 41,00caes isal hae eeeôd broglt d. Ceespsay ts8ces W.v Immrssfraisa Peor' "Ralrocil l(al duatheb avurag o e.afanma mole! by lis. A4ý MM «. -o Md aeaSat a Fe Race! f la 41 madas p=I- e sawie"kaL4 saini cac$à lr étuaIhl ovsed be;St . P, . ings e iengiipgreatan iu crltpiharoer of O>55 TeC:UAxe-A la* 'tne o aseauapro to lian e sibe slielîe îap OMwz r lgsi fis1e î,uuetss,, 1 mat lu ltlae eck R-gel leo mnliera01inlisl CONTINUING. auislh Ils toma menliseal i no$ oiajesI Mr.Map 0'i. have beses auwrm suy tisê itter~ ced ntâee r cdbytho av have exitoi unden nailv ydevelopuaî ha- ou epeieci cent. soyer lis. cte. ýGavnnpteould. vis1. is, ornMW"$ otnrliserpaymaal terenfiabeimatsuufi ao* btopoi* ParBai promctian- listhe"i John preposM iot pria. bu t le-Smit-t fer on a oonpealIos lIt n exaeSà zateé içmnt vil are air inievonhl relaie. a