Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Aug 1880, p. 4

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Q7.Io~WsiPk0 < o d whou-bs uetwpo It1boptthe Ottoi 01 B&bÏlào, anti1I. ven j, Asmara "a thtua mu osE hoe goyeTD# cf b, .117,bow =ýz»Y da Llký"td= - ue" the deor of bigi tont te -do binhocoril Th" O ak"tebusitIOOs Dot W«0Od If w. aaYinot draw bow &gain Bide by jj»4 1h1ot nidal<5ou 0*"y tfs. maide ln battit, ut ltoast lot thora b. 540to FoeryehuohsOir en l hrTbetween tlîy people and my people, #0 LaSo el b 5 out boaofie the laûghs -that a son of Ashur, meeting a chilti et Cie s h aïeJUbSM, anudosa't cars. Ansk lu tbe wilderness, shall cast 14 P ut abOtJUt hrsn uae peur down beforo hlm anti sa?, ls (t Antd adthsmuwhoro 1 Put thons, tee ;weilIwitil thoe, O0cny brother? Thut Ji liulnt, yen suut slow, Panslng to mark the offet of thelle À ohap 0u" voiry sldont do. frlondly sentiments, andi obsorving thut I tuaismYP porson my ds.k they were wehl recoivoti Yb ie ligteners 8h oe Utmthom n tà houp, iecnc unt eSrhdo n Or 15105 te lght 1he kitobon stove th uu urete acedan Tih. vry oe I wsnt te keop. continood in a ighter ton: "Thora le lndeed a eow dominion in on wiiterflighta my c057 daine Babylon when those laws of the land of Wtli warUilier tees hefore the lare, hnrhv enstaiewthsn eh., nover scolde &bout thse lump, iarbvbenstolewche- Or wlts the wtck a trile hitgbr. tence te dsatb tbat Assyrin-boru wbo on sntisdys the il net se0lnne shail bo founti arrayed in war harnas But whit lier rutles I eaunbug; against the banner cf Ashur. Andi I lIght my pipe juswwheie I plieuse. therefore, Burchedon, if thon art a AnlispII te abeson ie '~* prisoner usnong those my bretbrern1 I The. b.d tanover fi11.8 wth "shame"l- wll rausmin h..ot a royal prie.. If aà A tua satome women vtlly Plan friand,> I wiU bld thai leave thein for a Te warry servants hall to deatit, space, te their p rofit andti tine oi un. And spoi1 the temper of a man. I oti n edr Ilprmt 58e lti me sleo e hmay heur, I yaoa t i uhlerIwl rmt 'Ner rouses any berrîd d<in the te ythge honora lu the great If it mest happons, now and thon, ausy thot bas noer-known defoat. To te qnit. loto when I corne te. Sarchedon, glancing doubtfnlly ai 1 tel Yeu, Jack il Yen wonld wed, labtar, notedth Ie cler fade frein ber Jant get a glri wbo lts thinfi ue cbeek ere ehq drew the voil over ber Shoîll keep ber 10mpor lîko a Wc face.. Nevertheless, the tompter wao A1 hlpye on te lots et fnn. - ukiLllot in bis art ; andtibth prospect-cf Don,ýt bot lfor onoy, style, or show, onoe more bearisng arme with bis ceun- (Jr bluhing baty, ripe andi rare; t ewotcwîoet odaio Juil takothetioe wbo latigba ohfte- trymo ato elm tb dsi- Who tovghe, andi show@ she dcson't cire. eti. III wsunî fate return te the lanti cf Tou think, prbapa, our honsehold WOa5 uMy fatiiore," sati ho, "and ride ta bat- Are juet hrchano a lttlo Iied; - îe vîth my brethree le buruimbeti Oh ttt a ou ige hna. fixd,d armer anti tostly rament ence more. ;,W"1ath ompensa ten h s on - B'ut yot 111Io botter te dwell ie tbe des. Who carna lite breod hby sweat nf brow. ort with a whole skie thon te vrithe on IU hmislumode o botte grountiA tako ln tbe sun, even thougb it bc Ant Ii11e one long, terual rew11 ovor against the palace et a king. if I Bditor's-Drawer, ini Harper'u Magazine for came lu the ligbit et the Great Queen's &ptonîbr"~cnuntenauco, bebolti, she woulti Con. _________________________sumio me in lier wrath. Il Nlu7as ceigned lu horstoeati, my death lght 8 A R C H E D O N - prudvecture ho more mercifel, ut A Legend ofet G reat Quega. more sepeody also. anti noue the lois sure. PART III.Asarso hati a purpase o termoe, anti the le glided âmmetb andi facile frein NISR~OCH TE AVENGER. bimt uas. <Centifflékd.) "~miai. ho usvret- anti even new, le ti is hibhur ef tierce re- Thn, Assyren huti&soon Aryue faîl je venge anti mat iaiisalty, ho onîl ti e fight, huai nete th ie destruction cf the sneak that naine vîtheut a quivor et leng swerde, the total route et thoit. thi. hp, a tremble et the volo-"Som- hardy warrioro'-who hoped inl vain t0 iamit siciten s i ber tent vllh a doutht make boati agoînot i countrymon. hurt. Ninyau ber sou, unkint le .1 Whut vas left i hmnov but te drift andi pleasure, lever et the garland, the witb the streuin et fate lu the arma Oet wtne-cup, andt he Coach, voulti soon the womusi ho Inved P W"ear tihe sceptreasa.lho varxiet cf The. Anak-ssi oon rocolfnised hlm us the swcid. The Assyrlun rulor neeis au the cOMPanlen of -theirrleader, wben wise brain anti a long atm.The sho Aret entoradt thir lents and thoy synalu people lokbor ulitios oftei kuew ber net. This was emn uhlàte lu- itingu ihat are te tie ftbohoir élr their protection anti ragirt. At the Getis. Nina viiinover returu te us Airet haIt, thea as ovin a question et frein$lie stars ; but Ninus vas less receivleg hum au an udopteti brother iu powenful than Nlmred binseh!, & Nia. the tnibe ; but ho wrauteti moe thon a rod va. yeaker than Asher, fren sPAn et &be neoeuary stature, anti %hat vhooo loins ho prang. Why abculd projeo wasu uwilingly ubundonetid., a . des et, ove alloglance 10 Nevwer9helesa, overy man feu let ged «uY 'eartblY power T Why shonîti te de hlm homage santindEti ttuper. kingi, -queons, antiprince$. come ho. son te 1h. death. tweon Baal andth !e peopleocf bis dt semt te rchedlon Ibat he vus choice T" nitiiug tho onroaeparadis. iu (To be Continwud.) a urai. He tolti Ishtar As mucb. "hentinri 1h ugetth while ahe rolateti ber lill, ber sorrows *Thi x orig tej eo h anti ber untiavatint cenituncy uince police couvi sent for me.. 1 vent down tieyppurtod in h. dseri attor their 'sud lie received, mo cerdisly. Re said: . fight frein Ascalon. - He feure t *1'b ave beard et the wondeirful iage yak., he mid, ant indI id'bmseif . inyen have ucomplialetiby Inockitg lu that Egyptian tinugeon, fucin which dowvu d poerionsAnd auaultlng sox escup o eeineti bopoesus fren- the ethera, and I arnprend et yen.' T hon tanab. ho ffered à tuant, 'guilty or net guiity?' '*BoIcvedl," she aneveroti, "1h. qabesitasc b 1rospondeul ln a brief but et~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~' hoonylntpri m1 .sidee$u peech setllng forth the impont- y et furîher. Beholti 1 twice as busue ae cf the occasion thst- hatibrought hrongh t yon .bs.iverance through me sns together. After the nouai ceramon- hier servant in youn heur ef grotest ies I vis requetedtta end thse city tee nest. hIt s enugb. W. s"al hodollars." f ar9tdne more.Wo willl cut in Our Brown'& landlady pussoci hm à dih cf et' with these obibtren efthte wilder- vegtablis aI the dintier table, anti ho Doe;; hey are brave, generouo, faitube hlpoti himusif t &bout tvo epoonsful, fui ; tlîey yl Lnce us frein our enoin. amesibankrupting tb. dii. vbeu ahe - iei wth a botigo of steel."1 saidtg ihm vitit a sinils on' ber ftc "Ba. it so,', lie nsvered, loOoin ant irli-l ber eye : "Thon are new fondly lu tho dear face LiaI vis tnvil' potatoos, hMr. Brave, and nos o fthe qdi oly te hlm. $-Botter a gosa'.hair ether berdors may vs.nt saine." "EBeg tout wttli Ishtar lu tbo desert tban a yeur pardon," chaitet Brown, lu sur. pited chaiaborzanti au ompty heurt priet as ivo or tbroe o4fitoa un- fiie .palace cf a kng. Vdrt opesn oigetl i itpp," umdt, semevbai vlstfuly, l'Ovoult thougit they voe peas," sud tien ho fain @ce the inside et Great Babylon inluboti bis ticener iuvviedly. Brown la again bofore I die."- nov huutlng arounti fer another board- They wye crossing a air anti 1eel ing bouge. plain, the Mountains above "Ardeoh voie alresiby inkiug frein viev, sud sWaipponscf yviiu4ut thse obiliron cof thedeseî elcometi are yen buriig oere T" e'retri au thot smeoth, unvarieti surface. as r.- autien 10 tbe servant girl. ",Oh, ouly mluding Ihenà cf lIa.boutilees tract the paper vbal's al vnitten ever, it. tboy caoud thir homo. I baie t tenîhe tth e cdean," vas tue Présaotly tue chiot ridlng warily le comfortiiig raply. their roaF, aboutedtitehI. Fornisig "Neyer leave vhat yau undertake un- Savards tue -point of anger. they eh. 2 y=n aureacb your amm round té servoti a clumu etf taI rrlaîng l inte atieenhyour handeoan lthe01105, distauce, set au ammeti Party procoeet i-ae," ma&yuao recently publisheti bock Iug rapidly on tueur trackt. for young- mon. Ver.y gooti atvio; 'To %icse observant eyeo, prompt anti but viat if &ho speurn? 1reliablo information wvasuffordetid Aiumaiiroetycueih, iec lb§% ligtest taitens cf earth or sky À huisbbopaes' lb. ervans wie o While Sarcledon Coula i detolbut a le e achhmA LH rolling yellow Cloudi, tie ssens cf Aitad lettingt rctl in ta.M tbld 610h other et tenscore bominmen soathe vas up le an instant, fn 4_t and a war-chariot travelling u sped Ilusal ber omplnts, vbhilelhe Tus Tbiey boro dowu thereforo le ue 0 . noyer ba t t pay a penny for rectionuoethle approachiug party, <rin'uce lug earetnly round Isit'antiu ber coin -o"Mn. jouos, don't y ou _thini t ti ponion il use cf conflit. vouàen aro mcre senible trnmou f' W'ouon vl & N adrong cf oaci otuer auitk4 Misn Sinth. Andti on« asý4r both thfop.soevbaat *oulaitentpieu seating hiavorito bump fora mom Sptia eultdae Jk$OUItovars aontor Ivo asat, "Why, oirtOISi7 I, the Anskims, vho stoppeo t, at %pgr aro.-baoy 51117 mn, a nti *i D1 O).y."solbti a I>yio hi's melba heati bar,shodlo,.rod ln loken cf or 1 v wu lbMdf411t aor-"Oh in. &mnity*ÂAsuars Wma bis unarmoati teo S It big Aitlî s"Ots w' 01 hatie at î'sIli abndvoa. ".il j osaI et. _ w,,foi0foe peauo, Ouay brother il,. ilat! s. «ao,t-oft yenitatlori "fi0el lhs'o be Pouce,aMy brother,be- 84ltlavmtc a lana me",9 oblat ortlhi Anakînisud'ntithe toâssisueb, Bos s kAindly phemmll g.t: ove eut OcF-bÏs chariot, pro. ed dtaînitard ent cf a Sam yFrancsew tee xo ain 1h. eteOndefbiscoln,. utttï, 1 ti "eewvng that hbis IreW lugasatiblé ;abseoneol tub«; ocf i..vaW bn vroopadmls try fen 1ay8f4Î rotcen lagholg tyain lesagtb. Th, "Sanlroni," o id,"hai benf.owlImyopdned ýbis eOyes .a"tird gr6viuLSlY voUnde-t, a ts vway mc. mrtdP'e mmister, boraseo.1 nient ettriumph. If not hurt to th# deatb, &leho v jas# oa nablo le roblin iW" foloving aurions dIrectioms I oqmmanud 'o! thé bout, or mn èe , . i s*= al aithe Cburh ot5t.- *diba fer lb. gorermeul t b er inpù. a ltlnain'>ung r~ra AN C:LoTUS F04TU ~S Ir MARTIN &WARAM AU WOIIK GUAIIANTEED I GI VE U$8 A :CA.LL WALL- PAPE RS!I A Large Stock, at Low Figures. BUEBTIUTIS or The public Mrecautloummisd slta cuatdmwhicb cm growinlg qit comm of flate amose a certin dai of medicine dealeru.and wbicb lu tuis: Wheu asWked fo.r 7-"bott f Pj.1lr te Uâtdicover tust they are - sMont." "bulit have another article tas LorQd, if not baller." ltI theitl supyt the fsme pne hobet of thAi ý hes msutta5es ae up t at o otIehr4V ltt P f the Palu.KEiWIantibeLng compousidedb f th- vilest * snd heapeo dr ins 'vo cmht by the delr nteraabnut liai Wht.~f~Paa.Il1er Wh;cb enaleshlm thae<iOtJe*15 <w-cnti auwôe =fit par b<*tI. ,Pnthse lntfflcn .rdtlethle « n on t he Fou CltOLKR.A MOREIJS. CRAMA.& SUMMER OR BOWEL COMPLAINTS PERRY DAVIS' PAtN-UiILLER rrCU E rAtQ eaLLSA MM. DRESS ANiD MANTLE' MAKIN G -ARE OFFERINO GREAT BARGINS IN- a] 1MILLINERY, UNDERCLOTHING, BABY LINEN. &o.1 Special attention to orderis. -Magni ficent assortment of Trimmings at reasonable cost. TI 'he Best sewing machine for sale and te rent at very low prices. Orders for British Âmerr4can Dying CO., for dlean- ing and coloring of Feathers, Gloves, Dresses, &o., will be reoeived and promptly aftendod te. Mè & S. E. MoINýTYRE, agent for Battorioks P~trS#u mspnd shShot BOOK STREET, WHITE L UQ0,RSTOR, WHOLESALE AN»DILEFAILt - KINIG-STRÉEET, kVY.1 'g ~HOEI8 I ~ft AT H 3rok-St,. ' - WitbY. 03elTEN FER GCENT. OFF!!1 rn AUl sales are uow made wi a RDUCTION OF TUN PER CENT. upon sellingprice, te CASHpurcha8erst The Stock is the k*argest - iM' the Cozsnty, 'and em- braces everitin in Boot8 and Shoes, for Ledies', GentZumelàn at uZ 7 itenS* wear, Newest StylZes and be8t qisalitij of material and workmaaslip. Pleame eall in turne, The redýction will not lait long, as leathez and ftndiugs are gomùgUP AN INSPECTION BESPEOTFULLY XWVITEI).- ty 27, 1880. Watison'a Blok, Brook street, Whitby. 0-0 032 fou] slip OHN I &J A lýE v OSIIAWA The ugnderaign»as ma]ing, the LIQtTOB T1UADI epeoiba e43et t0 wob -hficonfines lis bi n zm, e»adto suppy Faille, Doei-kèePers, and the T"~de-generally withg ieLqonsai owest prica~ B 1ST WThl REST ]3RA' BEST WHJ PRIe8 LOWER 1T LAGER BE LgerBeer in. the igh I ioe ~;inwOod ]?ERUBO c HÂS JUST BECBIVED -A STOCK 0F 10OCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS !I hiel were ordered before the rise in price, and which lie pi!oposes to offer at less than provious selling prices. In. cloths, lie offers LL-WOOL TWEED SIJITS at $10 -:00: - in HATS, his stock is the largest ana beat selected to be îdfin the Connty. I!AILORING in all its branches and under his own JOHN FERGU SON, Dinitis Street, Whitby. NEW GUOODS! ýM.ATTHEWff COLLINSHATS, CAPS & GENTS' FURNISHINGS Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, AND SIE THIE LÂRGEST & BEST STOCK 0F BOOTS AND SHOESI ~'Ten per cent. discount off for Cash~ FOR O ----H f Customers arc invitedti t callria examiné titis stftta, juatge of tue quallty auti luit a uote of the prluoa. anti satisty tuommselves «s ta whcre they can gel lie bei#l Barguins, fer I'vo bootu varranltd ta voar- Boots as cheap us lbey are gooi, Winl stnd vitieut #a bar For ladies, gents, anti iirlieed- Any veatuor, anywbr-- Fit for City or 1h. e o;- Andt bat ean'l h. boul elsevhere. AUl shoulai have a pairIbhat coulti, By tue bost. An4 b. a rouI. 9 REIPAIRS NEÂTLY DONE. Corne on dear public, bcave your oare andi gel s. pair of Boots af the rlgbt kiud frein your obligeai anti humble servant, MATTHEW COLLINS- TO THE FARMERS' 0F THEI 0 M I NI O N I :000: We offer you for the harvest of 1880, the following first- las Farming Implenients : YOUNW N W A MOWARE, Imroved.)ov4 CAYTJGA Ji MOWEIR, -(Improvedl.) c sucb a barvest as te laiit andi carring off lte Golti Meulai for Canada, Wit aise nolity aeR pnroiascra who want durable maehgincry anti propose to pay CASH ON -DELIVERY, te eaU at aur office i Whilby, before placing yonr ortiers esevitere, as il is aur intention ta adopt lte CASH SYSTEMI_ ing pices. <ive us a ca.1 Whitby, Jan. 2làt 187Ù. . FIIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FORI -ÀNY QUAXTITY 0F-ý G~OQD "OumT, -DEIVRE T-n:i W. J.GI B SON1N WH1tBIEY CHINA TEA. ,STORE. Mierchant Tailoring and Gents' Fur- nishing Houlle, tEXT DOOR TO THE NE W POST OFFICE, J. R. IPRINGLE. FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS!I c A~ 8ag spl,8ueMn1reh T :B-&sGTV17 N., IERADR'OOPSa GraCEM. BOOTS AND SHOES, OROOKERYe GLASSWARE, The Dry Geeda Department is complote in every ine ana thaef4rooery Stockt ail new anai fresit. 0-' The cheapest hanse i the- Connty. Re- member thc atidres. 40 A. B- SMITH. Raglan. -C A L L ON- WILLIAuVIF&URNSV For Reliable BooWHTsY, and Shoes.1 (y'Foot Wear of al kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by Brook Street, Whitby.- CU T TEISI AND) CARIRIAGES. GRE~AT BARGAI14S OM'FEED IN CUTTERS. &c., iii order to make room, as we intend to build a larger- nuniber of Carniages and Buggies this winter than usual. TOMS & N E W P0 R T TO RENT T~E CLYDE 158 Km-o.Soe. EAu TOERYNT0. ~HNYLBMON, - PBOPBIBTOR. MON EV ý TO LOA~ ON E»Y TERMe. IApply to- W.H ILG, 0 ffice e-ver Ontarlo Bank, ý 10-tfWht R. 0. CEMETER'Y (Lot 26, Bra con. cf VWhitby.) .mv Tre= on.the land cemplis ho prosocutot. ipeciol notice le hcioby given that caU tonnd grazlng le the Ctrnery will b.it poonded and lu addition the owners szm for sny damago tuat moy hoe ccosionst the thte eutry cfeach cagte. J. J, McENTEE, P.Pe May,180. 2- LI VERPOOL, LONDONDÈRýj GLASGOW. (Mn.-s zitWooo, Master,) CoMMOncItsgThiu'sdai,, AiarUl Sh, Wil m&a eber regniar trips on-bsrue L EÂV IN G Co b o g a I.0 an at 9.80 evermrung (Suny exce lmo arrivaiof tr 1 thfein lIa, ol, st Nerth, oonnoctÏng vith railvay l ou il Rochester for ail points iu 1h.emo ttu RETUEIfING-Leovea Charlote(otc Bechester) a1 9 P.M., excopt Baturayva she beaves aI 8.45p.m., for ôc anai Port Hpe direq't.' n Deolers lu Stock &oc., viii lnti -the. cheapesî sud niost direct route teoiotoi, Albn, n Nov York. bany, ud eriifotioatieu, 'ipplyt or, QAPTAIN SHRi? 011 C. F 4HDB EV,1 (ui Ticket Agent, Witby. - WHITBY GYMNASW Opneverys&#er nofrin4 pomt slu ite aenring rum 7 ta 10 1 Ati4isuiou y Ticket. - BOYS8 UNDER 15 YEARS 0F AG>E 15 FROM 151020, 20CT8. : ADJLT8 25 Tickets geetifc one o;henti ay ho- E.STEPENON's. D)ominon Tel Wiby, Jniy 21eI COMFORTWLE HOU8E, Store Tc Rent-eat nortotfPl 2cnte,-gpi potinsertion. ls Specisi Reports of 3 ira. statemonti cf Bonus na igurnceCompanieo,s terpon±olootr« t0m y lyroratheri r -~ Ordorrsodiscoe mus neinwritibg. TiU ,u oe i ta- gbto, Wtby. J. B AEEL Oounty a BARRISTERS & A.i.RTOLAW, 5 Toronto. JADIES KEK Mon"y te Loan- intef. - ]LYMAN1 -kTTORXEEI Office, iu lilil Whitby. MONEY TC i, m=u p tg terot.- ilS T8. AtL Also two ~I2ons of good - .ik.w~g.ii I ini WMTBY, ONTABIO-11 DUXDAS STBEET, 1 T 0 ýRE14T. 1 -DELIVBRED AT-=' BU GYGIE S51 1 'l 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 l I., 1- 1 -ý ý 1 1 m 1 l 1 1 1. Allan Line; OF ROYAL MAIL STEAMSBIpS1 5UMMEB SEIIVICE vuA QUEBEc SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE! The Steosnships oI thue a Ln r dispotched from Quelber oer StM. o ahane 9 a.ms., on arrivol ef the train leaylngi Wbithy a4 8.2b a.m. evorY FridaY. THwuitOOn ATEa vum rniBEye. Cahin, $81 and $91, according te pouýit cf etateroin. Lowor rate for returu tick- ets. Intermnodiatù, #46. Steeragea st rate&.- Moravian... Agut 7th, 9I Barmatian--------"141h, A Sardinian........ " 28th, 5teorage psmengers are forwirdedto Lon. donderry, Boas tm , Glasgow, Quemutova, Bristol, Càvdiffrand Lendon atsamo raie as te Liverpool. Partiea slng te moud for theïr fria" con obtain tickets aI 1eo-artom. For tickets pnd taulier information ýppiy t GEO. B. YULE. E3xpress anti Telegrapl 0 ce, Whitby, May 2911<1880. t D AILY LINE'O ROCHESTýR TEE STEAME 1 MoMillan's Block, IN TOWN. -CAL L 0 N- Boots

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