Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Aug 1880, p. 3

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rnENB. NE4W Xl)VIýftrTSEMEN ~ Soh ool re-open8 WeédncsdaY, Sept 1u H O T E L. ESTÂ3L1HED 1874. mran prefo rcd. T ONCE. to ÃŽNGI - tal an Ã" vvar nouse, WA TSQN'8 BL OK. HEMOVAL TARES PLACE Tuesday, 3lst Inst. R. H. JAMESON. SCHROOLS RE-OPEN sept. 1. MilS ALN às-rc>c mcxm1 SCILOOL BOOKS lu comlte, farntheouse cf the IHigb sud publia Seleacle. Ail of which wili besold et the vee'y Iawest raies A LARGE VAIIETY IN SCIIOOL Exeraiso Beoks, Drawing Blooks, lut.- Papes, Fooiaio, Sîstes, Ponoile, Peus,- etc., ' etc., etc. Ileniueor lb. Irou.beunel B00oke Aise I5, 10 and 15e Soribblng Books. CMIWING1M TOWN HALL, WEBNESD IIYEVN'g SEPTEMBER lst, the Fenione Versatile Character Coueadien JOHN THOMPSQN, Supported by the Bemutlfeti Young Actreas MISS DOTIE NAGLE 1 And the Cherntietg Youleg Coeedeune and Vocaist MISS MOLLIE THOhtPSON. Thé Gceet Specilty Coneaey, k0uind the oid InuoMinutes1 Sonethis.g tievaneS OrIgirxai. Tht lesti Entertuieeetcet Traelvrlineg. Result, Crowdeousateseveryhcro jUrnsg the Coeedy, Lie fllowiefROSaI ils Cîtaaciers, wvOl bc ietrodueec, 'altO tem Chaerecteietle Speeleelties: MOtLIE lcGOlMLIE Y, trom Iflraad, ('vith Sang sud Dance. JACOB 111NSMULLER, troni (ermeny, Wth Clarineet. Solo ANTOINEt PAIIAGALDA tram Iteiy, SWitls Viollet So a. FAREII SOWEMEOIVE,- a Yankee: - Witie a Mule Stary. M01EUR DE IIOUILTON, icani France .WiLlh Magical Tricks. CIILIW-LUNG, f raniCina, VltO Solo ut Cbnebe PiStls. 'ENUT ROODJIN, trosg Engissed, vit: 5.sone at solos MOSES AI3IAUAM, s Jour0lothilr, vit Comte Sang sud Dancce. LALKES oF-MUSKOKA RETURN TICKETS. At tho tolloioueg Ratas, are nsais aL %Vb by station Whiihy1 Pad Peill & tindsal RaiIwm ý --I ,-'. ik m --. - -- c- TIMM* nue 4 1" ut ~ 0 ~ -'t The imes-àO1 f BEoThen.O Oashmeres now BRYÇESCS TIEQH~A This. is the Largest lot (!ZOOO yards) fi 'nd MstcOmýplete assortmeflt of Ever offered to the Whitby atnd -Oshawa publie!. anad ha-ving been ýbqught -last January, at the lowest prices this class of goods wvas ever known to be, they are 'vithont doubt the best' value in the markiet. The great advance in the price of wool lias eaused an Èdae in the w1io1esalé prices 'fromà three to ten cents per yard.- The wvhole lot is being offered at old prices, whi ih. makes it advisable.for in- tending purchasers tp make select ion-s earlY. HEAVY ALL-WOOL BLACK CASHMERS at 40 and 46 cents.1 FINE t6c at 50, 55 and 60 c3ents. VERY FINE Cic at 65c, 70e, -'15c, 80e, 85e 90e, 95e, $1.00, $1.10, $1.20 and $1.,30. £VERT PRIOCI IN JETAN LELA 8DL a ROBER T HàBRYCE, 3 K1NG STREET WEST', O$EAWA. Je S. RoblertsonIl - NEW -OLA-OT---T. NWADVERTIBEM-ENTS. O K -D rPt-iT O VOTERS'LIST,'80 - -STOCIPLIT' 0F-U DOMINIO0N WAREROOMS! SO OO QO S TOWNSHIP 0F MA RA,. AS USED IN< THE HIGOH AND PVUBLIC-SOHOOLS COUNTY OF ONTARIO.DIE T M OR TO : 0F THE PROVINCE, IS NOW CONFLETE OtI ans Mlted ordelVE redT D1RE0T 1MP R TI N N Isavera mnitiLO(ed otho thtnd te IN EVRY rR^1CL.R 2 CASES of those ]Polka Dot athe list made, ]plf I N -r 1n's Lu st nr f i e tns apeof SCHOOJL ST.ATIONEJIL.-eatty & uý= bai 'g',Il 11 " t, v,'t,&r a t. tOngaie) M unt palt7î<.ct'fNfPX Clart"s IHeaud-line ok (ail numbers), F7ive adsueme tht" e0()ud rth of Newl Brussels, 9apitry, Kider- Ten Cent Copy Books, withiout~ head-lines, Dow desîgn thuepaIliussud tsadlit- $231 miaester, Union a44 Hemp liticovers. Best vleiitwn. OUIR celebrated 5, v 3frtup in a y office si urten' 1) and 15 cent Scribbling Books. nO - C ...A.. ur ispetioE T S-or SCHOOL SLATES.-llave purilased ia.u. nd uaelfltutlC tdiapr1CC a large 'stock otf thce best icake ini American Slates.cor intORaid rLO OI cOIL OLOTIL riîe s frorn 2 cents and up. . l ko tesdMunicipaity SU N DIES.- Sehool Exercise B ok Dtdaiptnrvug1, 'CTO GR N BGS Lvad ftnd Sinte Fencils, l'eus and Holders, Foolscaps, FACOORSAE.Ã"N GRWA~tINE P AE& 0 Inks, Ralers, Drawing Papers, Drawing Instrum-ents, 0 E ETgae eaten Rubbcs, et., et.0OFerme ine tienCouty, helug west jloat -0:0- 16, Cou. 11, Township 5of i irc nar CQrj J 1 ,Io rE E Couu talneng I (t)A ctes, 9 f ih 'SBEC0IYRDaT1-I W 0MEI arentlsared sud free tram tumnps, balane V\/ H Y ? ,çoudhardwood Thene axe on th: RCIE g EX remYisgoe heliî ousse, an laige iii the trade, .".- stabr, leu aod ne,sllg ls snm 'acrcs ofdgood bearing orchard, s never.fail. -lsesiga 1lgtlîuuc'd c..p.ri.ýc utetae n lgbrtogn e facilities for pureluasi ggot vauech departittei-ttat te~~InD ne u hog thepacWbhby, A.ugust 5tiI, 1680. veyclosest rates, we arec cfablud~ lu turii to mark ail goods ste os goi gra3elnmail two miles fram atvery otmfgrs Cnnn s u ineQGannseVillage, an the Torontaoend bipptsiseç Beila, miles»l(1 Vfl Caaous iclrsaJlrt iai n pr acre; S2,000 cauh, balance ' te remain on mnigage on the prexulmes for WIIOLESALE ANI)REAL.aterni te suit the puncleseer, &a sressonab W ADVE rate ci interest. Tis isasgood chasece fr NEW A1 ~ny ue dsiras a nekinu sa home luesn-0. J. S. ROBERTSO OS. i, node - 0 Aiieust 2t$t, 1880. ONTARIO. allyo h re.,Pil bletter te . i tS II L ~ R1~ Cannington, AU&g 95, '60. 6ffinProprietar. TE ÃŽDR&yÂWO 'G'The CASH GROCERY ýý19ponl"um, ONTITA Rs10=LADIES COLLEhG £ - Deverels Blocki, lias be:ome HouseboW 'Word, as 'te gi . ed 0*~1 te . aod n.eft W ~ W s . N - n~ieitq.intie o~ a Wl*yon GROCFeIttS ew SeBasQi Teas et,, 2&ce 350 ana Ã"Oo, ------~ ooo:'- ONDAY, 30tes ÙJAJT, 880. wrh4e 5ea&8c.EgihBrýfS ffee, 2501l r wherr I ueetlyleuedrprsSnnei toeenIfuneL.uea- OC p IL. Al grades of BSnge'sat rook bottom .pries. ,The Pri». Tw t r, e a tcseetlyateid tner ereu. liiia yong hesti g nl udehcesbtei home, At seen o'1oke M tIens ai .e.sl ed gxetulture. Before eedau e rewhere, parents Zviii du oiteto . IiangB.r oeL us ai, o drcne oJp r pos - 1cueiider the following Sg'eVUL AeV-iÃŽiGtO hat wu oSler forthe systematia devlopinet 1Whitby, Augnut iPtie. 1860. - Ils- s s oieBIn o dr cn e ,gos ue-S of ile vhole beiueg, pleysical, igtlectual, sud moral, -_______________ pure Creai of Terta&,- eÏuglïeý7 Broon,PatP&àilS tc 1. Unsurpassed Facilities For Thorough Educational Work.- j m ( o J' * e To RENT.Wbt rnthaddTe s,$ In the ioxndatiore branches af instr-uction roquired tor lise' G !ià cia T a St, .0prD zi rB e h EXA INATION, 14v 1,,,,trmLARD T. o.1%nt WIIW ra4ute Tes B.t8, $2.75 ; ehlté Granite <.amber Sets, $2.50; .b-g = ,rc rINTERMEDIATE EX mINAfOi 4ACRsE OF L N O l8 T ht~e ela~D Bd temIt,$OO' or University Matrceulatofl, vaare eulerlng lette competition vitis Lb. igh seooles igith easi on of cI l Uelux --i.-Ob,---- 1sud Cailegeste Institutes, sand do coafldeutly aller Ltistose pre "ing for.tise teachieng mtLe af ulttvstlon, adlocning IBron gh mýasàrteet ôf QLASSWm.aee, ' Pci~"!e profesion, ailthe LutaiIttet1itel dvtcntagcu tiest tue hest sehoola csuf arnws, i, sr inp tO~e wm viiib 5mesp lu~ age i" ~kot p= ýru t pms !,j, s ad,ait the ane tia, pop#to, NO L L TE 3È0 sI- Superior Social and Aesthetio, Culture. au.' uItr ~ ~ ae leTh olaIn enece frein the elsltors' repot <ies expralr L hesvuWA$TED. -eWTàs hi '55 .Jl nected with the aduirabie maetbod of grsding snd alseselstoth"io~~aiL.~ T ETe -u.1. ~~c>oear ,i~r e h entire ltersry departneent. dTe p hea b tudentain oesc~tatc~ ~S L : dh ern tOgugesh.o.dc b-ndvds te lino te." CoscalnlisgI &ei d e '6n0a e , th e E g lig h br a n c h eis, s dha n n eata w . VK -a tact vich I attribute te the uub.devislons af thcs classe ami slALbgrater attenti Lot.01No il, * ioea*Tlsro aI ph-~ .e thc a th piliaing Le houghe tsnding En ntprcdeeEreltta. -Aprt ~3otecînOî< M dls oI ithe VOSrTtu1 b .itj1? om1fttoltt1 1 3 A1 -t i 2.I SIVUMerr ousecfInsrcio i Mmc- RWT EIUTYiM99Tor £& ,,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R O Ma sIfs itsL.Lm udsoto lt N b R' M To m inglOsi lb oi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 su eivo htL.eti IesË5cQ~- ~ OPSD< 9B ADIC I'~ the Plieth bgbol ta dig I tç e w n Dais .55.75 Itrarabnldge....,~~~~~~~~~~~ .A7 a deatcntarBar iDrecosBve.ggt ae . ,a .- au mienrt Gernisu musiciù sud musIcal aoIsn055, - .:roie~r. él teG Fauit Carlisng.. 525 Lake Roeu .... 6.75 vator,' ai e Yort Ciy, who UI edit wjzîî1by sied ia inddIile ien Ut, Lits Joeph, .......... 7.25 -the deîartment oaie. c. hose Woia hasebetoiOre ompl f httt..-o, e AL RUD R LRE . luons,:May rtsesuaei tic stnob h deets 1vM iaiute th e .presen 7tm-s ALL RUND RE LRES ...... 0.75 n ab' ndenthoaulo protausor viii b. aws u band te direct asd supevs Li - - v~ork sud give thetnitvéJa iiosever,' w.ek ee. Tickets are goad ion for 0O DAl't4, Ot Young iladies vio intou ent a a mme til ttȔng théi ,professons viE- b. incroukne,' flot itar lOi PsNOVEMBER. Dali'boat iustructed iu thé e a s eýiqutlfin braunhes tof 4h.art, vIir4e u csreiWb. ttlse for llracébrlslge, Port Carling sud Rossu, impart te su thes papis s acorrect, .eto el yl I prt'lg $1 iti,ç ua Iee,oravànlurit, st 1.15 P. eM. Connet..nabllng thoa eniLucontinue their studesin ft=$e# 0ne oa tPrt CarlingvIIitsemer for Lake peoy. Il's'pt"L vinb izb.ealeab,'Mise Ram sud natte aier i1prlte u Jogsthp T1okets or a&l round tie Lake@ shilit,' ile 'lde Ihttio Ilassan sd Josephi. WIA Dîplocus viii b. ien te thase vbio completOt b pecrbi prf..otelIre. lite eIuioetranstar ai puegensm sud Olw Bs âsgge, hetureen Midisud sud 3. The Art DepA'tffment, N orlieu Satin sOnhl~.Affordesusperlon £soIlil4stfor tbeie u #ÇJi et t145vit, -9,u* JAMES HOLDEN, incluaing Laudsep, Portrait, Fruit, ploviýs a s-â 1 ColoasMdV/SP MsugmngDiratr. P"Inln. Wiib," Auguet, lOrd, 18W. SliDIlItucin lebss thue braluA fperspee'e, lav ilr 'sI _______________ Iersn and teusistlan, 00thte.pupille lsd f4cm ooppiamý41sI te hOé So e ui th wegrequ isit. (fou Ahàë LEA'ffLER Pooket ook mi4. ELEGANT lfll48qG, cuàAuG nMS & --Lwul OST, A Us lJeiuSdIghadin rgvuin iaour01n. N Ms ý76-. &Vuslos rqiea--~- i' - J'~ce uebeobr'gSbB6 ô . TUE B l3ff.NA4t ZBITS AND M1LPs OFT!N »"ML8-QP te M An,' i perst urnlug thesu viii h.sultabiy L. M &aLcei= ell4 .c4oieoflf6Ads-etu .a4 reveenlde, muda aupaile a. enrb,'oaObn1 y sdas# tiwi*il~sud espe*PS'Ue' tIono4 tram ýpurnIestiug or ugcai t gl hp htchn v~ eivulgl h notes. 'vI* EEOI#, 5, s es.355 à iýpio OIOF N WhiLby, Aug. 94, 18W», 1f 45mi ein1ua"sf.Dt 2letc > The tMusgd leprepared e ta * t Vbffl P&1 cent EBT PSIOSe roiZW -$or O ~ARLE~ 0o10 M tg Ope wice C l l t o o z H crà eo- 00I O j-',w t E- O- vv o j E 0 CAU TIOT Myrtie KN IS MABKED' IN BRONqZE LT None Other Genl I... V*ZO.ié!U 115) Usave~hesn"U IdMdtI~ i il ROYAÂL AIPLY A The It %AN. " 1 G j i i iuuhceîtatligly go4irantO ru e OGOLD FLAKE OtIT 'L Co~ BE8T SMOKING TOBACCO IN- CANADA Zit lis made by a nswlq and oiginal Pr?«, COUs through whl'ohe.Yunk-DICOtICO 1s F e tructeid sud Lb.the et Aroiosudi made from pure mu-ce 7brdgbt Yir sD iu.a. Leal, withont the ;M O lo1ril', 1 S or injurions cocraoundu. It in ont roi J _D Kfor use and nest1l' paed lu nuot> , , r.ompRw 4-unce pac:ke1e *lkblp in aay climate, and Win o unte tangue. LJ ew thiug, hnwevs'r zuch IfleTuent# [Totil thero le edemveni for it., hue deterfoined to plasce it iirectly çitbin. T tine reach ofallaILFur thoie uinuOCY-, cleys, where it ctunot be obtuiued ('f p locafdelers, I Wijl send iTwtsatnple D packages (4 os. esch), pont poict, to ONIM L address, ou reoeipt oif60 cent", (VOIat'gé, lj .11 ora of the pipere. isrvtei.ta gloe iTobtracloJ.ESAXTON, GoeTbcoWorku, Winasar, Ont' .~PHOTOGRAPHY. mJ. W. RUPERT, ___ rom thew,U-knovm firm. of BRUCE' & 00., rorouto, Photooesphers, N Takes pleasure iu iuformlng the cltirene N e io Whitby and South Onutario, that hc bas1 *purchaaed the entire rigbt and interest of thst, weil.known Photographie aud Fremiugý establishmenlt, laLely carriedl on by the E Moessrs. LYON BROTHIEE, WILKINSON'S ITLOCE, BROCK-ST., mienta, telsO &:6tia' 3 &CCOES0EIES-1 ALL WORK GUARANTERD F1R82'.OLAB 4T TE .LO"W BT RATES I1 4 ruine, -CHilLDREfl.AA SPEC1ALTY.-- 1 Se. Our' TABLETTE PHOTOS:f FRAMING lu'aUi liabranhs PHOTOS. COPIED ena 9uulargeèdl, s1 finiahed plein, in 0 c~erolourlik,eor- crayon, it BO!JTOM -IES. lap AGENT for-lelason & Riicb, mànU Mar5. facturera of Pla ansd oigans. Orderli cd eto& for Tuuing pramptly atndedlo.' J. eW. R. hopes by strict atention ta lilial- Idt nosig ta mont a sare ofu the patronlage 'j. J. 1V..R(i'Jivi-T, Wfllrinson'e 1Blok, lrotk.st.. o whiLby, May il, 1880. y.S S1 ozN L, &"'ÃŽMEMBPB0F, Ta*,ONTABIO S()- Idby IET OF kIIT!à, AZr nd aeeuclaic api tbe UyInduA )r demy, v recl,4 'ePSpilî and ijve 1sniec. i, .ie IL1 Sketches ai housse iod grounde a et2. a ai. OU Oder. <Id o ai eetinge renovated. BC B A LE B O-F. <JIARGEs. FOR LUSqoN8INOCIL PAI NTiN. WATEn COLCR8 nrwW inSIPBIsekand WhiteOrasOl4 an .en., c., &C. e qarT 1 -.4- -- - -- OPEN OPE] ;W B ln %e. obc;à

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