Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Aug 1880, p. 2

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ASobul 8149 t4.8Rbnio - . roekany d Glsewae-8.isaer. Xsfrenilo Wste-4ois M<ýMhon. Oasis for Grain iad ProJuce.-J. HL * Mra VobaI.Liot forl18W. Scbool Books-bre. Alun. Pochet B3ook Lost-Wm. Heror4. 6iates sud Penelu-Mrs. Ailin.' Adverttlsemnt-Ifev¶ J. J.-Rars. Ceok wanted-Royal bote). Pi-i-Se pt. 2ud. Duffind Cre;k. Feai for sai.--D. M. llogan, Huttseasd lot for siiae-Samtit Tyve. Solicoolbookeý -Y. S. Robertson '& brau. Spi-cial notice-8. W.Il. Smith. Advriement-T. H. T'omrnigt-ou. Comsing-tiie .oln Tiouapson Co. ou Wtdueeday Sept. lut. Opcuiu-li H.Jameson. Lakes of Mnikoka-Retaru Tickets- hW. P. P. & L. Ry. Speciisi noticese-Robertson llrop. btaeî tionery-Mrs. AMliu. specaatl noticesi ONLY Si 5o PER ANNUM. W hiLby, Thursday, AugL. 26, 1880. N4orth Ontario- Tiso nomination ook place at Sun. derland, on Satnrday, 21st intit.-Mr. John Ham Perry, returning <,icr.- thhortly after tweive oclock, Mr. Perry read tb.henrt of electien, sud Lhe nomi- nation papere, given beiow, were baud- ed in. Tisera wae a very email attend. ace. After tise close of tise prooeed- iuge about eue handred sud f fty peo. pie assenabied in tise hall, suad Mr. Malcolnm Gillespie being sppointed chairman, thse candidates 11addreaseed * tise meeting.*'Tise whole ting was vcry flat sud se difierent froua Lie old ,eitenaent on nomination days. 6111E5'5 NOUINATION PAPER. D. J. Adams, Port Penry, i3noker. Wv. Bt. Mcthsv, Menchant. Johna illilags, " Soliaittr. H Pasrsona, -- Pabliéhon. Joseph Cooek oCater. Thoms Mali.Mearchant. Jamaes Baird, " Pasbâues. Wm. Spesace, Beach, Contracten. Thes. Graisse, -' Fr»er. John(Grahamu, -a D. Ustais Port Penny, Salessuen. W. aTmoed, Beach, P.L. Sarvejen. Wcs Sinclair Scott, Pas-ser. Jaee W. tlapLroy, d M. Usapisny, - . J. T. Foulter, 44 Hatel-keopar. Wmi. Caibnna,- Brooks, Marhant. C. Davea, Port Pers-y, Ancflsnsees-. Hi. B.O'Deli, Mas-. 04)C. Wm. Juhasten, Uxbz d, BatIdes-. Tics- Lamb, Beach, 'Yeoan. Johen Basceus, Uxbridge. Hotei-kasper. Tisam, DoiaIsa, il Gentiemanu. Jalso Actea, lBrok, Yeoman. AbreiasActon "a G. L. Stuveasea 44 M. mePisidon,- Marchant. W. B. Mcl'lse, Mars, Farmaer. J. A. MeSSllvray, Uxbraige. BarriaLer. B. IL. Ossucron, Tiserais, Fermer. Stewart Bruca, Pert Penny, Pas-uer. Dava lHovey, .4 Ganiiessean. tW.JIELtS 5NOMINASTON PAVER! 1. 0,' ids, Equir-e, Uxbrldge. A. 1. Weeke, Dragrit. - Ina G,. Crosby, Marc ient, Davidl Wiika, 'Esquire, C. 1). Ward, Dentiet, A. 1). Williase, Clark, G,~ W. Dettes, a W. S.lBlack Pisyslelain, W. Smithi, Buker, 4 il. A. Crosby, Agent, J. Iteaves, ihiomakes-, Jus.B.R-Wsika, Gentlemsanu C. . Joues, Yeoman, Led, C. Campbell, Barrlster, B. Plmnk, Gentlemsan, Lewis Dycn, Cark, J. Sornsnerville, Miller, D. Duvliug, O0a00 r, John W. Argue, Gentleman, George Peae, 3Miller, ficury tiigtgots, trpenter, - ieary Joesa, Mrchent, Win. 8. Stewart, Jus. Viaars, iilaesksuutlis, Il « J. niielie, Machaisnt, C. lill. Nx, " 1). Jeuntugas. Teasaie, Thse OetookinluBacad-Stuffs. Tise New York ProSue Exechange Reparter enmmasiiug tise suppliais f lise respective grain expos-iog andiSn:m pcrting ceunti-es, cuses te Lhe follov- ing concusion -Rougly aummenizad, tise lisi shovs tht the sas-pins ettise United Stateexceeda Lise toreigun e- quinements et aIl other ecuntis -, s;ta of ttaliss-rpieset 816 million bshets, LIas UniedStaîtessanuS'Brillis NertS Amerlos centrai 80 pan cent ; anuS tt tIsa preaune uasirpluseettise exponfting ceýnuipes oeoeda tise proeed ne- quirements o e im upostaug ceuntries Sy 107 million busiiels. Tise ontlook le certaiujy net au invitlug ou. tor tue Wheaaî graves- laiauj lanS Le contemp- lais. - Atoeue bonuEuroe sle to jump M'me sua-hadueïu e les. ProductIo n il er xlipped cen- sumption. Tise huquest ou thse Body et Captain Siserwoodad jaurnes. à POST-seeaTZs OURMula, An >aftaiS- - AIns OOURTRBNANDED. Qrder4- ver. rmiave4 on M£osday lai frmihe Lb, u1. o-olsAclin# issld - o Lise Sody ,et'tie ais'Capta Slies-vuosiisM. 'ansveulcnt>'At-- terne>', nd Mr. -, aoroanr'<Saison 4ok tis uassan ssp *fia'r L"tl.pnni su-d Dr. bgdeas, ëVroâtnl, v is*a .. oiaud m's appolitesiô ... mke lisiex aminaio. ll io a.dngoili vsY ost on TueidayP.un- itIn ney noteeel eiiepsi east 00 .eî lng t-be sntes-da-tise rneoapa.lj Seinq t-St tise-body Iad b.qa InIe ai Btckvilh. Ins»sa tLhsn Ii .r, becS as baS haiflsu sPPOs. 1 cr anas-suÏd jus- neo lusa'mgs adjomînaied btSl-oàéoyva Tht Col Tak. on4le dns-si setvro leatisa, teCqews- Aldermn Bymanmol"'"emlaàahl ax on éoeiL.The. ,-s-atis',aoanesatas te, ma9 nA poon aasàn's poeê.- a'1l lit-Lia ova o! Wlstby v pw e 1 îO ý.s- Tasaut saausuema tzr4aVsi Gag TPhitar e , v stu ton m lai ats*& ton Mn. BiakinlaNoihlnie. liaiun invitation, adýresssd tis e seors et Norths Ontario, suJ by bis preseuce has don u meail 'n auiag Retoninen frou as good leai of tise indiffaroiuce hithiento menifestad by Lieus, lu ce itain quart-ms, in tiie lrosant ciection. At Umbridge, ou Tuceiday afiee'oos" U n Biaise pouce at a large open air meet- îig, sud fuiiy explained Lth. position cf public affaire Tise ionorsable gentle- man vas met k hiost ffriands et tise railway stationsd was prsosateS wlti Lise foilevtng maddes t- - Te th. H*Eo i lward Blake.. Lecder'ef lIer Mail asty'a Opposition in eCh Ho1480 of Cocaumos a iCaitaida Tise Beforamea f North Ontario beg te erteud te yen a isssrty valcoma up- en til yoar firat viailte car Riding, sud te publiely express oar prtS. sud gratification lu beiug privileged te se- knowiaedge, as vs nov do, Lies leader- ship et se dielluguilied sas younBeei. We are pleasesi te ses tisat yonr beaitis, vilicis bas beau somneviat impairesi by artImons labour, lia beau reslciad, sud isope tisat yen may long bc sparesi te ocupy thse honorable position e! leader et tisa great Retenus party of Lis Do- minion, tormeriy se abiy filied by you vortisy predecessen, Ltas Hon. Alex. Mackenziie. As s PublicWaasuyour lite d.servesscar commeudation, dispiay- iug, as you hbave et 411 imes, an sar- nuit solicinude for Lise velfare o! al classas la our land, sud devoted, as yon aivays bsave hen, te tise pinciplos et equal rigiste aIl. W. aisedesire te ackuovledge aur tisataka for tise mauy vainabla services yen ibave reudora4 le ns au tise peut lu frasr'îng and mat,,la meny wholuome sud juet lave 2 nov adomu ouir staitaisook, ens4rt.dhay tise Retenus Governuent vilfle lu pover ai Ottavp-a.tlubegli v arae-aDov in tise coiS lisSes et Opposition, vs trust are long Lb. great ,lsctorate of ts Do- minioif vilI yak, ap lv tha. anermity et tise tranS preotineel lpon tiseuset Lise lest genenal lectien by lhe subtle sel. vocales ofthtie National Policy, aud learu, as tbey seon muet, tisai increas.S taxation les net a pauses for imAeset Sspaessiou, but raLlier an additional burden Le Lis people, aud tisaI thsy wiii ai the very finaL oppetnniîy remove froua pewer lisose vise have taus faisely SaeiveS Lisc ufr tise paps. of obtsaiugn office. Ws believe tbe sLibers] partyhbu ou ly the good f to!Lb.people aet haet, aud bae confidence. tb et nder yoar abie leader- ship Liey vili do notiîg to usant con- damnation, but go on as lu the paît vindlcatiug tise. ieipléss viicis teaob nast nLun social bars-la orieL Le praseut enyune usWaifleS lu cisîracter antd talents frein serviug cen usuca- beloved Severalgu u ishe igist poesiionslunlise gift cf'tise people. Iu concluaiou, vs daslrete again tisani yoa sund yeun colleagne present, Mn. Pattersois, for accepting eus- invitation te spesi Le us ou tis important occas- ion as va ans nov on tise ove et su eiectiou, -and Lis s a0eding ns au op- portuuity et iteniug te your able dis- cuesion o!fLise public questionnDovbo.- tors tisecoutry, sud Lo tender yen, cen continue& confidence ndsud spport. WVistiser se leader t HIem Mjea.y's Loyal Opposition on tise ment deirebie position of Premier cf Canada, wv. sn- eerely trust jet-. wlll carry svsy wvus yen muay pleasaut rocolions oet tua yonn irai visit ausougut no, sud ilsat this may no e te elitiime wv als lhaethse nuspesiable plpsane et val-_ comlng yen te arinug. At Pont Pars-yluntise avening. Mn. Blaai dmed a l e meeting ai tise Town bail, and ibis adurese vie reteiv. aS witis thersentiments o! epprovai. A correspndent telle us -aies Il le but. igut tossiy se that ltfMs-. Bake baS appeared au tise idiug tva veeka lige, Nortis Ontario vas al igii.". SOUT-aiONTrAU0 CouarY EXeHIBITION. As ussutioned lest yack, lis. prizee fer thse Souths Outanbo Cousty Agriculîpral Exhsibitio lave seeled oui te tise large suan nr $3,500. A glane.e& t Lie prizes1list vii sew boy lntligeýîl~Y hbo priser have laera disti-bu tea, am- Srsciug iteret anS eves-y clas&& Iu lie prisesefortanud51, ornomS Setes, clae 2, itle t-o Se natei tisai ivo aet* o! pris es a flred -tlueiret forn mugi. Loion La laessaven là banda, and tue second fer ingle hocse, uinserneas, under 15 bande. Tiis i. anatisern sa anS additionai prisa- For il ente-les not madIe-on ur- bees-a Sursiey, tise 4uis eptemaben, va bave basu s-qaestad te uetity exiibitaru tisai tau centus et-na vili lie ciangeS, fer aci suad es-ry anieen 'ube OliandI MLiseptamban. st Lise Town hall. Tvc ploaeteci nigisi, for- wvieS newmIseess are nov taling place, vitis nev, dresses, &c., sud fori, '5a al aur papuer loceai amuateurs are engageS. A brifilant two aigis tt thbe Tove baIl may ha i okad for. Tisl wiii ha sqnaLising te amuse cau fésli attsndiag'tia conniyfas-sudast-ha procaee tcoto tué 4agelulmloeilïj'o -fRms m.u all bii ave an Iiitet-esi rulapai- ýribut-ng ýo tue ucoesp cf tise ccasin. future lesfth attse OgaosoaA, ioai viii s@ImaParticulaierscf a trip o Mr. -.EiFïrb*ell, daulsL hepunwser isolldays 'Le tise Ibver previnose, -Tisose wfi ow tise hueroas mein Mf ,the-g"f nuloarty Attorusy knovs *bêt, 'mt-A - is ine l-store foi.tLé, rendes et tha Csto)WICLE. 1we Letà4,pleiaura lu dravinga slisnt Lieut te,ie nov vertiexent, of M.ssre.4. S. Babo u tsee. Bçoi., pab- aiseS uaaothpm1ws-Uon'o! tufr vîis', ,Cuaoa s.n.Tiss fima'.. as-e .te&m -S eIta'e--ias'qe iaMd e i'iie-î Imartidrf ~bào1 ickpunSatl ounty iupeeahljiflu.U eed ai s land'si pd- tac cis a~ dêlstte th ie Bobsnt-' ,0 1~Wlri4jtisrn Tforeallogàaav lisaMM ip egailn "king towx<u n su... 'v L.falm A -I - fi Ç* ~ "Gcoou i4std Seo tisabigi ýe1,t iiey are, m&krIfg b409 for Lise "abor -OCent panyii sagliel" asied a fr4&atd, "asr ts-c Mr. Charles Ringstsê r<~met ber o! th. irnx, anS re@paed -aev6 et " (hànast b lig b41t ' nainfriand "Wshi tbîse.ay- sam ai sos-u uIL" f -le Lise naply. AnS led by Mn. Chas-les Kinug, wa Iriss tisngl Lie aliase reous, upetairu te tise, fi rut flat. eni'ountenlng great-bandl&a o! leatiser.-ansi leathen bis aIl tise stagesoft mannuatura eon Lthe vsy. Ou a long beaaeis extendeS isy tise Windowseon tise SoutL ie ofe!t. roUs vsarè esiovu Lise belL.Tise places bave ben uaireadIS l 1" tLd, as.explalu .d. Mn. Ringtlaies nùp tisa Soocle euSdextensly go(* Lisougis tise precaqseoet ivattiiug-ptlti'ng lu sud firmly alinciis the copper rývels lu a tev minuLes. Tis e hlL loiwe o inform- GS, 60 feat la lsngtb by 12 incises iu vidti, andI taSe ont ot tiu e baviesi sees--ilde, teneS speelally u14tnbeitiag. "'Tisats a preti>'big oa' -ve ne- marksd-'5do jeou otten Lavaendere for Ouche'," "Quit. a fée; Sut 1ibis oas is netiig te nsen.boîta I hevsmade," asuera braiser King. W,, give a qneatiouiug lok, eS ndaie titu %ai tise Brother King betone uvwu Lie makersud usanipulator cf tLii ulargeet balte aven tutnsd outinlutLie States. 'rite bal fer Lise Grese Point 011 Worie measurad 80 foet inlu icgil anS 4 fetawaide, Seuble .icinas, aud tisa belLtfon tie Star FineeRas- giue Woris, toakars, nmaes y Mn. Ring before tisa r, 108 test by 8 teai -Semblethicinese. iAlo lei brosagi tise bnsy laifildiug ugv s tise tsllevleg lusightf intteS -vonkgng aIl .t I Thei- tannai! ýstands ou a tva aseleck--aIl deittad oear viti buildings et varions kinda ils prlucipal bueiling sud tantier' p noper. 160x60 test, threa steries. J4a tue \ tanyard Lbere are 85 vat'i--i5 e- agiseS for limes. Thse s-tm' liSeg paotsiath iroagb tise atss-veo s ome 89 Ssiiy-Lise bides belng put firet ubrougis the limes, sud aCrie-veds tisrcugh tise wakeer iqners in tuaelbter vais. Going tisrougls Lie pncoass, tue liS eas-.emîiun eluis.ume vaLta ndes, are thon s-lamaiSont cdean and paLt into tise cuber vals visera the iqeore as- difas-suL degrees et streagtuis ud 'bera tisay are allowed te romsain froua Lm'e taos- montisa ccondiug Le tise hait o! tise eiuisrýen- vy hises-steleatiser tas- iag 1v. mentis. Afuar tSi., the skiais as-e Lakeai eut aud soatred anal cars-ld teo the-firsu flat, m'i.s.&aHltua lime eud dirt are taisea oni. Ater annelaisour- iug aud rinelnfl, tue tirof thtie carri- es bogins. l.u ibis dep&rtmert the hiSes are pet tias-cgis différent preces- e, acces-ing te Lise diff.rent cassés o! leatiser. Cil!.lisanness, var aud grain, upper.aud bsidele astier vens&aIl Seing prodmeed lu varions stages durng eus- visit. Tisa hs-lei.leatises bas a higis reputatien. IL le aoiaawlsslgrd te Se tise beet ou tis# continent, sua equsi te tise beet importeS. And IL may b. vos-tii iuovirq that Lie Whitby tanu- Mn lete s.ouI)? annery onu tie conti- nent et Amensa t wviicià cîsa of eaLIser le to e fonuS. Poliaiei- aud Suf aov, for Iadies' weas- ese tas-ced cut ie lange quautties, sud se are sous. very supertor quilities et palIieLu sud satin caif. At tise preseot ima tus Messrs. King are inLs-dncng a nev businenss luSpauteli poliSherse Ithdes -s siapital imitation et tise blia i d- sud ton vbicis ýe large dsmatdausp* 9. ieg asp. As is weli maya ta tue trade, a good deal etf<ait is munufitarsed tas- ibis* pus-pose, tisai lu net aaîfieutiy durable, se a ti ees liklilieod et tisa Bpauih barte iideu groviig lnto a lange b ranch o et ia sau Tise proccas o! stuffiag, splitting, fliibinu.polisthsiu, gla.-Iag gsaiiig. &c. ara oarnieul on l is uheaxi tfiai, viile lise topfaots are principlly devoteS te tise igist anS coloreS leatisons. lu al Lie branccsetue lotrt i liuroveS ùmsin- eny bastlieeu intreduced, s-ad fa 4riyen - S>' n 25-isora ower engins, 'Tb5'tuan- it>' pf lides taineS ositishe j>sse yeer - vas igit tous, anS saven t-i,« "cl! Tvory, ,es aot4e.jtarpeé mi $tons ecatsea.NP dose net eppsaar toi 'have islpea tuý home -merises, M Liii article. Tisa cosumptont'libani le seve an suilmsi oïdoi eau X ly-i pninc ael>' hrosaglt fiae Lt siiby tise ~ P. P. l& L. Iiy . 4vast-y o f -s-i Bad icomne o "rud AUc d'y - d& telav- e' Ont e1~ et or n'itisas an iselain a u iaaal u't r (at hai t-artela tibit e a sku9,i n if yi* -ou t ptare arsOthser ba * ýo-ala waU mv their=anes i1.-Gibbu. Au mbyleyI am psn'Ltfamreng suber lu sy iliaL haaotlir-ie-iWiselg. Weli, bath Lise jintiemin as-e novilu tise ticis ,!v Lise Ille, aseLsey ciii i. An,.hbcrue s!oise, s inria sean av flUa 4Liq. Ngt a biow etisraoi ou aitbôn sidsi Tisais ils pliirty ise mcd av tisei cemodity viS vishich: Sainson'- îbiw tie Pilitiltinsu. But iibure jàvin an baciblalu abuS n'L lie calted a fit, or a hLtle. Wisy net 'rail 1t lis Itspreper uams-A Sceldin 'Match t Ive sea Igleckslsun fiss, Surn, vbat'sthé ekisin a"sbaIn vas meS te 9y, san wviestLi. Llng ciLS nt ho ai- lo#ad tut Liske the P"" av theLb.llaci- Useran. lisit Lisut *as lu sunotber place,, visas- «et La vs sumlbing te !fLe about, an *hâi-e tua mianvise t-nia baud la, nev Llbase bisuese, an euS de iL qehta haaudy, te a nais nock-slov*n. <led be w.udh tise Place an Lise Time au Lise Mi-sstsmnai --Daruset 0'olau MeF igg, Who cud properly haudie bie tvlg, An winL fte i ensd #ite'd up a duel 13y dain e sDouabr - ig Widh ig COhi 1 me bi-min te Dermo~t ÈcFgg, Aye, mse bipab te 'm. an Lis. resht av tise. Beys se Lie Green V oiSSe, vbe, lvmdii te eilaleis viacl, cnd ont a figure 4 S fes- tise iscur ai oalS Irelansi, an Grenu Wail 1 Gomin baci te Lis, XogLis Ontarlo Ejeoksisuni Tii.Meel- tus hý11 bila aytiset tLame ai fisit. But gow, 1 cau tell yertisey aie gela IL huit en issvy. Wiseeier bon.lse thebuupa. fbÃŽ ths cnad auno , !aiey gaso tliappe as Lise Mars u an ews min 1 Tae. me nemesake,i bovid Ti O'Leary, (ho Doputy Reeve o! Mena, an ais Jobu Adams, Li<. ortu Qovu- relIer ot Ren;a, au Lb. Wirdiassou-la- laws an tu ttllrue,- If ya cau, Wisere 'oz cenS matchaisn u>n aisciehun ? Nwheaeasài.a luokTeman au nasit Be ou thes vuinBide, Isoajilu tismumpu lika Lbe...- an uti are la Tota Partes, Lis# jajulus-jos I eay IL jay. ,is--b-k., Lalks eys liks, Le must i0 ne, asolabave* gaineS eisa soslitapon tisapeoples!av Lie lNorth. Did yet ivçr hein, S8,nofetTom's Nite Selicol P Tom tant the. lira, au l Raems peopie te niaise ctosie fBo ils seil, anS jeu eau b'live 'or not sas ys plaise. feï mo t-bat, lai farkilu hiiids grais etismos a l s.la ie emanner lu vicis tisae4 'is ma4ae. Tise Tories t-set tlsey'd*-etcis Tom':.frnuds in hi. an se ai ithe rayeounut &Yvotes, tise baS crosses wvjete ha çutaveS. Well, Suir, wiia.tis arnse1>C s casse te Se examinail fi.pey varefns sd te Se perfect sud tira, ;an se Lu islu stuc.seS tisai Tom kip i Nlo Scisoàliisehf n tise aouier teowakee Liais-M t'e .4.rite ail âioag tic elooksisen çanvis& Wai'nL Usat a paniy tisnick av hlm, anu iidn't iL- show jayuuis ? KinS lorns beget gnalichndo5 Tom val neyer beiid LaenS 4a àoin a kunS-ten. An if I rusltsy i. Who fée4~ a kind Lune ue-e armly an raypsysil vidis grater gnailoisei&htin an Irishmu i? An as tise soug bas i- "Whio a fsl eole.cmn zàeeL se generous - ass l4stsesepà.". Tonm Pirten planteS god eeS visin lho gaineS Ille geed viii av t Lisnaismin aev Lb.-Noahui. Tbey'll niser,is niver go bacis ou his-ao, uer ou Whdaler ati- er, au Lb. cause lha reps-seis, ha jabere 1 iUmrrais for Biaise 1 Wlat raIs Irishi- % su, widh rcollsckeinas av tise onit 'dvil go Ssci on tiAi cryP Hurais tsi, Biaise ian Wbeeler i an devu vidh Lite Goverpiint t TiaL' tis a llaua Ltlau'î szy.ntlsnta. i.n oS, me dan- l-,bt, w-'it pnodeuSIm'steliser tu-a n1Le Itiâb loadber-Bialte for iver 1-« çÀe belp tuesaîf givin suotuee ciseer) - - 'hipld forth ai Uxbridge, su Port Penny, on Cisnsodey. Lai people talA as IL.ay paebuit "h eleqoiluce bates tus seorlS. 1Ans BIais la risSa*Ioquinea çan Dan O'Connelî itil lu one..Ha &s-tely reeuando me, te. av BakiL lu bis fraiL 4Ays. Mie ibapathemî9ait v Sun jln tue Govamint vas & disnietl ,ntaaaioitaginpolitiekal rangr Soin, ans kLia aruyeaits agin tise N. 1 .. muebht bey #0 &U Who bain a ilviair bmsh 1±h*..'BIaise's appemaraceinish *id1.1ts- ;.A e."o Sundisrs vt.. é-1 Mr. Alderainu ya ola adtag met fineeeeefa4 Meetings -lnaWest Tor'onto. Spesh0g oftishe ratit4eaLiou meeting ou T shraaa,'iteaii a eartepoudsaat se ' 1-Thèrà bas noyser heen a polilicel mleeting ýbolS ln Tqonte visicis va mos-e enceaseful' frein evary point of vlaw tissu Lb. ons blaiSlest nigltitnluSt. Audmave' Hall1, le ratify lb. nomination of Mir. Bysnu sthe Liberai standard beaner fer West-Tôono. Tise assemb- lage vas large, thonongisiy repressuta- iv, vitnally unsuimeu nsdS iighly ,ntbusiaetio- Tiese peakig vas uni- !ormly good anS ths lelareet vas sa- oordiugly maintainad* unabated Latisah close. Tisepointe direnssed vere fav iu amtuser aud they versa put bafore tisa elacter n au a nner se plain anS in- islligible tiaL pvery seakenrvastises-- omghly andenatosl sudceered totei ache. Thee ratificitieut vote vau sstand- in anesd visen tue tuotien visicis lia beeu moved by Hou. Aler. Mac- isuzie sud secoudd by Ms-. Jas. Be- tisane, vas putIm-m.Lth, chair, tisevat audience roséa md oeared &gain sud agl.Tisaspeech, viii vhici b. o hoeto causpagu lu 'et. Audrav's H ailaui aoveniug, proves Mn. Byîn_ te be s man of cspacity tan aboya Lise average et palilamentary candidates. He seake vils great paqu v ehi cios-. au vends, sud lusidëas are cleamiy sud tercibiy axpreseed.(Ou tise tresSe ques- tion ho îpeaks vii t e auihorîty of a studeul sud cf a man etflbusiness. H. milieu no euap-tnap appeauLse claelu- teresta. but deais vitis ailoseuo! elac- tons ase bving e comman intereet lu the centysproeperity. Tbe impression es-esteS Sy hie speecis vas oethLie Most favorable thi-ater, %ud Mr.1fliake euly exprassed Lb. genes-al sentiment vian ha saiS tisat vitS peliepa thaeue ex- ception etfQ 1f Justice Mos,Mr. Byaa, if eleola, voasid prove Le b.cLis, Ableat represeutaive West Tomante bas returned te Parliaiment vitisin bis recel- lection. Reoning te tise derasd et hlm for s statemeni o! bis plattonus, h. prooeedad te patally ccmpiy vits iL by Seflubsg gsome o! the plamia cf wviai iL uval comaposed, tise ue Oveht sipo at greateet isagthb biuganucompromielug opposition ote .rincipie et protection anS Loe ise TlleytarIff tuas wretchad attauspt et iLs ambediment. Ha alalus- sa te bsloug Ltiste school o! Bright anS Cobden, anS semmed up his viewa by Soclaing tisai whte ha vas vlUng te support an>' tariff liwver beavy, Lisat vras aecasaey for ibe maliteacet tise publie credit, b.ovas nttsnly op- poseS L e seimposition et a cenut o! Laxe for tise ptsrpose o! protectiug eptôial lutieltries. -l'houly etiar klnio! bis platfor s est forti lest nlist vas equsîly unucmpromisiag op- Position t-o tise Govarnnt policy lu desiing vus public lande lu tue North- West, b ut Se annonuod thai Se vas goiug le speak overy night betveeu nov and poiling day, idS onîSse tisai ne eue m'ai loft ludouSI as te his vieva osa every publoc malter. lu deal- ing witis tb. ttiff ho ubowed very clsss-ly isev i dilonisinatas stainst lise vsage-neceiving sud lu lever et Lb. waalLhy classes. For instapeca, cettea- mdes,viucey ahinuingu sud atriped caL- tons visicis tonmerly paid e uniforus dnty cf 17J pan cent., nov psy 835, 42, 41 per oenti.nespeatively. Tise gooda are visolly coateumod yhyLe Isborng cassas. Tisa Frenchs îiirtings sud Faaaacisprinla ou tise etuer issS, suais as are vora Sy tise 6yonng gentlemen" ofet tiaI. E . Club, are areS eulv 20 te 28 par cent. Tisen tuer. la tise ceenser febric of eroolen eloîhit, sais as vork- ingruen sud Lisain oilidren vansti hse are tareS 45 te 50 per cent., suif coure oearostingat, 45 te 55 per cent ; fine German ovecoeatlag, $8 a yard, are Laxesi culy 25 pen cent. ; aud fine wast et Englaud godecwtiug $4 a yard are taxeS eniy 212 per cent. Taie -&gain tue yol shl'i, sucS as tue saboring clu.ses ve&n te proteet thew agaist the codiS l0' g olu emar-ket cm te chorals; tua Natiesig Policy tariff taxes tiss 85 ta, 45 pan cent, viii.tue fâne cash- mmresiavi vlsîci Lislady of tasiin wears is taxaS oui>' 20 per cent. Bat Mn. Ryan'astsrongeoit objecion tue. National Policy vwfuthe. dui imps- esu upen coul; Lis ha chaasciteas e crs-osansdunjugt tax vutueul one, ne- dàeming featisma. IL vasA taou ntise paon mane'& fuel and on the Manunfacturera' oies p motive pover, snd IL mwaia tax tisai baefitteS uobedy. IL vas set tue meaes of flndiug e mari- ej fer asannelasas eue ton o! -ova Scotia ceaileaToronito. Oh ils. gênes-ai q -etoe aso aat_ Ion - -.-e Th - li eficit 1for, z&iÏ-So.- At ïBet tise ýveau0 rstcis forfJune are publised, nai, aeeuming for- iii present tisai no otir 1cooýiaag" of se- moante bas beau doà eaxcepi visai ep- peare ýon Lb.e U4ace « h f Li ltableÉ, we are lu a position ýo get attise exact deflci& for tise paut fipanoial year. Be- fore doing se, isevem, wa shall lay befone our neaders tise Mcdl's etatemeut of ia. revenue sud expenditure for tise yer uonder teo aw h 0w niterly dis- =o ant sd sily te bot, are Lise tacticu cf Sir Leonarid TilQy sud'bis organ. The fçllowlug, sccerding Le tise Mail, la tise Finance Minisleréi estimate- of rev- enue for tise yesnjuet elosed : Caih eceipla from Custoabe.....414,000,00 COlleLed proviens year on goode connmeS lu 1879-80---------..70D,000 Osais -receipis duriug tise yaar freus Excise--------------....4,&,0,000 Collected iu previeus year on goodu eoupmied lu 1879-80.... 600,000 l'eut office.;.i-....----à i ..a. 1,200,C00 Stataps.;;-.-.................- 200, Public Worskesud Reilvays--.. 2,000,000 Mlscellaneone-------------- :::1,420,000 Total----------------.....$24,450,000 Tise sbsurdity of deduetu( foi ts actuai receipta of Lise previeus year. 1878.79, tLiseus cf $700,000 for Cus- toms sud $600,000) for Iniaad Revenue, on Lise auumption flint tuis $1,800,000 vas paisi in in anticipation of thse new tariff,. vs. sufflcieutly pointed ont at tise ime sud lis been frequntiy ai- posa&siulce, sud yet we flud Lb. Mail -snd ne deuiL Sir Leonard Tiley hlm- oelf vîli rasent te tisa sause trick ut Lthe Biak on Tuesday nigit-inclnding Lhea two sume, wviiaiware ebilacted sud ipeut lu 1878-79, amongst tise "1actuai" receipte o!f1P379-80. Hera la tisa MaiVa tsbl<'of "luai" revenue for Lb. past yesr: A -CTuLL vxs;uz or 1879-80. tlnatomu meeiptu duriug tise yearS14,151,565 CollecteS is previeus yean ... 700,000 Excise catietid .dnrlug tise year - *4282,266 Rtecelved lu previans year ... 600,0(M Post-orce................... 1,20,8dl Stams...................... 175,910 Public Works. &c ............. 2,153,867 Mlscellaneos--------------....1,4155,086 ToalIrevaux'.........---SiZ7_oe.582 Tise most elugula feastune oet Lus bit cf "cookiug" la tise moderatlon sud oaieetseofthtie great financier. Wis3 on cartis dOb. confées anau aticipated defitat ail, as lie.diS lu hie Budget speech?2 Wiy net stsal frem receiptu of 1878-79 a suna sufficieut te vipe eut altogeuber thse deficit for 1879 80, sud treat iseaf te a comfortabla little sur- lu in latead ? H. caiculated ou a do- oit of 8628,00; ho migisi juet au veli, visan ba vas ai it, have tranuferrad frouatise previons year $2,000,000 lu- stead -o! $1.800,000, sud tison tisrov up hie bat s little igiseï.Tii. proverbial Irishusan, vhoenetas piece offtheLs.bttoua of hi. -blanket sud sevad IL tote step becau#a it vas tee short te caver hlm, ne doubt took car., te tnanefen anougis; but Mr. Tiiiey bac net, wit anougis aveu to, foliow bis exaclaplet euceeeeifuiiy. For tise firet urus *sare InformeS as te Lie ameutât o! expeuditurs for 1879. 80 chnmgeable te cuiteut account. Tise "4officIaI figures put iLtai $25,101,712, sud ie b ave no meains cf 1ascertaning until the pblic accot'uts appear an de- tait wisebet tise etatemâast je correct. Âcconding te Lhe MaiZLihé folloviug la tisa resùit of laat yeur's epenatione : Total -!xpenditure ......... ..825,161,712 Total revenue ............... 24,768,585 Aotusi deficlt.............. *89,127 Asaumniug tise returna cf revenue te b. correct, viti tise exception aboya uotad, sud dedncting froua tie so-caliaS laLunal evenua" tise $700,000 cf Cus- toms receiptîansd $600,000, o! Inlausi Reverale recaipta cnllected and spaut befone tise year bag4n, sud beiougiug to tisa "actual revenue" of ths proviens vear, ,iese tatameutesisould b. - l'otal epuîu-.....2,6,1 Total lravenue................ 23,4&%Ã"085 Aaitoal dedecit............11,69 , Iu other vende, alwaya aseueaiug itat tiser. bas beeuneo mores*eoeilng" dons, lb. Public Aceounte wison brongit dovu uext session viilîoV a delcif et about ONExmto SLbONaVE HM»sÊýD TaOUSANa) iioI.&uAs, inetesd of about four hundred tbonsind.-Olobe. Pickering Coudci-.' * MOzaaly,_lOti Auguet, 1880. Tise council met purssuant Le adjeumu.- iient. MenabersailU -preseut. Minutes ,of lait meetlug rend Lad approved. 'Tise foiibviug aecauts vas-aorderesi Ltg bc palS :-È, B. Ieeover, for hoard suid burlal expenses di!Rbeart Lanat- --FkDýVËBTIFEMENT.] Toronto, Auguat 20th, 1880. Te te Editor cf th. Wlitbi, Chtoln- icle. - Dsa um - nraesees ete Clause No. 2 et Lb. asivertisement o! O. L. Collage, in visics I susm et ered te. over tihe sig- nature efthLie Bey. J. J. Hano, yull Yen kindiy jusantthe toliowing communi- caLions vhiois woe addmaaaaed te me trous tisaCollage. T. H. Toir-i ugit, Esq., Toronîto. iBe. Ladies' College. DitA Sia: I bave seen several o! tise direclora sinca talking vits yen about tha usicl affair, sud erplaiued the po- sition sud grounds yen Lois in tise maLter, sud your resons for ao doing, sud they have' concinded tLiat Lise cous- miâtes ou teacheru shahl meat yen on Moaaday eveniug sud hieam«for tiu- salves visai yen msy bave te sry. I saggatd tis as tise isetsçtisod te settla IL. I inow that all tisat je noces- sary le a tain uunderstanding. Yen bave doue yonr duly faiuistully au a Leseier, visici vs ail knov, sud va vould ha- sorry te hava any iard feolings about se susail samaLter. - Youru Lrniy, JOHN BICS, Sec. On tisa day atter tise eloaiug concert,.- vian tise teacias-Dov eugsged vas aetnaiiy in Wiiby, traatiug for tisa position, tisa following telograus vas sent te me. -Toronto, Jue 24, 1880. Frous Wiitby, Ont. T. H. Toissanoroas, OauoANIST. Tisa board bava dacided te oftéi yen six bundreel dollars fer eue day-sztisa vaek or tannisuudrad for tveo dys vwils- ont panquisitas. Auswem qniak, sud' aviicis if elther. JOHN BICS, Sec. Iu addition Le Lbe aboya, Mn. Rare saiS everythiug lie could to induce me Le retain us y position et Lb. Collega, arcapt te ofl'er terme visicis I couid net accept. i s,&C., T. H. TORRINGTON. Intermediate Exausinutien. Te th. Editor of the Wlsitby Chron- icle : DEa Ra In lest eku' issue tisane is a mislaadiug accont oethtie Interma- Siata Examizistion, lu aviicisMiss Hausilton'a Dama appeans ameugat tise Damesaoethtie Higs Scisool pupila, wvus this intimation, "lu part traimeS else- vbere." Tisa legitimete inférence froua tii report, se fer au 1 can ndenataud iL, is, tisat Miss M. Hamilton paused the Intenusediato Ereminstion under tisa auspices efthe Higli Scheool, but baving takann p semû prelinsinary von lun au- otiser sebool, the. Head Master gener- oualy aciuowledgad iL. Tise reverse is tise casa, Miss H. commenced ilutrme- diate voru z)th ie Higs Sciseol, cous- pleted it lu tise Collage, sud pasaed as a pupil of tisa lattar, winnlng tise Govnon Gancral' uilîver imedai. Wlaatover sise may Ihave doua se s pupil oethLe Higis Sebool, 1 eau state on bea utiity se wai as usy evu tiat visen aise cama te tise Collage Lvo yeas ago aie kuew uotblng at ail about souse ofets qoest important s-ubjecta raquimed for inter. ersai»., sud baS only a partial sud iruperfect knowledge of usauy ,,otis. As iL iu nov over Lbree years sud s Self since Miss Hamilton attend- eS tise Higs Sehool; usease prapared fer, snd laLeiy passeS tise Intarmediate Examination -ondes-tisa auspices efthtie' Cellege, lIL au y vende- that tis eas Master of tisa Higis Scisool lu meporting tise mesult or LlÃœe lutarmadiste Examin- aLlen viLli Miss H'iepaaesanget bis Ls ef puipis, 'sisuisi feel lii, saying, "on tisa viole va are inelineS teiblula tisat ibis yensis deserving cf beiug con- sidered an anus amiýabi1iâ lu tise bis-' tory o! the sho" Woaiderfui yearý 'ideed iaadictil mrueawutuderffl li reportoe t as iacces 1 Yourl tnuly, JOHN J. RARE, Principal, O. L. C. Irishs Despaicisa -Tise chie! ao'bject et publie intereet, The Stste of Ireland. TIEE ASSASINATION 0F A KILKENNY LAND- L0RD'S SON. Thse foliowing are the detaile iu cou- nection witb the assassinatien of thse son of Mr. Thiomas lloyd, a Kiikenny laudiord, and of tbe sttempt on the life of the father himseff. It appears to have been one of the moat detarmined and premeditated of the agrarian ont- rages connectefi with the "itory of crime in Ireland. Mr. lloyd (the fatiser), Mr. Cbai;. Boyd, Mr. Gradweil i3oyd, and Mr. Evan lloyd were driving between threaud four p.mn. along the waterford road, near New Ross, on their wsy to Sbuubrongb, when at a point of the road at Annis four men, wearing red visors ovcr their faces and uigbtcaps on their heads, sud attired in loose linen overalis, jumped over a ditch. Each was arined with a breach losding rifle, witli haàyonets fixed, and they confronted the travellers, firing simultalneousiy upon themx. Que hulai strnck Mr. Chas. Boyd, passing throngh the region of the abdomen aud ont by the opine , another bail passedl through thse xight shouider blade of Thomas boyd, infiicting a dreadful wonnd. Mr. Evan Boyd sprang frrom thse vehicie op. on eue of the would be assassins as lie was flriug, sud knocking the muzzie downwards, a portion of tise contents fortunately*net the bal-struck htim on tise rigbt leg, shatterinB il onsidarably. Mr. Gradwell lloyd, sîthougis kuocked down, escapee with a dislocation of hie right thnmb. After the. ahote were fred Mr. Tho mas lloyd and lis son Charles fell insensible in the vehicle, aud thse herse, startled at the ûiring, rau alon.g the road at full speefi for abont a quarter of i. mile. Finding that they bad net thoroughly eucceeded lu ubeir murderous desigus, tbey reloaded with a viewV1 of sbpoting Mr. Gradwell and Mr. Evan lloyd ; but the. latter rau fer their lives, sud mauaged to eecape. Four men-nameiy, Patrick sud Mich- ael Wiieian (brotiiers). Walter Whelan (their cousin), sud-Murphy (their brotber.an.law), as- wsll as nastss Whelan (ister efthtie firet uamed pris. oners), ail beiug tenante of Mr. lloyd -having beau appreuded on suspic- ion of beiug ceucerued iu thie outrage, sud were remanded. IL is alleged that the cause of tise crime is traceable te the facitbat semae monthe ago Mr. lloyd badl a tenant on eue of the ferme uamned Hloldeis wio owed oeeasd a hall year's rant, and t4aL baving put an eud ta the. tenancy ho allowed 'hlm te hlod for thea preset as caretakar ; he in the. meantime putting bis owu cattle on Lb. <aria te graze, sud enbeoiling- otiser portions of iL witli the view of subher preparing iL for sea iucoming tenant or of farming iL himself. Thea woman Anuasia yvas seau signalling Lb. arrival of Lb. Beyds Io. tih.assass- ins hy waving s haudkaýhief from Lb. ditch. The. men wbo attaced Lbe Mettere. Boyd wsra known as mummers, sud were tisought wben firet sefn ta b. on their way tealharveet. Since Lii.dead, bettled of whiskey sud brandy have beau fennd ou Lh. spot, sud several bat- tcred sud tomn masks. Boer arfect wera Lthe disguisas tbat ne identification is likaly. Tise greatest ainrua prevails lu tise neigbbourheod, thse organization aud tbe mystery of thse affair being aveu lu Ireland unparalleled. Marked attentio n,. iL is eaid, isad been drawn te thse faet thaL Lb. weapens ahandoued hy the murderers of Mr. Charles Boyd, at New Boss,. were Enfielfi rifles, sud hav- ing Lise Geverumeut branfi. Tiie Irfsls Times ask isow many of eniai rifles are lu Lheb.ande of Lthe people, an-u.rges tisa magistrates Lbe necessity of in- quiring isow tisay came into, their pos- session. Accomding te rumeul uow cur- . rent 1,400 Enfleld rifles have witi. thea last nine moutlis beeu sent froma Dublin Le varions parts of Lbe country. Iu Lb. Heuse of Gommons lMr. Forester ststed that bis predeouseors in, office bil allowed the. sale of oldFi Enfeld rifles lu Ireland, but Lisat he a d ,prom- ptly stepped tise practice. yesrsago, sud raised Lthe -rntà ofeora ofe! Lise toL, To ha èni - allowed 25 pèr cent., parttyhii unie suad partly iu petatoas. Thi hoserent weme net raised geL ne sllowsancean sd te thie ho in part attributôatbe outraÉ'_s. Bach one, of tise-assassins-lied a rifle sud bayenat. Two cf them flred ý at, Evau sud Charles. One of Lhe bulflets 1 1 ruck Chare in the lung,*sud wenL' tismogishie bedy. Tii.manwhe freda Lady Burdett-Couttasand ber iShe ewalu, tisougisecarce lu ye=r Dreama of a gown cf aliLy-foulr 7 Imaguamy ccharme1eau finS lun carresse ail too kinfi.; The lady uaw neouMeraappears 'Dec4in'd lu healtis, advanc'd in yau Ra fanes mugie.'lia& Nor farther looks, bt liesng Oue, Wliat mariner la notsafrsid a Tcoventure in ,shiP decsyr'd ? What PlanterwÇilj atempt te yok. A sapling with a fallen oak ? As years lucrease hl ie ra -pn Thse lady witis acii ryepliea, And she must iUn d a cl t ine,- Whllst h. continues inY±e'prime E'eu ij Passion busias rie. 0W Shall, litsinacence te chear? Appssrances are an too stroug ,- TCs wos-ld muet thtnk hs utnin th, Will Baylha made a treacharans use 0f wiia efs t lter sud aeduce, Thse towu vili uvear ha l"s betray'd fly magie speils tise Saient muai. Five milliun guinesin liem purse- 'Young Ashmead ualght hava fan-'a,~ Tise person wbo wiii benefit aneet by Lis marriage of tise iarouesa, 16 >t ing, et course, tise bridegreom, s, la yonngest sister, Mrs. Money, wvideid tise late Bey. Jas Drrnmoud Monsy, of Stodham Psrk, Petarsfleld. iUd;; tisa terme of tise wlll made by tht Duciss of St. Alban's the propert3,, etc., forfeited by tise larouese on le marrnage goas te M ru. loney, -Wao hbe net lived on lutimate terme vitis lir sister for seme yesa part. IL bau lissa suggested te Mrs. Money tiisLilu yaeV of lier ister's advanced age, &o.,* migit leave maLterea s tiey aire, and sllow tise Baroneste continue in t!W p reperty ; but lire. Money does ai bei attise maLter in tLus ligbt. By contraeting a imarriage witis an allen or naturalizefi subject tisa lares. oeunrdett-CouLts net merely forfoiij bar partnersbip lu Goutte' lBank, bi bas te surreuder the mansion ÙLJrj ton-streek, sud the beantfiu estatîa ef Holly Lodga at Higisgate, viLlahaLl1 gi visis baer name hbabeau sn long aiea. ciated. Probably faw perrons have iad j» many proposals of marriaga as Lady llurdett-Couttu.ý I wae-talking a day or twe ago wiLh an aminent vidnwer, "I myseif," Le saisi, "hava proposed te. han, for 1L regard tbis as a duty test every man oves te hie fsmily. 1. SLady llnrdett-CouLLs rsuade an si.- cellent use, for muany yeas, -of Lb. enermonu fortune that vas left te lit', but of lataesiueLthe lose of ber fied iru. lBrown, her good gesese eueaneiko haave deserted iser, for visat couldjle moe.alisurd than su electioueeig ïronsunciamnento againet tise poliey'ol ;Im. gladatone sud lu faveur of tW,. whicl isla onored witis the support og tise fanlily of Mr. Auhrnaad Bartlett2 "B3camne Sound ad. Well." HATcnaeuR's STAihON, G& 'B. V. PIERCE, M. D. :. -Dear Sir-My wlfe vise had beliM fer ever Lwo yeams, sud lad tied mauy otiser medicines, became seund sud m'eU - by ueing yodr Favorite Prescription. My nieca waese cnred by its uns, after several physiciass. ad fsiled te do lier ny goosi. Youre tuly, TomAs T. liRruvue "lBest cf All." BALTmoas, Md., Marc,& fla, 1879. Dia. B. V. PiERCE: Doar Sir-My fsaily have ueed yocn Favorite Preecription sud iL hbu doue all tisat le clsimed for iL. IL li thebut.. ef ahl preparatien forvomen cemplainte. 1 recommend iL te ail familles. G. S. WATzEEMAx, Da-ufygsl. Envied Beauty. What la more issudeome tissu a nies bright,cear, cous 1,xin, ifiowing thsebeau- 4esof erfcthe:tjh ?Ail canenjoy thee afivantages by usiug Electrie Bitters. Im- plure ibaS, suad ail diseases cf thé tmbe, Llvem "Kidneys sud 'Urlussy Organe are speedily enred. For -nes-voues emaaila attendant ailments, tisey are, a neyer talig remedy sud a pesitively ocre viere ail cii- ýrs ju. Try-tisa ESsais-ltBitterasu anc' cunvinced f heir venderful uterite. Fàm sala lsy ail druggietu, at flfty cents par botie. 9 Eareka Sait Riseuansd Siai Ointuseit. siseiseir," thsediffqeeui distasss ei t Il skiratake. sa, contezuptfbfeTank. ~ait Bieus, Sôrofuione SOSeransd rv hhe itiserto bencousÏieied mosinurable ; but suahi lino loing- eý tise cas. >Tise BEreka. Sali Rheum md Skiai Gintusentisla wsrranteal te ; c4sre tise -Wont case o elBeuno liii ~ OS 5» LSd ~ lent- - doig ala-~e~me li lhie aela. Movat Ple In p tact PO'-*dëia. ' tof à"in .'ii li- isin ürtéti to fI i4"W lfncm au 4inoffia at*etds4b)ýb od i - I. Misldle 0F -m RIE 2 Tue 50H43 SC] la cous ýrnd Pas A LAI Tr.Ci

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