Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Aug 1880, p. 1

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- Vthe i rnied &w@rdi, gr'iunat.g ndot InmUefl an d lmatten Uoî 11km _________ ducrittlafwhan plâoed aiang Niwo mat,- - RNnA WT]OB, O T N A I ter ton, cents ver lule. &ewth &drtsG TUI~I. OL O T N A 8y~ yeer, or atiile . dInî..en opposite G. T. R.'Igtation.) Whltby. o -IÀ Y ainsi ear 11e mn rvi. mt WeniII 'NI PROPRIETOBt. ARC LTURAL SO IT .*Ordorita dlaooutluue'd M 'NmLA R -- EverY eocommodatloi for gueite, Includ. Bu~i 68D re oto ry# ng cmfortab1e. îiry lodroomi, MmmRi 188a. hoTa urssupudwt st PRIZE Lz) FR180 ___________brande of Liquors, i.. Cg" ONTARI BÂNK, &o. Every Decesie r irction goven ta oNI'ARIO »ANK, ~~~~travellers. eayraaat- OPTTNOEN oTR.MILD W il I T B Y B iB A-N il Good Stabling, -0l1dyr, ~ te-CMPTTO PNTOTEV RD TIIOMAS Dow, tive oslers..8 - -----&n STABLESCLAS3IFICATION. OUMIZR01A 1LASAB. IAREIWELL & jULD E AIiIIIST EUS, ATTORBES, SOLI- Ba01Qo., Noaiiles Publie, and 0e- 'ncre. 015ce, irit .Ioar south of lthe Royalt lib)tel, Whitby. * AMLS RUTLEDOZ, B. A. E 4EWELL, . L.L B., County Crowu AttornmY. 4 MjESSRS8 BITCIIII 3LLEG SARRISTERS- & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c. C .RITCHIE, W. H. BILL4NOS, Toronto. Whltby. JAMES I«BITE! GORDON' ~I r'ARUST &ATTORNEY.AT.LAW, ~So0Jeitor in Chancery. OonvoyancET, Notry Public, &c. Offic-DnndisSt, gyst door vest oi Armstrong's Hote;. biane! ta LoaenPriVate fauds-at loy jOHIN A. McGILLIVRAy, ISuccessO! to Ha. M. Hawell. BAtRISTER & ATTORNEY.AT.LAW, BNoter Publie. &c- SoUictor for tbm Dominionl Batk. OMOia.-Nezt oor ta Xansion Houim, Uxhridge, Ont. .26 CHIARLES C. KELLER, ATTORNEYÂAT.LÂW, SOLICITOR fIN chancrCfvYnOr emtg ou,Blrock, - L. T. B3ARCLAY, TTORKEY -AT -1,AW, SOLICITOR ini Chancry and Insolvency, Convey- 0ryyc-Aet Ibm Court flouse, Wlitby. LYIMAN ENGLISII,-L L. l, B3ARIRISTER A~T LAW, SOLICXTOR IN 000 hiflcay.cofl1.yaflOer,&r,&c. Sun- 0DAVID 0ORXISTO N, IB.P. ATTORNEY.T-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Cb&eiveTY, "oxiveyericer, &c. Oroser,-In th-) Officemosn- fthe ImPost O15ce, lu MeNiiLai'atBlock, tlrovk Street, WVbtby. 'y-i0 JOUN HALL DOI, B)ARRISTERtAT-LAW. SOLICITORl J)in CCbencery,Cav.hc, . <)l-Deverill'a Bloek. Broék Street, Whitby. *MONEY TO LIiND-l'rivate Fonds - in sonne np ttu588M) . et s taw rateoai. tarai. (yi RODINSON & lENT, (LATE DIr0004 &TÏI6~0UEON- RIBBSETS:ATLAW. ATTORlN. BI yeSolcitrsConvayenceis, &c. OFFICE-I Victori Chambeis, No. 0, Victoria Street. j.. 1m?~ i . ElranT à-E. Kisar JNo. (. KELLEYp AIIIISTE11AT - LAW, SoJ.ICITOR B in Ctancery end insalvene! Couve suir, An. )oDetllICBc Streut, Whithy, Ontl. G. VOUNG SIT1I. L L.. B., BAUIIISTE11, &c., Ar -Mondy ta Loan aIsser ni Marriege Licene. OrFicr.-Over lDominion IBank, %Whîtby. lai. 22, 1878. (if-i B tolicitoca in Chn ,Nu.4Tlorout stceet, Turouto. R. J. GUNN, BM, SURGEON TO TUE COUSTY GAO] sByron Street, Whu±by. Win. 3hel iEN, M.)., m.Rt.C. GU 'SIHOSPITA.L LONDON, EN( Ibmth eye a. 0. U. L., Oshawe, Outarî c A R D. DR. IOOGART, Physicien, Surgeon, Accouoher, ta., *Wblby, Sept. ltit, 187L. W. APDAMS, ID OMIOVER1T . W I S rIBS JJUX R01INSON99 TAIR DRESSING AND SHIAVING Sa1biloan, Break St., Whilby. JOhIN WOLFENDEN, AXEN;T FOU TifS CELEBEATIID tIScotti.h Granits. At Marbie Works of Jsinalhau Wolmdn, Duuas t., Whitby. IL. FAIRBANKS, OFFICIALI'M3SIGNEE. SOFFICE OPPOSITE THE lOTJ Retel, BrcalSt, Whltby. Whltby, Mmra h I,!1879. Sbearling BR Ram Lamb- 100 le.. On balf.doreti Two Shearli] shoe make Two Ewe L Bam-2nd p, by, gooda Shearling ER ;OHN McRIE, . piPl2O3 -(crcusa .0jaaxaa.j 1. Bload brocs. 14. Othor SmnaU Broods. 1i Whitby, T The cmoo Tct 100aDa:oENs th KELY. oly2 Saîldlàor Rond Horîo. 15. Large Swino tanY cher kinAl). Two Ewes-- The bt 111ksIrl a tire tiortorn tBe at H ast, vaius tal.k tho . Mathe rtIi on ot hem o g &gricultural Horoe. 16. Foultry. w bal ta heMr et.yT Hou, kasepersw y Fitted out, sand eytIgFr»"IoaOR. (IY-l ( 4 Drauîght Horses. 17. Grain andl Soeda. Tvakt1en V 5 . Durhaem Crttlc, Ilioro-brtlI. 18. Roota. liRS. WALKEY"à 6. Grade Cattle. 19. Dairy Produato. TEMPIJLNCE 110USE, 7. Leicester Slicep. 2.Rani.plmets D)UNDAS.STUr-ET, WHITBY. 8. Cotswold Shaap. 21. Hortictilttii'tl Departixelit. Shearliug Ri 1_ . SrtldwtShoop. 22. Voeeab1es., RelitLamib- Goo secmmatli tm5 m5êbl tî. Wator, 'w Bloardars $2.50 per weak. 4r, 10. lempshiredowfl Sheep. 28. Domestia Manufatures. Two Ew-- -------Il.Oor(nSce. 24. Ladies' Departxnft.of Bec!, v OSSIN OS.TRN , ONT. 12. Shropshiredowi Shoop. 25. Fine Arts. w bal R HOUSE. Brkhýi PgsT2.OBONTOndLethr o . B.d Pair Of The Palace Bot e!ofCanasda Rofitted, BspoolBekllrrIg. 6 eto n LahrWr. lrooksiin, Bsiuruishod, and iuirvslid. New Pason. 27. Miscellaumotis. Bout 4 FatE ger Blevator, ruulýntan~~d da.The Only ftrm-cl ttm 1 eu&"05gruu aiea pricas vr:- 02.60, and, ~r day.RILA ARNEM TS Idembers of Club.euand o rsescarinALWYABUNEMN reoma, vithout houre', 01 ta $2 per à& 1 MARK N. 1RI6, Arrangements madea with LI. T. R.ta issue Retuin Ticelts fram al Pmb. 271.11878 Proprielai'. stations botween Toronto and Baereym, bath inclusive, nt il faxe, Boar ... - - - -frein 7th tes il Septerxre, 18W, bath dasys includei. $ow .... IROYAL IIOTE1 , WHITBY. A&jo*witli Wbitby, Port Peii.y & Lindaiy ailwiiy, for one fare,dur. BOF ig of Tha steve - ing tiie 8 dasys of Exhibition. Sth, 9th and lOtir SepteMber, 1880. ~ Fgo Teaoehtalaibuma een thoroughly renovated and refumisbled, and Io nov un. der the manageomni a1ORS>. bACKtE, (iormnerly ai St. Lanronce Hall, Port Hlope. - - _ Boar .... Everyattiention pcStae ta. .... ..... Bspealy 6oS ialpie Boomsfor CousBa.Fgo nocatrmvelers. - - o - -Sw Fig of THE WILS ON I4OUSE, ciS Bar ASBROTClasS .-Blood Horsea. Boy ... ALEX. BARCLAY, --Proprictor lt 2 Su. B&.Boar Fig ec The Roue is o BrickStalion.................................................. 4 $8 82 Boy Fig ai Th as aa rc, large anal cOns. Brood Mae with foal by baer aide ..................... 4 8 2 Fat Hog... modious, muS the Interior tus iteS pi colent style. epl x- Tlire.yelhr aId entire Colt ................... ........ 8 2 1 '[Exactmg Tho tardertesa lied vilS. the bosS in Tliree-year aId Filly,................... .......... *: .... 8 2 1 the Markot. &Thti'best ofaicLhuor. and Tvo-year aid euoroColt....................... B3 2 i Cigare. Two.year aid Filly....................................... 8 Pair of But Stebling, large sud roomy. Gooas shedls. One-3 er oaid cohe Colt............ 4....................... 2 .i Bsn Ilarot Colt of 18W ...................................... 2 i diCc FiITISofA18W C.....................M.................................... 8 2 1 d C B RIT519AM1elr2masTLtrain.Slnd Books viii bceraquiralPSornail llood nEeej68C R A Y - S, 01M 2.-Saddlo or ]Road Horses. D (Làlit.. inl.ou».) . L I TE*Y 0 N T0A0B5 0.55.> Staiion ...................................................* 4 $2 Go WHT Y OT~II.Brood Mare with foalbybursîBde . ..................... 4 8 2 Gi Hanse nawly reàiovated and furuimbed Tlirce-yer olal attire Colt............................... 8 2 1 44 Hg throughout, anS p*_inlufirst-cls ordor for Thiree-year al i Py....................................... 8 2 1 ILH ho r raptionoaigu*ts. An amnîbua teand Twyear aId antire Colt................................ 8 2 1 Hg rom Il trainsPlrito-cass satipla mrnes. Tiwoyear aid Fily ................................. 8 2 1 HI - --Oriryear old ettire Colt.................. ............... a 2 1 P" S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, Ose-year old Filly ...................... ....... .-*...... 8 2 1 . 4 P k>Cor. Kiag & 1,ork.iIs., Tocontos, Ont.- Homea Colt o! 18W80.................................... 8 2 1i F J. A. O'GRADY, }illvof 1W............................ . ........... 8 2. 1 i J.A OGAD, PJOPRI1ITOR. Si,, le Horse inIi ulruea. Prize of E. Armstconig, hoýIeBi Tas, $1.60 msaDày. (y-47) kooelr, Wtby ; Sud prize by Angus MoKaîy, o! 4 -- Pickering ....i............................................ 10 5 6 Bi Saddfla Hore. .'-iza of G. Y. Smitlh, Barristsr,idBi - OTOFFICU- SALOON, ToORO. %Wiitby, $4 ............................................ 4 8 6si -Pair of Catrnrage Horsea, 1u) band udal under. PrzedéT àM. McCONNELL, . .PI)OIRIETOB. of C. and S. Ray, botel-kgsepers Whithy, $10 .10 .. 6 4 . Ti ACCEuNT OMMOD)ATION .vlPair af Carrnage*liorses,l15 banda anal under. lst prise 6 1 for (THE 1YS 1 byGe. a<ie 7oyl 9 l itby; Sud prize by 1 ---Pair o e<CrigeiJIorasOS. ual loisthan 16 bauds i inch. filG £NTAIIIO ltt>TEL, Prize of llobt. Davies, Dominion Brewery, Toron.;o; - é0 0 Bfno ROCTSLE5T, WHITBY. 2cid priza by T. G. WlùtIfei. Druggiot, Whiltby, t JAMES T. JE m'ELL, proprictor. goodii velue . .................................. ....10 4-1 44 '(Lete oaitiemNi. issing Hatl Toranto.) Clus 3.-Agrieultural Horses.D GOai Liquors &id Cigare. Cauosiorts Stallion........1 ............................................0 $ 2 Ceto a staog . ls iyBrood Mare with foo. by lber side......................4 , r.IlFirst lceLv yStable aud Billiard Tbreeyear aid entire Colt ...................... .......48. 2 I'arianr eîaclad l-i0 Thre.....aid ................. .............. . .... 4 8 2 - . ,Two-yettr old enlrreCoît............................... 4 8, 2 () SHAWA HiorsE, Two.year aid Filly ... ...........48B- 2 Prise of!' ELG TEE.) AW. Onm.yee.r aid entire Cl..... ....1.......... .4 a .2 Toron!, a - SttT.OiiW. One-yex old FiPuy-..... . .... .......... 4 B- 2 of Pal! H. HETER Poprctr.Hocce Colt O! 1880. .................. .......... 4 el 2 to ney H. CUESTE - - Propictor. P...O!.1................................. sn4 8 2 *4a This chree-stas7. large and oommodlîous Pair Agrcultisil HIrses i tartis3a.Pri. of Jame=rieo .5 Hanse tn reftiîd snd Inrnishld la suit Ibm T. ,lewahl, ~tl.epeI, Whiby, 110 .............. 10 6 4 i o -wauts ai the Iraillieg public. Table sup. Y plila5 wttheibmch boeit oai bm sson. The -Casi 49-Drought Hotis.fo é bar eripplioal ;ih Itheomi lranide, l1. . l y, 0O La liquors ansI cg". Bus te maS iroinseto-M lt.2&. lion. Amipl t a m cmflhostiers Imported Stallion.c Frire of Holslernoss & Beattia, AI.amn 45l bion Hotol, Taroito, $ 10 .............Il..............010 86 $4 p(Y o -Brood Mare with f»sI by bua iSe. Frire o! Plsllip * Tva boaà - -* - - Taylor, Wlitby, Lamp anal pair o! Vases, value $6.. 646 cRONH]ECLIDS Three-yeer aid entite Co1t.5ý........................... . 4 8 49~ Jv. f AULDING. -Tlxree-yeer aid Pifty. Prise of 3.J. FI u S&.dler. 4' ýL, LaIe ai tho "On1ario, Ailborn, laving Wuby aro aters an bp, vale à....... pu h sdIh _laewelknown promise@i, .yoar oîdmntire Cl ............4 f g sa its a contnnnos0aipatronage irous Two.year.old Ptllye ....................... ......... 4S aunerons iriendi. One.yer old-ettirw Colt. ... .. . ... ... . . .... 4 8 . A geai Bostler lu attauslanoe. Ot>.Yemr aid Ply ..-.............. ..... 4. 21fys 0., - - Horse Colt of 1880ý,......... . .... ..s Pfyo rioa- ....o..8t............ 4rioo - BLCk IURMEUtITL, Fir Dreuglit Hormt. lit rr, onD27den. Bto)k to foi COR. FIoNT 4 duooBI S., TOBOIITO. -.lin, $10 ; 2W prise. Win. Tho!re wdlor. ~1 - by, paà ir o ise Couay oio*' s ....as...... A4LFRED O.CIORBD, - PBnOPBIERToB. * rxo!.sfrdOodBaoreMel1ois dm. (ýL&te ai WIrlllatn Hatl, ai, kh'm.) b wep-T oeosn tiao titond...8OO0 I15 40 - $-iMamssiowth TERMS, il.00 PER DAT. Gocal m"One.an4aw isp irtg for aveu J. lhorsegg. Prst-dam. accous loe5-D ive-hoolfrrd O. modtiOor tac mner. snd the C n B'Ria ...................as.. $1 I LUMBEF _LUMB R I -.............. 4:m.a. .- . . ..... Flri L'I le MUaSa1O--Éainp.hidown. ...m.........'........o.. .... ............. -Frire of B. H. jameoon14 Grocer, Wtb.J' im.sal, velum 88 ..........m. . . 8 -2nazrr by Wzu- Bryanl, nmunith* hty 8i~Pn,vatLue $........8 Lig Pwes-2nsiprýre hy ILt Collins, Boot nud tr, Whitby, Pair « Bôota4-value #2...........8 eambu ............s. . ......8 rlire iy J. B. FringleMoelant T&llor Whit. Svalue 82............r....................... # la= ...................... .................... 4 -2nd prise hy James W. Barnes, Tinsniti. %iwar, velue 82 ........-;...............8 -2ud prire by John Fergilsn. Merchent Teilor, m 82 ........................ ......... 8 lng Ewes.-rize of fy & canRotel. Whitby, $5 ......... ................. .,ambs ................................ P51.an I t-hvâirevdoWfl g-- - - 1 fl..t........... ...........S ............... ................. .s we.............. .......... -Wetherizeauy C. Scottirm o!H. .ecrWiy,a lin ................................S Ofhaep. any brei 4eofK n pecr mus.8 13-Inirovod Berikshfre- lot. tLad. ............................8 1880................................. 8 2 Clas 14-Other Small Bresds. ............................s8 2 1880.. *::........................... 8 2 us 1-Lag$ wine, =iy othe 3redô ......................... 8.2u f1...0...................... . 8 2 ......... .............. 8 2 18-80 dr................................... 1 -hams, a, ....lig ......t...................... i rahms, ih ......................... ochins, partLdg........................... ochlnfm.tiri ý.......................... >rkings, vwhite .............................. >rkiugs, colored., ........................ 1 imes, darkrds ..........................i1 k.mes, duckwiugs .......................... i lanburgu, silver apangleal.................. 1 famburgu, golden spagleS .................i1 anburgu, bl4ck.............................i1 abumg, golden pencilent... .............. 1 lortals., golden spangeaL.. .............s. boaàuds, siver iopagle........ . . .... i Iyrnouth Bocks.... ......................I1 loudans ................................. i laak Spanioa .. .i ......................... i ffhita Legiiesns..;......................:... I Ilck.rad Gitire Bi.nnits ..............1 rovu-red Gante Banlamma............... I liver Saabright Bantauz........... i rurkeys, colored ... ................. ... i rurkeyE4 white ............................... 1 rkey%, bronze .. .. .......................1 Lrkey8, vilS .... « ......................... > 3es, white Bremm........ ................. 7zoeu, Endt1 ..... ........ 3eesa, visite clinis ...................... ... à Reme, bro*cu Chiiiate................. Gkeeu, euininon...e&...................... >ucko, Ay"ler.........................î >ncrhs,...... . ................... 1 Ciss17--GrMaisd ýSedg. Ld. UL t ît [1 Wbam (s eotkuadX$hovsimero!prise bte Toronto RaptrIli et êi'company - ast timne prise ins'a #d......-. 85 W M. T. Dii., xuneufro Ha'tey Fms. blusbOaa,0"W8 mnu1ny mII, ve, e#80, it Tva bushela eech o!fSpnigWhat, Bar. nia, BleeL-oye prrve os, sud Pesa groira byexhiWtor. Wner of prise taý &Ï, Dilhgl#9$5 videnpre is aeverda.80 sleu PSUi Wl«.......................... 8 Spriug 'Wb........ 8 .a.. 4OO.. ...... ........ TPsablak ............ ...... an . .n. .... Oi. Ie..........-. . ............ . 8 bed fiveIbood10 ~ 5mmd................ ~otP1.8b......... s .4 . . .. ....... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2 2. 2. 2 s S t' S. .1 'j 1,~ i advoati Ai T 26. 880. ..................gb ..~;. a 2 ~lofl~;hDy#.2r........... .. 2 at-iêprLke by! Geo. Âyerm mo oee-Hre hoe.$2.8 2 Briàd 0u et er au Culrav aor, corab3ld ..... 8 2 ODéhýsePtIgs-ýÉîsofG .Ofliak. ýfl on- Two.h orsd4U o l1e........ ....... ... ...8 1nrap Dr .. ..... ........ Grain ..r... . ...... 2 strw Cmmrt dr, .6ho 0..... ....... 8 2 stmwO ter--,rKobylnd.. .......... 2 c oli v a ..... ......e.04 .......... P o ~ n v e te '. .. . .i ....... . ... 8 2 C e I M a4 Pt . ................. à...... 2 1 C h eo ioe............................ . . 2 i Waahin(magunie... ..........0......... 2 1 Tur ............................................ 2 1 Ohurn . u. . .. .".0 . ......................2 i Grain Iushelr...... . ........... e............ 2 1 Half.dozen KHay Forks ............... ..... .4...2 1 I«àa -orks,...... . ... ...2 À ..............i. . . ... . . ...i Specimen of Rorse Shoes with caunih............. 2 i si 6d É6.ý without calks ......... 2 i 46 Pum p.m alcer'o w ork . . ............. .... 2 i Best collecton ù 0? e lm .. . 4 O 1 fHor s h..m um Uioail4a or pli- ......... i 0 0 c 0 12 Ried A.reanm....................................... 1 2 B a r l y H a r v e s i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Ealy StriWberY ................................. i 12 o= W! %ine ..........i . ....... -.............. 12 Swe tW4 ...n.......................... .. 12 Nkswick Codlin................... ....... i AUTMM Nos TALL APPLES. 12 &Ppimt...-............ ................ 12 Melidenp's ... p ...........................» 12 Prrste.r .. .......... '. ......................... 12 Twiety Om[Le.... -.................. 12 Duehoasetc .................. 12Goleny Oee... 6.44 ........................ 12 Alexender.....80W....... .. . . 1 2 G o l d e n B e s s .o . . ... . . . t o s s & t t ' é * s - s 6 0 4 4 0 12 Bdln ...............-......0...... Soc SOc SOc 50e 00e ansi Soc Soc Soc 500 5we 41 s. 82 2 02 2 *.A ar. gi 500. soc 50 500 50C Soc 600 5o. 600 500 N0e SOc 12 Bolen Davis.. ............ ........... 12 Griai' .Golden.............. . ............ 12 Ben. o! om........ .u.....-. ......... 12 NrttenGolden. ..4 ....... .. .............. 12 Peck'.oflesmnuta...n..... ............... 12 . o.e ........r..i................... 12 SeeL nolePonhe........ ..à . .......6...... 12 Rhitoenr«ni119....... ................. 12 SSno uhr............................ 4......... 12 Switer.............. &............ .....-. .. 12 TalltitauSwe... ..*6 .... é .....4...........à 12 Swagn..........r..#l.......................... ... 12 Yellow BSefoer ............. ........... 12 Wfflr .............p......................... 12 BaetI*..flor........... *............. 12 Cliapp' F ore i te4éé........ . .. . ... .. . 12 BatuW . .....g. ........... .............. 12 Belle LFarte .......... 'i....... 12 Beue iaba eeut........................ i 12 BecllU t ........... ..................... 12 Ducmiàkesd'azuleni............. e.. .... 12 EWlitr"...... .. 12 VIan oM- ........... . - BmitCoD.e.. . ........b&.. ih anal. A Bsrtof w um............ ...... ....*.... Bed ôùIeýu0n O aoUI oyW*hB-tb B.- 2Ïb.nches.Cham..on .. . . .. 1 ....... ..... Wotde11«ic Im Beand pe.................. ..... .... y.....ri. ......... ~0c rigltpn: ei54h.'5.55'~~.,.".......... " BDlaver - mbs 1S t.Ptoritigen .. ..........~.... .s.. Bout ollo tioi o! ra............. ....... . 2 12 Generd l M5Is4................ .........JS 12 Im p'eri1 .......... ..... 12 Lùtubar ........ . 12 VéLeegloin . ...... :........ s .................. 1*W mlttèosf........... .<,.,.l . . ... _____________ oal. N4 N .36. BilkQuilt..............................2 i WIITBY, PROVrINCE F0F,1ZRO4TlJ 011 p'aintigO% WeterC n.........te........... Anda.pe.......... tr itas-, , . s dim .......... ...... CARI>. VFsir tearsnary Sumo 0 0* ai Blelley 0,ehglia ucoedMr VSin thali o n otie ths profion.,m dol ~ but yst nlotel.Witby, évury Tumadmy in! ei vsmk, ic'n 1 to 0p. g i 1 Dom corSlally recommertd Ur. Poster ta, TY my usemrssudIb pble anerilx. »-Y 11. '~w. J. HMNIL D8 Itjnof Peirtqer$Ip 1 &#th Idw peu, ,sàj.c= M VOL. XXIV. Fancy Neting .. i..f.................................i 500 Lady'î Drèmuský,izeby A..Cuthbert, Jeweller, Dumn'î. Creek, OICk value $5............ Pria. ,of(J. ».;Powel.& o., Merchanto, WhotbY, Ladre Ht value 45 .................. Boit,collection. of .L-[ad' -Uu4erclothing, machime made- bmprïaeby-jZ. Booto Broa., Station- ers, 'Whitby,.Iaeater Wr1asm'oue$. 4 2 Boit display of il! y,... .....à............. Faucy Knitting................i CrotohetWorýi cotton.......i. 500 ' Cr . tetWoifa, ..o.o. ..... ........ ....................... -..... .... ...... ..... 2 i Aplque Work..... ............... ............2 ï4broideryon'Mufin..............................2 i Lace ................... ......i. Si ................................. i worstead................. .....2 1i .oto...................... 2 1 Baîd Berlin Wool- Work.................. 2 FIat Berlin Wàoo Work ......................2i Fia Brlii ao Wok orFraming.......... German,-ied Workil............ ..........2 i- 'GuipueWrAk........... ......... 2,1 Ch -4al Wvn........ ...... xniff o ede Wok-.i. u1 e 8'rntrêDnir Wiby, itureale2 . 2I' t Tiste, Work-lot- prie byD. Ormiston, Britr Whiiby, $2 ..............................t.........2 i Ornemental Neeile Work. lot Prize byMWm. Thomp '- son, Saddler, Whitby, Ladies'Valise, valg-e, $2 ... 2 1 Specimen of Braiding.,.............................. 2 i 69 Beed, Wcxk, fiat-lt prize, bY J. G. Mo Dougail, Stationer & Con!ectioner, Wboltby, Sta-tion. exy, value #'2 ................................ pcnen of Bead& Work, raied ...................2' i di Lace Workt........%...................... 2 64 Paint Lace.............................. 2;_ i w 4 Lace Work, honiton... .....2,..... i Worked Slippers..................................... . i Sofa Pillow-let prize by A.. H. Day, Grocer, Whitby, Crockery, value $2 .......................2......... Toie et..................... SO ................ . .................... . . . 0 .oo..n............. ......... .......... .. l Worked O&ap Chair...................... .... Caap.tool...........................i; Ottoman-h4t prize by C. jOb>jaton.ýume mer. * chant, W hitby, 82 ..... .. ......... ............................................ . 2 Wax Ylowers.... .......4i........................ 1 2 Waz Shels .......0............................ .2 i wax Lltes .... ................ ............ ... .rFI ..e.......... ...... ........ I. i... . . ...er .............................. i Feather Plow ..r............... . i F phyrFl ..... > . ...... ..... . .. . 2 FnyBse...............l...... e...............0 WaU Basket..........O GroaaRLmp............ ........ ......... - 0o aayTa1ble Mat .................. ..........iil.-. Fany eather'wor... ...a....... ........ iBustic Work-1ot:prirby W=n ii FriueDemi., 'rWhiJPriu value $2 .....i... .. ... .; Cone Wok-la.rrelyWila ora oo0n. * ho kr, Whty pair ofRo, value 02... ...... cana nSti'aw ...a ..> . .1...... . ........ . ...SO0 Farmer....e........ ... 2 Hi eer........................................ -' W ork Basket*. .......... ... r.... .... . . . Car Afl ...... à ................... ..... 2 1 Bracets .... ........ ............e............ i O Mota. iîl......... . .... ............... Drigoà,)IettoodÉi..w........... i 0 apatter W ork .. 0 ...................... .....to z wLa. .i Doit. Tel. C t. Witby., du 'no 7 t lu10p. -Y Ticket. O F AClE 151 S.: ADULTS 25C7 iont h rey bs lin Domiion Telej UQUSE i4 Bobo BAàs)c Fa=, 0Iramut P.O., Onts M ï 4 -- 1 144Y.1

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