Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Aug 1880, p. 4

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as, luise. Inevi$a*'0ekêm*Otedjsg. 1or sl Goa knoWI bow sore ma long th 8hhatb'boe5'wiBhlllt; The battite lise se th@lb srong, Or rloe orhOom mit Wini t; W. e oal mot butio vil' dar eycs As feà siltiove te lisii lthecrms 01 bébès lat â4galiin gtiR The em jof .ou Iis oet, Tb.r turfid vhat wax cerliboUat mrth- 2To iatjIs sufl i tee4 U."nd To Ibotr fame A~U te WOe us; Te tke te betif« fos:ontland, * Tva bard te voIci tb. vasting chilA, e:3etii. bribe tins glvew ah , hmet1a fate,' lsagC e Wâd, For eout nilgit balt:eaven Thoewee cf aton* th" my vaced Loir hour, DarknueianAud igtwores trlvlng; But jasas temperéad inger's power, W. conquered sud aae4*lp. Alld no* tinte Iait sunsetilix ** Acrostheb.ws.tet Waters, Freedoun of failli audffietye tar for hrln'a sns.ausugbtera. Dear riands aI bomni iieneer pe grievo, Fralyer o'ea thi e àcas uA dne, And te. r native land we leave BteisIsud n love beind un. SARCHEDON. A Legend of thu Great Quesn. NISROOH TNB .A VENGER. Now, la bar gat n ed, ch# clang te lisdesp$,e aîa murce, sud bad comae vnln tru .bltr oethte Mnuteinis the whch bm ocf heavîn seeed Wlttheb.increasal llgbt afforald by a socore otftorches, ne longer wbfrled andl braadhîbad ln th.air, Aut"bOboh served ithl ina.burogik DOer egbilai hlm', vasbey. au antrance te sean.H vubet oaV«oUg tam ple, ernmmentldwlth *4 roagla symbole and .grotesque neproee- b tallaus;of ibe #znon vonahippea vithin. Sc This cavity »esdalparlly naturmii10 pstylaoed cut trou lb. bovelm et dr ta ea t heb la aime rude labor that hat ercie te tlarlulisIrot.Four i» oe U iu caa niooge b.burden re-lu .eutly Wad dovu by the Assyrias van- Pl ir., sud praeded - by two of their au cetapsalons itIa joroee, aliappeaned tà la te enracee eoflb.etoempla or mosili ha oee*hocvern. White h. y ift ad.h. bc .orpsm.Benilrsis passed bar anal, Tc vit a agesturoee "eelg tendaroasu, fli over ib.aead face, anal tollowed lose beiud, succadedlby the rest cf theiaia tercb4asaring Iroope, leasing the..pear- ah Mne ithont.sau if toguard tlb. lbrea- to belA. An irreaetible impulse drove Lb.auna. scia onvaral lu bis trînge advenlere, yet it semed that h. coutlA net'bave Utacred a Word te Bave bis lite. With every, faclty strained, evewy sasse painfully alarpenod, speech vas alose SI donleal hlm. Il The souaof Ailier croased tlirAi: xpears te bar bis outrance ; -but Ihrov-w taghie oak bacla rom lis face, Io ioagla .1i11 vitheni a word, bo casama re tem te recognize btam liai stood et i tie riglat tand cf the Great Queen, 06ed I lb, sparseal noimpedeal into tbu. temple c of (lie fional. i Tu a, vaultnd a eroa, se Iotty tbat tlie c «lare oft tenty torches seircs illomuin-T ated lb. sbadovy masses cf its.roof, w stood ftonr aienlibl ocks of granite. tu eopporting, at the higbt a.t a man's a licee, a rongb lab ef Ihm same, os a n -looring of rock over wbieb Nature b bai aprecal a deep coverisg of îmnd. il Tliere was ber. ne appearaneof simnou or mta:, none cf those attemptâ at or. il inament by vbioh aeuslie rudosi of i worchlpprs deouetir to their deity witi baand anad brai». The Walls of! iis al. iw ural temple were of bare blisg stose; u Ili roof vas reared tan into the boyau i cf the mionnai ; itlibaSt bel oneeaapo tue, Ibrongh wviielia dia» ibremd of% 41<g itlgIal bo secs at noday, sudb wodir, If ho ave: dM visit them, the wcrsbippons of Abter vere laaghl te seet Ibm appearance of tholr master. i r rsmieStle .depîbaeofthIbmforcît, bensaila thosa vwilal shaÇgY hMelia,3O dvlhing cf liae vii prncipla vW84u dari anashadovy, compareS v wibm th temple et Baal, mauthal sbnlne of tlb. Assyrien«Cd, giv inl vermllion and gla, soemnea pon anal paltry tci thé Starr_ dom. aliove, et vblcb Jilpro- fésealte ha 3h. type. 4 Prom ha-bled a juLtiiug bowlder of rock, tormlng. as il vers, ca saturai bel- irea etihe oevern, Assarse atcead ip hoMa-r. The do* toc&oa onbis hro, damp iid ebil as" lmen.on b ea. t face agMast vilci. llsneS. Samiruls naîched a torclrtrom oe of lb. viid flgure. i ,ber aide, s d yita Ils ilgbteiW D nd ocnbed asirlnu fiue,Wvile keeplng berseit vilhla Ibsi umsîip 1,rdere, snud the broasl, flaistose > bon hl e . iialmasIay: à 15, unea»aing terrer thQ aseed'tutaie possessioaaofetIhe ver- * bapers lteêy tlaresabled <rsin e ai$ foot, snd covered back fmefas 1the IiimlIpbf lx0eï er*évuld sllov. Ia the sIU»nceboa at *qcieeded Ibismoto.- Trb; <reM Qusssn ted ber torcha sttipplsg on, mt the "meLae,îe n obrougd attlebvllelin waôdem toitI froui lxr lildorlla the-sel, ne- vealink ÃŽ4 oes mrokp i'e'ron ntchaees and tÏ l*àttW eagea i-lbhotmarne qne'3rl- Iap&tsiaeIl" of lfa? tIiiPýse MSW4,fâm - 5540P11515 sete-mpflins I~u, WVau@ lier boroie $v.adanéd ber t"t~ buaned b, the bmM lto a mralaz of "may that rang throggh 4be relnoIest ÇomehSor the cavero, cansing lthe*lld mtus" na;to tifil it là ea trabfm, Lnltoatlngdetigiat, &Bd the enut 4a bietoslvr wth ftmôeintolorable It TMe theIcnttO by whiob, in dghI of al 3th godlset of beepepler she rolted tglnst ber loosi, ealling onu te parted epWrt te retoe (rosi ils place boyeznd théegrave,. Laylog ber rlgbt-, hatal ou lb.dead man'@ ferehead, bmw left spon bis beart, ah. ralsed ber-bead and s*ng:- Bthe dws0reft euen , h " f ig h t Dy tba anigt oethtbssfiaCei That dverxi on h Tb*cStares, The boîto of the ky; By AshUrr.linipagal Our fatherlunmtl; Bjy éb. sud Dagon' hpB Nierocelisud iaal;- lhy th. wngs everlsating, 1Igsumen ustec k 1 "'Prom the rsnki of a logion That ilntasirengli thm gloem Of a ahadow,,jreglon Prom 3he gul1 of black sa.rrev, 0f silence sud sleep, Where a night villi ne uorrow Mfoods ovor thae deep; D3y desire nnavailing, Aaid pleaanre thats lied Dy the living bswailing Ier love fer the dead; Dty the wisb that oxadars th.e, The kissea that barn, And t3he Passion that seau the., I bld thieraturai1 "Thou art colS, and thy face le So azone»at rest, In My l8ery embraces Béni waruith on my bremaI. Threngb tbm lips Uat carets thea, Drmw baina ln my brealli, AnS the armes liaI compreas thea Sb &1 wrench the rom Destil. Thcah lie baaeth to spire net, Tot he shall net, ho darc Det, Tala, tribule of me. Tbeisif love can restoe. lies, ThonglibonSon Ibm track, Prom 3he jonrnsy bhale.tlase, S Beloved, corne back 1 While Ibm lust syllables died on lier pa i.onpathetio toues, ah. tanki drs h ma bodly, brow te lrew. ceeus te bret, and moctb te moolla. trlyLIbut one spanl cf lie bad bies at, i i vlàembrace mustI bfl revu and kuidîsA Into gamet j3u3 Âssarae' ain lefaaed, halta D*vera-osuanbatore bise yea. Stage lag, sWLfcaed ha basteneal fron la pleeé, paialg thé mes et var at tbé antraire as rnerabed blindly ou nto te ,darianes a.sid 005 ipeanisan 10 bit casniâaida, "surmly il la a spirit. Be. cIA hoi il Vînisbeth ln tih. aigu' ro vhieh lih. other, eniga ltagiat. tîIIy on his shilI,*pl.d : . "Il la lb, Ammon who bath entered. %al taies posatasien cf the man, anad rives 1dm forth, and Led wltb bim lu. Lo the wiîder-nesis." CHAPTER XV. TUE VOICi OF TIM 0cHARMER. MAF~.T1t$~ & v~A~v Al WOIIK 'ýut&NTe, A Large Stock, 'atLtow,.Figures. D R E %S A NU DLEA KI1NG ~- & s* m.~-y maiY MILLINERY, UNtERCLOTHING, BABY LINEN. &o-. Special attentioni to orders. , Magni*-, ficent assortmw# tofTiuig.a,~aOIbOoB.Ti Mest sewing ma.ohine for sale and to rent St Very lIOW prices. Orders for Britîes Amerrican Dyig Go., for dean- ing and cooorixg of Feathers, Gloves, Dreàses, &o., wiil be received and pýýomptly attendoed to. 3f. & S. t. MoINTYRE, Âgent for Buitaitib Pâtuasi n hiou Sh404; BROOK STEZET, WHITBY. Spri ngs 1850. Spring.j P RESH F IELD AND "GA RDEN Ai, THE NEW CASH GROORY EMPORImm. Flower Sý Imlprove01 Ivau-etiesa T Il waet oihl,. ontom of an Assyrien auy to l.avc ils vork haIt done. The Lay afier the great batis et 'Araltab, lths Armeniana-vere oscatteroal ho «Je four ILV sisals etfbaavcs. Tlaorgon and bis F .l long swords luAceed lay bu 'the field ie regular lices. otrnandme file, sthey Tes, Co l <ais; but, tboagb r.aletisg brave, Malade in 1 1wbilo uis'croît coulA le ie en bove Cia r Illetaiminlî wten teir king wecidown, (I~ I up and lied ine oofstnon.îo lhelrbes. GasRl Plie very etnatagesa tht baSd, as il wrme, dainllà hmprésence for them os- aonragement. served perialis blit te lishearten tbmniLb.hemoirm, Whou lhéy ne longer ld allthe. royal .ferai vbicb DEzvzREIL'1 lad bithurto seemed abigoitona la the ligIal. Êl~ery Portion et hi, heu vas satiafled il liaStaken 13e eors rfdireotly NBAi rrom Uice manarob;-.and win a t lest thoe ivNo malleS figures, escli of vbicli wu. heliaelta dtb. Anyas himse cme tegethen in lie botetIof lheb. cau,ý1' nen lay se thick aboultbtheipot that F 1ev ladeofi van. loft te obsorve lie <al - oaf ose anud Shsappsmance o et baCher warrier, jAther cf vbem .migbt bava bes thoir king. fmnsaa Pa," anSd t~enqiebraie, tording lia ter- 51 relit orepnng th. vid"e'wpt plain, flaeA brelakn bauals ef fugitives, panling, oced, disarmeal, lockisg vlldiy even their shiuldens, fto1he. Lerce and ton. KItN ( -rible feu, Who spanea net *hmrm heo eai- querealesw b osa uho lUfteases-d on javellu, nover falleSt le driva-it hie. Th But tiae vas ose h-cep cf1liersen, scanty it, nemben, ygt f>,amidîblo in SPeCiat appearande, tisI l ationgh flgbtieg on uny the aide et victony hlitd sutf oee consilal ýPL érable l3s. EMurüiug, tevand lb. withgel senîl l in su ad crdanly tLtl, 13 tfy lacno ne ymptem% crslloo=Ëftucs ,or haib ceue 1$ bad hsP:ns Tiey B S atrainiltbeir *aviae i til içt*r frqin t aeVZ1s te shwO bohld ot D1Q Thela arma wexe brnlitl1sud -bedià 14 M4 ils. hIbir berBig elusLJ2 éd setût. Lnuaisl tap lu t r.tlaa1nsdIe# sud st ahynat.xlllere p&rý, ietO$ rstete y.PRICES, Iu lho bé ,n te ê>-rodb>l hir Vlliw Qleen, aeolnpe. by euoe inAnmenjr jîbana&gtest. -, ;-- i cWhibu4b* ats o4ýLkt stLe9rceot ronndlhe hiate ilne - r T i1. - SoedH an a ardon Seeds, iu great vunetieo,,ai S. FRASEB' S. ,d Field Carrot Seeds, Fresh Maigold Seeds, Fresh Improved Purnip Seeds, ail from» the Most Beliable Seedsmen, at 8. FRÂSEIVS. llFAMILY-GCRO CERIES! focs and Sugars at rock bottors prices, Reeler's Dundee Mar- bulii Engliab Pickles, Sauces.a au i, oé; l a asrtmeut of ockery id Glasswsre, beautifil D'ner'Sets icheap, new and cles forTt-he Ladies, t.he (lHus Egg-beater and Measuring Jar, ing 1Nne, "" It1h. PriuessXéjisç ]3aking_ Powder, Iho betin ise, de"and for it inereaslug daily. ?or sal only at sBLOOm - - . Bitox ST==EE. 'J!rB'YONTÂBIG. y quantîty of Primoel3utté, Freah Rggs, &ct., taken li exchange. Q;JQ0 R S TOR E ýWHDLSALÃ"E AND R$TAIL$, ~-SXREETOSHAWA. Ufl0Tfldni~tig ie.LQIOR TRADE a B'aiIips Hte-keeprs nd lie Trade generaily tuiu ~quraat ZowoeHca*o.ý I yea~s' ~TH A-Y E S' S, VrJ, T, PER CENT. -OFF! É Tho4 i sîcWlt/ args. t.dsContdy, and ent- bracea 4vn 1 tIing in Boots UJandZ ,Sko$Ïs- f9r, Ladies', 4ndO/i~cr.'s $iear, NwsStylea an be8~psZiy o ,natii "~and'workmaz#p P ieu. Cin a ime, The reduotiqu viii not iaat long, at leîtrîanfdings are goinglnp., Ax NPETO SPOPJLInVX!ED.- May 27, 1880. Watsn!m Blok, Brook Stec, Whtby. G-O TO » I~ lIN J~i I 11V J~-L1iJJ~, £~..l.N .LF ~/ L.A~.5 ..a~~-s.P-~m JOH1~ 1i'JflRGtX~O& 800 TOI . 8 J3UST ILMEEVD 'A BSTOCK 0F Iand. CA NA DIA N TWj 'E08,1 .Whih were ordered, before the d i resn hihh Proposes ýto offer atlks& than previous se]Iing prices. In cloths, lie offere ALL-WOOL TWEED SIJITS at i ^In RATS, hie stock ie the largeet ana, beet eelected to be iondl the Comxty. TAILORING in ail ite branches, and under hie own JOHN FEIRGUSON, Dundas Street, Whitby. NE Wl-aGODS! .MATTH EW COLLINSI-HATS, CAPS & GENTS' FtJRNISHINGS Deverll's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, &ND'È*FF THE LIRGEST &BEÏST STOCK OP ,B,,OOTS AND SHOESý IN TOWN. STen Per cent. di8count off for Ca8h. FOIR ONE'MONTH. Customors are invited ,to eaU pud exsminue t.is stock, judge of lie queity and teks àa note of lb. prices, sud seliay ihemielvea as te vbere tbey ea gel-lb.e be.t Bargeiis, for l'y. lboots wsanted t e er- Bootsa s emp as they are gocd, WlWsltasd vitheut a tes For 1.81kms, gants, and giliace- And latcan'lbbat aewhere, AIl aboulA have e pair thal could, 1ny1ve !h r, 1 Fit trecibuor.Ibewood;-et rost. -v.iIMQ & T imy MV i mv ._ - . Conaç on dea publie, lbave your endors suda gel aý pair of Boots otfie rigbi kiuS frean your obliged anal humble sarvant, - MATTHEW COLLINS. TO THE FAII'MEBS' 0F THE, We 0fe o o the harvest of 1880, the following first- clas Earmmg Ipements. BROWN'S WHITBY HARVESTER, (Imaproved.) YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (Lrnproved.) CA1IUGA Jn MOWEIR, (Improved.) The above machinaes requiro no comment froin us, after passing throughi suai a harvest as the I&st and carring off the (Gel&- Medal for Canada,. We elsio notify afi. puroxhasers who want durable mihinery and propose to pay CASH ON DELLVMR, to call at our office in 'Whitby, before placing your ordors clsewhere, as it l5 our intention to adopt the ..CA SH SYSTEM! As uearly a s l practicable, aud theroby mako our price Est at lowest liv- ing prices. Give us a cail. BROWN & PATTERSON MNF'G C0. Wbhitbýr, Jan. sit 1879. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR -.ÂNY QU.&NTITY 0F-, (-001) YTDJ, -DELEUD -AT- w5 J e GIBSON'S WHITBY- CHIN TE ~TORE. Merchant Tailoring-and Gents' Fur- nishing flouse, NEXT DOOR TO TIRl NEW POST OFFICE,, J.i. PRINGLe. EIELD AND GAR~DEN SEEDS! A large supply, Pare and Freeli, at_ GENERAL DRY GOODS,,GROCERIES, ýwBbOTS AND SEQEPS, GROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F HARDWARE, &C. The Dry êoods Department la complete in every liéanudthe Grocery Stock al uew and fresh. g>ý- The oheapest hotwe' inthe (louuty. Re- member the addr-es. 49 A. B. 8EMHaglan. -CiAL L0 w IrLL Il AVKBuIEtN]w -~-F WHITBY,- for Reliable Boots and Shoesl- (~>'Foot Wear- of ai kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by -WILLIAM -BURNS, Brook Street, Whitby. C1IJ T T E R S,7 BUGGIES -AND -CARRIAG-ES. The Large8t'andffs sortmeint Jn the Counfy. GIREAT BAIRGAINS OFFERET IN CUJTTERS.,&0'. in order 10 ïa1èroom, as we intend to buildl a larger nunuber of Carrnages and Buggies this win.ter than usuel. TO0m s & NVWPQ0R-T'S DUNDAS STREET, TO HEI LTN927, IN SB» CONVIE wne a 4.pply tth- I . 'te na R.. J, CEMETERY LIEROOL2, Sd ?L. cf Whllb GLAtE*b ~SW, f A 1ed laddin L eionl S axnaERthatRmayVu e OCBDr the the entr cf ucl c ee yga n 3, MCRNofte ta a.m. ovry.rM . P "Tis Mo WMsBT LIVERPOO1 &ýL>8, LOraNDON. DER Thes s m ipu . f. the A.. :4 Lin Cabui, $81sengen ~,arecoring teaig cf staterctm Lo e rt eïr iett akateWat« Fratitan 143hnoratona tro smnt Wiitby, May 29th,!IS. t JD ALY JNEý TO ROCHRESTE Will ni er roniua7tri puon Ibsrotl '1.EAVlu G OebU M At7.8M ud aport tà ai9.80 svaymruug: nyexceptel)i arrivai cf ins fom thHat, Weat.î ,Nto ectixa al g iwyue Rociesterfer ii p4ntalileUae BTBIGLe Charl'ote (orta Reehester) as 9P.nIM, 4xeepSaturdyis" aho leavea ai 8.; P=i,;o Obcr Pont Hope direct.I Dea4vin 1» tec c Su., vii fluaii cisapeit saamoiti direct route. ta Bc# Albani, sud.New ob For furiber -nfe4tien, apply te or c AJTAM SBBWOOI 0. r 4iLDEISL Byz, port Ha E. STEPREN ÉON, Dom. Tel. Ce. Ticket, Agoal, Wbhitby. WEIITBY CU/?LIN8 C %aiS«et i YMNSIPM' LUR BILDING. îDoe, freur 4 panmU , afroni 7 te lpr. onby Tioket., FR014,15 TO20,2 CTS..:ABUÉTS2HCT&2.,- imcteaetofr e menth. iuay hou&, B STE HISO»i'S, Domiion Tel Whiby, Juiy Lii 8141 OOMFORTAB E HOUJSE ANbI; Sto"e Ta ent-.-Separately 503~I, pe àirgeda tt*0erate do cents,p 2ctsperlzeI nt ineion pealReforts cf Meins aenfta eo Banks' alway C go4ce Cempaxales dmat ,criptieu-when Plae& amxong ir teD. cents per lhue. Secialcoftracts mae with. 1 iheyear, or otherW"e. %'Orders te disoontinue &mv usrbe in w-riting. 01ÇTARIO BA,~ WHIITBY B B FAREWELL k uTJ >AB1USTERLS, ATTORN citors, Notaries Publicso cars. Of7efc.ifrat door -îeuth aiý0 otel,Wht. JAMES RUTLR B . FÂREWBLL, L. L. B., Ccunty Crown A&tt ESSES BITCHIE E AT LW.SOLICII CHAI V .1 t *I.RITOHIE, Toronto. JAMES KEITH -G( ATTOE otgry Publie, &0. OfiRce rot aoervestof AratnËJ' KoneY -te Loin-Priet tceit. çý joH1N A. McGILTa (Sticeessor 1teH. I Uili ouse, Umbrige, CHARLES C.-K L. T. liÂROL ATTOIeBY AT LW in Ohancerl udana o sucer, &. c ornasz-At the court Hùt LYMAN ENGLISE,. tBAIBT TLAW J.> obcery, Oove7arO cee Street, OhW. DÂAVM >ORMIBTG TTOMMlYITLA-W, Chance1ry, CoILveYaae Office, u cin Iii5 lor iWbitby. jeux HALL Whitby. ROBINSON & S 158 miei-ST. EAST, TOR R - . a s V4i .rtZfrÏ8, . ~' ~ "h. b.dP ly in boa .*bom ts assounai las whra Ib WRITBY, ONMIO. - Brook Street, wmtby. 1. MeMillan's Block,

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