Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Aug 1880, p. 1

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't A 4RSONINLE 1(3G SRlE, VINBSi Terris $1s500 par Annum- - - -Witc letiiAtS~. - AUAil Adrtia,- îo Ntr, iionhtaiuI, aiid-- e gt a i.rate n01tiCents, iter lino, ral ......... 0 'tii nt cna \Iet ieg, sabe nc- O . "X'Y,1 .W I B Sî>acinl iîd mttrg of like decieiOaltt'ii 1tltit'i'tt au o wa VisMat ' or tou cena t" 'r Ilie' nRA.NDý TRUNSI R&ILWAT HOTFL, C H 1 N A H A L L y ipeaoir, 0cts luade ta,. risr ýj(opposite G. T. .Station,) Whitby. SIGI 0F TUE BIG >UG (REGISTERXBD) Ositbulu NritiaOitllaadetses WM. O'NEILL PRIOPRIETOB. 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO, llvery accommodatioin for guetta, iitltli Fraitty Breakfaestaaud Tea Sets. BusiessDire tor, in -.lorable, airy bedrootno, Meale atall Ïaîî'iy Ditiner and Dessert Sals, hours. ac e-oi es L-ce'The ar fuly Bid itwilii iWi Fiiîcy Juge adTsos brande of Liquiors, NWiiei, Brandijes, Ci(14ra. u'r1 I 1 Kie, ot na po oN ' A Rh O0 B A N K , &e. Every noveeaîy dire'ction gti'fil tO 'ier Plated Cruets and Butter CoulaiE traolleSînîat, nlst yraîi la ir Plated Cake Baskets. W il 1.TlY-BR A NCoH , traveies. tîi dgers' Koîvea andl Fonce. THOMAS DOW, tiva ostierii. -'111 T' Tray s andt Servera. MasÂGR. ' FIowe'r Sbsii,' for Lily's, &c., &o., -- -OMMERCIAL liiJTEL 11i1ilSTAIiI:S, 1îwil ea, on ail di'5rîlon5 FA REIN'ELL & RUTLEDGE ,6,c 54 sud &6 larývia-strtet, Toroto. Hîci amd lBar Gonds. - ~~~JOHN Meri_'IE. 'iollKT GLOVER HARRI:tSON, P,1,ATTORNEYS, SOL- -morter taublit., andl oonrc.y- (O sîCrgI'ItOTO 3JOHNiILTI____.)mpre ,no The be.t 1 titi a i'a ny a lt t11iti' , . *îti tofi' t;iti tho 1 o itri i ViîtttîîtîiDominion Wood Work 1 tlliî it doit' eoutt ut iteayi, t'î ft t'I tn JAMES iIUTLEDGE, B. A. ttt itiittiatttt;Ft htW4 WH ITBY. Cotînty CrtîNv Attorne~y. 43 e . o mak -----TE MF'LlA N6Ji-HOU L; , rrunUmERCHMéiAgt BuLD MESIITi3Y. auge, -A large au piy of Budero' Furnig u;L.SS DUJNDASSTRLt.lT, W T3. iiBanid Il ki of T 'wiated MoldLo uAWRSTES & TTONE\' ii taettitttttdiitittt i rttatoate totueBitra, Sat'h asudBitoda. BARSES&ATRES Bottter'ett.50t)per aa'ck. LUX U lIRl oiî'ttoiaanti ratai, or1 AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN hy to cuomatd. CHANCERY &c. OSNHO)SE.)-TOIIONTO, ONT. Planing, Muldingtt ai evey descnr lç - b j1 '1: 7. Tholî,t tlsu ittaiof Canada ite"fitteti. aawlng, Shaping, Turning. Scoll-wci iteLuratieeI, anti U,înxvaiied. Ne'w Passaca' CtG ,etc. .H.RITCHIE, W. H. BLLINGS, gar 1ElItîtot', ruan iatg ntiit anti 1 Th, Wtitby, Oct. ltit, 187t. 't'oronto.WhitbIy. îanilr îs-Class lotel i aiCaînada 'o t. ai ilea, va.a -62, $25, aaad68 ît3 ii>' NETTO ENU -' MeatieorfniClubsanaad otIitîtraý, deutirigM NTT JAMES iEITIi ORDON, reunie, witlîoit botardi, $1t' e2V~eta> ,Y-T-LWMAEN. IRISH, piiiTR&ATTOTIEYATAW FeIt. 27th, 118. 1iropriotor. Ttheuidenigneal bai any utnount of Mc B> S0lCifot'ln Ctaaît'ary, CunvoyancSt', ette 10Lenuuon"Farta i oouProperty, Nitlary Puoblic, &o. offitie-iiundas St., unuluetly Low Rtates oi Int.ernet. frgt titi r etl tf Arnat'oiK5 Ilote). 1> YAI. Âso'riL, W'iliTIl'l'Loans cau bu napâsiain usi suit)b bioey te Loanlnivat& 'fona-at lowil --rowens. Iîteti'il Thei' adove bitlus lia tet atetntiigly ) Severailanmproved Fartae and Wild Lsi reioateil aaîdireiîuruiittld, îad i na it aa- for sala elîcsp). JOHN A. lit'rti' mnagemeiinlnt of11. MACS-Ei I nvestaelitsmals ln Muic al Deb 'q1<.ILIVRAN¼ forinely tf St. Lawrece Hlli,iPoa'rlo.t nresBs. nksfd o>t' rmas e= e S iSuteceisor to 1H. M. B tw'h.) eary attention 1sid te taglio.tt. For furtitur panticulara apply ta , dî'a yîaîiSaitîle ttinaîtafor Cin iAMSE TTOREEY-ATTI.AýW, mria rav1 rJAMES IBOLDEN, polno Bik ficett. t o tOfficiel Assignee, Broker, Miaîogion hunie', Uxbidge, Oit. -6 T H-E W IL SON HO US E, A-- - - -Ig CHIARLESI C. KELLER, ASII3UIN, ONT., s rToRNE-YAT-LAW, SOLICITORIN 7 ALEX BARCLAY,-- Proprictot' -n,.Brc-,Oe'y Theoaea,'eCioî l lln a tif Bick, large' ntdCi ti ..'n, irnel 0~i itlitit t. ""i the iitteir i'îa tituti Cie in ex- ceolent itjle. 'rTritlY AT 1A W, sur.iei'rÉP ttn tt the i'i e i' t fIl .1I-..î t- in bClatieery ait'1Inaivi'tii'y. t'tiivay' Cigaro antît', &V., At'. StaIinti, large anti rituy. Otoin ait,1la Oi'a'cr -At thei'CouttIntlitîna, Whitbv. LYMAN ENtlLtt4t, L L. aB., RT RII AI SHTR. I RISTER AT LAM',ii"I. 1ITolt IN Ï. ociStriet, Oitîwa. B YII 0 N TA.4Ui: 1>. 'T'INET.AT-I.AW, 4OI IN i1~ltîtttt'tt atdt in firai clasmi t.drtlt'r t l-16 I ~~lit' Ca.' oft ii Iîn'ta A t îtît,îîîuttt a l iti 1.. Cr -it îîr .ti ktiI ' oltAtli. ' ' - t ltrtta F etd r ,iatlî 'î'tl~.lý lit l,2 ÀE Sl' EA lIE Il U T EL. Cor. kRitg ,, Yotrkl-ti;t., Tortînti. .t.--- ,IOIN liALIt. t, ..'(iit, 1")'I'Ktl' 't'[*IT cY IJ 1-)AhîhiisTi;l4 At .'tW'. S.1. ATUB *Titt.- l îî't ,t1-) __ tiliit' -Drtiîlaillthi hitoi- kSîttI.DRAWING AND SPECIFICATI inttîtîia ii u t 0o.înt ail îa,'rite ofIlti'1' 3 1 t I) I1 N G sr tîret' a' 2 M.tf.t'C.'i"a".'1~, 'llti't11t'ttliroaaptly prepareil nith it 'ew to Brou - - a' IIE îî. i AAt'tRtMEt'NTir, .tIlutConastruction. DIIiNSON & fqlhN'.i ifur ttîî."CHUPICH AND SC!riOOL ARCHITECTUB 13 euthi.c. l'A l 1 11 ('h' ii4N ~ i ) T EI' 11Corrcostondcnce Rcspcctftelly Saliti ttýlj"I(l . lit Vi 't)io Clattbî'Jt ".Il l. I. ARBER, Aictitaet, &o. J.ti.itîtît . î. a. F»Lii'T' A. iE. 1K,ý.î îiu 'I i,'e 't J Pi . G, REL LFtoi . pi .î)t.s and Atîgî-.À.'îtoiittiSTt, IiELEN iti).. ' 'hat tuSLangiey, Laugiey & 13 ARILhISTEII-A~T-.I%W. St)L.t('h1 0t1' i .i a Sua)I t it' tliet oot t,(tr t' fflice -Devt i s llok, Eroctý .1? C Il I T E C T fit. iBOGART, .ALFRED OXFORD, - PROPRIETOI. atins nato meaton n L'iuysioiou, Surgeon, Atccouchert, &c.t-. (Lite ut Wclittgtoo iMotel, Mankiani.) frmanthe test meallcal and au enlsi Wlitby, Sept, luth, 1874. IoI TERUMS. $1.00liPER DAY. Gondl stalO tilUs. a nlea,7to& - - - ui lt rtîvî'r liaI rses. F clama ccota- 9O>..Satnxday moutil 1U p.m. rLe utttltîtîn forfariner and te tnaveliin &.M. ta LWII>P. aM. W AD M , Pubtic in generail. 117-4 PRICBS-Torkioat Maths, ana tic: 12 tickTtISqTo- Vapor Bats, 500 ea - LUMBER I LUMBER 1 233 QUBEN.-ST. WESTr o)00u10OVES. R. il. JAMESONS - kilini ali,attentive niaisSMd jGroctry Store, Iduudaa-iit., Xiitiy. (1 J O 11 N S O N, attendante,#. IMOD 't. tliitrfroin 9 a m. tb 12 mr., autl leo Ny SuperlulOD, 1)10 to 6,,1). ni' tesitece-Cor. nifIByront 8% anîd Gilber trteetou. LUMBEIR MERCHANT, - W H 1 TB Y RISpAPE1> uay te banl don C, N. VARSI. L.t).S. W I B .T (G0. P. Rowell & Co'INewsP&i w~a. '~')r ~ ut) thulIas Ouimibatt slarga aopi.iy of aU kiuds of verliingi3nrt'taii (10 Opruite St.), Wb on a îtttre ll h i&a Lombes, iloanibi, anti ail nicassa.ay vitsltiigcontracte tay 1>0lie ii't1 --lfttëkýt Paitciiîle- f uit- art,Bunildintg Lambesr. Fenci-ng, Saira Tinubqr, Nitwy 1. 'Ls aita aa tlist'hti'îîiLiotî atld au etoalBthe isand Itiautling, a large quantity on banal. bes'cd th di ille'1 witt (iaîd anti Silvar. Large unlers ter' Long Bill 'Stuff, fis,)d Totîbit xtrarieei irtitot )Ri,,lty ïtnîdncinet frao Miihs ,tlit ort noti'e. l,ot.Il aiut auirim. tattil tHoisîîiti Citi- Doora, ttStes ad Blinds always on M ON EY .TO LOP tît o bokoer Atkiititia lrug Siore, tanti.*oooc o-vJsM laitsSarae, (iaiawtî liii Wuty, May 7tIt, 1877. ly-20ON E T.T E t JOHN ltOISINSONeS LARD. At lowest living rates ofiatere AltDLSIGANI) SIIAVINO VEI'IIIARtY PRtACTICE.-Mn. T.1N. PalnCY s80ur1d wiltin 10 d8y Saoi ir>ý t. hty.PseVetarinat'y Surgeon, forauerly pisin Wliîttof. ailllevilhe, lias bueceideal Mr. fliomnan Apply te VS., litntte pftie ie bsprofession. 'aili JORN FA.RQUIP JOHN liOLVENIEN, hi) tetituys lote, Whitby, ciery Tuoalday in 'Wbitty, Felîru.ary iitit, 1M., GEJ 0%TECLBA eorb ci eek, from 1h lu à p. in._________________ 01114 FUItYUL CLEBIITEI> 1 cati coruiully rncnaiaend Mr. Foulerte .A. btttîeluGrnitîe. At Marbie Wonke my austoancre anal ltaepublie gnirally. T "N C E KS0 utJeutban Wofuuden,DunalasSt.,N Wlullby. T W L R ' F ___ ~~W. J. EINM4AN. -E O 'O- L. FAIRBANKS,Di s l t o Of -a t e s i 1 T H E W '-r à î OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, Deouino Prnrhp HEW Ia., __ UEPARTNERSP batwn Alxander $W OFFICE OPPOSITE THE ROYA L L T !in 1 ' .ant he.t =derslu 0d&as oileê iteis$ 9 112 d8t-ýO HuliB'nkS.,Wila. Livery Ste ateiaoi Erspm;abeau ddslva * U A=rngenti",èi Wlby;Marcat ti, 1879. T'mlt4* - -o PUB-BIUED COTSWOLD sm VE B Y ' 1R tEu- *ADBEEKSHHIC I G1.i> LI ERYI . X (I 1I*o Ban a VenuClareanlP.O.j Ontanl. Boa-ate andb ie etul seohffxdathe 4rémar erand lia"x4r ni et etsufod çb"Paong t ihl.- bre *u ,da, great thoughtte, and untlrlg indýO*ly, w. advocate P.ProgresKo % rthrod ,Y. PR~OVINCE,- 0F ONTATLIO, TUURSDA.Y,, AIJGST1Ml l$aO, AM OFiaoWhiie-. Lsgp LACsER, t .sken by lt eelsou mc4cxa. ISU "Ilb. 't-1 JOSEIIHA. DBALL. FOR ILL l, =w ei oàbt nebQt)&-Pi alut boller in tb. 1 - 1 - --- ' fle~ ~~iad nethexi, SJO mxver- boa, wberelte Wab b olle bàtt where, ~ d$éSYlbO m eà ae mr ýtpe bxouýht hiâÏ'fc1* ~hdÃŽ ~Mt<d~1~stlffaha old, with, à vil-ý ltuxe 6 a~ng an bis sys, and. a wl dog teaiat is ant.The blit h starsad the ouong, OOII. àorded' liglit enougli b distinguish the dsad white borewith lif& NU tstfldBPI6.- sAmrao'ir braia roi, hbldod rau- calfi, wbulslibe romemberel ibwt ha Lad lest scon its- rider- br .gi fngfulY tbrougb Lte battlPyO ie _beoit of ber favorite., N O. 34Tih vilture croaked and.flippâd ils sud itlunk a&"y. -Llk. a a ba>ühlùed in a nightasée, half coùsêiaos littIho n taken filthtin& againsi lJe lreamng, yet witally -unable 'go re- af the,, Great Qosen; aist the petrifying sei uaa iia rmonian womeni in Ibis if sèmne unseen power eampelled hitu la- rrow, lie manlfisteda àreomain and confrontlhe nuèe~o eration taI elioitud cer.- ror tbat haoc dreaded, yel t 'e e mnte front bise ouutry-ý solal o diubellevei. H-le tirie'd-ta shout iall surprise from.,thie but bie longue elaved f0 thé- roof ofhii alves. But censure, mootlîi;, l draw his'i*ord, bo buhis mle, wers alike onable 'ta band huog 'poweile, -andbis flesh 'Y. W~mithiltat power of crept, so tat the very hair' rose injite- shiih constitutes tbe nape af bis neok ; for, g4.ding 'tirougit eut of suoces lun war, 'the glaam, sorces hf a* bdivebot off, indeed any business of titere passedt bim a Rhouîly procedàioi,f a ee engroased in the ,such as the spi-its 'of Ithe dad miit of so- diaposlng lits& forin, in their land of sbadaws beyoud army as 10 provide for tbe grave. mdl order iunlthe capturad Four-tali, dark figures, nd'riug wiIL' solemu gait,'bore' a'loft on ôue of taie leader, Ihereforé, lie long wiaker shields used bSy aSsiîautà 1dieunissed, reoivlng of a fancecod City, soa hýaroÛudcd buiÃŽ- oil and Captives, giviog dew se ienolod lthe prýesenm' of dealli eo diatribution ni litair ondes lthe eloak Ibat vifledil-ls gbasl Bbas ho learoad ise trolli. si1the aid caplains Bebind tem, witb drooping bead., Ib*tis bigit-priesl ni aur claspedl han-.e; ,aui bearlug Sbat betray- e Satsly Bfaal tomes> ed'lthe olmoat abaundouùeut -of woe, ynigt and tapenkowiUxwt&' s£ii±htaoUb,~ - 0.11 aven in the hour of-sorrow tlat bo0wed 'ara national pritie and ber la lihe èasîb. Asearao iltarted-juta itned wiîh a religions tife 00W, if jadaed Ibat'oculd be. callrd godg, that titis opinion 111e wlaich W&B;bUlrstaata a ou-on sous-of Ashur axtrecuely scioangoelsiider 1110 5tflark of a kdAualy, weil conceiveti. iî Te.-taai ; for in lthe foltis baugiog abouit lte )n thPnàseývs, tiieir wap carpeselhe recognizei a royal niaile- rtriumiph; ,above ai,iWlu inthe ajsoaping anl4deotëd IUColtTtr =e witb au' influence aud bebeld the Peraao aOf liteGreat Qtlet, essoolt ia l iteabsence WiUhi Dd ~drigid fcibbù jisen., Net à lins af tt -oîaspedtigbî,wihaesh'teerd n6arn of bis body, borne op ana gnidadby sonîn. ex raue- lao weakeu titis imprAs- on. power, independent of andl aven- uan sîreuglt sund sagac- oieigbsoz ll h un1 freait from ltefroit of follgweatb.roggbhthé, Oarknaeoo,,as> a kl, digulfieti, imoperiauoln p'âks dlw'I* ~~~il'h esuellty, equal oet o-jotfo i ramrse èrea i0g ,e~ ssgznuand Nfîîî£ lte sque ltat; iPtleràSd, noiver .:turfl 1wn*dom tuaI eliolteal aag a"!detram lthe .',footprints "of ,liiose e01 voy-exoesses af tb vie-. Mld psing wiithOutla.4sd ver taken-by essault ; â mâinkle 1 opa udh -I'baios s 8iteart, titoui satadsnge nsilw at f Id by the strong.WillmîWitit'blodf. mnitie; moredacu a 80 tahe procession aoegreyou ts ubrldlsd lly tha th 1e, away tram lte bittlefleflacrosthe5 i of, warrioa mo ruk wlit vibieyazds, up lte "rock Z SteM ait qusen P Again' Anùa- dtAîbaian fA .toresZ lu "*1111111111. bk qxtxf1e 1oiemtellÛMl hi ', éc@ o , O i e e o a l . n î n t i W r l 'ê a & ra i s a , o i n t e d f & r i k c f W e à 1ad i1oy forwa7M iritit Ig lthe Ârmeiia&backek n'àeaers& ao, dyanbol cet _ zï.OfÂrdesit, ad nlrl ighty reverouce and'r;@àpe501 ratber" rfth a routed .sxtemy, be titan of pli rdIiIres ;'for ho *hom ibut tai Seasmi sowas- ibsy bora eet foreunt h bqe n a Wui or part of the baile, aud riàr i4e tlb e1ves and'-sy war1ike in ,Id meet &t" suasélin the ii riven bàrness, lh" a brokeii' bow in sl palace, wherehbdwonld blh banti. Hla f.m s~git ber some aeknowledgmieit for aet dit on -W'thé tore-froùt t haeitawn, iuome ,ward cf tnt Cam? a~h~e bf~iet, of te,5?iO t iteu e, a hn Âae s !Yta 'slt:gied. It' -erely "*llh<tiei eg ezigencies ai sueli a eue-, sWords, lits couiely fs.iac't uever turin a Macoment la makeiO nei s4idbfb e. kI'ad itbeien prudene ta do no ebaine t oiefrl 'itin and iîenry t0ssumi~e su- prufly Ï6, t~e~ihe' 1xmmnîliof0 witau a clear ëa;. - fl è i R A - elbow.roem lta swing taoit swordsi with r. dealia-burî. ' 4liO body guards Oh, te carebtl oet monts, Twieehlid. Ishtar'& reia, beau' aeiged 'by O#agng ,dowg barsae, sd riderl intae piis, for lte Art [ A M R To g tondaoonalatltllbmpoit heod ir e e berpe p a lur-u,sd no se L h'ieai stasa u Oaey utlaltehsrt o cv bttesalie br!ytIsukphncttedeioacfhat rsoer Is nsr Caarcittu , Sioa il epxd. pa ihtuae io blaa it e mae diffu ilbea 'mno ie ý ià ecf vef ssaa &andh:uar ô iete s t ainprluipaldeleme Cuntels, I ratsg5500Weeutitt alurs.1extiaton lit e redbo er eas lti u" e V- bi s sse'>ued ,Ca gvten, lnd or it n Canada.Lil Sie liaa i ta eip seokîsia, c tcs e b lqreet Ilseie neali tà,t a il.te 1ofsb<stberr -fr bl e bisneargies Ttnawtitispracous gu awa Chisluslst, be n TOiMItgon sud bissdSrlidn h)i lrnglng"l-lbimd porleandt lesk PROM>TI~ PA~D. Azd idth tanflg. rvmnt thelonaws cae our e fuo tiûe'a1a6W iÏemma ~ltl sd e0 weeim tssyrin 'Nnga llydabd ;titaimore0e ntaon it reak-therm"e s narÏetal ul. ij eri n Wa Y insure Farm Bila- Boh in ht name n ttan, e isib, olr tg aeg" utr JOhNrh WILShe, l dpns o rsei ytevy aTbelt vns asn ees 1 ieeu a r ten s et catPeasLant. fltcla rig be ees e bt as l iitbrrraof Tt rs uet abg se ~ Laa fe 11>-Estra aY. CCopan t n tens tho ugititl, - emtia giota h ûre, F e t ei dngi, b W iev ab'o ,eniter v se4nov:wilbiu4 ynmondoren [nCaad. o e inglae, coolvekles s slmhantsrr f t eal iit tt ead ,- Rtakeal tpaea af Ary-hea'lIta Bea li-forl b init its r La iesa ~- --- - oAnal i s ri i i lgsaiepwuia. as a esickm ng s îbae ad et a Ial daus i n atr Èi tain t i prne t booie TROTL PNUBNC DC. GMaking Idyst"ing blahLi. itg. logeod.s onl ensible wnpsite bai aaeibrbeiis-cy er, ite vcei ta .a vre i OH Chmi LIro s, Lndn. incenp i laby y;a iitor. re ehmfo sltunsl' an imot he aof l.ead ,a Imor marnel "ér q yand go 1 eu. xsuauu u et ca iosa pucorse s ivte alag - hae beIshrlteai n t& pf Limes buoethfer al'aeneL swrdasd 1 fclaae tit îîîti rial acii~ prues fa bery e i e ohie t e s a tm it ors 'ofeepe r esa t, umetngaktswruiaI S eruly M O F F ÂT À T & c oy d r smT F ànB y g pd hg -btn i bd o rti n g b, w s i a irt w e aL a d r a tt bana gndad er assetiteugialie raredbigi viit lss gbed su ba Iir R. W. TIn E, a me, gle, hcoqiet am-cali, tprfesa aibaIle; bol avhen hai oe t p uesgngoflindy arv erd ain l it aale olita s Maus1878. , -Mo tresi. Harfo m mg od tisy, -al, i h utbiddb 'h bhofS ietin o h MF, INUnlmtANClEitCO.ly aki Helpiogd nteOeM TV rtearas, i y aomp in a i t heengaed lito rider beaviy taua grnuo tis]. eh lect-. banorea niaer, aallare aseve Titirsuea omnts liumulbu, b Toon lihe waslyl a . ' ehâ Asitbe eca l is- or e a ie her a siofpaaer C.NOlII. coen rhdoity astinualli) in an er. a Ii abteel bliteh'whrdte raipwe;l a othrmos AdCai g entos, Londont. Smeemtsu eiioilao, cid lte bmfo s istancid-Athee"esiofkuarolerce1y'aie a htissud ba rrbe] llultee il goeetQ lbia 18 78 2. aAR n HEd O N - a4er ie j Use svordsmen, everya is er els Be ez equnnciitobÏ face, MERCA kuw ltssprug af . putterorlit tiasesibesel, nalwsopask igavaannftupget MOF AT & O. T t y is ria i gthirw aru ait eaai montabuci-bua os; uho r asting;butavtensite swe elit e saIte iLfaie Lolfais. ho eed ; ba oe i aiaie, or heyd temchf olt e largim wer rae sup testioiduee ting thet e rvery fslof xe itself. Ca)%ý R. 'W. UCZIV, NSbCand VEGRl l uglier ealn or l wighth e rritesst bumusal sR baraondland ealiin by nag Sone rai , tin ithmaaef)eyugr lanesd qikrea, vltstr elir ocr ealr sinhlr MaagrMotoa. lSaovi onSrcito aîy, pa. ries] obis long ss burdaro und tsis la eesve afleal, stuued , bewhlered aiste o ainerro lte e ST&S, E IN CANA- 94 h a ing ea v oiIhn tor ate ion ber b istl erry t t girdilite aler knesa tharit, M rdck itayssin aneaitprorbaleand F. nlmte a.BALL, anm elopi econeld y, ais, s ch fr ampin otemsharp sd tre.aey it. bier; liaüi n the ad um ad. ab fa et aI Asar on bodradlre eev hi pre mmeng its e 'meu'>cfrein a ba r got t'band ytIa ltubuasnd.it vli A st gooface sje iluie s] le a sud auppressea ,kytao rmiaaahumle, heo waonlay g4lautxouaedeý adaene aa a stle ;'aI rie sotes lite body cWba-luires] - Asaraoi ! C .e etth oIvEsicratIa iesga h~hl xelt ia a)flo hli.broi 1.1 ted- o auate i te iulng plet cf stted al bhôr MluI a AgeMrctanle, aa ltr ic brilt euebitty.ia-t gIem a" hie çi raille d a bere ercél hal si teuealandbussd 'iratin the î herat me Ct,17. 1NOURSEO. ollr b il e xosa, , sblug span, te)- 'Ilie eule litoe srig sddrvlie e ti Wb aeva Agau, Wtltb cAckLug lu sfx te.atvis]blos]ai nbanofte ro-sIl s*a m aorol aitier'. Agre alter, s1 ernirais el. wu again t a hia MS-t. 188 6Liedsrtvus lk edeiinv e eofd s s i. blbudl .forvîrdt ance. ' - . laad ls p ik lgb- iteo ut cf - _ an viit miantlitI rng oun mltes osaeeýlyao-uoL ultI o 'u Ilvas iteWhouaéawance bo t Pis ite stars ies ~ 1101 TOTC ovea f Adest, eki ves ase], sctog re upotd "er areul eea oeayd 'tl er vel esrat- lireil y Cali .arvaylg anurt t ~jia seaa oveet, hua,~vepug liei noul iatch er bth e, lar d it t- outsal. Il and I rav e eBabe on 'W ilebdnovc atîe t iitaues, ta ~ Ir, 1. itdrn ainskcrncl i a yTiterfe f troîr leandr scea m alune mthaslry Wilsder roylcefiaee ttcapitaLil aveOAter.etTEelid cnitozi8oe33mluedeprlesd r idingvay ot erisoa re. 1h i m o a-men. n ltre oftlte, bauIos f ipey.ias] i a ads daegnootoftt gtira bechn. raDl aêcr6 bslongta drcti ndt 'lit gralr-aces trý aigi, tt Imue, lafleiildee oe la prfarrmntho tTIE aIINT S,#111,7 9. in a for eauge, whenlite te ier Idas a obl rnc u skteheorafethorsb o nt- Birloke bach lbaiar, ehi <aI Cmely Klu i lit nA.ro aALL ms a rmlueson v er di rl d ,ila aspasefor&a i sebrl, d hiteaerlaed b l te bi e ticolau ooesln d ou l aov ise cels.aitm île.er îyetch.,f o %J.ceoto it tm oal 219bf olsîbci onit hefi it ha murmur es] -ya la Lvoi crateart, Fo.ur esa l UT~SF.soti RON TONC re a liv e, vieilauripSla "bin blu flite et bvbuay1 n u s e ara,"ic s oteenuI eli1'- qs'e i fetne atutte ow atoren as centa. ilasemi Aa frthi la- osile uh o aloler, d tub, aI auy trie hat nove r pak e gak; for Wtequrgesanasu daiotIîntrrtt arit as te sia te vbo dia on tscrfice, hm"b«o l aa.rexehe' rse wouet's merùn f , mnto attugi, n5 tin eve nt osi r amgebyr itoe dayrmauls the&r, îe r titnb au- lg tfi=imeide rais o efoIle hlits t ais] le r l a r, lun) bue iem se. Il vas. o, fiaani îvRy ME ethe a e Iis adighiaan 1h. face ai lite récéteRigroansilIs- ra Q le ieiri ad.gsslibudg.vi1h pi i t vod- premesultor la oaalîgdiece, criaiut ieat Qul e c 1" v ar hore enmoue@,ishimlng weapey vitit s con. seuoktsthe stringaes a is evw teitlst upl M e; but' ita 1878.s freine la aety Tho lnai marnnTé vild stacal Of c ale icbon 1hat ne vas lie o en tai et t a tit ritaug nud etampnîl beu ispaw -11b iîevao~i 16e the saille ana l ayaiseignolysiachnoawt;e a I vadisià l l , oittîabsle ltasat fr tfmines. tmbss]i te bn il di antd a raebuttutrngrun healeaa crét aneon tst -». ttuth uàat a.W ci, nth'strtwr lo,. Dos a ii. N tî t r, s toear o bes rinasud gve boer ittaiga soIe. p aitebrsia coaEi Areus] augloetele i, va graul' ud iugly ie t aa'ryabri. Ttenaneul que, ssupiti io bandtisîve b e bta e o rdthé o ue t-ion seel î bI. ils espl!toijves. 'iid ct-sart ar o ao n t a rsite. ý hl rvn ere lathe oneacr lalm o wîvit e l ilaSemramis, dainatel 5con- 1 i migof te matie e'avngrdu b- acli. iora ,ynt f .auyria trium h- alite nuitl, otedet henti o a rtri rutila bu lkcarier oail aberlTheatIlalil of lhr lade ed ucefea. in or berc a n royaoerlitWe spti The i ca-itl W] a aen caa i aveonerile eucipharg11llelee. atAraefu t wseedili eoyBhope. W bie maarsic -mt sud i'sphrs e nt; Qucen -- -- -- siThel stanofitera ita tre o blakr oe aunid obielà1h ua1'do d Tel theuat eof o0bd-&rexsh boking. r t lI olai o sIa I'MN a àr " MOiO TOIC for v bagole rase lo bto prev'ri be nsf epesrmoubac, ite eraycf goo- rer ;a&lthe pursuit toUaI ou omelyaRng bu detin J.ltps eatpt auesa ai bistntpe i truiai- lulivOfi. miere, oeadpdsli arvelery h'l i s- l oca. f-Aittas asneko h~we it ysuîi fi-a h ai tse -as) tihiuteia 0 nl itatie rage5 l OIilpÃ"l f niandveuf .bralplenese ai lit aI ese "esnte mas fatcf rsdrop-labdroplae5sd ls-oiuiT ta t h Io îffutofbo i tîrite s twt.bT he fcaru unal .e iuekla- troubrt iv aerkng fros bot uatbandkot aftoebd' te o-1 tanksfo taiiica is ptIi,~ l a utade ne"If buttoe sta outsnciekee themi atar it ut ails omponof l-pSt, ?u menlophas o Ian orar vite, horatrith utria-oue u tt stoact, ~ abalciaganal hel ' es] it he yet 10 viscebî'aou o se cinartretoir lias], 1.41h av4inti beei t ltbslv rUNNEa ire MONil.Il s Ia Issta-C raigsta, wtImitIiauespo-p ~o t a .vtirask sialito er il ath s - I i. sva totin, te Rary s igOl'ts dan l a er lrle t iole 't itn lnaiegon sacTrifcaro f75 ldu r eol iii lO Q ùeueruo mon f as -- ' n< tiise l t'a îIl, fa lc.itefore nedlia, t se dAaxlameuaefrs te ba s b-làis haimminent riai s oatile hevax it lade, tho'ld i Quen r Ise. sI, an ,, Pin , oyer.; f r idLachien s erry puuy bufanU c iteud l c s f t he Co.m- vu it et. uda inteGreat lite vn b 'booti rmor li i t ae yple.p,-baÉlda- pre fie&-nt rId. taoir' Tonie.t hotmntal TAeai l t oenust, ihaooh1 l toh07I at ll a thermoentrab, d a n caspeiguetrx -ing boofI' dqeus taara tel t e C.nalCni es gene- bnd uoyald gita&i lolloesd whchtîte rni &Uete bo&yt barsl ede,, i es,2 dsel, l. (i. net ye - . vsaib e be harotl, ad sh ae] uber binteae . Iaara ide co fjpyfandpmxnIt e dlr .4 dàwaa iii audb glrtfo y s-mn ow"e, su ---.... -fa ~t- bas] wtr, onaninstwhch wthSesiamodeotg c s s.t tolo~bltea a.Tor sneToiea fawtavamta lhalranm, UIet 1iedhbade teabi t-eitrd ima 80 te ïseoavn l #of t runph o, theaei StLIBit HoandiE BEStORt e staI e e60til, ans baiiiarcidence po reptve il l sae ora, kanga i, a e l md itrser, val etêiro imended o rmul4au mee - î,se or t a., ika tino manuiFelarin- it Ilaovr h eai.,Te u g.u ti e, analdcs ualwas ineue vklîûspesngor1,~twoe a tai ev r cefye r to rat ly.5 t isofticted irayitd eçd e ni-t a it mmei d trssth - i, oe tl va ma " mean spared,5AI'net 1104e0it _______ elLietabeor h lrnof AIbn&susa ad1qtied lathe 4coma51iii iheden 51URial»G r ,datei n- POI8. 1hb e atr b &,çD HIITIAI RTOL;-P i ait l beG tes, vy u gon n o poePSatc ss]hao.cafo w .aîle-ofle odt- u*9prisona, - - d àlssaoateiyaatt nless a usemorif clat e i4ter a Idi- 4est' face. evibrFe i-. U«bý#M-tw Md haIs, 'ü M".sepu tVcUfabnSb>uIi rantte réslapg ths ar oi drlaiîl rît-r, o f lO. tiobte- sede- â îo htý ae of axU1S É 1main oqsE arabiHi v e rvne t s ere a s mn ed rsi j kuë: cii ý rhlb. , t - avenu t t 1clsa_ acft ion wcanlite0posegcf b dcvi Of. theeupsait the in( pea esolaetien an lite havenucleusssj" saL' sho, a'olll'atli b" da' > the-starso t-- sl, byeua ti the analdoAhi tor ns bai te ikl*b lieu '~bck "t' Mn le mabott ote r tndlaa akrthi caio flnm Btmnfoe nvi o e h owa eb seusis sg.otet.aAsrothe mvur, is baipolee, I co p gsent urae il tha and. obPe efltarn trst tlers]a h s Mdt e t t lsisb i bïi*L.- r o e h tic ndthee h h 6tw rs deqnahdod l nye dug crain tr oks.llaalane po a n, e7 .119ht.o&C4 on he t- z - itsg a ks . it asibêu tt-wth egr h es a L i n thIeLIO Ld6e eii n bQUiNINEon f ar se1gjQ b t u bscait nè ta l n b h 0 n OBamns iSs en eV 1leln cheis& ofth A enfàùphlaxturIqa o 'j> rv.brÏh- ê'e ôàl>W ethi thes aisteran, he -A oves bc lw " Iitus.tO brb-yësrseohbh - ritIoâ os-t- soelOas aymuranmntsr.bistuebuihowe land, is tel # -n nbullcd " gjjerýtters àw nagihw* fxdee,ýinn*. scoaa es r, ploo il o it u t irmge teU il i aeke', o iiie avaiTuHM RMRUraedeu theltltD ad c.itýàmuac alwief ai is-jl.îeef4u iai Or f g.eposai o,çae ow, in0o,1ad t-iOe h 1d fàwudbv hbrg k the ntlcu. Te - lutremosa" dstkn.itsgu f ,r dt tes at ke o nudob n- lw 8 , Ple. fo est i eas tthecaadgeii ihrsa*to-ostm *8M hl té Ve hair estorer.theynonamou-, bsiraali ai. w, ré"aned's*initie, unaoriInalitsïïettion .,,Sud Toleillîorai sacala. teiaWeuas as to,.chariote i ~<Bd an bu uredber, asc' M e> put le NA0Daby' bis "t jo Pn is.,- 1- ,,

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