BBOOK efflet, WRITBY. rterme $1 ego. pprAnnaum., __________________________ KDVBITIUMEBN'PS- Ail .ra.i1 tl a aît thsratll of 8 ceutoi pet U»e, trot ___________________________________ fr lon,aùdui,pOu izo,-c ibî- Btntinsertion. Opotlïl Beporti of Mo4 lecu ~T Y tuimîlsofansbalwe os tw Mpa t. L. ~ i . URBAILWAY HOTZL A H At , =Yuorohri.(Opposite G. T. 1. Station,)-Whitby. s*g<»< cMMiS IG jua(RBGmRiTEXB 0 dsrOntlltbbvSet & ~WM'. 0NEILL --P1IOPrnETOB. 71 KINBT AT~RNO Hier! accommodaiton for posta, inTu Bos. Bu8ifl838 Dirootory1 bl.7bdon".atl ~ I~. lar The Bar fullysu Uea wlth bost Fucy Boa Bpoons.a. _____________________ rands of Liquors, WLis rmudiOi igari. b OYETARIO bAN K, te. Blîr. ne 8*17 di~.on given *t> uilv0~ued reu*n ute o2ea I1T B Y B B à . N 0 H , Godtablifg, eflloiid yard, sud atten- st11er.PldeaCake Bset. e tive tiï. - Taes Smiear. QARITIRBATTOltlRYS. SOLI- (succEiiOImOporter..LY, >',etosNoarêsTh bitSLOa e euso luthe lty, ouly Office firitaoc ioutb 01 the 10 tethe Market. The Roui.bsbennw l iotel, *bltby. .td ntsu .e1shig rt-l a-(D om in ion, Wo od lWroris, - JAMB RUTLEDOB, B. A. HTY JR.FA1IEWBLL, L. L. B..geS WALREY'iWIITY Couty Crown- Attorney. 48 TEMPERANCE HO USE, Geo. Gormnack, LO JAlI EI.DpNqDÂS.STRBERT, WHTBY. X HÂRNT & BIDR JAMES BT IT9GORI)ON, GP Lu UluAA58iKg. 1~ SoUito luChnci?, oui7Dr B ioard ri $250 per weeL.- ïtPublic, dco. Otoio-Dnu la SqL kER wholeiole sud 'rotsin, or biy rtO Wet of rmittoflgeHtlo RU.-ONTN. sâ Monoy te Losu-Private lund-s*lwRs- OB.Ã"ONO N.byth a1u. iuteres:. - - Thé Palace Hotu of Canada Rtefttt, P=i*nlg, Mouliigs of everydescrp- Refurniahed, sa nti Uuled. New Pasin- tien, Flooriug, Sheettitr, Bhevlgjt.±- JONA. M.cILlL1VRAY, gr Eeator, rnin ni hI anda8a.The ,awlug, Bbagng, Turnlng. Bcroll-work, a&U J 011W only f0rt-ClSs Ho .flndwltig cs<a- etc., ttc * Successor teB H. H ) td rcels, 'rvu: ,820 sP er . Whitbbboct. i8bîi, 1878. -48 BNO P-bit c.Solicitor for the oi lhotba ,S 0 ~Yd Dominion Ofic.M.orPro Y ~ONT TO LBND.- Kunsion House, Uzbrldge.Ont. .6 .98 h, ri-* - feu'mlge aiuiamutof Mn CRIARLÇS Ce KELLERi, Rb OBLHTY y toîWd upon FaimoroPrp TTORNZT.AT-LAW SOLICITOR TI Tbe>bove babil bas beau thoogl i1orpllam4outo. Chanceti, ConvoyacoO,5ll5rnvida>rernseudlnou. toBok, 04Wcdr the manaiement oetGB)>. RACMITd1rodWd a __________________________ (formerly cf 8t. Lawreuce EauI,Pro pî orsl ce L. T. BARCLA.Y, Reery attention psid te gpesta. Iyc"e'a aa u uicpaoebr IL.Te ARCAYB ally goodsample Mocins for Com. Ivtmnt sudein Munkiciatil ebtcks ~RBY-AT-LAW, BOLICITOR hbveler. turhirplsd hrbiDhXslPl Socs lu7 nC"bsucery sud Insolveno?, Convey. _For___________________________ 07onxa-At the Court 14oune, WhItby. T'B QUEEN-8 HOTEL, oci~,e~~d.' ___________("AYTBOEComul,) ArPub48 LIMAN ENGLBUE, L Le Bq, -,&B0Cz.SiEIT, WaM'r, -&MT AT LAW, SOLICITOR 'N TAYLOR & MoCAXiN, PPOPEIETORS., Oc te,ChnO niyscec,.SAn.The uudersigned deaire te lnform tbulz Coi Stief, Mndsansdie ublio thâtt bby baie taken ~~ the abovi wefl nowu h1101., whioh bbay J04N DALL DOWV, bavenewy lttoddaup d ruc ,îuadutî .rARITRAT-LAW. SOLICITOItintot boubet of order for théeaccomumoda- fllnChacorys Ctienaofreau.The Bar, whicb la 1the baud- M brand à »c:iý s wj inos l , OMooc-DeyptUe' Block, Brock Sretthée mest bad in ,fosu d ci- Whitby. * o gara. Ample tnolmd shed room sud good idoNRY.TO, LEND-PriBtSOFna stabling, bx stills, &c. Dotachod 'rooma in su-M up lu 08#M, aI a low rateofl- for coZknmeW travelleri. ROBIINSON & KENT, _______of ___________ (L4Ts Dnooà & Bd oario.) TH WISN OUE "' TEB.AT-LAW, ATTOUN-TE WJSN HUE B9eyaBo:lotoru, Conheyscrs, &o. ABaBUBN, O14T., OFFWR.i-Il Victoria Chamnbeau, 1No. ALEX. BARCLAtY, Proprietor. 0~ Vicoria Sreel.The licone laof Brick, large snd coi.. 3.0.Uoumio, N.A. aIOEET . I. Kgî.modout, sud th1e interier l6 fiftbd up in ex- cellent style. JYIO; 6. KELLEVT, The larder te supplied'wt teboti rA.RITER.AT - LAW BOLICITOR -the market. The _best of Liquors sud B t u Ch ansd Insivenuy Couvez.Cigars._______ sucer, &a. Offic-Devrifll's Block, Brock- Stabllng. large "ud romy. Goodîibada. - Street, Wbltby, Ont.-BRTfAEBCN OT, A CH E TU ! G. YOUNG SMITU, LL.RB., B B A.BIB=tE, l&c., &c.-Idoney tu Loao R A Y -B, DRA*ING AND SPECIFICATION. .Issuîr er Marriagé Licenies. (LAYEEOSON ]ROUiE.) OF Orrîcr-Over Domnion Bnk, Whtby. W HIT B Y, 0ON TA BI1. B U I L D I N G S . an. 22, 1$78.<t- Houa. newly rcnovated sud f urnithed Prompt(y prepared wlbh, view tq Ecouozay throughout. sudput lu firit-cesiorder for - inConstruction., CAIERON & APPELBE, ho roceptionOf gUesti AunOmnibu tg ud jfjj rm>umnUYfilt& rom UI itraus. I)irt-clasu aple roola. M OL~cU BARRISTRS, Attorneys.Bt-Law. sud 0 PEILY Soîioà nChaucery, No. é Toronto - orao4ncRmeti~Blc±d atret, Toronto. Q]HAKEBPEA.BE HOTEL, orsndceRscta liî& HECTOR CAMERON, Q.'l. <y-4), R. S. APPEIBE. k3 Cor. King& York-tî., Toronto# Ont. H. B. BARtBER, Archtect,, J. A. O'GRADY,- PROPRIETOR. Osaawa, Ont. 1E. J. GUN CNTY . E., Txaxs, $1.50 e> A. <Y~~ Imporiahable Fragane. GAOByronS-reet__________ BYRO FlLO, II.H. POST OFFICE SALOON, TooxTo. MURRAY à LANMOt4' 1JHYICIN. UEGEN,~C.,Déffns'~ MCONNLL.- .PBOPIIEOR.Colbrted laeit pinaiplea of aie aut, . :1L ~ ~ 1. aiçbanas11e bepet. aïn saoo i the ('tSAWA HOUBE, éai. , MWI' red lb Gold sud SAloir.0 Test.t xbrcd vlthout ain, byyoduing Kme STEKT, OSR&WA. OSHAWA MA R0LE WDRK8 J ocal natboal.ment Bowoms-lu a su ov ck -e blsnsDu trH. CHESTER, --Proprlet@i. J«~WEST, <iaH*WÀ. Bing Street, Oshuv*a. This tbxie-story, ccn)z4Omoos A»E5Q & NU _____________ li_ oun" la refltbeild d ur tem0sit theii. UN&VA T JN OKONi vanta of the travllingpublic, Table sup. - uutUu fiq msu,,tmn> basupplieéd2'lth 111eW Caaità nbrGranit AM DRESBTING AND .SHAVING ba dw h ui soubramas oc n aair'unt St alcon, Brock St, Wbitby. Ilquora and cigare. But 10 uni froua ste. ge _____________________ lien. Ample "stUberoid seul boaeu. ouc &. JOHN WOLFENDEN, usda&viLrul AENT FOR TEE CELEBRÂTED Aýigotgh GrLUt.BAtMarBERWrkIà # IN1DS OF MOINENËTAL MARBLE WeR et Jenathan Wlenden,DnndM t,Wbtby. LMERI- LUM E 'OFFICIAI ÂSSIGNEE. LUMBER MB3CHI'a £W OFFIOROPPOBITE TEE ROYAL w I I D'Y, * ii.- * Hla, Boo-St, blty. Ha. ou handa alarge aupply uVa N . N .KUB A L¶IR .Wbltby, rc - 167, W i4b.lyBarn Lumber Boards, sbd Il C,'-1' Mmxh 87. l yBuilding Puie PnubgaTimbEleM;Bob,4 ________________________-sud cantfittg, a lago-P us gtPd.5 Doors, oLrers tpr Long Bll deM E. O'DLL, atshort notice. T lB t1.Y h.oBrlaubai udBlinis &WA'ys 'CMPRA I4W rk Di vielon Court, Tp. Olerki ~MYl.87 umer lu B3. 3.iaud Agenn, &o.,- lyOouty0u.srln . f of Eftlbuto -- af)IIliV f. niJH. tOI4 - 3 . R IN A N L OT- - 7 7 = ,, 44.4 oice -J- I U' W ONTARIO )~MR CAiP OFFIC El,OdKsr.,*HP uisdtir Côn UgT IOSSE8 ROPLYPAD Presden. Ve.Pildet. or aleby T. M..OESMzcsTDY >UGiTX PRE N8!TÂNCECQ. IN8.URAI l.iediie i~~~~i Johe Sbdlodas sd aUNRse Agen, Wlt . I R.!) %pas.U cudrratorates. 1811af08 Company.for 1, INCORtPORTED zS&J F. A. ALLI Ah.ONM' îlesou Blidnga, thoSTà Incacseffected e a I o cz ti soer gM uaup,î îbmd»troe «LIFE 1IN8i poptC. Nutlm oamu bE, tin. 9bltby, Apin .l m.1,88,1 ID.DET lIE INSURNEO!! BlisswIîtteu s"dpoum uM by . )OUC. go Wbitby, Jtly 80,7. 2 agonI cg. UR ANGE a RAM"" au-E' ferlai th1e batEnbgls Mad CauddAp 001 Fib.S,89 CONDENBED Till ANE.. TsIIDgofeotuuMo ldy 7)1o . 911,8 ' T1ikug »fecto aUy v; na lm Arrl* lndaa*O.o LEgoum i Poil rem',.". 4. -,Ç byj:6 erIatot er soaiuieka==01tiui Aile!fwblbk mOUE1 I .1 . « iL) AR41 'Muauld i, t ra. tcauaod byr ar habits,r 0 ietiou of. Fri$, teopfg' s a nait vogdir. VA i lu stalntuo ipthoria. " 1effects late Itram a long ex. vIrtues are e0à , U ncon*as th* JOLEN