Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1879, p. 6

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-AT- hoeugla 1 low, A'i* ae.v*turnoth .avray wréth $ýU are ls Mg*est sud bave a brick À ~1bbed epoutanaaue laa Roed 4h aff 0aàlutieom but fo ld ab.m l*t t isa littié-e Io noealai. Trugi, .rnab.d t. a ut, vilo~,s again,< But if it b.e rabed 'te a rtbjàI ie-Adif Ià lieu k osunot b~ "Waal e'à,me au jbreuziab, aua garu &a t bat'.ail11'0eps Jiru, sn bms a fool au alu,, goS ce mmnus#0 In tii... ay. of uelrhu r.. lc istruetîve' ta -uk e*ri profeor what th. cou- ~lê~1J~1a.ua mina su vo atýbgsê ,rIgisftir baving ,been oui f0b, a fiand. locha at s1im- vif.. ud bdal Ohie of dëdsud o**am bokub u.. 6 s ru pmasud A" boarded wt&b.n.roblepl.,i...ofo!point depprit of BretOn lace. Samuel Neat, one of Boston'& Waal. iliy oung men, lias beau> mulot.d M8. 0001u a btea'cli of prowise suit' sud adbjeted. beaides, te the res.dëlni cour o ie o sIve.ItLtereih hwere ad- dreasq4 11ik. ibsi: "MI, *wnl ud uly1 dearly boloved loved On.,'# 4t My only belti'1vod oue," and "Sweet, precioniu tdaricg. *r1ho great Lunch Fien<," îa Wbàt the Warbingli:on iot, dubbs Gineral' Grant. "#Porridge" siodais are the. ltelt nov. aftly in Prtioott. Sootohmen aae no& adnitied. A Ifr. Pagan was r.eeily marrled te « Miss - Ohriatiau, In ibis particular 4"Wlîat will the fharrest b. ?2 NEW ADVERTISENENTS.1 XMAS IS COYM1NG --AND- - MR1S. ALLIN, AT ODDiELLOWS' EUALL, Iltts a gri XM~AS Yi dana l a 1 ini. f AND NEW' EAR'S GIFTS, WRITI$G DESKS, WORK BOXES, J'CARD CASES8, OALLING CA1IDS, - VASES&oc. U Great Variety- ,mlÉu~s, ALBums, SCUA I BOOIS, *GIFT BOOKS, POUTMONNAIL &POOKET BOOKS. AMEÎfIOiAN PICTUJIE J30KS & TOYS, in the Prottiest Dosigna;. THE LONDOQl WEIITB~Y. Tworsnty. Thousand Dollars WORTH ' To be sold, during thé neit two miouths. 1Yigto a change in the Firwa, the ha'W * dedeéd to clear o' tlieii A T AND UNDER 008 T PR/CE. J - 00- This is a "Bona Fide-" Offer., The Goods are ail New and Fashionable, consisting în part of bt'ése; Coods. Cashmeres. Alpaicas. Wincies. Tweeds. Coatinrs.- Flannels. Blankets. Linerus. Silks. Hosiery. Gloves. Ribbons. Prints. THE LARGEST STOCK 0F MILLINERY IN THE r COUNTY. MA NTL E A ND MAN8TL E CLO0TH8, IN GREAT VARIETY. ý BOYS', YOUTHS' AND1 MENS' OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS. I ~9 - ~ji~ ~ r i.- SIQN 0F 'CGC à- i .U93 ,"RADIA NT ,HOMESý 1It WORK 14.KÀ OUAx 1 COOST.L~8S"1IPG) ment of gocd baker. aI H ATO-I B Q 791 is thearae a., »d l Prfeemtna ae .avl &I, mesty usuhm or t >Sw tI dubM Theý bio" à* tbs gdb"l - auee.adnl p- em thW 0oi théagrosu t oem1 ell or the use of lth ib;t.; pit aOm AmOi' Of cure eam simle,ln cert "sd *ee4 mal, 1y meanu o wht evezy sDu.r, ne matter -wbat bis condition myb. m curS himscif ch.apiy, pr'rte7 x1 141 ~~This lecture abo"Id b. in th. bands 01 mvry youtb and every m-usa &the Iai. Addre, The CULVB1IWELL XHDICAL Ce. fi, Aux ft., New YoeL Pott OfmSc Box 45M6. Valuable Farm for Sale. 1 o CRELS-Bi LOT 8, INSu CON 10PIÇKERING. là acre. ceard- remaind r vell iimber.d {MOuiY beeb sMd maple). This I. a vey de&ýV rl for th. woéd alone lin'very vaIuâbVê wil! ne&rl7 pay the purchase mou.7, vlleO the situation of the lot in a susfclarit guar- mAute, for the imai' Ter=Uslbers ta reliablâ&Pae.a A. A. POST - P. 0. BOX29,ISm i T ECA1!ADIAN--- AIlR GA 8 MACHINE. This Sfachine la.for lighilag Prdvaé Dwellings, MISI, Pactorles, Cherches, Public Halls' Hotela, &c. Cali mad eamine thenz achin. la opes. tion si JOSRPH PHILLIPSI soe MacIr, Plumber sud Gaa-téi 158 York streelt, Torontlo. Send for rircular snd price-Iist. April 221h, 1872 . -19 .TME SINGEIR E W ING0'M ACHInulNE. SoeftIr wtieL ~- 8olý Agoe in laWhltby foe Ditteriks Pmatterwe'l»ooka, k.. M.-& S. B. MeIN11,1B 454.3.Brook Stret, Whby. rkLrgediýand Bat n~o ny ýkdrOto iwSrOom, u we iitend to build alarger' S'--erOf Oanrimges and Buggies thiB wiiïter. - thanUsual. FAèBfIONABLE TAILORINIJ I VARUMT!À SPLNDID LO D 0.ANÂDL4N TWEEDS! 1JLSTERS & OVERCOATS., TOU CAR GBT ATBBBN' BD SPLENDID S-VITS 1 NERW STOOXJiluTTTO RAID 0FTE LATEST STYLE$ R; E4 - ENTSe FURNISRINGS 1 -3.=A G00» VALUE I 0 BUFFALO ROBES. --I O)VERCOATS! BUSINEOS &JUITS1 niBs UlTSl_ FANCY VESTINOS 1 «-ENTS' F URNISHING$!- o(*auadlau w.s*à& 6no*»tm lu 6180 is, Paney Vestng, vhoh ho i. prprdto nake wp4.4he LATEST STYLE. et LOWE8TnPFIUrIES. Aýu bis uadlvicd A MtleiQùo à given 10 bis Inde, in wbloh artisio caaiiiug forme alemding festur., no .109. o« botcbed prmente are kept ou baud, bîtS a good û4-, the newest styles ud "Ozeuent ardoin u .ery way eau te wariaieÀd. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR -ANY QUÂNTITY Or- -DLIVERD AT -' W.J. IBsC WTHl-IIBY CHiIN A TEk " Geese Dueks and CMckene I~eoi~ kil1ig au aànd sèe iVlbyOija T oes ࣠Iintena afle Maclns, repai Will Bellt] Gooda cbeap. Up. ' ~ 2 2w< 27718 2 3200 27 78, S33-17 2,56 purt h-- -1 4:_ 75 1109 Part -'1 4 103 15 26 sorts 160 1781, - North i&-pat 8othj 10 7 164J 1828 SothEuIgt 24 9 60. 15 86 uatNoeh l 0 1 10 j64 Pa:llrh 2 il 85 1886 Wùtpe Nrtj . 801Il60 75669 part5uh 21 12 fi$- 840 Puasri.Noxtb'.21 12 2 84 PtïSth, î , < 4 18 92 16'72 SouilihÀIf44 18 108 19'79 Pat12 la lu 806 Part WutOi"bl 12 18 -80 82 81 Part W..i-bii 12 18 -10 721 1 UXDRID(iE Part North West-bali 10 7 49 202 28 7 200 21084 eCOTT Part Wis-balf 85 2 Il 4 47 wtPart 85 2, 8 1 00 SoMLth wl arst 20 a 15 8 96 Part Weat-half 20 8 25 6 59 Pari 84 4 84 6 86 putSou iWai1 22 a 85 7 91 22 6 8 70 u .22 5 a 70 "' "22 5 5 1 14 a22 5 4 92 Pariflouth-huIf 29 5 85 2388 South pu$ 29 5 Il 809 Wveai puti 35 6 91 15 19 25 8 25 7 52, South 4ngie 9 1 fi 886 Part Northi West 1 10 2 88 4 69 Part North West j 10 2 9 1 26 Part rUWestk 22 2 il 6 87 PugsNib&lhWe" 1 22 2 9 118 North-half 10 9 100 12;8U PwaiiWeutbaif 1 10 1ij 202 4 1Dlott-ot, arigpt21 11 j. a 82 PtitNorhsuel' 7 14 .8 109 TH (Rlt &. Ui But 9 1 2k 4 85 14 6 3 47 Psit<o ,i~ O 8 5 4 69 Part Sotb- 1 9 9 1 49 Put Southn-e l 1 9 -80 4,7& BVCUGOGÇ_ Wuat.bslf 7 10 1w0 w 1e cammiem!puClndYD&la.twi 108 j ~ I9 là aU354 100 £lW46 part- 5 B'* 7 88 8 DB' 60 8A41, Us10 D I100 Il1&V i7 G 6.1 6 29ý« '17 G 8 91 8st'af17G' 15 1,78 S.utýb'Rif15 4 100, 1849s [South;baIf 16 4 -1ý00 .1931 2 0 8 11 lU a t' - 2-58 SISUrss 91. 1 88 443 ~1n 1 84 288' Patentea 2 09 1a 18 PaStee 2 19 -17 45- . ?steld 2 = -18650 palnted -226 -9007 Pitented 227 255 Pâkentea 220 1756 Patented 1 97 8 44 Patenta 2-16 16 02 Patcnlcd 8 71 79 40 Palented 2 02. 10,12 Patented 1 82 2 16 Palenitedl 2 28 18 95 Patented 281 2210- Patentai 1 89 4 95 Patented 2 62 84- 98 Patented 1 99 9 20 Ptne 2 31 22 88 Patented 7 08- 217 92 Patentei 1 92 6 89 Patentei 1 84 2 84 Patentei -1 91 5 87 Patented 1 99 8 57 Patented 1 97 8388 Patentei 2 01 992- Patented 1 83 2 63 Patentei 1 83 2-53 Patentci 1 8-1 2 i)8 Patontd 1 84 276 Patentei 2 41 2624 Patenteci 1 89 498 Patented 219 17 88 Uinpsienledl 2 Où 9 52 Patented* 102o 1 90 194 190 1 9.3 5 77 0 54 7 82 8 02 14;97 888 5 52 2 '93 627 587 *688 5,87 -&84 668 Patonta] unamteo Patèntéai UPatîÉntea Patentea PatSeta Patented Patueai Patentai, liuoomposed of Ingredients indentical with theseo wbich constitute Hlealtin, Dlood, unscle and Nerve aud I3rain Substance, whUst Lite itseif la directly dependent up-. on some of them. Byil uio.ith the iblaod. aud its effect upon 1h. muscles, re-establisbing lb. one and toning 11e other, il is- capable of effeci- lnftmdislacarshs out tuberonlous -matter, ana tmus cure, Conaumption. -By inoroasing Nfflons aa& Muncular rVgor, it wiicurê Dys opsi&. lheble or in- terrupted action of lb.heurt and Palpita- tion, Weakneseo! Intellect caused by grief, worry, overlax or irregnalar habits, Bron- chilis, Acute or. Chronio Congestion of theo Lunga, even in th. mont alarming otages. It cures Asthnis, Loss of 'Voice, Neuralgis rSt. Vitus Dance, Epileptie Fits, Whooping Cougin. Nervouaness, andi laPa most wonder- ful adjunelt toother ,remidea in suslaining liI&duringthe procesa of Diptnermn. 4Xn endIels chain of good efectaiàforme by FELLOWS' COMPOUND Sykup~ 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES, sand weue szf. Insayizcg. ront-S long- ex- pei n limedecine, iirtuer o Pouesaed iby any81 lier combînafion, sa the folwi àwl1 demonutrate. ITI9ACCEPTABLE te palate and Stomacei. rSUF IENTL7Z POTBENT ta lumure its lue may be continue. This eharar- istic ia psaeasea b yn therrensedy. IT ASITS DIGEÊSTION sud aiùi -IT VIT.ALIZES THBE BLOOD, pIy. IT GIVES POW' 0 f~um~~no concentration ttomini. -IT PEOMOTES VIGOR -in the organs which depend for heaItin uthe lnvounutary muscuiraction, v.. the Lu-or, ILtrbp, Heart, Stomaci Lani .itaw a. And unleas aMfictedMt i j-sdioue.inl- àmzig nozumzniaa OSii viii aus- tnlie syt.m until il ,reachea theo ate il. 1ibi ta man by a beneflcleat orestorè NO PERSON wuflbe di*appoihnied iu the edeot of FELLOWS HYPOHOSPITES, 'vina rigidlyloflow thiectont. FELLO WS' HYPOPHO8PHITE8 INCEPTION. i

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