Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1879, p. 3

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14 ~ i ,~ I t , t ________________________________________________________I w r -bi 71T. 1- r ,1î;r orttFies 0, crbdlargesuntSl uoutai et £230,0 letu vas a ae cou- tl rou c'v551 Md ~ but.uk re wuiuba 'I'f~akelà, vhom Mr. IMZtlututo oa«tero vill Le no crdu- ~~Lor laimees. Yti ü ia dets on Mr. Gladtone's aide, and il la ifllat Io "y boy tue étnuggle vin end. Doth opueh with confidence, aid bath a"e C3ou»,Dêmii*c Zichy, . rmenly Bisbop ci Bosesn, bus recently died. Be vue a vcsIUsMý flugrsunblei -d Isar hie aiv;Coquât Engoue,, a fortune~ 1. 'SO M'W ne aohloved à national repotatica by bis hé-oi cduot- durlsg the éldra, lelétvfI alt4'itsled aspieiim l roes me haIÏemrlIWe a tood by Cieý Gov.u~à1 essuCiSsa bis absenceo asi,,aiga~01ohi$ dieese, ad aimai. &--MaIyaay of ýCroal soliera robbe.! auinMaualotd jut aïf lie bai bien robot. Wbss tncqWity v s iteres tabiabed tise OutBeovnt. ROme, aMdi Y p nsePu lx. tole nts hlm trom èhu epièowia charge. Il10 eaufil Cie Gopel pzoco ogloomt -ho in reported, te LaveSald taothe Pope, Ibl but ihavoe n e. lura te Veeapnini as bishap. I munt bleu thoso s have ijurud me mont gnievculy, sudI.d le ct fbd "lle torseo horeo au ac- tion"ý At- louet hie retiromnent vas ai- ranÉs, aMi le vithdrew te hi. ettates, vbire ho led, a vM u.t hie. Inmoe tw u spuiei b.=àto built nt bis 1M expeuse a beaihifl churcli fan the Rom- maulas et bit istrict ofthCe ortbodox Greek Tus duall of Un. Delame, vie for thlrty- aixle wur ve diter eftChe London lhn.e, tales svcy iqe cf the ment rexuarkable aion in Cie Zhltoy lot jonumaliens. Hie fther vawu mn the iusea ménager th, n.sý-ïbd aem euterid the officelorty lua u age tm assuaha o the Chen cditor, Mr,8aneevom ho aucosded in 1841 as id"lr wu "a iu buit tvemriyour yoan eh age. HSe vuas robait, emergetia mum, \ am yilk a tIppeo et béat Clîsu of aW ho ce»rneu cotéat villi kj4 fli b; no impeor in quiokly éesiwhg m msc of Chu nuiing classes et loquesin cf atate la M nversational- ÏL MI ryTem > v iemet in Lan. 4hà »ci4Y,# kWitie% and ýciaru.- 'l b. Ch. ýntree te the Éltes~aities ad ad- owlure mc f ,soeui di- ti y1* . brobhjouenB t ororae obbo Dc sont, vis.w -an ésâet oditer, and Mr, Mowfay~es4,lb. businss manager. Mn. Mola reinu brohea hWeth several Imm -ép, s ubsequomly d KUa4MUr. Dasu Vas Mmd a. fiuiovil aervoêa tom in870, Lsiog aftirmard' t . cý &Donald, thé préenot Manager, MaD -r. T. Cbet7r, the presmnt -editor,- vi ameei biseau Morris and Doiane, hi Mn. John Walter, M. P., Ch. chiot prplboeuscse a close supervision. 1 mowml? bcd -a conversation, maya A, paris cerspnieu, viii au Arnosieu gem- Ilema vbo ba sey vWutei Florouce, aid vis. relal tome the fohlvlu fiolerelaiv le the silellet "Ouila-:" " ccv &thatel- ebWPomema s.Veol limes duringay sti,ami om ot aithat 1Imuai ber te- isahs luan MW"% o the portrai thet aise -4Wv _qf40" hosla 'prioùd"i. Au yoeu myrumeinber, ahe depicle Aiftua patei mdhmnseif au Che euly decent vomen in Florentine (44 ah. ca it Roman) socity. The nruent rovelation' .&bout Mme. Patti maie Cie jugUapoitioui ratier avivard, but ton Chat, of -course the caret nothxng (fla il Vury, pa pfan, and in, I ahb'[ say, souneviero on Ch. sbedy aide cfý fcrty. iShe viss ber 1'rippled ambon haut' (via. ber ovýu noveis) isaupsa dovu basr Leckinl à truly juvenile tasiucu; ton th. nemI, ber drus le ne more reunarkable ton Caste tissu Chat Otfle j omen in general. ' Friemi. ahi, "and er proeding book, - In aWinton CiCy;, huve rendormi- aociety in Fiorenoe vsry Siy cf ber, partioularly as mho vau umout sévene n on unes vbo h& aien mont iSpitable te her. Tiie Americen uot, for instance, vie ba alievu ber tue groatosi kindnes vwu Cie o eh. mont violently ettacked. Tho singentcharmg, aid mnti blameles lady viiot asbtried ta hlupn te derision undor Cie pers«Uonty et birs. Henry Vr. Clama, caiy lisght vben «Friand- ship' is refenici te, sud declere liaI mlie bas nover rend lbe bock. For any apeoiee of @ocial. -ostrcciem Guida bovoven, ceret but littie. Si. buc no toudn.em for Seet, and apende ben liane lu vrlting sud lu nidîg or diving. Perbaps il 'ie no vel, a the bas ç,netty vOU elhanatei Che.e ulof e types in tarentine socioty. Il i us shaiuî g hou oiten co comes acroes 1 OcidasP Po ople,' aM tbe originalset li er mercilea atiic4uMe arc Wcied. in eue peint th. bas perteclly suc. aeed& She bas vnitton 1'Lady John chat. louer' cieer eut et accety, sud Chat ls4y à ,eblimh&eo i-umiwestWhULfÉU o- r Me obster euhthe Ns~ r mon mako spa, rt tie. th rue t4 dýobt. Th W= &" sudthy r -thOCU Alid s: tby furtul oltbi And M" tioedy hinete 'Bd thi, à. ptýd moitor 01 the mai Tb@ Hm or Ml tI5lflutIi5"&5c -Tii. ritcé pqgw. PUrlàu1nrthy apponted wmy, J Astbou ûsleUyoahonis Jy naît Une for 5gw. ('Why don'it hebragga oepture U1e0, lnuviole or plom 1 WItb <tat gsilpmsud iMMBtUU- ie ougt %o gobille ah Monce ; 1iut auiR to almp hum -asdU-c, -Thy itrl~,1sk»M 7 The istory of a Ohrimuma E. We hbeu so sure thaï thé :' Il that vere ovcrviieling ohers luthe MM 'ufacturingWvend ,ol.Adnvrtubu a had beau to sure that dlglu ru¶i unions might prow à îbotiloswbande,'sd' nover gain ou0 SiDgle adberent 1 I lboght or ÃŽfty fouDded C"s rook 11 1 thought vo ceid ciamy sd ymimtle k iyodovu upon tbe troubles eofar ' nsbbquru Ie '."vo"i MunaJohn âl L. This &Onuda e "trong.minded," you au VJol1 I dou't knov what other _pÃŽ umy oboose o tecal it, but in trUtb 1 11111 beaun very proud and gl&d ht ever mince iii " 1 îmrnîed the ovuer cf tvaY mille hob ha. Iiked me te talle un iteret in hie vo ri %Rd -hie people. 11W 1Idon't meam toSAY tbatbhotak to me, about th.ie of yarna. or telas me cf the risoa and. le iu the cotton nmarketUc I think that if auy great anxiety caMOeàp bim, even of hat kiud, Jack woold gie me & bint of it, and 1amlsulrs I ahould try ml bet tolook »awi» ats àyOig owl, and #s ithle ineend oula of the tra.be ver. ernai- liar mbjecte te myjnqumring sMd dlgt miad. m le. You se. 1 have lied smciianuxml i John'@ nsothr- and than- 14Y~aU7 tbought thatdoulmbt te have than marry a LmeoahutsmMllowner,am tbey aid a oet uaibittertuga s littie sbmn& sund dravber ah9lS 9bre ifthle mliverod aiglitly viien I " tds t future home ; sud vhen at hejI8.2wIk, with John, able alvays manageed ta'vo Ce -me anusllooted miagiving tbit ah. relut toared ber délicate fngora might. b by the contact. Tua. thinge hurt 4 Cime ; hough uliey bcttliteurstas'mol onougli vien I ot im n 1te yo iaih hold me clou. lu hisUe am, aitl bard h.oveudstraTe A -mm ai>. Happy 1 vol, Wv oi obderaw ; a bappier vomisthea ;o e e Ulo lemgth and bresith ofet Engll' ,Y~otýý lite in witit 1dmy e zChsedaii unes athai coma.ls 8 005 or leter. Thevctss*AaitDnma iod ot n4' marriage matalypte in the. oold" vtuIlW m md thuie ý me m.- oom111pletly IFo John a pe beus, good tbey *oe » OIe! d_ John'%unther outil 1 oau.4 srokeadt'Q chi .h ome Sontb dao sur Ber deflcl. heitli Wasthe e«cMcepot bat Own prvate o nlon ins ta oswwskCid of aumtie.Ir udptaaml- with tIlit shiver ad abwug whS « againat hlusoif ; but boCh bhota I Ls inadvertety beid brn tah* b Ioud voiao, sud bad ver e i[sox Z Wheu faCInt 1 W MM al cph Otvay huis ssyrng ut caodued int omy mimd, for *nover, amoug cil th. gýran Id eu," ades thet 'nitei eat my guardia'e a i, bd I over ses a lady seo ompletly. besutifaUlb rfued in look. voie% M4 ~io~Thon Z-ier banuda i ýWh bj yvo.auhso vhitk% wvbil y -thinga, sadd esed overI oui'& s1w o a u sn otnder, fithfitla the ou., ittng 7 br km.~Ioudi lay upom ber 'tep. 8h. uscd ta tell me uories ef Jsck's boy- ieh day ;,sories that @he nover tirdof ec teffing, or 1 cf istenimng ta; sud sonietimes1 ablé apoke of ber dead liucbcmd. ad cf boy h-1- b .d boomroveru sudnIoked u te Il BB ythe end ofheofirst yearof mymau me liteamed te bave torgotten the. tact ao! being a outh-ooumry voman. I loumi -that thor vers ploty ogrtova' dj d musle-loveracmomg the-Peeple ulii ~t ir Denicon once told me wet juth àUOOI#Jwê - lthi llffybita ef Cotton tickig 1teýhéîr ~ deeaooae; ile for hosesi Wm of bsoon cerne t C. oncluson o SouC kg oo"lut holdacao lte the Iortb. k- 1vuevery happy .hrimg thaI atreage nov yoar; happieraCiltir uulb.ota f nue, wed, when :r hla Jh "i n làUe1 r. arma, mnd mcv Ibm lr Myy . tuaI b wom my ipramhhî _Ià p z' At am mtherh med to me snob e prn ons t' 1aCwva.rody evetniaide iis boave talio ,matisek 5b6alimburnaa ytU m zryo Med 14 n lisea erM.e; toule. s aoud S of imper "W ento tll o,,lsd toui edto ontie ùwes onge e lsudCouI ipurof5 bmrvc1 e, :ac, tise o *wvhirr of "tbe ;otiryvsulotb geins agala. Darker shAdovsoeilte»ouefir) thi; mu,%o~hhatu woe Ma"M.d, l&m;llib.nÏ Mt;sd tue.. crimsVoiesdome, lu ,be fred ât-Cbhe cevardly ballet ouJ ône rh etaayen Johin'a good.Lye hi.. badcd sdm fp, ie set off fmo tvay Ili 01 Oui banda seeai cl niglit msyet 11, q;,Icw, day dlmolu iLsevnngs or v. volu gjtroll-du ,to knew,by the magnuotlmf 0ou ,hfl ii 4"s feeling of-4myr bauur MuIrU I'bo ~ ~ ~ p tohra OiO~ am5I o dh.sagu ver then uori ountsy, ani .supjuff~bythe blacliok otha osnt kou Ui bg olmyfld ~un Mue a sn si M shah o etlb.tribuho pud luain h ,Pmgtho Snbe tum he harp eâabthat amotluerei ag=Mtibe, brUsatlest the son" i drive thsebrodlg rsbytis*e hgoua îeftb ho madoemmê,os~o Ibbisavhat bebkng"en-umx"Umm bto the vives and U11111ee o"or"m bands. Tï'ay "our" bîcaness' iat! abo1 u àwle naey h4o wrte. lt-tii. day came vbec John returuei hem ,lova looking as I lid suer« ce- bu-eatomother -w". bâi e otway Millew«4é stp«eL The moua.l m(.b in the "ide, wu eo.n b*& Y@bund14 toC My mioi. He va»»Mvarlà uisâ of 'M"t Wodvende, utllenu à "s 'c le mms Msa fue r 3'ýiule tuel " hu mia bc a t laut 1Il hàhf [ly< f esambng as the lpiagua.Tbey kinov they 'o baye beem fairly deait vtb,. That black- vaue ligo ontsof tue tiolepW :b rom the union, l- 1* 1Tisaiwvas 11 John nid.Hie nuote Mi 'Y l iatesod - sni notima theuest Une cf hie< w lips, sud lb. steru lohsa bis esmvai~ kine*84 ete e n at Otvay Lsb. àe subbonu etley ulgbl, th u alru hI n Osr~aue~th4wst soù, meu*lit m" il4ha fa1ite, wu l"pie fiemesrness k Joh mei g.saltytedrive in sud oct,% lo~ii4om.h~ lii, ui. oom es iho #»d 40c vocU ridé by hfim-on y pretty ja lthblmare, Lasie, returràmg u'itàhe~h w6%theniç!ý.fter ho bld re 01 tue- t &Wkt I ly M ,tlinoaugl althe long làO boia emrug escou nestriho beoo mtir, a" d snum.¶tcshoqsIt, of Min. kWe lofetsMd for C1gaUues about a 1.- eh iu eheu a int lo ock e f-rnenebiras ~benfoareet sud deanet a*e lhroeeed olie , begsà to orep into thé 1 At' *Wbvute.tuat aight of th«Rete télat »«ftlomPiynta-eni pryenrant voe WnIl amite 1h *"Id sy sMd H. d4is~skhl~',I oeuld have borneà 1= " -s ~ohlesdme aMoentalr-oim "Tbast isfor theycung sr P-wLtals"Ut sâtlochchhi mW" gh habn vs.hoF wskus." ' Tu. groou4m, ucd sd tldui srvauet » ct the. Otvcye, Iolc raea leld p I vonin jute boule, sDgsgno i enr. ly for th. mut tt atM o oaime, sot even baby'. faee, n as nu met me vus -hlm st the fotoftlbe stim la Tht miglt s s oragfnm'ei t.iW- t lia latter ef e lime etfcxcue »forebodiog lthI semed long te me, hungl aaty-t atm 4uration wvasacarcely a orlugsta Tbreetenng iettera-mWreï os ftiI Oms covendy ohisuter calledmonymom cern st interval. ;Muny huhen voud bave budioneunob thlop-frouàawifebutI1 "kbah n nev C iohail tr&Ubal1s I u haeue liaI eniured lb. thoqglitta le hep a trouble trou me.pta U. Otvay's face grev pallid viii a e h viisleomes evrm g er slraeif ocuivardshow by mgt or ig feguiatu for o empi. von for the vage thuaa&Il tb. maters coouldagtee lu thm obitter lmes-ver. upohea et.Wrst hatbai dmmrei nv i suw 1, £mewu mlh, uhmw la aErna i wsbd ld, spoi tisai afast -Ca -or oemtob1ead ebllsew fdoise m herald» ombavênca sadgsi*lt% irt6." ' - Wmrtohisercvibore,,an 'nàom«Iema"i 7-whîte ribInoir write m t yvniosest ibe volce 1"for Qo&s 1 lcor #AdiJemeiJ84 ..r l at aést Iai lu wacut 81PYalM' d 1 dtevrvAbà LU .AULVÃ"J '>~ mctPoeBoartl -%,U Ugr * l ruur1 w;WU muAt the aime moment c viclouu-lookiug w man eponei tb. dcci a»d ordergi the mai dJet hl i daw>Whcb i,.n ý'k'btlhe grovlei ont lb. "me Yieo, -The wamec~in-, su, boy- Pog polltau lduio ookiugianea.vIom ùLe ciutisad nid: f nIbveboen- viilgmost ofthetuemne la Ibis nelghbourbod.te nosd.with sud tik fo>the P06190 abocf gooi thinge. 1 have puamedyorderasonasI eol I Oughit, lor I vi ise o tik -wltli yousd or -î A»e weuht in elloi aaleva mission- fi uiii"va i ely. I Woeito, sai I e fierco-boohng Masu "ait deu andbênwufZ 4eg gi ay. 1tl i siiyodà.us 0ed 4be fyenu Mver Me right. jeu ma oel mîhboue, miraima n il îbauiurlderssoftenasyouilke; but lait>t ulrnlonari« y vas p.rploxed, but At "Wel ,thonnid .mm, «"borei li the Wordg of the k parI c jWeloairt 0 w &~In IlýéBlbi 4~t oalijono., ani may botoan. -uWhe uvords cftisePropliet J004 iii. & - tueé en: aIlosAnd solda girl for via., th"a infiht dnk."'.- - I j"W ," repliai tb. man, "I amýdemd b+-,1durst to bave bot five o nds 70U W e ld.» - 44 And T n t, 0 mm"« UWUiU 51U sq44«d âflhb e, mon of ih.'c, ias os M m lies a "My God&m'y Mr~p ;~b nov; bA fr e«0 Uybd tise ee la m bar m abb01upe à statuea, co b"é tuad i n .m- U ait toChinuc liai moutli a.borasta uad ls. vivabout ilo iL mI.a omus neula. -veîy day té himueit, Ctt m oole iflhe kat & a cliklunfront -eo language t Beig ase lb. King, lagiuu, ho tell hua thil it mé u' ttÃ"ubIeàon~eië ry, sud bhha i utl m 1nl*jto tlcar. cf e&. tii. Zâlu Pride convorsationel'novni 1 ý - , " ,, UUII LOve - fi sud theulie 44 ,W viat is Lri t ueam n iu oI wered l intefo »14i -Ch in- 1lhm Md ti1 vaepy varda. Re bal ie tissu amenad A tw eu La. a thf* =erbsi hvuek A princes .1Pm%" st 0"tii. e . *mailsaique rngDtm bfr 'e mnsn. xayu!e:Wtc ones tisaoci e udaa hi Ire 3ysui ]h eNc~ th ir"e BMnaror ... mita* h.a ug B? Tiaits mi I Doga, Nids, a Ps e,. ~.déra su A nmaac~ roc Toast linaj je mthenw 6, tuCh r' A '-r. P - r - - ýlIl, , 1 ¶3 ~~~ Interlôw~ Thé Z:*Ulu Monaroh Majtng l'un, end etghing for WB virnt âmoe. CewaY*, ,t4o desposed Zuk Eýingw intew ee& o Ih luuit. $chire Brwt iiofficer a p!ovions t their departur to %ngland. The interview is %hua describ. cd- At 10 a. mn we were-intrcdnced, sud found--Ceteway in Il'hruifo h rtm>arti of a, bastono[' t ie asote 4havuig is head-droîmod.--B'e boak banda with &Ul of us-a god wholesomo grxp, with a cool hand &ail4a hugefiât. Re was Sitting On ab mat spread.on tii. &round, anci had on atablecloi, which partiefli caver- ed lus body and mnormons thi hae had. biïouâhýfit*tWu 'baket fialicffi-s rn Reewetmetm In~raan 1 e 8wh.,hraat hoeisinordinately fond, a bottie of wbiskey and iOni., ooloured kerobiefu, e aeked permission, to gi hlm theme thigs, s e hd board that lie was shy ofvtsrsransd oftpp kould net talk to thein.&A with inaiy leusrebcwned, men, au offering ta bis aPPetite loosened hic tangue, snd ho Spake tu us openly snd plesasntly. Hic appft am eby tue turme will have been so oftma desrcibed, sud mustbe anse il knoWü-b#, thetho!%usauo! photographs that have»al. rea~ ~ç su4itiptwe il tuneh but' *htl on ii: poit. imanner waàw SUb)dusd, and. self.poseosed, and lie was exc. tremely shy of being looked at. Reecau- not .louk miy one in the face, but, after a quick, inteUigent &lance, hie looka asnce id anlweri questions and tika'in a wiim voic. When inclined te talk at ail le likea boing,,qtestioned sud anmwers at once hirougli thé interpreter. We asked hlm if ho felt afruad of thesea ab we embarkod at P4drt ',Ddrnford. Èe eaid, - Yes, of the. sudr boits, -but Dlot At aSU when 1 get on liQard tii. bahip." H. said that ho bcd known inhie head cil &long that bls armi wohd-beéaenby the Egliahpàaiâ bu*. did'alieh could to prevent a war, but-vwas divitoitby.tle oung mon f.the&rmy; thst., afto mieadlan 1 smus whe b' reinente bast very ,manyýmei4 moe eh , .oould coi4nt tliey ha4ol hlf.hYeart4 u in th ghts sud jbti s n 0f- th sael, At liandh,lle Merle ever bronh ab*n, ani welienh.e kedý aotth enbsmo usdthey lied got i mc- thnbut, hé klow tat they bad, Sud lie- supcétbày hd bhddeà cwaiuthmr krse'Thé. twins verbrou'ghbt t uni by.-ie-order a veek after Isandhlwana, dur- ksg whiobtime tliey lid. heen left on.the *ljtIeé4eI -d; oe wvascangîlà: ieaide ofiIiWe -bii - ~ thorpeiumRa ee,,hd neeïw iic4ï anys n of the bost colours, and did mot kurv whttb.ywoe, and-did mottlsink it ~likély tbat wë, slioud'hear cf thons emiu. and ivehe oldfrinSea to, kirfknb Tliewbute 1;peopbliving*iM ZuIi land nmghltià Yem.ra te orn erc h aud othir thingu, if tliey bcd et beoi de- stroyed j but tlie people for. a long time o uld 'beitiraid te give up sn7ý M " 11 thruhfeer ci being kuled f'n- rm pouson. Hr1lvawuexcdingly angrywith- Sarmy 1for killing te.Chiots et Iaudhl. ana, and bcd given strict orders to bring 'ail thse offie oirglu llive;1-his'meù LedW said. tuait tey, ooàk1 not Athe leoù[ri ranthe imua and. 80 k1ed hem aiý,]L. oabdthens bols, as lho bcd, tld, Clie! :t1ia- the oi a- nv wo r Aa aiiA ti. -ttim e y c greusewkôn, -au fCte uhOtuarly dovi 4d wet Lr*Obsiptlàq hev a artcl - ofKLg i bir,lt to" â, pi vory quicketempered, u.xedni uL Oua, anid Chatlh e nu ddo-,wei lu "Jib eut Ch.sBer'vice pretty çonmiderable mAl, Tethis wla . g or ipai o ii lion, bein 1dettrmineëd iido hie. Uty meï aniter vbab thé co&aequen- -'-U4 -,Le Thi.eoee poe duJ..aluo60otly ulelthe clergynâan reaahted the'oint vho u ake tiohemaegroum if h pkIi ~bi"e bc hi* vedded vt.The thMr.BaIj Bill resplioi b yremarking that li vamiaboit tommy a "a"sd aus man Who calis ber a Q vomau ' muuibo remarkmbly anviins te lueur CieeXopbbm". a! cpernonall tunel.: Payi*ug ne atteztn tio - i gmak i oirgys r~oo, m anrdI h CrI^Fmaoun poma-o-eç,.h4h Mr TL«-'~iilghl t snm. mary abiu~ o &lIsli 1ueaion,, "l metft-? 0 - mea eii, i "tea :am alayiu.ît nto quoi,~ on<lt.'aLo- derstnv1-battisye', lut ytdiisieara d. jltou- mterayli mc." SWth i ~ae hq~rna5ieoi- I of et he . brewing4 rtoum agporad the 8ently hl'e ediuquirod f 'ye niri hwoi promise -blove, eu',c ~by bhus.m bu.At1hmia'pint t'hlatkidr* hisem volver sud lnfornied ilie iergVmn-Cbatlit vas faut riponing for-the rav. AzBY i.re- personai quesations v1 i nLireme o -an or witu tbisyor vospmu. I iol't visb te, mai. a-o ie n a-cburob, but if yu' l-ceee juil continu. as you, bave LeguL<u, or of' iwy,-Ono m' làC ,have urnsghnu.d' tha t be-vas deatf, sé ntturly fi" ies aRh cf the jrhËlàr reon«ensmae bybl biero.tThé. speeîaC6rsvý-b. lied' 1ai.- igbeCs -freely-as té whetIîerr. Bil ould -pnecl =mak-hl iethe a 1lÙtiâibt, inerption, elthrb cr abf.,ié haveit diiýùd poac, i;b d oM< rbà -mnetid -ie ceramnmy by., ingîho bie-. iÏ Thoeàit bùuet'miuar'diWthuurk'sud Wtho- bridegroôom, vbilepkau "',1;gýto adjutbal reaak'd C.hat '"ii paliimrliyý jtic part of lh. clengy muatIl' be ised.' 'Jusaes hie mabout tu, fie-Châ .eoff'abct --haviug gel b.cthae .rih-or hin line-Ch. broCher cf- hobuldeà aaebu ýt hMr. Witereef hie surpllce, aid, leapi'no ovoztue ralling, *truck eut*et -Mr. RoàringBiâ ll no tcml ,eantItailamdi sle. ifrv ay. a rno'vs imdiàlely ftreds. . Th bride clamùbed on t he, >1tiàiàid - oe-- i'- d

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