Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Dec 1879, p. 6

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ýER SBLIVvit HALIFÂ&. tet- Ses Passage, Econonmy, ad Comfort,- i à4 endofo ccos wîîî dain more monsy out oa i h'.baok ilu 5v. mnutes t"il yen cooulti get with sa reasaf afpiper sud a% coppîa. plate ignature lu sx mcthe. Young Mln are useful, son, end tlhey are oiruaineotal, anti we ail love thons, aud wu çouW un't eaineer a plenle sue. ecsaifully wltlseit Iliec. But they are noveltîles, sou. 0Oh no nothlug o!th. khad., They have heen boiesbeore. Doui'to bio auilet au ta ihut pourself leau oeut, but oau't b. e & fresb, you willibave tu e .pst away lu th.e col b k <'p frani apelling. Dan't b. afnaldi Yoi I n uerit wiIi not be diovered. Pl opi l ai r the wurld are huutlng .fer yen, andi if you are Worth andiug * tiaey ailISund yau. a diamond ,isn'$ îa oawly fonnd as a quarts pebbioe, but lîîoîle seareti for Il ail thie mare iu. ,plie-itoaiuer tramin Maîatiau brina iiews of the. tmpendlng. revoilion lu Mlexico, Opierai Jsslw Bandreaý bu p auonoed le favor of it.-Beeof bis aorceaibien at Roisai, -Coneordia sit Capote, about ixty (milles frein Méttan îar thm ies of Teplead 1-<i l aie isî, thé State af Sînalai, Ai Laqlua. tho lusirgoato ,opro. îaiucAbout 250 in ctaak pesies. -intlj, ai ownansd aft.-r gettieg Pas- ili>ptioti-til ail thie art»,, Jei for theii.lu Twliîa-groew, nrrp-sî.d for grave raib- Ling j elN iilividt,-,'enu,,iaaii tîywére i-aju3 -lly whi ii-taë. Hurcasma fin- a-le -nfouitainj,îths paîkets oatone X, , liai licolkitd f a réputation au iiuale-ialli-d liai',"Holiii le ebc i L ine in 1»lyitlg," meiiîA, speakiing ef talit, 'iliat wliitaaver by titake lie tulle t liiitrath, lie becames eaufnaed mîIîLlîurubjld" Ilese50gi-est aàhir," salîl nauther cf X's frlentlî, 'thal yen ciiSit <'vota elieova othaeohtrnsry cof whal J IU ttilts 3-011." Sttiaiilay.auliuult eaccler wa, telling sii choiuiirs whîtl îcglarnloat.laing il Wîî'i1l0 have llunday Oece a wéék, Re sail ioucwanîilid l a ftanr, but hé vie ctteuteilvilla ue Sanday-a we'T, unalg tu a boy lu the eratis, litittaitiuil .- supposa oîeuco nîichang, ttie, i aoéu ta1he weîhk, au wtat day %woillly»» hbava Suiadayocton, My lit. île nîaa ?" Tîlo boy saiti: "If I wat Loinig liislicaesi 8I voulI hbave Simdiqtay Ointaou (ubnilne." ita- sucé. A. adoublte turpose is tfaus m(i'vuit. t ditaeunages promiseous lauîuing, uiff ilo ianlanlulittho danger ai tuiîeiiag s r' ing. silo always Dse i ýra-iist. 'éNev-r tAoawlîat yonu ucdertake un- tili cuitai-uits yaaia- ameramti il tuaii ciescli Yiuar taceas oc e iiotlier ii'(4," iaynil mioootiasly Iiitmlitieii book fur yeiaug ilain. Vary goo a dvice tiai whilît if 8110 sOrouettai Iliavuac, L aglili jockeys recaive a tArlita-y of 25,000 'tienr3-car, anti per. lituaîi ii l cnneennwty thmoy doubl. edit iii. ctary (if liai 1rtsident et the lC YÎlaiug ula iiwit ancirsa t a girl'i fiimuteeIn 1 *i11s L Ilweii halaucc aies&. LuI litta taatrry at girl via» bas a toalla. nuita andi acuraigia andi lie wili se. %Vtîaa-é ti vas latie. Tise hanber'e razon teck bolS et lis tiiciil viti a veugtaancs, vhen ho look- v'i-t iap' ad said apologeticaity, I'My diur ir, I ctal eta giatal, ualta i--iuth IatiltîaI.î --.SNOW, I5UNDAIIS-ST., WIIITBY. Titîite lId ainuannué riénâs for thir eîiaî canatsatiy oaa hanS candies ai ail îCONFi-i CTIONEiY, CAKES, PASTRY, .- ê;("., &a., &o. 1l'V 1 'A' S CU KES, Ai J, PA7TZE MWU'CA -l' RISINS, LMNDAITES', FI I('S', iif-llijiiuist quaîlity. c- OyOttaî O éèeS, a-av or triéS, oaathe thé stîaîa0eî-notice. CaLaI rosat fDuck. tibueckina, aîwayson ba, hot CoDéee. Give Breadi Sélivénéi Saily andi ail anSer, prompll'y attendeS te. Blions and Suppenî,Ippîîèd il roasor. atils iitteg.IVlurEla2 and1 5i0Ibo. baga, l-a luncoion 10 e-t, for fsmliy ase. 10I)Duudoea-trâàt'. Witý NOT,1OE, Peswo. ani (iounty Court Win b.teiolau a !or t tal 3utyofontarioi- nt thé COURT TOWN OT .WHfIT]By. Tuesday, Decembet'9t 1879. At TEN 'lok A. M, 01 autl ttJustices auj lie Pée, -Oaroc osntable$ anti al aotiiers conocerue * iltakf usticoasud govera thelnsélveî ai. Notuit, - (U. IIEYNOLIuS MILL FOR SALE.ý' T ner CluibuGANDGIST MILL lât Jh iDck eue ! r.or o se4cglapoittton ai tateroosa. Lawer ra4for returu tickets. Intermmdlale, $6 8t,ge At lowotrta. frass... e .. ov.2t 89 ireav ...... Il B. £afsdoLndou At arne rate caniob ti 0 â àbke %ý t4oit Y,, r tickets an4urther InformatIon apply G -.B. TilLE. - xp. and Tei. Office, Wbhtby, Nov. 19àh, 1879. - Wsty G RAYM 51'iCIElC 3fE0ICÏ"iJý for moulinai Speratr oneoAbuloe, a ltns o M ukry n e*viin,s Prmmatune aiS ag*. asuman otisuir Diseuses or ty ceCou- au ilon sud à Promnatare Grave- 5W rpull by mail on recelpt o0* tise miesy by aS. THE GRIAY MEDICINE CO., lToronto, On., Canada. oil inWitby bglrSregglitosudnby paril iseansd reta idruggil evenywisere la ansadu lie United Eti£4s. ly.41 Io canapoueti aiIngredets tudeutical wlth tose whtciî coustitute Bealih, BlocS, Musclé and Nerva sudl Drain Substance, wist LIta iiosli la dtrootly depeuclent up. on smoine af Ibei. Dy 0UN union viti thé bloodAnd lse effoct upon the muscles, re-éitabltehiïig thm ans anS touatng the athen, 10 ls capsble ofafeclt- lu g th Iollowlng résulta: 10viilloplace or vala out tubeuans miatter, anS thus aura Consomiption. Byincréaiag Nervon, sad Muscular igorlî vii aune, Dyopepsia, léébleoran.u ter Lapeîl action ai the Reart sud Palpita. tou, Wekness ai Intellect conseil hy grief, worry, ovetax onrla-ngnLar habits, Brou. chitis, Aouté or (Ibroule Congestion ei the Lüngs, aveu in the nasO i alng stages. I0 cures Aitiaca, Lois of Voire, Neuralgia st. Vîtus Dance, Epileptie Fits, Whaoping Cotugis. Norvaunss, and ln a mont vonder. fitadjianet to éthier remiSes iu susîsiuiug lis Surin theé macssé ofDipthenits; An enu esso in a of a ffects ia formeS by ELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP OP HYPOPI4OSPi<ITES, sud We anc gaila lu îayiug, front a long or. penleuice tai médecine, iitsvinues -arenat ptsseseeîi hp ae, oter cemiuatioua, as bise folinvZin ili disaatnstrate. IT IS ACCEPTABLE ta pilale sud stomacel. SUFF1ICIENTLY POT1INT late urs de- iideu bînefit, yet harmmino, hoveonvir long lis use inay Lée antinueil. This cisaracter- lotie àa ptaeseed by uno othen remedy. IT A9SITS DIGESTION aud assimila- -tien. IT VITALIZES TIE BLOOD, supply. lngb iaaliienuî as mnay be reqnrid. T1ÈSTO0 8 STONE la thé noryea. IT GIVES81POWER ai endurance snd ai connentataion ta the îaand. IT PEOMOTES VIGOR in thé orgaus whleh depe.id for bealili au the iuvaluntary muouular action, via. -t thé Liven, Longs, Hleanî lttemach anid Genitale. And ucuisis allicted villa mme diséasé lu. -sniving uiiiOLUTIE eaaANIac LoSi, ill iO U$- tain the systean unlil it reuches the agi ai- l ttel nby a bénéficient Creatior. NOPERSON viii be isappointea inluthé effecnof ELLOWS HYP0PEOS1PRITES, who rigidly ioliow thé directions., FELLOWS' HYPOPHOSPHIrEs INCEPTION. Th"e"expérimentavinicla pnefteid liis prepaî..tion cc-pilduasny momalie, aud ver Intiute vllasTICv c uriiig hat laisidinus digese, TUBERCULAR CONSUMPTION. ,aud i ondr te, supipiy th e ficijucies lu Hypoiîîhpileî atready in use; for, al- thougit théin nature vas correct ste the- crthehrrep&a-ionpveré, owlngtla Ietr impénict rganiztion, foun4 wîutiog lu priaclice. Wils théy causad the furmation ai fat su géunsted1'ept, tlasy diS -ualt iprove th 0blocS. Tetonto éffeci upon thé nerves aud musclés vas circumscribsd -and ongta Ilair diluted staté, iuvolvlng lrge dosés, llaéy vére also ton erpenîlve. T lhé desiderata aouglaî by Mn. Féilova, A cenveient, palatable remedy; Unsîtônahiai hy lame ; , Haricos, Ibongla nned canttnnaoaily yet miglat hé disabutiïnpd aI any lime vltiaout an? 11 effec ;, Wlnlctc oudS luduce an appetite Steigthen digestion ; Promote assimilation; Créale laealîhy klaoS; Sirnntheu thie-pervee ani muscle,; Enabin Ilae subjeol tae nrcïduily cari- bat-diséase ; AnS sufficiently aconouaclatfan al. Al liais lias eben lrdiioputably allumneS. Thn sunicesof thé waa-k is camplete ; anS Falovas' Hypophoepiaiîas stands fonémnet amangit the remédis fan chromie organin Siseaaés, ptssoaalug proportion te vblcla no allier medi- neq bas aoven aspIrrS. ABSTRACT EFFECTS. Fellova' HypophoaphIteà., au ein g lu- traduced tbthe sbiçi; nuit.,s is e a-food, sud Immiutfitoly eantera thé circula. t, ion ; an, b*'q ag pectly mlsoibig villa the blood, appeduyanrvatdes evory part of thé syîtemu. Ils efieoiîa re Birut déolareti by a ulsesiigally tucréaséd lunfulluesa *ud atrauglis, i general exalation ai the ýy orfenic oncutions, sud erlalaration ai the in lutlecta, pavera. Ils *peeMo Infuence la on lbe braiu sud nonvaus subtance, ln. criasing lb. sctlvity aiflise absorbent., sud renevlnglise blood, thus Canning th. heivy muacular formation noanoes"nresera. ing tisé fanctions ai the prevloualy veaken- cdeorgane. Being then, a toute fer tise neivous and uirculmlery systern, t, Il ollo that, wheu thore toua Semand for eraortnary exrr C, tien, lis ueIo iuvailuub?e, tuc Isuplieî Sthe'm!Mtelb t b . telrculatlenpanti ua- e At no perWlaS aila u wtahiful Caro over r osc Is*hâL -teteafu -by thé youth; piodding, preervin ou y~ reqalree&itors aif i'Utgoa ,nervous forée, orsa chilS may ais unde r lie mental tonl. Sgtérai ueceistYy ycompel the soudent ta strain lis pavera teyouS thé dctmuéof prudece, sadthelb.earlypromiseofeë. l, enceinaybc lighitdiea- feel Teoivo e commond Uowa'o Hypa- ptpliteî- Itlvl t only rsore lbe ~.sinkies pilent, but it vilI-etable the lotI- )d lng set=$ntIcipricerva bis mentl ansd ,.ne-oii san<adard vlthout d.timenî. NOTa.-IBé suspiconouf - prans vbo re- Tda"ltahonbéam% ag milr nainesu afthsewhofle .0learr pnicS ;' oie. NTl"tâotly th ,i4dpd uet, WOU- paed adti sd salft Pe>am wh,.lo can ai. - odtopresenlbeothis remedy. E]xpenleoce isuproeS Ibs. Théoîalgiast olaès Maedical inuIlu very large City, whéee11h ]ea4ovu, ricommeudI. Io Pscc $.50 per Jiatig, pl 1 *7.50efor StIx llolties, IL Ondodsadréett, 9 Perly Dv sSon & Law fone, 377 St, Pauil St, Momarcal P. 0, viii ave InredimIe attention. Fo P~sale by n .ru- - - work ai and ln the wlth ýtoi Beg to- announce that MisE e:OHN SKUNDERS,8 erôôk.e-;Whftby;-Sept. 3Oh,-'71J. MATTHEW COLLINS AŽXD BE BLMBGST,& BEST STOCK 01? BOOTS ÂN D ",-SHOE8 I N TOWN. genTenper cent. di8count offfori Cashi FOR ONE 'MONTH. OCuslomers aie inviwted beauland examine iseoj6 of tbe quality and take a note of tbe price., and ststbn.vsot br tbse ngt = thebest Bagnsfo I've>cos wao~ated e war- Boots s eheap as they are good, Wil stand itbqnb a Uar For ladies, gents, and glrlbood- ÂyweàaÊtheraywher- Fit for city or the Wood and that can't b. beat eis.whers, Ail sbould bave aparùu~ By thb bt. 'n b I et. Car REPAtBB NEÂTLY DONS. - ore on der pulic, beave you ýrd rers and gel a pair of Boots of lbt-hi- rigbt kind froni yonr obligeS anSdhliie servant, -. MATTHEW COLLINS.. NEW GOODYS JUST RECEIVED., - .AT THE- WHITB Y, B00K and FA NO Y0000 STO'RE. -A.weIl assorted stock of Bôoks, Etationery and Fa.ncy. Gýoods Gift Books, Hymn Books, Photogmphý Albums, Frayer books, Scrap Books, Sunday Sohool Bocks, Sunday Sobool Cards. A Fine Selootion in Bibles, School Books, for tb. High and Coxnmon Sebeols, Mastes, Ink, &a. A OHOICE SELEOTION, IN NOTE AND LETTEIR PAPER. EULED AND UNRULED. Pin.e', extra nuerle. Parohaient Paper and Envelopes. Foreign note, foolsemp and acua ?rl nieooekatentolofthose reqnining Statlonery for Oneso or gênerai n, ta anspect any-Stock. B3ERLIN WOOL- AND) WOOL WORK. In aH thse newent designa. Slippers, Braske a, Soia Cushion., Cosies, Toilet Mata, Match Pookets, Tidies, Glave and Rsndkerchief BoeCrCaTitBgVss,&si- able for Wedding or Blrtbday gfft. oesCadCssToltBgVeaisu- JEWELRY AND) FÂNCY GOODS. Ail kinds af Fsnoy Work done tb order, lnclndlug Infants Bonnets, Jackein, Wooleu Hloodg, Breakfast Shswvls. STAMPIN G DONE TO ORDER. THE DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING Departînent, Ie now open ta aur numerous oustomers, and feel confident thst our paut 9ond reputation will b. excefled tbia seaaon, as w. hav, a firat cla. cutter and Bitter, <'ne that ha. had experience in citles. The styles are uew, no paine will b. sparedi .11 orders proanply attendsd ta. Fltting rooma lu resi of the store. rr Ail orders for Magazines sud Papers promnptlY attendiS te. Dill1 and Weekly Pipers on band. Bubscrtptlone received, papers delivered. IW HE USICsuap- plied au tlie shorteit notice. Whitby Book and Fancy Goods Store, Oddfellows' Hall, Brook Street. PHOTOGRAPHY 1 PHO 0TO0GRAPRJC 1ST-UDIO! AND FiLAME I)EPOT. Special inducements to heads. ot- fa- rnilies, durip-g the summer monilis. Familles coniiting cf four persons, and upwards, by ordering one dozen photos. each, will be pregented with a beautiful photograph group of the family, full size, for fra.ming. Satisfaction guaranteed.. Priceisto suit the tim est CHILDREN A SPECIALTY Framing- in al its branehes, at prices which'defy competitioln- Agents for Canada Stained Gluss Works. Cail and see Samples. LYON BROS.., WILKINSON'8 BLOCK, - BROOK-ST., WHITBY. MY Stock of Is now Complete ini Every ULine» E. J. JOHINSON. Very SpeciaIÏ- Inducoments to those STARWXq IHOUSEKSEEPING. UN DE RT A K I1NG. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffis, and al the necessaxles lu this lin. lc A WELL-APPOINTED HEARSE. Whitby, October lOth, 1870. 4 FIRE PROOF SAFEg.S. Is doling justice either Ëto himsçlf or hi. credlitors if lie çlos withota safe to proteet lias Bocks, - Ntça, or Otb ei -vluable papers, Whc bas1 deeds, inotes or - money in the bouse, ougit- to hlave a Safé te guard botli against Burglary sudFr. A Safe is « always a Good Asset, as i o iy preserveés' ils conteats,' but kcepo ils owu value as well, for after Iualng lhiugb a& fire-a- smalloutlay,.wiii malte ilas-good as -new, and il cau always b'. sold for uearly ils first'cosl. - J. & J, TAYLOR have turned ont about 20,009 siafes lu bbhe hast 24 years, sud noue ci tbcm bas fsilcd iu triai'. PFarinera suda-!er-ý cants, this h lthe kind o! ".1Protection" sud somcbhitg that 1h'. Taiff can't give. - Go le, the Toronto Sale Worrs asud-set a SmI. - J.~& J. TAYLOR, $0 119, Fn ronto. J by 1 - = UIlao A êe5luu -LALU LAUIlU JAU icu4'.LSA8A1 5,u Newe8t Slyle8 and Improvement8 in Thie result-vil enable them, to afford their oustorners grea- er' ifcio hnheretofire. . Mlsda à ttiwaàiplfy c Tr-irnmrigs, U nderclothing, e Bntt.riok's -Fsbîon ook -Pa.ttoi!i, to which we in- ' vite attention. sowmng md aýiting Machines for sale anci to rent, at very low prie..il Ordétrs for,,tii. Brtiah ,Ameripan,,Dying,094ir~-wl 45.8m. Book Street, Whitby. Good Ne W8,[or the Public 0f '1-lb ;choice Family, Tea to every purchaser -cfaà ett of PishÏes;--or its eq iel't lj Orock- ery, and lassware, a large stock on hand selling at reduced Prices. GLJASS WÂRE-A large. stocçk on liapd, seUling at re- duced Prices. A fine lime cf New Beason TEAS, at prices suitable te the, lime.. A èô'nplete stock of choice Fàmily Groceries, freeli and -Battyps Pickles and Sauces, Wooden ware, Pails and BroiÏo.i, ' Please ask for bbc Primces Louise Baking Powder, il 15 lakiung bbc shine of a&l others. For sale only by 8LM0NFIsrT, Deverell's Block, Brook Street.1 N. B.-Farmer's Produce taken in exchange. NE«W TINý SHO?. :BROOXc-ST., Eff Nexi Door South ta James dohn8ton'a "Gold8 mith'8 Hall>", 1 THRE EN CORE W HISKY. Jest.h stWest-hi rs~ West-ho P&At North i WesI-hi Pa South1 Pai South-] Soilb part West part PI North Part North1 Psaît North1 Norta-isaif Part West-hi 4 zlliat-sI,4 Paýrt Narth 1 19ea Wii Bo. 8. nmnoso-il J. &. Mo-t Deuild, part North i Jaàmes-st, part South.hshi Part North-hsli Part South.hsIf Part South-hall part sôuth'i 19 -7 154 1828 21 9 5il 3 81 10$ 4 2i il.18,8 18286 80 1il1 60 7 9 1Weith- 1 08 9 90 51 - 85 2 14 Ï-47 86 2 3 -100 Westl 22 58588 791 2 5 e 70 22 58 8 70 22 65 5 11it 22 »86.4 '9 -halit .,9 J ýoe: -'28-,W 99 il 809 85 à 91 -1519 25 8 9875 Wegi - 10 -A 88 4,59 Wéslj 10 'S 9 .1 1 9 Westj 22 2 41 5887- West 22 , 91 9 I.18 10 8 100 19 84 i l 1 10 il 909- tLinlgn, Pt 21 il j 8 (62 Bust 7 14 e 10(& THOR4,1. Oo~~-->~ 14 -I 4 , -8 West-hali 14 5 4 94 14 6l 4 847 8 25 4869 i 9 9 1 49 1 9 80 4 75 7 10 100 20 18 Cameron's plan Clnd'r'Ila-et wi 103 à 12 95 Not-ai15 4 100 1846 Part -5 B 51 7 88 Sautb.hslf 8 D 50 8 41 10 B'l> i 00 il60 17 G 56 0 29 17 G 8 91 17 G *16 178 South-haaii 15 4 100 18 46 Sautb-halt 16 4 100 19-il Tréasurer's Office, November 19, 1873. 197 e " 871 940 gai 210 89 8895 2981 28 1 84 298 214. 9926 189 298 219 1788 il 191 5877 1 195 782 1 184 a809 913a 1497 1 86 888 1 90 5652 1 84 > 938 1l92 O2 1 90 87 194 688 10 587 1 93 889 1 @ 8 84 2 81' 22944 2 14 15609 2 27 2073 200 9388 1 90 5681 210, 10 1 97 826 1 84. 97 1 88 889 227 20-72 229 2140 W-M LAING, paenaed nptee ,.,paýtee Paýtete -PatenteS Patited - pateuted Uuateuted' PatenteS -Psteuted PatenteS ~NPatenteS *PatenteS PatenteS PatentéS UPatenteS PuatenteS PatenteS PatenteS, PatenteSi Patesijéd PatenteS Bernard andCo0, LUith IiistillerY, 800 TLAND, R. Il. JAMESON, Vor sale by TG,' bfltfïia, Obeanlat, AT- LOWEBT FIGURES. Leave'Orderi at ma&. aangements 1i h.eCoal MxIggo. sîthe plt, w, re in a iutioni SuTWatteX ro ei rera 4éý'tIepa u t1lais lu Por~rq ~ '~»*olthe Whitby, &txnàasàsy WanNlàý can b. sup. pie dfLec* Witit IIIextra chsrge, under sjteWai rangemeats imade iltte Bail. "ea Oonp.nyib y ý Two Cartercs .ntly on th. rand deliverng oxdqr. 09 ~SD P100 -, 4>R BEING c OP , ) prLlý No.6-1lihe é 4t<Con c e ion' iPickermng, By'e'miles £rom th. town cf Wht , nnder.!a goofi tate o! cnltivaý tionwelv atercl, dbuidi%ý anfine orh r,& . Plo i1i b â e alter crop i taken off r~sLand poaeio, lot marah nazI. Fer; partionlar, apply ta 1h. awner. TIMOTHY OMLARY, tJtica, P. O. july 101h, 1879* 11-80 TELE SING-ER ý Agent, Whitby.1 Buy the Best, Bny-no other. Has opened business in the abo-ve premises and is now ruaning in full blast, wliere everytlhing pertaining tioTin, Shoot, or Galvanized Iron is mannfactured in a workman- like manner, on SHORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS cf SUPERIOR QUALITYe AUl kunds of! apaiied Tin, and Sheel-Iran vare conîbanbly kepl in stock. REPAIRING doue cheaply and neatly. Ail workgu- auleed sabiufactory or no psy. Anicrican and Canadian COAL QIL. Lamp Chimneys, Wioke, Bunners, &o. Whitby, Feby. 241h, 1879. 1833- J. W. BARNES. Established 1833. F'URNITURE, Cheaper than ever, at his new store The undersigned in returning thanks to the Public for thé liberal patronage extended bo hini. begi b é tale that having reanoved biý his commodioui new premises, leie j now iu a botter position. than e'ver ta supply al Itheir -wants. iÈs stock cf Furniture embraces very handsoame Sets, and evrything that cmii be caused for.-m bis liue, aond an exaimination 'wifl couvince that bbe prices are low enough ta suit the limes. UNDERTAKJNG. Funerals fully supplied. ýIWM. TILL. w M. BU RN Tite following satisfactory and, moat coniIvineitzg evidenaé. sho0ws the ab8olutte -ttrity, and' saftez of uering (4-eE- COIE WHLSK-EY. as an Alc>hiey stimulant. LANCET.--Remarkably -free from Fusel Oil, Mild, wholesome and coniplete and efficaoiaus." -MEDICAL TIMES AND GAZETTE.-"We. Ïcan highly coxnmend il as well-fitted for Medical use, being -very puare, wholeîorne, and plessant.'1 MEDICAL PRESS AND) OlRCULAR.-" Pure and wholesome aud uncontaminated with mixtures frequently use o t.gje iiiouns afe and MEDICÂL ]EECORD.-",Must rank foremosl as the parait d~ alcoholia stimulants."i PRÂ.CTITIONE.-",Perfectly free froan Fuëèl Qil, extremely niild, and a safe alcoholia stimulant." SANITARY RECORD.-Such au excellent dietttic stimulant deserv. esa wide spregdreputation.» oidh PUBLIC HËALÏ'.-"Eýxceptionall'y puire.: It w-aSofoAtuýnâto for the health uf lte eommunity if in general use." NATIONAL FOOD AND) FUEL REFORMER. *'AII who value thair heelhîhonida-it. ' - . (-1.ý DR7H. C. 'BÂRTLETI, F. . Cot'0 lestracoof thaï dele- terious and poisonous n»albèpFusel 011, tIbsu any apirit:'It haveý ever sub- Imltted to the saine searching, investigation. The Medical Profession should recommend bo their patients no Whisky which does nal corne up bo th aDRCz T0.IOflORNE, FQ S., TrihityClgDuin- e fully examned for Fusel 011 but noue çouldie&beBicovered. Perfeatly free froni paisonous metals that are 'freqdeutly fouud in Whiskies, and vlaicli are very delelerous. Rcxnarkably good quality." DR. PAUL, F-. 0. S.-Perfeotly free from Fusel Qil or-other unjurious. sùbè'tance"<; ~ - ~ *DR. STEVENSON MACADAM.-«lVer, pure and wholesome, and of- -exceediugly fine 'quality. j:' Thts Wbiaky is ual only a. pjceaýýau d holesome stimulant for ardin. etry use, but for delicate constitutions flis svlibe as il will i gnée with fsncb wheu no attier alcobolto stimulant will, whether in the farmn of wine or cognac. It is used alimait exolusiely iu the practice of many of the mail emlinent!en the Mieicl RProfeésion,,', ,e -1uy Eve'ry Gallôn Gùarntèed- Êquàal1fPuïe.-' BROOK STREET, -WmHIT Y, Will seli seli for 30 days. AT O T Womens' Prunella Boots and Blices, Womens' Kid Boots and Shoes, Misses' Pebble Boots and She, Misses, Xii Boota -and Shoes.. A New and -well Seleeted Stock. Cal and' examine. ne- member the whole is offered at cost. PH O T O~A I1 M Y 1ATENy AUGf.-12TH TED -WARRANTED ,187M'~- 1PRP~ô' Ventila tor c CimoyTôpl Il is an tuvaluable véntiator for soil pipe sud vater elosets. Il l eh aimpléit vénlilator matie. JI uwarrnted stçmiproof.i PRICE LOWER TRAN ANY OTHER VENTILATC No unrnt f ir iIt~rduce othér thban - oùladdat îezo~ mental ventilatav made ; vilI not choke wvth- înov aor-le.; auuot gel au Shop s for sale atma re u*onable paico, 'tl moi F -STOY]ES CH]M? FC orna- Dut of BUY NONE, BUT THE Gennine Singeýr Sewing Ma-- . clhine.' P.EDUCED IN PuICE. THlE BEST MACHINLE IN TUF, WOBLD. Sa say-Three Hndred Thoua-and peopla w ho bougbî Singer Machines in 1878. Over twomi n in ager Machinesl uns. at preseut!, spli6îaa ,and, fe à st of Âttacbrnta givewith esuh machine, sudt parties fnlly THE BËRST# THE CHE APEST, Sola only -by tbl COompsny'sAgent,' 051<', opposite CuItOmmz EOflie. wmatby, Junne 2S, ~9 2 Yaluble armfor Sale. 1ft AGEEIL-Si LOT 8,1IN Sth CON. 100 PICKBBIli. i acres cleard-' remaiuderi-wein isered (niaatly iscecl aud maple).- Thisin, a very. destrable property for the îwôood alane'la very'valuable and wMt nearly ps'y the _purobas inoney, while. the situation. af the lati s a suff1cientgpar. antee for lb. land- Ternia liberal ta reliable parties. A.A.POST, P. 0, Boit 202, Whltby CAI ý'A 8 CHINE Tl~i Mahfn Isfoi lighting Privai. Dwellbnga,, Mille, FPactonies, Chunches, Cçat sud ezaxulntthe machinesluap-a- Lauo at JOSEPH PBU.LIPS, sale MauVI', Planlber sund Gsetr 18Yr treet, Torontlo.,~ Apil M9h, 1879. -19 T' O LET.TH&T COMODIOUS lIESI- deéce aunIByron Strit,*opposite tie Methodiat Parsanage. In good repain, and - wita; e POcll eut canven enoes. #Mi ath nazÎis aU oai the large îwoswtry cottage ina. naediatelysauth af lhe Court Hause, ait lu béat ai repaîr.- eailta osuit the limes. Weadae, i4y. Stb,'7 4n-46 Tue Great Blood Purfier ýA gnnine flidS xtract ai Red or Janaa ci SsaPriila, combinid wlwth Jodido ci P o ts id m '1 r ,th " " -, , ,of a l d s i sNearly ail the, diséates tuat tronuble the bumnasurace are-*InfuenceS by tle. itate Of the blood. ilIs taîudipeus!ale ilat ibi 4ontli ihi àb u preaSa seathiy -condition. 1 SAs aPurifier aiflta. blood, a EenoatOî ai 'the system, asud Presrvar af thé pow ers aiof Cie.(irteoi pailàbs 1 ogual.Sas p nlabsn Pan sais aI the Drng Stores. KEBRRY, WATSON & Co., Whoiesale Drnqgait. IM0...i Turki8h (t Vapor Bathse'r NerilCoughsColdg, Cazçit!tOD Bronchio5Sotaota kaiD0 i~IIli fliisationa.. -Biliusnesi, Fevers;çiid ion The àpoéthearepartacularly uPlie* bleto e""Ski 4leo, eapectally Syphils, Il la nounlverslly concéded tsaI btb teuki»b end Vpor'Balisatare the béat preoervagNes of. iuth wlchlu the reach iOf. -iledleiIsezpeati sani lucanapundtlOuwith medica trealmezt the -patient la morÏeiP- idly' and sacoeiaduiy tristeS. ' Patronized tharoughaut the o anS frein rgyalty dowu ta tse poorest Minu Tbis Turktsh ballas are the only oc uithée(City ai Toronto.- irom. the boit medical and saitarY ausiii. ties1n luilcountries. HOURS-(ientleman, 7 taS8,30 a.ui., 3t 9 p.m. SiturdAsy ntjil 1p.M. Laies, 10 ana. 10 1.80 P.uM. P'XICBb'-Tulcish Baths, one ticket 81 19 tickets, $10. Vspr Bathl3, 80eeacbl.Il tickets. $. - 23 CUEEN-ST. IWEST. Skl*ulsud attentive ZnIansd leD1aU attendants, .T. S. DAMOIWDM.D< - JOUN-BALL D 113Binissncery, Oonveyam 'Witby. IIoNE- TO LEND-Priv in laizmop ta SOD, aI a la' terest. -ROBINSON & Kk ( Làva Ducoti & RBa OFFICE.-In Victoria Clh 9, Victoria Stréet. LG.Banéson, X.,%. * HuZanz snur, de. Office-Da-verill's 1 Street, Whitby, Ont.- G. YOUNG SMITHf, 1 Llsuer af Marriage LIce-. Opixox-Over Dominion Bsan J an. 22,1878. -- CA.MERCN BARRISTELRS, Âttorueys-ai BSolictors ilu Chaery, Ni s3tréet, Toroutîî. H iECTOR CAM ERON, Q.C. <ly-is E QUIGEONTO TEZ COUNJ Ss.Byrio#StretWhtby. -Dr. W. J. BURNS Beaidence-Congregatonal Ci btrcorner ai Byronai S BYRION FIELD, M pHSI>.ASURGEON, &dc -Wm. MeBRIEN, Mi.D., M. U- iorr.& LONDO c A B- -D . Playatotan, Surgeon, Accoucher, Whitby, Sept. 801h, 1874. -W. ADAM-E J~O &OVEII R. H. im O)fG= store, Duudes-at, Offie lon=r 9a.m. t1012 m., 1.80 ta8, p. m. Beaidenoa--Cor. an i omrt itreeta. - -,1 M. VARS4 L. D. rp[EETII nserted ,oi ltàprinciplea ai m che~ap «the eap suad as go bn-Teeth flIM vithll aIS s aaisunew block, overr Atkiusou's Dr KingSreet, Oihawa. - JON ROBINScN's _LrAR DESSIG -AND#' SI JOHN WOLFEMDEN GRNTFORTRECELEB *L. FAIRBANKS, OFF'ICTAiéASSI<] la OFFICE OP>POSITE THE_ Wlaitby, Marah 201h, 1879. IL 'E..ODELL, -A THiE R L Y., diCerk DIiisin Court, Tp. i - omta0ioneur li B R.,Lai&,Aga 40- A±hey, C0ny Ontario. A tllerl SpI. 2u5, 1879. W A, Suýgf a hotel, Whit . b î"eock, P. a. WE ARS MAKING A 0f Photographs, in sipia, life-sizer,ý an entirely NEW PROCESS. SPECIMENS ON EXail-IION. Cars ti Caintsfurnished in the laetstyrëe of the2 Art. - - Frames cf ail sizes always on hand. A. BARRI Photograp er. ~~~~~ O p itO tario Banuk,. j ranjuR mm idosahini o a +,,1' mcam..-.4,...iliR 5-. "ArAM.L. a Co. Treu, Ontado 1 wmirr:B,3r, r Il ý.ý 2

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