Mis Soliuoi 1-ipector, de lis (*Wüvor,- ni 'YeUrly vibit ta Our fiigh ýh&s bill roî2ived b Moi au lin au selloul, lie opeilt ille greater il of L week',Toronto ýwAg Alcazed au4 to th P y ai tî St«oi-Jlatdlj-,& the day in -tharoughly examinins into or Gouctr 134"tiftlLohiuaý glassware, &O,-Sirnon the condition of I.Le sabcoi nad the, pro_ b y1l y ty, laFP ir 2P, aie green and proficiency of the papile., Ho ?'e1, r .1 Il - _'ý_ 1 Il S'ga 01 th» GO1ý1èu Peu-D- KdnDOJY- aise devo&ed coui5i(lerabl th 2'ù Mr. O'Day, The Daèint Irishman,' Yar tahur» ations in th, Toroutole&s. 0 tue t'O thé TIM ()MAy, tomýRom.TheEvenin Telefram slkpper Patýernâ,-J. 8. Robertson bis 'e matkowibiwal u eto'. ezâmîüing, $il gr4te,,Iibeà y-bar J't. w» thé forme in arithmetie and abra beau taken widh our naines be howlden to 8 si ' 8. Robertson & Bras. no up to ridikale -in a Lettlier to an à Zaî ri and.the bigher forme W tho additionsigrooe es-S. Fraser. erobucate shoot tbat le ouly known louai wur"ved ftOnýTcrontO by thé Xmalluits-8. Fraser. 4114jecié of Eà clid sud trigonometry. aulisivin ta ipany mutliers, in Whisby. Mr. 0. H. Bobiume bead Im"ek &A ëff«èýAbà à , Books, ilitationory sud (suoy goods-D. lu .41 thé fOiins-'lie eet Iproblem a sud t)t I& bas, bakum -tt, ý1wbftbý- Hlgb, euh-ci- the Kennedy.- mà djýà btèo of tLe' unimber 0 f pupils et- wrd. What bev waliver do _tbat e à ' r owtw ibôve subjetit - E[dà Mr. LUin1w Watcheo, olooko, jewolry, &o.-D. Nec- féating aolutionq sud, th Mqelicýde W1 Our' namea $1tua Do minobune, Id, ýh III pe bezoïe '810ýer'Johmn wu foiihwüh sont thore tiedy, a. *"m=nty4" Obéir ÎîâÃlientatical, opérations. dürespelit be the -'iC' eftwry, eÊ£min8tfoff,-ý, her Bagium suito-B. Hë fouùd tinue also to examine the thrir lapt me0Mg,ý #eld -et uZbrià gqïý reui pondint of this oper. oit av wo, Ot)«-Vrioe clothing house-E, Frost. Poisý and Honor cliialoi fort the univer. ce, hov lived in the town-Min an Bys, A 'portion of ît appun in thé an « 4o, ýi ý1ý G1a1tý Exacutors, notioe"a. Y. Smitli,ýsoli- olty.,'the Engligh' literatiire, Englisli -@;in Own prop«Lyr, A Our ý tâzço ýý EdtWationai M0nthýy, sud we &W ln>formo::I-à dd' II, as weil u Our 1= 8 !Y, au rAre d"illti ;Wy. Y, - - find it-faverably notices in thé coltinons 14 re a an liév-dun nothin-tà ât weno of ta de- Pulmonio sjrnp---ýT. G. Whitl AIIL conclusion -of the examination 8&tveýtheiH-ww av Our nà yt>oS. -,Nay., of go ou of car of la Employment for ait.- Mî, ;f4ol»llaol> delivered au iddres in ther au w4ublic obamthers seekin-for ter aý,brief introductS sketob - 000 7 . 01 th ego Icoolvanel notice L. Fairbanks, a roc ý!týrta» in «_ 40 Mpliment- Why thin shud,. va. be ta"ldig of ont-, efal Assignés. uffil 12 Ibe à ,- middlid widh, and Mr. éde to thé "0 l , "a aile, ü»Lien sud le 0 abloggard ocribbler rat Ortela thé- gorâoval of weigh acales-Towri of eeteWorder maint sied ý in overy de- (who must:have o6'little el" to do) Par- prffl a -P te, %Vhltby. - puiment of the whool, pleaud mitted ta, in liait us au ý ýdesthrOy' -the ý-Prbotical-bontideratidnilif -thé 0,M Theac" - cash deddl- Crédit éale-Thoo. Pencher, Auctionair. topios; aud worthleu to Observé tbat thie ýaroâo:nob frôla til pâce, S'y ont fjamUW 2 Con y@ &agar fjt. Niobolas--Soribuer & 00. a the p&rW Of thé. papilo, bas ho b#-ý- u ta Ire Yupô ïï - that; Miotl»r., Q..Dây P' We ' ' ' ' ' 1. Thé-là "iïï-,Of Si amomit, of 42,000 hi alonthly.- li4ýd4 from à , empèr, '01 "res et ait what totla thst for ui" the writber of tbg là taraturelà oùr i" l#. beau ýeà rried As tub," m" S the total Tu (lie oleollors---ýYoolcan Gilson. wtt&due te tbenmlveo. ýë ther fà 'whià h -0,12r, nâmog lil m m twoes ZÃŽ1841. ed fa smQumot the aeà "tiot aboût $!à -, Tu ehu olectoro--Chu. King. soma lenl ueon the vaine of good die Av,, Io in , ill.à Oudbbùnèd 0 'a' M ' 1 r, Idéal ; and 000. cipline la 00601, agd, contrastai[ the laiely 4 Wlhü,l tfliý'k'should be-thé T4"h.ý , The ùetà of the ca""40 lai thq, AUCTION qÀLBS. reign of teiftrIom in- the Pà et"h the ý,Dýside av the, ooort,,Rouiie., ide»,. havenoms to,4ht, airé *Rôws milder and', more bénéficiant discipline, jo, siff L", tbe torm, 14tetatureý in the EigU 'Rome yotru ago the Colléotor fonna thot cradit auto, Tuuoday lôth Décetnbor, st fâtinded 1 ra'týionsi that pré. 'éousate au a8huranèJof,8cmýa &vý thoge ochoolgrà eaùo portion& ofauthbh'pre- Mao ý.wèîs phort in hii ouh tô thé 02- lut 18, atii cou., Pickering, faim 'uýWk; &o. vail8 in 811 good ilebools loi the Pressa t iggliab Coïkueys 1 * el -1 ! le liard W bute. À soriffl 4 thé Ministir of -Ednostion, t'ont #1,000ort1»Cý'&nd instead-of -Tià oiw. Poueller. day. Ho oould not,-he sala forboir to 1 good lift ucaber thé las wad. be sayvin Itq be pad in snob, a,.Way as'to; be un- -te ortin '. =îità th . eDepà r'tm'ent, llliüýang-i Extensive utire6erved sale of thorough exprewhis pléasure nt thé chilrming b6 rite, but il a"' à tborougbly 4ý; the pupils,ïbo -a with ' yýând. Hockey'& biendii 1 breil etock, on lot No. 8, Oth Con. Pick- -,alaerlty à a promptuese ý pour di--.e- dishpep&icý éMOO o iirbal ýmedà ùe, of Ibo oët r the restitution of thé tüonýey knieà p. n with whiali limane-wouldn'tbe, woith it. WhAît- 88 tu4b fô ýiriu9, %Veflaoqday December 10th 'answore werb given. In soma schoolé bMes, Sir, Bîm' tion as well se tg îta'béà utË and'puwaeq For oëme.ýtime dierý this tc)l)ftrty of à 1r. George Hickingbottom, file hall almont ta beg for an ansver, abud uà dbertike tO'"rioacbÙro daclût 'In thé Public, fjà âooli' 6-re 12i Ifieie , ýemî&h appeffl tu ý4have kept' à ýcloèe sua whon the answer was giveu it wâg 'Iriehmen in Whithy, who altfi6 wis', bey courses ýt'lieeýâtilrd 0ýon 10 the' teâch- *atch on :Maokay, -,but ýà nother large In allah abalf-bearted and iddif- io,"ao hard libor, aie in ivery way his or, lfhobave gpilâ,in îhe 6thëboo, deficienol wu diuoyerod by the enlise- fi, buggies, Datte leirvént manner that lie fait disgust i W'aud ho,' inÀMadý,ëf gà à rding'thé &a., property of DA*68, At 0 -wl if b sillipayriors, sa own the proporties . on &Ifà ýwQrkpre-. bné bord thé c'aga wag Idiffe a t el 4 iwh wal, live, libich le more tb n JQ4 a -.Int'erooti acteil l'art Ilerry, Saturday, X.0v.,ýoth.,J. L. woultimake ý spécial noté 1 1 , a tbiï scribe for tlÃe Ià iýirn"otti , egblic Watkiý4, of t a ir viv- tavern skourer, will iver bc able, 4 eth ulà u. ýlÃŽe may road the, w ùm thât Ûine 'of thé; ôrk-for,. ý in subordinste, and acity, the évident good folle -beaebb of.,,, Do' lý-. »-. ju9hti»,ý, Miî"r Ihird-claus toucher&, IDrthý thi defidonoy grow, larger sud, ---- - --- lie bey' qoutrived to, hà à aý ochool, and the spirit 'witià which t IYDSY, like a ÃrUd -au oc)untbrymoui, nousiots of soloctionsi.: froux. -the, 69be 1arger., Ilôw,'t pupileundertook and edrried through an give the Oiraff 2 à tubte av yer ana which -would,,Iauob>-#etýir,,Im the Wink:;tbéý' lui rî -of Ports, le ýnqt thoir werk.ý quolityi a we romain, "me As tbatlor, thoe n fi, ort kaowià ; 'but With regard to the reaulte of the 'Yer ubible sà rvints, if in the 4th clan, ho' mé;y pre @pu- ýIîîêy sioýêe4d Pro ont. whole examinatidn,'be expressed him. Timct 'Sà lliýran, le &Roof 40 W otbèîýMè9ièds wCaRY -by-tà Pl ýOa thé -sélections ý foi ONLY 'à , 50 Picit ANNUM# soif very weliplessed, sud wouldre. Tiniotib7 Foiqý Examination intolý"thwý.,mâii,,Bobboloi Md déliverate port to thé Miniéter thst the school wu colle' ti of gar av the P" ioe of John Oody, le lu "froui>tboýFéùrth w tiôü. Y Whilby, Thunday, ec. 4, 18;fà .- doing excelleà work, that èvery de. Jarry mocrohau, Book oom th uh, boo -,à tons o'elopk pertinent, so'far se he écula sec, was In éni sème lame shiel, resd'à et Ill j âo' aïe lauÃŽabIy opteil by>, -maaay.. ana thî ëiýih à flontinhing eOnditfoDý audî that there ambitions tc, do ; or bp,,,xuay roïd bond Moive a botweis î that bour an& - fburý SUi'V[_EXFNT.-Aý supplément of @lx. was as gond telýaching in the Whitby We the undhersignedaffl in tboý of themi à l rea- I"t"d - th_ dbo1ý Hoioolôiëoi j tûeil Colutrins, J#Otloil tâte wack, will Rigil School, as Id finy school lu the âbove the Maij, or other t a dAilî postioýtry.""'It country. *Rio report would be in flic jerome Scott, Frank Renardeau. PrOff. -Thé, latter, là tomtini. lite ýl4 belle .thait frïudowere -obaWd r1%ýV _* Yi" 1 entitintied ta nioà t thé flamand Of Ad-' bande of the blinister in a fêw days sud John Newoom, - George Ayers, productions, 1 am sorry to ilsyt ïre -Dot, by the o" &,,on eL, a i W. thé vortimers npon our spaee. Wigli the *ould then lie tranernitted te the job Star yet on the programme; but parbape we Irv RU, Robt. Ashby. entry.PlWorthlode- Che cles. wore supploruillit Vie cogOtilort now COU. Board'of Eduoâtiori, 'Faix, I think, Misther Edithor, thst M&Y live tio.see the-day -Whou tlie d'agri lWd-into -ibo'cuoom Rouge friends He teck occasion ta opeak words of talus FIPTY-TWO 'C LUMNS CE thé gintlemin abused eau apake wau newepapers mal, have 'è. p1ý», lu mm ý0f thé twoolue là as euh ,9 encouragement tu thalle that huit faiied enuff for thomsilv o widhout aüy né. shapé or othèr in the dilly work of tl» lu baisoeing, but *bethë "th fiwd fnatror. ililvertisers arc respectiullyre. a r ey Pro at the exatuinatiOus fur thé IutOrme- sistancé from T. O'D. Av - cours' 1 'oebdol rôom. 'l gtà mot' afraU to "Y fa &ny way t (o pelbd fil th(jir holiday au. diate, and ê .7 this ig rm yet imown. gala that it wýa15 nu 11191ROeO don't no mesolf the - rites . or the rout that, fol handiof à JtLalo" teâebé Mr. &iexà naér manni' ' Ils o-ne of the early. ta fait. For himself, ho woud k of the cage &bout the writher of t a thay citild be madé ià gfýukftte ofilâý' i lo it la mid th ta shako hande with the boyý or girl letther. Widh gaula yon to prlât itý calculable bénéfit in 4uU" g thé in- ülî Ãœref likun là ýîîad ýOf' «Ome- The Municipal ltleètlons. that, baving fallait Occe or twicoOr 1 think; suMohunt reparubun le med, telligence of pupils. 19 fi no. part ofiny, " g being orooled ew" wh'en Smith maybe thrice, was etili preçoing on ré. an 80 1 bid FAREWELL tu th subjeck. business, Dot is it mv deoigo, to stâte aoked him, on satemay lut, to abance greât btillc of flic ra-'tepmy.ers of 801ved ta Conquer in the enil. Thravelln ont of wan'a w1ly ta throw thot the Publie Schoôrtoacher onght to him inoney- enough ta make up bis Li1ý, t-wit will bit Weil picaaed ta flua Tite Literary Society'*% work was elure upen Iriahmin woùe pay al; &Il- do with 611 the courses open to bim by oharê of the déficiency. On BSith's be. an-uouno ppokon of in %varm tertris of approbation as nil abers bosides the Oiraffe the officiel programme, but I hope 1 half, Manning paid #8,000 into the 0 aca lie lioped soosi te that the will larn ta thare aorrow. Bat, Var- silall nos be thought obtrusive if I tell Custoza Racée, for whieh ho received a aiç candifintes for Beeve suit roading.roogn Waa la, né rat Fianirti, the you what, with présent expérience, 1 mortgo«o on Smith's bouse and lot on lility ittýfjv"- They lire in overy way fact. The clalig In Mllitary drill, as "lm Baliench loboolmIlth'r, uaed to tache us in our would do if I wore a young tescher north aide of Wellesley street and other t: guijitioisieu. for file pu. well asthe choral class &tao recoîved Latin. auxious ta work up my school te a bigh properifier. The mortgage wu drawn a MifJ1ý11,4, 11ild Llieirineetlofpraise. iftAralivolyen. We hail a hi Onla t'ime et the dincer statu of efficiency. I would select the n the 21ot, and registered on the 22ud a ouglit tu bu, as welf as the tortaining. suggestive, and etimulating ta Sur John lit Ottaway-for av course course for outrance loto the Rigil inst. b 0lecteiÉ bY -ace ' lainatiou. Vie a(Itireme, (intorrupted by froquent burste I vas tharc. Lashins of allia -au Schools, ana brIng my pupils sa fur as I Smith was engagleil lu à law suit in f, 1101na wolild bu üxhibiticg a coin. or applause), the Doctbr asked for a dhrinkin, an everything av the beaht. coula towards perfection in that course, OsgSae Sail on Thur8day lut when b tli,,tilirtl)le, spirit, anýl oliéw tlirét file boliday for flic school, a foquelit tlLlt But upou me coushince, an te say the and then let thom try the Entrance now8 reaobed bila thot thé story of the 'q or ýVhiLby wére bogiunIng ta was grante-il for neit Priday. th ruth, altho the sperits was good, thora El XatriinatiOn. What I would do -ith defalcation had been made pýblic. He thu dusirability of,ýuuion WaS little av that *bame in the speeches. them after that would depend entirely faintea and bis examination in the ose IL111oriffut tl)Oujk;olveu.- Opposition uow Tui, SUNDAY SCHOOL E NSIGN la SI first They wur as. duit as diteliwather, au upon circumatancas, but I would net bad ta bc postponed until ton o'clock t') Klug ait(, Gibeon - 1 ligainet olitati illlistrate(l paper, edited alla pub- Vint wag the gineral vardick. Sur foret thât My abief duty Was to have Priday morning, Leaving the Court wboilà 110 gronud ont) bu Lakeu un the litsbu(l by 111r. 0. Barker, iiing struu.t, John's was the outil ould wan ; the self regard ta the majority of the pupils in he walked down King etreet to the Cas- H-JÃý- ai, Iltileoif or i)tljtIrwine, muet ouly Boiviuanvillo. Tito mîpeciuiun copies siime ould Thrae-au-four pince as I MY School. tom Balise where a number Of filis T bo 1 totioilà , nuit üirf1pIý' opposition fer now on our table justify titi in lnattly mite say-even ta the fine quota-3h in Nothing more la required in tIrà friends called ta ask him for an plan. t', balco. No relipuctable rate- rucoinmeniling it ta our ý,)unday à cliool train 13unra, of villich Do wan oud sec coure@ filon a good geDeral idée of thé , ation, but ho jefused to malle ex - ai paycr noxiolla fortito I)romèerity of the friends. Seuil for a specilnen copy lie. the applickabiiity. ,How did it cum secoe of what is read, the meaning of ment. M&Ckie was algo in ahnil sotf&lltcue ni towli, fkil-A ýiiýiiirii>u4 of protuoting thak fore ordering elsewhezùý off ?- axod the ýiarkiss av ine.-,,Who diflicult words and phrases, and the during the aftornoon and bec . liaritiony ný1d good wili, sa essential ta N. B.-A gratis supplement cont4in. was thare, O'Day ?" IIWhat, dia they ability ta give, in the pupil'a own worde citea, chargea o OMIng ax- te tbýý widi. being of a swall- cowmuuity ing Notes on tile liLe:national Leasous, ai[ say ?" "Wqll, yer Xelliucy," oeil Omo of the officiels with thé substance of saine particular lessau having conspired te ruin bila. In ro. lilio i)1ll-w,ýwil1 oucourage the fitnali- is giveu With each nutuber. 1, "Wau queslitliun nt a time, if ye rend in j-elinol, or in -his bearing et thé ply ta a reporter, ho sala ho did not a' iiiilj.ït-ý[ agitittorii arnongtit il.% in this plaze. Au ta auBer the last wau furalit, time of exanaÃŽnation. Thé lassons are think it wise te make à publie state. 1(ili'l ot, tiiîtig. Opening of Congress, thare %van a grata date sud, but very ait prose' sélections, and no attempt ment, but declared bc had nov te Wlioldu telle- or Coule kr ra appeur liffle neçv in it. I liard muet of whýt need be made ta atudy thom la refer- by a dollar of public money 'llegally' AI j[joutien tilu glattlem afcandi. Mie United States Cougresil opoued was sed be most ci the apakers b4, au ecce ta rhetorical force or beaul car A étalement that he was Worth 810,000 daLom fi)r t1je fî(ývorftl warils who wüuld Uuûday. Théro seculs t* cil o bo a good as ta what.Sur John aed, l'va beau would snob an attempt lie in the leut ho branded as falee and eaid lie was &Il colincillors. The nâmo of deal ut indignation ut the uiaunür in hecriu purty mueli the same speech degree désirable. It would, in the ma- "as pour as a charch moupe." Mackay le Gog for botii the Whielà the Früsideut's message and LiiglionTliirtý, years." 1101incairn an jorityofiuà tancessofar Ait thepupils lives in Pardale. He etood high in the Ch Souretary Sliorwau'a report gut into gaz attempt te reproduce such information -irýtit n'lit Coutru by qlÃŽiroront carrés. ait ?,ý-' sez lie. "Glineairn au all," esteem of the village. He bas beau Ca poiderit,4, ],'Ut no Mr. Long eau ouly tlic newopapers before thoir tiwe, ami I. I'The Glincairu bit la au outil thrick le concerned, lie ouly effort thrown over twenty years in the Custom Hottes. 0 mO, for oliii ývar(l hu liad botter malte ujoiliberli ut dis Civil Servieudru bu8ily of Sur John's an did juty in Kingston âWayo and would be mach botter de. Smith et one dîne took an aobivo--part 1 Ili, ciloico îtl No fin net -ta disal). at work ta discover dis guiltyparty. at overy HuBting's speech for à quar. voted la something aise. in ward politics, and by bis ccorgy on, point, lii4 fric-itýlm whà wigit ta sec hiw iller of a cinthury." *'Are yez spakin Speaking from expérience, it vould mode himseif conspienoug in thern. iiiii tiýitill-c.,ît. 110 wolilil make agood FitlE AT Odii&wA.- Ilr, William thrath ?" sez lie. Sorry wan word lie -lion- pleaBing to know that the time or] For savez-al -years ho represented SI. it 1 fur eithor-ward. Trowin'ii rosideuce, Joliu Street, Oîlia. elFe," 1 ansered. III eau turn up tbe aurai] ou8tom of learning by heurt, John's Ward in the City Couneil, and Mi À 8auth Waril voter putt forward wa, Was deetroyed by dames, lat files av the Outil WULTBY 0111ILONICLE Su and the récitation of passages from was enbaequently elocted Mayor of the à Iiii jjaini) of Mr. - Fraucie Clark. lis Thuraday morclug. Bliew it ta gity w i po i ion b Il d f il, t 0 tel tcu, me Lord." "Dizzy the Readers, la etill flouri4hiug in the , h eh ot 0 fi too, wolilti tic un excellent choice. Mr. niver diil o like," remarked thé Public 8choolo. It la la them, thst the years. In 1868, on the desth of Mr. col 'lark made a gýod couticillor before, Sewing Machines and Guns repaire 8 as( C il 1%farkiss ; he cudn't discind ta lt ; be's fouadation of rosi aucoeu in the atudy SpeDoer,, Collector of Customs, lie wa 'F'l loukud carOfull)' ultur thé iutOrOOtH iti-workmaulike manuer ut Ronnody's. always original at laste." The Markise of literature muet be laid, sud I &m appointeil to the vacancy, which pool. or Lliei * waril-fizi would be a croilitablo soif Ahis elowly, as if ho 'Was pondherin persuaded that we in the Sigh Schoola tien ho has hala tver élues. ait âfr. IltiRgard, whose Let uo readér Of the CilitONIULF DOn- over somthin, in bis mind. -iAn can never build opon the foundat][Pue rlkLju is a1t;o favorably -mentioned for lect seoinq the vety large and choies bc the otliers 2" oeil ho, lookin up. IlAil laid in thom a noble edifIcé of imper- Tý o the Editor qf ihe Whi(by Chron- clilation, ig une or file Most intelli. stock of X amongot the middlins, sez 1, au in fact ishablé. thought, unies# our pupils come golit, illen lu t1w connoil ailil doserves hand st J-." S. Roberteou & Bras, T e below maydiolrer. Thare wasn't a sin- ta us with their youag minds etored DICAR SIR*- to bo 11ený back, wo (lo ri't know that .1- - a _. - --1. -0 .-!£ !_ -:61. &L- 1 --------- -0 .1 , - . ty __ ___ ___ -.- 1, --- -, overell'a Biock, Whitby. wortli samothin ta the Govermint et 1 tainable under the co-catied systom ai thst ho la giving iffedical vice ta aide 1 C ie thst naine dinner, but, by me sowkins "Psymente by Uesulto," and thât this people gratis, ge.tting the accueil ta conc, 011 t'ilýllil)(Irs or the St. Audrow'o Boa Ly 0 25 per cent discount on ait books nt they warn't te bc had. Bothune Our. conclusion, if correct, aboula forna au pay bis bât. And I like a representa. Bmit] Whitl)y atill J)Jckoring had thoir aun. Koi)neily'e. sels, me Lord, ConthracthQrp, Collec. argument, in addition &o countlens tive--à von If ho in à Doctor ta know petit tial coltibration at thé Town hall on thorp, Civil ServiserB au Waitbers up- others, fer the etitire reorganimtiou or nomothing about couneil business, or one il Molidây tivening. Thero was quite TaLe PamsiDtý,(;,i,,f3 Mj.,ýssA abolition of the system.'l oveu to be able ta learn nom alter a Gi.- Tuz on :Provià ince, mostly mail up the eth'ng Mr. IE ilki-go ýitteu(latioo, Dancing wag kept Pl isiipitipti.- The London Times, . orowd, an that's about the whole story Ele Adda about the dation. Several friende bave enqui or in of who was there, what was sed, au No more oystem of written tests, spoken to me about aoking Mr. Long the Ti 11p tintil an carly hour of the m Ding. diactiosing Ilrouijeut'i' IlayeR' message, how it Oum off.11 net the muet clever or expirienc- ta reprenant the North Ward, but as a. T. -ý"- N'ýluklo ' of the ROYAI, was the hopes thist a prrmîmont gettiewent Of "Ali 1" aîghod the Markiss - "Bad ed adapte in the art of setting questions, ho iives inlhe Contre Ward, I au cord i (aturer l'ai- the Oýc8sJonï and the exueil. the flollerien 111estion ou equtttble P%" fleuri viit é;iiiji)Lr morted titi by UjLu gave ta,, thing ta bc widhout the bleosiu av the Dot the mont ingeniotis apparatus for thst would net do. Can Mr. Long 1 vý (,ry ta me will bc agreed upou, Itelerring Clargy." Thruo indeed, me Lord," sed testing the essence of poetry or thé for the North Word 2 If se and lie Th, 'the flow of goltl froui Li urope, ta I , 2. flavour of rhotorie, eau determîne the stands, we will Pupport him. bc pal CLEAN IrfiF, which reforenc ie made in the lllerlsaget ' ""4ù"riy"' that Gliu Levit," oeil ho ; money ialue of Literaturo sa sa edtica. Ruig! TM.-The cotning t.-T Your4 truly, Higgi of tho etiow 00,116 for the. 0 the Tintes expresses the opinion that Il ta cum direct front' the ould place," tive influence, or tabulate ite effecta BATEPAYER. 82ýG4 the sidowallio, and it ÃŽli tg b (lean'ag of îte presonce wîll @cou be fol& in the rise -Tastes smeky, juet the rate thingo Il upon the youthfül Mind. Thére- is no Dac. Und, 1879. Anste activil chief coustablo Will lentorce the and a@ gaz I ; l'Mont ne good as Kinahau a L. sub'e t in the whole curriculum thst by'laiv ou the subjuot.- LqOOC as ý110 riAc 1189 breu- (esta6lished à L. "Detther," nez the Markis au2ero &o much from, the debseoing jrà . Ta the Editor of the Whitby Chron. demaud fâ, E uropeau goo(le W'11 follw 11thare isn*t a liedak sa I' finance -of the money grant âÎ thia' and iCI4 wark 4 o lu a Ilogaid 1 9 Harrif ýýjjju>j VERNES ANI) Acaoti. whon the current of money tram the it." AU we bath smiled-at the litte though --the trail of the gierpçnt is over each castom ta the wodtern shores will bc joke, av course. "O'Day," nez hie thora alf," it in hors that it.is 81imieitt As you are cauvagoing names for $750: littlo volume bas boen re. arrested. The large abiPments of steoi Lordah y av late and deadliest. "Town Coancillors for the coming Year, R. 0. 1 -ived frota the pubihiliers, The Toron. tram Oermany ta the united Stat., about tip "l'tu ver3' ontis 85.80 ; h; news from. Morne. 1 don't allow me ta auggest that Of Mr. je Dr. P. to Nowd Ou. 'It in obgio@ collection shows thst in 80rnO hues this effeet is like the aspeck of matthers. I ]levait Traces r of the Waubuno. Long, who when in before made 8112 digeut of upwards of- twO -lundred Ladiest alroady visible in its operation. heored froin II. R. H. aither, theae 2 a good conneillor for the Contre. serape Christian natuffiPe with their derivatione days, and am droadfal low aperited. ltigeovl'RY OF WRE l(AGE AND PERBOXAL Remain, &o., roads, ivid ineauing, %lac au original ficrostîe IIALL Wouxo.-The annuai Cault ye give na a ý stave rà v suinthin 'EFFECTS OP PASCSÉNGItRa AND éREW. - CENTRE WARD MAN. On r with each name. meeting of the Joseph Hall Mu%,. C, rowain ?" An ahure I cudn't do les@ Dac. lot, 1879. Mr. Bz tilau amuse Iliai wý The trunk of the captafn'of the Wau. the 20t was hold on the 25LU înet. gh, h C1,081NG CONCERT, ONTARso LADligo, The follow. , , , & o follôwin, . on 1 buno was found this aide ci the Hay Brooklin, Decomber 2nd, 1879. Hall, I gcntlctueD wOrO clected dircetors SUR L. TIL-LE Y. G0LLz(jý, Decomber 17tli, Pull notice 1011g the ýen8UiUg Stacke by one of the men seà rching for Tu the Editor of the Chronicle, Whit. The 1 year ; W- McGill, Sur L. Til-ley bas been "hum-zain" of late-- romains of the wir'ock. Re -déposited of intoresting programme uext.weeu,.ý_ > Alfred Brown, Henry hibald, On Tory protecksbuti-quite ont of date- Arc the truilà k Qu one of the iglandis close by, S.: by: ,Francis Rie, Robert Woon, W. H. ne went Bafit and West, and South for a ýIILLtietty, Dagsg AND MANTLIL Mà x. Brià giy, and ri, W. Gien. At a Hurn", and went back and reaumed the search. I had -At t iNa in Ltest stylos by the Misses M0. incet. A.ý'he sareb'd the North until home fie Ta hie surprise, bo'foand open big re. joued ng entertained au oici-luh. aldp th hog Of the directors subacquently lielil notion that p6sce officers were apý bad go Iutyre. Thuse ladice, whose -cri motion of Alfred Brown, sec coule. turn, the trhik had beau -forced open pointait ta preserve the-and net ta break ta the 'Lout will be foulid in other colitteux 'b W. S. Brigge, sud everYthing @talon out of it. The the pesce. But Time changes old.fuh 'y P. W. Gien was eloot. WaatWà rd ho fouad ré big incrosec in ' "*Iià iound thé týui2liorersto ioned Od coul, au and new-fasmôned nette eight makathn business a specialty. ýreaidcnt- and Mangme Director, m give *lie, and sa p na and everything AMOný Ild the lismes of _9rhaps we for thst rema now Robert, Woon 83crotary aud And sugar wo: up tWo cents ' on the bq"ý the Parties whô burst'It bsyOPeMIOMurs appointed Who Are the table v N.iiiiizi) AND ILEÀDXD GrJILTY.-Jab. And Prices w re "riz," tod, for fleur 1î:ý Ã"peu, if thé Ërocýir 'persona oome héMý firat.thomililvestobrëak-tbe pesas. igaw man ýea- and look'after thêta. Doctor .. Dônpelaý 6 Porion, Who lwas told Was a peaS ofiloort ald, Bil Ilorilli stolo a pair of boots from, the 'Tis hummin 1" 'I'Tis hummin 111 said L. trunk, ooiïtgininiz bis stock of Medicine& and who Io aloo employed in, a law, OMcOP OADJUToit ]31SUop.-It is saij LUat Til-ley 1 Sud saine otherthi igs, was aisà fonna WaDtonlY afflult a stranger and shop of Mr. %Vm. Burne, Town Counoil., hie RiolfueÃe the Pope haq appointed ý 9 strike him ]or. '£ho cage wan. roported to Oblefi 'the 418lât Rov. Timothy 0,Mallolly Of South andf Bastwaril ho %veut, making :and Je bars in the possession of the la the tue, the other eveaing in a tavera. ýaIdo 111 Bryau, who traned tilo tllief W Dufft rie, ooadj[utur:,Blsllol) or the di man More. man Who found ik". 1 hourd the sanze M-ft M8.1, use of the mont eau. J ne' 0 100800 Of And 'If Who is WiHii2g tu oboSifeimdlilthylmtguýin bis arucken Crock whore ho wau arreatad naît thoý date. The reverend Patiler wan 0 îow ia'trade?" in al' the Rive it ta the proper parties as 80on as, qmch in the salue tà Îei4,' ta the disgtist of doujél: boot,14 round in hig -possession. bfoeau , Biehop of Arnadale, Aù8tralia, in 1869, The answers ho got made hini hum, vith they Olaîm ib4ý A Prenchmon living in OU who wore withiu hearing, and I %vas van,"Pi Plonded guiltY before the Mayor, sud li in oaîd.that lie cotues ta tlli8 . the French settlement neïr beie, who told thst this sort of cOnduct wu nothing was romandail for two days for fürther with Administrative powersý- alocose 11-orgthleeey'ôuitea the notion of L. TiÈley 1 '. -bu been gathering UP noms Of the Dow for hhn- POSSiblY il the niatter la the Bis wreck, ie said ta bave obtained a clag bro t ta theý attentidu of the reispected N. B., 0lu'ryl ne Other Parties tré ouepectid t ut wbo'damo.no.po.ly, b "' Mà ruplfthePisce and the thorities an or Trut Of being implicated. four bunared dollars, worth, of flédî 'Àlteadmeht ma - , ý ENGLAND AND GEnx,%,iY.-Thore in Au rousing o, under the N. P., y take, plus, su ------- an, understanilug o trouble and des and With this DeBrîs in England tilst D14-he t suc' ôtbër Plue. The indiens ana biie abject I address yon. Very truly. N. B TaErr or'bloNEY.-Jamei 'Audorson Beaà ouoliefdio trying ta, offset au al. Tlïeod feu a and Rattet.O,,ÃŽsolr L. Tij.j,ýr 1 breedo'livirig bu the; Island ' near'- tliâ' J. P . - î Wilson wu brouglît borote Major flarp. Hance "With'-Gormany. lie lu deterinin. He viêit' wrock are baving a rich harv«-t., The F by Mes no Parmers or Workingmea, tug Suean D ATIL BOILER EXpLoglo,ýi.-The M. P-9 or -on Wednej4Eýy lait, in clisto(py of edtochOokmateltassiabefore dissoiv. Nor alza Word how they eau stand *,the aty was foroid taï 'rua oi, of the Eau Claire LU M. P., âÃll stian Island -daring the m-ber Chlief thât Of g P iamenL ilshore on chri COM n planing Mill exploded Witil After tl rn' as so low, and pries, so high'- gale, and atill romains thère. -tu e, Yà 028 appearé tlitit Pd Il nf th 'w 00- -- 0 force î inR enginter Raskins, dulY bc bo ýh ioôtlïëa t 6, N"w IdALLZAbLE Il&oNWoavtlln con. 0 N. M was ,Ali n My oye 11, 0. B. 'KYI firemau Hop the tosi gç_ tëé 'Quenn'ii noction Witt, the-jogçpb a of «Uzbiidge, writo a Cie. lin and teameter Gallagh,,. hotel at W 0 min livinde Und, lits tober 8rd, 10' , ,ait works ýthe 'and saya 441 cortify . a o logion was felt ali over the Sir J as abetract, a aie being 0-reetod in 0911-týwà . lé' II; ex. Xellendy, 11that 1ÉCOWS how ta stbrike- te the excellent il l'a 'ty' rb entB Of ý the wreok,,,ýWere' from 0 ýôék ey, during4 the pectc., thcý.îviii, ho CORI < tue 70 &tered Mr. Lai llýted ublities - -of Alles night;_ ouf té one MOULU. lit 01 Jannary. , -,; a Boothia kdY an-Put tue in i;pûrite. I Lung BalcamÀs a remedy for ail> -di,. BeA ror blocks. Sêverà l Ã"ther onr Piper tu laraýthat ait: and eusse et the throat and 114ffl. 1 know 'm.Ployees 'w-01re n2Oýe or lois injured. NZ477 5c4opl books fit 000 at ILeunedy!a thé waled sous thst ho can. éing an that ie ý8 t .4 101 TOYO af ý08t ut IK*nüêdy'is. jt is, rqmQrqejqde4 tq T-Wrailionthe Cridit Valley have bien Wd as fAr as orangevme par spol U LYZ Wne Ot,,Yur for, Pneu. 11 ityl to ita faribesi li81à iýý Th. obait.,kg» otÉq:deâ':b" ri 9w Io ffle 1 'l-ain, -U»nià * lglbgpoýrdt te; .Byery manyýpiroffl ýnt of rýDJà y l, rmiiion ana âna, tlieÉà iioiý- Èivl glatie "ý It b.'à 'à ùié'it t',to 4À-braham, took ýà n' ýà Ctî i i 14 - , b , - Y par 'es fi" - i , J, ppnýt allow for one -1ý1 Toronto,,&pw23rdilm9,i t -'hold, of renobed the ocene,,that- zÃt uld] pouh aké bc dque f 8 resgr,,Dark el FERS lu, LwDaAy,--ýTb* ýr@4donùè of Ta Te Q; W.hi0eld, Boq., Whitb Chw ýrw j-r. or el., Deacoi, Ma or,. dituatecl at-,'tW Dz 8 -Çoboampuweý: Àod= pneumonie, ýi8gè and- aboordià gy,,'ý --li, y 'a" theb, offorte, to _ gava, the front OMM, corner of George, and Woifè îîtreet', âer=oxâ«oi4ý --other fatal whioh. là tie-'ihé moýt yslonblë pértlob ôt IrishtownlÀndagy,,was destiq ib" 1- wu «fferm«,ýfrozn. a veryý%«çre," - y throat. 1ýprocùrid a bottle of ydur pul' the #à -ùéhwë; fire'on tarly prida tme Ã"XPÉAN ïneï, ïi C" ff euunde Ii tue thèy; W r.,isnot 'Ver morifing, 19.1s much botter ore more - the nitur a w monte Syrup,,'*hfoh was recommendea ta du*eaffli yet, duccoodul thau mii de fur of tecié boeg.Nutioi- - 1 M me by à fdénd,,and am; pleffld ta ýstatc it, ta, Àbeir, ýffor4, -'»a' The Ire is oupposed ta have wae a su" in its -cure i- hà eë It at', han& 'wbeù tbreô doses Notwithstand O*over the Il 21 > oeil Cause a Tours truly, One, boule will last âmes gr qally h', - b ý j'ý yon.', gong Ob' ý,"bbà - ý TU y à win es' t d :1ýeep .49- wëy for thomielves intô» - the , front Mud es 1 ô 1, à u are cou- Western fér.#8,OW'. The actual loua to, YOÙ. mie froin 4"8q. ;4ý,"Xq Capucin ly lû'là tï Twý of tw" bà udinii jhý6 filsurance camps' ny lu about #2,400, 18th,ýi879. aumptive,, 0 not rose until you have ýmîd did comiclikible, ý damage. How. A 0âseý ý beloiig'q3à :-ýiô ýColýnal P E' V. 10 laver theý ûremî*ý dontainingj , woli 7 v, W" sala by second alarru bà 0ý beau reinfoxzed. from fortuà ýly %Vodý but A box, tpD te all the ontly4in'«'Ètatioà , by thiir Ûnited equtAinius Alter hiviiig U56d'YoUr "Col. 2; »galiaoii.".i ýwîj doifray-, »rý4 Pulmoide SyrcV," et ailleront and streUuOà îý 01116rw, ou i *iving the; de Cd.. parioa; foi-*vre than-two yean,,"dflud--- Ven- V'puriùg ýelement ^baèk. à ta be aesaf8 and effiefont remà idy fe, ü« =9 Piodict& à cola amqat,'ý,= It:wà s not till-aftèr h ýùn,ý of iià ;rclwcrk eý TaE1ý 11»8*y" 9 C ha Hô"neu, &,c.'l talte thà t71Mt*eejý thf 'e, and Am AREANG XýeT@ e a thé end "of the tbat this *îs ',Pliihod sud iliait, are'ý,unëaîtià fà ètdry ta budaosE 84ting thint, it jA the besý -give nu onli;wheü'ýthë',bi-ek part of t thé, =edic e hà v èver talon foi the abby6, ho. gtrqo. ins rBj)Mwaý,îqtervi ie,Ãieaôf èxtie>nièl low eïed on y ile oued. very y W. T., OMBON. dà s nôt anticipqtý -beav IMOW le,40 i bd et ou- th1. 6, -fallo,,but rather what lie desi Ject. gnates au Dg. 1 1,4 dry and e!L'tiémélý eold iresther, The #Èitbyi, 15th, Sept, 19». wà o boing,,ipaoied wbile the fiiemen DȈ DpuL Accw sr. mWhborhoýod, of, the -,New wè"bufyý 44 t'eak, in the room B 0 ale, To.T., a. Whitlioýld,,Éïql,- - ' . 'i Mr-. pu Friday, two Men DaMed 1111tChin- Dzia Sm. tbeckâ, ývill boA and by the Caro taker.,,,,, *ppeui; ý8on and Dintoil were badly îcjùred- by j3é,-> zpgok troubleil à tinýo' lïleýÃOÉ'Ono rà inl ma à , , general thit the, fin& warniau theyý got of their t4 burating of a ci "'in, Was ý inaucevo t break n'p'mtû, âme, Fébruar terrible 1 was the crackHog;,». ý9», Symp, 12 hW forecula 2&,dry -intia"ly or, ýU, . a shingle i --at Saurin. 110 sa - - , -and, eoid, ilre and pha, beavy stocke whichi rolledt 0 - y thït 1 bee"bééù grestly, beliëzà iî ýâCt« one of t the ranz ý n no, am 1 takên L off > abo 'the iù , ho ëoldest Fibnuya OD se, and am cou od,- Uairtboreis, xeçýgra 1W-ý a umber , of irein, The maso, in elbow,, andhis sidëýrlpped-open".*»iDtOnt reniedy equal ý,to itllll intDýý tir tako ispHns oil $à h hiq- basa 1ap menti., - ýC lit ïï bd eloy, âna tien géerne have Completaly parâý ho à tà th like o. Hzed the -unfortunates acd-,ýrendered thora for ÃÉé tiras incapable of M*Oving. Dit. ôizà iýy iromtiý'Drà o, ox,;TEB ................. le . 1,ý - Thomas Scott, ý who was in the place Pà uw,&Y, TîtAcx.ýOn Pridajy moimiiig kering;iDet. jet, 1879. vith Wright (wfio is a stage carpenter), the'Wy of Dr Mobeily, ýO eld, Enq. 4T. G.; lvmta I-CcnuudmFa. Prppotuxdà d' kas roüed by'thà amail of à moke. Ho wood. was fouuï Obouibl" -=*le, en a a why-will-the idamllle, le, peraist in, This fz ta eeitw that I wu 0 . f roubed'à rà nhd the building in ail direc- balf north of Allandaie, On' the 'North. bidl alll' toit with a fearfui and tbresten. groulk ."Puis? The resdermay tiens t'ô find a moins - of escape but ern Railway. It id' shpposed that while in a"ewe 1 Kivi 'it up, i g:ýougýlefor several weeks, and W" t once,, sino@ our there was, noue. Ho -went upataira îùd. *alking on the trà ek lut might lie was fectly rootoreci by the use ai one btt Mi original your Celobtrated Pulmonic Syrop. I eau 1 iocrec on roused Wright, but the man was »so struck by a passin train. 'On ezmi- indi ti * P luiCispeý, pa'y, the ses. terrided thst ho ooenled not to, compre. nation it 'Was fonng thst bath legs Word recommend it withont heoitatià n*, e ton en Xhie-it ý,oà r.4,y bond the position -ho was in. Scott broken, the bead badly fractured, and ISAAC Ln;TO14. gr unJ!pe,ý fi-ait is î cSxed binz to get ou&, but the un. the body much bruisoit Desth Must Most' wvâslel 7 of lie, fortunatemanwould Dot stir. Scott have been-inortantaneôià i. Whitby, Peb.ý,27th, 1879. 4ià rrhýles' . aysen -Toi g and had no more time ta remonstrâte, and Kingston lWform Association hantel- Ta T. G. Whitfield, Esq.,-Whithyý old are guilty, but oy anaa are ,aller abouting a las& warnine W Wright ted Mr. "Sfu.,-Rnrty Pregidê»Lý' DzAR Sm: the surest ViOUMS sud greatést suffer- hl rnsheà down maire. Bï this, time I triedjour Pulmenia Syrup -ore. The»1eýuO,' coinfoit or the flames bad canght the stairways - A Germen '4>,ew78p,4,p'or apatains 1 oafetyv,,,in., the fà Müyý.urJq au formyChUdrens, Co 8, which. werevery * , èh ýr u-,,âo- and ha liad à hard job ta goà down at -obituary in which-1- bad, as yon directed - the Ont bottle ý a 1 - head occliru thiiiollowing. gave provi es a propose And... o t remed Tat.,ZeliBef" and îU second quite cure' all. With a gigautio furn"e roaring "Our dear son Guetav loît' bis lire by t am Th 15COttâ ýBroWn!8 IP&Istà b Pulmonie Syrup- shoulâ bue '011 la bohind him, and an iron door, in front falling from the #pire of 'the Teutheran keptin every bouse. a certain remedy and 'in easyto--take. round hiraself in a terrible predicament, Church. Onlý those who knew the Youn &0., Price 25 oêbte.ý- 4in-50 but there vas no time ta beaitate. The beight of the spire -, eau Messure the CHAS. SARNEY. 1 ------ *-a-*- flaming tongues of fire were already depth of our , - 1 A Wonderrui Diacôvery. lioking bis face and oinging1is clotbing WELLAND dl&'N4'L' JunÃLicz.-Wednes. WhitbY, bot-flth, 1879. 'For the speed and as a last rescurce lie went ta a aide day was $110 iy,.cWeAf Comnimption fiftict'h auniversary of the Ta T. 0. Whitlield, Es -, Whitby. and all-dioêaieà that Joad id it,, enéh as window sud jumped ta the ground ; in opening of the Welland canal. Si. Diain Sm: ýq stubborn conghsi beà leé'téd colde, bron. bit; fall ho tort himself considerably. Catharines at tbat time *80-but a 1 have muet pleuurein- ýtâting Wrierlit, his wife and child all porishod. hamlet, still the exciternent over tliat that your rà liûwïdé 8.,Vltp bu in, lue h ng , Cough, The iffrst of their bodies was recovered important event, drewquite amu ber in my family-foi up*ards of two 7 ni and tiokling in;tble thkost,' Iffoarteneuo, Sore by thu firemen about six, it bas proved, itoelf te bc an, invaluable and the tolojether, who witnessed the firatpas- remedylor cougho, coldp, &ce-, and throat, and all chionio or -IfdËering dis. Dtljuro later, btirued ta a cinder and f the vesoela through4he, noue Channel. confident in recommending it ta othoto, Ce I rosi eueeýof thi throst ýsnd Inüge; Dr. aurecognizable. In turn they wers The ochooDers Jand and Aun, of York, I remain yours trul Ring's New discovery bas no equal and ýakec ta the morgue. ivbere Coroner ont.. end the Boughton, of Younges. J. B. PINGLE. bas egtablisljed.,,- Itiddell wili hold au inquest. Thons* town, for. World-wan 112LIS f us cougregaied in the N. y- were the first ta make the reputation. Many leading "Phyaieigna 0 erao » The Canadien vessel desplay- Wbitby, Nov. 20th, 1879i recommend and use it in tbeir prAetîce. 2eigliborgood of the fire. Publie -in- epd flages, pennants and ensigno, aloo a Te T. G. Whiffield, Esq. 188ag The formula from, whieh it in prepared ýere8t inereased tenfold when it became beautiful silk banner, on which was in- DzX SI, : is bighly recomme n-ded, by all médical inown that three persona liad perisbed. scribed, "The King, God Bless Rim," Raving a severe cola, I a journals. The elorgy and the press %ftertherecoveryof thebodiestheex- iucharacter8of goffl, surmounted by one bottle of your ceIebrated Pnimuoaneic have compliniented ig in the rgout !itementabstedoomewhat, and gradu- crown. Tho wentlier, similar to, that p andwithpleasurebear teotintonyto glowing ter- . Go ta your drug ist ite e cacy. lean heartily recommend-it and get a tri&l bottle froc of 9 ffly the vaut concourus of people went of Wedne8day, was inilil and plumant. cost'or a tome. What with thè building, the 1 persona a icted either with a cough, heatre, and ail other items, the loss PANIC JýN A CATILOLIC CHURCU.-A cola rogular, size, fur si. For sale by S. W, or sore t cet, feeling that it wiU, as B. Smith & 00. o . case, e cet a cure. ýannot bu 'legs titan 0200,000. The semation was caused on Bunday morn- WM. J. FORSYTH. )pera House, as je well known, wa@ ing in the Roman Catholic parish CCnSUtnption Cured. nly built five or six yeare &go. church of St. Folix nt CaPo Rouge, ton The building coot $50,000. It was miles froin, Quebee. The congregation Whitby, 1,4th March,-1879.. An Old ph retireâ ýî1rom prac- rigina'.1y built in shares, but latterly were upon thoir knee, and the vill -Ta T. G. Whitfield, Boq., Whitby. tice, b i age aving Lad placed in bis bande by coins into the possession of Mr. Alex'. cure was angaged in the consecration DyAn Sm: an East Indis ruissionary, the formula la2iý.gby purchase, and it is suppos. at bigh maso, when instantaneoualy liaving used 1 ur celebrated of a simple vegatable remedy for the d r. aaningi o insured to the ex. thO UnctuarY lau2P, AB it ig calied, o 0 *0 Syrup jà My f!Lý for a number SPe8dY and permanent cure for Con- ?nt of $80,000, but as that gentleman which is alvays kept burning directl ci are, I t o pleasure in stating that i aumpti&n. Bronebitie, Catarrh, Asma, Y ha Io a eatbenefitiroinit',an&believe :)Uldnotbe round this could not be aýove the allar. The excitement it -ta bc excelent remedy. and all Throat and - -Lugg Affections, Boortained for certain. 1 cOngregation was of course E. J. JOHNSON, algo, ýa poiitiv,0< and radical cure for Mr. Daniel B. Bandînann, wlio boa yiry great, and several of those present Nèrvous debiHtyl"a'nd âll- Nér ' v un coilà - Il is valuable dresses and appoint- fqà .tedý away. The celebration, of the whitby, Nov. igt là ýplaints, after baving tested itsowonder- tente in the place, bas lost all and will nos came ta au abrupt ending, and 79. Jui curative powers in tbousands of 3 a etifferer ta the oxtent of $25,00o. t cure, with the assistance of the Tc T. G. Whitûeld, Boq., Wliitby. make it The other losges wili faut op ta several beadle and others, succoeded in extin. knownto bis sufforisigfeUowg. Actu. lousands. guishing the lire, pot, however, before Last winter one of my children ated by titis motiveý and- a desire te re. 'had asevere cold, and a cough that wu dis- li ho bail been badly burned upon the tressing to wituesop 1 tried several other eve humau sufféring, I WÃŽII send freai Whitby Township Couneil. bande and, head. remedies, but nothing dia, him any eood un- of charge ta ait who desire iti tbid re. METUODISX.-Ie in il3WDded Co bold a til I tried your Pulmonie Sïrup, wnieb re. éipe, in Gérmân,,ýFr#,Vch, or 4Engiish, Brooklin, Dec. lot, 1879. lievéd him et once, and entirely cured hiza with full -direction& » for reparipg.and grand (Ecumercial Conferouce of the inafew days. Since that time different 13 * , ý S Couneil Met purattant ta ad ourument. représentatives of Methodisin from ill membersolmy family bave used it with Y ma-il ýy r4dr sing. eut" k, - essing 1 the members prenant èxcept er. Orviai with stam? bis paper, W, W. bave in the abat; parteoftheworld. Ameetingtomake the saute pleuing remit. 1 would Advins . , naming t minutes of the lut Sfierar, 1 9 Po 1 beti.tfi reail and approved. the arrangements will be beld in Cin. every one suffering with a cough. or-cold ta. ýeýJ Block,, Rochaiter, The give lt alair trial. 42 eevercadandla.id upoia the table, cinati on the CLh of May, 1880. HENRY TROMPSON. 5 Petition Of the Revd. F. Bort, praying là . --7- at the relief bc afforded ta Mrs. Nolan, an IIIASONIC CHAPTEÃR-At the reRUlar N01iýi8 of Dirthe, Marriages, ligent. nvocation of Pentalpha ChapterNo 28 Whitby, Nov. 24th, 1879. and Deathe char Un motion of Mr. Burn@, seconded by Mr. 90 B. C., hala ait the Maso-nie 1:1611, - yed 5o conig cach. lith, a by-law was introducad and passade Oshawa, Nov. 14(h, the following offi. DFà u sin Ta T. G. Whitlield, Esq. aPPoiot deputy returning officers, and cors were duly instalied by the Right D -B A T U-8 g places for holdigf the vlls for the Durizig the past few years the' inicipal elections o the ownship 01 Excellent Companion 0. Daublow, G. virtues of your leulmonic Syrup bave been OBVIS.-At 'bis h'tb for 1880.11 B. 0. D., assisted by V. Ex. Camp. M. thoroüËhly tetted in my familyland 1 bon. i£ownahi rogidencA, lot je con. je iÉ of Pickering, on the 2nd inst., d'r. à . Bickle moved, secondea by Mr. J. Gilbronson P. Z.. and Ex Comp.C. A. eider it a sais and effective remedy, for Bleazar rooks Orvis,-gged 84 years. - xý@, that the by-law ta close op and oeil Jones, P. Z. :-E x Camp. W ý Deani a Conghi"Cold, or any affection cd the TheIuoeral wfllý tak lace on Friday, in îrý- throat. o la partions of allowances for rendu, bc P. -7. ; Ex. Camp. P. Taylor, 1 et P. Z.; the Sth a. =.,,to the al rend a second time, and that the Youro &o., Loci, resolve itseli into committea Di th. Ex. Camp. H. B. F. O'Doll, 2od P. H, IIUGU. FRASER. Friends, burial gioùnd. ole theraon. Carried. Bül rend "ý sec. Ex. Camp. A. J. Fothergfll, grd'P. J Bagord tinte, and the couneil went into. com- Camp. J. B&y, Pr. Sojourner ', Cem* Irish Items. P. Porteo,ýscotidna-on the 2iddô beî; ýt- of the whole thereon. Mr. Burns in R. Dillon, S. 8. ; Camp, W. Shipman, eté ý chair. Cùmmittee rose, reerted pro- A strille of t aflors bas océurred in Limer- William Smith,, sen'r.-, father of Mr. as, and aoked leave ta bit again. J. S. ; Camp. W. 0. Canqnt, Scribe B - Peter -Smith Report ick,,and the cause allegea in the introduc. oived and adopted, and' louve given ta Camp. B. MoCaw, S. N, protet ii, tion 01 new inà chinery. Alkan, South Caro- a , - ,ýain. Camp. Goa. Annand. Troasurer .1 V- 1- 'riý.. Ir..U- T-- op er, b1m; Joseph yemP,' ýÃjik__ où 1 Whooe ii Tg ni stoos 7. . . . . . t ............ 25 0 00 ,jýe i,,7ebbed legs bad bee tO The Bishop of Meath, tbe mont i Bey. Dr. Puions ........ ()00 t 1 000 à @ 01 1050 motion of J. L. Smith, seooncled by -NWtY, and ble co-trustecs of the Dempsey Týruî Charity Trust, have commenced an action 080 0 0 00 3urns, conneil adjourned until Prda Tur NIHILSTS gxwrrNcED.-The ri" for libol against the London World, for,& Celery, per doz ............ 040 000 Gth Inst., thon to meet et the Townsh(ý of the Russian Nihilista lias been non- statement imputing severity on their p 1 art Chickens, Perpair ........ 0,25 0 85 Broqklin, at one o'clqck, p. jm. eluded. Mirsky, for attempting to as- tà the tenante 01 the trust, raiging their Ducks peryr ............... 040 0 W assinate Général Dientelev, bas been rent throo times, % and ser" t4gin with. Goose per ib .. . ....... 006 007 ýý , . 1 , ý 1ý Turkeys, 0 07 0(g per ib .......... Éanquet to Sir John at Ottawa. sentenoeil to bc hà uged ;- TÀrkoff,ý for ta 00 .5 50 apsisting to concoal Mirsky, gets thirý.- DUEL VZZ'WEEN AN Timoth' the banquet to Sir'John Mudon. toen ycars in the Siberian mines and <-, LIN ABED Y. .75 __2 00 à o hall was filled witli those Who the bix others ore sognitted. pian ýunwasbedi ......... 0 15 0 18 -and Fieller, a white, f, , 1 ., .011et a due >thered in'the ci't'y toi pay honor The Welland Canal will c1oséý for thé, -,Indian sijle, ý each ohcôtiný 'Irom bc. e leader of the Goverument. At sea8on on Friday;-niue days earlier hind etroo. eighez, peopf-d --:arouud -POBT PERB Y Mà BzýË, Ts. o'clock the guests assembled. tban last year. ag those Who oucupied scats at the were --Hoe.'Jas. Skead, cÊair- Tak PaiNcpas Louisp, before leâvinRý the Indiacýà hot hini, thro.ugh thé ljoad, Port je;ýj,, Dei. Bril, 1879. t Right Hou. Sir John A. Macdon- for ri loft ingtrnetions with tiser Steps, baye been: !ýkenAo -orgaulze a , M% 1 Wheat, full ......... ;I1ý . '18 1 22 , , ,,, est, apring.. rie 1 20 lir L. Tilloy, Sir Chas. Tupper, bead gardouer st Rideau Hall to have M,,hn- iW1iïýfiW au Lindsay.- leur .......... 5 00 Mr. Aikens, Hon. Jas. Maedon- constructed niar Goverumçqt Rouite a 4 50 Ion. Lorangor, Hon. J. O'Connor, '00rnPlete lambetiniý, shanty. it> ig to, Tbw Mayor of Barrie recen tly fined a peu ......... 0,40, n,620 and , cos t forý * * away 0 ............ 050- Mr.,Bowell, Uèn Baby be sbown as a çuriosity ! to a number ofý ml) 01 'I'V'n", &ts ...... 0 00 0 W N..Gibbs, 1jou, W- M 0. distiý9ui1qlièd gueste Who aro e'Xêù'èti:4'ý '1* or ut a raille. be-Licend, luspect. Corn- ....... 0 fioýý Mr.> Moiris, flon. Susili. tO culue '0 Canada w'th 'lier Royal or prbecéutéd. 'clovér Seed .............. 000 500 aiglineils. p9tatops ..................... 0 00 0 30 Premier of P. B. LI Ilis Lords Lord Lytton wantit to resign bis MATles, per bus ........... 4) 00 0 70 Ontario, Hou. Land Soxiç 08BAWA YOUTdg, es... ', ...... 4 Do' 4,50 'le - it il; said, a]. îà igh office. Lord Beaeonsfiold urges 1 1 e ex-Govern- ter 61 bille to $4's, and then get uneus. his friend to etay Where ho ia for, the r, w ý0,7 Butter.; ...... ýï« 0 18 0 1 > ....... ;.. '20 itch, Ilon. od, P. E. I., pectiDg merchants to change thetn. prfoeut. 0 16 Lay P.E. L, Ilon. Woderburn, Bugs ................... ï. 0 A Xoung Mon'* ý Ognzervative. Asso. Seven mon and'six womeý9ý were re- Zay ................ 8 he v!ceýchaà s were occupied ýbiati6- c n y.ý,,4rowned,= Loch, Ii2dal * s p il ...... à Do jeery. e Wobd..,...., i ....... ..... .. 00 M.P.,,Currier - 1 1 -Lu»ziuNa- in the north, saysth, landrbile returning home Tasse, M.P-l Aléizo Wright, air ' cheeee, Bobeaygeon Independant. is now in, i ýa:j1mallboat which they ýoverloaded. .... ........ 012 and P. Baakerville, M. P. P. , Il .... ......... the usual loyal toasts bail been 1 full blast and the operations are Veryý l IFOUES TO THIC STATzs.-m.-Thô Tjnitéù Lard. ......... 012 0 15 tonored, thé chafÃmà ný' proposed, extensive. States'S«retary ci thé trensury'hasIs &Et of the guest of the ivenfiig. A,-Plaiio FactIory is to bc Iêstablisbed oued a iogalatiiig the tezupo. A C A B D- John spolie in response. Hon. iu BOwmsnville,'abcut, the lot-of Jan. rar Omo Trom Cacada'e* To au Who an suffering froýý,Ãhý erraro wg. imÈôrt, "of lh -outh, nervous angevin aloo spoke; sud w-as pre. unry next., ont payment of duty, wliere such and indiscrétion& of 3 with a picture ofýlÃœmself HO-D. , T6 réu1î sine, of prince AT, boroei are used, tê -transport - foreign Wýakne9s, early d=ý, loge of mtnbobd.&,c ley-iqBËonded to the toast, of the lat l' died kt Leeds, wer mayu, Who morchandise,,orlin the aid of trade and gaild, a récolte thst çiul füre you, ' là , , e brought to manufactures inthe S týte8. FREB OF CHApGE. "_lis great rciDedy and Hon MrIf Tup- Wiein or and buried in thé ,ýR0yaj was disoovered by a mWouary, in 81111th "Is, Poliey', 'Llu î ze reforricg tp the canada FA- Voult, et, Americil, -Qeegg,ýo à newýrial lias beenýrAfùsed 1P the' à -n onatia. , chy ThýF AJ'i TWA of thd 1 hed tb W C 4L pp both long tene "71t in wheq Që QUO f& behind ' Me their trimi fui lm il jw mud, 1 km the ed rain Ide h«d dow». m UH but MI mort andJ ble whap clgt-'y dà emw%, The cheedd tone weai deal Pr= from d-wý