Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Nov 1879, p. 3

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-qU!flREIEDAT TEE- ODDjFEL LOÃ"W8 'HA L L The v'ey Latest New York Ni iery £ïa THE LONDON Fanoy Velvets, and Bibbons. The Styles for November a nd Deceniber are EXQUIS- ITELY PRETTY and be- cpniig. WC bavé these new Styles iii Low Price, Mediu Expensive Goode. COME AND SEE THE NOVELTI Wlether to purcliase or r inspeet. WC e sU wM l& M&JaPI TUE WIIITBY HM3I86 ENTRANCEEAMNT Tirs next Examlnation for Acin b. ireld li THE TOWN HO 'idteian, thse 161h. and JVec tise l7tIhDeember, 187t AT -9 A. M. GZO. iH. ROBINSON,. Ilhloo witby Hea" ISSIONEE'S SA loves, Tmoàwarc, liondehold turef> Piano, d&e., d&a. WILLLIM BRYAN <a solvant.- wiil as11 on tiere rmisee it t Ire Bro ? HITDY, on f urdsry, thse S291ANovenber, The *hirleocf the Stock 01i the Iun !n oi ediipart , f ilos~ rtmeutt piTluwar/'ýý rau Jps, Lo,4terns ns0aarmera' lnrelled 1KIettd e',COien Wi, Mps Tn it leCohl 0Ol ,erl 800 rM an sd eti os1 tac nnma o ment<ou. ire 1took ins Asorted, new, a d a< od op tunity for Jeirbers araoue as ail muetï wl irapu np iota ta suit pu liai I h or P 0,1j set Hfai, mitorre, Centre le, 12 Pîctare fgt WgOn. B EATr 10 OORA. M: 0 OU-fo Inspec f t11lday co -Cas M~e1r u a meundor 0t at Oum, I8 montha cre t on p IRBANKS, JNO. OOLHOI Anetioneer. - As B. AUl remaicnug unnald on Sat' Ibo aold ou tire following Monday. bitbY, NOV. l5th 1879. E\ T AUCTION SAi o Lz ben tic Pr flan 1 Lil Go TI moetel L. Fâ N. ,will Wl OR Val U able Il ublebold Fur turc, B laîrur glaus, W.g1, Cuite ,9d&à., & r: tirsî rira OPEors e M R. C. AWE crAt APO p EH-Ton S, ~SATURD V DE29 lncer. 0omouiu a DoERloak1 3OAEt, Ons acco t et Mr. Dawes'smo Boxa- ivlItirY, eryflirg VlU bckuoca ds - .L. Antlcua -Wiitby, Nov. 21h, 181b. 1tinc rpHM OOPARTNFIIiSmp lRE! *-L fotre existsng beîwoéu Davidtir cf tire aund Arthur irae, fPaélu ry 1itg Parmer.sund Stock Breeorsansd inre ilon- 1. tradirng untr the narae style sud dr= r~~aart by mutual cousent. hriy-us ettinGi'.n nder ou da4 l;aWhltby, tirsM )-the day.cf Novemirer, 1879. Wall, - 1DAVID BIHHELL. Itnso Wltuoss, ( ABTRUR JOVNSTC 5atestW. H. BILLINGS. ON TARtioHOTEL il MisC. DXWES 60 0 Dege te snoanICOthrat;ire hllareaumoat PrlIrietarabIrp o tira Ontari lot - - 'rclsaota willkereafter reces iris zl luilot, ateution. Tirs table wl lsWays OssaMo, ansi noue but tire boit oraJIs Li o "lrladcui gara vii ire kept iu tira i ires, 00ai tablinrg sud attentive otlrs. TI solo ~ J~cu ar rosocttllyinvitesi te cg sue nRoSNOW, alI inrns-rs nrra riuufrtr descr 12tions a la o usfinsfrte CONFECTIONERY, ÇAKESPASTRY, jf 0- <lsu i's an Ar1s LA'iy , A 'S, ifT(Sohlrhta RtaLity a-LAYRj Iras. sali. G ,,7, ffe Gv îr~idlVj~dafI aN tpopo7tor3u e t alodr IES R OPITS 9HOOLý ON. ,$don wiJl k L L dneday, M9.. 1Muster. LE. Futil. in In. 187iV. olveut, r;" Twony Tousand Dollar owil AT AND UNDÈJ? cosT PR/CED This is a "Bona Fide Offer. The Goods are ail New and Fashionable, consisting in W part of * WORTH 0F Opl gJq i~~.rga1ns we are offeriug for cash.ý» la~d a . W LVeu etcj ~OIV INI N W R~E~ o M , GO DSMI H'raALL 82I fià B 1~ O C S T R E W , H TJ Y, N ted or f el/a /e G od8 t Fa r Va ue!s b .r ~ A ~ T ~ 9 ~ W P ~ O Q 1 ~ o r~1t.e L omr go p & < < > . kte M r t eA1 d , o u -,t a To Lt D Sto k A I O T r c8eoetotae,ie cnri (0f aUP a r s - p re1 >i rn ', d ie>r fot a ea y n zex be g VER WATOHR.ofsicins ~Nuch f rfroml o s. tFa r Va u lt-l at ivo secutire Ohirsseir onr etlon W. ayY, e- L.0gIýrea yt aïs n etiutellsaxo bte t nivbliction freay wlat la elevty.i 7lo 71 y.u a reai ai Iror~ Ganie Ta ad <offo Pts,'Pltod Mouts.the ao book adarter aconb u se. o i Yï l vrý 0W riCES Ulig fr"godsin ll ine, ad àôace wthte pu glitos ftohb.luev pribr ba puchosd anext nsi e lad'> leY rriat ug8d.i iý'Stsfcto garue.L eterO0mfl. oMs Adn liwi Je.AS. JOI ST', ,-, on l. err sulôy f Iey aLvý Lui ýlovera, fleesabder tiris rinma O h e p la n el : Lfiroi Co. tau o oors a boa st assrtmru sorna-, firlg wudofnl anwe cir tiaelama-r F atio cfe r th e god mo ïcf z, f to utig ol si- - _cf monE yT bookaÈ0E S b r a t irers a o n d," wich.wIn are tlthats t m i5ins e O s and n a c incrâse, fEldpries lwerthvolume.-r, bma kea e e t ear m e t lîr -ilinebat a mi1 cst o kad williax e tuitisEure bu h urd utlaly nsw w làs.ti J sd i OLOORmanjapecialties, amo wbl sr ea mcc- iitby,~~~~~~T N o e b r l t , 8 9 k!'~i f e ~ u1 l l ton trib ton t t- Cai -+1 trgvsa u * C U T T EtS ee meUgG GrouE t r.L A LE F R O S L .A C R I G S orti onesi f h owsipolW ,ThsudgstadBetA srdayt nt 4 Ca-shrneres.~~staio. tegetirarr. keon st Bli aran iu4 m ý Alpacase * knowast tbf. lamitirswen otithrg placeW et Wur onr as Cashmees.. ( oeir Ln i h i g t n c l, b u n - ah l R A a r g N S O F F E E 'I N C U T Eea.tire flEIN cf Lot number >20, jr> tireseco Thehe.0 auy ethntaarunes co - E FA~~~~~~~~~~~irM O AEtNeA~RAE w niPcxaotogre rcinsa. A.alOtr osttarer bud I sod Via s.Ba es.R b o . TieFmcutl O. édAes, in order to Iak'roonmas we ausend uto uila sttargejfrAfa sotct tslni Clt Purs, neS. rnts. et cultlvation, sud onhairls erecteti a numuber of Carniages and Buggies this winter 0 Z 0 esoad Fra me Houas> lar arn, Stables andZ . .UitYINA §lre0da. Tirea l ais t 'vsug Young Or. TREE>ilal chard f about l acres a tre n ver u u l wéilaou epromiss. Theiré ai Tes~'~ T >~ - Salé, et~o exce le:nt alit, and te roperty* t OisL ~ r v' OiOO _ weli fuced~tt. Terme easy. Tit dau-C Oadpop tarlu rrcved - ails.b' DUNDAS STREET, - WHMTY, ONTARIO. J .)ODR ' ALrciecrf UTHE LARGEST STOCK 0F MILLINERY IN TH E Fataera irepplytodrs____________________ COUNTY. FAREWELL & RTLDGE, ZI. u-assti-Arce/asIo a Novémirerl2tir, 1870. 2in-48 TF r P . U f A  Î MA TL A DM-TL LVIIJ1 - GENEIIAL DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BROOK STREET, -- WIB.S.aialeo.lt7 ln4 BOSAND SHOES, CROCKEIRY, GLASSWAIRE, ~BOrE IN GREAT VARIETY.- AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OFHAD RE &C. >5GANADIÂN G IODGRST IL BOYS', YOJJTEIIS' AND M ENS' Thre Dry Goode Department je complote in HAe R DW RzT EDy ELU1 bO O Y lino a d th e Grocor._ : 0 B O S e O U iA D E N tock a l n ow an d frosir. b T hse c lioapo t h ôu so j .n th e n . A L R E O T M N F MT a ,. ~~~~~~~~~~me nbcr the addres. Wlb odnoaq:a ie11iehi 'l t4 9U L S T E R S & O V RfA T OVE. RCO TS RN ULTER, BUSINESS SUITS! DRESS SUITSI MDE OR TO ODERSAY- rak . I49 O E C A S A N L T R .FA-NCy VESTI N>GS 1 S PL E N D ID S U IT S ' rrell îICERIURCOLLEB I GIGNT,'1 ANEW STOCK XUST TO RAND 0F TEE tor Cntmers hvigMillinery, FURISITIN S T lvad O PERSONS WRO WISH TO SE- -,tLTS TLSI or Clothing made to order, will receive a T cure for thiriseans anti taugiters a ~~o o-y. .mtet iaLgsamrttr S ,G E N T S ' F U R N I S E [ rN G S . P r i n e t t a o , a t n x t S s l , n 121ettirrongir sud practjcal educatien anti te raang e ndYounug wmn-h.purp Yu fr Second su IJ.Ltj<.J oa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~FeaheraExamiratios, or fer MatrIula..Betn tsl'C m a, oaenui 'ON. DISCOUNT OF. P R JJ tie noteUies% riJ-te awAnucsteecet nofotar * oed ai>er Sec 4, »Peforeue Plrs Mort . 2 0 P E B C ECTp.149,41 Via., caScotch e bondF Ate baB E. .9Society, o oth oe etfPiryaicassn Caugtdiau Tweeds, and fiue Worsted Siiu ln ac ' Ire ns During the Sale. andi Surgeons, tfii nstitution effers peon. prepardtoi te ualerp lu tU.iLA.TEST SYL, itLOliEST P 'ïJRgp,.r % TeIosl tr od cjro injo a tivonmtages. Is peclfa fessare:-Y E t Fuy etua wicnE .ei .w fScrn4 msdn eti lot. Altirgeng etowed and maintatei As lii. nndivided attention lé «lysai to Jus trade, ir.wbxhî¶hartnsa e 8 i fo., O , j' gT1 ,N b 4 iartine bna fas u byteSceyo redI s'pnt eadru featare, no .opaor botobedgarmeu, :, et'è. ,,j0godft, _________________________________ eeilgir ahanIunso ~ton2i Sale t co m m nce o il s Nove aber,~on~~'~e:t are xpe: ti toattend tireloweststyle sudeuxesc ofnaarticeefnmvonw_ ahe nWHanid. styleO KSaAncfaue exceldlentlwa frdmPreoin; o a)teelted u tlth hleSokisds osd ~thy or thiraparent or g uardions-A -- . al yteetrit an rrn: tfo and at tire ntlte hl toki dsoec f e lv sleecoat.rTirftees'are1 inThis w il be the ul f mto vefrt dcto TH LE DI G OU E I T E CC U T !teosrgri f radE sw. 1 b e 2 nL. If a im ecte tiv eoa fîrottireeM idu curco ba.8 160 per unu nt er a prouarnateX E t gy'H are-. s C M iui alC A , G O S clatie taition, board, waailg, fuel, girl------- GREATEST SA Ã" F--RYGOuayos.D Y aveMLLINE-- ciseiy tiRaeas orbetRihSaoM l - A-,T1 ul lotIpart Seceound aBoourkie08H0gr Conre Srdli s. rt ke la ein t i t w , la"egscarritnusBt die etr- --Bd ' O eintraEari6e eWYo n tednîtisCleBe aooagsBlc la Aitmt O S2aa mrott ft prréne :ese hearirk at ir'net te --v Tbri~ere sudChaoardgiaf 4n lesebin, Btaudea at- 4IAN Tt1slat atio and suOli an opportunity of seoiuring the best goode saoa selbal u ollègwhe bIldIng, a roadin 000e - Adnysuceeti 750 lea , & S uL ngrpb oESVKlteraa.Enfac roomw elan pliadtu omthe tudTearren î a teowest yies.A choice stock of 2a0uo nPaesluADirel 7aS iera' & Srees ir ut mu h les tha n » v.iuîsal Irices," , alerberoom, etc., gymnas-Th bsi god tte ;pie.-2a E ish ud recn A1O,0sern. 30- lum~~tni, agons tec.kéteScetFl t ITRTWES OECaTINS ocs, Ce . r 20Head i né Con Book189.sP Should not be) missed by any oel'4t tit aime o mk tei et F ALL & WIN ER vvsj DS>ifl te L esose 200ElegnBoun ner.oksscuns ilDepartmeut as tirorougilas pos0'gbéBoks22 WA Boes et 8 atper l vMer omplate chrala, mratuo ias«iree CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER by thbe st Cutter au d ladiiin in' ' tn4Purldise Lest - -1eLde'Cmsir ~nrclauétilu Piflad~iria ~ltala ~-foi,- -- _ - BaI~~ & Clares îook-kepig - 55o Esyont Sewiu icir e stn 5'- e cou sud Ilermnetiate werk. tis ns o prct fit sud good work in every'cfifoo.-' 'Seoùïo stock of aaa6oh 0e Csuvaa, write, ps: yurd > 0 Teraveller, by Saulsy 22e Osbrorne O acl Ffydlasadu requirel es!become a c primou-Iutroduato. r -a 20o Canyse, black par yàatfl0 wards, three months' credit will be given on àp- GaladMedailist ln Natural Science of tiré BLANlIE ±SFLANNELS 'AND OLOTHIS. -Âvwo,1 len o 0 P nvrst f ooto n at oouhyIn faet a ful selection of B ooks, Stationery, a d F n yN E proved 1ipaper, mpte Teisrcour atialrrogry Just received: a IIOw stock of FURS, at low pr*c'es. Goodse t cost. lar Watehes, Olooks and Jewelery repir ifrsela GES-LSscsiCunytOutso Gtir. A Commercial Fernrilu establiot tmdrtdrns wa xc lu whiah eludents4 re thdobgil ,taagirt style gB GIVE thaices Commercial Arithmatia, Composi u, sud E - WRT EV Nd] fook-keeplug. Auy tudaut un tirhe m. A I L K N merciaI ortnu my oke Ay otiér sbject lu HamilIto n &Harrower.aditio* Doverell's fBlock. ~Fashsionalsle Dry Goodu &Clothing Bouse."--DN E.KNDY examitdnti h o n t su e rpaeWhitby, Sept. Srd, 1879. Sigri of UeGle e, ' '~>Sh h anersd cévote th.i e te peciai - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q W O W U T y 7. a dn frdafor mental rs. HIGEST M RKET -1,- DFOR ~O vD~ H~ . ~ uomoun roun, tirore ilu a Literary Society wslcir DtTNOclc L =cne once a week, sudi a coursa cf lectures ~TAJ mv Aby leading étiacationiutéansd ethera wili ire A Y Q NMg Str ie Cllge building is s60Uo arranngeiaoirr cncrit tiraItishesexes aresparate except durngl...I. f coNDngID r etati =a sdin t e dini mrg-r em efiléZ .AC01-0 0 1NDG.BET7Pr an- ougmon are undtihie chaurge Beyse W ho J bouglt our 'xroc ry St ck Hase-master. Young ladies are aride: the- W-ola ogtorGoeySok, libhrg otheréGavérness. - -EIV-D T - ý;-- Nv12h 17, 4 1th. The ComShorieaandfficeerWiritbyt has on hgnd one of the largest and finest Stocks of mitir irs Ceuuzor tuîlsdOfin hesoo t 4 7r Biblercasla e ltievery Snnday altte.rT JG-~ V- J L . . .. J ~ INW1T neon. Ou Snnday evoninga, lectures on 0 fj eKarx, UiubTx medcharae, sd ceuctae doUive.-. o 0~wo GROCERIES, CROCKERY& GLASSWARE,édiry thire0Prineiala. iq~de aii fair- HIYCIA E TR.- A MANIEN STC -lysan& carryinug eut y an siat is ATB TO R Vs denta.,Noe but tire.wtlling te work for - lts own sako are luvlted te attend.ThLaisMse' Qn ndC PIIO D U CE T A K E N IN -E X C A N E . iaL Tirere are ne = hlrWo A s w o s ýp -o d " ý ü k y E L N T L W S I I G P We. bespeak for hlm the patronage of dur old friends' F or o coy ot tira"Collage Anuc.Geese D eks. and hoas Wne.COME AND SEE THE. BAR(AN ZTO' - ~gara 10 ail the Élnalpil edcir le xul ~ -- 'g and'see -Bo<>~ and W oandmale 't nrd<w- __L1M'- the 'er ras, me, fii Mte are Air ~QQDS, TO be ýôld, d~n tue nexltw*0 monthe:, ng t a cange în te- Firm, the subsoribers have deoided to ol1ear off their Ixxnnense stock , «e, tcsîrstetlr -a "qw 'i

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