Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Nov 1879, p. 2

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Uitoia fJ,i t G*eesrnl Set-vaut vaeled-Mrs. lublnaioi,' 'AUCTION SALES. Wslkisaneiaîia f isinî 18t, Nov. il, lial'iL-its 1 fiui nanas Cas-ai'i, laîalut22, lin , i a t i , î!n.peny vofM..Icissa Wlc, ot i i rt ri iCîbha',Ne. la hIsli- üluseTs, Antt laser. lxiameore' sale nofias-m Sa àtock &0e.lth. proerly cfIsle lai btqlaenson, at tise premise, 27, iluhetit41aceas. Pickerng. ut Jiey, 'Nc.26t, 187.-E.M ao Shale ucf far±c tock,lianplarastr tbb. prOtenty ai Mn. Heur>' liraml * lot No. 14, ilte t 511 cocf1 csTisursaîay, Nov., ýQIi, l8 IaiassmA.uatiaiser. t>NL.Y $i i5o PLUtANN 'L'lie Cas c i theC Musaicipasi Ch utiaiai Wi nauiaa- iaal t'a l 11a1itsu 1 iiilia' iiil , i lI u I tla a lialuuja, 'hlaua t lair inît Lan',cui aiia aîjý1,Ii-liiiiiisa.i, ditil 'sc i -ul g i li --- eit aaiigi ai aie a'.aiy - aalaaatall - i ca ui iaîy ii, a lll a lua-i. iLili ai 'La iaa iI u i l hjl 11 F I i(' i & i clu' a l i 1 u I jas Fi îi1laa( 1 1aFir' ti l.a 'lla litli: i i a'a ' CUlI',c 1 sa i auaî'i liliIb liitiailia iit Iiuauu- ii t'i Il l t-~ it > iii 'alli a ~ia'ai sauauî,lii't o laaa t sa1a1 ai 'aia aL, ciîuaaaaî. itas litu iaaiul C ai aa" 'a auj ' il "itu-ia'l a'uul lit) I? lai l'a , i fe" i l 'au aLit o liauaa i ilu ka l ia m I 1w Iiî. 'uiil', l ii 1a1a1a1tu i ,illt L a lisat 'a ai liî t' i j I i t ali, tiia à ql laîiai i i a. i saî: 'aîla ii ha aa<.. Ici-i'uîîitî, fl i lid hui iîîlaîs-îa fia' l tli aiiiii. j 'ut' ý î a Içi.'i:, a iLt lu a 'a r>ti V Fac.a'uainit aa~ il u ail lil tii ltiii î a I al a a tla ra uýiiis li of Ill ivl il i l; lu ' iI c Lit ui-a ,a a'i a l ieI&usiaîiîd(I 'l"iai a ul ll iati aaa tua aJ -: ala t. Ia ti iî-iiililitiiuilia' a liat i-cnt-4 uaull u ai4 i t ii iuýilt. i'U" lî t ofie l tha l u'i' ifjl. li a t, - ll ailuaaai. tii1< d ii ul 'îiti ifi'.ili lîo haIl li utia tuailîti a iawna I la' li' t a.lilg i 'tla i a f I aîjuî i hlae'litlaaiii li ;IUaeîlaycaai accu attiiilit iluifita*,,c,l .'.a.i."aa... l ta;tie IsvIest-a.il]aa he ca 118 XVs-at»irii-a' n t 'lii isfca'uî i'uaca-il l<ii; a r ] inut Iîaali0 v t-,h i) tiiu-dy h îîlect ai aiau ceecos- ligid. lTa uci-t i ii lit isa Cliaia biut (f flWa ctiijgs llat0ll b liati,-,sis] i 'ac asaiet o lilcsttj -Iiiiti> cal nta aahl e citial 'Mr aagllotî( ioun icialc as i TfI'Ic esdouaIa Illaka ise'ne>ttceqîîl or tise titai "We lea soriaut'yon o filcet v.(l Ifrp, Alla ' for '5Woe301-1ly0Glbe fr a"rsait dataO t a 8, for 1ta (WekyMu l-e tuc'iul -3. r A71.iLi. AIR fl15&UJlsi5Ou ' n" aii froan liii, pfsalien Ua. liîaenitendaui t f gbe<ore tS a rm Cut-I% O thfi A. lutlsnd ililway, wilioul suy day, Mar. iHector O3ampro%, . ioe.biuig sseigncIiai" M.P,, ejpeared for, th& ap.lln,and ro. We uuderstand thal ttme'vaai aple E Jgarl or rnespanlent. 1es0lcs l !sue" for tb. stsp takon, s ud Llast Lewis O'Leary'a appointml "'-as~ Aise cni1oaw-eclw u 16 was s ite. anig aliez, sud the aettIpzfien o gthier sometilg lmaglnary lu the George Pedlar'.socourt weré th. 1*0- muin of ûur entemponary. Thé charges stated when teauýsjua "c'liangt" lad bsen eentemplatod fo, Sa. técutajun Vbty» scmtinlim asik, and Iwas the oreeiilt cf, Tvr.snA.-Mr. 9smesroAtumed. tau. téiÃ"n,àyedesisr' ' to '1 lim te tise argumenton he llw cb Iat Gien Ic> lJE eftiy of ii'ïeir railway servie. seuRIl te ellau Pcdlar's support or eJaL, V have no vislx te dieparage Mr. -ueutrality, by' settlîrg a -dsputed ac- T,àybir'a services ; but vhen his fiend, count. Ile. ooteaded lia thc *vl. "Cox lias made a very grave mislake this maa's support or smuraity. Ile climisseing Mr. Taylor, for ho vOll ,,Tii.nex& charges argflmd ver. lvo rc. Iffini le wil malte mauy-, haigz.sud 'lsliug le Dingle, a Coneervative, sud a "years wiIl elapse befone bc* wil bc brotier.lalaw of Pedlar. The Itrot aable t entiorea ny one t l th Ie c. harge wae limai Glen promiaed tu pro. eltion Witis th% sameO efioeuoy. -MIr.cures position fer Dingie'.sPon, sud - 'Tayîer ls alhorouglaly piatical mac th. second Gien ProisWd Dîngle e "-a sbuperion mochanio-aud liavlug building conîrsoL. ja bctm lime.lu- * * more read kncwledge of lime road seim Mr. Cameran laiimed limaI lb ÎÏ! thonany hofaif oen men in lime0Com. stalemeal made bX Dingie. lima the Tueedy II5 aniï" employ"- promises muet not, influence hie vot ,~w? thick Il le h. wimo maltes lie "grave was toca palpably inlonded la lime nega. suistslkc." Mr. Coxini a imgh"imfnded tive ta prevent a cocamon-sen» ie ~o iaoai.gentleman, sud s lîcrougi" bteiceea limé Irancaction beng,ýakeb, . ii'a. man waao underetande ue6et tîîoroughly lie àttx"tok up ""lime charge, that, ttVi-hie Value cf tIhe Services of his officars-. Gien loaued Mr. A. Farewell lime use ot And sny part lie las taken lias but ciae s strsw lisresbing machine, which ho titi end lu view-tise interest cf the Cot-U. sed aI lime lime cf tlb. .election, ia «i.Ne.22, prny ho 'nopreinle. Ta makte the lu. order te scune bis vole, 'and * claimcd aîeiaalçýrg, yialdit ilatcmeut tlIai Mr. Taylor bas Ilial lb. sîlmpt waOs sccoesful, -L. Fir-i. more'real kmawledgdào, lime road tissu Anolimer dhasi otcf"" ema wus via!lmn any. la i, ta:em m iin the Cern- takeon up, bed upn lhlîee_î dnu p3i 1 fartas Iýas aîajs emplay", is psying a pon o m 1t Roman Caîhoi. ali0 ,l tae Thas. plamunt ta sucli efficiAnt oflicers as Mr. beautifying the Roman Cath lic corne. lot Na. A. White, th. abie. aed respecled trafflà or ti Oshawa, sud hie -glvlng ,958 bt ýn Tues-.agent, sud elimer intelligent geutlemen lb. Bible Christian chu roh aIPAcker- )r Anc. ai largo rsllway experîvriceisn Ibe m- ing one evening vimen b.o wu preent Ploaienet of the Midlaud" Couipsuy. st s méelicg. Tiese gifle, Mr Camer. t, Our contemporary oughttt l eceurî on ciaimed, were nmade vith a view cf Scompaisos-remspberiug tIse wreteb. oblaiuing lime Roman -Oahbolic and 13 WIit d state cf tiserosaI uudeî lthe superîn- Bibl» Christisan vote. to.-L Indanoy af Mr. Taylor, sud It s present Timo charge the tWorqgla lime agenoy inaproved condition under the manage. cf Mr. Higgine Gien prcmised to.l.nd mont p1 Un. Ccx.-Bnt,, as ýwe have bis influence ta jet- Coi. Wallace ap. stated, ve bave no leshne vimatever t6 pcluled,&a'pOlic magisztae for Whllby :d dîsparage Mr.T rylor, sud only entor vattnexit angued- _. ý 1ý iu~ Our- paolesIte Ibat gentleman% laida. Mn. Canienon Ibm strove ta (uPres lion Ïhy ou"r nýe@pbàe d, fitui cf th.' lheCourt vIith té Ocuvctcne&tal'Mr. TI<' Tim etathîe expense of llie4>isdent Gien's! iso 13 edavnn i315. and tis me uas cf Itie preeent sef11. ibrougimout l 1h. W*ole4l camslgm le ' otenl t stff 'tisa Midlaud. * préad a heu.! lu Mn. Gien s open.- 1879. - --h*---- learteil libonality. In -conclusion ho Tawn Matteis, *maved on occountof thiose 05565 limtaI -tise decisian of lime lover Court ho dis- rics, TJI4etirei meeting cf lIse Town Cou. missed that tise apei bo alîowed, sud cil i the uew tcswm hall was hield on IlisI Mr. Gien be unsesled. libaiOti, ~~sha vuig Q1 Mr. Cbristapher Robineau, Q C., ou, asl flerale îaonasy e etlia, udo..a ara tIobehaffthe respondenl, Mn. Glen, said iia cl li ytiatiised, and ae spleas. tisaIlime 'court iu snob ces« souîd o 1 t th edto ay lia th prcauli a aa of lake mb o onsideraliop vimether lime iiiaiia acliiLLIasten witis wlacli thiere wae ct) elsotion was proven te iaves9ec gen. i4are neiata>1ufind hul. -21is ertath ieensrlîycooucted wilh s view le abserv- ait eay Sacillwiittee ou Marike îaîrsesing Ilie lsw ;aise wb-ter he iosens. of and tic i ttl law urdcdkytise cocsliîuency had, heen,,taken -or-, - a 141iM. îKing, waanaa lie prilcipasl itoes li. wlietlian Ils. najorily could have been Iiit sasY foe ni r conticiil. W. give a sumiaary affected by suo ais es as vene cites]. 'I î.a a cil 'imt eortr, wlich together Witim tiseIlecontenjddthal lise appellant bas] ý't 1,,, riîaciipasintcs cf lise by-lav, wilIIaise files], afler a careful examination, tb L iy,-lacicîed lu lise repocrt of tle pracoed. luisa trace. an aven A suspicion cf anv iii ji Llaaa. tCi liegal expencîltune, sud therefone lhad Jî la tit fiLiaa'aî kci f'tisa ssunsicipal Sise.lIieu driven la rely ounItho olasa of cases ifpt- Lar aijlthie tiiuily linaIs af tiseprose, lrelucd-caes luwluioli the cinoum- T iLiia re laViatii. a geai] effectinlakücpiug stantial evidesace ehsouis] be of 1he most A, tiaiua. aa>aaaaiaa.rii Vitîin tlias nes cf analir pneiiie andsud ndispuled cianster. 1 L."acjp111 atiid reiîtigtise pouters" at tise Iakicg tup thecharge iu refereuce to rai 1aaIvi'l [sa].O'eary, wlao il i.said vas promsisedal lia ~ ila a ,lcboays asli laaa al dirty spit. pstioninfic iseCstotus aI renchmau's w IY a i ., aO(I, lt wili bas accu, recciveda iy Mr. IRobinsen priuted ouI that T! w a w 1tr aa 1)N 1 ih _ i a.y i adi] Lacte r IIsairilu twituesees wcre os led by tbe peti- ilia.aiaal, 'a îunailutise caaiitil renia, ta houner te probe [laie change, sud bellt A 'ai , nLL u'aacaaleafaa saiglit iLa tise liatnctly denied ils trutis. Tiser. was littiai iul ija. mnopreia fthef li charge, sudlise ueed net icuin athe~ Cott"at tereng remarltsYin 'Laîil.North Ontario. wene pon suisitutes for argument. iiasierAM --itigm tise appeliant ahandoaaed lime Do] biafit.Wl'5-i S!iLELiiiasl. ptemonal changes, yel Mr. Gle Fo ia luijais ' la'iiaaiaa at astaiist affondeal a sîroug naply le Par.cs MIaalaay. ÃŽLacogave jaigneultIs0cchaige wîîcn lie admits tisailia tels] on a otdLi-41 tise auction cf 4hIr. O'f-aey tlaat in crier tle balne lseRiu pno0 c ie lacstsi ecure Ilhe support of lNc îîîa'I-Jaasa i .î,ulîasis acalaasl tseiapalcfhie Lefa.aniars of IPickereng. me (Mr. a"tie V1la ,1a"-'a. .iiba, tlu contention laiyag îîaaîitnfoii citai] a case in lise Northi LaaL-lait jliuoiiiilcil notice 1a ha icu given Vicoians leciou-(Canada Law Jour- lis niiiîaiieit f iseiitita te 51. trila No. il, page 1013, aud Appeldur pe. ui. "lc oaiff,(iilsliavieeate aliaami "Caur, Qaseena iBencb, No. 7, page 284)>oei Lac i P tiai, ttuifis-ti grni. Tiai al-ciaicis -wiea c lisange against Mn. Caine. Tov if i 111-d , ai niaiiva aay oiinieaoanstisa nen-(iaaagiser> - lise Sitting usemabar Cli iiia.nL ri ti L'feii-ase'. fur ilit conelitieucy, set forth tisaI an ("oa s "'Iri. \ i:ecs aîaie RI1i[ii- sapirtur of bis bai] on eleclion day a*c. liai", ~ iaa I..v Iii urdo- go, etniiiiiag sîaialid a niser cf votera frotn s die.s- sa ia ijL Ll~i t1iu jpraaI1 iaiît aof tce itiase %wilisdinnen, lu whicls case Mn. yez tid otvi fo, hnrin, u liait, if naéo. Cc'nacn expncec s idoane ta Isave ise1 'tuit utav iuiait-iil luc viaîsoiae pas-jiIjcaa noiiing ta aie witlî lise cause, as ijte s ICI- i teiay aeiiaajîmi hlse îaîiellasnt would al veidate hie electiôu. Yat an- Oul aliniglatt iiiliarnigments wcre made te give tii. din- oeil S 'Flac Chif Jastioc lia giving lis juig. na-"; In liant case thero vie suspici. essa ment.i isaItilii as anvus-y liaard caïai fin eus ircumolauces, yol lise change was )M uni lar. WVjlaaiar liat lie cisoasiltay alsa sd- aiielIawed. 80lia iMn. Robinson) frac: lavertenîc iiîaaa'a05 niaiîieaciaiamilue(l tiatachsarge rcspecîiug 0'-.lboa isil l i (vrtfit laiiliaîower ha shüIacslLeary elioulalbc dieallowci], especialîy e c~ia1yallord lain a aaaics-pot1iaity cf as in Ibis instance lisero a se uttheise mI 'I t1llaei i Ctt-iaaiaaa'ii. -T"he ochien ligitest gratinaI for suspicien.-Tise waa, P* ;,ý (lii aue. axli'-aaltmiat i.aaie aoainion. charge cf Bsaling certain i]isatiiowai evai il "~" --~~-accouaiatse lc by Mn. Pediar, of Osîsa- ccli i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~4 aia aL 'i 'i5 isa;aiai.'I"f-taawasact oedr~.H îiAi]A lmey laa Ros i~.- manFRDS CaANADIN MON.TIIYtLy isdistributioan of ceai in an Engiilih saysi Of fo auaobnccais-Aseiandi]casa. be cml 'lc Jaaiaiai ~un-t, Jaliul c Pir Mn. IRobinson eaîdidlaI a tebush, Vllu Caadiaaeaannta cf ij. o r i eelon casa, lu wlaiclsthe circutustan- ITR1 'a-i WierAaalîaugoaia, oala.ina Tiaoaglis, cas wene eutirely different, il being belll eeri en.ace, As-cia iecaunu .rtisaItisaleadistibution aI mouey la oliani. Irai P aaaialî,As È, lflî. Jiae ias-y oi lies ans]churciaes, whvlaiit miglisiho usil ~ ~ -;I. SitsaiPiaai, Ga 'ive mce IisY caones for tise panpose ni. Zkîug a min cp sl! IlUlail fas-eves-. Tisa J.aiisn Lauvsua, ciîaa-p.liern, ccii] isanallu e isela as ccrropt. bisaI il- tu-\XXV-XXVII, ]sdaiaatianan sd Ca. Justice Tasolieeau-Wae la. col Parkd ci ledtaeoutieta, The iaawenas tf Canladian moase lillral 'tîan canal 2 ao lia fl'~hiIlttl'iHccawlcs-a, Soie a mal Ms-. lRobinson repliadi]nlutiseeeg.-theo ru fi Waaiaiila11Ilaca Woaaua iaQacian, Undea- ua',. Uta would not onteni] tbaï;if aas l 0lY (liai iî, uaiiîc'i 'slXX nsa aavoseillibanal, suddecîv. ou sy ul 1a0 hbýlulual tiaa 'lalilca, Book reviaiwa, Mnsi ti e uefcan cesalinluwhclhlia as W) ws asaai tisai i)raa.aaa. IL candidate, luscaîne liseraI, tise cirons»- t" " -- eauces woîmilisot ba Ssepicions, bel in vareb iiiil La AuairuseI as-îetî, of telleliais cist tse t t ireumestauces vero ual Fnjie .Town usaivua', L,>iss-oviaî aiDar.c >sK uaiscent'i Z. aiau, 1. Pr aiaay ltt uIIiel jwlstce Strloureusrlc:d tisat in the and bi ai' ilandal eaaete fala ais e. 011casMr-. \W. lata iistnibattcg ele Rifts vas uno acf im 4Las 14. Vrtii uia lie an ic'aai is-acta sau ut ai aialeut oulesabarougli, anal lli net, Dolow lia ---- rlinsm to ii Iiaprosepotive candidature tlim ah dietnilasto gifle among 1elle puer. lu eauk1 Fiai (jU00118 AT 'i551, ]'l)c>aIae IcUSIo.-N'Ve Mn. Gleuis tasse lie suas a resideul luIlselieci 111clc tahisae pecial ittcasition cf tise uluiiltlIe caantitieccy, anal issu pravieîsly vr tn htelegratesale cf drY gonda, attInisa itibuled zmoue>" sud gilta witb a erent1 Lonidon Lltouaaa Hamilton & lHarrnow. vitw pssumnably cf making hîmmeif a's estok f cices-.eseis ofielstavas-ypopular. l vou] nat luecontended AN beait, nnuleesylunoill cviiiluesaaiat Catetisai it vats carrupî ferasman toen.u- Time pnicc.--Seo tliseur aduarlisanccîn. deavos te populanizo himueh. iossned ae~Mn. Robineau nexlt eokup elbe twe sud th c- s-s'îa~îmy LpaN.-A missionary charges respecîicg Mrn Dingle, Ths suferi cf ate wifl l e kels] at AA Salunts' man who wag a conservative, adusitted same CIh- (J111riae li lollacuse, Frialay asening, in evidence Ihal laie neÙlrslily cebis] b. rè"espi lin Il itml. purcliasedl, buI hie vote oulci ol. Thme aIl p.O n etcviacoce weulte ebsow libaI Gien lis]fonmt Mi- 1lme'raSe-4 In Itaoa'.Th aluemlwayslccn fniendhy le Dingie, and moi liç euhasecunit>' for important ItITOIS aOf lla. ptaLte crop li Irelani] and lb.h e wrenteco ~eral eccasions, 'aSdd O onuuith tcarcily cf peat arc ir eyt asok.A o l s. great dieti-esa, TVielans] agitaîillges] prom, ieb e'tWt DIugl'e soU 5a sit. fend re tyeu natiou, ho s] mcdo] tise Court'@ allen. cf tri îîeaaîeîî lu>- 1*î-ncl, l'ime lias]oua god lien ta the fsce tîsat M5r. Dinigleds hn anlui elhetu f Men itei-i leue freinc la toaed lineîl>'couirailucted imupeofinfluhe As-ont col 'n: icz loste nI' neniaa» ýiâÙeÃœ fr in t10 sortions about tise malter. iadbe a. sl pc1apeubisss]sui Jusîlco Strocg cari] b.0bas]. 701te oHo s]. 1learu tli' atlvs 1lî0gal le ask a pur- mong1 î DiueAI)Vtar.CIncMaETyAN iNANS WouN-son 10 abelain frmm orkiug lu au elec. grest'M LiAN-l'articularls cf a rd cf lieu.' goiugl 1;chiiireu Iu Lancaster Co, . .,Rhw Mn. Robinson, pnooaeediug, arguod naI ovory Alra JAlc8ý&dCeNC, isiew ceneicerabie hengtl e show.limaI 1h. a). tlal 51-> lsce Ms» Ãœdsalthe muîehy pnorieas bi] 'notling whatever la> o ' a>'f ie îatirasedhancr-tlati sl iso mresViîîi tise elecîieu, 'said futhor, isat cf Dul' ait isniaSÃŽIiitnec ilas insane, fremneinitiser cfelis, promnigs, ere onrries] Cornni fissZi.sali lalia a b eu b ol oct te cempictioti, sud Ihat Mn, Dmn. banku olndes] juaioney aif liera bush sud. gle worked sud voIci] sgaieel Mn. Gleca. loccure r. Mien cntîing tell hosteof aielionLv. Il vas ahso.notieabhe lhît' SMr. Ge îi] ohuldremn ans]dri liserove0 cotbiug, dne]tsIlcee rmsd1igoa],io g tie ~a~p as-ca clia u las' b9u8o sud centraniel c corlalu .vork, anu-&stually îh'vplo Bd c'giidota lu i!s cIl na~.ThOis awssd Ilina octraol befere timééloq.i "vie id buuhi~ ai ,Y, duaii] 111)0 11545boa ion l vc.lnle a - n a ut oiliiarae, anduaimlse Èi v -u braikii Thé. court 'thon adjourned. ant Iben argument'vu posîp.ones]ti mcrrov. MIerasCa EnîTHas 1- Passin ho 1he Town hall Vt'oher ovenlu I hei grate commsimngoaýn n ea was hike a vake, an au If lm W, an esigm tlie Uin& Goei-tat le, Yeu -le kenin ry ealan Tîflala i HferesOm mof-thé verdi ae I lui dovu - LÂMENTASHUN OF TEE OUI Mf glory hau leIt me, =y 'w an &g Te frinde whio slnd by me have dhrop on. by one; Nâtne cars for me niew-I may rot su E'm butZi4, an ohud b. in y prime, ~oI etould age,"rlh Timo" % ['bat hie brot aglis ÃŽt 1his nnklnd d ne an dbmrted-aa ont av lhe way1 lu ïd id 1 oD RsWhilhy fongallen-te notilon ga Wisen my aykes nleonnde l e o LAzh lo ' -is'jm iu theac Tain-YwI van'ïdaisrta dan 'ùl ss vsy I inas, Hams, au mlckdash-who»e ire nov ipat- ,- - 1 . . Ilani,, Miclsphataon, an Dimnper, an' son-tls st 1 0f lis. klad- geos] onis f ellove-widI iss ba in day An niver ceusidisenet me, ont av thé v Vlsat alUn u o4jilkin,visiln Lelng à thmeihair;?' hhat gees] limes vc bal, 2, vlan Wi vas Mare ? 'lin lise min vhs mcdspeeches haet 111e le say- Not 11k. Ibme, visa uev, taiko., tlI av lthe vsy I Take vas tin ln lia giery, iltlise s 5<glary isole;" lhare was Hausîn, an Haggbne', Misas] oasis] Pois, cu couastiiors, glcryoue, mes] cite hale For ho t punch an cystisens gev plinl: Bay' Whît chaulges bas Timne braI tle fr avn!me youlb I - ýlie min wh vs-baleisil fuar houes tbriutb- il as-e gene iA]btletnvIse., w diaessay- n u lf A. Pringle, A. Peery, au ouls] Tim QI i'l 1Take do hav e belfr>' au .11 fs-oit hii1 cauL'l lava me lthe manes auva "Ozu or s ilt Mi yez moe. h-I aak- tisalasi time as- tise min lIat are gene, yez vili ringi us chiant, i ryi l95 't rail ya la by. 'Ind 12c L1h ing elovi', Johan Happs- i go ly aaylw siways vlnr faftlîsin amilitame gis- < langer l'abale yer cane oe nypay,- Il'es peoauandi.srled,-an isnt au tbe vay I uorkasi, au Hopper kum le the nre. "Tise Gosil- Jake-is boe,' liaho, correotin himeht, "au $sef le m vun Clark, su the Cont>' Toraoy, an lrk, an lise Coilectisor, au' lhene'esa ninlasimne-I tbink bhsy call it-goin i. Il camiee frathels.owid baIl I Tia gin ils naykiuim." "The dinjil ake z l'" sez I, net navie vmal I sos], Se- îeont cffijtens] liko-do ycr mane eay lisaltIsaIi siugjn Gomas mcm tise iii Hall filh ?" "Se Frank ser, (lue, altiso lis b. lbat's dom lb.e igin ; but lie says lî1's cul>' tle ia>'. n, an bisaI the yards aokohumlîy cum = tise ouI] hall, au tisaIlie eau s- cmi lu the vaîll1" "Dlnkiu 1" r , la myaell, au passinj'himby,sna. y, au rucuin cp-slaire, timair tisa>' ., Inakiu a cite cf il I an aIl r.]]>' te ,as-e tbaIlime musiot kees fromthe15 id baIll 1"Yen veikirc, O'Day, son ?; gins hlm a sale, Happer. an as lthe lotti, e uthe bot valimer ; b. r an heu t ilijîle vane his taste an I" W.ll, vil"- yon bline il?7 but, or fonr or fin. tumblens, I beerd tho h place singie lthe ismentashun rmy- fI Farevell, vas ulîrcunk telae l. na l tmaI Dite, au havin hurt mo fol niu hsome, bore I amn prosîbrates], au honte] gem ltoatatin] lbe Noble Mss- vimo ie nov sbusmuiT aitin for, Yen binue frinal, TIM O'DAY. Tise Nova. idANSoPuiNieDAT SN TaE STATES.- Presidenl aIflime United] States bas Au his proclamation appoiehiug irils>',lime 27i lst. tl e ereves] day of National Thaukegiving. ïzareda>' lasI vas genenally obeervo] )giotedthes Dominion as a Timauka- sg holiday. Fin. veather sas] dul. ÉEETINÇG 07 PÂRtàieBT.-Thie Mail il~~~ iprbbeimIParliament Win alled oge he h deepatcm cf mess on time 61hf0 fFebruary. HE Làs.-Geo-ge Rees],vimo via ng s ix--monêhe".tern uelb. On- Prison, reasentl>' stempteai ta es- fs-cm thse esto]>' cf one cf 1the i.e, vhile at vork in tIse yîad cf Sinstitution. Ho vas captures] at Male by a Couanty constablo, sud a baot te prison. On Mouds>' hast uansaa>'as pub on' theotriangle, occtved tveny-Live iséeM a-n me cf lise gcrds. VAiIEHOUSE COLaPORDsss.-. nov bouse aI Napanes colîseilon a>' enig ans] a foundry sclja- vas= buies nsder about bn 'lImace- bucliels of banIe>i't a rAI. CoLLmsIoa.-By lime Callision ie Ocianvia anad Ghaunioaeoff Ils, van. Costl auSatunday mornicg latter vas s0 hadl>' 0ûcuit ieh le has e unfine minutes. Itlai ted lisal about bvenly.flue unves hasoét. Tise Caplains tellnon>' diff. ÃŽAPIAL 705 SMtIFENIRELAiiD. se Calholic bismope cf Ireland have I an appeal le tho Goverumeul lie genoral. public on behaîf qi lime ring poor cf limaI oeuntry-altithé l ime calling n un thoir fiecks te ilt lthe rigmls ofotmers, sud le use eaceful constilntioual means te re. ithe ]and lawe RY-CoIL DiaoevEan.-Preî. Mao. bas discovered a large tract of val. land South-West cf lime BattIs. region,oal cof the, .cralnary zonles %vol. There is ne timbor, but v as nnlimiîedl supplies cf exceil. dal, tbrough'onî lb.e regln, vlicb beu teeted at anany camp Oire. enies lhe atonies cf dlssaffectlon a. ; the Iud!an tribos, but gies lhem îralso r patience. vhulo nadei. rivaliu ugs, and WAP cf' rcoacelvabie dodlptwàl6aî 'ýý CINTLY KILLED.-Jcimon Allen, cf'j illn, Ireiand, met bis deaith near veaL7lime fallng lu cf an em. reg,on Priasy haot. i' i UPDIIaUS AnÂTPatnlck GaI., andezr '4.pgîvh lacécomauee, ot I40 Wioil* hrge fu.Mr. Surlnthe hi.àr They recomm-en& limaI thé*dt store, laie inlthe I oicupation of. Till, 'b. divided Intb six butoimera' 81 10x18 ýfeot, with a hall tbrengli centre, sud one largo roomlinlime ýudfor gonoral markt purposes, ab ndskylight, 801 feOt Idng, ln tbe roc it a give the nocesavy 'lit. With ze the r b oom for lb. dz. apparatus, wu reogommoudla t limte front af th. ZOP *tr uligi h er of he om ing 20 foe tatéo uto, wi r' foot imih, aud Ot b.theSouth pari talon dow mad the malorlal used p'd, town hall bo romoved and plsosi d.Coîborne Street, oaat of th. P:10 thme conlowplalod work eauabs-dong from six tô smoen hundrsd dollars. bo remaved, and mald hall b. fitled fora ottl'e44zber san&for boli an And Ibat th. work spoci ob oeeded witb Ot once by the spécial 0 A rfb tender as far Aus In reply la Mr. Huggard, Mr. Cai bell tatedlhat tho oommitteo bad ta* o4."the ppinoa> of mecbanice aî 0?,Ft~l'-ehy d1d not 'considei at. necoesary tae ezploy an archilect, ns architeces hargod large percent.i Ho was osaisfied Ihalthlb.work wî gy not ceet moro than the amount nar: l m ad il would likely b. doue for les.. ed On lnotion of Mar. King, seonded [li Par. Campbell, the report was ailopl and a spécial commillea appoini e. onsisling cf Mcssrp. the Mayor, Ki Mt Bogart, Fox and Campbell, la proo Mtonce %ilà i lb.erecommendalions tb. report, -ad te bave al lb.h work d by tender as far as possible. ACCOUNTS. Dr. Bogart~ roported frocu the, c y- mittee ou Town property, recomme ta inig parment cf accounts of Willî BarneS, 810.50 ; Dominion Bank,S dg renc& cf Division couirt lerk's office. Report allopted. n1 MAIIKET B!. LAW. .h Mr. King inlroduced the by.law wiieh h lie ad giveu notice, ta establ r.a public market sud make provision th. rogulation of Ithe samie. nThe by-îaw wae read a first tii after which Mr. Ring staled that *did not wisli ta procod furtber t. le eveulng wilh th. measure, as lis deî od ta give lime ta have lb. clauses d -cnssed and nieLnbers malie lhemseli acqusinted witb the by-law aud obte the Opinion@ cf the business mon cf i Itown n on sac important ii tuatter. aMir. &mpbell sgreed with him. Teprincipal provisioae ,tat o market sab. befree.. ThaItIhe new Town hall purcha Sfroning an l3reck, Coîboru. and Ore, streeti sîzaîl b. the markot squai TliaI ne farmers produe (except wlia and barley>, beef, mutton, park, pot * ry, oggs, fruit, fisb, vegetables, Ilidi &c., shaîl b. sold or offercd for sa 0ai any other place within tihe tewu. The Town Clerk i. appointed t] Market clerk with powers cf a ce stable sud ta muake inspection. Butoliers' stalle are te be rented ai nnally, sud regulations are providi for tbeir management aud ltse gener management cf lime market ;alec fi weighing and measuring, with a sel >dul. cf fees. l l iay and straw mu b. weighed on the Market scales. There are stringenî previsiot againsit forstalliug. CAUTION TO THE "B!HIOYS" Mr. King brouglit under th. netic cf th. council the nuisance cacsed b spitting on the floor cf th. chambç sud by tabacco chewers, stating the lie had given arders for the priutiugc notices te be posted up, sud aise prevont neisy sud unruly cenduct witl in the hall, sud that tbe hall-keepe baid instruc1tions ta remnove, sudi neoessary, arrest snob characters. i Mr. Butlsdge referred te the noise cf beys during entertaintueuts at tl hall, and the ancoyance ta whicm pec pis wero subjected. Ho was glad tb& sgtops wore bsing laken ta put Ibis kmn cf thing dowu; lie did noltbink il di any good ta 1h. boys, and thal- lb.i would be just as welI wiîîîoul sncb o! fensive conducl. The. Mayor said Iliat the chief cou stable sud town hall keeper, who wai sîso a constable, h.d instructions ta at tend la 1h. offenders in future. TEUT WATE5 COURSE. Mr. Cormack, seconded by Mr. King 'To the RaI i, tr fhe Wlailby Claraaa cle a DEAR Sus: Ta day lIa. stable aci s]nling.iouseocf Dr. Ferrier, in lIse vil. lage cf ]Broughsam, v.r.eulnirely dcs- trayes] b>' is-a, tegeilsen villa aqusutil> of sessone]l lumben, ha>', carn stoceaks&o. Tho ire ie nuppote] t-o havre beau oauî- es] b>' lvii -fbis ittlIe.boye plnsying vilb matches. Theuo bys cars-ov>'es. cape] hoiug bus-nos] inthe fdamas. Tii. Dc4lcs- ha] dreconul>puschas.] tis ps-s- mises ]rnowci as the Brnougham Tan- ner>', san]bha]connes-el]thoras mb s stable asud s]iing iouse, visici aneves- Bde] lieurpose vaîl. î le vas the fis-st la dis covcr lis building on fis-e, ans] juet luarel> vils lime greatetetfcolats, surceede] lensing bis hors. sà udg.' g>'. Timee a i n epance ce the building an contents. Wo facile sytu- r sîbise vf lb the doolor for bis groat ose an]dlielievee maneigmbonsa viias- hlma ie pulting np anotmen stable.' Yours abecerel>-, JOHN PHILIFS. Bronghuan, Non. lOlb 1879. DREADFUL ACCIENomTt.- Margaret Baker, age] 18, hailuotis loes rnais.] oo badlyi> nl]>'marnlug b>' a Nontbes-n Bailway Train, limaI she liii]te bave tisera amputalel. Sime vas Beei er s panent. aff ho Barrie, aud remaine]ledi th. car until lime train began le mne. Sime lime ihm'ned le gel off, sud bu do- ing eber ares. caugi thelmacar step ans] draggcd ber unden lbhevimeehîs vIth limé relcuIt sttaes. Ion parntsl veýwrs vnmrle] cff b Iimir hoe, wbite timeir daugimler la y ble.s]ing in lh. vaiting rnoce. Theré len ver>' 11111. chune, of ber life. EATEN PTB7aânsl-Tvc hunIers 'wiegaingtimeéirrounudea fev day. agoý 'muth lieils] cenIr>'ilt sbestI cfoflbh Lake ai lime Savon Islands, lu lb. Cami. min, 'lameoupon a portion oe o maine cf the unfartuonilemin lu'a bear lrap, .vnobbel] lm y icantus. iie a Don- :v>iuq"nuTm&Lem,ï 41 'apaunb of proepcrlty b bas] euh] unblo la execute île onders, Tii.rii, Mn. avalue cf siver,,wouls], luaal pnch& tilla, relleve Indiau slalesmea of oui 1t eofthhir grealesI perpiexilies. Durmrl 1rean a penicai cf nuprecedeouls]depressioi 180 a timr.as]ail e a sil~mie, ng Dfgl expres disc ent vilh tho nations lliey boneinlaIrelans] yods] Le àa 1111 tva- more omulons cf Ibis exanale. Bli nev vas ia'l'a ies la .mp;em.naïim th( id"d, Irlishpeol,hdàrgit , ýeeîve a2) beleve limaI lie besI zemody for e0005 't ho omical disirees vas palilleal agilallor sluand] social confusion. (Lou& imugimté andaimcs ~Doublese limr. vere ai gr~i6n'f 2'niand visere limhora uld d onb tccnsidorsble suifening if a remes] osent vas mua- aqere. The, Irish m., e f ealed to Egh sympitiy lu vain. test £ ouid be tlb. dut of. ber Majeotl' 0p1 di * of Ira- 'hl ietuation. TheIniimpeople ehouhu Iup cou eecel)d te remmer a h lieirimar. =igvs,.hugh bas], and tiough lime; vere muci Mare dependent upon iu pra- liman are lime Englism people on timir's, iom- 1.aýil1 il vas machm botter, tian lb, bar. P~ vent cf glau'd.4 ttdr~iis im é ;iLea ;Mayor, Lord BeaaÃ"uifield esial :-'Wlscî m.I adresses] yenn predeceseor I ieform. c.es] hlim e Goverumeut vas contem. ste -phang-lAgeisiitary -openallons ih r il entra .Aialie oljeot being 1<o 4 a strengtîaen sud render secun, lime nortîs- Lges. western hondan>' aI lIe Indian Em. mIs]a pire. Tise operalions have beer nos], signaîl>' sucooseful, sud Britisbhjuan. i -ence is fQil>' stablisime] lu Central bYAsis, (Lacs] -oheens.) Hlere Lord lea, BeaconFfellal warml>' eclogizes] Lerd led, Lylton an]dlIse aueflging ari-nl Af- ing, gisanietan. Refenning te South Africa, îeed b.ie a]idteMonet van there lauglit lu inithecolocisessomelhing cf lime art af 1.lot seif-defcnce, ou vhiris Ibe>'muelte future chiefi>' roI>'. W.an.r about ta affectlBoule changea tiser. vhich is ii 'M' conibut o e bilcreas..] lappinese qnl. of th. Populatien amouget vîsicli Ils 'm oc1liîsdwell. If I uiev lise exterual 5610, tleaIIOnses oera]IY, I voulu Ba>' Ihat eeî'willislsnding E urope maY hacancvr- es] villamililees ci armes] men, va lias-e nalmes-el>' hope bunt belef tuait ai puacas ciII lie. maintaicel. lenessna-, lhin iugbait ieaa iiilube uiintaines] I se- lon anmae LtisaIsacgral paver veuis] eirsiuk frotu ils respeuaibilillem. If tIse M#4 mosi extensive anal vealîlaiesi empire lue luthue vorî] viili a-perverse inherpra- hast talion cf its metulas- csaracler, lui-ne au sir- jndiffcncnt casr hotise feeling ses]ffan dia- luises ai Continental Europe I heiiic- ýves lise countnry is erudatiugeied. It jas la siu suris indiffanenet, I -atnribîsle mac>' lise fatal wsrs, but if tise paver au] auluice aI Englani as-e fel nd]bhars-]in lise coatuails oi Emunope I1luave ùn conviction tise huaI peaca vili ha maichauine for a ]ane perlas]. (Lacs] ciseers.) If Eng. tee laid es]osats lier catural post in the oun coasaciis cf Europe 'war ile be probuable. ne. A ceistirahea Roman luing acte] visaI enI vais isie paiicy, replie] imperiaim et ai-. liiauistuae. TisI is a shont programme, s, brut itvauld nfot diegrace a lBnitishs aie Minists-. Ih ie cee ou vhicli lie ex. istiug Micisîs->' yul aivayeselc. fie _ - . 'e- STRitCue Dy îN ILeaEua.-Tlie sîcatu- sîuip Afrizonua, of the Williams-Guion c- lice, ubads asnovescape tram des- .]d tnuction on Frida>' nigist wlsile craseing -ai tbe Great Banks..- Thoebeaimer is use for navasl ounlise lina, adliber Lima in e- rnning is elaimai] la ue tise beel on st recrd-about sevoe days. Sisa vas regarde] as one oi tise beel appoineli as vesace luis e vonî], ans]ou Tuaesday asile] frotu New Yor-k for Liuerpeo, hîauieg on board 109 Cabin passengere, ce amaeg lhacm mauy premiceel' People byin the States. Evenythhug vwent cueli anr unlil about sine o'clock Fs-haa>' euening.i st Tîse nhît vas dsrk bail na(toggy, tise cf steamer in charge cf tise secees] officer,i toansd keaapiug s proper courseunudan [cll h. spees], vheu en]douly su] vilisaut an vniug tisera vas a terrible crash. if Eue'- y limabes- in lime vesel seoie e j quit-ar, vhjle sîmeet aI 1h. same in- s esantlime dock hecamaiesevu vils emasses cf brokan ira. Il qnickhy davu-1 >.os upen bbc minde of Captaie Joues t sud lais onew by lime pneseeneocfa lange1 s] witie fioaling objeol alaaad Ibat lise s] veesel hal s-nu mb an iceberg. An ai. ,y amicalian cf-tIsa vessel proues] sucds 10 f. b. lise casa. Beals vere faces] braken iuto a tibuanan]pliebers, vîsile 11e fan- vans] companimont lia] beeu crushe] n. leIb tis compainîmeut ver. tva t-silors, visa vers almost bainies]alIme c le thseir berthe, bunt vio vere sceeuas somevimat injure] by lîssjs-canadai. The. greabee conusternationa exisîsai fort HANLAN AND TIIECsaaimNua- The Sportsma hbais recelue] s lettar fromu lianlan, replying ta the intima. lion sent htim thiat Elliotlibas cisalieaag. ai cd himt la novfor lise ccp.,lHe mtes s tisaIhoccan udersîses] the position cf sifaie, sud sasut>ob.cenoot vieil Ecg- han] at preserit, ash. bas mane> en- gagements in Amanlca. He balda Iluai I saîhes- Boy] or ElliotI shani] vieil Can. of aida. Hie wil'-give one hundreil pacunde X te ishes- Be s] or Elliloîl if ha malt aSis matchs vihm im te came off ou Toron- Tl ta Bay for $1,000 or 12,000 e. aide, or mere. He cenoludes cith ssyiug lisab b. vill nov in Engîsal visen lhe haes lime. AN INDIAut APPEAL TO T*iE QUarsb.- ] Tîse Indiana aI Wiliiaena' Lake, Bitiphai Columbia, are repante tllue starving. Ph ThieinCbief pubhiashes a patbetio appeal te Hon Majesty, neiiig tisaItlîey have w' iseen dopive] aftie menssof iivehibood du b>' th.evhitee andl aliug relief, sayiug "n "'theYoung men vii l tetarve luin h pesce.", Tacthaclie-Do yen anifen wiîh il ? pa Go by a hotlle ai Pain-Kijller sud ied relicf in lime Ivinkle cf au eye-for I Tcolbaohe 11ilsa epeoiflo. -- ' Leonard ]Forda alabourer cýtlime tovu. ve slip aci-York, wlaile à iirag in a bugy 1 vitm Rager Djuglasa,. vas i lII.]en o Tiuradayuighut, the 'la ietbne - fatW Tii wvederfut zemes]>' ili paaihiaaelfc escre, sud limaI vimre eévcnyremes]>'bas fsl.Ta uroûve timat Ibis vonAdeÈil ree ii do 8ail v. daim fer il'yeuî fre presentes] wiha triibath. Ifre. of ceai, by wbicb yau -viii reail>' per. coin. Ie vwondenfnl curative; qualibies, Jr cee dollar iebltevi o. For sale by S. W. B.OUI h&Cc 2 Ceasumplio'n Cures]. An aid hpiyias, retires] -frcm prac- lice a leba]places] in bis; buds by â,aui Saa asia missionar>' lie formula o1asimple vogebable romedy fcr ime, -uaheos]>' ant i-permanent our. for Ccn- sumplice, Bronohitis, Calarrh, Asma, ans] ail Timnoal ans], Lung ,Affections, aIma a positive ans] nadicaý cure far Norvous dohilit>' ans],aI Narvans Com. p laintsi afler avig lestes]'ilst' vonder. ui cuarative' pavera lainthauBaude of cîses, bsfel itl bisdut>' la mako it kuova a ioseuferlng fellove. Adn-. aIes] b>'Ibis miotive ans] a desire te re. iev imuuffuiflng, I HlI sens] fnee oeb iarge o le1al vio desire il, 1h. dro. cîpe, m German, French, or Engiisb, vilh fuli directions fanorparncgan] usiug. Sent b>' mail b'aaldressiug viIb slamp, camiug Ibi. pper, W. W. Sierar, 1401 Powers' Block, Rochaester, N. Y. 42 Buclenle Arnica Salve. Thîe BamsTSALVE ile 1h, vans]for Cults, Bruisos, Sores, Ulcers, Sait Rbenu, Taller, Cliappa] Hauds, Chul. Mlaius, Corn,'-an] aIl kieda cf skiai ercpliens. Thmis Salve i. guaraulees] to gins perfect satjisation ini ever>' case on mon.>' nefundcu. Prie 25 cents per box. For sale b>' S. WV. B. Smuiths& 55Cerman Syrup.", No ollier modiainse ise vos-id vas Mvr Mgivncsci a lest cf il. curative quaiitisas seBosoel', Cerman Syrup., lu thus-aiycrs bye miliose four hun- als-cl liousauds] mali isotles cf tis medlicina suas-a distribule] fa-ce of chaurge b>' Ds-aggîso un1h, couns->' la lisose aflicted vibl Conauption, dstb- mat, Croup, senere Conglie, Pceumonia, an] otlser diseases ni the Ilroat an] inaiga, givicg the Amenican people un- deniable ps-acf timal Ces-acnie -rp cuee iait. The reemit haie beau Ibs Dnnggists in eusm-s- tow ansd village in lise Cenadias an]dtisa United States are uecauuanmding it teta Isis-customero. Ce tc 3-aur Drcggisl an]duîe]r viat tima> kuov about it. 8ample baIlles hn cents;. ilagulai- size, 75 cache, 'l'us-cadotes viii relieve an>' casa. Eucr since Dr. Wm. M. Cies, cf 1201 Wet Broadway Nov York, exîe]d. e] a frak invitation ta avucre cf lama hiasses tea lung Iheir equisas propent>' remues! 10 hie place cf businss for fs-es treatsmeut, lime corner cf White atreet and West Broadvay hias came to ns- sembîs a huars fais-. Tise Docton's bois] de/t' vlaieb la tis lunust upou tise curions atbention cf bis neiglibors, le base] on hie carnaeal bliflunhs ie l- dide Ammonia Liniment, visicis je nov ps-air es-saoal otîsars b>' tise duel stock rases-,anseporhiîug mecin tiss counts-y. Sala b>' S. W. B. Smth. Sec] for pamphlet. Dr. Ciies, 120,WIV3s-csdvay, N. Y. Trial uize 25 cemits. The coran n I Wiie snat anal West Boi a>' le bunIaItresenl s sort nhenimnaie Mecca ta vhici huma- drede aosipplea an] pairalytica make ]aily pilgrimage. Tbe i-ista viic ibis meaucisai> procession dhns-asily cua-ac i]. l a>' le tisa habes-atos->'of Dr. wVsu. NI. M. Gils,, No, 120 WVeal hinosewv>, viaee itis a certain sîstel>' urbacitl>'lc dispenuses laie neowIodj]e Ammonia Linimnent- ccv ragulani>' in Belleuce sud otlsen ispitais. -1 Salai By S. WV. B. Smithu. Sens] for Dr. Gihes, 120 Wcst Broacdway, N. Y. Triai suze 25 cett. Whcsa a para-on.ie veak ansd lain, on fatigue] sud exhusee, tuee sjeneli. icug sa refneehiug sud res-iufng as a hittle cf 11URIAY & LÂsAaaAN'S FatOutuA WSTr- Ei-. Rulube] on the biands ans] temples su] misais] fs-ad>', il Icces snd bs-se, tha visohe systatu.1 For Impaire] ie]fgselton, an] bu Iset, for debilit>' frotu an>' cause, I kccv cf nothing equal ha Faliowa' Hypapaos- phites. ls direct cifeet lu strarlghten- ieg îLe isesvous sysîcesrnalers il -suit- ahi. for tise majorit>' cf disases. -Wu. S. Havit, M. D., Piltfels, Me. Isaac R. Doraa, M. D>., cf Logan Ce., Oisa 5>:-"ALLEN 5 LuNc BAL,. clAu ual oral>' selle rapidl>', but giues perfectsaietaclion lui eesy caevils. lu My keoculealge. Hsaving confidenoe an il, an] kncsuiag thal il pocees8es a-alnuabie meauln propo-lisa, I fs-cely usemî lunesy dci>'pruictico snd vith uiî. botsraa!e] sut-cees. As au expectorant it is yt alcc-stairai>'furan ae]of an>' ps-cpa-utious I have eue- yet keavu." ICAnaDCaCaîs'EsroNS.- 11oW man>' thonraaui'af ladins tisera arecvsoho ool wau ara] fades], wvila yet un car>'lite ; ta ail mucis uob îus culiaper a Wor-d. Yoc 'Lana' lu BRmutTua.'e SARSAPAPIaLA ANI) E>LLI3e ismettes ofl rescrig yaur solo-,- higlilcing yods- eyes, veen- ssg 3-aur lus-antis, au] giving yon sona asti Dt-cla da-rgeail 50 et a ce. JILFFI'EY - TUIINIiUL.- Ou. TIisns-sdsiy, Nov, tie tis Itise nasidano. of Donald MeEven, S>' Ieuv. J. M. King, Audrcv Jeffra>', ci Torontbo, la Sarahs, daugister cf lise laie Jà mes Turnunil; of Meuh-cal. TWENTY -ýTIIOU.SAND'DOLLARS WORTH 0OF W - N G-OO)DS To be sold, during ýthe next two monthO. Owing to a change, I the Firm, the the subsoribers havse decidddto clear off their ha- niense stock AÂT AND UNDER CùOST, FRICE. ce - This is a "Bona Fide" 041fer-. The Goode -are ail New and Fashionable COflsiStlng. in, part of Dress Goods. Cashmeres. Alpacas. Wincjes. P'urs. Tweeds. Coatings. Flannels. Blankets, -Linens. Silks; Hosiery. Gloves. aibbons. Prints. THE LARGEST STOCK 0F MILLINERY IN THE COUNTY. MANTLE AND /JANTLE CLOTH8, IN GREAT VARIETY., BOYS' , YOUTHS' AND MENS' OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS. Customers having Millinery, Mandes, or Olothing made to order, willjrecoive aý DISCOUNT OFf120 FER CENT. During the Sale. Sale to commence on lst November, -and ho Cotilluedl until the whole stock is disposed of. This -will be the GREATEST SALE.OF.DRY GOODS That lias ever taken place. in this town- and suci an opportunity of ecuurixig the. beat goode at '1much less than Wholesale Prices," should not ho missed, by any one. On parcels of Fifty dollars and up- wards, three mnonths' eredit will be gi-ven on -ap- proved- 'paper. HAMILTON & HARROWER. NEW RTS PICKERING C01 Tour. "for their"-eons casai Younig mmenass] Younsg sc'ea ior rs E second and 92 sam*issos, or fa lion mIa lite Unisversity, or h Society', or.,litoe sColtegaej end] S!affloas, this istitaution lier aduatages. - Ils speciai fa ist. Althougl'i no;csl i b>' tisaSociety ofni -ende, il y o g p a i sp l e a if l a c î l s e x e s a i c ti0jf ÀAU staudauts are axpeci solm lace ai vnrship, but il vhc hey on 11cm parantsi - select. - 2fls. Il aiesa le glu. a lirel-ra attle yct possible conf. I cul>'#1015)par anmi, or a7 sescumlfor' a ehonter tiras.; s tins]. haillon, boand, wa-bklsung, \Obc.-v5s-> necessuay expee Bn]. Its curs-clui aIn stu cisel>' tle saine as le unr beet i ans] Cohegiate icalilsatea. But laendingthIis collegehvaxmaasy nat te lie btainedin aust Ii enci as board its-Cdllegïî buildia, rasise visupplled ail atbc i noe suaa litasaerat- ceussiom rooe IpDlors edu-oms, cena les, iygs-oundaa et-a - 41h. Il fa aime] te make lis Departmeeit -as thsos-ugh as ver>' complète clpica u p pas-ol pereiases] in>ii ~sladtlpliusaa a Second Chuas sud Iuitermeil Every sîndeul lis th. dap&ime requares] ta becomea sprat-ticai a or. Mr. Davis, t1et5 iaeune 1l Gels] Medallist in Iiatum-i St-c 'University'ai Tas-onto, sialca -competlat lsstrictos-. 5Ih. -A Cisaamreiai Feu-es -li vicis studemals araeIlanrouil Comsmercial Arithmellc, Conupt Boak-iceepissg.- Ans tadeut sals merel 1f ne=ua tk=yohi additon. yie a>'ohs dli. Sîuntes whe dountI c-lis for su>' exazeination aytyaite c cons-se sud devoetertm 7 t u . T i e m e sa s ig o s d e ] t u s -r enealson aeample. Sieide i n noss leebiaL a r1 Seul meets tance Ia veelesua scatisce a b>' iead-lggçidnasliomuists sud atiat -deiverecd dus-fng the 's*ites-. Sti. Tise Colle bidn ss Ihat lie sexes ag e uilding leen reeltali san a u d li n tise diuu usit , c, ad Yo nag es a rise nderlime s-ban usÃœ'e-esaes- Young laudie arc charge ni Ils Gosarnes. 9Uhs. Tise Comumilte and Offices iaaimasgoad Moa-itoue in tl A Bible chies is hais] evarv Sasia uoon.L On Stmday evallinga, lea menais, clarctes-, aadcondut an os] by lie1 PnisseiPsL The munagameut hope, >by de n hY an- csr>'to5- nul failbfuii> w rndertakoèn, te seenre a - dclai dlent. Noce but hs i g-t idi. wnsak ýreinvite] te attE i(ll an Viiou; aterfair triol, vi nIiai. The re ae, prizce, sois or revers ; noe marhebng systanfon - "iv. 0xaeslnaiioai. For a copy oiftse CollesA eeis'0" vicl cntaine infos-maic gars] le al litheprincispal eicasiAons nations lut Ontario, and fueiportiou ces-nie5 thoCollèe; Li pph>' ta JOHN E. BRYANT, IV Priauicipel, Piceloî- "-.WAXTED1 Ag..] Gcnes-al Ses -vaut lu a fi eve. Geedwgesgvems. AÂly Nov. 121 '71. (iii4) Bys-on-al.., Valuable Farm L U FR&SALE. (JONSISTING iin paioftIse soi thoJTO lt o. 7 in Itis 51nonce teTwsi îEst Wlsihby. lilth t>' ef Ontario ,100 acrsess Mora-or-les 0() acres are cleares] amas]fenes] Buldng.. Aime th e uerth-eaî qa ot No. 10)inuhea co.co theis-1 Osaa. St) acres Mes-e or hes a] eultivatfon. F o r p a nlle u sa rni a d i s-eas DAIEL InN]E 0mlsa;NOV. loti, 1879,. sa p OCXET 1300K FOUND. Fomais]àsPotltet Dock, wihb s assis ofaiMisencous apes hsciuling dm &es Iao 00 L Jun~ i tmpincy CIoNaoxcLEoffice, bsamieonlisiig P sud paylng expenses.hfigP V1odern Mater/a Ajedica 1 Who lias bouglit our Grocerv Stock. FuÏlciues mac>' valusbsreefor affie. dos lianI la a mate- of ces-taint>' thallen il casas wle-e liasanimail'eltality jf tiling Phoafone ls uleciclally super, Itl Il 'es-k effecîs sudh as 'aseothieg else avili pro. ce, and poaseases lise great adusutage ai lot cauaatu, Wvl a ls ue I.relmaquishe], se ligitstlreacîlon or depresaien. Soi] b>' ail ]ruggiale. Pricceuoe Daimr A C A tD. 0O a11 wba arecsaclffarnagfren Ian] indisanellei aIyci Tut eakuhs snue mi e.su s 115.e eorn has on band one of the-iargest àad nest etocks of GROCERIE.S> CROOIKERY &GLAS SWARE. .. .. . ... AT- BOTTOM FlUORS, I>ItODTJCB-lA'KEN IN EXCHANGE." vv t sIJ a k ISlK or lthePR 'èzftý liai 1- 1 )oÃœncil rom -qL -1 - '- 11L,- -- 0 --L 0 rw I-I I 1\1- GF Y ID IRo m3r A-J ýe ID

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