Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Oct 1879, p. 3

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Z= 40 Pninio In fact & fMlselection-of- Books, 8 Goode At Coe.l.e' Watehee, Ooles anidJa ety/lo et moderato nca MILLINERY, . * sp. ,189.. DANIEL NEW ADVERTIIENENTS. "-w & Edwa rd Frost', OHANOERY SALE U ODD FELLOW8 HiALL. 'FARM LAND$ awuiy iIn purtuince 0aie an orerci the. court; of Chanomryin tie.suit o1 lIthDa New Mâlinery, Hlats, Bon- STBeENSON vo. STBpRBiSoN, lctoeIforij immedimay 1 nets and Trimmings just to there wilI b oferea for maie by pubico utars e *Ancîiau, on ai the.ma4 hand. ATURD&Y, TUE 8th DAY 0Fop ci wio!1 tIe NOVEMBER, 1870, - ~~~~ait thelour ai One 0olock, p. in., ai Webb'e a tdt. eB Hatli, lu the Ml f J:DlQJ~ IINrU ~VILLAGEB 0F BR0TJGHAM, TOWNS. lu th CouutYoci Ontiio,by Levi Pairbn IIUUU ILLIIILI ci the Town i Whib 0 ucIl ~er, 1o.BY Lf Murder Wil Out. A taw yaes ago "Anugasi FiC vas diiùevûed ta -boea certain cmr Dyspipsîs aud Liver Courpiaini few thiniDyp>lls nade knaiw bhjifrnedow aseily and qu they hbid bien cured by Ibo uie, test uiîrito of Grîen's .ugust FI, becamoeralded Ibraugix the cou by one safferer and Auother, nutil1 Out advertising, île sale bîcame mense. Drnggists lu evcry tow the Canadas and United f3tetes oellhsg il. -Na persanusuffernugJ Su touraoi, Sioch Ueadmche, Cos us, Paipitatian of 1he. Hearl,1 gestion, Low Spirite, &a., eau threu,dooss ithout relief. Go ta Druggisl sud gel a batll, for 75 t and hi-y il. Sample boulies 10 cent Tii. Heated Tcrm-Look Out. DOi4 T SIT0T OTE 15A984 Tho mail sluibborn case of Dyo ery Wbich le uothiug marenor les t iuflammation of-the rectum, pradi ual' nnfrequeutiy hy setling ou graee.-may b. curîcl by tiaI mail eaient aahherio, Castor 'Oul. Itlsose Ta Scott & ]3owne, th. publie are debled for au Emulsion cf Castor thâll l a nly palalable, but lej uounaed by tlîausaucls who are usine Qýsoiutily ugreabietg Ille pale.. femily ea effard tabcbithout tiroUgli th. bealed ternu. Pric. cente. For sale by T. G. Whitfic Drock-st., Whiuby, 4h- Consumption Curîd. An Ola pliyuiailî, rolired Ifir p r tics, havicghad placia ln hie bande au East India rusiauary tho farmi Of a imple vegetablo remîcly for t speedy snd permanent cure for cc snmPtiou, Drauchitis, Calarhb, Asux andi ail Throat and Luug AiTectiot alsae a positive and radical cure1 Nervous debilily aud aIl Nervous Coi pýIlite, aftOîIJ&ling tested le tswandl fol curative --powers lu thousaucis ses, lias fait il hie duly ta make kuo aIh lie sufferng fellowe. Act aled by this motive sud a desire ta r 11ev. liunap sulrîring, I will seuti fi- ai charge lài ail who desire il, lbid cipýe, lu German, Frenchi, or Eugiisý vils full directions fen prepang ait usiug. Sent by mail _by addrissiî Sih ear, 1413 iq Iis paper, W. .t'rr,14 owcrg Block Roc/ceaie MroDîeîvr Docouo are the mart un wOlcoma viilOrs-even the Doclor hi- seli oursee the luck that compile hlm1 leave hie cufretdant e îa.po Yeu lry aur'motho, b eei. bt of Penny Davis' PàiN.HILL%£5 lu tI, bos., andti .1Daclar Squille stay ilu b b.d sud eujoy bimielf. MuatRAy & LALMAN'S FLORIDA WATE isrbably the simlsan uepo lafumroo ver adetbeiug absolutely n tblng marc tîzan lb. dîliciaus fiagrani Of rare lowirs, prîeneved and, mail .prmanent, and it le doubtlîss le th: purity cf composition hhat lils immenai asînlbaity le lu agriat masura la b W. havi e nerienus Ioula at oncae& reliebleaad ecuvînlînt as FîllowE Caoupoundl Syrup of Eypophoîphiîef -anti va, thînefara, gladly riccmmind i lu tbe diseasîs of suaci-gae as dîpenc forhsis upon iavoluula-y uluauls, action. Il have boom cured of a caucerous soi- ou My loft Bie by seven bottlîs o, I)I$ITOL'M SAIISAiARILLA sund fve pîrial, cf tise PÎilj. Tha soree hal lroubled r l'rai-a year aud ailislf.-GEo. E. STONP l3aliarat, Victoial. "A CLTÂre SuAjip" cou lbî obtsiued by discoaiuuing theanuse cf alcohiolloandu . aller Injurlaus Hein proparaticus and tisa use CiE 0flaÂAxRc," the mail penici PrOeervOrIlu tiscir.sead.' HsîIR ENTOUBite &0., &.-Al mal. phur asudIssadcomponnds have nearly dieappaarad : thier poiscnuu mixtures liavIug bain found bath 'r nous ta tise *rnblia hsalth andi deami to humunhair. ]ieariuo is taking the Pîlace cf ail oglisci pro parations, bahug ail elegant hiealtli. givilug dressiiug perfectly dslightuite us8e, aparea fi-cm the pure gi-case of EbvN BHIN Iloru 1W IiiUMATsitt... E'dwiu ]Botatiuffire tcrribly somelimes fi-oui rhîumaîlexn, sud if hie vere uat ana af5th. mosi amiable c1 moitais wauld, doubtlees, indu!ge lu vîgorous PA1WELNo. l-Balug compahoeil of the y-« t Saûthaznor iront puat i Lot No.17,lnthe frai-el 6 Clii concession ofthe Township of Plckorlug t/criee ti BiCforesid danthn Yorî ac:rest, more - ,M,, ceu m ra leareci exoept 12 acrei ai Wooaadu. The. lesred Isla n suier a P~a state of cullivatlou. Ou th. proml bohesIo a g aad trame hanse; trams ba= wltii staua faundation fltled up for stable sud roat ailier, tiie barn ta 101 f eet by 40 test - alo drivlug bouse and twa irame stabls. Thts parceli tawonlltea, and watere-d by a uever-iaillng spring, and bas a yon orchsrd ai grafitd fruit Lu beariug aiea the Sonth-iau quarter ai Lot nunsbé; lghteimn the sald sixth canaisslof a Pikering, Ti parlion in ai l ceanid,-and iu a odoeate oi enltivatiou aud won teuca. jtjk* PARCEL 2-Beug thie Nantis hait ci your Tuer 7in t tconcession cf tiie Tonhp aiPlClciing,aontateiu loo a cents more or lese. TSI, hJ ai1 l ear-i ansud s. 900(l tate ai cultlvstiou, îxeept abia acres vinai chhaî not benulanoken up. the promises liera le a trame bar-n anal stables; oui fraure hause, vitir etane aoi two orchards;, sud vel vatineal iy ent- sîr-caus runinglhsnocsgh lt;twoepn0p, bath pa~irties are inetve s i-iaur act Town of Wirithy anal 0 mils fr-arn LI, tise pool Market, accessible iry gocal roada. ider- The Vîndoahall ual b. hounal hoe i- lduce any othsr tille deumls tissu hasee k tthîlr posesan, or furnusi eny abstr - iloav a Regisraro m bilrat or s aopy lierg lu. ar-prove any abstao i tis eor titis aI] Ol than by the tille deetim lu their posaussi pro. Tiree iii ha a raserveal bld an ec ara O lxeti by liii Master. Tii. purcissen ai puay dowu an the dey ef sale,sdepomil of1 -Opan cent. upon bis purcisase money, a b tenoupishoanaka witi tise.deposit tori-ul 25 ai fhie-puni-hase mouey iuouemouth tram t slal- dayotsle, without uteenti. Tire bas te be ased clby anîtgage upon tiseypr-e imes, bai-cf dowar il requireal, payable liv,, equai aunuali Lstalurînt. with intert ainuaily aur six lier cent, frou lie day ai salneoteist. of saab liiesahueuls ta bei-ai rite du ote ir-st day ai October, 158. ul b On payinent af tbe puchaese rony ai the willibuccsti ta tcouveyanaeanalbhoel OU- in assaon. Ti'ha tier- conditionsa LS:e, standing -conditions oi thre Court us, Cissncery, excep-t as irovi varied. for Fer particcriara anal conditions cf mn ým. arpiy taW. H. Dillungs Venldors' Soliaitoi Mr. es. MeMichai, 1Ilesictansd Opalin Z of roula ; Misai-s. 1Praewl & Ruhledge, VC"lr b y; sud John H'omkin, QG., Toronto; ai tise uîîdei-signed Master ufthlei Court. rai- (Signet'),) 01. H. DARTNELL, re W. H. IIILINGS, Mante e. Vendons' Solicitor. (i-. id toENE AT TIl KsINGSTON Ponrc: SCouBT.-TSo-e vas a sont at Ih ,,Kingston Police Court tiaeailier de vile tise caae cf Dr. Stevart agalua Ur. fr-ilIon, for pejury, vas in pro n-grise. Dr. Stewart, lu making scmi a-remanke, ridi-uleal tise idea cf ga Polic toCourt beiug a court cf lav. He saiali se was a court cf "policejusl-aasee." Ti fle Police, Magitrate, addnessi.ng the. pc ho lice vigoroueiy. saiti :-"Put hlm cul le Put hlm ont 1 Put hlm ont V' ani turning ta Dr. Stewart, saiti- "Ill commit you." Hle thon adjourneal ti 99 cami, sud lis. doctloft heftiacourt. Ir* ce la Notices cf Birili-, Marricrgea e and Deatha ch.crgcd 50 cents caoc. B IIETHS. S DOW.-At Whitby, ou theo othis a., tise vite of John B. Doy, Eeq., Bai-rie. 90 ter, of a tisuglten. il WHITBY MARKF2'S. id r CHsarONCLE OvnI-cc,OCet. 22ud, 1879. Fleur pr hi-I.......... 5 go 0 5a7s Fall l est ............l01 020@el22 '1 prinp hst1....1 18 @ el 18 1f .........No .... 60 450 5 i ........ )00@ 00 6 e, y.............. 0000 05 .5 ..... 5 a 58 l'................. @ 60 Paiaas, b .........al - 0e70 0 #0 6St Oacte .............. . @25 28 .a5 o 7 @ 69 .10 i@ 1 80 ýtPaîsto,10... ... .... l (»@ $120 uoaos ew...........0 2854@ $o 25 Eggs..........2 Butter,.............0e @ 15 .hssO...a..... 00 g10 iWood ................ 88g5 0 0 Beef, hLud quaitir.... 1 , 8550 Beef, foi-quarter....5 4 <0 $450 Bli-epakius......... ..... 0 75 0 5180 Rides .............. # ..5 00 0500 Pork, par ocvi ......... $00 @ 85 50 L=b ............. 2 se $30c caives .................. 4 <11, Tousalees-----------.... Onone ....... .........0 75 @10 00 Tunips ................. 000 Cii-rote ............... soc 0 Ccsiry, pi-arno ....4 0 ... Cii-lions,,per-peIr .....25 400 .400pr@5........40 0c .40cprl ......... O006 Türikipi, per Yb .......e10 10 laver.,............... 0 0 08 W Tiuialhy............. 1 75 -IO0 Wool, uv8ha . 0 001 @10 v4uaseea... ,........ 8 <320 Modemn Mater/a Medicâ T iciffa's naany valusblereuîdîes for affila. a. ieus, iî is a math- ai irtalnty thal lu aul casoes isie lic animal vtality in failing. Pliîuefashî,in l dccidîdiy supîrior, Il vii vork effacts suci as nothlug aise yul pro. duce, sud poseassesthiegnelstavantage ai net cecrîing, vien il, useI le incîlisald, the ligirleit riaction or dipressiou. Solal iy ail drugples. Pri-, one.Dollar Concesî sTheMunicipalCouaciloe t/cc Toicit. NVjLTIiE IN D1IESS GOODS & MILLlINERY v s/q f U'bidgc enacia a8 fallocis; Tiiot the rnsurva ed b O. G. Manlg P. 0. ., ase ibavu Dy th'eacampanylng plans scrons Lot 25) Tweuty tinie and se. "l rs a portion o tnumber (22) Mlinroù tva bel, sud the ame leah.ieby istsbulhiied Twinty D ress-m aking & Tailoring to order. as s Public Hlgivey (tiat la ta say Cour. menclug et s point ou thea Norh LItioa saal Lot Twenty.tiree sauts 77 degreei veel, tiwnty-ireeeh"ranu a sudtrt.ota jinuke, more or legs, tramlst rhe east angle tieriof, sud setlnuthie cintre airnaa survyedansd laid ont serons Lot (24) - FWJ L&0 Twenty-four, by L J. Makeurie, P. Il. B., Lu 1862 ; theuce South 88 dignees, East dvi chaîne and l iteen links ta a point. Thauce 57 digmes East, tweuty.aue chiadleu v- linkaCr mer-ec legsa, tram liaSouth iirlof - gala Ot (28) Tweuty.tiirie, Soti 77 de- UVERPO ODONDERRiY, TE" S1 F EN"~ î reais, West six chalstinds wnyoelnNE A.1 mare or iess,irom hie Souanlieal ether-e. GLASGO W au, with a dieenicar widti ai ftyinks ----- ---------- an-lion ai0nasalid erin o, t euytwAIaiTni V. U two acres sud 02/100 af au acre ; an t lat w U > 'o j.vy <~ ~elng discribed s taiow : omeucAu 11 aanc i5nI otanori lirait cf galal-Lot i i r a OPROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIpS. * > - Twinty.tlarcëeanale, Sauth 78 aligmesWest i - ii I\ I k six nirahils anal tweuty.oua lnks fr-arntisa Shorteet Sea Passage, Economny, andl ~ r*r '* '*-~v N o rth -eas ang l e of ala l L ot n u m b er (22) C o rfo t. ' L . . L N L 2 J . N ./ . . . I . Twest.sw;îthiuce Seti 01 digmes, . 0Q RasI t' reains; tuaeentis 68 degiie vr n i',y rm ubeP - anal 80 minutes,,East haree ciainre aa svoy ntrdy nm Quharonouneed b al al the richest oivor shown. 87 links, tirnci South il(80) lune. degnies on arrival af lie tramn lîavlug Whilby < .. 80 mninute , W est, ald g lie top a tie M ill . cAt 8.10 a. m . v ry Friday. O daml ,o lnaians ana l ftýllbu-; thonce Tni-nanan RITES i-noHrWii-rnY. South, 82 dignees, Est tiir-e chains sud elevîn liuks, mari on uese, taahoisnpo012onho Cabin taris $81 aud $91, etc., accord. rce(/ weserenu uit oaitleiinsal slavana, belveen Lug ta p5osition of slateraom. Lawer- theî eventr sud îîgihh Coucession, eleveu rate fer- rîluru ticets. luter-meiate, 846. The EAquIisl laste displayed In ail Dur depadments stili unappraavhed. chans an sudhiity-ffve linuks, marie or- legsSteenage slowesl rates. North, 12 dieses West, fr-arnthe South' Circssiean...Oct, 251h, 1879. _ 00 dbcular widtlh off lfly linksi on eaisaida ai Moravian ........ Il s, 8..th Ila.ings "otaeurs naiub d L ia esremîu Penirvi..su . N lt. 1 Th<a rest stock of DresGoodsa 5jk , Sais'rn ,FA SHIONABLE oui acre sud faur-tintisaifannsai-e. Polynesian.<a... l2inti " Jet Buttons, Fanay Goocle, &c. ~n. - - ~SIeur-agi assînDgers ar-e forwaralialta Lon- TAKENOTCE.dondir-ry, Llfaal, lasgew, Quenstavu, The most Complete stock< of, French Manties, Mantie BROOK STREET, TAKE NOTCE. Bristol, Cardiff, sud Landoa t saure an d Ulster Cloths. --as ta Liverpool 1.1 QRSJS E Partiels vtshnta n o borfins The bststock o " sOecatnsad ltsi rrE lacboveia truec Qpy 0f a5 iii- deau ablalu -tickets at loy rates. bs Twed, VecotigeanAOtu8l By-aw hih ws éâda frs an sc- heBoapasag frm andalad ave- the Connty. o n al im e by th e M un i cip al C un il ci t ii ag a o t svz a D ArY s tw o cf w h i aii ar -iV REe Auguet, 1879, sald wwi¶ibe tai-en into consial- rende. bwaLens lse bye r el oSoo.t.4 god1efr eratien ai lue final paing thieoi, rien Tire Stesursisiailie Alian Line coure byn lahn.ZC N D tiraom shaulas have boal fourr ilrion. lu air-it ta tiera-sd Trunk Raiiway wianvea A LARtGE ASSî tire Wiitby C1aOreICLE, ai wvi-h <due notice at Paint Levi, (South Quebec) anal 5pîcl wiii hi pivîn, whe4 tire alal Ciancil 'aw' Trais aie dspatchîd withitise paeaengers hera insn . 1 lnlma r p-.immidiateiy on arrivai. fly tins ar-range. -w judaaly affecteal tohe-iy, anal wio kett. ment, pass gr vi elyadepne tinst bo srae aila eu a aPh sud By. nsving ailinformation, maelefiDoverell's Block. -'Falîonbl Dy oodG&ElîhTt lAuT. s ta m a k e s a l a p p lic o s t u ati n a Bo u i tr e . 'M D E aw us mae.hysai aplcaort e u Par iktaatifurthen informuatin appiy' eueyearjr dte od uchfinal pas - YUCNE 0te"iY"cirG . B. MUE. APE DI inhis notice le givin Lu aceor-dance wîtîr Exp. sud Tel. Office, S TOCKEND the Staute 98Vie., Cap. 48, Sec. 424; sud OV R OA S!B SIES UIS R S SISA LANSE 87 Via., Cap. 16, Sec. 7. Whitby, Oet., 1879. tZ O ERO T U IE SSIS1D E SSÉLTS E. . H IL13ORN, Umbridgî, Sept. lOti, 1879. _« V I N E G A B ! * ANC Y VESTflNGS 1 G NTS F TELEPHON ES. E. V. 31. oll-naîa'à GENTS' FURNISHINGTS f EXTRA GC( rME MONT iEL TELEGRAP H C . B F A isaving beain appolutial soie agents fer It'Dt'TTFRNCHT ITMt'Rl Canada fer- -YEI-------JNII1rAxiIft.,* ,0 THIE EDISON CARSON JELEPIUINESI - -J O HNi FI oan "l dt ettiers rquiramente Demnijoins and Quarter-deniijohns. C. ?~ 'If ow reuidtoingTelapiranîs for Pen, Wlitby, Oct. ýOlh,1870. LDVETI sic>rzNT IMIL,~~~~ 1WBr lub e- ma Patnie of then allims, ta1 W.m BiflngeWiitby, au or efor. tiit Of Doember noxt, miater tiiet date. the Sald ex. prced ta dlalribute the seets teceaed,emounsttie-Pal. eto, haviis regrto the claiius *e uàadexcutors have Iheu W. H. BILLINOWi 'HP of UXBRIDGE ,WVNo. establisc a road for publie acroaic Lot (231) Tucnty. nd a portion of Lot (22) ftsiro in t/ce (71hc) Sevenîl Iau cf t/ce Toiurna/cfp of DOMINION AM @Li Noted for Reliable'Goods, at Fai, 'ValueI Induced by the very Ilow priais 'ruling for goods ii all times, aud also by tb. improved lbugiuegssProspects, the. subscribur has pnrohased au exteusive and valuable stock for the comiag seacon. - Te thea stock of LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, espaocial attention ie caaled, as being the largesi..assortment aver sbowu innWhitby; and unaqualleda lu quality id Prie. * SILVER WATCHES, AT LOWEST PBICES. The stock of ELEOTRO-PLÂTED G00DS wlll aise hbc found much lnpoased, and prices lawer han ever. Ivory bandled -Dianer and Deseert Iron, Granite -Taa and Coffae Pots,- Plated Mount*. 18k Wadfing Bings, a large stock on band. JEWELBYmacle te Order. Personal attention to Watch ropairing. Satisfaction' guarauteed., J -I8s.-JQ S UO (DJ>T -Lot )ut 8 On tva twc aud [ver-- Pro. B in soi, ici- ion anal is lire ici ,st ne ual r-i let gr; il- id 14 ty e ie i i e, I 01 Tiese Instruaments are by far'tieseuct inrfect anal eenvica.ae ever ntrutcldanal Rir taini te paceofal cOhens as futl as Acirapir- instrument eau aiea be furnish. ' ythe Company 'aren rîquireal qual ta My othre manniachurial, îxceptiug th~ejEal son2 instrument, St sayesrly rnnal ofi5. LUes, batteries, cas» b.e, etc., eau hi pro- vidid by parties requrung tire instrmmnla, >r- by aragement witS ti e Company. Pur-ten partieniars cao hi pbtaiued- hy tpplicaîlaa ta 'GEO. B. YULE, Agent Monti-esi Tel. Ca. NIAJOIR MILLS!1 The, abpvî iii, are apain lu opiration. -AT- R. H.~~~~~~~ JA E ON- p-era- -kinplutir-_TES SYL , IULWS IGarURE oS. a ieecimg-fîsturi, ne elope on hotcieal gai-moul ai-i kept ou hanal, bat a g P URSUANT TO AN ORDER OF TEE tise ne>lstyle, san uexcellent article lu îvory vay cau b. vennanld. r Court ci Ciiauîiry maeinLutire mat._______ __________________ r oi tire Easte of THOMAS8 pHEX. îg t Slepienson,ie Credit cifhomas Sie i sou, lat. 0f1Picrkeig tire Cousty of n via diedonucrea ut the nh ofÀ 7are on or beithie 27th sday - f SolicitorasciJ Step ou, tire admini. staIrnfa dees hire eiia and aur. %l M nam es, aiir eases esciption, thie ful prtlcularrofitireirc 's, a statuent ci hoir sei, udt t turi ai tire seauri- Announces lie receipt f a splendid stok f Overcoatinge. Englis, Scotch anti Canadien Tvîeds, anal fiua Wor-ateal SailLuge; sien, Fanay Vestin-gg, vhieh h. jes our is beeilt i satÉi- e. Evre RE NEW MILL 15 VERY 0cou- ertaliar holding y --ea r. prodfouc00 T plote, sud ittia 11 iiralmoSr- i, ar b oriotuyaam ale lraveurenîsanal appi suces ion d.oLug Touaiwn ii LutiiCounty ci ariHgetm re rc adfrgo -on the 20th12 yotOctoier, 1879, B tTinndEgs I O'etlai- u iOrenoon, bolng tho1tmuap G - ~ I TI sr - piuer fn diatonn iicllu..B u te a d ggf . A Y r-N TUE DEST POSSIBLE MANE. atidtalt 1h dày ai Octoairr, 1879.4z7"nOUH.D Y TP. cixri ________________________ Nexit le Hamilton &Hanrover's Dry Gooaa'Store, Broak.atreal, Whlhbv. A 909 PLAN. commicwaceesuffmnyelr $200 R EWARD 1 ~ ~h _________________ W EREAS THE BARN AND OUT- S buildings belouging ta Mt-. William S A N H Eq God ew*f te P bi 1 Pherrill, siuaedon lo 26, nthe thcon. NOTICE* ~ O S ' N D 8 S od N w o h u lc / cestion oi thietownship of Wiiby, vire a-a'0 - ieeîr-eyeal by dri, an tisa nigirt ni th ir dr-el -~ICîajNOTICE 18 HEREBY 01V- - laJ ci Auguet lasIt; sund huneas tire bars anal P en Shah hie Cotnincl ci tic Corporation contente occupied by Mr. Benjamin Mien, id tii ToWuship of Pickeigua inetrucahol j 7 .,~±.~~A± On lot 11, lufth con, cf Pickering, wve.9aimathe Colietor tohgIsl taxue ntr ~ ' 7 T T dtryea by dre, an tire mor-uig ai Frlday Muuiaipsliîyfo epsetâ vidlnuhe I ,G V N tii Sr8 ai Octoben instant; sud vises ain *aï ar-e thie tresur n nor ietore tesasi âe drecaattnibuted tlaLucendiarisur. he 14tîaa cf DZCEMPE;u ane n -oee Ido hrb fa pursuance cf a résolution extensio time viii be ra'e for tira:O .1 lo"eF mf e paseia by Tii-z OwrT4=oFARuxaRS'O TUAL relurofi tie Rall beyond thi.e sial l4tir i5tItANCL Cexlu-M eompovonlng me ton day otDecember. 'i liI~lpose, afin tise savere ndtn- uuh u inomtons id fi ~ yor-uchiConl.--_ purchaser-of a Sett of Dishes, or'ità equivalent in Crock- snob~ B J6rat By rdrafnhedo Glasw are a large stock on hand sellin ardu d on- inîd ars Winii r aiwt bo palal luaGi'areuc orolneiîaanlconviction ci thesi localarRECTOR IIEATON, tir p -- Ion 0 51 0l u esci s.DadayaI ick O c tii r. ---7:co.- --G L A S ý W A R E A large stock ,on han d, sellin g at re- Tii Out. Pam-er-s'Mutuel Jus. Ca. . ~ u4 wtb c. 1f l. t- Dislton, of PartnflBPhip. A MAGNIFICENT STOCK dknced .% eof ewSas. ESapnces suntable to MET FLAS A ORNT FOB PARTNERBHIP ExRRToOR > urni .fneneoNwSeo T Sa FA a M OPF R.--Tat r-t-Ladies', Misses', e.1<nd1hidenE kiuue& S.-t- i nt , XGenisb«ee te' andf1G A coiùplete stock of choice Fanlily Groceries, fresh and conteLulng 175 rlee einparts ai LosM12 mihie, oremoing , adimaivl. EL"G TTTThT1id viii 8 aWir ,ýdb mtnlCusuo iic SOI1day a;Jai WEST L N CSBtysPickles 'and Sauces, Wooden ware, Pailz and 115 sudte C4L ntre c tr on. arst Wby, mtr uact, abtenantau ea, -inr-mîo theb t Te -amie ,nl atumB i :E',le e kfl r 17..... es oi se oldg owar,1.i agn te «nua CO tet Is buml ohn Or=e.crrea on COME 1) SEE, THE HAPR ( ,-,,fit,, i tliq- 6acres f _W«,bw.w .nde the ts;s o ag îarme good fit, ~1(0 0 I~Es C - 1- O »r r TA IL OIIING - - WTHJTBY ECEIVED IN'GREÂT IPLENDID LOT 0F YT TWEEDSI DIITM ENT 0F MEN'S & OVERCOATS. TPEHRGUSON'g ]READY DR TO ORflER ID SUITS!1 US TO RAND OPTRE TO ýSTYLES IN URNISRINGS 1 OOD VALUE IN .0 ROBES. VERY FINE 50 CENT GREEN, BLACK AND'JAPAN TEA 1EA.S S IÀRIL eartford> oann, jraary I1179. ,Realostiri,6617,2304,87 Cash on hanal and in tank, 127,904,69 Lias 01 ouind andl mortgage au real eglat. - - 2,256,198.18 Intereit ounlassas, accxneal but. net due, - 8180 uon cnoollatiral sîcurity, 22,100.00o DeerredLlteprmium, . 5 1,272.52 au Lite Policles, - - 60,750,12 'United Statom Gavarumant 1 bonds' - - - 433,.420.,00 State anal municipal bondse, 9Uq,o07,8 Rail-aid alacice anal boude, 820,338.() iaTsdInsurance stocks, fOc4a Tot AsaI, 82197%hl44,3 Reaervi, fornre.insuranee, Ac- aident Departurant, - 221,326.84 CleimeUniiedjeteti sund net due, andal»othm ihabili- hies, - - - 144,500.00 Total Liailities, 8338379 Surplus as regards Pdiay- Soidens, - S,271 .s oratsie fnthe Year 1878. LIrE nEPARpi-EIT. Numirncfi lie Police,& vnll- heu Lu 1878, -- - 190 Mhois nurmier Lie Poliay; 18 vnlttenlto date - - 3,9 Wiole number oi Life Poli. cies intorce, - - 11 ý207 Amcust Lita lueur-inca la Total Claimiepald Lu Lie Departureul, . <S8,271,137.60. ACCIDENT uEPARTMiENT. Numben ai Accideint Policez vritlîumin1878 -. 4,1, CAsh Premiurs n eceivia for -an - - 7558.a - Gain inuPreumus aven 1877 $ 5t.5s7.,a Wiole nnmber Accident Pois. . aies vrlte u5175,95 >XumirrAocidentbospaid ' iu 1878, - - 4,700 Auraunt Acident alaisua peaSc Lu 1878, - - 243.3 Wioli numiar Accident lais pid . 1-* 3,0409 ToaliLaee palal, bolh De- partarnts. ,33090 JAS. G. BATTERSON, Presadeiaa. G. F. DAMIS, Vii-Preeialent. RODNEY MtNNIS, Sii-r-1ary. JOHN E. MORRIS, Assistant Sicr'y. - GEORGE ELLUS, Aetuary. EDWAnLD V. PrurnrOY, SUp't of Ajgendis. J. P. Divis, MIL D:. Moial amise G .. . F .MD. RUSSELL Agent, rô uatOnt GRAY'@ 8'BcIEIC MEDICINÇE, " fncure forinair Woon ak ako-,ce AtâTkig aesni tea, Is em Meory nic Iln reraur ad age.anl an oh Dieiesa euesha Iseiy nCu pahnirsl aiu Painphl et,"c vB <aie Ssual free bymaltoever on. Tire Spele yag I, an Mlx pacagea for 15,cor viii ie aont ou iry mail on recelpt of tire maney by ad- dressing THE GRAY MEDIýCo0., Torontc, Ont., Canada. Thé Great Blood, Purifie. Agenoue dotal ixtraco f Red or Jamal. ce buanPMAal, ccmbmneal vith calide of Potassium, for tire cura ai ail disoases gÉilg tram lapurity cit he. load. Niai7 ailthe ideasea rt troublé bcr humas race, are indunenceal by thitatv-oi lie ilood.. 1h 1à lntispeusai..le shah hie tountais of lite i. Lu a pura anal iesithy condlition, As a Purifier of tie ilcood, a-Pmnavator of the,* em, aadProserveroaithe pav- ère o M, CrterS armeparile bas ne aome tt he Dr-u Star-as. KERRY, WATSON&eCO., RSNOW, Pige ta intorza ils numerous frieandesud patrons tih h h agein lùken brs OLO STAND ON DONOAS STREET, ýccn-'ed byW. P:WlUoa viera hap eseail ie lsad iends,- SPECIAL BARCG4IN8 IN CROCKERY r d calta ara ca alim fois ,ù nelvseeàiuae O0NFECTI01c~T1iRy, FIlES I~~~~~~~4 114.ý IflO'aa~..J COME To FROST'S' AND SEE FROSTS: ru nt Dot WARE.,ROOMS 3ŽWEMJW At astonishîng rd for t. A vu ta cily The. lintry With- 0Im. nl are from ciQID Low Prices fsels T R, 0 r. -1 "IL*r d-% «T 7-1rn -v- rv-wý- - -- - - - - - - - 1 j

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