Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Oct 1879, p. 3

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in the ehades and colora most ini demaud. Wortlb at. intoice cost price, On. Thousand-Five Hundred Dollars, ($1,500.) W. sell these Ribbons - at one-heiff the profit, consider- ed tue fair thing by tbe trade, WC seli thom go, cheap and consequently 80 quiokly, 1ihat~ we are continuailly ro- ceiving re-i.nforcements in the wa.y of the latest novel- ties lu- BIB13ON S. The Latest Novelties in Ribbons. FROST'S Oheap Cash Dry Goods. Store is the place for RIBBONS. M. l"i'R 0s r ODD-FELLOW'S HALL, NEW ADVEETISENENT. ' Liniment Ia. bebeet resuits. saunaïed anal Yuors of lherses * Thirbor & Co., -By S. W. B,. )blet .Oaaway N. Y.~ Golden Com- lé urenaratiain. .9'1j0-ais, iuonoss, vonsuî. âIlce, Llvoc Cemplalot or of thé Stomacit or Liver, t time ossible. You are buy untîl yen knov whst lUig. Theroforo, as yoii luloence, do ual 'al ta go rist, S. W. .B Smithl & eC'. 11l botilo frec of charge, haw what a regular one wilI do. Aek for Dr. »tNIÀ Gaînsua 1COMPrOUND ither. S. W. B. Stnith& irder Will out. 's ago l'August ]liowér" id ta bo a6 certain cure for bi Livor Ceinblalnt. A ope tics made lnovu tê now efasily anal qtlckly 1 Oured bY its use, Thé ýf Gieen's Anguci Flawr led tlirenl h -onr Sr a n a a n 0th0r, 4mîi 'i wltii. g, ilescale became izu.' igglsts lu every town ln andl Uniteal tubos are Sick Headache, C estive. ioen cf the Hlberi hll. Spirite &a. eau take Itut relief. Go ta yanr gat a bttis for 75 cents Simpie bttes 10 ceétu. râle Arnica Salve, SALE inl the werld fer 5, Soeé, Ulors, Sait , Chappeal Haude, 0h11. ,sad ail kinalseti Ai is Salve lu guiarantecal Ontifaetion iu every cene nded. Price.25 Conta@pCr liy S. W. 13. Smte & targe4 60 cents eaole. r, A T IfS. -Ou ' esday, Octaber denuce cf hie os nIw Io, Toronto, Jolin Wat. ,, agéa 781 Joars. ni hie late rocldbnces !rlday, 101h instant, ait 1Y MMuRÃŽi2s. sx Oww ct, t1h, 11170, 000-15 (âe 0 ..... #1 MIc 11 0 0 70 ( 09 8 ........ 2G à 0 '» 01 &7 C 6908 - . . . . . . @ n o .....0ùSet4 l t8if u @ 0 ) S5 080 0 0 e5 0 .... 6 00 8 .... 7... OC 00 NOTICE T5R BTG1VIIN THAT A COURT .5 iib hli urcuntotaThe Voler'c Llst Act b bcH or thoe udge cf the Voaity CouK'%,,cf the Cazpiy cf Ontarilo, ai -whitby,/Ou WEDNESDAY,15t4,day cf OCT., '79, ai Eloven çIdleck, a. m.,. To hoar sud- dote eotho ceveral cern- Plaints 01 erre - i~'miolns'iuthe Veters' List O f the Mu i'lt 4g th fwnhpo Pickerigi fr ~7.n AU, perc vn~4slg busi s ai the Court are requir4io attend at the. aid ture neau pInce. e Datcd.at Pickrng, this day of Octeb 1~1879. HECTOR flEA N, 42 l;erla cf the salai Muni aity. Ontitro Ladies' ole ge. D B. IIAANEL, Profe or ef science lu t)Victoria Urivers Y, viii (D. V.) -dtrlng?"the ýpréent yaar, .NV E UiY FJUL>-Y JVENIN(J, lai OntMrlo Ladies' OoUo'fe, cion CHEMI&TRY AND P/#YrsiCs. Tesehers, advanccd saholare, an~ others wlahiug te attend the aboya course, câp ob- tain tjckets el 01,00 par tarin, on app]lcal4oný te-j J. J.l RARE, Principal. WhItby, Oct. 8, 1879. CRICKET MATCH, - AT- W H 1T BY, Thursday and Friday, OCTOBER 1CM d& 17f1h '79, -DETWEEK- The Irish ïGentlemen Eleven Anai uS cf WHITBY & District. Tihe WIITBY, PORT PERUT & LlNiD SAY RAILWAY vili run ani Ex- cursion at-SINGLE Fare, Plus the Prie of aision te the greund. ADMISSION TO OROUND 25Ct5 J. W. TROVSDELL, lien. Sec, Wbhby Cricket Cizib FIiRIN.UO.BRAGH/ October 7lh; 1870. 4 N OTICE . p UBLIC NOTICE 18 HEIREBy GIV. e. n that thie Council et the Corporation et the Towwshipof i'ickering lias ntnuctel the Col legs te al taxesilevied Inuthe Munlclpaty for thie preut year, collectea sudfpa Id ove o the troasurer, on or bot.e the i4th day et DECEMBER, sudthiat Do extension o! lime v ili b. grauteai for the, relut,» o!thea]Roll boyenai the celai 14th day of Decembor. fly order ot'thae uncil. H1ECTOI1 IEATON, Tevnsip Clorla Daheal at Pickering tîjis Ot11 day 0! Oct. '79. LC)S'T. 0 N FRIDAY AFTERNOON, ON TE! "JKingston Roal, -bolveen Liverpool Market suaiTberuton's corners a Blrown bove Ovrcoat. The finder viii ho suit. ably rew.add by teaviug it ah thie Office, or te IIENRY GOULD, Wot Wbihby. Octolecr 7û1, 1879. *21n.42 Dissolution of Partnership. 7HE PAITNERiSIP ERETOFORE J. ebiioting bots-eau the firin et Grange &,~ Sharp, at Ikubartozi, as general black- smitis, horseshoeiug, &Cr was dîssol-ci by mutuel cousent, ou 801soh day 0f Sce tmber lait, * l bhuiness viii, Il, future, be darried on liy Jolin Grauger, who, under the terme ot Me thdissolutioni, wtll pay the Companysg Outshaudhug debta fer iron and ceai. (Signeai) JOHIN ORANGER, JINJ. SHIARp. Witnese, Win. MeConochio. Dunliartun, Oct. 8, 1870. iin-42 H1ardwood [or 8ale -I WILL DIE SOLD 13Y AUC'HONI No. 17, 10 Ce6n. o! Rcach, (about four il- froim Port l'Crr,) On SATURDAY, 18TIl OCTOD3ER, met., ai Oua o'clocla, p. Mn. About 14 acres of excellant Ilirdwoed. TERMS-Si1 rnonths ena poe on notes. Two years viii ho *aprva ont ef cale, for the rornovel o e Wofrnd ay C. DAWRS, Auctioneer. leull particulara rnay lic obtauneai frein Jouie, Audefio'u, Whiîliy Pest Oficôe, John Lac, 011 tlîc Prezulea,, or frein tli. Auction. Octeier , 1t'J.-42 MONTREAL TELEGRAPH- 00, REDTJCED ItA.TES. 'TU ]RAT ETWEENC ALLOF beau rd e oTwenty Cents fer Ten Wenais. This coupsuy lies about 1ION oilices, saia its faclliles, lu evony, respect, are utiqual. led. Tii. patronage 'efthie- public la respect. fulolctd,-GEO. B. TULE, Agent. $rook-St,, WhiIby. A42 Cý LWCKS, PROM ALL THE BEST1 Iton, Granite. Tes and Coifee Pote, Plated Mon 18k Wedding Ringo, à large stock an hand. JEI personal attention ta w ateh repairing. Batiéfaetion JeA.S. LJOB11 NS Brook-Street Whltby. k t.. .5 e o .5 o Q J. o I.- (1) o o OVERCOATS 1 BUSINESS SUITS! DRESS SUITI FANOY VESTIN GSI1 GEx-NTS F-UIRNISHINGS!' ,SI nus fit, BROOK STRIEET, - WHITBY. - MIAS JUST -REOEIVED IN GREAT c VARIETY A SPLENDID LOT o0F Z CA NADL4 N TWEEDS!. LAIZGE ASSRTMENT OP MEN'SZ ULSTERS &OVERCOÂTS . OUCN-:00:- GETÂT FERGUSON'S READY SPLENDID SUITSi 1 R A NEW STOCK JUST TO RAND OP THE TO LATEST STYLES IN An GENTS' FURNISHINGSI1 - w z:e EXTRA GOOD VALUE IN BUFFALO ROBES. i JOHN FERGUSON. J. E?. 1~G Annourioes the receipt of a splendid stock of Overcoatinge. Englleh, Scotch a Canadian Tweeds, and fine Worsted Suitinas; &ace, Fancy Vestinge,>which lis pro arod b zuake up in the LATEST STYLE, at LOWEST FIGURES. Ios hie undivjded attention is'given ta his trade, in whioh artistie cuttinig fori a leeding feature, no lope or botchofi garments are kept an band, but a good the nowet style, and au excellent article in every way enli4e warranted. FA SHIONA BL E NE ,,DVER.T?EENTS. tFar o Let, FRT EE 'rOPIL N orilal o 54 4t ou Esso Whtby. A 0odoupply et g vater, sud v io u ne Apply te GGO. M GILLV Nol tub i upAply h W i ,Oct 7 th, 18779 ,- A wllnst LET REnT OGMN Wo bs-vo recentlY publisheai 55 anov editien ef Dr. Gulver. =1198 Cesebrateai Escay oithie radical sud permanent cure (iticut Medicine,)i et Nez-vous Debil. ily Metlandi Physical hncapacily, luz. p.L"ednuts te Marniage, &c;, resultiug tram Price, lu a sealeai:en-velepr, enîy 0 rente, orhve postage clampc. * The celebrateda ut or, hi tues admirable Essay, lesrly dernonstrateo, frti rty yosas auceesaful practuce,. liaI alarming concequoncuos ray be radically curea ith- eut the <angerons useooi interne ai reciuec or theouseeothie kite; peinting euh a moe et cureata once simple, certain said effect. ual, hy means of vhich every cufferer, no malter what bis condition rnay ha may cure himself cieaply, pnlvately said radi. catiy Tus lochtune shoulai hain lie bauds et every yonhb aa'd ovcry nian iaithue landi. The CULVERWELL MIIDICAL Co. 41, ANN aST., Nov York. Fout Office Blox 4586. 42 $5 gents profit per iweek. WiII 5 5 66prove it aor forfait #500. 64 Outlit tre. E. G. RLIDEOUT & Ce., 218 Pulton Street, N. Y. G-42 CAUTION. T aeouiure tle oltaîeing (if lonlserrat' Lin iiîr. J cr i, ùits prcoaratiors, the public ia requOedtaîsec that erer> hetIO purcissai wul heas bo Mtel Capule viti the Tradi, Mark c ftho Montsarrat Cco. on il, as woli as on tic label. Noue olîzor ls giuolae. Tho Conuigneau, dccin this caution necéssary, fîcin tie tact tiat muny DeletarioUB Mixtures cana now bcing olcereai sud eold tethie publie as cubstitutas for the Genuine MONTBRssîzn.i LxeFuITIT Bcse inayen asic ton MONTS'1"T-, said cee that yen gel t. L. T lonot and Nplsslflg hIaï Co'y1 IIlE A NUAL GEN AL ËM~ETING Tuf uthtaboya Camp Y, vil hba tlda t their cilices*thoein orel Bank Daildai lugo, tIhe City Toronte, ou TUESDA , flle Day of Septenz. er, 879. aI thiehoer of tw v noon,tforthe purpese Provideai by thie -aw f et asala Comt. pany. /8 n5t ugat etary said Treaurer. NOTI OVE MEET G WAs AD. T'm jo<uaIf lesol *on te SATURDAy lthc Of Oct o,1879g, y iatu e 0plaesd heu.o FARM TO RENT et the viole or Epart et the tarin, ituate on tha Kingston Roai parla o! lotos 19 an 20, on thie IrsI concession et the Townshi et East Whi tby, kuovu as thie L. C. Hi tarin. Tiere are about 85 acres cf oncaa upen it said gocai buildin s. Partlalars may bej on application, tram Mes5ra. MaGe. Joues, Selicitazi JOHN COWAN, OshawiL Oshawa, Sept. 27tii, '79. 41-sin. VAL ABLE FARM ROPERTY tFORS E. cfthi Tevnshlp lanciard vitiu two a a halt miles cf Si.hal Pa t - 's. ÀApply te G. MaMillan St M 'sor ho Mevat adnna» & ne'ô ct ors, Te te.yeb FARM TO RENT, C" ONTAINING 140 ACRES-al l a- ex- ~Jcllent cendltlon-uituated hall a mfle frein the village et Broughram, township of Pickering. Posession iinmediately. Apply te the owner lu the village of Broughiam. À*tOA L. STEVENSON. 13ARD AND LODGING. Coinfortable board said ledging, reer ci Heopiino' Hlall. Apply o- 40-Sin) MURS. MULLIGAN. LT. On the Fa oenai Drill Shea-on batnrdey atteru Poaket Booka, cen- teluiniug a ernal sou f ineney anai ahir valuabla p spore. A cuita ble rew i wifllieé id on roturn- lu g te Ibis O ce, or to t Vinaicaoe o Oflice, Ocias l i u 4 0J O H N M c L , n'o e o a.e 0db a Vindicater insert 18 limas. :D ad 2 ,rd or rs, 1, I. t. r' r t W,1ANTED.-A Generel Servant. Apply ta Mels. JOSHUA RICHARDSON. w ANTED.-A GENERAL ERVANT girl. Apply to MUlS. M. G. ROBSON. Whitbyà Oct, l6t, 1879. -41 .To Let or for Sale. 2 00 ACRES, WELL ADÂPTED FOR ~keeping Stock, being * ef 15, and j of 16, the 5tliConcemion Pickering. To a cuitable tenant reasonable teinsu wiIl bic gi-von. Any improvement noces. cary will lie alowed. Apply te HENRY HOWELL. Whitb-y,Ângustt l,1'9. 0din.5 H VG H E 8 CA 1ICE,- OR-. Whea7t,Baly 0,AT LIV POOL MA T sin JTOMÃŽ-RIm. 111T.Mw At a stonishing 'i Whitby, Oct. Oth, 1879. DOMINIO.Ný [S MÂATTIJIEW COLLINS Deýere1-I's Block, Brock-St: Whitby-, - AND SEIE THE LA.RGEBT & ]3EST STOCK OF BOOTS-ANO SHO1ES. IN TOWIýT. #:3 Ten perwcnt. di8&countoff for Cash FOR ONE MONTE. Customers are invitéd ta eau and.' examine tlil s taèk, judge of the qnality sudtake a,"n]ote-cf tho prices, and utiefy iheoslves Mta wlere they coau get th. boat Bargains, for I'e, boots warracted ta Wear- Bocots as ceep as th. are gocd1 WhUl stand vithout a tear For ladies.sente, su od lca- A n y é a t h r , u y w h r e -F i t f r c i t y o r t h e v a C u l - Anal tlti an'tbe éaielsewheré, Ail chaulai have a pair tIhat could, Came ondbar public, leavo your orders aa dgét aPa ir af Boots of the right lainai frein yanr obligedainsd humùble ùervant," MATTHIEW COLLÏNS. "L ORN and LUI0E01 and othe-rs during .Fair And witness the Grand- display of New and Stylisei- ])RESS GOODS, MILLIN-ERY, MANTLES, ryand SHIAWLS. .7 And General DRY GOODS, et prices thet will stanish thé oôldest as iWel as the yaungest inhabitant of this famed caunty, CLOTHING-The largest and- hast collection of Tweeds Mentie an& Ulster Claths ever shown. Patterns, quelity and prices are right, ana made ta order in the best style. Gentlemen should see our "nobby" Scarfs, Ties, Col- lare, (Juifs, Braces, &c. Remembr- 0. F STEWART,5 Fashionabje Dry Gooda & (lathing Hanse. Good News [or the Public I IS OIVINQ A BONUS 0f 1 lb choice Family Tea' to"%every purchaser of a Sett of Dishes, or its equivalent in Crock- GLASS WARE-A large stock on hand, selling at re- duceal Prices, A fine Uina of New Season TEAS, at prices suitabla to thé times. A complete stock of chaic aiyGoeesfehan CHEÂP.ceF ilGrcrefalad Batty's Pickles and Saùces, Wooden ware, Pails and Brooms. 9ýr Plesse ask for the Pnincees Louise Bakibg Powder, il is eigtéshieo I thos o al nyb 81M0Nls lok N.B.-Farmer's Produce taken ini exehange. Fresh and Cheap FAMILY GROOERIES. -- -:aaa: The undersigned ha-ving pnrohased the Grocery business of Messrs. Hamilton & HarrQwcr,- bqgs to announce tliethiwving made the Gracery business e specialty, lie is lenabled ta supply the wents af the publie in very dcpartmnent, with eerefully sclcctodgaoud af the bet quelity Fine fiavored freali Teas, at~ reduced prices. Raw and Refined SIUGAIRS, at a low figure. -Full Lines of ail articles that-ean be enquired fo r, for EFR,Â8ER£,o Beautiful patterus, se]iing very cheap, and an extensive stock of Crocery end Glasevere. A. 11I. D AY, Next to Hamilon & Harraor's Dry Goiodis'asStore, Brock-ulreet, Whitby. AUG. I2TH, 1876. Patent Ventila tor d Chimney Top WARRANTED STORLMPROOF 1 Il id an invalnable véalilaler for Ma pipesaid douiesi véntilahor madé. -Il le vaneied terinpraci PRICE LOWER THAN ANY 0Tff No eumreuiof!&Wair i produoce other titan an ontwi mnental veutlator pmaale; vii l ôchoke with ciîovc orales. F'or 1 Sliep BiglitsfeoralBRIO itàreasonablé prie, ith mode] W~ STOVES CHEA FOI TotalAi Total Llabililen, - 32827 Sar lus aseregarde Pcllcy. - S1ders, - 3 Statlcîjes for the Year 18SIS. LIPS DEPARTEMàT. Nuibor 0f i ife Polices writ- ; ton in 1878, - - 1,0 Wliole -number Lits Policys -wrltten to date - - 30,297 Wholo izumbèr cf Lite Poli- cies in force, - - 11.207 Ainount Lite isurance lu < force, - .- -*i1,307,556.00 Trotal Clemec paid lu Lite Deparhmout, '.- $1,271,137.86 SACCIDENT DEPARTMENT. Ijumbor of Accident Policies writtan in 18%8 - - 43,118 Cash Premums received for .s:aine- $-775,582.51 Gin nPrerniumde oer 1877, $56,587.0 WliolenumberAccidlont Poli. cies 'ritten,. - w 517,985- Amount Accident elsin..palul lu 1878, . .- 0284,3.13.23 WMOIS number- Accident Claime pela - - 33,0,19 Whol, cxnonnt accident Clama paai, - ' 3,041,951.94 Total -LQJiei peai, bouli De-. ,partrnents. $4,313,089.80 JAS. G. BATTEIRSION, --Prepident. G. F. DAVIS, Vice-Presidenh. RODNEY DENNIS, Secretary. - JOHN B. MORRIS, Asistent Secr'y. -GEORLGE, ELLIS,ÀActnsry. EDwARn V. PuIccrex, 5nZteof Lencos. .. PDAVIS, 3L D- e dcal 1amineri C* . ; lUJSELL, Agent, Prov. ont. -DURSUANT TO CHAPTER 1017 OF- Jt the ro-siseil siaintes cf Ontarlo éc.titl. ai, "An Ad xe.es1ohhTruteesadExecu- ters," the creditors.1e08ha ectateoetJohn Fawcett, Jaefthfo wnship of Pickering, in tho Vounty "ot-uarie, Yeoman, deceas. aamreireby requireai te senai particulars of theu dcaimsa uly vorideul, te W. 1.. iI- linge, WUhitby, an or beforé-Iho lGt Day of October, next. - Selicitor fer George Long sud William For- rester, the oxocutorc ot the sai oshate, suai that lznmediately afttor hat datethoe ai Exocutors -wil proceed ta distriblo tho as- Oisa cf01thesai ddcoaseai, 9agot thepartiec ontitled tiioreto, having egsrcl ttel aims a! whih the -scai Executors bav.e tien notice. w. H. BILLTrGS, SoUifr fr he aiWbit by, Solpliurferthesed ExeutoIri. Detea titis lot day -of Sept., 1879. 87-i ENGLIBU RE- -UE»?. an un- Weaknui Spornîatonr sue n fsef aues s a of mer ry rel LasitueIlu in t0eBack, Dii lieus of VisioD, Pem0 u ol.i 8eand uîsny othor De es tht 1sdto nity or Cou- cusînaptIcu sud aàPeOMS , GrVe&Zr nul > iursn nourpmmyhlot~v ihwoueoru CBond freeoebymalli eon.Tho Spedelu Meudicine lla501.1 by 0.1 uidm t $ 1 pur package, or eixpackagee for 05, r'8 usn freby mail on recelpt of the mouney.y ad- dresng THE GRiAY MEDICINE Ca., -Toroutoi Ont., Canas. tu 1ald lu Whltby by ail druggeitand by aSU vlolosalo and roisil drugglaVeverywhore. ini Canada andlbthe nited Slalom. ly-4 The Great Blood Puriier. A eu n ld aexettcf nBd- or jamal- escaIprilla, comblued wih baie o! Potasuinum, for the cure cf cli diseames arlulng tram impuzlty of thie blocai. .Nearly cli tho diseases tuat trouble tho humia race are unfluencea by lb tha &ai the blocai. l slu îdiepeusal-Je ibat ibis fountain of ie be lu a purs sud bealthy condition. As a Puriller of tho. blood, a Renovator cf tho system, sud Preserver of the pow. ors cfilife,diarter's SaripariUa lias no sale -at, he Drug Stores. KEJRI, WA.TSON s& GO., WoeleDruggiats, Montroal' 22-Cullu R 1. SNbW, BPop te inform is isuiernsu dsandi patrons that ho bau again talcen bis OLO STAND DM D UNfiS STREI LateyopcupWe by W. P Whlleck whore hoviibbappy tése allhis oldhieude, sud-fflh conetunh kink~l stock a freeh CONFECTIONERY, CAXES, PASTRY, rater clasoti. Il C3-OO Low Pricé's NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS &'MILLINERY J- 8I=O-WELL D Y es SNT R N' -----------------------M- ------------ -At- H. JAME8ON'8, JUST RECEIVED INNAN HADDIES!1 -AT- L H JAMESON'S. VINE GAR! E. V. 3. Bollman's1 [PERIAL FRENCHI VINEGARI -.?- cmrijahns and Quarîcr-dcmijohns. & ao~ BOOTS AND S,-HOES AND WINTERJ FALPL The undersigned desires to inform hie customers that he lias now on hand a large and splend- id assortment of Boots-and Shoes, suitable for Fail and Winter Wear, whioh he le selling at lowest living prlces. Ordered work and repairs with promptuesa and in the hast of style. R. H. JAM ESON '8.1 Brook-St., Whitby, T Tc T Fi JOHN SAJJNDERS9 Sept. aOth, '79. Agent. OWNSEIIP of WHITBY. :10AID NOlICE1 >UPLIC NOTICE ins beby giveu tiat the Cauncil o! ibm rporahionoet ha vwnsipof Whli a, nd$ AtiIts meeting te be Iieldu the OWNSeJp HALL VILLAGE O ROLN 0$ THE et oua o' déck lu Ibo-ctteon, Topais aflB aw or \Py Lawsi, te alOse, stop upands4nh, utal prtiýocfhie cAgin ai allovanco for roai h lh loti nulmberl 84 said 85, ii thie it tncescion of tho Townsip cifWilhby,yehtunsolai; aIse tial portion ot $ha ornalincce orfaroai elhuale befWixt the Gravol oai sud lot No. 25p in tho th coucou ln cfthie caai Township; siso tiat portio ofethie Publie Higivaylsihusta andi linbeten thie nerti09nd cf Mn. Robert C~pbefl's MMi Dam aud lie nov roai l ram hie Viil e1etroolalin , put J B~. ickell'u MrIIt hie 7tb Concession ieofthie saai To7ýehiR of Whitby.- R. T. HARRISON, Clenla o! the Townshij etci hb y.I roolan, Sept. lt, 1879. 4n-89 AUCTION S LE, VALUA BLE FARM PR ERTY. Tp SUB3SCRIBER 18 IF TRUCTED s1 o"y Publie Aucli , ah RATIS OTEL, Town oftWi , on Sat y, the lit Day of otober, 18 9, at 1- eolack . m. Tiat v able prô.party kuevuzith Me fieldi conslstuug of tve hundreai acre'0 letc0siilaid, balng compose of at h a Ives o!lots 24sud25 tu h second on oso fthe Towuship o! hby, lu e Connty co! Ou- harle. The p remises fniy itustea ithi eue mil. otheioen eo Tlowen oft1. hy. Tiers is eroc mron, a ftihca-ec shone bouse, viii lint onhbuilingo larga orciiord etf fruit, treeainlufui bearnug vel teitedilus splendidahée o! cultlvatien, gocai ele sud nunulus etreaux on thepr i10 acres cf lfi wieah sudsa large n r et acres eof al ploughig dan.. Theotarmaiioneeof be b libte couuhy boib for qualily of-sil lion su t o! cultivi-tlon, suai- b. vhont ne- serve. Thé propérhy ito siti..'qui blocka" or lu tva tasuit 1. TERME i-la ceuta sdovu on day of 0le, 914- iC410 ..à cent emak ent ursthe e tor cnou, inth..t rsLon be. et' <For funiluer atcis appirt sonm~, e pnms.J ar» M.ia N..Pcsffil#on paiuMet foe R. H- JAMESÃ"N. CLARETS--WINE. Cruse and Fils Freres BORDEAUX. Medoc, St. Julien, Margaux, cc. - LORNE HIGHLAND WHJSKEY. --00 Rye Wkiskeygurateed 5 Summers in Wood. E G. H. Munn & Co's. Champagne. Mfolson's and Carling's Ale and Porter. O 'EEF E &CO'0.,LAGER, $1 0O PER DOZEN, l= T -s A m 0 9- lUly L~. .U.. 1879r - -i -i :namp. Pan. -Wil. mcesla. W'ARERO( W Ii i ~ Millinery, Dress-making &.Tailoring to order.1 1- Wutbyt 1 Visitors week-,- . 1 -- NEW ADVER'l'ý]bH-MÉI NT:5- Fresh -FOR,-- executedi Sept. soth, '79. Agent. ý S E T S---" 1 ,Pa ý"TENTED l ý"LORNE' and LOUISE - 1'1,: TA IL ORING CHINA ROBERTSON'S

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