Ãà W- H- H IG G 1 NO# AthlisPriating Establishment,' BBOOK STREET, WRITBY. 1 50, Per Annum, DVERTISEMENTS. -,&Uà dvew,,, î Amon"ýmIga5ur0fi in NOfflaiel, ,a chargea st the r4te cl a conte, per lin@l firet With calta printed wo rd@, 'Mat thOlights,' 'and _11461410jos and 2 cents, par-liuc, euh suboo- _*1 iLdi;o"te poace', q cent Insertion. wiedge, -Brotherh od. SpSial Reporte ci M"üngo, pinancial PR O 54tomauts of Banks, Railway Com VOLIF WHITBY tueurance COMPSDIOO,-aud mAttOrs 01 liké "ý CK ý OF description whe2ýVJ"e4 among News mat, 0 N T -TOB ter ton cents vu "0" OÇ Spochjoôùtrâots mode 0-AAND TUMR BAIELWAY IIOTEL, 0 H with saverami %-W Fi Y the Yeazg orotherwîge. (opposité G. T. R. > Station,) Whithy. 1 N A H A L L 1 'N 8 V R A NC Eý Ose Orders te discontinus sdverg=@nto SION -OF THE BIG JUG (REGIS1.1cnED) ber. muet be in-wzitin«. WU. ONEILL ý1 B01 BIET 71 KINO-ST, EAST TORONTO. à býu hher ONTARIO F,&]Rà &]ER ode like ot Every, accommodation for guets, includ. gtud,'October le v&IwYsà dowriý> rown "ci e£to ingconifortable, airy bedrobnio, Mesla at &U Faucy Breakfast and Tea Sets, Mutuat In ry, hou". Fane surance Cov- y Dinner sud Danoftt Ut. zampling the j= The Bar fally gold ta supplied with best pencijr Bed-room Sets. brande of Liquors, Win-e steed he, Brandies, Cigare. FancyJnýtj"dTelapots. g" th Ouse@ me.,, 'T a ai 0 &0, Eve 1 READ OM C-El BROCK-ST ICI 13 A je ry necessary âGetion given te Silver Pla ]Wvëo, jOrjý &Ita SPOOM. WEM'BY. wivi fiypôplio every.trà mpQfhisqhargershý Oh, I wià h 1 Oliver Plated C Re burjea . - col! IW M 1 T.B Y B B à N 0 19 rùetÉ"iüd Butter C&ýl . qw s COMPANY inoures Fa= Buüa- Is comb, & tr6uun.and 7, dîrlit, Good stablin or£ si mUtters à eh&rm, thleen sobbing Us 01101080d, yard, and atten- Silveà ined In ý-P1à ted Cake Baakets., ti. - And the wandering vina a jubilant, pskIno te M tive ostlers. IJIOLMOniglim, d-tchoeiurnt0royliteùcthf4ù&mthreao., Schoul kweinthroeuatd&fl bYýh,.t ciav nowjoined the IMOXAS DOW, 48 Roci Xe tes M Low Ith'the ý= ische,,î.ùs fi-ont - Tes T7 those of and inefficine ever Offýred tc thc*eà kinddeblta. Nor harm the geéd that hesPrus itând &loci This fregh 1 nOMMERCIAL ROTEL and ETAIEIL . ES Flowee hades for Lil [les anY wOU-edablichedCoitpany ted,= r- Gluo*an, on desorlpz:e . Ji inqanadi6ý.-,- 1 the Food, idà -deý corsam again %J 54 and 86 Jarvis-street, Toronto. L p If - for Côn- ara. Whisper to him Who Motber, Bho jqpý FAREWELL RUTLEDGE, *ÇMtO StOnO'WarO; every kind.- -Pd- -FI au aff-11- of the throgt. Scr«,Ia, JOHN MOBAB, PBOPBIBToe Rotel and Bar Gooas. IT MIES IPROW TIy PAID, na lf3ABBISTBRB, ATTOM YSt ËOLI.: - Couco]zsgos TOF Tm.'n 0 But the nightý 01torg, NOtâ2188 Public, sud Con-vey. '701M XWZTà Rhi,,Imn. -d .1l &mndmof th. Blood and wakes, fit 2%locero. The best sioo a D Rouge la the City RUISON, Gme,:Mbmtý. re-ed-,o Lu b".. À desper -etieg th... dr.amors o 'i0h, Motber, two blocks frogu the Orthern 'o importer. ToRNIýVILT,18" equalie Is azpl=did spccifi foiend.to , first < Cà ld&£Yoralsé cf-COughrand "&eahanrà e&omthebuid",d, M DOPOtandaelwnouly. an -a, ,--gi-d _f Loteli Whitby. Fitted out, And, every -bon, o. NOUE by T. -é-ý Whit2éla, Whitby. giv" IÛ0 fS the lite ho tak«, door South 0' the Royal ltO the Market, The Rouge bas Preild e ý ViOeýprosf ont. TThh&etndjï"ùotihw Of the Words hE RltrnEDGE, B. A. -thing I"zst-cia". -mu. 70r sale et, Who lied il cly-dyi, Io n in SEï, szc«Tà ai. e Ré natur& doth fôilhohow.pi InOther 1 Mothi Xits. WALKEY91% -18 MARI ver Ià ýës and spear, M,.,, FAREWELL, L. L. B., D OmmoN PIRE AND NE And the angler istandgwhere the river relu or I ethe] 'N County Crown Attorney, 48 TEMPBBA£VCEHo INSU t' UsEe CO. RANCE ýC9MPANYFèý An,& DUNDAS.STBEET, WRITBY. purp, monutains a shed and, sure, bon AAMES KICITJEF CORDON, Md chagireje 61MCE, selle witileu for me. 1USTIM & ATTORNEr-AT-L Good accommodation at reiisonable terme. crois, L il, "ANÀD.&., AiThId ;W B AR ""TULISSICD M 1782. . eit.11« Solicitor lu Oh OAPITà r, j -offlffl. ancery, Curry Ancer, Boarders $2.50 per week. waters cleu te, w4i 'Notary Publie, &o. Office--Dun o a glme. St., euh 1 Wildered. finit door west of Armotronglo Rotel. MOPPATT co., Iyéw t"*ith ý the' Dominion Gov. OBSIN ROUSE.-TOILONTO, ONT ru- Tromp through the Orchard, each bow low «fcompose YOI Money to Loan-Private lunds-at low 'R Agents for Canada. binas lutteront. The Palace Rotel - Licensed Auc le Laden wiÃŽh troasure Octobg, te 01 Canada Belitted, tioneer B. W. TYRE D=cToas. YOu'ýé , board 1 Refurnishedp and UlnivgUed. New passen. Ser Elevator, ruaning Manager, FAtreai. 'C'hnHamy X To pour; sure J (MIN A-F, MOGILLIVRAY, Jet and dey. The ALEs-prompattended, and cond GENCY ESTABLISEED IN CANA. -X CounseZ " ton JâagE. OSZýMVOPYmn' Hagu% Fer the ki.d1gmilýn "Badluck te On'y firs-elass HOtel lulesnadfi, with gra S o& on Liberl arma. ne W. Rendrie fi a Le that on au ho sonde g twi o, Oér. di> A A. main 1 h - (Successor te H. M. Bowell.) stea prices, viz:--42, 82. -50, an rjÀ in 1804- Unumîted Habnity of T. Co, Mo z.martiû,&,c Bath made ARRISTER & ATTORNE Clubs and o a es or clay. Address, OU the Stockholderg, arfa larr p A. Buntin, nt»&L - pluckin Ilis Members of 2c- 0. DAWES, Whou the fi 14Bat thatWol Y-AT-LAW, roome, Chers, esiring Port Perry. Funds. Moderato Ankve re crackled and loge-bright iiW Notary-Public. &o. Solicitor for the Ut board, fi te 02 per day. rates of promiem. JOHN RARVRyt blaze, herf is able ?el Dominion Bank. Oûloe.-Next door te MA_'ýX N laimi, 0. Noùnslz. Preafà ent. SIMPSON, Ana Raninm,,,,, nut« arc,_ Éuroing slow Mansion ilouse, Uýxbriage, ont. _26 Feb. 2 . 7th, 1878. ýreprietor. Vice-prfflent And miirors.lb Mideï ------------------- W'Ùtby, Aprfl qtb, 1878. Agent, Whitby. P. B. DESPARD, Manager. Dominion Wood Worka, _e, CHARLES C. KELLER, TBY BOUSE. aoâènta, in W M AU eusses of vropèrty, Oxcept such si, an And jraý te jolly OctOber'ý praise, in FÃTVýWj Ill WHITBY. - AMBRICA Fourrent rates In, aie that he's Idsoe4,.a p g o" 91 TTORNBY-AT-LAW, SOLICIToR rx DtINDAS-ST., B OP-'&Uy hazaraOU0, insured atý the lowest - "RO9,Yo" said 1 A Chancery, Convoyancer, WRITBY. enýili - sp-e.ýw quotations on brio tender, ton, Brook, O.W. &0.'Canning. tTOSEPH A. BANDEZ# pBopBIETO.R. Geo, d-ormaCk, Assurance company, GweLun k and wood R 0 RY. b1ileve abat you Gr&n ana Other 1produce cuver. > otm 0 R B. L. T. BARCLAY, UMBEIL MERCII ed for ert terme et ressonable rates. Ion Marie to J38 ch Superîor accommodation et moderate r, -A large ou ANT L' BUILDER. (Continue noyer, see ý glo arges. Good stabling and 6nclOsed yard IîPIY Of Builderg, Furni,,,_ d.) 83' À e Doorsi Sagh and B INCORPORATZ-J) 1833 B, W- ARNOLD, Whitby, TTORNEY ingst =a all kin Lof Twisfed Molaingse-AT-LAW, SOLIC 1 - Agent County Ontario. Rory ferventiy A in ChanoM and Insolvency; C nve gent for Waltz's Lager, In Bottl a.. A S S B T S . 81,101,876 94, FGb. 5th, 1879. (-7 CELAPTER XIX. The mother t encore &o., &o, and caski. , 1U'RBER WhOlcoole and retail, or by BROWINQ 2HÀT M THFItS IN THE co » joining thern, Ã16j OFYICE-At the Court Housse Whitby, JUIY 80th, 1879, -82 b y the car Joad. r- A. BALL, p ATRONIZE 11OME COMP'ANMS. TRY. 0 UN- you, Bary, with Planing, M(jul Manag CONTRM ý 0 XARILY' TERIR hoart;. and maj dings of every descrip- er. DAUGHT£Bt§, THE SAUE AS XOTS- you 1'l LYMAN ENCLISII, L Le BF, T m QuEEN's ZIOTEL, tion,, Flooqng, Shectiug, Insurallees effectea nt the lowest ourrent STANDARD ERS IN TOWN. sawing,-Shaping, Turnin Shelving, Re. rates on Buildings, Merchandise and other Bory took the ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN (LATE COMMERCIAL,) 9. Scroll-Work, PrOPertY, against loge or asmage JRANCE COMPANY, when-Katfilee!,2 gaw thé hanasomë bis arma and k B ohanceryConvoyanoer,&C.,&C. Sim. BROOK-STRBET, WHITBY, a woman 000 Street, Oshawa. Whitby, Cet. lOth, 1878. C. NOURSE, tures of the Who- had, beau alternately, bles8j - TAYLOR & McCANN, PROPRIETORS. Agent, whitby. IIEAD OFFICE. HAMILTON. - fýofnted out to beÉýpj 'the platform, at ther for making b JOHN BALL DOW, The undersigneà desire te inform thoir Whitby, Ap!il qtb, 1878. 16 iaclosed in the mooulight,-She Monde and the Imblic that th 17 fair a IOW in Iýeland," i ND.:ý ized themet once, for thel ARRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR ey have taken M OKEY TO LE TUOTIZ-,D, CAPITAL, 08,0w,000. recogn wore HOW &H this 9 B in ChaureryiConveyancer, &o. the abovewell knolvu hotel, which t ey GOve=ment Deposit. -326,000. of that itrikià g char - icter notjëauly fOr. affaire in bis favoi have nowly fltted uý and renovated, and The Undersigned bas any gotten ; and ëOMiDg, es -She did, to -the gave himuelf Mo Office-Deverill'a Block, Brook Street, loto the best of order for th Ut _ amount of MOII.. Business confiried t. thi. P. ý- he Waa content W tion of peste. T e accommo a. ey te Lend upon Farlu OrTownPro erty, et vince. rath in the hope of having her doubtë Whitby. p D. B. CRISEIOLM, E. T. C WFOIW of Borye truth diepelled, and the fact ; and bite lia Bar, which la the baud. Unusually Loir Rates of Interest. RA iiistesd MONEY TO LEND-Private Funds- comest in the County, in well if Secy-Tre'als. of that, finding them thug strengthened .-PPlied with Loans eau bc repaid in sums tu suit bor- le Pregident. and ber mother i 111 Boule UP tO #SM, at a low rate of In- >the finest brands.,6f wînes, liqu d ci- rowers. 0 D. DEXTEn, Asalutant Secretsry. by sucli terrible evidence, she obudder. (ly.5 gars. Ample elielogea le housse he.turned 1 shed rooýrtulà lio0a Several Improvea Ferme and Wild Lat& -7- stabling, box staiis, &o. Detached rooms r sale cheap. 4 ed witu a faint screâm, and sank te the and 6-Ont6red hi fo IR 0 EQUITABLE IN RATys.-An, , plicatio 1 aîî 11, 0 p U earth. Inau Chan ho loft j for commercial traveliers, le- for Insurance reçoive the closest scrutinye ROBINSON & KENT, InvestraentO made in Municipal Deben. "Look what Y"Owve dons 11, said B«y J. P. TAYLOR, Cures, Bank, and other marketatable Stocks. 0. ana only those deemed desirable and et ade. (LATz Diýý(iciAN late of Toronto, PRILIP MCCANN. Fer further particularg apply te .0 quate rates are ace ted; our aim beà g te se the fainting girl, whjcýl CHAPI B AltRISTERà .AT-LAW, ATTORN. Iler-lulRà qN(; 1 Make* the rate in e.1%, case proportionate to Co supporting ber in hie arme, IN WHICH ROBY Pnc 6 the riait carried. le b ildil,'gnod rai Ys, SoUciton, Couveyancero, &o. JAMES IIOLDEN, as bc turne Or' FICE.-In Victoria Charabois, TH eï d te the ill-Omensd intruder, MAX 01 DM N FAIR IN ADJr,$TXFNT.-EVery claim made and said reproachftiHy, fiWhat did ýkR 1 L H 0 U.&E, Officiftl Assignes, Broker, &o. upon the COMany for legs or damage je ever do te doserve this 211 9. Victoria Street., h.rt April 9th, 1872. Lat carefuHy inveBtlgated, and while thoge found The next mornij J-G- 19EUDFltT A. E. XxNT. te lie JOnest are promptly ana cheerjuu "Do 1" said she, û»d ber eyes glared BIFirits, and detei o s gaid, ail attempts et fraud are and ever wir OB hiM With the elpression of a fiend- himsolf with a piE G. KELLEY, 0 etoutly roisisted. 1 21)o 1-What a Woman never forgets gery, Chat lie jute, ARRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR C. T GIF D Proprictor.' E- W- ARNOLD, Alient, nor forgives-and Ill hieve My rêvenge 8weeny, the refort in ChancOl-Y and Insolvency Conve and Seo it. CouLty, Whit Y, ont. 0' Yeu, Yeu cowld-blooded thief, I will 1 whose apostacy WE itiicorp &o. -Office-Deverill'a 13lock, Broi 9-=» Iusurance effected et lowest rat - -That's yonr innocent girl, I suppose 1 indignâtion te Bor S treet, Wh ltb y, _. on L PIRE INSURANCE 01VLY. the tient Eliglieil and Canadiaü es in -MightY innocent, indeed, te me It 80 happened t, -COmpanies. eta AYERS HOTEL B. W. ARNOLD, man inside a rath, by the ploasant 0111 Sweeiy, the G. YOUNG SMITH, ý L L. B. 9 y LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED. Feb. 5, 1879. General Ingurance . ont, light 0' the moon 1-Ilow innocent obe the Popish phrase, 82 lk, 84 MILL-ST., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Riska written an hitby. is V' of Denuis Sweeny .BARRISTER, &a., &c.-Money te Loan a policies issued by Idill'Or Of Marriago LicenRes. PricO reducOd te 61-60 a Day. C. NOURSE, Agent. MBY the tOnguG O'ye be bliathersd in, vokingly close te t ()PYICE-Ovor Dominion Bank, Whitby. This Ilotel bas reduced it, price te the WhitbY, July 80,'79. -82 8""re,'t'hoeu'faounl owryorwditohf fury, "&bat would day, when the son -Ion. 22,1878, Travelling publie to 8 TOW N CLERK'S OFF ,or if Awny wid te the church-door 1.50 per day, It in you, yçu divil 1 the ground a net whole. going te attend div to the N. Y. Central Depot (0111Y a e ilýWlli.orii $out and hae recontly been re. IST OP THE DIVISION COUBTS NT-IL FURTHER NOTICE TIIII some yon thread on. Away wid you il, 8tabli8hed, hie 0jý CADIEICON APPELBÈ, fltted and re-kýà l1fÈft. 0 L u Office of the Town Clork anà Troas- She ahrunk before the with WaS much seandali day. Thohouseis first Peu night and erng damning (and da ARRISTERS, Attorneys - nt-Law, and "Pect, and Canada pe -el"s in every re. OP TUE urer will lie in the Word o and the. indignant tous of th lov. B Solleitorfi in Chance la will gave money erandretiredto the top of the em. apostacy etaring hit rY, NO. 4 Toronto bY gujug in the Ayürslà )otel. COUPTY OF ONTARIO ODDFELLOW S, RALL. bankment, but exe ébe descended, she thât lie cared for otreet, Toronto. WILSON SPRAGUE, Proprietor y stretched forth ber arm, in the attitude one of Chose callOU& HECTOR CAMÉRON, q.0, FOR THE YBAR 1879. THOMAS HUSTON, (IY-U) R. S. APPELBE. Rochestur, N. Y- July 8,1878, Town Clork, Whitb Of menace tO Roq, and said . W-th a could bave botanizi Y. el" thorerore tE WhitbY, Feb. 11, 1879. voice in which there was more of bell grav 0 cp than eartb,- mer creed on the URGEON TOTI-Ill-, COUNTY GAOL, o OR SALE, "Make the 'most o' Your innocent Coula heve given hi Byron Street, Wbiýby. THE W ILSO A N HOUSE, !i-2 1 1 '" F girl tO-night, Miiiiter O'More, for it's ho dia net like the ALEX BARCLAY, Propriet.r. Brougham, a 21 8 2 AT THE there in the Sight oi the last you'Il lever Seo of ber' shyeo'lul ho had asked Bor, Dr- W- J. BURNS. The House iE of Briek, large aun com Port PeM 7 21,801 4 think to bave ber, yen do,-but Uxbridge 8 11111 1 2 2 K4 184 27 ;LEN MAJOR MILLS 1 never be yours : for if I p Owl IlumitluilLe-coligrcgatiolial Churcli Pros 1nod'oug, and the interior is fitted up inox: A RCH IT E: CTUR E 1 i 1 'Il' âili 15120 nuisance could be a tozp curner 01 Byron and 1/lary streeté celleut style. Canni'gtln, 1 6 13 23 191 61101 1 1 for the purchase-money, III bave Our hero was ii Beavert'n i: 1 112 118 Ji 1 ha 1-rememmbeyr ,ehit Y. The larder is suliplicd with the bout in DRAWIN Atherly... i, i 6W,000 fect Pine Lumb6r, well geas,>ued. revenge o' you 1-ha petty-Minded pettifo the market. The begt of Liquors and G AND-SPECIFICATION 17. retaliate upon him f j"r Inch Boards. ordo-never 1 never 1-ha 1 ha 1 le Flonrin"- !nY.,ýW 1 - - . . . f Ilic MA - A - fr- S j1ý w en èld, -0 ëe ; and e, De er eant -uitieso 1 r the 1 e poýog1, ry A let t sang t h1w fio'w 't ougb'Y 4,04, n tbïýt e£ d we on Ive' "Id Do ra0y--Lý0É" a Roty. 'ý'4t'iîth@'âfrbplftttý thilig la ý--fCCr letthim-à , dia, -it V tionductea Dé 1ýft8jI &na libelirn t,ý itombatane, and thâ monient they, Da before lt tbey bétb induked in a, ýrtY IlLuRhtor." - Nry r the objecLionable, re, f queii p thug P% for the soul -W Ic ýX1S SwzZyy. Ign't that theJhing ?" gaid Borv.- eCRI 1" Said De Laoy.. SnIt thât garving the little viper Itl YOugeobedarn'teayatwanirt,* honest. thât he wag akhamed, fer Glon eake4 bekas lie was a, turnoost; ho laya thi bkmeýýôný ti&0 in throth, thero's manY 1 -and mýnY cru 44F a el tbing doue on and thim tbat daes the thing-in imed to own tO- the right Cause, and hey lay the blaine on the Papery. My sowl 1 they onght to be obliged opery for giviiig them sitch a cou. ýent excuse fbý not havin, thingis ld by tlieir righe-namee.11 3ut Woli't SWeeDY bB fer.V 812gry ýt it 2 - %itb, to be, gare- ha wffl Il said im. ahaking hia heaà . RO;7, ma 41, though I can't depy your ilit, ýCOt Complimint you witil an epith. JUM upon your prudence: You made that littie bittlier attorney ýjinimY to the ind o' tiine." curé P'pDow that," said Bory ; but what ,OrY, raY boY, Prudence, Prudenlia, a Latine bail it,-Prudenc6, 1,ny [soue of the cardinial virtuee.'.' Tell, bc . expose linaibuggin, is as 2ial soýeverit was.11 ) yon won't listoit to Me ?-Mg- docet, 8ed vos vero negligitis.11 011, WhO's BsYin' it's prudent?- Il I'stand up for is the ait.heration,. ln't that cýmpIate 2" lut there is no denyin'," said id all with four leâthers Il' lu have deMonot-heeate-dý it hi gg ate wid four!"-,Baid Phelim, .0118 2y mattarnatier wid tbree-Q. Ib, 1 have a groat mind to B. D. ut the end of it all," said r what,?" said Delâcy.-"Bekase riai wa8 io be -,d-£monartheraied.'t Ory. âith ' , Im glua to Seo yon reine-tri. ,Our mattamatica rtiH,,, said_ îuldn't A bq grata ýfun* Il' Said -11t's bad enough as it is", Baid eY otwithoüt makin il- g matters am afinid, Bory, thiB wu iwige." yon 0 Au't help. laughin, ut it,11 )rY--"Ind6ed enn'ti" Said De Il, and 80 will the ProdestantA ýt. tliat contimptible littie upstart IleY Bee it, âbd that's all I want. nothing au upstart féels half go La a laugh against him,- raid- makifig a sagacions coinment 8 Own imprudent aft. ýe true," said De Lacy, c'and '0 the att 1 ornçywill never forgive beauty of it is," said Bor-Yi still ,,, hia joke, 6'that; he can't ëôtn- ienly about it ; -for all ho said, t ho was ashamed about the of it. Now Fve taken the Pop. Df it, at all evontm.'l %inly," said De Lacy ; $-but, ut 10 timil, YOU have inerensed s cause of inquietude by mak. ý.7 't'q 8411 110111re L'ast unit West. OUT JIEREY-ý%'itjl Sta 0 for EpSOWý Uti,, ut 9 .80 , every MO tr Lue cla Lrisa -18 Choa 9 on aiTivà l of tra!M-lng, - (-à -Undays excepted) and Uxbridge. "Shan Dhu," said this o latter, the -P am the ChcapýRtP-ii11à -ý; ý.jli'as"tîilè Gopd Table, Liquors, ana Cigars. Fille 'na froul the East, west unced, ana soon after it PRAY FO: WhitbY, Feb. lOtb, 1878. and Morth, connecti with the Railway unexpected intruder. bost. Tueth illled vrith G stabling au.1 overy neeessary accommoda- k, Lines at Rochester, r ail points in the was repsate . Old and Silver. [3rAGIU'Ç'F.-For Saintfleili and wic 1 proso Teeth extracteil withou in, bY producing tien. ly-41 MANILLA.-For Bliu(loi-laild unit Canningtoi). 111191 IIIIere I am," was answered te the Bliowing, that thoug local aliwK Il United States. tliasip'. Doutillilioomi-i' CO,. MAltIPo.9A.-ForOakwood.Littio Britaiii, Va. fil"$ ilow block, over Atkinson'8 Drug Store, New Stage Line lentia and Port iloover. Returning, louves Charlotte fflort of RO. stimulons. driven the aboriginai King Street, DéillsNva. LUMBER ! LUMBER I IINDNAY.-With The noms "Shan Dhu" boing thst à spot, the religion, thot Victoria Railway foi- Minden chester,) ut 9, P. 'M., except taturdays of HaIlburton, the rrec Grant Territory, and thU .1 for PO;ý berown Bon, Kathleen'a mother hala linge of the people, 1 HAWA- English Land Cornil, , p rty, witb Mid- Hope direct. _ýETWEEN WHITBY & OS y a roüa when elle louves at 8.45, p. m lier attention still more arousea ; and downfal 'lave Put Ou the route between Oeh- land Ranway for ()CI illbrook Peter. ItOilINSON9ýlî J 0 Il N S 0 N awa 211(1 Wliitlly - a comfortable covered borough Wooav-ili B, eMee' Dealers in Stock, &o., wül find thig the And bore what a eh c1.P Stugce and solicit the patronage of travel Rh 0, eaverton Orillial Waube. the voice in whieh the respo ers Ci,()-connociing at0riillawith the Nornern Lheap.st and Most direct route te Bostono AIR I)Itli',SSING AND SIIAVIN and othors. Evory litt.elliion will Itailway for Barrie, COIIingwood, b.n made iiducea ber to believe that it was given of the inutilitY Saloon, Brook St., Whitby. G LUMBE B MERCHANT, the Comfort and conve i be paid to Bracobridge, and the Frce Gra Gravenhurst y and New York. 1 the buBbes as well as elle a productive than a pr nIelice of passongers, ut Lands ci For further information, apply to fRegau who answered. Peering forth BOGMB tO Ut On humai w il 1 Ir B y , and te the sucurit Muskokit, y ail Agents 0 E. STEPHENSON, Agent, Dom. Tels- rom might, Pa and npyroemlila)tridooliv,,TrhyerGef tTlih-nreWughl'TPfck&oti; are Issued b the thing forbidden, aï JOIEN 1VOLVENDEIN, Uns Ou hallil ai , supply of ail kinds of 11111,10els Committe- te ýl . . . Y, or Toronto, and by a man emerge L iv à f gyaph Office, Whitby or Capt, Sherwood elle saw the figure of Bani Lumber ýUjrdm, allil ail bc two stages per day vach %vay, viz. : 0. T. Ji. Tielcot Aïciits, Toronto, for ail statio Port Hope, Ont. from under one of the Irish, like their n GENT POR VIE clelLl3nATED Leavin Osham-a each mor7,irg in time to en W. l'. 1'. t'y. No transfor charge lie Buildiug Luinter. leelicing, Sawii Timber, make o ose connections B-- May 20th. 1879. .28 bridge, and theu thore was no longer a by being trampleil on, 1 A scottisli Granite. 'At Marble Works and scalitling, fi _with the Wilitby & Baggago chelcked through. - doubt on the subject;--it was Shan Regan Their languago la large quantity on hand, LinclFtay Railway, and JAMES HOL Of Jolinthau Wolieli(liiii, Dundus St., ýVijitby. Largo Orders taor Long Bill Stuff, ûlied ut 3 O'Clock Caleb DEN, thougli it was not poi 1VOIn Milis nt short notice. h U. Dirocto URE-BRED COTSWOLD SIIEEp who came forth te Most the woman who but their religion hae aitorliooli ; aliè leaving Whitby ut il a. m., 'nhitbY, Jan. 30t 'V Iravagiiig r. AND BERKSHME PIGS. had just run down the hill. Dnors, Sasbes an(j Blillas alw and ut 6 DI., Of (Pacli (lay. The stage %vill WILL14N coolE.1t, hand. flys on call ai al r1hotels in eaeh town, and orders p &,Well ?,, Baia Regan.-,Ilve doue it 11, penalty bas attended it BROUGHAM, Whitby, May ?th. 1877. left ut any of the liotels will be attendea te. p A 1 N T I N G, WM M MILLER, thefaith of the perse IY-20 Faro and ellarges MO(lerate. Baia the woman. Echo Bank Faim, Claremont P.O., Ontario. "What did hé say P" -"Oh, tbey atill recorded in the lari (Suc-Cesmor toThoinag Middaugh,) Murch 27th 1878. J. B. ADAIR, Proprietor. MARTIN WARAX were both knocked all of a boa presser. (-14 Breeder and Importer of Cotswold Sbee "But did yon make ho Horse ghoeing aud ail kinds 01 gotieral eounty of 11aliburton, Are dOing SUch a large Trade, thst t 1 r singligie thât Thanks te God 1 the wurk. ly-52 hey and pure - bred Berkshire. Pigs. - St' the snaking thief was a black-bearted clition are passed ; an have incrcas(;d their facilities, and are now bouglit and soid on commission. Imparishable, Fra nce. doing work at the t--«- LOWEST possible Pickering, Nov. 30, 1878. IV-50 desaiver 2" - 11Tbroth I did. Dian't England in cancelling f L. 11,1111BANlis, FARM LOTSY PRICES. you bear ber soreech?"-«'No."-'dThin the unjust and uuholl il PAPERHANGING, CALSOMININII, Výa /0,î b le lietll ES- in throth elle did. I towld ber that lie MQU, in hie bigotted* 01TICIAL ASSIGNE, Li. cluse te a Ila way, and Lots In il,, MURRA lî LANMAN'S WHITEWASIJING, ad promiseil me befère lier, and elle darèd to interposo;betw VILLAGE OF HALIBLIRRON tâte il ,p w4e Il C ebrated A11(l everYthing connected witi, dbropt down in a fit." of the croutarc to the Ç kz'! Ilotise- IN TIIE "Tbat'Ildo,"oaidRegaia. IlAndnow And Fortune nove L-r OFFICE' 0PPOSITE TIIL ROYAL the Terminus of thD Victoria liailway, cloaiiii)g doue ou tire ELortest Notice. as well bc joggin' since the brigliter fionor on ber FI rida TOWNSHIP OF BEACH. we!may Ilote), lirock-st., wliitl ALL WORK GUARANTRED, business is doue ; we mustn't be seen shodding over the nami ý%'hitbY, Mure], 26th, 1879. 14-1 y iîý FOR SALE, ON RE ASONABLE ýf , ýýL W ater. or no Mondy askeil. -neaethe, place." And with bis harden. the glory of being thi TE, EMS. The best Matelià l; the best Workman- sa accomplice hastened from the spot. blessing te Lis native Ji ail ()B SILE BY PRIVATE CONIÊRACT F Lot No. 2 and the South hall of Lot. Kathleen's mother remainea for glinÈ of the olive with Apply te C. J. 111,011FIELD P Ti- Iuhest, Most Le us a Cuit before going cisewhere. No. 7, in the 8ril concession OUtho Toww- Seine time in the lier place of conceal. creaseB the brightnesB Ji E R L Y Milloiger Canada Land &"Enligration Co., licate of allperfumes MARTIN &. WARAM eb'P of Beach; Wall Bitust8d, gond oeil and Mont, thât R898,n and bis abandôned eUdurance ; for when dweiling honse on seuth hall of lot No. 7. r lie bas won shall cause Clark Divlsiot? Court, Tp. Clark, 47-ly fai. 11-40 on the Two doors north 01 King's Tann -Poli There is over 100 acres al timber on lot No companion might net bc aware of lie nt TO410 and in the Street, Wbitby. g o ly-49 2. r Bsence. During the few minutes eh bored, the emaneîpation 001alaidrilinier in IL R., Laud, Agent. &C., 1 1 ithl 1 » 110 A small cash payment will ho regirea, the in t 1 These properties will malle good farcis : lolt it necessary to remain in conceal. from the bondake of bie tt'c', AtIlOrlY, 001111tY Ontari sick recul, c ']Eue , fatigue, yros. balance te remain on Mortgage or & terni 1872. GE, ORGE AYÉ Rs tr'tion. ervouau and dache. Look NOTICE ! -ment, lier Mind became fal.1y impressed bc forgotten ; and so for Couliter 8, alway ask for tle of yearo te suit the purchaser. with the conviction that some déception thought lu the bero's Florida ater repitred by soie IIE CANADIAN EXPRESS COM- ApplytoT.H. MCMWanElqq., Oshawa, had been praod ad u n Kathleen, and though many of hie 'aci New Blacksmith'Shop!. ietors, Messr Laiituan lupp ]KO T PANY will cà ll for gooda audgarcels Ont., or te the uncleraigned, manifes tee J. 11INMAN, 1 gh .. notrumentality evoked the ourses of I w e Ëorlç. withiu a reasonable distance ci the OfilceP The Iltitl(Irsig-ke(l bc-- Le' For sa týrflltncrH, ggigts Low rates, quick dispatch, prompt 89-ti LYMAN ENGLISH of lier tliroýhneru n the mother thig greatest, trinmph of 0 S li A W A. delivery, thought elle might emerge from, lier rememboieil with blei [toit the 911 te ilJfOrm his frielidu and leaucy (iý 1) ti and cerclai liandling Oshaý1a. s embuscade in safety, elle hastenea countrymen Veterinary S tj'l'blic thRt ho has removed his are ad-Mllla es offered. uirgeon 1)arkR,111 1 Khop tO tlloPrernij;eti lately occu- PERRY 18 SON LAWRENCE,, Leave Ordero to call earl in the ay with the aide ci the . rath ; as lier feara' UP ýVhen Phelitu was ash Will Le at ilrm8troiig's liotel Whitly every 29- Ge B. YULE, ber daughter liait been excitedl whë- she Lacy and our hew o m Tues(layp from Ageffle, MONTRE il.) Agent, whitby. A GOOD OPE 1 0 p 1 te 4 (,'clock,'p, in. WEST OF THE POST-OFFICE For - by T. G. Wlitllold, Chemist, For -on with working familles. board thst I«ihehrA dropt dowà »in a 11LII mOrs8d in the mystériea April 25,1877. 18 Wliitby. On reaching the interior of the fort, sud coula nOt immédiat Dissolatlon of Part,7er8hip 1 - IMPROVED PARMS will b, Jet elther et, elle beard Bory expostulating -thora ; but lie promised DUNI)AS STRE ï K will with 'T, arentor on shareo, Bverytbin ING BROTREILS, lie is prtparod te do ail M-Orh- beprovideci in theway of teams labour, Rathleen on the imprèbabflity of the ind for thatpurpOL-a gs Ilivesteil In Wall SL accusation made against hhn ; for, be. hâlf a holiday, tir which stock$ malles fortunes L'c., us well as work in winter If Usital, au(j tu guarantee Io $1,000 needed, Testimorlui fore the mother bail arrived, B ry bail hie Part they throw up WHITBY, ONTARIO, te his Curtomers. . everY month. Books airto, character ana 0 GEO, AYERS. sent froo explailling Practical ability wM te required». contriveil, by brushing the dew from thatIs, snob of thora as 1 Importero, Dealers and Manulact Whitby, Feb. 20, 1879. evething. Address BAIK Co., Bank- OtherS. the grass with bis band,-and sprinkling thOs6ý0ftbem Who bail Rinde of , urers of al] ---- ----- ers, Vau St. N. Y. TER Also to Farmers' and the moisture over RatWeeles face tOý the deficiency by extra 1 recovee ber from the etate of insen2bil. PhOlim, hie ochool bbing loïow Âme of good farm lands wih be LEATHER AND FINDINO 00 you Want a H L 1 V soia on eu ity into which the ad Race- loweil DeLacy ana - f _y t«= In lots 0150 to 2M acres au enj s .7ppear my Pl j one Cash pala for Rides, Barir. ana Lesther. Auý'ÙfiO %vautiÃ, 0'use DAW ES & W ATKISI E l IR Y or lh blaelà of 6w acres. These lots &,o ana fBMfuI acopution of churches. c 9 te reut or nrchase a in Settlements vitli Lesther strAtched. ýý1 roadu *ho witmn an haël thrown ber, This burial-ground Omfortalile residonce in wbit Y, would APPRAISE98, AND RB LIVERY BUSINESS willin future eady distan, of igoh de Weil tO Cali and examine list of G., T. et 'the old -p Farties et" W fa milé le>MIMTING MADB TO OBDBR ON Irall, at his offics, T be carried on by me ras hors at than a ýquarter o Store, Dundas-sýreetj or at ffl d»cN1crý£ Royal hôtel, anil r re lue, mr.ý.i';"rbROSON, all P" 1 w'y <11 OU SEORT NOTICE. - over B. H. J&mezonIg Géfler8l COMMIQ10n Agonts- q)eeuuur solièn th. bY, Ox à t ik6 0 ce 01 Mr'Boyd Bobcà '-i ne Of agony lage ; yet, 0ough in thé Vhblie. Gond horses ana amai a. WM u "!'y 'To Rathle'en," of man's habita B. MaGaws GrOg',ory %Wa sent &no eym 81161%tyý1helefni it *0 sted -clerIr. ly rocks ?ý, queried the new ire they Worth 211 conte a pair.,, fforence if --l- take a qUaUtiýyI? bronce. It'a the saine pries )u take a large Or OMaR quau - lits Mo, Young follow. Jeu hole in My boot, and I just ;o a pool of water. l'Il buy yo!; Il et me PUtý it on - in sock. with a human foot a boot wrapped arouud it. mil onght te be ile d as a rernarked a- gotioman, ne ided bY i- field W -whih ýone were the Principal pro- "Excellent idéal" returnea ,nothing but the dead coula ied'there.11 , ,ore asked what phisiciau 3 top of bis profession, WC it waiï,-the- gentleman Who habit of attending patients tient. reuiarkable otrectiit opiii- (by a Ãvonian) af avinvroyrèwoell in its 'Way, Viîdowhood ; ita Emrer." ýaU man- Who Wouh] fool a Wing -a white choker antl whon strolling along the r ook on Stinday. ýed . a crier in one of the did Dot -1112à it difâenlt te the, time during the bear. cases. "Oh ne," WR8 the [y ; III-iust lean My beail Dep-the Bleep of the judge." nan went into a restaurant yj-and remarked that Iltinae tdd d that as ho Lad-balf P if the proprietor was Qc's" tTk,' it ont in pie. place li ore 2" a8ked a vis- 3 proopecting in the veigli- )euvër, Colorado. IlStran- ýa5 the roply . "ben years e kill two mon te get soed art a cemétery." oak Yeu are the vine," ardent though eilly lover cme. , ,Lot the * e, , thore- arcund the-,onk ýiin « it lieavea--" "And If -, - - ý9p=- gxcwmea thé Il ý as im, a& raté$. or delivma;.. ýtH to partiew in ý of tile Whitbyý, W&Y mn be auli-- m chai'ge undui1,ý lo with 5ý Ualk,. BROTIIERS. utly on the roadi buijdiuglt and fine t blng eau bu anne alter is fo, avil poms ession apply to the owner. ý IM(JTHYý0-LEARY, Utical P, 0, ti-80 SINGER -MA 0 Ri NE,' t, Bily 1ý0 Other. ;E BUT THE ger Sewing ma« aine. IIICE. TIIE DEST N TRE WOELD. udred Thougiand lieoplp Navlihieii in 18M Cliver ýr machines fil lise At dl r,(ýL (A Attacliments 21jirlo"arl(l parties fulV o ut them, 'HE CHEAPEST, - ý)zrjljuiiy'ki Agent, FAIRBANKS, iarni l'or Sale. i LOT B. IN bill CON. ïG. 15 acren elcared- icred (moNtly beoch-an4 .1111111irable Vioperty v vy valuable aný Plirchlffl MOnoyv)lilo lot la Et fiùffloientguar- A. A. POST P. 0. llùx 202, Whitby ýCTION 1" )WN SEEDS.'ý ILISIIED filet that le Growii-Soû(IR arc bc. Ur froui year to yeur. ýt filleul, the mûrellants tltoy'are sure tc) grow lkifautîull. A SPECIALTY 1 mail fred 01 pumtago. riiiiiaii Linjineut. For ýally. - Jlt OWN; Soedinan, Wliltby, Ont N MA-CHINE* for liglitilig Privikie, Factories, Churches, 81 Hotels, &c. 110 miL(ýIiIilo fil ('lecra- ILLIPS, sole lýlatilot'ro LLer, Ibd York fitreutf jul lit-ieu-limt. BUSE S ,'ROM ALL TRAINS tris. ........... & Lindsay ... Ne. al'e litifiý aliti couifoi-t- 1 varefill dri,.,ers All ultiefiilly Iginked ' »Alter. OUIS SE, mP11111, (ly-10 SALES 1 tbankm to tLe ry liberal patronage dit) I)ItÉit, Unit to lia Il niol ruady to , y bo tiiitrilKted 'ilttiHlitutioii guar. luikutl nt, the fin illay btý-niti(iti %vith tur of iliti 11(nel. ýgraplj littelitie(j to. AiljuNJýs, Aticliolicer, WIlitby. alid blank nutopi G. 1MYNOLDS, - Shariff Co. Ontaricf. - the Mine T FIGURES. 5râers at 1 S R 0 8