Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1879, p. 2

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AUTO ABO 3dit Sal, herma, stock sud tarie In. rpte y et PF Duo menlq lat colh ou Fmlday, 8aiôcebm. sA & Walkles, Anolloncere. Marday, 11 thOntober, et 3Ra la Ho. Whlt)Y, "MauYdold Verm ni, oncu. ucry saai tGWlàfra'sCentral laOWe, va, ilu causeof a tlif«lfie. Ilile, Oaa Mey, 71h <ctober, lot 0, Oh coui lBat 'c'utor'i elo, asiate llewyer, towusbip m , onas' rai OctaI Globe Ief in,-D' Ormlston, el". Ioe ecilve edit Sela, etfbhomas, catle, a' sahi plmentis, ai lot 27, 7tb con. tieu Sale-The Manse-pméori>',Det' roki, Piceriemng Tbamsaay, OialOct.- Dow, tl'r. La. kalrbaek, 'Aucîle-neer. it sale o!f Proaei E, !an28luaet4, co 9Whby, on Thurada>', lb, 1"7.-L. Fairbaniks, Motone«. lit sl.e!f ar o Sk, Iunpleiaenle seMlafumilure, s&e., Ihe propemty o ,serge Rondermen. ai hie botel, Gree oaaTnsdayOet, 7h,1879.-Thos. Oredit sale of Paroi stock, Impleinants. &c. th roer ofMrs. Jan@ quires on lot No. ? nte aCOU, Plekorlni@ Kn ston Rosai> oua Mondisy, Oct. 31h, 1 79, - --Pairbanks, Anctloneer. sale si glcoba sdUtLot s4 larclay's <Cor. ne, the property of the late Sarah AnU Wilson, on satuisday, Ot. 111h, 1879. Sale of Parie Stogk, Imiements k., the ~oar~of Mesore. J k3. t Wlkelt, onlot uat e QUI con. WlullIay, oirr aturdsy, Oc,401, 1679,-Dswes &Watklse, Auc. Cruait Salo of. Farni Stock, lauplements, in.te prop:rltof bM. John Mseer, lot Nu,14 lt te t on. Whitby, ou cdnes. alaayOct B8fi, 1870 -Flai rbanko, Aue. ONLY Si 5o PER ANNUM. WiîIth)y, 'hîr.s'day, Oct. 2, 1879. Teav. POîam PLttittrPAlamulS hava beau initigitîfeal tlayu']tarad blîlcgi about tba siiecial cession oet uaCant>'council osîleal ion the propar receplian et the Gcvemcor-Gauemai andl IL. Pr[ooasa Luiso. Pity thua royal visibore ccais net hasve call malPatPor P >' y; thon ail waîlal have beau igbi anal praper. -Timo Wsrdae and maembers of dOUD- cil of neiglîbaning contias malunud -presentecalsadroess, as vas liair aloi>' anal ihiir cour..lias mal vitia nothint ttapproval. Ilii Oui>' in tLe norîb-, - - cas corner of ILis cenuni>' Ibt tbemc are ucinllaiti anal grumbliug. WL3 alaimid intotheavo cif l'ati Perry -ILat sefrqaeusaundaI comical gecalle- iiu-go fur lIme proposition cf Mr. llirku-lianal M. Miller, la forage Lia pay-saniai tcharge îLe counul>' iii faineL s ages4 or nileasge? Tliat voull iaava beeau 0an ose>' va>' p ava lime conut> tLe ixponce. Mia. Gaie. 11.. îs, of îhe Frec Pro,9 Winulutg, and(al n~aerly on tbe staff ci S lIma' CiastuNiieîcaspail a viil lta Lis auatlvo town c09 Vlitby, on 'mcfiii>'. Ha ne luts fitu'a'ily etritmo buoinoîsl aillou k und lProsplects gainerall' in blae l>rasitlauProvince, anal in, vi aneglaita iîaid, lui obl laemailtb. 01TA-la' t Igiol at uadavlyi AT yaîmmsae a i aîlVenitisiaag iaa tin Cuaiaaiaeari. A hiaolai fhlc Ititamaaumuîîule Nbotter huis ui te hîlli1111 yoiuaalia gi-îaîateul uad puîtil. 'Irlatitls - thae ll tiiaae iatfa uiliuerli. 'iiuisiay iniliag, whlia awvark attadieg ai tiiaallag îaaclalaeu, ias Cu aran oa! M. Jesse ilkior et aut t ,liby, Jatiaaa Iiluiauîataet within mat It isnflired i vlS a-iîva afatal soci- litVWi'lullivlaauiluaaie)a ogai caunte stmsw, Iiiton astnack tl»alaîuat&agaitat htla salaiîile aaaat fl lit, the cyllier. (aufîi# ils uaavi LOrui -t-a-a îulcis, andiaiast to ea> u a iel afiiavo, lia.,kauaTh ei uaimatmiua,taefrntc. aal ay tira. Mouili HamIllamain lia.itilei l at aaopîaetaaîl ta sIrviva a-lac slaaak. Uc lious et Iluarnoaay ttand Iuaianal. A Gooaa 'APPe'acaaaXEN.-We are pliaaii tii icamu fLt Mr. Cals. Robinson, of Blaîverton, Last recelvai the appoliisut of laursemr o! thé nev Mrccer Insitîiut#. The ePPîitmot lacasu inenîl>' gond ana, and, atreuit a pari> ' point 0! vlov, Wei doser- nul for long aimeaihfli services b>' Mr. NORunimOarîuiaa.-'rlme nane oaItlon. ES. hhIaj.kau l e nailoîoai licouaiction villa tLe r.aîaea-eltatio uet Northa Oaarino. liilitlaa al0iNei u! itme Suaîromte Court lprove adverseo tas M. 'ahelur. 'TJare iiilîla aloibttliant Mm.iBlhake vould, be eleoelil. Stovau.-Wa bave plassuro in calhimig atention ta thoeavemilement, tenabîer ceiunoe, oci Haitclî Dc. Tho>' Lave- uitovesitem u3savon difféentul akons, wLielî, tom queli>', are bacrd la beat. Trhae il miceaiOf Diluer e ceokiug or h)oeblug steve îlîeald nettai leauic Iluir large stocki. Tiaey aise ciTr cel cil, Im al ni!Or large mOeUre, foc 15c, por aLe. We Commailiatis dl anal m.elsilefirîn ta ouc s unorosîs patrons, as thykoepnupviiîltIhe lin la 1)r"0nscofeuiîiete insive business, To NNTisaOicuNeoo Fiuai IsaNUES Lacl licUgî bateasconoiuded. Tii. vordielt eturai b>' tlajur ' ai la, tmoeaffect thtil lm 'ate tires i n ltme village vera esîseil b>'soma persan cr Persans sae. GonSjîUîsU' ALL, Mm. James John- itou, lu anticipation oci lauaoveal Luai- nemi Prospects, L a asleexîcusivo pur.,- châtiuas for tLe COnu1g seeson, su an. njounoueaInlu cîer elumuls. Nostu ONrAnlo EsCmîoO ONTEmSs -The report Ibel Mr.-Whler bas; v 1tale 8ulii ppesi le, vo arc eeeuu. cd, wlt u iuaticu. TLhe cseo coaes efors tLe SnptmumoCourt an - dis 1iStli10ns., anal Mr. *Wiseier luteui filg tcul onttaîte lest. -DREADIUL MAssàaw u DYIND!AN.-A& Party' cf tventy-clghî precpoelcrc lu Ulica Lare beau massascreal by Indliens. A Silver Beet spacimi aleeportc îLe ns acre. Theprompectors iuharteai ou Iheir ex peaitton Iwoe e snoias e ansd ve assaI anal buueharcai iear lime casterta boundlar>' cf lb.hemiter>'. BcOUTS AND SNOBSe for pâli anal Win. ter vare ilu greât naiel>' AI the cicr. cf - Mr. Jolis Seundenu. FAuOî,»>. M~iOXM5a AND BEADYi. MADE CLOcrjux.-Mr., JOhn Ferguion1 muekes bis fait mnucueoenb iu alLer. remercse--]aY se a poins an nais coim hip poe Brmsly,;&bere to cunneet wi tis. Oecidental, vLlelîi t wventaitos Portage du Fort. The CanadasContre andthelb.roai te b.aided b>' the Gu emumenterm %rvehurot to La] Nlpisg, nov do 'vs>'y wb.hes cessigr of a lino. le lhe Mattayan. i Govermient cLouta d lb.heVat. Railly>' OMpany to xtend iîline connutwthvlîe Occidental st, I pltialadyileteai, bus 1 lin complté line toe 1.sesboard.M aceurate, information upon ibis bsa mn tLs part oet îLe .who vmlts railwi atilisa luheb.Torout o pneus,von! botter serve aI good pupese. TàAuss)or cm suous inxx me OaDIîsw Theme te,samys the Telograni , sgned demi, ilk lu regard tb lb. portfolio et Mieletai Jaistice. Il le preit>' goenmal>' ntiemeto thal the Heu., James Macdonala l 11 ko seat on the beneh, sud thaf Mm. Dallen M Cartby vil be sakeai te ,"ter the Oabine Thé gresat dravback le Mr, MoOmnIL constitaoiacy, whci ohe Lesafesontl9 varIai. The impressilea hIai Ut. K.1 Cook, -M.bMeCathy'seid anlagoniul, i miigai bis set t te i nlaclo Auembly 1 the eveut f cfbavacene>' lu NorthiL sud contesttheb. mdleg villi Mm. MoOsmil once more. Whal thea cmiofaI uch àmcn toit vealai be if le exreely dhffilnfte a AI ILsheue lime, e¶'erybody adulte ti M, MeCartby.would b. a valanoble aditic te tLe Dominion. Cabinet. Wliilby aWsud au:WittbyFaIm. .The tailal hbiton c iashe union agmic- luirai socleîy o! WLltby as uaitsIWlitl wau hüal ettéaI is lvlnsPark, near Onhavl on Monda>' sud Tuosais>. Thoee al lange sîtendance on tLe second day. Th -seowef homses was rehmkably goti. E Sîlcknoy'e double tbain ook drel prlîe F. I Hinanan, Quai. In single drlvleg hcr.es, W. Coultbsa 1.1 JohnOuILLe nit n; John Addison 8ra Sadaile homse, rmnnulng bell mile duita,( Lyiideoi mare lIs; Thoa*. Emmetl'smei 2ü . Elues 8mai. Theme vas a ival>' Irot for Mr. Conant prise ef a watoh, valued aI 0#W. Haî mile, Lest 8ilu . The entres vere: Mm. J. Ruebettem's blk. b., Win. Thoml sea'î b. m., sud John Cnîhber's b. cm. Thea dru besas aslikon byMm. Thons son»mareIn 1:20 ;Mr. Uueottcm's hemg lola 2ud 8rIraidal4th lîcas; Mr. Cuilabort mare Brd. The QuebecoCraulu. The Quebocisie till coninues. TI meeting nf tLe LegslativeCocuncil on Tuei ais> resuiteal lu aotiug. Il va. Lela i v closeS deor. and the puiblieo anai pness ej ciuulea. A Îuthaemadîaiuimmesat teck plat le the 27t1a iait. A anrgoe crevai "sembla atiidathe asrlhement buildings, but tse vas aie disoaien. Clark Baovn tannaiOuilty. SiiNmuNcEa m E iFICA NONi). TLe triai of Clark Brovnuotohi numaler cf Lis ftler anal sisior, va couchuded;at ilCornaal au Saturas IThemeavidence cf îLe commission cf th i dreaifl crime vais conclusive. TIh deteuca vas a pies oflinîsaîl>', anal evi dence vas givon tae suport Lat plI 2analteacibev thal theo nu ppy pisone a v subjeol 1e fis@ cf insanil>'. Tlmc jury aftem an abseence eftwiecal jminutas roturneal ai verdict ofgui,, The sentnco f oxeontion te take pîseý --Use Witllad'i colebrateal Pulauoii S'mul for couglîs and calais. t A LiBLAaaaaaOFEia.-Mesanes. J. S. Rober mounal4tarot., viilîlalal>' ytha Weekly Gloil Ifrottheîretnc a elitietilthie raid ait 188C àtfr $1.50. t]immaneialiath, scvwyear tli jourîîl ul ai cooailaably enIargeil ii iroa ad olhienviso improvoil. Plarua yoaa sniilaermipîiîîn ni once, ascune ail iLthel Dvaîntagesaerring lherefofn. Aiiiroas ai endors ta Davonae llBlock, linock-st WhitL; Whttild's Toetbasche luns lea ,uarateedt t caine vLan useS scardiîng le Slrofloaas. a Tieîîim . LARaWEEai.y-Tlieaulssmiheri sa-lea rt tuegniif sagplythie Weekîj. Mai froraiiov autil theaenaad of Iflton S Tlia au-w issaceoa!te Caniadiiia FrrAaaaaîaai illeastrsaaLodwitli 140 eaagnaviuu,will bliea- scaîteal te aiearalyauuîscrniiae. Suliurii nov, ait«ailsadrese ml oraiem tia J. S. Rtobaert soia & linon., ilookscellers, Devenelis iBlocki llnock-st., WlaifLy. H. W.iB. tajltli lu aelimiaaitfias Let f]aai Q aint Miots. lier Imiwalallson, Tis'. GlaiAs- ParanSmlamAN MATt]aL iN Nmaw Yoitîr ast veela closeil on batair. de>'. The scores vere, ffowell,Sio; »Morretl, 515 ; Hazaea, 500, 1 lap. %es- ton retuneaul vîths accoraehf455 :Ennis vitL 450, 2 laps ; Hart with 482, uad Eromîme yuL 450 miles 1 lsp. Tisa gala moue>' iî dividedas au tllovi: -Ravil, $19,5110. vhsich a vas96,500 sweepstaes, maikes s lolal ai $26,.004lJ ; Mcciii 07,812 ; Ilazaea, 04,19J2 ; Hart, 0$2,870 ; Guyan, 81,950 : Weetoaa, $1,- 865 ; REuic, 0972 ; Krobue, 8877. A mceptiesu viii Le givon taeitie podec- tniauc ant îLe Madison-Square Gardoans, vLan flie bel viliL e presoete 10Rev el. Vse tise boit knovai cougla roieey, NVLit- iais ecolbie ul'lanio synsaa. PisAcis-Sornaof flae htupenches va have seen Ibis scason wrn grevai ia Mmc. Yubesw ganîlen, li Wlitiy. Ciaua' Bîvia, Wva;*are lasaS e! lac abla te state, le quîta rocoverot frram his recect ilmons, said ois dut>' aalu. Tuee seb>' îLe fine ai Deaaiioed, Dakata Teriler>', ce Fritt e sestima- ted l e el>' 08,000,000. AvrTIto, OFMAÏFIEiLu FPAa-Tbe suohion sale o ai Metid farta takac place etila.y 's leobs, Wlalbby ou the 111h lest. 1111 oneof ta i n ausIprop- Orties lu tii. cont>'. Tuut HALL rFA1931a.,:ou tan igbouroaa bOtWccu Whbby anal Oshaaoeeoc ti boutce fruit faims iii Canadaè, &aievi 85 sercz oi erchiaril, Jeoffecalle enl, elîber aitogosîben, ordilvidail,(Ses aavt. DImeTacavugoUmDVîeaaitu AAT -OrmAvA. -Tho Uavernor Genemal beas nguestis Aal:uiraîi Inglefill, commanding tLe BriiihNorth Aaîaeicae station, anal ir evicie Wilims, tleimoaof Rame. Eaziiei'lA:s DIsqUsyîTUng.-Tmo tae tituecof Oeoce andl Tunke>'are Lecoau- ing oncal, said Austnia le suspectoul of obatm'ucîltng anunudcrctandtng ilulhem ave iutoront. An alliance beivecu Russia said Turkoy le salai le have becu prapomei hy the format poer. Bisaack's promises te tLsePpaia Nuecioarme colmlideroi ail îhe Vaicans te Le LighlI>' utitaclor>', but vbat IL.' eywenetIsuolpblioly kucvn, Yaiecob Khanu Las giveu s subsaauisi guarantees for is fture good behsvioc, bel ihere ilestibi ver>' goncral dimînust ci Lis cauduici during the CeLuI cut- break. Tus Qususa Datasi e laSir Jolie A. Maaiu i>isfed iforlthe 15111 emI. Vegetina, $1.25ipor bettae,. . W.,i. Sch. PRNALTIC roi' A Knts.-TLa traa:pi vue kiseai Mise Paulnida ntezupîcal te lies Mru.'IRocs, vile cf tLe 3ev, Mr. R180 oisme l a yeaga in Haildington, vas o aMenda>' acutouceai te tee ilsys imnprisonineni b>'Prencel Stevenson. Couc11lul, yauir luner yuL a &nonîb- tel et Lard dnuut, Il aide digeatili, Iscanne t eetis btter than an>' ýteoh povalor, go. g.enering. suicom ouie altn smswe 10èh of tfé opportasnl$y afforded« of haviït a-wlileh 61aitabozard soa muob, but k. whico omparàstivoe1y few of henm 1'd ne. yetsmon. Beven >in . encmrpng rs theiL en 1hof etdeparture advertisee rint <mena 4 It vwsnearly hait an ta hor aierwards befos ellwusin readi hé nson sud th.train lefit the station. r A Britèblin vwuresoheW Ifieoa-in. re Uts ; Myitis lU ivoire mIiin i è; ad, thé Summit in ton minutes frona-Myr. ra, die; Manqliester in filnmisntes tem cid the last station, . an4 Prince Abertinl ton minutes mter the#, arrlvlug 5M Port Perry about 8.20. -Horesaiuionai cas$w.r.Put on Sud 0160eMmiLinda>', 10f vier. the sxcnreioulstsarlved shorly afmter the adversd'tidtme-seeeïesln Sbelng made te the party aui long thse tem line, st Seara vi, onya, Mmnli, a&o. Prom Linea>', muai stations north, lot Beaverton, A&herI>', Orillia, sud. fur. ther on, thoer. were fortiser ssesuions au teh exursioisl.--mauy ladies, sud 1.netsa 1ev ebilairn amongottbhe number, -aud mt, te Judg*from appearsuces, iu. tout epen a dmy's enjoyanent. Glane. MiY iug through the caui, vs recoguizeai Mr. e. James Grahiam, Warden of th. connty, a.M.N Bm, veueocf thé tovu cf Whit. tmn byMr iakeil, reoe, Tewnship ef on Mbtb Mr. B. T. Harrison, towunship SP-lork, rm. The'.. Huston, town oterk,- Mesure Yeomen Gibson, James Dry den, Geo. Doidge, tpw clerk, Eailst l ui. b>', John Shier, eeunty' clerk. John1 ,y, Dryden, M. P P., George Heaider, sdenutyreevé OsawDr. lie. , Gll, HaRs 11nog Jud 0 ,Dàbel le J. B. pareiel, eu l ttorne>', G . Zd 'Y. Sthl, coe iiors BumAne, Huggard,1 Dr: Fei, 8mith, Feester, Depb. reeve, ri, Pickering, Wright'neve Port Ferry, x.d O. Dawes, M. Gillespis, reoe eto Brock c. P. Christie, reeve et Beach, Go. Bruce r. reeve of Therab, Gallowa>', dept. eeve,i l'e Bnmuett, & Dobson, de pt. reevez Beach: aT. H. Walshe, lp. clerk, Brook, P. No- ase reeve et Mars, James MePherson, i.reeveo Rama, Go. Cern*e, M. Ourrie. A.A. Allen, Ontario Bank, W. M. Coch. 'p rane, B. Mundy>, Standard, Oraudeli,1 "J. B3. Lutier, Port Perr', John Hall Thempeon, Osptain SincarOhs Robinson, Davidi Brlggs, eur>' Bick. el, Turner, Bobertsoèn,Býrooklln, Brown sud Christian Manchester, D. M. Camai, 'bc D. 0. Macdonald, J. H. Greenweed,-A. es- Pirie, W. J. Hayes, W. H.L Higgins, etof thîL ne ioNcLa, a&e.,a&., a&e. x- Mr. James Halden, Managiug dure-t -0 or WLllby, P. P. & Lindîsay RailwaY,i vas aIse on board. Notwtbstanding mthIe laIe stant, Midiland wvasresebeai-at two e'clcck, the adverised lime of ar- rivailebing 1.45. Here preparations hedl beau made at thé Ive principal ho- a tls oethîe place, sud the excursionili ae were enableai ta gel a good substantial e diinuer ait the modeef charge of 25 oints. as Tisa Ivo steaimboal. aI the wharf sud varions imaît craft wera b u tm Y' requisition, sud tripesluPente=gui. e ebene, sud avar tho La>', amangftthea Pmsny Leautifut isiaudi vhioh dot ils Sbosom were organizeai. A few extem-a Sperized a fishing part>' te a miati lake, r a mile or two inlanai, where, they were L btld, splendid Iront fishing avaiteil Ythem. eMidland continues ta grow-a notice. 50able imprevement Leiug obierveai sinca aur vieil lait year.-The complelion of îL te Midîsai Railway te thc towu bas d had a anost baneficial affecot on ifs trade sud growlh. Grain clevalors, la meat e-t the waufs of fhe. expeeteai trade fromin bc tLe North-Wesl sud the Western State c 0, are raow couteauplatail ou a large sosIe,0 sud if Midianai sucooca inlu btaining 8, évenl a amati share cf Ibis immenseat volume cf Irade, tLe esaraco-t imodation for baudling the grain onot i y. Le provideai a day tee scau. Midlenil a is deliglitfuliy ituateai, tLe site cf tLea te towu rieing gradusîlly frein tLe walor's cilge sud oecupyiug a oommanding 0 rupoaition. The bay liai a depîh cf from fi il16 ta 20 feef cf waîer, aindi jewatt Obéi- b tereil. At sncb a poinf-tbe terminus Il cf an important ]lace cf railway-tlaet ihorloat roeta te Lseaboard-tlaerc t a arc prauiîiug hopes for thé future of a p groat commercial cutrepet. rf Witl a s mauy repréenetative min, tl fram ail parte cf thae couuty cf Ontario, P il brouglet togelher. the subjeef cf rail-.P way cammnicationa, îLe former fruit. st tesefforts la Luili a ceunI>'liue, sud w Nthe pregrees thaf bail Loin made tu bi -that adirection wille.ut direct eonnty aid, ct vere naturali>' diseusseai. Il wasî -somewhat cf a mclancholy consolation el tal thosa, vho a quarter cf a cettury ago e( i aivocaleil the construction of a counî>'la hune to thiis ver>' peint au Ocoigian f< Bay, te a ndtbe mou wbo iben oppraied gi ilacan now Icudi> laimentiug Ibal Ilith ( lina bail net beau huill. The greatlotes t a th ie coouuy appears nov ta Le mcel. cenI>'. Part of lMr. Hlidecs'ascsoeme, nu propounideal by hlm in a speech et a grI railway meting Lela inluWbitby lu 1873, ki- aud embeaied inlu essional papere of the fin Logielatureocf Ontario, 1874-5, was Wb brouglît under oviow iu tLe course oet lu the gencral diioufilion. The braincl te mg Uxbrialgo vas hîiaito e Lea nOCîsil>' s i was aise a branch fimt WhltLy te thieost tovu cf Oshawa. sud-îLe continuation El, cfith. Midianil lins item Uplergrove, via Lake. St. Jean, la a peint 1 the seutb.east cerner cf the tIcvqs f iW, Draper. To Ibis latter peln tbllina dei commonilycalleai tLe Pacifie Julcu de, Sta Le Luilt, vbich 15 ta receive the Qan Govenament aid et $8000 a mile, sud sta over which aI t aler liua s arc ta bave cf1 runuig pavere. This ventai comptete Lei the dlirefctammunication villa the va, Canada Pacifieý Railway. SinesMr. irc Hotden's vievi vere printeai, tLe ex. ces tension efthie Whitby lino froin Part Mr Pcrmy te Lindlsay' bait; tken place. con- ouE ucctiug yuLILs heVictoria Bsilway. ,S, The latter bas beau extendeil te Hall. det burton. Andl under the pooling aman- inj gainent vilb the Midianl, tbe rasai bis item Wliilby ta Geergisu Bay is now a Me continuons lino. Theme cnly romainan( the hile of roai Leieen the P ointe Th utheve iudicated-Whithy sud Osh awa, cri, Manilla aud vwest teu Vcedville junotian, Ma Uptergrovc andal oulb-cast corner of les D>alton, sud thoehraneh te IUxbridge, te aie complote the railva>' communication fou cf tLe caunt>'. Tha distances voulaib, e Whitby te Oshawa 4 miles; Manilla te fou junelicu, 10 miles ; UxLridge braneh, vi 8 mile.;- Frean Uptergreve nortb 20 doet mites. Makiug attogotelben ei> 42 wit miles et ailva>' yet te Le couetructei vit le meseh Ibis desiraibie ead.1The im. Lul Por tauet Oshawa, Uxbridge, Beaver. der ton, aimi i points nortiz, as wehl as, te Mr the whole county uceai not Le dwalt wal upon. Tleey are paîcul te everybody>. the Sebstantintassisitance, vo believe, coulai Le.obtaincal ram all leeslîjes in- 1 tereefeil, aud villa-diii, aud ga>' $20,. yei 000 tram îLe 50unly counoil, the coula.Ion ty-of Ontario woluhbave soeereai snob Loi »Us tia wthe uncensolinl anu ofelluuedAndsolsspeudpouw vW&sn d the muenie 1t P"od'-s eve Yibef-> returu te lb. w*h&Las : 'ondre..ludîe c$ba#em s'u~leily lu Il deUghtefal veathe' 'whlcb eveze..ns_ Canadien mooner>' le atits besa iaSope ber, wheu the voods louhoili gla>y>'i .daM etoa l 01oi dogs pem g lai s"a vare tne uitho eet aul _Ove:s pictaire Of li lt, cOsi., in sud 'doep!lb of coloumig wblc ebdl>'i pitem' et, The Çeorglan fa a slow boat, but sei sud oeuitlalày but. Hem omplain, IL, Gwdey, complatàed01e la«lu01ftrade ce. alà,eul upon lthe buldn ofhe Nonihe uuâa mllwys. -ahmihopec maklng s regular conuscto vila eue c batheL notion. Oser train ecuib, led prett>'sbamp, on ive o'clook suï Mme .ex"e lent limne ou tbe reuma. The ru manfr Linadsay te Whlfb>' vas made vithfint t 11oums, inctning stoppages snd soute shuni inir ab Port Perr>'. leo rainfront Whlby te Léhindu> ves charge of centincter MnOvC& uil m t0 latter psce te MidaiaLn L ueam Lndt ù 'tor'Baler, aud it leàeailent tea u9>' hâ there wuc neither laltelà ucr Maiideuf On tl excursion. Onuthemetumssa lev ver.loftbehinai a Midia, &Oms jpt cffanud remaineai ovei nigbtAt iOnllis maid lb. Jaiutho Ceuant Alteorne>' sBd dîb vritae epaapressià invitation ftramMm. Mophemson, the reev of Baissae zena day or Ivo yuL hlhm a ie Lospûlablresidnoe ou the beântiu Çooclcing. The parfgot off alAfLerle *bare Mr. MPberson s ar6=1e40ms I welig, sud, with ivo lady members of the f enliman'a tamil>' Lad a plesaul uoca lai drive cf six m les mloeg îLe take shoa b>' the Indisu villagoetfRa'ma. Ai a pela near tLe Moncod mi lare s bridge crosse à small emeqki the bauqted- spot wl4ere gotialgty sae in' alpoineloe. 1 vras toc,.511'rlu inîLe niglat, vs vere tbld, Io the appgearmuce cf the ghosît>' visiter vh, as oui>' men about 1h. "itcbiug heur, a uo va 4meve ou unmoleuted. Businea emgenente compelleal tLe depemtnre a the51in4ge said oumsalves-next ay>. Th Deuni> AteOrne>', however, resolveai te mi nain bobinai. He anleai te intertievthb gLoet. Andl vo cen sec hlm lu our miînai sY' aIntmidnight, lakin L ie stand octh ide bridge sud soliloqnuing- "is~~f is tLe 451k and d.reery boum, WLan injumeai &honte complalu, aaWLau yavuîng graves - give uip ILci dosai." Perhas es hail Le favoreai%&tthîe mi unît aflis iuvesigaioiae. Taken altogeihir tLe trip ta Midland wvs a most oujoyabla oua, said for providin h sl tLe 1ev -rate efone dotlar, tLe raitre unnipsuies are enflîleai te the publia Ihank Anather York Pioncer Gene. Mm. Thamas Heury', cf Port Oshawa camnny kuovu s "Eider Heur>' lied at Lis residence, ai Port Osheaa on Salurds>' lest, aI the aivanceil agi if 82. The deceasail, vha vas of Irish l8eet, vasUne cf the carlitselelrE if "Laittle York," sud vasai e cbe, uf i hsosciel>' of "York Pioneers" HE servoaithe wlc ar of 1812l, andi upoa the passing of the Act givingi pension., to îLoe s rving ilu hatvar, Le pro. duceui tLe necessar>' preefs ci sirNice muai Le disebarge, said vas avaraiiai usin. He vas arkl>'lite, lu the service of tLe lte r. Jiuitica Hagerenan, and frquentl>' accampanicai fim on hures îacT on anis circuits lteisolai the assizes. In travelling eastvard, train Toronto, bhey foiloved the~ lake shore, riuliai their Lorese ronni4 tLe point. cf land îrcjec.tiug mbIb thelake, occasionaui3 sceiving a complota vetîing, thraugi bheir hersas gsltiug cul et Ibeir depth. Par vaut of bridge, tue>' vane cern- pelleai te mvii Iheir Lere e mromesltae etreanis runuiugie îLethelaka-hcir whoe Laggsge Leiug eerried in sadle. baga. Af limes,. an tLe Western cir- cits, their road vaslb trough au iu- rioste bridle-patL. Whou goiug le the etrema e vet oethîe Province, the>' Docasional>' vent b>' Buffalo, Cleve- laid sud Detroit. Aller Lis remevai ao the Township cf WhiLby, Iheir rfietiug vas doucait SauilL'e Creek ýPort Hope), and laer af Burk's milI, tt Bamhcr's Crsek (Bevanville). The ider neil lespcak ver>' icdignantly )f the conduct of ana ectlor, in particu- inr, ou tLe Kingston rosai, vho, en cas îecaiion, vLan Leomaid s ueighbo'a ios, esch Laviug a bg etfcorn o loseback, vere retimning fmbu Mitll lot beiteai,said vereskei b>' tbe altera te stop ail niglît, tLe latter >oOk s large taille! their meal fer ceeping ihean i The Eider deplarcai at tLs inbospitabte setler vaus amare meeptian, as Isospitlit>' was the mule mng sattiersinlu Ibce days. Nesai-ly fift>'yeaim ega, ho Lecge tnacted i yuLthe Chrisian CLumeL, BLOOuv MUanata Or A MAX AND 7rî.-A btoody suai myslecions mur- er vas ensoleai near Detroit ou Sun. yý nigbl, masulting in the dealli ci Mr. il Mmm. Heur>' Morris. Tlîe cinouin- muncci cf the affair point le il as one r te mest mycteriaus cf îLe lainai avec eard A eftrcabaut. Mm. Marris' bady ,88 tana on tLe stops cf tLe bouse essai oui>' in Lis naght dlLtes, de- ýaseai -having evidonfl>' been ebol. Ire. Morris' Lady vas fausa in a dlosaI oun ff a 'bedroom in the bouse. e, Ise>, Lad beon Let sud vas mnoue qd. Mr. Marrie' trausers wers tana i ar mmaidltvas seauItsceoe cf a hommes vas missing. Mr. andl Mme. lonri veto yauug people ot meene ad LigL standing in tLe cemmunil>'. be firsî kuevladge ofthe horrible imA vas viien tLe Lireai girt tonnai lrrii' iseai Lbddyonthe mear stop ading te the bouse. 8h. gave tLe mmrp sud on exuaminalion il vai uMtuai Leousai beau @bot tiareugl i -neck sud breast. Mrs. m orrisas ,uai sittiugluiLthéLedreain dosaI, temo eh ad fiait miter reoeiving Lor nIL vanas. She est on tLe fleer ILh her baek tel the watt cf îLe cdosaI iLh a revolver lu ber baud said leur illet bales in ber breast. The mur- )rer ocrcapeai ou tLe hakokfaieeoe Ma.ý1rrie' ihoms, but nothing aise as stelen. Thora i.z as yct noe due, le emurderars. JlýOPID.-A Young girl ai fifteen, ire ci aga etepeai troi bar home lu icarinue eue de>' lestveekwIth, e lue jockey nameai 8thera. SsWshow itftehf; lnd.ed, i amrn iae il ,i aI1 vhalis amde Ililia aays Me suo. il oessdsl." Andl hore she d"sa sWyn- à@ ahertli>' bin leck upon the Marklss. he Ha- mtumnea it it i nihoeset, said I au ru thoàgLîl brhedisiay in lus teaf. où. tecohnmts vole.-" uceesatul, et lates,-lu in>' voin, love. "M. ovu brave An' lovin a ie>'" Thea-aouddes a 11.lever-Hike scoee vas, se>' Tb. lanagieai verpoverin, to tà bsebfoimnaelikë esgili. ho "WV',"sala i LisXceflency, ginin meý adaýbeitnr look, -ybal'c our ceorse, ky, Who are té iL, itg u" cme "Mn Lord,"l oei 1Il>e minustdi ho public Min, mv ceorse."- de "6Av eorset, adLho;"the grale min 2. of WliiIby." o n. 'aWèîi, sea il "lble's -,théTovn m Cenil. Theme'it Misther Fox, frein or tLe South Wsmd, au authoril>' su a dg municipal steteuman." ut- "IYe8," uOedlbis tondsbip, atoppin me, nu do've lacsid mv iin-&Doublo »lank'- Vo an aul de>'mon," saezo, yuL a 't kuiovin vlnk. "Pas$ hlm."l in "Weil thîn," sez 1, "Ilare'e Miather ho Campbell, au os-mîber, au dep ut>' reeve, à- an a mais ibtai cnuargif>'i viheut et steppin, item memein te, night. An "I he's Irish, tee, allbcugh tLe nasame At tLesaine as yer avis, savin yem faver. w. ýAu Le hase'i a bat et coniate, au'- 1>' "Stop!1 ýstop, O'Da>'L tom memc>"p ag9 seke," excimimeti tLe nobte Mamiles, "îLote picamiai ot pralses I've hie hemein ilabout îLe Oampbeilc, sInce I came te ~,Canada, Lave almosl murthermemc n go ou viaiL îhe nexi." At ",Me Lord Memkiss, iben, sz1,-â, - lillie burt iike-"*give me laeate se>' at Ibat Ibese are tLe 2 grateet omniminte as ot the Town ocuncil; îLe>' arc jayensas, a au, ifty9w think ,se ltleetof bin, its It dt voitb vbietellu yen uabout îLe r et vho are oui>' commen place." "fAis>', O'Day," says ho, pullin liii baud on me shevîder lu a irieudl>' a! vav-" Ive taundai agooal inu>'Jayns- ce es eithor Lares or Lears, su I tsar yonrs '.are ne Lelîher than tLe cecI. Pasa I.over the Town Cauncil." B3e tLe piper letbim seclleil me. I cmv ha knev ihe Tovn Canucil gs edlthal iLoeevas no use lu ihryin te Loodvink im- salbLattir siaudin sud abilities. ir lAu>' cun>'esities in WLiILy 2"Ilho nexi axes me, aftem a pane. 'Yes, yen SXcettiuoy," 1 replies, aller thinkin' e bit. "TLere'e îLe giraff cf thîge tef, î,an' iiîore'e îLe ganitta." IlWLat I vbst Il ýy Le crics ont in snrpris,-"A giratff au a' gorille iu WiILy ? Do yen Leur ILsi Loo-y ?" At ibis thae Princes laoks e e: i unaiLner, u' luthe sveolaet vaica I ever Leard, aik-"Is Ibai se, O'Day?2 Wberi are îLe>' l e L sc Ben ? aIlcggin 'yempardan, Highneee, au Xcelliinc,"- erf, ibe're ot etla rata yul animale-cul>' human imita- e shuns, an' b>' no manes vishue, su' tLe gimaff eau ita viaib a pin." How ver>' emnarkable," sez tLe Prineese. r-'Inaieed, I muet se tbem." "IBy ne e mannor o! uianeo, juinov,"oesarvei L2 is Xceîlitsoy, "aour ste>' is 2 cLant, Lut I vilI lave oraibere ta Sindi them aon te -Ottawa tb the Dominion Exiilîun. eYon viii Sok aftber tibef uttle mafiher Sfor me, O'Day, an Ssc iat tbey are uecureai catel>'in comlortable orales." This canverseebun lola place an Leard dtua miu. au vas intberupleil b e tha arrivai ai Wbitby. Au' 1 musi ea s>'thebopeople of WhVby gava. ibaro noble geaIs a nil>' grand rt-cep. ebuai. Il vas an avaieion voriby et tLe accuelau, au mail me prouil fa Sec il. TLe obilallir vas Lutîtul enlirel>', aau the Lest Laliaveil I ever sav. If thcir aldiacru, anuiliaso whîo sLnd mt an exampla-tbe mooal Tlîmustbaes an -municipal ooucilirs-scted eue quar. rIbar asi manueri>', an laed tIsa purliic. Suses te elanil back au keap tlîeir places, Ibare vr.d hev Lin nao crevilin aun co -comuplaints ai ail at ail. But h vwiliLa -baîthar 'lrape, ta lot tiiir Xcelisoucies :spaike iliare evu opinion -et thie rocop. slun. Major day Wiuten vhispcmed bo ma nisIbo>' vers lavin, .aYer vantail Mielluer O'Dsy. I au commnudeul te raquesl yer attinilsuce lunI-be royal carniage." -TLose vers Lis ver>' varie, muai Le tLe smins olacu îheMajor is as nice asupakon gintlanan ns coulai Le tona in a day's narcb. Av cearseI anseeea prompts>'b>' presintin me- sel.-The Ibrain fLou Lovîcl s long. What tho ye llîiuk oaiti, O'Day ?"1 5cr tL. Msrkie. "Be seteai, MisîLar O'Dsy," cez the linaid dcoacdberate Princes., "aud prsps a glass cf ihan- pane, ailen the fmisyg cf fthc crevai, vuai do y. ne Larm. A ver>' nico me- eepsun, indeail. lie>' gave us so nies -misaI prote>' chiiden-whatbLasutîni floven-vbhat. a profuebin ci lbem- The backays given ns. are amngel the vbare ye eau gel se nsîch neo'iilanfrma. I ehun troins him lu smore lesiannel>' way." CI "Tiasejeat ih," soi tLe Maie."Wii endi ye coma lei Ottawa, O'Dsy ? 1(do wact ver>' mura le have îhe opinion of su intelli. t( gi expayriuoecl man like yensalf, upon ti man>' matther." i AI tbis, Day Wluton inthercilft car. jc 11a1ope, yar Xrellinoy," seSil e; waa ara neanin the niashun." .alv a iacalODy to coma teiOttawa," seul îLe Marlains ; "«plaze d lake a note of il, an wrile lic. I wanlta chat vith hlm quisti>' vhin allîials Lurinl aven." Day Winleu lookeda ameansubey- A ail, unDov I sam vaIclil aven>' mail ex, pectln Ihaf invitashun. "Thauk SacS>' Waalalll for Lia nîce S hon:y Il wfe thîe lait verds af H. 1.11., as g Yer thniir Iriecil, ni TIMN( iDAY. T Nota Bayais - 'flac abour e ktiaèr wvinii- st tiaaded fur tlaaaunu~at-au. liaut weele, liutb part ci il vas lu siame -wsy Laîmiedau anmie- useit unluonuai l T. 013. AOCIDENTAL SHaeemNc.-A French. issu nameait Alphonse Lepiamre, in tLe emplo>' et E Bunneil, vhile ont shoot- ing on Satunde>' hast, aI Belleville,. met vitis ae acculent Ithat illiked>' esull eini isleaib. Wheu heo aidscbsrg- ing Lis gun, lise bneech lav nand ua Le receivol tLe contents lu îLe1 opper pari et bis hbaa, ftrtring îLe skunl airai blavîg ou1 part ef hie brsine lHe cul>' tool up Lis nesideneoai Belleville four vees aga, said is a mrie iss, bsvlug.s vif. analeno-chilai. HallUbsnten, tLe proeat terminus et tise Victoria Railva>', te Pembreke a-dis- tance cf about 85 miles, asud tmTo- route, 214 miles, co0nneeting ai Peau- broe. ith lise Canada, Central Rail- va>', visich lne connecte viîh anal Las le give rnuning pavera bo other Unes frein bis peint le counect ith Lthe Canada PacifieBaue>'." Tis wouventascure s large Imae ta tLe cil>' cf Tomnt. ibat la nev -carried t. Montresi, as the distance frein tbis peint ventai Le about tLe' camne teTo- meule na teMontreal, thuseneubtiug tLe vholesale inuf et .fermer place t., onnue a targe portion eithîe trade cf the Province ef Quebec. This ventai a"e allov tumber sud cuLer lorestpm- ducls t. pas. tbrough Lindsay' te Fort Hopesud hlt>' -mnhuma, >psd give a pai~tl9ii c îe traite"sect eoion et cenr'0 bc 7Lclarge!>' - aideit in buidigr thuf einîepeinte nainca te Halibunton. - The Victor-la Wbitby, Port Penny, "anal Lindsa>', sud Midlianai Reilvsys Are nov pouding s-large trai jute L Cil>' ofTorounto. Mm. P. Burnu, oeeof yenm coat said vood memobputs, alona bam 7,000 cordmei of ood on tLe ive for- mer linos ucv heiug shippeai, sud tbere le atso a larga quantii>' cf luinber cff tLe lttfer linsfoi rla. WsuLa- ohane, enai Midîsai fer Toronto sud pointe vest; anai on acconunt oitLe dloe'ceunectiin existing belvoe thé Midisaid anal Whitby, PorI Perry sud Lindsay', Baiiaye a mucb langer trade viii Le dealopeai. These joinitlinos bave nov au office said agent in Terce. la, sud vs trust you viii give ycuin.iu fluence te aseist tLs meailsthal Lave doue ce 'mncb ta open up tLe lange lin- ber, ninaral, said agriculinrai counotry lyiug ie the notb'easl oi yeum oit>', ai vbich tLe gencrat pnblie knevé-sos lit- 11e, Lui vblcL îLe pres-coulai do 80 mmdli tovaris naiiing botter laon. As Ibie l eLe sction oethîe country' b vbicL îLe older -coas et Ontario viii have te looka fer Ibair iumber, timber, &c., anal Its Badmitteai b>'al ihat îLe nineral veaithile nboundel, asua s you remarie, Ilbbc qusutit>' cf gaed farmiug lainai is large euougb lu nake it certain that s lange tocal lreigbf voulul aceeu Lagaineal froni the praducte et agriculture." I hope the Ontario Govermmnt vilI grant liberat ail for-îLie construction cf a lina froan Haiiuton te Pemubroke. I am, Sir, Your. iailtully, JAMES HOLDEN. Whiitby. Sept, 16, 1871. The Aalvancc an Cabul. An Alishabal speciet says il jsexa. pacteai thai CeLul iliii a ateroran 5iL October. Rasistanca is doubîtul, as tLe nebetelela leaders. Genenal Roeets sud psrty Lave beau fired an, said a doctor vas severai>' vanaic. A fonce seultateasuisi icel fivo amen. at force union Gen. HngsuLaies an-ar rjvcil ai Sîmakir Katu, Lait va>' b Kiaai Ghajîzai. The Goveruior o!flIme latter place liae witîen cxpraîsiug jo>' ab tLe approasî limte Britisha,Lut ih raporcai utirng up flie miLes te go io Cabot sud joie le the van. îî is ne- porteai Ibere Las Leen s figbi at Mac- nana Laiveen the Aneer's Cabol andl Humat megiancs. The former vers Losien anal have gensLacla. Man>' pemseu's rearai the Anaar's arrivai liltaeBritishm camp au un astoto maya lu tester thbeoaItat Lele isin- nocent cf cempicit>' cf îLe monder cf tIie British cuve>'. Ou îLe aiberLianil, Liga offiolale express confidence ilufLls entino innocence. Thea aitance afthIL British farce conatinus. The Ainoon acoompanies tLe Ireope. Il j, cîpeciail tLe cabmn viii arriva Lefone Cabut on Wcdnesdsy. Raejstance is nlikai>'. Sir Fradeice Robants lisnecejyci inastructions la issue a nanifecto toes Afghan peoploelimai îhe British army solvancea an CeLui te aveiage the iroacher>' te the British cuva>' ; tsat pasceabte inbabiaube vii noftlue no- lestel, Lui if cpposition le affereai, ihosa pensons witb araslu beoir bauds vilie e neaas ousmias. Non-con- bâants, vamanfannaildrca, are adl- vimeai te vitbdrev. The Dominion Exhibition. The Dominion Exhibition ai Ottawa elasealon au eurda>'. The show., ai- tbough ihea era ceancawbsoki, vas on tise vhoie anusulmitteai succese. Fînauciai>', hrivear, if vas e lailuro, as tLe folloviug matiitics, tumujubeai frcm iLs Trcasurer'e mepeninent, viii shoav :-Donion Ethibiiou gale ta- ceiple on Mon da>' sud Tucala>', 8442 Il W.duasday, 08,702 67 ; Tbureaey, $8, 57 17 ; said Frjdsy, 1,432 93 ; total 00, 194 88. The gaIe meceipli aI 'Torontoa st yaar vomi on Mena>'asd Tuacila>' $1,984 ; Weilnasda>', $7,214 ; au Thure- la>', $7,905 ; said Fnida', 82,500 ; total $19,648. ThicsLows edaocressa lu tise gale roeipta cf Ottaiwa cf neani>'$11, )000, Ibis uudorstood ibal Iharoe isa faliig off aise in îhe recoipîs for ai- bibltars ices. A elsleennimadle b>' Lhe Ottava papemu Ihal ou Weiucsday over 25,000 peoplo psuail îtLte gaies muet Le a iypographioal orner, as îLe Trosurea r nelanshow limai the num- uer vas net 15,000. Ihislieiveil iba Lhe impehus giron ta tLe Agrjouliurni ioveicpcmont et thae Ottava, distictiol i te go greet as te malenisîl>' enef it the( vhlaoe esbon section ai Ontario. If se Laun tLe moemnueary defacil in un.1 a'ortLy ai cousidersîlon. Tics LîlaucAn ADsaiPEs.-A corporas- tion adalmes ram Lindsay' has een me- aeivel b>' Lis excellence tL. Govarnor- Genonai. Il vas la have beau presse.- cid at Port Hope, Lut a eiasb-p on Lhe Midland ai la>pravacalthe1 lapuisîhoa Iron araiviug lu lime te i îl vith PeterLare' said Port Hope lu a loyal greciug. -A rep>'ly oe oail. maess bas bee*n fenvardeai te Linds>'.r DAscAoss vos BusAca or Peasîsa.- t A'breacb et p remise casa irical at Rings- toe Leteto Mn. Justice Paltersan, on Saiturda>', rasuilteai ius verdict for thea gil for 8550. The parties are resialeuts L if Leeds Caunt>' andi are respeolivel>' eameel Amy Tonnantsaid Cbartes 'readalo. Tmuosdale îîaid 0700 a ycur ago fer aeduicug liaglu-I. limi- fîme girl eing "or mier ien fio, iisi amlagedal soietîL moe', u thiîe girl cul ci lebose said maie bier pravide ton hersaît said lttle one. - Quao CnsOrvatives proiece Ie ha ver>' confiaient Ibat - Lient.-Governor JIoiaii wiltneut grant Mr. Jol>' an appealtcte Speople u is e aven ociti Laiug asieed. Aucaihe,- pnnîy ci tenant Iscuerq' dol- egaîma trous Eigisaisad Scttihînia-ra an tisa va>' te Cuala. A Part>' of SWalaispie0ees ae asan0 ie.ws> for Manitaba aud il telise he ecocn- Ir>' a lange numnben o e foov.cnair> mont vili jelu theis nax ît ,ar - bi îug pa>'. Th'ue Amer sudaô-efro &P. poar te Lave iried tio quiet thein, but their affo nttelbis direction veno un-% âvalling. The imoops. fiuding psy net fcnîhoeming, broke ie a pen mulin>', etoneai ieir educoanssd 'allaclc e h, The ecceunîs o et b.flgLt hicb en- Oueai are -iseagre, maidarivei frein, Varions sourcec. but tise>'agrée iuîLe main Point. Tise firsb ncvs vai, as Yen ienov, broJuagit b>' a Gltirzaimes- songer, WhiLenea stAi h heyi ce tise ulgb etittsa tourtla. These st day came lelteme froan the Ausear. Sinceý ihen there Lbave amiveti e coufiaenlial servant cf Yakoob Khan, chargeai te' maie bis excuses, mn Afghanu-vise Baya h. mmv îLte figiI, as. Raher La- louging t.e e-Embassy, Who vas oulside vbcu the ailacie ccîsmed, anal a man nemeai Imamn Bux, an oi- ployes lu îhe Reuliene>'ofifce, vho vai jrsentlnuriug îLe sifair, said ho Liai inuadrain sud escapeai ai night. - aII) EATIE 5T5STSGLE. This muoh is certain, that Sir Louis Cavagnari said Lia litte baud made tL. most gallant neisîsuce, sud moli tbcir linos dear>'. The>' eceivel îLe flrsf atiaci vilh a fine Ihai alove bbc mu- tiluens Laicla.The Ircopo, Lever, mooan etumneai ie îLe charge, their nuin- Lae sveiled b> ' a 'ci>' moL. ýAl ihis muai bave Leen visible te îLe Ameser, vhese palace adjoins the Resialse>'. Ha sent, Lesys, Lis commander-lu. Chiot, GênieraI Daudahi, te reebrain he soldiars, anal vlen iL. Ganenal vas braught beck monlaîl>' vonnalea Le seut Lis avu son sud Lis faihcr-ia-lsv, tLe GovarunraifCeLui. The effarte of theto volatter laileai, said ilis eponteai thal tLe Ameer's eau vas killai. Meen- vhile tLe défonc e ctifnca. The gain. nison, lbi8e mueaLd cul>' eight rounds of amunilicu. Havever tibs me>' Le, tisa>'kepi Ilîcir asesilante cff tram igai o'cleoie tili about noan, vbee bhe gales cf the aourîyand vere Lui-si opena. Thon falloeo A liAND e THiANso icou. The British officor nd aimieiL Guides yuLh uvord and bayanel bal& thieir place for ucmno Leurs longer-oeacs- caunt ayatilîl laie ica îLe ovenicag. At tact îLe-enein>' set lire la the bouse, aud the deleuiens, dniven ont b>' îLe dlames, obargeai on tLe mutinepesand maL, aud it lisbeievel, penished ta a man. Thene -vas, h lei-ntre, airuffia that tbmca Ecropeaus Ladl escapeul, Lut etI probabililies peint the allier va>', aima iniloancetf Le massengens vbo amnived naIAAi KLeyl stafes isha c av thie Ladies af Sir Louis Cavagnari anal Lia suite. Thora in Iberetere. 0eut>' tea mucb reasen te Letieve ihai Imain fux la the cul>'oeeof bose oalthe Residene>' Ibat le>' vho ourvives. The tasai the Afghans in vanionsi>' estiiatel ait 100, 200, snd 400. CHOLEUA AseoOuRGT TH AFGHAN Titoois.-Fatat cases cf choeem Lave counnel have ocuarrea inluthe 91Lrei ment ot Rqyst Antifier>', andalitso arnongat minuof tLe Slat on tise mia-oh bu Cabul. Pizkering Township Ceuncil. Manda>, 151h Sept., 1879. The Pickaering canil met, pursuant ta aaijoimumeei. Membere ai preseet. IMinutas cf hast meeting raansd ap- provai. askiog fanrlice office as collector, af WVni. Taylor anal allios aîieing Ian aid te Franke Judai; ai GeorgeLaeug said nibers aakiug fer ail ic Wm. Layn, proeatail b>'Mm. Banerai, sevorai uc- cants vene proseubeil ton paynent. Mr. Moîsihouse maveailton leeve ta, inîraduco a Ly-lav, (vbiob vas resu Ibee secerai îunes said passeal), ta as- secs lot caumban 26 in tic. Sth con., foi lima expense oethe sunve>' fbemol. Mr. Hasuibousa lumoaluocea sby-iaw in blanie, le appoint a coilecton for tLe presaul yesr. Tho Ly-hav vas resad firI suai second limes, suit tise euncit mesolvoal itsait mbt cammittes cf îLe wbola, therou, Mr. Banardminlutîe chair. Tise ccmmitlee ocilLe vhatc nase, suit nepanleai tLe Ly.lsv vilL IL. blane filled wytL îLe une ciPaticke Lemil. Repart meceiveai ana ilptad, anal ou motion ai Mr. Meuhoue, the b rlay vas nemi tise thinai lime said passai.* The tollowheg socounts vote ardereal te La palal, vii ;-Chas. V. Micelal, for codac tituber, $2.50 ;' Dr. rFreal, ter mediciai sîlaudance on B. MeClolligu, a blicai paupar, 86 ; Dm. Freal fer attend- once on tLe Alleu fanil', $8 ; Mn. J. Post, for gravaI, 84.50 ; J. R. Hrcver, Ion pane, 82 ; Mmc. Daben, for cane o! seul Lcardieg Il. MeCleunan, a blinil pupar, $10. Ail vas graulel ta mudi- gants as tollovs :-Win.Law, 75otc, par voak, tran I-Liq date le the 27 Dec. nont, Thoms Banerai, comas.; Frank Judd. $1 par. week, tram thae'l0tb day cf Augnît laid, ilurieg tise pleasuro cf tisis cannoiS, aud ihat Chieries Crausae Ls con. toeaxpem the same ; joseph Blalas îhe seitn ai$10, andai PosFeuer Hulebison, Le cain. tao xpeuilftle sane. Mr. Foraster umovos tLat tue ceeu- cil do0 nov adjomca, uutii Mouds>' tLe 271L ils>'of Octobar naît, ai 10 a'cboce s. n The Arcluchans MirtiiChrnistines, Inumue Quluen a! Spain, ageai 21, poss. 05105 exceodjugl>' pleaisant anaers, am i8 leabout midiole eigLI, uleoulor anal fir, vita dame brovu Lajr anal large blas e yte. SLa le a capital hinguisi, epesaks Frenochaiaid German admirab>. Tme Spaniards aaecnowding ta Arcs- ebon, vhcre salu sisayiug, fa cluhain a gliwpte af tbejr Inhure QOen. Sceiug a servan ulmsiig eut cf a Londaibs tue fan mediosi niai, a nasoal salul: I an a tdacior," and1 oblainac.se mess le a roon ai a sicà chill. Ha icigneal ba miniefer ta hum for heurs, reai prayars b>' Lis beuiside, said thon, [iEocndiug ia îLte iinhug-rocm ndJ lakiag sadveulageof the caireicsunoss samoughit b>'Ihe appncach of (Iaicil, icci i goal rueusi, anal iecampea it LaIll tLe positabhe proponi> ho oîla lha>' Lis basuo n. Sonionubtrouble lfa e nti uIreland. Teonant annera conitinua ta, Lohld 1001- catgfn itacl îes i-.ialiuuao aiicg for n aloa-aseut ofa t u. 1hiq toua-dt-J hal conions troaubloIaa>'yrow aOutlofItIm Ainonicain.Sheop exporte(]ta t inglanil are fa Le pisced inasthe gascaue oior> as cattie, aviDg:fa bise prevaleace cf Lae tact anal monîb aljsaes amng a et roete î'lanleai bere. Thoe St. Louis Tmaideo assemb>' ha noviug fan concertatiosin b>' faaies îrgsniruhionii inîLe Unitedi Statosessaid lentadafan abolition af the cgs-oe law, the conviot labour syElens, anad 4ild labeur. - tl Io ni 01 Ci -Weman'Wsuinemnit> te Mauin l vLst koepa tise broom. market stosal>' Moveai 47 Mm.iulivan, secoded b1>7&Lentma-Pâôi, Mr.- Boultni, tisat thse suis cf fo rt>' centerfoit, bu dollars be grauteai tue Mara Bmauch of the pmphloi Agicultuna Socety>, tLe>' lo ciaielb. baIle, ap ti sLow of 1879 eh thc tavu Hall. Car- faitletters,val ri.d.- rv thie vends 'Il Movad b>' Mm. Eculten, secoedc. by York," anal vl _Mn. Sullivau,--t4at$ Ible caniscil de pre- yen ia>' Le Pane suad cimuiste, fer signature et ganuine. of refopayere, petit,ïon te b. laid belon. oeve me son th. Outario Legielature, pmayiug thai edneailrue1e I thic ébatsiutlie,.remeveai froin cullet rationet invelid 0LkeCcuochiuig,' thonaby ' tovemlug Assertion lene1 laa%ios-ivt' est Lelov IL.e vater, Bristô'r $bn&s mark. 'CaMned. - - 1' 1 .Moveai b>'Mr. Sutuivan, sacoelab>' fore, asmuei Mm. Boulten, Ibat tLe sunisof 040-h e Jes cf uo lpreper te set aspart t. dettae>epenses cf a coin- vr net isisionisu, te ,gel a §peimien sieeai le r v ereno-t la> bitcro IL. tegitura for tri.ppur. have beau ni nse cf lee « 9 laiee Simce sud et.L h1 ! ?oncLicbing, sud taXes*rs. Plailip -Chloera-Infâ MoRse, Wm. MePlee BR Thaompson, t iltI elcv v Austin O'Boyleasd MIc;aet -O¶Dc)n- îte nIgLI, ",5v Del le a conssionien te caai Mare fn ieni, andaiyou for saai purpýose,, suai thet, tLe rasere1 a1 Spinit in abont andl clerk aai sBai petilicu, sud tise lug, adsud aiq1 oterie natif>'tise diffamant Municipalities traleai, hbh arcund aidiilakes efthîe eacticn isiecu sevicegbu b>' Ibis crperaîlon. Oamiedl. ' Paý: i Xur, an Mm. Boulte, secondea b>' Mr. O'- band yen can Lear>', mevem, ILat 85 Le' axpeda in net negtsci se impmeving îLe SiL cen., cppcslte lt 7 snd 8, sud that the cemmiccionere h Brook notilteai toet1.1hl. saine, sud $5 te huila Mesurs. Gil s enîvent acroae ecentre rosa in uMy vils and evai. outb of J. Lammou's hanse, aloo youc ledide tLe Suis of $8 te dean ont duece e ome lime, san MuIf>' Peint Raaileadiug tram Mr.- efthte Ina w Navmau's tarin. Canheai. yon de net ai Moveai b>'Mn, Sullivan, seccudeaib>' bures, I iLcug] -Mm. Boullan, Ibat tLeeanet 015 La iii gresi vatin 1 granleai te make an cuzlet trom Mm.. servant lu ont Curtin's auteL aloug tLe cai sida cf cf ber Lanai5se centra rasai otehîe concession ine; conîl>' saidcon: btheuce atoug IL. north sidesaocnces. coula ual finisl jsion vesivard, sa and t u p acnlvort sncb pain.- b f- vhiob le nov open sercs maai cances. weî yitbyoux sicu uine aI îLe canIne rasai, an conadi- .iunaa bandl,Wh tien ai L.Cumtins, sud F. O'Leamy per. lion slartel ILE formning 010 vonih af vari ecach ou sail veut about Ler cuhiet te'Lesabt;actian cf the rasai laier sbc came commissionci. Cannicil. Movei ly bandage, sud:X Mm. O'Leary, seconlel b>' Mm. O'Bcytc, baud vas-Sbe thel $50 lha gtautcdeL ct olSection -vasLumnecl.1 No. 8, au condition thal au equal am- fingeme sevamal, ant Lie graubei b>' the eduesiouatlde- yeux linimentv partinet. Camnieul. iccouveuiane1 By-lav pasicaitb raisa amaunîs te strapping my- defra>' munîcapat expeusas 1or îhe cam- sinc., it shippad et >'ear. lu my loft hun TheoBecva granfeai Lis, order an tLe plicai îLe linimi TreaAurer for the tollowlcag amanîs, cd wilhcnb a 'riz :-JT.El. Penny, $50 bo relinquieb giva yen ibis si bis chui on norîla hall lot 11, co. 10, ces fan tLe laeî Le Il avicag a tai bile ; D. B. McDanald, shah.1 neyer lae rouaivorîr, 041 ; Michaiet Cemigan, mania lainme: rosai work, $12.80 ; John WelsL, _$5, purcbaseai. Vi J. O'La'ary, $206.60, principal 'and lu- W. Wall lemesl, 1cr mono>' advancedl ibis cor- .W. B. Smuith. poration b>' in, Thomas O'Doueil, Dr. 011ei Rosaivomie, 820.70; Tboai. Cemigan, N- Y. rasai varie,7875 ; Wmn. Dnffy, rondl vomie, 825 ; D. B. MoDocata, $20 ; A. o-ce Glavans, surve>' ielelina le Monck "Nto rcnd, $82.75 ; Oea. Baultan, rasaivarie and! Deatles ca $11 Thos. Corrigaca, 847 ; M. Tniel, $25; Hala Broc, Rosai Notices, 81.50; Dl W. H. IHiggina, advertising, $8.40; E. Cunningham, rosai vomk, $18.50 .2JOuHNaTeN. - P. Fîsmanen>, rand vomie, $20 ; John tembar 101h, Flynn, filtiug in auverf $5 ; Mme. Bat- Mra.-Aribur Jel insu, indigent. $8 ; Bruce & Ilitobie, seven moulbs a oxpeusas, ivo avarda, $13. Council adjournel until tLe secouai WHITB Saturaa>nluNovomber.Cuasc "G1emman Syrop.", Fleur, par brl, - - No other usedicino in-tise vomît en a ilAuWlea .. evor givon scl a test et ila curative Spning Wixaai.., quelitie, mis Bosobes Gannan Syrup. ane'No.. lu lbreo yeare tva millions four hon- 1 droilý thiusu s matI beltlsof ethiis lYc,....... mieiicine vero --iialibutai frec -of Peau....... charge b>' Drnggisîe lu ibis ceuntr>' te osat, br.....oyd Ibase afflictai vilb Censumption, AsIL- cm --.....:: ns, Croup, savon. Cocagbe, Pneumonie, lie .....- .. sud alLer diseuses ai the flîrcaanul Apples. per brl... longs, gis'ing tLe Ancrican-peope un- Plumes....... danuable-proo that GarmaneSyrun vilPotnteu,nv. cura bLeui. The esultLas ccc tflit Butter...... Druggistc lun aven>' tavo sud village lu Cheese .... tha Canadas sud the Unitedl States are Wood .... reCommeudiug ilta Ibteir customens. fleef, binai querte Go la your Drusggiei andaiasie wLsI îLe>' feet, tome quarter lacov about il. bamplc boutles 10 coula. Sheepskin .. Regutar sire, 75 cents. Tbrae doses Porla par ovi > wili relieve an>' case. Laint ....- ----se-----Celves .... Follove' Symcap of Hapopohasphilas Onlons ...... saveuel ie of am>' vite, aller laer case Turnipn.... Carmais.... Lecame appanenl>'hapeles frein Tub- Chîclueus, pempafi orculair Consumpticu. Dcsprr H. La. Hardlcage, Neluonville, O. Gegue r -s-e-.---- Tunlepr lb.. The Heatcd Term-Loola Out. Claver--... DoN'r aIr ONs THE GRASS. The mast stubboru case cf Dyseut- an>' vbicb le uothing mare nar hase bLeu inflammation ai tba rectum, praduceai net uetmequeniiy b>' atbicag au tLe gres-m>' be asurel b>' Ihai nosit cl- aient catLorlic, Casier Out. Ils Baoth- icg sud Leaiing properlies are vonder- fui, Lut ils uauseataug effeofs maka il impassible for tLe patia enttoreain il. To Scott & Bovue, tL. publie are in- 1labbad fer an Emnision ai Castor Oit bhat je ecl euh>'palalable, Lut is Pro. naunceai b>' bousandss vio ara nming it, abcohuiel>' agreahele lb.teimblae. NO famil>' eau affaml te Le vitsoul ii lLrougb tLe beacal terni. Pries 25 cents. For saeb>' T. G. Wbltfiald, Brook-el., WVLiiLy. 4in-80. F rom larry C. bLfer, tLe chamspion Bsc BaIl îutaye.-flosten, Jul>' 18, 1174.-Dr. W. M,. Giles : lu îLe match Latvean lias AtLhetics of Phiiidelphia, uad tha Boston club, playei July- iSiL 1874, ai Boston, Iliait sud dieplaced, my icît kuce cap. Yaur agoni- fortnnaicl>' hailpeuci ta Le prasant. Ha insfanîl>' applicai yaum Linimant, sud wyuL in- stant relii!. I v>'aLlabla ocanuinue lice gaima. Tise is>dallocving pisycit iu Brookalyn, and îLe dealar lu Phili. dlipLia: tbon sailaI fer Enryp)e. WitL gratitude I nov cammunicao Ibis fact, aud wiuL tLe lesira Ihat aven>' gymnasf_ eliauhild ue cfthe gceai te Le deriveal fmmcm youn vatushie discovcry, ais vith. sut ils use I shseuldceriaial>'have been umaLle toa acomplis amat h aid. Baerry C. Simafer, 8ril baseman Bos- tau Baie Bah Club. Salai b>'S. W. B. Siib. Sena Ior pamphlet Dr. Gilce, 120 West Broadway,- N. Y. Triai sire 25 -coule. The grsou grass gravi in tme mccîdav go Sprad vanr il a tiîlasner cifDais-- ina, saidlIse lin>' bIna-Ion ilhioot up- %Yards, suai grov fer sors luxuriant hau Loba-re. Try the suanse exporimant span ycnn lîsir anal bbc effoct le S11 autre noankeil ; Ilme-hasir greva vigeraus taid seans la euditwu-Bearin ailL te ulements lu supulant ifs lits, Cheoster Munnen vae ntricailai Bas-ni yeulende>', cf tLe mornr of Thcomas Cooka. Ho-wnasfoasoalguihi>', anal sou- cunced b>'Jaustice Aranunthobe Langeai soc tLe l7luOciamber. - A ruasiu aueil. Micbsal Murphy feli lita firetin tles y;'iuden fas bnîls-b îig machine in Granicu township. Lc bled a fow minuts ailier bcbg onxtrica- cd. ~Yhltby~ Oct. lut, 187iL -.Lmotn>' Wao, ieasheel Modern MateriaMedica, lueldesm valuableremedies for affile-, lions, il in.a malter cf cerlslufy Ihaf luý 01l cases wbere the auimal vltaliIy le failing, Phosiozons la decidedly superior, It will work effects sob as uetlalng cIsc wlll pro. duce, sud posses the gre#a dvautaga of net csusing, wlieu ils use le rellnuaielici, the eliglitcsf osellan or depression. Sold by aIl druggisîs. Frice eue Dolarm per BaIlle. A C A RD. rrz &U slWho are suffcmlng fromn the errera an sudaudseretieus cf yonlh, nervous wesknese, esmly decay, leir of mxnuood,&c., 1 will seuil s rec.-lle that wilt pure yen, Î?FE OFc CHAlIE. This great renacdy- was iecovercd by a zcnaesîenamy lu Soella Amerlos. Sendai aself-âddresâed cuvelage te tLheIlsv. Joszai T. Iiuu, Station D. Bible Houes, Neo York<Cityi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALJIIN SALE OF VILLAGE LOISI T HE MIDLAND LAN~D C.<10. ver for sale by Public Auclij, ou Thursday, October l6-th, 1879, a nunubor ef vaînablo Village Loti. The railway having beau conipleteai Ilîmongh b liais place tia Managemnit Il, laking the carlicat stops lô e cotre a portioni ofthIa Norfh-wcst trade. With ils finelbair- bour-Ibe beet ou Gorgi. lay-anda wilh te inos direct connectlon wlh Montres], tIac le n uoaebt Midianal wWU Coine su laJipertat lelipiig port.' Alarge ELEVATOR mill Lebud t andfmady for ccxl rea.iar't t-sle'. 11aEniv rit nal oaw maille are alréaily luoperati 7 anal cge- olaIil rdnooneelaa offared tle nililmen. The railways will givc epeelal raIeste t flace attendhîag the sale. 1'estcat wltlafual parlicnlîrsa bes cc ait al l e aatieni. HORACE AYLWIN, Preeldent M. L1.<C0. Onillia. litOctober, 18'.9. 12n WTANTlED-A Ocueral -Servant. l >Xî;v. SHIUA 1lICITRSN WMITED.-A GEERIAL sEnVAI4T 7Vgirl Apialy le MES. M. G. 11WlISON. -reasone fer taleing a ant < tv it., Baa e 'us ana Omuplave dilcase, remind the public that, îlrd of a century, l. formly sueesd fa uaes înltum.-Wheu the poor. raes up liithemiddile of ray from . pbyeieian and Du auddelly-feel that bis ttC dear',dbefcre mom-.. Il erih .?lans fru: -rlle o 2 Take our y a boeti ef Perry Davis' nd yen have a rcmuedy at ,n eafelY rely upen.- Do iimportant a duty. oklyn, .&pril 16th, 1816. îles & flo.-Gentlemou: myseif have beainoing ammania Liniment for na find il the Lest- article ve have 'ever Irisai. As Ivertise it se effiescos for iht 1 weuld Advise you cf lue inl that direction. A rheuse buffiéd the baok iverely eue merning re- noeto My wifeesaying she oh her -werk she was iu Xy wlfe lied a bandage xLiniment about'tb. in- rhieh on the first applies. e tsars te heer eyee. She r ,work. An heur or se a te our rocin minus the My wife aiskod how ber he lied fergetten. thal il My wife hsb urued. lier ltimes, always applying aind neyer feeling pain er 3 ram the hum aiter. lIn razer a few .euigo d sud made a- deep eut ni. I immodiately ap. out thceut qniekly heal. partiels cf sorenes. I_ relation of Our -experien. neflt cf the Publie. We )without thec ladide Amn. uïXpt long as it eau Lbe Very ruly yaurs, LeasaShaw. Salai by S. Send for pamphlet. es, 120 West Broadway, Trial size 25 oeufs. U8cf Birt li, Marriagcs, ýa-gea 50 cents cacl. E A THIlS- -At Tiekeilng, auon 'p. third ehild cf Mr. aud ohustou, aged eue year, ad 19 ays, ,LE Orrios, -Oct. l1s,1879. ......84 0 @8550 ......81 10 @siIo .......1_5 @8sio6 .....%..80 00 @ s(65 .$....800080()60 ..... 0 00 @ 05 .......40-0@45 .50-0@55 .8070 oea872 ......25 @-28 .50e @ W .70@89 .......1 00 1 0 .810ou 125 .815 0000@815 0 .r.....i,40031$45 .83..... 5 0080,050 e......6500 0550 r......8400@4es .8000 60 .250@$00 ...0..0. 1008 .1070 @$20 [r.25 @410 .7a 00 ODD-FELL CHEAP CASHl O Torooto and NIpli TJRE ANNIUAL EI oftise ahaeaCa thelir officesinutde - .. ings, inthe Ci TUESDAY, lthe bier, et tise heur ofîlvelvo proviaicaila>'the la>' peu>'. JOSE: S4 Datoa l uaAugusi, il NR! BEIMABOVE T19 Tjournea 1r 8ATURDAY. 11, - ai saeapi. FARM T TE V"UNEBSIG ofthe wCeor in V an the Kngstutaa 20 n the firat colicea e EssIfWbûtby, 1mai farm.Tiserearai-osc upon h saidgond bai] Particulane is;>' h fronMessrs, c12i Oshawa, Sept. 27IL,0 VALUABLE FA FOR 0T-F 103 AC c al f lot 5, 50 Lona> f teToi villalu tansua ihall tr  t .G. Me] --ru, Teroto.alel FARM T CONTAINING l14C Ccalient condition trou tisa Village af B. Pickering. Passessie: AppI>'. he is dv JirougiLarn. 40-lt)A. DAWES, & AUCTcIcNEvas A 'General >Commi Office etlW. B. MIc Part oi-r>'. Sepi. tL. BOABD- AND LO]J -Corafoi-lable board Hepluins' Hall. Appli 4a-8in) _ COAL s Ni- Coal, quAie for sale, clap fonCas ber. AppI>'- le W. C Markect, or ta Juil>' 0, 187Sf' CHA NCEfi -or' Iu tLe Tcul EAST W eadecour Aploaebion org quire,MatrcfLeaa PU BLIC\%. -By the s\et cIffard's CenfraIf OSHAWA, ut TUESDAY, tI OCT fl n ai el Y, tc

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