Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Sep 1879, p. 2

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'Y.nE.-Dit ivalet>' rq oue. for s vbarrister. à lac~k*criti siep tu mci Ie-êl.ixLucokie., au arrviOg dtlaiy- nos&s aie cf MiIl, ferma-anti lec -Boss Brusq. saes0 cf arum.propert>-] Arnnedi & ilyarson, soIrs. Oy-E . Frost. c itoro- 'sale-Hirane Campbllh Cemphel, exacuteru. to tie exhibto-C. J. le mal eslt-J. B. 1 I.leu Lics-G . . 1,Ynle. *- . Robentson & Bras. Dg-Wmt, Til lune itoe-Wn. Till. enîlt & Ilomue. àlan-Munra>' & Lanuus '. W.'B. Bniitic& CO, cup on view-Piillp -1 la 'otei-laro.woih & ' ONL'< Sige PR A4 rhby hu rrn1y pt. 4, 18 'The Vicarogil Vieil îe Wihb As whih bc -sei frai lia pmoei lion has been reoaveel Liit WbI wudbc-itavomeemil ite *vicoreaeiN about thoI 201h istst. Thies CaOMMUÉ (ieu mas recolvedsuebscqucu&. le proegramsme tlagrapbe heti. aîl>' pars, (rota Ottawa. Ticré mes lier a quorcip presaont ail te cacuecil lic ci, M ouds>' eveïehng, aud.,mno ie hoi îlîtu naction wmci tlen. A -ope, uweuLiq' la ho bli cld, sI once, for1 pmîrîîIoeu of ntekiug eucjm arrangent.: for giniig th e daulier ofteunrQuie iid lte Qncen'e raeprainnative,, Oovenueon Gaitteal, a biiffting c Liieud loyal mlcama b c hecon iomu tof Wliitliy. Whllby baem i * - leoored, i heb.peit, ibi visite (ri tlasPrince o! Waes, (rom PliiuaÀ thtnr, froutl Lord Liagan, andSiL I)elltiljiuI, rdtlccn dibitcgyiîiscl i1 tareîice411, -1111(llits cordial reodîcLi ii'ePrfi nilccl l cl ciogil credi i l1 tîcwîc, ii loft e gond inpeniiort uf1 m ioitleulsof tiicoutl>. ont îîcLeî'cc timaîeiocc, .liteti lRi tn cti eumctis4atuotnol s lor thcs4 tiicii, me iarceeistiscl lit Itht> ciliz tc 1V iîymlii c)£cît li cicug ic li lcy. Vec lni, ticat. î i hei ccli< iti owitmuocil, mli i ecîbrecoae-lac (iitcaciclileec ofth la cdictg ectitjt, I Ille Wardnihtaliti CouîtmtyCouaiccil M 4 tee etcieilu(0cuoliciaste, limo cout uoiicticr uce a place ou tîm Pl gratucelnd ud me ve every mnason kltiicV Il estte Iailmcîy Company ai lit Iuhog ecllecitosanc more t wIi g t u a Jo e sIar.lu inteira>' lcirtcncidinlesjoiniag mitic I 1l'iwntc 1<> actka LIce eoptititi AUt thcat slciuIl îc-mrli y- o! tIi l nmn ea crouli>' -cLs11c1 ut oir ' Jliguikilteclvii * 'Vlc~ ucitcr ttil imnuo!ftse 34 iliiuiiî.s acd acci> tulires cul nt -teîmcc'ciiitii, lmud i mi, mcfcoîri -' r~miiv pe'ticsictlu fumoWýi4 Ile Mtiiîry lard oe! Itieor. Titans -'( la Uitto titite toi i hiI et, Thesi (Joocceacdîock îithm '114J Sultipi>' Dii by a vote of 14 V ;tîtl Iccit;Pet an addreoa le tihe Lis tecîetuvlîter eîcîinug tite,(loveir ttimit. '14Wlc aoseisca l a dtait iiiiîy,îî i tuAnsemlly sud tla Cou cil, Uw bet eronlias aoînsiet e ànecoo sijJtnictiout ansdlaecorifoiteuoe. lTaeGo îrilcuccaît rcîîcîcies lin. Tto ctncil e illiv to lu flin ilin itîatlvo. ive ls, lyoigmom îîhctpstleîatd tIec oitical shtt Ocr ri?.iA E"NttLNI inlalikel>' ho provoeas sucee! liiiitigracionc lever for Canada. Tli mid1ctîi-1 il C lio kn iy lime Govori meilclu tacliug facilies tlu htua i tri colite ntIffec fon timeeu wmi (hatieclsliase io cfer theeniIn tIec. me>" lituitîci nittat lanseli ealst lu pt-amatIe * immigration. iylmecimmnigrainteo un heIn mo>' snd siortl3 lot rasait oc tînlo mîlIi l oileps lieplacaîl iu th tchargm ! M. Dncîlsnimmigrathe 11,01tgIiL riTonotclcn, sud no man lu Canoc tli ti îîîmn hcler hem tand mIgnne lu & reet lItentint] ulgîvé thlîn ail tic roqil iiinoii io orsottlient. Tii, ut iîrusty W1,1ha cloel for sil t imicl, in anIen o givo au ope.I t1icil'for' roace andtîl'stack lakiui * 'J ~Jnttmu -)w& Palloreoit Compati>, w itra l)c5tIsieauluiarti, havea inda u ex u01iisnt 116811tî'cs busifices, Tue>' harý ii eontulwtîhtiau lia addition cfrse tîien lneunofa!tilit rala"-Iha matin fcueof lie -ou kuhve.--Tlm un letimacIar>y mâtiner lunmui III.> ]tav, 1-itcuIcioel>' îtllpacl b>' makonaorf lites gioiI18Inilices te stop. tîtci cuusl lIonacit meroý ai rosIe it.lîein naciîleîeae, 6hmcon. U.zlbi4lge mii "£iîîrdUV lbe.l, t Lut LrMftmmu lmsr11. arut.TO AN UJNFO)I1TUNATE VA- - IIN..Mnmeet Venau auufonlu- wmt vuemali Urrsod et tic Grant Trîîuk station an Salue-dav, b>' Chiel Uiryus,<en iite eh ve titirge. Bis irai - hrogil liafore Mayo itarper sud se 1ut la gKoaI (or tlient>' rie>.. lTeooman wcus iu n deunikan eale uaue iarllmej ankl, ten danger of balig rmn ver, asud *tss arett~d nallisaitnce o!flia a-ahi wayêmLllhollî. Agaiu thora are rumeurs o!f à Pôwlb vacantsnstorabip. K{Ù'o la the. Di vision apoken o! as likely k1,0afford Bir liugo, John ibn epporturclty for rewardiugl Ko- rleud. BaveraI Dames are apokén « Ke--amolng6t thocu thal 0f the, bon. T. N Gbb-ln conneetion wltb the filng elired lb aac.Oppo.ed t'O the latter ie- ~Oarectold,fa the -influence :of:te a Toronto Man-au old arDu>' Of fSi Johu'l, agd *s:prima favorite wlth the habiUma o! the Club. Wc nigbl 5&te; ut çr buea iodeed. we could Weil affurd to lhi înoliftarent- andi wilhout a word ; 1et lthe Bron., parties conoarnoti sot their cwn got ad.- ploasurez::intact "pull il hetlixî hem.' Silencei .howevar, would hbulijustice at snoh e tims-witi our 'koowledge 0o low. the peet.> And free s wo aibfrocu the 1.Iraunnels of part>', we ôte lu a position teOapcak ont withoulthe ofoar o! having our remarks miscoustrned, or being 1and 0 o u eau> charge of intarestti me ties as farass Mr. Gihbs àâ concerned. Me. Sine. Mr. Gibbs entea Parliament, bce was frocufret te last, sud nuder al Dow, circumtaneu, faithînl to Sir John sa hie leader. Itla1-thie onc redeeming point lu bis public career, Ibe-stead- (astues witi which lho stuok te ihW po. liticai chie!. Whoeu ativerait>' overtook th. latter, and wlien Mr. Gbbs migil have bettered ils owu political fortunes, as man>' mon-lu tb. face o! the ovar. 2. wheiring disclosures -then mati.- wouid have doue, by dissevowing' the Tay'- aet for whioh Sir John etood 'condomu. ad, Mr. Gibbs heid ou ail bhec doser. Rut. Hoe certaini>' gave no encouraemorent to an yadvnces mae shm te change isi plitical course. Ho nover budged. I tOhle contrer>' ho deuded ovor>'. S thîug, aun aufull>' uhared &a hte t. L. ponibilily. Fanîts Mr. Gibbs lia- feuls whicb hava lest ln the.support o!-ahle and inflietial mon, wlio were IL once- hie prozau-4ut haltl»n ufeal. t>' taffSir JeinA. Mactonall a net o9 e 01co!them. . h atigeneral, anti un. amoeseul organizer, au uncongenial manor, and i soang Lwoy !hose !. qualillswicrImataci folowars tlàa man parsonally for )is own saka, Mr. eed. Gib's deficlencles have lait more tien ia- bis -nudoubtati respootability - andi fair ltby abilities evor.gaiued for bis part>'. Psy l' ocal leaders bai more willilng or botter vIil oflPeers go do battIs lu a parly coutost. JÎea They ' bleveti lu and wore earnest lu the the cause Phc worked for ; wero opeu. -P.hauded. and popular. But with that aI'man they couldhave 11111. syznetby. ioy le showed noue witb hem. 0. left ard »ein te Iheir own resources, wae close- nie. isedutil forcedto &etc, whoe ho hlm. ýciel solf ahould have beon lhe firit làCorne liforwarl sud leadtheti way, and thon. 91 ande lied lulic squaudered on theoeve ut@, of a contact wicre a 11111e liberaiity eit eon, Gret, sud a Word ofecouraternînt sud our kcinil recoguitioub aI the proper lime Do.wulhave suifficèd. Ha made il ail ut>' upfill work for bis frieude. StilI, tho ýeu îany important earty bailles fauglil by roi hine,aud won sud leit liy turne, irere Ar. no trflles. Thel wore ::rtainin ltlhe' [)or. And his victories liraughl honjor- sud ion glory b 5ki John). Aud wo cannaI lie now permit oureelves lu lilink su badly lhe o! thiegreat Conarvs'tive chief, as to thie lielieve thaI te laie es of snob~ a maen 1 aa Mr. Gibb-sffold calleague lu lhe rat Cabinet, trust>' sud true, at e lime thilI SMayVoit lie said te have "ts4edmen's eoul"-will be disregarded for lthe seke Sof a more popular representative of tha r U. E. Clnbw jI would lnded lbe a bt iuosl ungraieft' returu 6V,11 Iu wial wc t'rgl, WC know liaI WC uly ?uly aeaek tic' sentiments of lia 1usd. Jr- iniz reformera of tliiiRiding. Alîhougle, 10t lookiug liack ta the. past, they May' udû have no reuaon 10 fouelspeilaly kindi>' au towards T. N. Gilbs as a parly man, 1of tlîey are nevarticlosamen of ganerous lie ins.tinct, prepared 10 do justice -te a bil fallen foc. ni ai. FARE WELL SUî'tî uA .GQ. MujMxL.. ANJ, EsQ.-Previou o bils fiuai depart. ulî tia rom Whitliy lest weck., tlu huenp lusie bude lu hie new home aIut Mbarys.- : Mr Mobillan wtt. otrlained eat s lm, parting suppur b>' a liuwber of bils per. souai Iriends aud well eiliers. Mino lîne of lte Royal provided &aIl t *coiîld, tiîpt lb. epîtetita upon suaei an occasion, end te ýgucatas fssemabled and woe e ate(l ltortl>' aller iglîl 'ciook. te Amnust thosa preacuent eo Mr. J. 'E. 3'o. Faroeollcotil>'attorney, Mr. Kcrr,1 rn. of ltaetOntario ilank, Mr. Fergeusof x. ak Tow.conuncillor, Mr, 1l. H.* Jamiep l-Mr. John Fsrqubarson, Mr. T. It. P n-gle, Mr. J. S. Robertson, M. 15. Onu.- v- ton barrister sud lia Inetibèe the i pratia. cf enterî inneous anad donaui. a~ iug food sud mono>' wiîlî curies andti ýr. llirdals, wac arressti on Byron stres, 9.ou Waedudj ly Chie! Brysu. -lie wsbronghl liefore the bMavor sud lu e default ofpaymntofo! 5 lune sent te Sgaol for tîtirI>'days mth liard lelior. e i EîîRucrcs MONTES TO TUF CENTRALb PRSION.-WilliaM Wilson, alias Wm. Fard, wes sent 10 tia Central Prison ti ae for 18 moulu i7y G. H. Griersooî Esq., 1,0lice magistraté or Oshama, baforo wlioin lie was funti gaUt4y o! lha aboya In char go. The lîrlenor some limoe go ml bongil a buggy sud lharnosa (frou pardoInes lusiicwa hy repreeonting hlm. gelf aai; s$UnO! a ras pectalîl fermner in e thie neiglibariiaod. li ia acped for ti a, wlile, but lied retlurnd u a pur. b ip suiug thc same game mien arresled. ti CI Wilson, aUd Williamsu2-Ud Blaeusn, flica C teBrooklu burglars, merc aliltaken 10 î e 0 . T. Station aud placed on boardd 1. ihie gng lu charge o! Mr. Englisi, l- igh bail!T o! tho Central Prison, ou ie Mouds>' cveniug. d PEeSONi....-Mre Preston lies retuiru. iterý lu his old place lu tic Dominion j B ik afler au absence o! tiro v n4tntie lu Englaud. Hià: man>'friends p gî*e » im a heart>' melcome liaok agalu. ti w >r reiua ECONuecrAT LSeT.-.Tliera- eau ti lie ne qhestion, but Ihal the. mon Bound Pl Scliool Books, wmli evenluailly super. si ceail 11olierecillions. Tlîc invçntiou ih le iso0perfeol, hb4l lu the Iruesl sens. of!b th liword, lme baa'ke arc intdi8tmecctiblc. rIl le a grcat boan lo th, muai worriad 1 0patcr famills.' J S. Robertson & p Mens., who carry large stocke lu ail li ae lines of school bioks, bava seouraîllte di le sgcnacy for lie iron bouuul books for bi A thile section o! country, sud arce elliug b( them etthie sanie pria.ase lie ordinary litund books. Sendtebtient foi cala. E klogues sud circulera. J. B. Robertson HE .& Brnos, Stationere, Devcrell's _Block, 10 d llrock 8L, Whiilly. i f Titi,': lONs or'ENoLAND Pio-Nic, ou P Frida>', at Conhtt'a Point, mas quite a sucécaca. r SAE POUTc'O"Dm.-Tlie sale o! the pl Manie propertyai Dufinst' Creek liai Fi bien postponedte Tiursday,, 201h Oa. lohcr,(Bec dv, T'h ir.Jrcdiome Challenge du ih y 01 fWliiî onTierl In pltinq'- l a iýds th. nhe 1tin lie ad art, gton -d en, ymo-sarvoc ctanuihinathan a (i&clnoe', aud ave 7Young Su- old Ichancaeuejoy îthe sport&. owai j--a'vening soeain - feli ; but theu of roobe>' drlIl, shaed mas near b>' ari in lcon2veulence mas lL lu factt rboat raeeo e! .de'ay w itnaemd 19 the drill shaed, viee t couli ecenin iti cocuforl. The -folleevlng ?a alltof lhe gameer tbe vlnuurs i Id O .ôa.i&-aif haut race, go-as.y m65, ordtr'T. Lawler M .2uti A. Saein ýf Oshawa, cash #2,' order Jas, Jobins 6 8.00.ý n Boys' race under 16 yasrs, 100 yai r. -sI D.- Matheu'ot, cash $1, ortier F . I$tewart-$l; 2ad G. Stafford, or S. Fraier 76cents. On. Hundreti yard rae handicap let E. Fairbanks, cash $4, ortier Hsi ilon & Harroiver 62 ; 2nd B. Br>' cash $1, ortiar Lyon Bros. $2.» SQuolitmaoi-IsI .LWilson, As hun, cash 68, order Hatèh &k Ste, i >2nd. R. Snom, cash $1, orde- W; k 1.50. Four huadreti yardsi hua-dl, race-] KNapp, Oshawva, cash 4 ; 2nti -ryan, orlar Piie Taylor $2. Bjoye'race-lel D. Folay, erdor W. nHayes, 01.25 ; 2nd Joe Kiug, order Drysun75 cents. Girls' race under 12 jears a!age, lst MisesoBers, cash $1, order A,' Yarirood, #1.25 ; 2uti A. Wilson, ord Rosi Brou. $1.25 ; Brd L. Wilsan, cm 75 cents ; 4h - Griffun, caih 25 cari Cîgar race 400 yards-lut G. Bren cash $2, order J. S. Robertson $2; 2s H. Snw, order T. G. Wiifield $1..ô Tng o! War-Wou b>' <Sept. Toms. Hurdle Race 800 yards-let Gemr Browu, à sel o! hors. &bons, 62, pr sened b>'Oe. Ayers-2nd H. Suci cash 50' cents. Races were net filleid for lhe prizas Ur. D. Kennedy anti semcohens;, i lieue go s gifte te the. are brigadeaua wiil h aiafor lii. decorahion cf ti rneir baIll Agricullural Fairs and Exhbitions, Sauth Ontario, Saptember 18ti au loth, at Wiftby. *North Ontario, Octobar lie 711e au Sti, et Urbrldge. South Riding Victoria, stîLindsay',ô Wednasday sud Tbniresy, October 8t eud OIh., Narth Victoria, et Victoria Rosi o TueuSe>', Sept., 801h. Brack Taownship, aI Sunderlandti Monda'and TuasSe>', tic 2911 au 801h o! eptoehr. Northi Book, et Cauninglon, i Wedncsday anti Thurada>', lhe lot anI 2nd o! Ocbober. M =riosa Oakwood ou 141h aet 151h Obhr Reach, Bougog and Port Perry,a Port Penry. ou Tueuse>' Beptembar 80t] sud Wetiuesdey Oclober'laI. Cartwright Township, aI Williams hîîrg, on Thuredcy anti Frida>', bi Oth anti 101h Octber. lEatd uWeVst Wiby, ai Oshawa ou Monda>' aud Tneetiey, Sept. 29t] sud 801h, liasI Peterbora', ut Nrod Tuceda>' sud Wednesday, 141h s&n 151h Octoier. Dominion Ec 'iibitioa, Ottawa,2, Sept. Lacrosso. irsîtrux NORTU STARS VS. MILLBOIIOO AMATEURS. A mataihielmeen thase alis mi piayed on lthé niarket grounde at Wbit. b>' ou Fnida> lait. Thie irether prov- cd ver>' favraalle suda atîrsebeti a con' sideralile attîntisuce ho witnoess a irai: oonlaelced matai. Whitby iran the fdrs gamu in 80 ntes. Millhrook seultlihe ruber thnough tae Wlitby goal, tIh. Second gamo in 45 eunoctes. Tic thiril aud fourth, gainceswere taken by Wiby lu 15 and 25 minutes. Tiei Tarnto«Exhibition. Th ie Ehibitiag promises tlu lie grand affaîr. Il iras openeti ou Tue day anti wili lia formahi>' openied ai Fnida>' b>'the Goveaor Ganeral. The displa>'in lu i Jeparîmnfi la o! the fineel andi mont attrsotiveé. bliamAller. Tiare lu no Jouit soir o! lis heillg a complote succese. Tîtieoit>' is Luiloa prearation aud husîhe. for tbe racep. tion o! lie Marquis anti Prlnocess. Tixî Ros-SuBiTn BAcE, aftcr niany disappoiuling posîponeents, cama off et Bedford Basin, on Monda>' aflen lu mor~ l nre critical, Kiug Thao. ben clemeS soverrigul>' overlEastera Careime. A Rangoon despatei usys that Colonel Broya, tie Britisi- rail- lent at Mandais>',lias loft, as thoGový- ornment coulti ual kcep au e ffcer cf his rankwireehaoiras not Irealeti mlii 'aspect. A CAPrAtre GFEisEMÂLSHer FOR GRANT. -The Herald's Wasiiuuen despalci 'sparts liaI dIta suggestion oe!&adilq- inguisled southeru soldier wmli Proie. il>' ho presoeldto Congresi nexl Laîl, to mrats lite office of Ca 'anGoneral of thé An>', mith suitahla psy and llomancoo, and havc lhe uamec tan- lere t o Gen. Grant. WELL SpoxEN.-Tho Hamilton Bpea. iaor prînts lie followiug miolesome mus :-"One Word tb our oiurab anud sociot>' frienis : You-oflen agit favours of us ; lierefora, mien you bave an>' job cf priuîiug tobehodoue you know wiere mc arc lu,. bc foutid. You el- pct ta have youi mieetings freaiy *,Do- tiae" lu advanaa lunaa'live neiripaper, suih is lu realit>'oc. muci free ativer- hesing, andi you ebaoulti not carry your niuntiug tb saineamateur wmu keapu a Imie proue ina e hck kitoben, anti mo trus ouI mork irlilck oult i sgmace a ackiootis village." Mss BPReAcus DiiiAppzAs.-The 'inmos Narragauset Pier doipateli ne- rs ethat Mrs, Bpregue auddcnly lafI ane home ou Saturda>', teking hcr bhre augilans. Gevernor Bprsgue, bas eu abie 10 asoortainlier mierea- anits. - ENGAGEMENT WIrTilTHE BOMPA Rer.. LS.-A correspondent et Calcutta gays bhet tbe nemi from, tic Rumpi' rebls- [ou is saliefeotor>'. A body -o! 400 ne. le iras dofsataiedb>'e Part>' 6! sappers, iS 50 o! them baplureti' A nice lot o! VIeola Brusies prie roc 25 ots. B.S. B. Suti, AXi V'sar a-RNGE AoCCDEci4.-Mr. 'atton, senior pentuer cf thc f rm cof P4t0llmetânl6Y & Ce., manufacturea, Defo44 met iiblau accident pester. l»ý,- 'ýtsoanie liaI lic lai ascauded. )flat-drà%4he ifator>'-for the purpose iug eotub mmachinuer>,w ph lp M4 anti 1'in utic Lei l foPpàlalç'In; h OUeo et i offlfoR-, I [rom Mus emee m n.T'oronio. ' Au 1h18 date lu not pet deinitel>' ix- aS, 1 amcu nable to speclf>' the day, but it l iii i~rblybe about lie 201h ef ad Balla. 111 il>' iiibc o! short tdnr o haao te visita-ga a Sville. Your otil. servant, m. F. DBWINTOI Majorsf an, Gar. Généra La. His Woruiip, The Mayor 2; o! Wihb, Ontro. h!ih Fromt D. Ormiston, 'salibor, ied beau lustructi b>' Mima lot, appi>' te a onucil for *com B. fer in2juriei racaiveti bg ber I detective udai. 8h. daim .J. 000. J., STREET REPORT. Mn. ünusrfporM4-d om tl 5-cammittea te'efoilomlag affe F. Main Street appropriation, ,er expended, #1,740.7a,~ ovar.axpi 331i 646.78.0 ilS. cN lh Warti, 6275 expeudei wù, 98 ; balance, 68.07. Iad Centra Ward, 6850; axpendel 50. 08, ever, $18.08.- 1. South Wai, 6280; expani rgc '10, balance, $18.25. lrq- Thtthoira iras considérablei Mi te be done andti laI a furtiai priellon mas necesser>'., a! of Report -ensidemati lu, sema ut the miels--Ma-. Cenpbolu nthi kd Alter a prolongeS diseuse un ié miAU the mamrnos, mi ceptian cf Mr. BRay, leok parI, i ai insinations, change. andIl changes aud général canlusionv uSd main fe4tune.- Mr. Barns mavea Mfr 6150 ed uSd approprathn onuMain Saet. Ainementimant o*rried, malt on amaunt 650 andi 646.79 là p th Standing eccounts anti amon trawm on Irossuror. on Mr. Duras movcd 8500fer Ward. on Mr. Fox, lu amoudmaut ud that lh. blank lho illes up wili Amantnt .oarieti.. on Mr Buras movcd 0100 -Centre nd Mm. Fox movat ilun amnn Ameudment carnieS. id Mr. Burdi moveti 640 ta Waa-d. et Mn. Fox movedti laI lie li 'hi51 fleS op mithha Doubla Blank. men au cea. 113 Anti so lia procectiings ir ho spechie~ana ei suai ecohes made tb asci motion anti arn. la -ltae mole perfarmance heiugj ih tacle o! ignorance.and ineapa mdie enayer expacted lie n Calincil o! Whiuby mould have d ed. Mm. Rap acoupiad a oiSe Pei 2 laok no part lu 1h. procoedingi inug hoirbadi>'lha had becu Irci ohinnien on sîrelts. The Ma; terfered inefiactuall>' là rastrain sepressibia Mr. Fax, andi koep tI Ex Oufsion mithin the mules of Messms. Bannas, Cormack and mare nnavoldebly absent-thi s int0igene anticleaa-heai o! 1hE t. liaing et auce mseS b>' lias. mia have iccu hlm leedthéli coti: lia axareise if à liChie judgnei commun sanse. J» _Andi con pecuba- Butledga 1I a etI -sros a h"brin>' sea" - Faretcll adtirasîca While Iisi bh daseti againîl s rjkl-Noi n lie Tomu -Council la àÈgcue lu p lie absencc of its "beil uteiiig( ae If lie doos nat hur>' home, anti . King kesps aira>' anti allons Double Blank Fox tbmn tleia sainielime longer, lia inflictio drive lthe naît o! lia monehers di e d, sud ulborI>' demoraliza overi - Tic proceedinge conciudcdi verbal repart (nom Mn. Campi sMn. Per>"n petition, ta lie effet thli council coulti ual nom it liaI Mri Penny shonîl ave gona à lh. âoint o!fi'tvishon or thea )f judge et tic Propar lime fo&- adri - At-l'. suggestion o! the Mayai Campblli sal ie omonid brîug lu mnai report lu miting. Councýi adjaurued for lira iras ff Onteelo Ladices' Collage. ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK-HO! Tic annuel meeting o! lic boîtiers o! lie Ontario Ladies' Ci irs es battthaeolega on Te Ch4~ers iras a (air atiendanca, sn rneelins mas a ver>' satisfactor' Amngatt haseprosaut wme î Haoldon, Président, aro. J. T. Governor anti Principal, John Sacran>, Ravt. Mn. Shaw, Rev -Barras., Revd. Ma-. MeDonveil, N Powell, Halci, Smithb, Taylor, Higginî, Houck, Eck, &c. If. «ff. iras celle.A t- &ie On motion o! Mn. IHaîcl, sacc b>' Mnr. Blc, lloyd. Mn. Barrase Mn. Higgins more eppolaîti s uenrs. The ecrutineens neportedtile,-fi iog gentlemnu lecitiee Js ireclor thie cua ar ys:-Jamtes Holdet D. Mahame, glA. Rosa, J. L. Scuil Richardison, B. Wilkes, G. A. Ca, B. Taylor, Jno. Bice. R. Halai, Powell, G. Y. Smitlh, T. Malung, Pailerson. A vote o! tiauki iras mas passe( timealors for Iheir careful manage turing tie pesky esa-. Tii. conhempiatei viail o!fithe ernor Genarai anti Princes Louise tbc subjleat o! a goti eal o! cenv lion-aIl expnessing tiecusalvea auxiaus la do aerrpling ilu hein p towrde giving lie distinguisiati ors a befiiling reception. Tic meeting tien atijournad. FATAL AccmsEa.-Mm. Robert mieton, iu compen>' mi is li John Onmistan, l*ô arespectale 1 ca-s;, living l inmeh tanship o! Dei bon, mratiriviog e higli spinited int -Bonvmsuvilla, FriSa>' mor mien tic harsashbcanie frlghenei rau saa>, tinowiug bath cocul ont, killing Mr. Robert Ormiiton, sarlousi', but nul fîat aI>j',injuni brother. James Breokq>se, brakeman di' Grand Trunkt Baume>', ves ý Inqi kflilSati Guelph, on Tliurauei 02uphgoars allihe fr81 guhat u. ccPlineg plfat while t heacas 'ir mt Hesbooed t i p* itup, i.remet oz7t&BustDai'&s-Conbubellrail hlîleî The -a",maaiy, radtillec > s float il uebo.d &Jrive . fre,' Iï theyarenetondiienly ahenthcatà ol.> aàrererpétition. - Bufflce ilte M, ml's Sac>'. hoe to Quebee in1791,-1as comme tisa-of thesBeveti Royal Fusilei aia - mi a lady cempànlon or boom. .mi tha hoNoir tie licklisi question aiss;-W Blaira,te to is Jadly hisife o 4' If *i. wu penielton bils ife, big Susclto! hiemrlun'181" irou à CaLler e uilof !mealytblrl years, an netr go: ir i l mr-ae l lcPrincei - fLainingen',' lic mýotier o!fltme pta out Que.n,: lea praîl>' rough' commec laemIa-et tery on liIavers codae mdi Ilt et: Bri ara se fond o! enfoa-cing upoi ,61,700, allier people. If thé lady lu queuliel enSituea, mu not ibis mifa, tien tie. ceadmetc the Duka res centai>l 'eua a mode] ýd, #271.. sud it le. .o'mender thet is marnai bas beau peresaeatl>' kept in'lihem:cl S, #868.- gaouud. For m>' iaa-t, aftar a camaIu slnd>' o! ail lie records, anti espaciell dI, 8211.- the numarous latters o!fatma Duka t M. dSa abery, Saigahor afBeaupot merle pet near1 Quebee, I helieve I can- estiblisi r appre. lie 'eelitp Sud valdait>' o! tuis "mers ûilIcof o!Telad p ment uSer lieusma tâ daia. Mme. Se Bt. Lana-eut, but han 111h. mmi sion,, lu Alpionaine TiomeaoBernardine Jli tue ex. de Monîgehiet de SI. Lana-cnt,'Banenr eut of Se Fonlisson. Si. Is saiS te hava ese ,persea. àa meit anti ver>' baautifni wmmn, an cauler- tie Duiis's. atleciuwnt le lier wmu rare the ver>' slroug, sappeans mlli tinagh bh carrespondaence. I n 1791 tia Goveruti IditIonai cf Canaa mas Lard Dorchester, on BL uy'Carlatan a! Ravolulionen>' Larni flng lia The local legenit ata ho neyer mi. e>' ont- cieaStle Duke socIal>' or called aC uI ovar- hlm, acting no lauhî lunacodauci mihinstructions freni lie borneenaio rNathideis. We . knoir beelies, fron t i -cironiclas, liai lady Dorchestert mu mayaS ratier faiidions anti exclusiva in Sesl tBiank.- ingilticthespdlal>' o!Québec, bavinf bail trauble miti lia mife o! Gen. Pries t Wand. cott lu 1796. Homever liaI nia>'bh, il hlauk. i11à certain liaIlie a Dukansd Mme. de St. Laurntneuiree ceivet inluailthe South oldi aitocratia Frouai drawing-noouc afLlia timas, sud biet et Kent Housea lak ha 5111l standing near Beauponl, lie>' go Amend- tbemed about themn al ltaeresectable familles q thie caionp. This could cnt an, uevcr have isppcned if au>' eceudal liad I heing -4ou couneclt it misi.domnioiren mniantlattons. But liere ho mure conclusive a spea. prom! elilI. Ou June 29, 1792, the Cil>' t pain appeaned as sponsors for a almihi ) Toma o! tha Sieur de Salaeery. aud liaecr deceati. lificete o!fliiitia eni hnnithc signatures of Chtarles. Francis, Bisiop o! Cmhceunn mit, aud anti M. Reuauld, Pripet. Tiose mii ;s-fiel- kuair tic nigid sacram.ental rrcjuire ateti ai mente sud conditions o! tic fumet ýyn lu- Cethuia Cinra i li nudersîti lta lha ir- nailicer bisiap nom priesaImould -have 1ce dis-. clScialeior asbreS lice ciaice o! epon- order; sans if sud suspicion bhdati nlchd th Iý King lic latter. Il me>' he adJedthtthice, gniding liesides other ecclesiamîlco, inclnding the e latter Pore de Berry, more ver>' familian mitl preseul lie Prince, bail b>' A second argumntu l s rlu In1794, ut aud afler brie! bul geilaul service in tic West Indies, His Royal Higlines re- ly, booa I ceveil orders to eshallisi islsiecd- mritiug quaniens aI Halifax, as Commuederin- ship le Cuief o! tihe forces lu Nova Beotia and monder Newbmoneswick. 111e esidence o! foot pot" in peatit uldace is (nl>' eecorded liy cunces." Haliburlon, tia autior of "SBam SIick,' if Mr n. codiil le an Liat Mmc. de SB1 Laurent 's Mn. presiding aven hislitouseliold, recciveml conoil anti mas receiveti as bis lairful epouse. su milai heu sic lbeu ohiermise, lic Homo lbmaci- Oon'cnnmont moulti ibcelti espansibie ,ylihg. forthieoutrage. Thoasase reeeoniug mile a htolàe fan 1799, mîcen aften a shorttrIip baIl ou ha Euglend bis Duke mes seultliack ta il liaI Halifax as Cammender-in-Chief o! all lerfèea, Britiesh Amenice, sud bran gil Mmc. de bafore St. Laurent mihui, A gain, fa-cm cannte' 1802 ta 1803, ho livei et Gibrallea- as ais0. Govemuor, aud tien. egain is lieoti- r, Mn. fui compauhon siereti al igsocalansd a for- officiai, relations, a cincumetauce mui neiblier lte an>' non publia opinian lu ýke. Europe mould bave tolerated if tic lady lied beau no more bien tic Duke's mis- Ires,. Soies lima aler bis recail, aud mien il makuomu liaI lie ias in dis. )LDERS. favon alliae Hors. Guartis, lia iniabi- taute o! Gibraltar suhecrihed aa lions. steak, sud guineas fan a place o! memoniel 'Oega, plate taei. Peay rom 1808 la 1817 lie Duke resideti cs a> t IKensington Palace, anti continuons- id the 1>' lu lie compan>' o!-Mme. de St. Lau- y oue. rent. He mas burdened mi dabte J;mas sund offeasivel>' kapl in te backgraund, fiers, but is lelîcre siuira ti tit lia enter- Bics, laineti lrge.l>, sud licat tha madama a. lim mas everynviera laeoguizeti axcepî et Uaerrs. Court. Wieavar tho Prince hLad oea- Lukea, asian ta go tioa are le medatone. Hia lettaru show liet up ho tie hast moment chair bis devahion là hbia rouesa remaineti &et asu as tender au cvr. But liera came au suad, anti i l al s aplossant une, Iu AI...- 18lQ18, >'hiestdnau rmt cloir. la mci iaudsoiner toadstmit Ibis mar- re for rage as tic lacIs addnced prove il, lien à, W. b o tamp hie memor>'ihi puhblc liber. th, J. liniont for neanl> tha-t>' yeaa-s cf hie life. )x, H. Ounlice oher hanS, tic case o! lie Duke J. B. selntieffeetueli>' preolutie Briltihmwi- -Jas. lare front morslizlng aliout lie Boue- parte-Patareon -anti othea- similar en- Jd lie langiernedts. meut. I lieanu doulibt hils relations milli Mme. de St. Laurent mers lhe Go-r- cause o! aU hemaDnka'a troublaemi e was Parliameul audJiifamil>'. H.eires reaas peraislently snuhhcd b>' tic Prince Re- Mo7iL gent sud his Royal braîhens, anti Pan- oirer licîneul elmayo rofuâed le hs0p hlm ont vishit-cof hie Jable. Wriiug nom icheWest Indias, wirliar liaserveS lu 1794, i. saiS:..-"Teicmas entertainad b>'mnil ceatain querlens, mica serviug liera, t Or. masthlIImigifl L" Wrillngin 1820, 'ather about hie infant daugiter, liesys: farum- "MY litho Sdaugitar binivesundea- lie Sliug. influencco! a Devonshire cimaLe, aia. leain i , I sam 4eiigitadt là s e>'troag and -ung, licalti>'. boo heallhy, I fean, lunltae "pi- cId alanin of soime membara o!fni>' feil>'b>' panuta ývmnâse la regardaS aaauiitruden." Th Ti.negleel!tic hePrince lias con - gi lsitîunbot,1icore on ieso, làoOur omu day.- He mas 4s perfect genliiu, e brave th Di oidian, a faithful public officer, a gin. aiâîl>' omans frienand, d.IL jefor Liii reasot wbua tiaL a sîrangen aýanteu anÏhai Ileu -Tic lies. linos là aogcucchi e mnir>'front e in s suspicion tiat Lias beau boa long ai- ',sdlomedt àcoverit, - lrtik Tie Woc-Zd lias tic follomiag aditOr. 141$l aicomrmeta Og llieab.vehiaer rrncs unae1uitei wawu au .L4U5ana soocm-omi ter'o ,ia irna o! tihé,~ leste& Duke of,Çumùbeaünt.,Tiat tia fathea-o! IVictoria lwusin exeeptionaîl>' o~anrosanti muai p ad of e!hija-o aimays beau adltt làbytiLern- est consors of lia Englieh raoa Ous, and t i 18 Lomlnate liaI is daugitar seama to have inhea-iteti more o! thebas- lennai tien lie materneal tature. The ,Duchess o! Kent me>' net hava Sesarv- aS aIllie terrifie vituperahion mhieb, ecaordiag la Grevillo, mas ponneti ouI on ian b>' King William lie IV. But tie cbinleas o! Eùglieli social>' me har ont a muccliinfehan iromnisainlaail tiet maes mman eostatractive anti masl adiabe, t10bar unfertunale pre. decassor, cf..wironi aur comesponent psluteseagreeale anti so htereaiing o! Lra-a-sc' LrvINccAoc.-Tie nuci sa bers c! Tas 1tiXGa Alr Lar lie wmas lie eudiug Auguil 28r5 anti201h a-esp e' me lirai>', canlain lie foslluig artices en Tic Worthiau o! Norwich, anS Thr id Hattan Pepers, Edicubur hlu;Sali' "c Evremoati, aud Cardina Nemusen tic -ro-tciqhlty; A neir Diaiecl, or Yoko om bies Padgiui, Now Quarterly ; Ilu ir anceo!fltae Mind catie BaSdy, Uormli e. A Bltt Dinnlu i Andorre, Macmillar ,e- The Reigu of Humor, Globe; Inla-adut te lions, Qwe; A CentenariAu, Lcnicot mc Pa-sidant Hayes' Etincation, Nmtionc r- Portr-ait Gallery; Tic. FeasI o! tb e Suprame Being, Iranahateti froni hh asFranch o! Ade4che Adamis; mih lb c. ontinuation o! Jean Ingfcliair's "Sansi ig de Benangen; Miss Kany'a "Daublinl s- HEearl ;" anS Geatrude, a siontt abo c, (rani lic Argos>' sud thc usuel &aour . of Pacîn>'. , ie For fifly.liro sncb numbers o! dixty ta four large pages Psci (or more lier , 8000 pagesa eycar, tihe.subscriptior c- pricas(88) is loir;wmile for 810,50 1hi ae publsiers offer ta senti aay oaa o! lie Id Ameridin $4 moutliis or meeklhs mitl S The Livo!ccg it.-for a pear, bath post, B-paid. Litîcîl & Co., Publiaiers. ae PROGRAMME OrFrrmnVcrE-itImccAr.vesu' d WrST.-Tliao fotlowing programnme oi r- bcheVica-negal risit \West bas becu tels. sq gnsphed frorn Ottawa. Ibere le ros. itroa bhelian a t i ilmiilibe modifleti a sa fan sa lie neburnta Otteaale cou. ccrnîd ancfleicvisi t Wli W'iby iuciud. n et], o!fmîicli due notice mi lisb given. t lits Vice-regal part>' epill heare tie se Capital b>' lie nigil train on Tliunseay L- September 4th, for Toronto, anniving c licene et eleven a'alock tise foltomiaf ,,moming, On lie lOIlili te>'mli viei e H1amnillon sud oo lie 101h Brantford, i Woodslock anti London, ant isieExcel- iency mil receive eddnecas et liose - lacea. On the iti ils Exaslcc i miii lear. for Guelphi ta opeunlte ExIil- - iion tîtere, etoppiig at Barluibnt e. - ache an addness. Tle sameci igit tIte -part>' miilreunan ta Torouto. On Lite i 2Omhî Sepheme tie bs>'enljileave fer Oh- r lama, stuppiag et Belleville an ticeira>' *Tlîey wlii arive lu Ottama ounIthc 21st, suS ou lie 22nd mitidiatnibuhe lie pniz. t os monunallie Dominion BR5tc Associe- ýi lion matches. Ou Wednesday tîccy w ilI (orteil>' open lic Exiblition, sud * eili reaeluil Ottawra during lice en- tir lIaeek. * Imi CoMiNo WEATHEB waACORDINU To *VtcNNoR.-Venu2on lins issîîed"'anotian 1 metiar builetin. Hosasys : I aniol D dis opinion liaI flite met peniod is about i entied or endiusg, sud Iluet a -la-y, posai- * bly mari irave wili extenti aven mthe .ausoing portion o! thecsacenu. Ia Aprii SlheI, as yo miii nementhen, h premlcîci ia cool anti met sesson for Canada sud iGreat Bitain up toa cid-summen ; suait s condition lias slredy even cxceeded tItis fonecasl inc boti negiana nsention- 1ed. I. nom look f(ra6a a uaver>'fine eagn eashia penictiin lI.heliene, poasiily>'itît cari>' aud aevcre (rosls, lin IlaIe enoir (ails. A BRtLLtANT SPECTACLE Ar QUtctIEc. -lie liree lughlihmren-of-mar mens ver>' ltianlly iitumined lait cvcung, sud alla-acteS thousandc o! peopla bu CuffernaTamnece, and 1a the venions mbarvea. At s given signal LIme ves6eh mca-e lit up mi gorgeons liglîts of green sud red, sud eky-rockats auJ Roman candios more seh off al inter- vals, ta lhe greal Scîlgit ci! ipectattra mhlea mly lI>'cmenea.Tha ,exhibition mas cartainl>' oas o! th i dct aven miluessed luQuahac. DEATie OF A WEALTRIE AtO~RTIOXNTs. Ina ading>' loakraat la a lires-star>' fratc builinig on 8Btli street, New York, mas faunS dosti on FriSa>' aveu- ing lie lioS>'oo Thomias Loakup, alias Dr. Evrana, alias Pomena, e noloriona aliortioniat. He diaS sutdaoul'lat nigit, roliag in ireallh i, muai aid aceumoltei b>' hie naferions busines. He lireti k. a miser anS dicti likeaa peuper, mihuo euene manurmu ils s exeepl peraep obis associâtes. He mas bora lu ScotlauS lu 1822 anti leares baIn, 6$60,003ati 100,000 dipositeid la severclillnke ndatio auhernaume.- A public stiniitretor mil probabi>' flke «possession oa!flesate. Thta liottie mien.Lookup diat ishisaiS hoalie stesped luaime. Twiramur demi have ocuarrsd la il mithilufîve yeara. Sot'e-ictIcroActorcOa TUElyNDIArc.- The Norli.Wcob Indiens ere ouffer- iag much,ud soie of thou are bond. ering on staru'atiou. lice Gover:mnc are porcaisg supplias anS sendiug Ileeneta uic. pointsmlimera itilealisolmba- 1>' neceusar>' liaI immodiale relief shouid bhanueS. Notwitlcstanding ~A tIOMMpnîtw TAVELLER'5 MiScoN- DreT.-A commercial Traveliernu;éd Wilsonhs uder aret. luLondau, charged wilIc frautithic offeinéc' bldng liaI ha di alpyis Aoded'biii. It acnstalengsg9ýedIe ÉcerS for ihii. self anti mife, but tif, lattai- proveS ta ho a Moutireai gil, l'iloihe mc.as miot çTnp-'a-ldidon' Lie LacIs eomlug kuo ot llntileti>, he mes oenter. cd ta leara hi hanse. The aoIc-bas] 'xuicxpenny mas encugagd banuatha iiugr om, ;antinmaaa le couesai, a mL about bis clolhing. Tii. net muet havo bain cammittet a 'Loirmin- utes* bofore ho ires Siscoveed, for hie haS hung np hie bcd claties anS mes appananti>' gatiig. rad> le coeeout o! is oel liehoubthcdoar iras apened. It wili ha rernembeicS thel mienu trial io expreséed au ýOpinion liat il, mas baoter toadie than 10 liv., as lie wouid than live again, thue homlng hsica-ez>' étato o!'mina. Afler being, diseover ainla a Pool aof' bloat is mounds irere dresseti, sud lbe 18 ikal>' là recovan. GENL. WOOD, dieti of -pelloir Lever aI Newr Orleans au Salua-day. Il is etiel- ami biat hlift a hisîon>' o! tia Ameni- cen mat lu mennecnipt. GRANT voRt A Tniux, Ts;ee.-Ilis shah- eati laI Generai Grant is wiliiug to lesaiuealf l inte hs of !bie part' mih meens tliat lhe miii he a candi- date fan lia Presidcncy for. a IlimS TRam, ENOLIOR InoN TRAOE continues f.iteadil>' ta mmpreve, acomdiag to labail Bk adrimes. Iô CRIxa- JUSTIoE Moas, Ex-Chia! Jun- gl ice Rihasi, Sir Charles Tuppe>', saiS ce Sir Leoard Tilie>' mare pesseugeni hy it the Cireacseian.' D, GRANDo TRuNE AND UREAT.WEarzRNr. 0- -Thé services ËAi8r -EdmertiWabkiu 12- have haun aceptati as anhilmaton lu a!- ý1; feeling a joint purs. arrangenetaulba- i; Imau the Grand Truuk anti Great r- Western Railmapa. ;COMPLI~C.AIONîS TeaouGit "SITTING alBUË.'-Tie UnteS Statcs Secretan>' le of Wansasys liaI Canadien Officiais ae bave amsameti respousibilit>' lu caring lefor Sitting BuiI'e baud, no derninti au 1 iaeUniteti States eanunom lic niadeele g9 neceive lteinbock. A U.S. tiespah 'y says :-Calonel N. A. Miles ana-vad ah 3tFort Keoge on Thurada>' mtlire iscoi- mana, coushsling o! neveu campanici O! tic Fifth Infeutry, anti -brnging mti hiut nearl>' oneo lioneant bell-ha-asts, wlmu have been fonniing anisauJn le amuilion 1e bis Indiens lielmosu the le Yellomstone river anti tic bundar>' Illins. Ha lias ecearedthebb countnry o! ail t-noving bauds, aundniven Sitting Bull'a follomere ecroca tic American lino.,lic- rT aides lireakiug op the illicit brea f o àanme andl amniiion liahiacu Icif - lieede auJ ihostileaIndians. lice cet- paigu bas liecu ver>' succaefati, conciS- eng tiae mal lors ho Miles. Gnou Patue t-ion A RAcE ioms.- Th lis silirateti race boaerr Haros lbas issu bold for $36,000. a Thme Porînguese Consul et Perneni- y bunco, Brazil, bac beau murtiercd. 9Tic Aratia exploa-ing steamecr Non- 9deusirjoiliebs beau wreked neer Né- mono. It bas; reineS fi Eaglanti for thurt>' *htoons mithoul t'éesation. Crapa are enly rnineti. * A JRILmc'S MIsFORITUNex.-a. ucwly- ntannîadl wife, rcburniug (nom liec'n d- (lin., tour wli ber liusland ta onIor -aynce, Imd., mel with a painfal acci- -dent on lie Canada Souticmon riinoed -a fewirnghbs elumo. Tic>' imaîdicrobed, anS irn.cosilyl>iug lu lie loier lierth of a sleapcn, mica lie occuîpants a! tic can mare honror-mbickeu b>' huer- iug tic ycung mlLe girveul ho tea sanies o! picncing sa-laeke. Tiare mss a gen- entai comimotion, sud lie ccnducrior ptîslîad nsieite ccurlain ho smc a mt woc lhice alter. "Oh 1îuy licel rtc>'i beelhP, Fite criaIl mitît sinieke of pr.ia, - "acmahhina. hesc nn btccny bcd" Toi bueband wirs liesicle bintesf witb cuxiet>' sud grief, but likee lesot of lime pcssecugcns, couid nol imiaginceliraw is mife iras bir. Flilly, asnIstcrd b>' several l icl, wmo usted on thei clolias, au examinalion mas miaie. -Il appeare ltaI tia lady lied iung uplier- bat in lu Ile lerli, euS a large ornaccin-g bai pin, Alcoot lires imollelonig,lied beudtac adb>' hiceimotion o!fltse air kud )4-it aIeion et. ho cxlen'hiug ier 1mb staddeesly the pin lied rnn lrch bt-n 11081 ablitl Ima incis, ccosiug ex. quicite pain. Bn ta add t10lien troubles, lier n caudoti mbtelpull aitouI, and iî liroke off. Tii. cunducclor tlplrrapIîesl ho 8t. Thomas, and on lIce antivol o! o! thietrain e surgeon mac lu meitiug, mio, aflerses hour nd arc l cf'e mca-k, eut Open lb. Loci anal oxhnccted ltae pin. Tttcouple miii gaI more Isogi- ber lien symptiy mben7 bbc>' «ch liante. A Wander(ut Cure of Diptlteria.- hee o! my ciiden lied Diptlienie les ita mralform. 5kin dry, lips panclied, 'coold not omeiloir. Wili a (calier IE applioti Giles' Liniment Ioditie Acumo- nia thelie lnils, rulileti aven them binoalsansd edisIs. Greab ahunks cf shuffcanta fronthle tiroaste a kin1 liecaie niit, feror loft thou, antd onden tia aimigil>'. cana I elînibote thein cure to Dr. Giles' Liniet. Jane Selle>', Con. Tonoshli Ave.anut Blercker St., Jersey' Cil>' Hoigite, N.« J. Sold b>' S. WV. B. Smith. Send fan pamphlet. Dr. Gileo, 120 West lItoadme>', N. Y. Trial sizus 25 cesi. Nem York, Marcit, 18711 Giles & Co.-Gants : I have fon monoe Ilsanne en prascniheti pour Lini. te mencahthei u.ver>' bmslramnîba. h have !nuad il esas u apaicahian in ille-p muaian o! tîtaluîrga (puctînuunahan orin pleuris>', ana o!ftIre van>' lit. lu peu- cImaIes te iesucs or laenhc railî. Iu cocoe cfirrnacicticnil>'on ihe htcîmr's ec- elon dnîcenthi ceerout irrit-ationc, il cals pnomnptly. 1Afîce- beins5' mande ce- quainhed mithtlia combinclion of yn Linicoani, ant i ceing ils action ilit soA Slane aniniber a o!aT, IIo notLcaai. per.piiet. D2 es r. Gies,. Y Trial size là cents. Meny yonug portons froin 16, ho 20 yeans o! cge ans gresît>' anuoyocl itiî nongines o!fbtco face, lia skia bstug covareti mmli onciglstly pinipler, bloî- aies, diecolonationso, andi lemia motus. Te ail suai se-a adviss bcte eo! lýi- lOl'S Sarmapanilta andi Pilla, wsela, if praserret inl, wil l lionaugisly cloanEao anS pua-if>' lie hontîra o! tlus syglen lImaI this kin ivil Iîcotue sguioim, so(t, Mura - Lauman's FIoa-mda Waler. -The imcm leicasteinvalide, bie grecat- cal suffet-ena miti eae-aicknsm, auJ ltoset evlcajc-e-IvoIos sysletos arecticoal aeueati»Ipa-efer ht lisîorea ahiotiens, auJd ee*'eo clOu ofait<cionst, uetfqrato eêtt 0jdff Cra îfmîouly. è e es etei ce tares g3T o -1 ieng odor. - 1-" It r t a e ~~for tlie Hair. SoSi ldiiggtss pria. 50 centsp package W Cheanfolues courage anti gncatne- tInît>' o!intellect, anc sngendored'b>' 0a wa ompounti Spa-up o! IIyjr.- pItmplls sn sPapacil>' of ;mipfrt- pem'ý. no.mre o n, nL5gSier wi onvr iitzw ones ever ho obliged- to tread ln the réûgh paih their parients lrod iu the childhood. Noww etae Scott & BowJý ne',O PaiatàbIe .C astor O i s oom pia. oetly as we do oondensed rmili, aud ià la just about as cheap.-2à cents a ýbot.ý "Gerrnan Syrup.1, No other rmodlcine in the woild was ever givec suai a test «f its curative c~lte sBshee's German Syrup, !n tie. year"s ltwo millions four u; dred thousad smali botties' of Ibis. medicine wore distributed free of charge byDruggists lu Ibis country tb thuase ited withi Consumption, Asti. me, Croup, severe Couglis, Puuronia, and other diseases of tho tieroat aud lauge, glving the Aminu people un. deujable prou! thal German l5yrup will cure thora. The remilt bas hecu that Dru'ggists lu every towu aund village lu the Canedas aud ,the United States arc rcornediug it b tictir customeo. Go bo your Druggist and ask what tiey know about it. Sample hotties 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Three doses will relieve auy Case. Frce of Coat. The most wouderful remnedy of thé age Îs now piaeed withiu the reacle Of ail. -Be lie ricli or bha e poor,'il costs uothing 10 gie Iis great remedy a trial. Dr. Kiug's Califorula Golden Compounci, for Dyspepsie, Siek Head.- ache, Low Spirite, Loss of Appetita, Sour Stonsach, Comiug up of Food, YelIow Complexion, Generai Dcbility, Iuectîvity sud Drowsinese, Liver Corn. plaint, Jaundice and Biliousuese, for wbich 111eiseacertain aud epeçdy cure. No persan ehould he without il. lu order to, prove thal il wl do ail w. dlaima for il you-are given a trial baIlle free of co8t, which wili cunvince you of its t.ruiy wonderfnl rmerits, and show you what a regular one dollar size bot. bic will do. For sale by S. W. B. Smnith & Co. Buclen's Arnica Salve. Tue B1EST SALVE inlueicworld for Cuts, Bruites, Bores, Ulcars, Sait, Rieuma, Tetter, Ciapped HRands, Cii. bleins, Corne, and ail kinds of-skin eruptions. Thcis Salve is guarenteed tg pive perfect satisfaction lu every case or money refunded. Price 25 conte per box. For sale 1'y S. W. B. Sinith & ec., Whitby.-.*. It ie now hoped tiai Audreeey xuay bic induced bo reîurno the office of Premier of Auetria. WFIITBY MAKJriTS. CtuttaruÇici.sOFFICE, Se-pt Srd, 18'79. lber, yen bni----------..$4 50 ce $5 50 cdii let .............--$ 095 &#1900 W'tni ct..........O090 ci.-1%900 Itey, No 1i-.........--9 0 Cato S5 - 2...........$0 00@$0 co .....................40 52 4r ieciblack.-eycd -$.. 0 70@ $0 72 ..e........------40 @ 45 Applos ...................0 85 5g -10 h'gt tiic.................1C0 t 1 25 1tutter ................it I)ciii chietse---------------t.... 090 iti 1tcef, liluti qoîl-ten ... - 5 C50 Beyf, fane quarter.... J4 o)Ca 52f4 50 Shestkiua-------------..$0 75 Ct $0 80 liSes-----------------..$5 W9(e 5 60 5 Park, per cml--------- 55 0a5 560 Lamts ...............1 #250 5sa900 Caîve ...................$4 Cg, $5 Oniais........ ..........$0 90 u i 0i Tuniuiile---------------90. Oc Caecal,----------------19. lc «P t4i Ciiekans, per-cair .ha -.45 @ 5 0v Dccispar pn-----------...9SOC @966 Geomse pan lb-------------. .7c100 .Tcrkey>e, lien il....-li e 10 clajver ..............S3 io 5q 4k3 Timalthy-------------... 1 75 $2i ) (J Wooi, nu-elel -.....,0 c.;5@ 10 PORT PERRY MARKE'TS. Port Perry, Sept Bril., 3879. Wlicat, feU........... 95 97 Wheat, cpring .... 0 vu $05 lelour.................... 5 90 00 llarley ............ ...... 0 00 0 00 t'eIae . ..................0 65 O0 M flets ....................050 O 90 corn .................... 0 45 0 6a Elover Sced....... ....... 390 0ri- t'etatoes ........... ...... 0 sa O 00 Apples, per buse.............do 900 ....................... 40 090o Park....................5 00 0900 Butter.............. .....0 10 0 12 Eggs ...................0 9 O 10 Ray .....................8ao010900 [lees.................... 550 60 0 W'ood ...................2 00 C900 EJheee...................0,10 0 12 Wool.................... 20 0 22 Laerd ....................0 10 0 Il r ucludea n ny rcioabe emdes;fo-affic- L fl, il lga cmalter ut renlaicly bilit anI cacca wiersl ial tvitalt>' itallng, Miîaozo ane cis Leidecl>' tpenier, Il miil work oes tisuca asiticclig elea ivii Pra- lace, suld tos haeicgreal ttdvacntage aI cal raiceing, mheu ils îmse le neiinqoilid, lia sligcCct acdienan Seicrecemen. SalS b>' ailSroggisle. Prias anc Dollar A c A ti1. I0. ail wlc, a-erccuftenlcg train ltheerrera 1 -iti su ucd a nîccite tlii vuli dune yîn, FREEiiOF CJIIARIIE Tis «ceaIa-reS>' ces diaaavec'cl by t, cimiinciany in Seul Aiie-les. SeuS a 'cahf.addessei cnvstope a lieR . Pr JosLcu ' lMASltaio1%B Bible Heotte, Ni-cc 'l'enCity. NEW ADVEP-TIS*MYENTS. -OF- REAL ESTATE, IN PICKERING. Tmetcd roprty, iheneby givcctno. tics LiaI liions w&fllie coid iv Public Anc. lion, ch CUTIIMEiT'S hlOill, Duilot' .Crack, ou . "lURSDA Y, Ille Sti'r>cu/ti11 uit' Oc- Allihe hoar aI une o'aloak lu lie mIternoon, b>' LeviFairbancks Auctionmeca- THE MANSE PROPERTY oft lic St. .AnSa-am'eComcgcegeliou aIfltce Pnc-sbyoriacit Cîmmchi, u Cuaîcaa, et Ddt. tinls' akcrecstblang of 25 acres cof Icitd taons an leict, liug part cf ltINo. litheli O.ln lis Propent>'îlt e gocd 'brick Icote, bil gooti barn anSd tbîo, vell msraeSi. jor- particue n cquiro, of Angus MoKa>', on. lia oprikrses. rhtiiMS.-$,4,Iat tine te p ale, ibalance on lime te, suit pla-ahase-, seaured liy Molrt- gage, mfthi inhareast At7 '"pma- dm01 payable luý e i eaa itupua-muant La Ciepter 1Clt tieeiied, Shaluhes' ai Oubsal, su-' fiItweS "Ah 'ctlrepectl g lie Pa-opea-Ivof lna gondoCla>' loszanoa itim o i niatera byea spng. Tiere s 8aime an ca-charS on lié propenji>. PARtIEL U. AI tiat part cf lot numbea- 2. lim e Xli concession oethle Tomnsip af Uxbitge, iiutof allé praseut Iravoeat r asdranumeg a-ou i a lot, ecp.n hai oca oaupeti)c a a s h inex. IVeti.Alcoilialpart etlot numbea Iu lie Xlii concession cf saiS Townsip of Uxbrmige, ascr a atlloma r Oonmenclagln ltma scuthemu Maui1 cf saia lot et e peint équidiistanitt-cm tie South eut asu uliWest angleso e ala iSlot tien Southi-74tdegmees -mast' upon limasali1 luImt, 81 chilua nwra- or legs telimaeust lirait aI a-oati ua-va> clb J hn.Bier, P. L. S., sorosaiai th 1oî - - nnti BaiSde- gren88 minutau es nS ciaiitSsud 25 lMab mare onieso upou héi cid lliitof road; lien upou ltme soamahlafntnot* 19 d t-emaa15 ohins, mare or lle ima ahenoio -- nlitait ef esl&ilot; liee. ènpon tli msie! îinjzt nnîti 74 de, nosi, eust 8chenne mors or Wk" là - imeif la tangth oaltheiasealot, thsoneeeii 105 degrees, aeut 20 chiniamoreo or Cas Wt Ima e of9 a bagïuning 1, a-servlng lie pelv il e-boa ~baakteevtr c1 1mponilaus M landttheadistanceaif net excetiugE 8 teal ir a a estly irefi-ction frani the mait.- ei>' limil ofthe laaoressaisua-vayeti aoa.. AslitaIrt efthe eeteriytbae quarterai ai lot inomieraona, Ia ia h 7i conacesion of, lic maiS Township af Uxbnitga ual incluati lu percel I. Thi& parel coutaius about 175 ocres, oaI midi alcool150 a-a cleared, andtie cbalance la covea-edti mli lienSoa humer. Tic blldings ecualat- of a large frama hem, sud freiameissantistables. PARtIEL M.I Pari cf lot nucuber 2, lunihe 7th concessin, af lia Tonsip oetUx- bridige, cnolatiago e ti it anlsd lie Gnist Mli biereon eamitdS, ogaliar mi lie mill-Sein, race course, andtie iargim le bock mater up ta lic Seir Mill, <imaeinelter meohlaned in Parcel IV) sud about 4 sud 87-10acres o a dn, a ordig t ll in possession cf lime untiersg-na, ana wmidi mil lisproduced the Ui dy etsala. The aboya la a firat chaos Griot cuill, contai*icî Imo a-n et atones sud in renteS for 6900 pe PAIICEL IV. Part ef lot number 2, lu lis 7th cncesclsio lite Townsip cLUx. bridgelyiu* eaI ci tic pa-soet traveloSi roatMuia-ougi elotla, conleiahmg shoot 10 acres andtihi e ar MIi liercon ereoteti, anti lie miii dam anti maler pnivilege nst iae.e mi, eccrdiug la tlie eahd plan wmita ilî lic prmduced on lie de> of sale. Tice mir mil icapable o atIOng about 6000tet o! lomber per day, and in. tivlen b>' ana of lie beel'waten pomers lu Ontario. PAIICEL V. Ail tiat parI of loIt dmber 2, lu lie 7li concession of Uxbiifge, cou- tciicg là acres, an' mita i la otuaîsdaa large boardin bouse, anti being limuadit on lia ta-nti>' tte Inevelleia-caSd, ounlima eut by the mil dem, on tic moah bye ates, aud an the ucrthb>' licroat iclaSing la lie Sair Mil. The saiS boaricg bouse-is mdI edapteti fan s country imobel. PARtIEL VI. Tic uort l fl i 5esmm- bey 14, ies lhe GOh concesson af the Teiru- ap o!Beach, ccnlsining 3,90 acres more mcm PARCEL VII. ParI-af LoI nnsbl 15, faà tic 7theoncesion cf ttboweshstip of Hsaclii canttiniug 198 acres more or les beicg lIce-c Wehale o asiti lob sxceptitcgttvo acres ethuabe, aI thecronthi st quarter- of lis- mesî hall. andi nom or recott>' ccapicti by one Ma-e.. Foulon, taSa- ecS eÎthereof ta- a darmi Major. On blua loithtere is a gocairaius- bcarn anti s clearing aI about 20 acres. PARCL VIII. Lot nombei 21, lu lhe lti concesion ai lic saidti ownship aI Heach, aonteintog 290 acres more or leis, oxceptttg thersamb50 ar-ccoff thce ulh esa, quar- tan selS anmd conv'eyed ta J. B. Ccampbell, andi10 acres mccl of Simcae Street, andmfst of enît adijolumg the baud soltosa id Camp- bell, whici taid 10 serci have been solS anti convoyedto one Towsn. PARCEL IX. Lit number 2i, in lic 12th coneHsort cf thescalS Towrnship of Beach, cogaaing 200 acr-semons or lesi. PAItOIL X. Part of lot noîba- 7, in lic [tuS concession ot Uzbnidge, oontlueiîg about 4 acre, (noir accupieti by anc lasard) accoa-cing la saiS pieu whici mill bc pa-- duoeSu an l cIa>al e. lAIICEL XI. lioing composeS- af lhe iocti hait cf Lot cigileen in the inti' cnceasioif imaci, cottaining onc ion- uneS aresmore ca-les,. IiAtCPEL XII, I3sing cemupometi cf mie southhait <of lot nomber bia-e, inluhbisc- ai concesion ofthle Township nIfliech, coittattciag oneiundred acres mire or lias. Tliestpraperlis i firet ha offea-ot ah a- raservat b id sn cai parcel. Sitiold an>' ai percela tombera ane, Imo. tires, four or tire not reedi li searvi bld the landts compriseS lun ai oftisne arcia nt solcl- mil rien be solti u in te foing ocparatc parae, hemiel>' PARtIEL XII. Being aroipsd otoi lot nimber one, Inthie eigti concession alliae 1 aald To wnshiip aI Uxb dga, S1 acres more PAHCEL XIV. Beiu5 compasati Ofsslih lob tomber tlira, uhlicigili concession cf osei Township-c o Uxbaidge, 21 acres mccc(- an lees.- PAIlCEL XV. Baing coiposed aIfblt lumibea- oaa, l in h a veimbi cronoesaion of tie saiti Township ai Uxbi-dge,- coalliug lira bondra-ecres more or laas ,exceping lioeron t he metea-ly 111> acrcs, herelo- tare soiS b>' 15marS Major bo ana C. %Vil- hanms, a couvea suc ot mitai fl>' acres 18 PARCEL XVI. Being composeS af lot nonmbea- lir, in lic savenli cencqgclon et iaiS Township et Uxbridge, ccnteing about two hondra-cesa, exmapllug trlitoe fort>' acres, la-g mesterla- ai Us. proent- ta-avellsi rcad, ili tia rgit ta bock maler cf mil ponSthereen, ta the distance ual excecdiîg eigibt eed lu-a meseeny.direction, as et preseul enjlail b>' Edmard Major. On thic parcal are aitualee i ndMill, cair matit anS-boaading hauma above min- P11CEL XVII. Bilg çampoaed et part icI lut tomber lire, icithlisaseînth elctes- siati of Uube-ldge, coutsiig sixb tour lianes niaroe hst;î, panticular>' dùecrtbcd li Parce i nnebr two,cab.ve,asubject alvesys Tie lands mil bc oliereti in thc anIsa- anti maîluen sbevu']uc h a-h eipea-cel lie- ing sobject. ho a rcesavie liS, .ate hia sc ahl parada 'al trealitng lime'rossav-vsbil. mil aI once lie adoreS tornsaIe uincneblock, muljea lauaa-ceserra bld. In ail cass lie lco1rliis oalan>' et saiS laudsa acuîied b>' tbo Whilby, l'ont Penny a& Lindsay liaites>' <aCmpany, ftam Icoinrigil ofira>', ans ex- cepled front the banda adofreS fon sals. TEHMS 0F SALIS -lic ponaltasen af eaci parci -l lie requei l f ps.y a depseil et Icu per cent utis pua-ciase mono>' at lic lins iof sale, sud-lihe atiensuaI tififlteuci per dent aofi" pna-ahaae mono>' iine.0 mouti Ihereaftîca, andi the blance int wc-) equai luestaimcnbs l ia-cc su ad six mouticai tram he day ot caleémih ibereat a8 pcn cent pea- aum. leor plans arcS utualer' paîlicolana appt>' la E. Mejor, Esq., aI Fort Psnry, audtie1 ithe undfenni&neti, aI Toronto. WM. MULOCK. VeionJa' Soilica-. DiteS li,111h Sa>'of Augu;al, A.D., ]K29. POSTPONEM ENT. 'lie abcvc sâle it poslpooutialt - SAl TUJIDÂY, Ile 20th Psay ic' Sepc- te-iibur, 1879, et tht c in h ]oura-nacSpl;tce. WM. MULOCI( Veýnden>' Saha.ilon. hTcronto. DweIIing 1-buse, to -Rerni. 'L10 R A. TH1îM 0e YEAIIS or oallr- K wiai, Lliai Consmoclieua Dmeling lrbos u Ba-ock ut-t'h, accupteti D> J. E. Fft'ititMi, comitinis elc cmntegooai veil sot! slofl atrchternt.App t>' t alu A7 moie, Braohlium.or l IUTtD45 -fiWLL SA.VE MO BY 13UYIN~G AT ,CHEAP CASH-1\S --F FR 0 Oddlfell NEW ADVERTISE Mortgagê -0F A- VALUABLE F In thcCout>'of Ont TT -NDI>E ANDS RYVIa I-)Jpower of&ale, coubaiee mýortgage, wmidi millibe proi lime e aieansd upon mIici bisa inada5 limera mlilibe sali Alami,s&t RÂY'S HOTEL, i cf Whiitliy, ou 4&4Z'IJAT RDAY, fthc 2 tlïD , tomber, A. D., 187 allihe houa- ai 2 p.m., lie tcoit Prnt, viz: Tic Norh meel quarter ai ->,.,,-lu lic second concesalon r etscotBaci, he lc Coutl coutn g b>' atimaiua-ecuent be the amie mre on bsI -Thceisa-ma andi couditiona ou propertïbymll olbc tS ii le m aeti meo ole. borfrtuheisa yp1l>teàJua. G. Rail>', Soloc air alkp Auctioueer, or ta (SgS.> J. B. DOW, - Výadoa-s Sc 87-11 - Ievea-sll's Bloc IE-GO TO THIE MONSI r Reception o! tiý Prrnccss Loui se & Marquis AnS liah.groal opeuiap.ot * INDLJSTRIAL EXHIJ3I et TORlONTO, oni FRIJDAY, SEPT. a B>' hc'populs!itSia r <EMPJESS 0F N Lam Newcatleo a . r nanvulla, s. ni., siama, wbi, . reucbma 7a.,5 get Ta: 10.15 s. ni., e x-cunior pI ime- ho great E k*c mu ait pie ai Il,a Rzro ,will t veI 9 0p i, awrg axauai -t ail>' otehle grand -Illu T TS-lYcon't s for a-ou chi ru,'isf-prico. lia-lier partiaulars -a- 1 'Tel omîe,,'omau la eY Woodi, Oisa; Jo er~- Tics. MotiLverpool Mark. C. J. mecC[ l -Sept. Sa-S, 1879. ýST eBAY E D . Fa-cmlptema,apposite Town IHi on 1, roa Oenig,28li Au DAB%-B-BWx- AUEageti, meuhl sioti airoundirlite spots on i1 tai, kicki mark on lind leg caverai ,O ennis -unadir clcu. An-ana haldin, bme,and senig n or ling- th* usrbeiitb paiS a-casa pinces. FR9D MUD w SePbemba- let, 1879, P-DUSUAIT TO CHÂPTER .-Llidrvessntte_,Di tba gai, "An Act aecpectlag Trustais anai taa"le creditors oathleasIate Famacî9t, hle ofthiaTomnalIpýoI Pil lu lime Ceunt>' eità iba, Yeomnan, acd,s-arde>' ebrequla-edtieta acdp oif liair aiffs, dut>' vinimeStaW. - lings,* Whtby, anar licîcre h 19th Day Of' October, nîi Solcitor for Gaorge-Leng suSWillii rester, lthe cxedters oaI 9lacsaS , lat 'itiislcely attea-Itat te Bxet-tn c ps lu SO iso-ibutc Ohepaals entiliacs.,.,. 1 1 lcli st~" avtng h u ' Ca in s,5of W . e s, aiS E x W. iBILLfirGs Solicitornotua-lidiSExe ateSiis st at of ie, 11879. n-L&CRK5fT~ H 3lA(Ip &N J foIna-ale or te a-st. huis l ofri aUxbridge Villae, 7h cý on-. lu lie Millet aiea meal tytl' intt î3l ice"coudi te nat i the cCoutl e t c a iiappl> ' tho A lex. L cli ie, j J. A. MOILLIVÎq&y iiW7 arrimîea-, cax -EXEÇUTOflS' SA 1 ý 1 1 1 ý AUCTION SA

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