"ie stum ozTlon ,bd th. intéreait d siLper- cuntuin o whoae igOuable Muiclipslêy, se- ivisait AAOSOMOnst r oesthotisasd. eveut>' slht, Us; Irett mdi "ety-' a bidred sýudl lb. szlilcig debt V t lu, the sein e1 vabundred sud sJ-sdthsrs Is aipal orictereut cd kratsc e nsMilii ý@aiaMOi-lua lklW liitai lathatbeulfaii, .inrg ta tile provisionàs et thes statut. lu thaï - ishf,juséisoidprovideid,. DU 66 68,reforeunsacted' by, the Ifuslcîpal C-oo)ncillo theorl$4o et *15Towu, L, Tirait lll1, and rnay bu ?oWîtUrth. salit MuplQIýall6Y et tho' Oorp.rstîe of thus 'Cwni0c Wwkby, tg pirchuthe luci, 'ana 2rsoufssahqesnbforu par. $tiirir-degarbsd, asud 6h. terniture -1% te 11 alrsa*sd thuruon, knewn as flepiins' 8nosIe Hal, t or for 66e saiS rieor asnof Ni 1ue thensand, Ove ruS aDoillar. 2. That for tih. purpese aloresai, the Iayor 0et6hseSala Mlîcpaliîty etthé YWuwd ci WhitiOy, shah .Cause Dohon- titres outh6e Csrprstluu etf'the Tow-ii etf Whîtby 8te bu 'made 6a (ho amout ,lte xeouding la 6hé wbeîe, he. mi cf 't'eu thousand dollars, eaeh Debenture te lie lo nu0sin les tian Onu hinudred dollars, wlîle saiS Debeutorcu shah hoc sle d Wit'th te sai otft.eCorporation and IigneS b> thée Mayor cf the maid MuiîîCIIpallty, or b>' *uoh orsuuîîs a Miay bu sethorizul b>'thus18daCouneoU te aigut tia mame sud shaîl bc c,,nuter-' 21 'h Irusner o e ili j, 'Chat thiiS Delîntures shiallhoc usde I ysals in twqpty years freina6hhe day oretustter ment urfol, for ibis liy-lsw ta tales offst, At tthe Bcaueh oreAgeno>' ocf the OntarieoIlank inlutho-Towu ei Wltby, sud ;hai 1'lave attacesd te tlîuîa coupons, foier hopsy.uut cf lutersst at tus rate anS lu tusheituer- lîcreluatter ineutloned. 4, That tse saiS Dubentures shtat bear internst ut, suda after the raie of six pur ciOlîtui pur Antumi, freon6h.eudate tîieîeof, wlîtch Iîterest lîal bu payable 11 Lf.Yesrly, on the tlslrty.tlrîil iayyecn tjue lihe cf Januar>' snd>.Jul>', lu etali yoac, Oat file sall the Ontario 13ani i il the culd Town cf Whtiby. ré, '1:Jt for tue lîîîrpmee ei forming a diii- lig flnc, for payrreno th tlid lDo>. - Is,,ureîI, anS the Iîitret theroon, ait the rie îfremaald, su squal spéchal rate uto0111) II l inS t'wenty-slx liîîîlredls of a m111li ir te Dollar, shahl, lii addition. in Ousiiet irten b.raieid, ivieil.and coIllecteS flu eckyenr,ipoi Alil tire rttiel proparty Ili tue oulS Mutli- ili.JibY, iduritig Cio u ushî trni cf tweiy ytir fotthe cr'nlîîg in o , cI1nic iîîîîy-aw ilvHcsuchIt-i)bllttoî',î cbahliesoinier îoîLd. "", h bs 1y.Iaw alcali tale olect 0o1, fro.n itill ialer ,ihé thirty.IIrot <hi>'ec -j il>, 11h110tililwsilî, oiglt lîilriil snd 7, ;Illp t'he u i l îty-.ejllîiii day ot Julie, ois tiîouîeaiîd, )uiblatndArueîiai voî tY-11i11e, aOttIi., eleucfthe Clark cfilihe caLid Mnîicpaliî, ai h li Oi-leliewn' Hall,l the ositTownîct WICLtby, et the heuîr t Twelveo clck uol, cci., l iîereby appoluteul as tlî tiromeaslaplace fo)r the uiOttMutt y thée Mayor cf the salt Miiîclpaity, of îoi-cou, tu at. teteil ait the Varionîs pcliltegteinte,asid the flli i .1iii i fthse Vetoe ci be- l t~uîif thé IOr cooluri.g il hyiw, 14. uitieii ré>1,day cii Jly îtho ne. sud, ulght lcudro l d cvety.nitu, iiithesel leu tiiSplace le hwrceby - îlîîpclitil authe tunie sauaJ.lacc fur the a3liiug up, by the erk cf (lieqaid - illeualttY,cftire umillibar of votes glycu foraitugsiutthe IIy-law, ré- A. iduSh ti trihier ,iuacted, ')y te i.,ucu (cuitil (Lliat' tire votosiiioftire elettors A i iu MsaiS Mutîlpailtyt(if tire Toýwu tif %Wictby, shahlieff 0taUoi un tîzepr îîcsed lly-itw cli 4ciiday, the thirlrieth :112> of 'uue, 0110 thousarul, elglisihum. lrud aula savon trelc for the' North Witrd0 aitho idi1'Fshows' hall for <Cntre Warl, ett6h. Town Ilaui for hcutis Wardci ut h. building liuowi a. Mrs, îIewe'u cltoue store. lBrook Street. 1) Thiat tse votes -o!thec luotors shail ho ttkcn On thtis l-aw, uMoncay, the tlliiloth day 0ai-Tulle, Quaehesnd 13194t 1huc1dcud anS sseventy.unne, coin. Iolucllug ut th 11heur eti ilne ocobo lu thee nurulng, sud cloaliîg ai the heur, cOff ve 'oicock le thu eu e an sd thoe etamring Oflcers tor tekingjhe tq amtfor otte Wurc, JAines .(Iupll;for Souit Ward, Jordi (Jul'ni4r.lbr Wity Jeuoh lie gnd, 1679i, .24 PatoSued7tli o Juy, 1879- MAJOU 1HAlUPihit. L8 T T1108S. IIUT'N> Town, Cierle. ÙO T'ýP*J NTt'thal(lu, abri,,, hoaii trtuc Ià :ltil> a ci a Pllloechhy.hciw, 'wisLclc IrIi h usei (inte oousidoirtin y hi> ie Muiccipal (hnl et ofthie(Corporation of the 'iow ivt o whitbyaLfter ue mentis rein plu tihrcl pâi. et3on theruaf in tue Wiiki. t IMNIÇ-upi îIluw 1,eor$ Iulicad tin wu cfWihudy. 't. t*aY -ci JUDO, 1879.asd-at tic, our dty sua ieu.; afl (ieSfor Iciu inte votlcocel tise le toecs, tteu il vtibu hail. -' V -TUQMAS HUSTON, Wbbhby, Juine à Sh, 179. : Qurk. NO TICEi Thto abeula a truie uopy of a ny.av pasees V the Itunicipah Couneti 0f le Town eof iys, Inthecou>n 01ontartio, On tise seoqlm 4uy ciJnusi5.8Y7:anS ai hoesns are be=lý9'rdtOe no iettuthat a5 on de à -'<uof u 6380 pll 9 f lis Ternib ItiW, iv bfty Gaett,orlieW I u,7. TeiWn lurk, t Blond Purifier. A e5t60556o 0(.dor lamai. cOined itb vtlouhide Cf tise curs 01 aU Ssess di ses 5thlat ten, the. leuob> b. e tà iêet that tus, sud etcitliy ,éoIt a--sev c tis ,cw PEERY'S PLAN, I'0RTH WÀÉbi, WEST OP BROC ÇST LET. 1438 5 621 1-46 1081 144 8 65 21 14m 10,81 1458 8b9 8 145 512 147 3569 8 145 51 148 8 69 8 1 48"' là ~1 162à 5 29 1il1145;s 164' W59 8 1 45 5 12 a e9 8 1 45 6 22 869 a 1 45 512 8 6 168 la 519l 1&9 :a 9o 8 14In 512 156.a 69 S, 145- 512 lu0 a 589,-8 145---0 A12 17168 69 81 45 7--s12 1048b859.A 145 512 -100 8 69 -8b145 5612 170 88 M 20 1145'00 171- 80,.20 1 45 100Ol * 172 10 87, 48 1 45 21 80, 178 19 92 48 1 49 21 88 18096 28 19 14d)6 00 ]ai15 24 12 1 45 681 182' 8528 12 1 45 6'80 168 ô 24 19- 1 45 181 184 5 28 12 1 45 6 80 155 5 24 12 1 45 08si 1808'869 8 1465 512 187?8 69 e-1 45 512 188 8569 8 1 45 5 12 19 a69 a 1 45 5 12 .190 8 59 8 1 45 5 12 1938 8.59 I' 1 45 612 lS 5 5,9, 's 145 s12 3906, 0112 1,4ô 6801 197 5 24 la2 1,45 '0 1 198 ô 28212 1 45 080 199 5 24 12 1 45 081 2M 5 23 12 1 45 680 201 a 24 12 1 45 081 211 12 48 80 1 45 14 18 212 12 43 80 1 45 Id 18 213 12 43 80 1 45 14 18 287 2 10 5 1 45 800 28d 10 28 25 1 45 11 93 244 12 28 li 1 45 14 08 245 12 28 80 1 45 14 08 246 12 28 80 1 45 14 03 209 14 838 5 145 10053 820 8 88 7 1 45 4 65 827 8 OU 7 1 40 485 M85 10 la25i145 i1186 840 0067 10 1 45 828 844 12 £0 sit- 45 14132 861 12 42 M10 514 17 U62 881 21 1 45 10!17 863 10 28 25 1 45 11:98 876 8 8 7 1 45 4 85 877 383~ 7 1 45 485 878 8 I3U---!1 45 4 8â 880 5 08 12 1415 6i". i-cit i'PLAN, PEfllY'S PLAN, lOIlTtI W'AR, MoCK esc sutiLT. 7182 6 4 bc 1 4588 109 8 182 O8 4 511 1 45 188 O9 NcerU %'înu, cE-ST Or î.OiCK $Tutir. 168 4062 Il 14 01 109 7 18 17 1 45 -8680 L70 10 19 25 1 4r) 1169 171 15 46 87 1 45 17 28 175 16 88 40 1 45 18 28 170 b888 21 1 40 104da 177 4067 Il 1 15 6 23 1178 8 88 21 1 45 104du 179 8650 8 1 45 6 03 181 0 70 10 1 45 887 182 4 72 il 1 45 0 28 185 10 81 41 145G 18 07 195 4 72 il 1-45 6028 190 8623 21 1 4510 18 805 4 PU 12 1 45 a0li 130 4 451 - a 056 bra 1tup ci, 17 6 41 20 13 45 10 O6 18 84-1 20 1 45 10 Vo 19 ô 12 12 1-45 60ou 20 & 12 12 14là 00G TlOriDYuill<PLAN oryi-.uT rop OT2J, 1er CONCESSIiON, 2 10 15 25 1 45 il8W 4 6052 10 1 45 8 12 -1472 Il 1 45 à 28 H 10 4U 25 1 45 12 19 9 6 ria 1601 45 8 1' 12,4 Du il1 45 0 vu 2U 9 08 7 1 45 4 55 (JALT'14 PLAN COF tARST Or LOTS 25 26, il. P L'ltNCicE"IUN. . 12781 86 2 1 45 22sa 2T9 80 2 1 45 2188 280 86 2 1 45 2 8 281. 8G 2 1-15 2 83 282 86 2 1 45 2 as 28j . bu 2 1-la 2 8 284 su 2 1 45 233 2815 80 2 1-15 2388 21)212110 1h 1 43 2 74 '2) 296 hJS 5 à 1-10 a55 1300 ihi9i8 l11ý5 8 42 8 101 1093 -1 1 45 8 42 10U2 1 93 4 145 42 iiAOtNIrt7iiOT'O PLAN. 131k A. Riîi8 St. 1iIl b2 28 1 45 la 25 fi 2 I 51 28 145 la325 do 5 1149 28 1 45 13 22 If rork St. iu 5VI 14 1d5 7 50 .8 yron I ,1 211h0 6145 -1 41 W-iLà .cy'a PL-AN '011 PÂLiT 0i' LOT 27, liT. CO>NCEIOcN. hilock Io 9 40&)1 1-115 6010 ..Mi 4 a bu 1 45 ù512 WALLAIE'B PLAN ()l 'liT Ole LOT 28, iSr. COtiCSLuION. hIbock A, 7 a il 12 1 45 0068 go 8 à il 12 1 4à 008 L-iNLoMiI}IIh PLAN OP PAIRT 41P LOT 27, loT. CONCESSION. 14 1062 4 1 45.il 16 2567 O 145 4 08 28 ïï72 j1 là 43 7 80 - 24 8 81 22 1 45 10 48 ILtiI<CPLtN OPr PÂtT OP LOTS 26, 2i» 1i-î. P.CONCESSION Blckle2, I 8 8622 1-11 10o013 2 8 rio 21 1 45 10 25 ô 17t3 -4.1 145 19874 '4, 4 7112 h19 1-15 94de 9O Ci 21 12 1 4r, 080 5, h6 17682 44 1 45 19 71 THOMAS HUSTON, - Tromurer, Town et Whitb7. owuà Troastorore OflCe, vithi>y, uOih lMa>', 1879. 23 (1'lrut pobhliheul 101h May', 1870.) R. SNO W, ul'"&w, ummeL O L ul uw.uln, and a weu auppomine4 IEeârseoonetantly in readinese. WM TILL PoiieFacts fo fe Publice, Grdeeries in every yariety, fresh, choice >AND OA~ Fine*Japan Teas'from 2,5cts per lb.- Superior-YounýgU son Teas from 80cts. perib. Extra Black Tes from 40cts. per lb.OIis nadiami snd Fgoi4 nsuýgars, at bot pAÈxr'e CnOffe, Oocoss, and Chlocolates,. Bâtý>f0 G6'OeilNibôPickelé, Med tickeld, Wslnut Pîcé<eIs.' Çbo1iSauèei, Cdùriy Powder, French Ospers, Éadsssort. ed ans, snedSà tion, LostrsSardinesj,'Tonistoos sudacorn,pure ;Extracte, PureSpices,' 25lbg. Fhi6 Lurrsnts for $1. , Baisins,,esh Tur- key Prun-es, Domoe Losd, ý,Jsoby-& U :v BIii S- i '. Y, ctsu_ per box, Highly Perfumed -Famdly Toilet 'Soepsà , à BOdts per dozen, aM5 otiier Soaps at'prices 't ~tdefy ,ozýpetitiog, es ptent Pails, Waah bs Bruuhcs, Broomxusalarge'utock retailt heae#4é. i Bargains mi Crockery,. Chin~sa nd Plassware, &o Conipleto Tes Sette for qo2 00 oxoTiet BStetèfr $2 t3Tuilî pSee&s.--Fresh snd True to.,theà kin, Uo tj4jlost relia-, bioBSeedsmen in Guest ritain, at Deverell's Block, - Brook Street~.. GIENERAL DIRY GOODS, BROCJGHAM.TORE Begs to inform his friends and.,thç pu14- lie, that he lias 110w on hand an eutiïely new anJ well se-- lected stock, embracing ini the above. limes, which ho is selling at unpregied gtedly Customei's are advised to give a c ai aud- see what v'aluo they en get -for their money at a home establishment. - IBronghlain, Aril 201hi, 1879. ~TI, TTNI-IP.'. gNext Door South to amsJarohnston's "Goldsmlth's Hall," b lidb abi lit cWé à lvè zùýý esûand i's tov runi gini«Iùltflà siWhere everything pertaining to Tin, Sheet, or Galvamfzed Iron is manufaotnred iii a vworkm au- J~ç~O WJ 'RT B~ t èas9onable rate~ ELECTRO-PLATED,,GOODS of SUPERIOR-QUAJJITY.' 'l kndi of Oapïîxied l ih hetIron wsre constsntfykept in stock. B AIRtIN don -6,ohoaplyand -neaUly, - illwork;ý uar- anteed satisfsctory or no psy. A~reanutn 1~atGOL ;'0IL. Lamp Chimneys, Wicks, Burners, &0. - .<J.W. BAR.NEPS.. Whitby, Feby. 24tli, 1870. FOJe. SALE AT, TUE W HITBRY",CIFI lýNAÀ TEA--STORE, PLASTER, 'J ýoojds ever solin 'théi. Thé,,-ýb e Euejpes, -Lftter and Note per,ý that can be had in town. Five quires of Note, Piper, ini uet wrspper,, PL for 2O-,cenuti3 A -- tCa,11 and'seà samjip6 t 6f SPaulding'f; Basé Bails. 'Base ' Ball,-Ccket and LcrosseOîlubs-Eppieà on- short, notice. Aâ -th8 latest -WqrkG ofXFiction, -in, stook. -Sà Iool Books', Slates, and Scholi iBago. A. oheap lot of Gkents'-eOanes insu to hanid.T Newspapers-à nd Magazines at publishers prices. Glôbe' and-Mqil delivered at 19J.cents per.week. ~W' ~ii~tgget the ilà g o hsGldnPe,*2- -doOrs South of Hamilton and Harrower. , Dm - ,xANIEL KENNEIËDY C GOLDSMITH'S HLL.___ Our lmproved Cayu'ga Chief Jr., and our Young 'nd boesjNO fI6fÉINP/IEO 'ACON FTH JO Ail I NE OMNY To Renew Loans, alpeady exist- Ing, ta Pay Debts, or ta make lmprovements, T1 UNiDERSIGNiBD IS PREPAIIED l to make'a nesuoithe seonrty o f r o s i e s t a t e f o r p e r i t t o ,. U i t b r r u y r s and. zepayblé lu my. Énner pplicultu Este otitruSixeven, sd Eight Par cet. accoorigt epyiu When ttlt in luatiufctory fthe Io=n c= be copeted sd oneypaid over'lu Ton Days._ 1gr WÂ ýTD O'U1 A0ÀE GOOD Oon7veyances carefUlyprepared7- Office Bigelows Bock, pot erry. ZespecttullyTours, 42) THOMAS PAXTON. A GREAT FFEIR., FOR -$10.50 abridged WOj'SeOE8nIe&N"AB-&ý and %BX FOTNIGTLY PEVIEW -for onu Yesr. Eetilptle Worcester'sfietion- 41-0-S sr in puricaunum rtughty,, #500,ý 0lvéwlll give Ian uusbrldgedi bo.sna inmshusp,. WORCESTER'S DICT.ONARY fgr five (à ) Yeuy subcrptos ta, THE FOBSTNIQUTLY - EEIEW, Or or, four IIý yeury sub cribers To T exr F]TolT-UEV=sW, WC wUIlgive s copy of thut fanions work, bond inu 2 Vols "Snpernatra1 Reigion-." AIME1'ITU WNTBD lu whomiwe vil 'payagood commission,- ta - osuvas thuir Joealt.For pur lroser 'books, upecmncopieu, d. 4desthe publiuheru, BELFORDS MLARRE & Co.' U-tf) W York St., TORONTO. *OMNIBIJSES --00-- Spring Goods ùw to hand. Great -BABGANS OFFEING IN- WATC HE S CLOC KS AND 'JEWELRY.l Choice -roods in lilleotro Plated Ware, importled £rom' II A eading factonies.. New miaguificent patterns at pnices less tican esý I L S I'I whero, 'asked for shop wonn gooa. Another lot of tiececlebratcdper- IRON, GRANITE TEA AND COFFEE-POTS, LAMP', CU.rTLEËRY, NCKE LITE MPONS AND FOliRS. Bà býy Carnages, ne'w, just in' and very eheap. Olark's Dismoud Dust Polish, wholesale sud retail. The bosl polisla known for' Silver Wsre sud Nicliel Silver. Jewelrl -onmde te ordor. Particulur at- WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL. CASH PAID F0R11 GOOD MOS ES LINTON, Butter, Egs, Poultry, -Apples, lied and Store, Poest Offico sud Telegrapli Office. i 7-- WHJTBY -BOOK. ANDMX'USIC -.STORE,. m1 F i 1M.eALX1 Begs to announco to tho publie, that she lias opened a well assorted stock of Books and Fanoy Goods consistingof- SCHOOL BOOKS AND GIFT BOOKS; Bibles, Prayer Books, Hlyman Books, Sunday Sohool Bookis and Cards, Hoiday and Visiting Cards, Plain and Fancy, Note Paper Inks, SIates, l'eus, Peucils, ]lank and Note Books. BERLIN WOOL AND WOOL WORK. 44 mbroidcry, 8à 1, Linon, Flossi, Chenille, Wooi, Tassels§, Csrdbosrd, Mot- tocs, Cosics, Vases, Toiet Mats, aud Oruaints of al kinds. LADIES' WORK BOXES AND. BASKETS. Glovo and Illsndkerchief Boxes, Card Cases, &o. '#o have s largo vuricty of patterns on hanS of al 6he latest styles in American Stamping, ail kinds of Faucy Wcol Work doue ta 6hlder, ineluding infants Jackets, Bonnets, Breikfà aut Slîawis, &oc., -ail orders proraptiy attended te sud at the Iewest possible rates. 1 have just opened a large assortgient of £Jhiidrens' A'prons, Lacs Ties. 0>- FRILLING A SPECIALTY. ý.d. llaviug ini conuection with niy-businoss, socured s first-ciass Dross Ma- lier, able te undertuire the making of any dreus, 1 eau warrant 60, give enire estis- factiou, being a persan that bas had sixperience iu cities, the styles areiiew, no pains will be spsred,' and ail orders promptly attended te, Stting rýoonsback of the st6re. I have aise s flrut-olasu Mautie Maker, eue capable of nsakiug Man- tics, Coats, Dolmans, of any description and in the latest styles. The attenition of the Ladies is espeeiaily iuvited te titis 'lepartmnent.*Fittiug'roi'in rear of the store, Oddfeliows' Hall. Ail ordors for Magazines and Papers promptly attended to. Daily'sud wooly papors always on-hand sund siibsctiptions '-received. tLý" Shoot Music supliéd on shortoat notice. Whitby Music Store, Oddfe Ioewa' Hall-, Brook-St. CANADA PERMANENT. LOAN. AND BAVINGS COMPANY, TORONTO, $6,000:000. TOTAL ASSETS, TO FARMERS AND .LANDOWNERS.1 BAKR IONF~JONBYf~DO YOU WANT TO' BORROW MOCNEY P patrons that ho hes egatu takeüI lit, 010 STAND, ON BUNOAS SJII[E11 L:teld cecupied b>' W. P. NWI1h, -e -e how 1be happy tuoceail Meiaol Icictdu, anS Wil il nalun sok a fresis stock cf CONFBÇTIONERY, CAKES,, PASTIIY, J"4 UIT qf all IkiicdAli S8eucso'c SODA JVA-FNU and Bread delivered Ssii' suan il ordors prompti>' etteudud lu. Dinnecu anS Suppers supplieS at ros,3on- able ratua. Dou't torgut tise adulceas, To ýbny more land for Yonreelvcs or for your sont 2 To build a lieuse or s barn ? To fonce, clear, uudcrdraiu, or otheiwise ituprove your landS? To puy off a Mortgsge or otier debte?2 Or for auy other purpese?2 If yen (le, ltîe reduced terres of tlie CANADA PE1IANENT LOAN AND SAYI1iOSCO P '1 afford superior faciities for effecting the Lonu at.thc lowcsl rates, sud for its oasy nepsýymeut. 'rHE SINKING- F'UND SYSTEM Io goueral>' aduittedl te ce ltse best sud sorout sud iteapest plan, sveryet<diua for prviS. lue for tise paymoni et iabtlttu. Ittu13acopteil b v soverumunte. b M niuelpahitlus, anirb th Most prospéros sud progressive lsudowners, boin ' Enroansd euutL 16 Tl, iÂCANDAPERMENTuorrLOAN AND Sevocos COMPANlelnds mous>' on Ruai Etat. &untst lu ths Provinceof tOntario, on tihe abovu systui, nsd afforcls tise tolhovieg tsullities il advon- tute brrevera- îsî.-1Yocu can obtain au>' soin yen reqaîre, st anvuie, for an>' 15cm yen Chse, net ",n 201 yeero and aisa moderato rate otilntereal. led- Tise f hla ountil thte Loanislaedvancecd, no eduutien-beingrmaSo fer coemission, psy. moInt, in advanco, or il do'4ired, for solecllor'a feus and et4aer expunse. 8r.-Yeu cet receivsyvuc mon, y frein6hth onpun,,âad paylit achi ttrbgit tise aels et theu Compatiyls Daukers, t'eu of Charge. -Thscemp ' haa ru Aget o-eisl mcney. AUl renlttanus vil lisbcacknowloed y'reeipts, aigneti by tise Presidnt and Manager, «0h.-Yon esc reps>'lte Loan b irrlior 651f. arlY lhtnento, s boit enisyonr Convent- once, aud Ps tetiret iuJa n 1at au>' me *1 12iACutoeu moniho. > Zth-Tou esuupsy lisoanya uni youlpeasu ieadvanus ot the reguuiarisamoant eip at six per ceut. per annuanivi bu slhovuti for evSr7 cluc.r monts. 'Instalmots net palS wlisn duo, are subjeet te a char g0sot ene cent lunlte dollar pur mInhtUn1 palS. aih.-You cen psy off yonr Moteage un h.,if you deairs, itlitno"u, upcn taic sud eqult- able termue, asasthe CoInpanY hasea llxud location, tise place for paymuent la slvays 7tis-Havlng e a kyu Me u ysalIstaimeuto, eta6 0v rate flerust, and in] RSNOW apyy~trrol 10.t DUù_______________ To ngoucyeenues are druti, sud ovur than tiôtou sal3y obffled. Thpey a'bu In ludtu te Sietgage, ant il baukylttei0lntalmsnW. irssbonthare fvii buno sou- eltoc's or other ftu. utainution efth1e jean. £1 V R Y I LI V R y~ 1t.-YTuecuethutiltietpclvaeyrinloyoucaffalrs nyenr mn>nighcrhucesuosrno't' csti nhauv5esno possible lieruat lu ppouigyen if nmeup"d to otyour ou- 1«1ou ckre deoiut' wth a vuutthu>' rorociflofhng rtanidlng, wviicibas airoad>' maSe - 800 irt3agc ione. trnouni te shot fourteen mniIonso f do1lars, sud lin notance - WOai takon undua advantage c oneflta cuetconurs. Inu lent ear ahane Il ettected moe tissu 2.tM chi)êbn,. Lo ucis iay iii btalued far an>' tecunupto2llyoara. repayahie socrdlng tetheteoin table:-.. - IST MENT REQhIRED TO REPAY ALOAN OF 81000 IN THE POI.LOWiNe PERlODS: 2 Yc. 1 trs. 5 T a rti sITrro. IO m 9Yron1.ohiYr.î18MTiif 8ru. Tcaroly.. uppy LS'ry goa flsglim 9.8a 1130oi 915.40 277.W0iî i 1"3 1 20 l m m1 .40 T hMi ad cou oinortblevê Thuce italusonte, payable ai the enîd cfeesa hyear, psy off otirs 5.b1iïWepai and Iuterai t j THl.noie i edr iiodr rE HIOhR48T '1TCE l'AIl)FOR, (100 MOIRTOAGES h *Olla " 4t el pnneaiî ,Ternil ow._" -LipOr>' Sabh., :riuyRiVllote. s >'l ' INFIIATTJOW 413PLY T0 4.&J. C. PUL ,- '-. C. OURSE, Wt5ppD»iw h5v4nlh1îè 1 Q8, c 'WN Alsike Clover Seed. WhitbY, F'cbrîîary llth, 1879. OFFICE W.J. G IBSON, Whitby China Tes Store. 811> WN & PA TTE11SON Mt g, Go,, WI~ITB2, TO THE PUBLIC. In presenting aur Twenty.sccoud A=nal Catalogue of Agrieniturai Impie- monta to tise fariners of Canada for the yoar 1877, we doseo with mors tissu the ordinary degre ef priSe and confidence, frein 6h. marleul faveur sud 'jatrouage cenfurreul upon no, anS the steady>'asd increeuing iemaud froni ycar te year of ournow clebrated Farin Impiemunts. W. shah ,continuesasre ertrre, as manufactuire, te make s speciaity of Agricultural Machiery-tlie Johnstou Seif-raking Beaper, the Triumph Cern- bined Buapur sud Mower, tise Ca3'uga Mower, the Young Cenada Mower, anS our uew Whiitby Hlarvestur, claimiug a large sisare of our 'tume usuS attention. Par tise lest Tweuty-two years we have given aur moBt careful sudunudivid. ed attention ta 6the manufacture sud apuration of 6h. varions masecines lu use, sifing out tise heat points, iemeSying defeote, modifying anS correcting errors, strengtheuing wssk points, adapting sud proportiouing avery part as aur increas- ed expurienco lias suggsew. Ws umpie>' onil' ths beut mechanical sitilI, and Our macisines pass under tise Most carefulsupervision sud srutiny-ierry detail bei.ng aubjeceedho thcssever- est oritieism-and usd15 machine la tisoroughly testeS before leaving aur works, teo,. tics completenus' cf svery 'part, sud there lu no difficuit>' lu pulting thi uoperatiauf b>' su>'purson oif ioderats meolisuiosi abilit>'. SOur machiner>' las tissu selecteid and coustraeted wilh s speoial refersesc ta the. manufacture of aur owu tusehines--man>' tools bsviug beeu m aile for tuis pirtionisr. purpase, an t adapteS for ather work,'sud our werkmen are eau- csteS up to tise wauts sud requiremunts cf aur menntatrue btaining a tisor- ongic knawledga of tics coustruction of aur macehines, sud are (lis ouablid to oh- tain à a higlier Segree cf skiasd proificiéno> tissu where guneral mnufsotnring in carnied on. W. are thureforu cuabled la ointrodluco' a mors purfeet sysisin toto ail tise de- partmonts cf manufacture, sdding ual eniy ho 6the perfection of th5e work, but al- so te tthe rapidit3' cf ics exeetion-and a cousequsut rednctlan of cos.. ..-This principis te regarded neeessai'y iu s weii regniated estabishmnt,sud ws éushied te mm nout aur machines with a higlier degree cf perfection, aud ai prices se hoasuabsoictul>' b 5sf>' campotition. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING. REAPER is nov se well kuevu as s Singlse Rapur, that a woril cf commoudation wol aliýpost seoin sýuperinuons, but as there are inu clslming te manufacture lie machins who have adicersul ota h. ad original Joliuslou-mecisine, wiîliout keep. ing up te tise improvemeta ; ticat justice teo ursulves sud patrons nequiiu cf us ta tate that vs h ave modifieS 16in luamant every essentilipart, sud for atrengii and durabilt>', uality ef cnt, lu eveçy kind and condition -of grain ; liglituesu cf draft anS case of .managument-tise- Jolisnato," as inangstured by us-standsa prêeeminenthy ahead cf ahi etiser reapers. lu proa f cf (bis position w. have auiy te point ta the insu>' Firet Pnizes awarded ùs-at tics hast Provincial triai of On- tarie, anà rman> count>' trials whiicis have taken place aIl ovur Canada, witiui the, hast few years. Practical Wstchmakor, Mard 26h, 1879. - - Brook-S~I" Wliitby. PIR EPROOIP SAPES.ý Is doing -justice either to -himself'or bis creditors if ho does without a safe to protect lis Bookse Notes, or other 'valuable papers. Who lias deeds, notesi or money in the house, ouglit to have a Safe to guard both against Burglary snd Fire. A Safei always a Good Asset, as it not only preserves ils contents, but Isecps ils owu. valuo as WOUl, fer after passing Iticrougli s turc a smnll outlay W11 malie it as good as 10W, and it eau 'al;ays be sold for noarly ils first cost. J. & J. TAYLOR have- tuxned out about 20,000 safes Th the laet 24 yoars, sud noue of tiom lias failcd lu trial. Farinons sud Mer- chants, Ibis is tlio kind of " Protection" aud something that.lthe Tariff eani givo. Go telthe Toronto Safe Work8s ad gel s Safo. -MY Stock of Is 110W Complete in Every Line. E. J-' JOHN SON'ý J & J., TAY LO R, 117 (o 1193, Front Stroci, Earst-, Toronto. Very Speial Inducements to those S'R1TING - HOUSEKEEPING. UNDERTAKINe. - Full Stockýof Caskets, Coffins, and al the necoessaries in this lie. Also, A WELL-APPOIXTED HEAR-SE. Whitby, Ocetober lOth, 18'77. 42 O.UR TRIUMPH COM BINED MACHINES, ICLOTHING CHEAPER THAN EVERI vils late impravements, te aIl that eau 15e desined lu a CombineS Machino, and Cannot fail ta muet ail tise ruquirements aIpurcisasens. are boctu urat-coasimachilnes- coustituted almoist wiolly cf Irou suda Steel. Tise (hayuga Jr. bas a nean ont, sud tise-Young Canada a front Ct;; bath otrong, dur- able maimiue, u"Aa oe:ocolled b>'au>' machines lu the, market for qualîty cof euit, Sunabiit>', igtuesa cf draft, adsptabiiy, anSdesse af management. OU.R NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER.") 115te-country' han becomo 'butter adapteS ta machiner>', sud man>' f aur fanm- enhavei!'became nItihIeS lu tise use cf machines, a grovlng demand isu prung nP f«r s.Llghhc Durable, Firat-Claaa Beaper. Ailsve te tise reqmnremunfth fle diywu have Cueceeded lu, luventiug a ma- chie vti Wrugt Ian nam.'IFIthe l ut possible gearing vlmh la c' , btaad.faceS drive'wiseeh-aud seoar.à trnoted that iseýfrà me sud hable tile't au marn-' imethe ebykspig 0h.Pitinan alwaysluMitu'wth le klfe. Tie' nakes sne- drivoirshiectl>' frn' -the main sha thare -bing no percsptible aide' orf,'n n igt pa'tâirse'ek.W.'ianîe fdont that vo have suoooeded l invelgtise mout perfeci Beaper. taking Oh lu ail its parta, that hais evur Ibeen praduced. W.N have bpplied for lettons patent, sund shail halS aur' inpuntiau, for. aur avaexclusivre-manufacturs, sud vs respecîfuil>' snggest ta lu- tending purclisens, liai tise>'should uee Ibis machins before giving tfieirWorders for-lsecoming icarveat. Thae "WiitbyHarvetter" voigiso, ail tela, G000 punds, bu -on inade pminci pahi>' cf the best quait>' cf iran and sheel, sud freinits in- Reons iisudcompact construction, ie combins lie treà and uS unbilit>' cf lh. AU Aiof aur machines are fitilywv*rrsnted. withIloteliai cf macà hineuL w. feel coofidntthat -w. can meet ave>' ne- qufremeul,'e sud w, respeotfblly eilcit a trial ai Our machinues, belaeviugttv eau furuiha bottertmaine farn lie moue>' th=n eau 15e obtained elsevisere. NATION A L p oLi cy i Gents' Spriug Suite, lttest btyles, ver>' cheap. A 'largOastOck of flue clethes. Hausisame Vont paitercc> Gente' furnicliinge, a f'tli ne.., Garments eut lu fasienable style. Albranehescf Taieoringrecive prompt attention sud oâtisfaciion guaranteedi. Go viseru yen vihi get às vUi-fitting germent sud Ifull value for yaur moue>'. An inspection respeotfUiy io-vihed. Wl~ithy, Mardi 24tli, 1879. Bnock.St. Wliitb>'. CUTTERS' JOHN R. PRINGÉE, ~>UG1IESj ...,AND CAJItRIAGES. '-' -Buggies FOR SALE,'C HEAP,- RAILWÀY TRAINS! PARES. To and tram G.'T.E. Station......20c. To sud troni Wiitby, P. P. -L& LinSua> n'y Statiou .....................oc. Those couveyancsare sets sud cexnfort.. ableu, andilu charg et careful drivers. Ail baggags checked sud caretuli>' boIteS ater. !LOUIS 1SEBEET, Proprietor. Whltby, Pub. 201h, 1879. (1-l AUOTIO ALES TBEG te retunh i n lceru thauks ta thc .1public for tise ver>' liberal patronage ietewd upon mu lu--the peut, and te inlirnatu thativil bu ou biaud reaul> tc cenduct-sny oales.titat I niaybu entrusted with. Ternis libergl. Satisfaction gur- anteed. 1>saebooke wil -b. iound ah tlec OntoHtel, Whitby. Arirangements as tc day cf sahe,&-c., na>' bumade witis Mr. Mason, thepéroprlAetornet 1h. Hotel. Ordue b>'mail or tehegrp tendta LPAIMMÂNES Anctloneer, 'CVitty. N. B. -SBals Boukusud blank nctes turnited.fre. THE TOL. F. TurIsIh & VaporBaths. Thoe ebath. 5re-usetl lun herttoiam, NeurallaCough,. coldsu OW,.tstion, BoctISorofule, Skin Dilsee, - ahiTu-' flammations. Bliesuess, Fevers,(S o Sanlitar> p u .oses.%ifo Tishesparbaisa. are partlculuni oia hie te aI 8ki diseacus, especilhySihu iti. new univerahi>'Cenceded that betis thée Turkl ana sd apor Baths are lise beut prervatives f etoa thin thé reseis cf muSical expesansd in cempunclion -wth niedical treatmeut the Patient la more rap- il idsnccessfnlly trusteS. ?slrenirod tisceuigisut the yorlS t- ra royalty Sovu te the. pooreet nian. Titese Turlduli batis are the ouI> cgnes lun(the City et Torunto- Qnoattleunandneséommenastlans are given froa lte bout =médicalandd asnitary au (h eut lies i lait entri es.- HOUIIS--Gsnlsmin 7 te 8.80 arni., 8to 0 p=i. Satuirday util il pni. Ladii--1o A.=. tl 60'p. mni.' ?IOE'STurksh ]athi, ee ticket, Il1 12 tickets, 810. Vapon Bath., 50ou ca; 12 tickets. 55. 23qUEEN.ST. WES5T, -- Skil an d attentive mule sd' tniae attendants. J. S. DIAMOND, MýD.' 89) Superintend st. Valvable Pleal Est ate lIN TI TOWNS91P 0F IBEACH. TO EWPO No. 7,i MMEY !P0 £END- -il'sema up 4@ýo. 0om, at - LÂTz DUeoÀx L OFFICE.-In 'Vlctorl 9,Victoria Street. ~Ro-.aoirsox , .&HiR - cr, J2.Ofi. G. KE S~treet, WhItby, Ont.. G.- YOUN~G MIT ]3ARRIfER, &h., &e. Oyncoz-Over Domunaior Jan. 22,187e CAMBRON & À' S ARISTILSAtturt SoiiosiO hane Street, Toraî - E . JCIERN,. GUN,4 SUEGE ON TO TEc BymStreet,WVhjtby * Dr.W. J.Bi- ltesid.eucc--Cougregato lhYterycorncr of Bronsi BYRONi FIELI JYII SUBLGEO !Wn Wm eR îN, .1 theaDeR. 2> 1,4 Ophyiia, Surgeon, Accan Wbitby, Sept. 30th, 1874. W. 'ADA T30OMS Oý'E3 B.H. * J.J1 GreryStore, Dund Officeliours frinm9s.m.to j lm Oto6, P. M. Ites!Sencs.. ansu Gilbert streets. C, N. VARS. L 41 hý ste oeapst, &ni Ies- Tcthfiledwith Go -Teeth exiracted vithout pai local anssthea8s., Donta R an's new blocik, aver Afleinuot Rinug Street, Oshawa. JOHN ROflys B80u,1rock 5St, WII1 Wliitb ?1IVÂTE the South oucceston t0 Ilstuotéd. T' OF THE Toronto, April 29tli, 1879. PAID UP CAPITAL, 1 MTS Whitby, March 24th, 1879. .and