ODD-FELL -Ploas<e teil your neighbonrs and friends that E. Frost returns 10 oents off every Dollar of _goods, purchased at the d- 'Fellows;' Hafl, during;<theérsn mnho >July, 1879. fig E. FROST. We don't wait for the eus- tomer -taý ask for this reduc- tion, but the discount isà takon off the amionut of the bill, whether or no veu ex- 'KEEFE MOLSON*'s Ail1 goode markea in plain pres. 10 cents off the dolarAgnfr AR . GS AI ing July. $ 25- PER DOZEN. E. FROST. -0- A discount of 10 per cent. AetfrA.IAT O~ IE ALE AND POIRI Aiso En stock, Gooderhà m's Best Rye, SEYEN YBAIS' OLD. Best Fresh GroceriesQof al kinds at Whitby, Juno 25th, 1879. I DMI-NIO-N- CDE~ The undersigne have just. received-, a large lot of Colored adBack -Silk. They are 'Sellinq BeautifýdfJolored $i7c8 for,55,cent8 a yard.. t2 Summer.Dress'Goods at a Greaât Reduction. «C MILLINERY Ail Classes of Sumnier Goods îVery Cheap. :oo: aiorngtoorer STliey have a Large Stock of Cheap Sugars and I2eas just to hand. WÃŽVRERÃ"OMS NE"x AýD PH-OToOGRKpTI-75GSTUJ Special inducements to heads ot fa- mà ilies, duùring the sumlüer montho. F ailes consisting of four *persaons, and upwards,- by ordrngoedoephts each, will'be presented wvith a bauifl, n e photos.gru Of the famle fùu size, for fra-ing.> Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suitthe timest, > CHILDREN A SPEOIALTY.ý Framingh1.11 al its branches, at prices. whi.ch- defy comIpetition. Agents for Canada Stained Glass'Works. Call and se Saniples. LYOI' 1BROS., WILKINSON'S BLOCK,' - I3BOC.ST., WflITBY. Sto ~PRIA CAN AGTITALI.Y BE MADE WITH THE C~Z5~40T WT1~~ WBLI AUGZR! THE.ý GIAY MEDICINE 00.1 Toronto, Ont.. Canada. 8ZR Sol4 ln mitby by- ail drgglat, snd lv ahi wholesialo anC reteel elrugast overy-wbera lu Canada sud the United staies. lOy-i these whloh- cusllttute Hoslth, IIlood, Muscle snd lNerve sud Drain Substance, whilOt LiUe itslf la drectty dlepondteut up- on sCçue'af thesl. Byiitaunilon fWtls ho-blood saC l it8 fft npoan-the muaclea .re-establishlu5 tho 0eue and (cula g the Oth'er, It la capable of offet. Inugthe lalowing reats It Will disphace or wash cnt tulbe-rclous mstter, sud Chas cure Caanmption. flBy ncreasiug Nervoos and Mascultr Vigor, it wlll curs Dyspepsie, iseble or iu- Corruptefi action ai thse Eart anC palpita- tions Weakuess of, Intellect cansod by grief, worry, aovertazý or Irregular habite, Bran. ohitia,'Acute or Clhronio Congestion. ai tIse Lnga0 even la the mont alarmingf etages. It cures Asîhuis, Laoa cf Volce, Neuralgie St. Vilus Dance, Epleptia Fîta, Whooping Caugh. Nervausuesan sd la e mient wandcr. fui adjunt ta other remides inu sosteli'ung FELLOWS', COMPOUND SYRUPý 0F, HYPOPHOSPHITES, sud we are maie la saylug, frosu a .lug cx- painue lu medeciue, is vîrtues are sui pJouemsed bay oher combfaetion ao thse C T 18 ACCEPTABLE te palato. slnd stomach. 5UFTICIEP.TLY POTENT tlu meure de. cidsd benefit, yet harmleas, howsoevor long its use may be cantinued. This character. latie ilapossesssdl by no other reuisdy.. IT ASSITS DIGESTION sud assimila. tlou. 1T VITALIZES THE BLOOD, snpply. ingsnchn*redeta as@mqybcorequired. IT GIVES POWER cf endurance sud of conrentration Ca (ho mmnd. IT PROMOTES VIGOR lun(]he organe whîoh Cepind7for heà itli ou Cho luvoluntary museuta action, viz. : thse »Liver, Lange, Hoart Stomach sud Genitala., Aud unloss affiicted wldth somle iliseaie lu. ,VGlVing-.tasoLUuv aÂsx us t ise tain the syetem un-il it noaches-thu agoe l- lotted» ~sma by à aboueficient Creator. NO PERSON will ha dioappalused i lgh effectof FELLOWS HYPOPJIOSPmITJS, wha rlgidly follow tise directions.> FELLOWSY llYPOPllU8PllITE INCEPý_nmoN. The experiments whleh preiecccd Chie prepuation accupied many montChe, ani insidione diseane, TUBERCULAR CONSUMPTI ON. audilu arder to snpjly (11e-deficiencicein Hypoo»phaetes alroady la, use; for, ai- chougçlh heir natare was correct as tthes- Choi proparatians w ere,-owiug te their perfect arganization, Iconi wauting lus praOtie. wvhile they cauaed (ho formation of fat, sud gserstd boat, (bey fliC ual leprovo tise bioo. lisbcule o ffet upon l,,, nerves sud muscles was cumasniîbcs aud owiugta (sir diutd stato, -avbivinig l r sestheywêrealso tea axpensivs. a iel dsidraw ooght by Mr. Pellows, were: A convenlent, palatablo remady; Unaiterablo by ime ; Itarugies, thongh usod coutinuoualyyt might be discootned ats uy-time without suy iII offet; '&bich would lad nos an appetito; Streagthen digestion-;- -Promote assimilation; Creae heaithy blood; Strengthon (ho norves sud muscles; Enabis Cho subjeot toasucetoiuly coin-,, bat dlaeass; Aud snificieutly economicai fur ahl. Al hi s lias been Sadisputabiy attaiied. Tise saceesa cf thse work la complpte ; ud Fellows, Hypophosphtes stands foreout amongat (ho remneden. for chroulo organie dliseo, poesslng praportiost whtoh lie other medimeas uéer splre(. -ABSTRACT EPPRCTS. Pellowa' IHyp oeo~sphîtes, en bo=îlu. u Croaueed ltohsomach,nites wl t Cu food, sud immelately entera (ho circula- Clan; sud, bigperieetly miscibles with thse blood, speiy parvades evory part of tha systesu. Its effeotam are trt declared by ap.el.osllhtly lacessed lan fullues austeun£b, Ãgeneral 'exaltation cf (ho laaloiuc u, sud exhilaratlon of the 'ueeta oru. Its speca-ilunuce la on tisebradu nervous substance, liîi. croaslug the activlty cf (ho absorbonta, anC renowlug the bîod, Chus cealuig the hea'!y muscalir formà tion g o osaary in restor- lug (hoiunctions ai the previoualy woaken- ed organs. - BdngLChon, a (cula for (ho nervaus sud sysul tory ytm, It follows Chat, whsti (bore la a deimand fcr extraordlusq 01xer- Clou, Stoe is lalavaueble, smo. Ils supplies tewiegylfouthe circulation, and sa- tan tegeetstom. Atunopeziof i feo la tehinl O> the inneoan he obrada moraO jafigO (han du% h Ã"iin-fIawyer?'- requîrea a store cf gra.n a"ge ar a chilci may shuk nudor (h . W stema necessty Itay oup*. ow," phcsýhltas;, St viii Dat dnot reaist. i --~- --- --- ---- -I~ H.JAMESON'S. poct it, and without your __________________________ Everybody served alike GREAT R E V OLt TION Imporishbbe Fragrance.eDRY GOODS.,TR.ADEa. MURRAY& LANN Celebratec Florida MAN'S fi The rîcheat, Most laallng, yet muet de- li.hoeo0ai aiperfumes . à ý»far use ou the itsndkercblor, at the Toilet sud lu the -Bath, deightful suad heathial lu tIhe sik sraom, relleves wsakuess, -fatigue, pras. tretion, nervousnubsa and headache. Lok out fur couaïterfelta, ahwaysa ak for thse Florida Water prepaed by the oolo ro. çritoru, Moeus, an. Ln & Kemp, iNew -le orsla by Perfumers, Drugglsts PERRY DAVS & SON & LAWRENCE, gil. Agenta, MONTREBAL. For sale le 'T, . 11 Whitlheld, Cheuilat, Whitl>y. BON ES WANTED (bcd vuges cen ho madsehy cohoting aud ohsppleg honîs ta na. Ilage loanod. Prompt renltteece.lFor f urtiser partioslero eddreas PETER IL. LADID & Co., TORONTO. July 24j' 1670. <1-28 Do you Want a HouseP (lu WOUh tu Cali sud examnliâîlt of G. Hlall, et Iliii offce, uver Ct. E. Jausse liture, DunCso$trect, or n eChi tosic Wilthy, Julh, '79. ti. ;nld .T. CLE ] The Great Blaod Purifiera AND> PILLB. Estabulsbed 1812. Guarauiteed Ca o a9-nlnfaile' cure for Nerofula lu litawsrst fore, otuUhoru, duecpsetsd Ulcers NYPlaliet, primaryn e. * ecdcy zn testiary ; 'Jumore, Toui ErUptilong, OId «oics, ltheumsas andC eU'dlecasecsor serce îraducod by hm! Is=ioo?~r humors, B3RISTOLS Sugar-Cacof PILLB, CUBE ALL LIVEIs COM'LAWTHf. tL'Por salo by ail Di'uggiosansd Dealers PERRY DAVIS & SON & LÂWRENCE, 21. Agcnts, MONTICiAL. ]For sale by T. 0. Whltflid, Chemiat, Wlithy. :It IN CHANCERY J<I'11SLAR1<1 l'S. KJÇU.IS'LI..îà 'U119UANT Ca Cthe Decreofr gsesmaids a.. lit luis cause, sud bearng date tise îtis s'laY uf Mercis, A. D. 1879, tilere willibcho ad wltl tise alrobetleu. of Henry lllrkett BoairdHIl, Esîsfr, Masâter ai hie Court et Woosltoci, bXL, Fairbanks, Auctieneer, at UAY"S lîOvZî, lu thse Town cf Whit. lty, st tise iour of 12 -o'clocs, nuon, on tise '25th Daty of JULY, 1879, tise followlag laîis anC promisen,,riz: AAnd a1iui lssnr, (liai certain percel or trast 01 land lyiag lu (ha Township of I'sic lsi tise Coîsiny ef Ontarioa and lltilug ceMuîosos of 1part ai Lot Na. 'fie l atCli Tird cou.oci hie sald Township sui iikirissg, crsmntiliiig twa-tlîlrCe cof an acre, ho tlîiisi sare c- orneg, sud oundeil OU lw eimtby lanîdlielonging Cu Joeph ilie. liter, adsois i ticed cnit thss North bly laissi, ssesv or iitoly ICIsulmung te Abrabam 'Ceslcy. (ihisesr"1t he iit aisI land e gocsd tlwr'Illlîîg isoisse, iviClî MIl tsencs'osary cees. TE iS.Oi4lldcaeh, payaleuon tise lisy t0f sale tîse balance lu thinty dsys fil tii 'tiser rei.e, t8,te terme aisl-coli. Illtlise ofsbaie wilie ile stssnsiig condli. Citliseotf tîssi (ourt ofch Cicery. luthilser p)antirsshars eau be lie1d fren Mteesco. lletchqr &l Finkle, Ilarrioters, &c., Weulstoes,, or A, G, MeM]lsan, Essî., Bar- dasti sî, î87tb. Ci wnyCs <gie> IL. B,.DEARD, 51n-27Mater et Woodeok, FA1RM FOR SALE. rrILT BCELENTFAItM iN TUE '*Vs)wnoi l'yCierîfcle DîîîC()b of Onaio tpwu(l y U'areu Back biiugLot 241, iz 1li0lithi Cuile oi Qft.-red fur bale, Tub issuem le Mituatud. tssi-ialf sasile front tise, Ses. * es-su eStatiesi esi tIJO ,M1)&L.W , esl e fglst îilîi roiii Vjr e L. 'nvly., erutery toeu eiut C62"t100lh, eisriss Ld listi 6. Tlierü sr1(0Acres, cf MIriiclis120 S sar suC aluai 1ltet-clRse tite ai cultlvatloîs, ieil ieuced sUC wtereti ; tIs alaance is goil serd. %'coofil ceb. <loîssi Prame Dwelling lhanse; BDem aud Stables. TERIMS, EASY. Tensders ara, sairiteil Por Partlcuhsrs, illiîly tCotise0uowner on tise Premiiers, or te tIse tsndursigned. ALEX. lILACEÇ, Jane 2ltlî, 1(79. Sociti P. O. A 00-1) ..Ç ow, 1-hii5l tiSiewing s 'Wfipaint/n gcrayon. I .W îî.1i~ Icîoîs us luet!sssv et lier Inr - Ial,îj, 'l :r's W îtiy 4'rtiscu. * lits Cus h. lied frein isRo 181 ntyre 1 Tremendous . eduction and Clearing Sale' of Summer Goods. WE ARE BO UND TO SELL OCTý Out -Stock of Summier Goods, and wil givo thé publii benefit. Millinory et Co cents, on thse dollar. Parasols at 75 cents. on thse dollar. Dres Goods at alnaost any prico. J3Iaok Lustras et 12jote. a ohoico stock. ]laek Oalmores et f50 cents, ail wool. dôlorad Cashmeres nt 25 cents. lothin.-A good Tweed Suit, woil mado and trimoed for $9 50, ýGood Diagonîs I Daclé Suit beautiful finish, for $14 00. O. F. STEWART, ,-The Fasîsionabla" Dry Goode, ana ciothiug Hoi [c ose Nillinery, / a r 1. Cy J 8 E'OWEJLL I. GRAND CLEARE-ING SALE1 -OF-- BOOTS AND SHIOES -MA TTHE W Is now prcpared to soll ail hie' Stock of New- ]Boots aund Shoos, AT AND UNDE1R COST, at Auction Pricos, as he 15 -compeiled to mako arrangements for a now store. fl - Everything in the Boot and Shoe lino in Stock wil] positively be cleared off at a sacrifice. is bease being cancelled, lie wil for a few weks work Off hie immense stockc. Tise greateet bargains ovor givon in tha Town of 'Wiitby miay bo oxpected. No trouble to show poids. COME ONE, COME ALL 1 DEVERELL'S IBLOCK, THE SINGER SE W/NOMA CIII 5u-y the Beet, Buy no- othor. BUY NONE BUT THE Genuine Singer Sewing Ma- REUCDchine,.- REDCD IN PRICE. T1HE BEST MACEINE IN TEE WORLD. Su aay Tisree Hunared Tisousand peuple visa bought Singer Machines lu 1878. Over two million -Singer Machines lu use et proasuit. S1sienCiC and inîl set of Attacisuents ivenuwlthecach machine, sud parties fully instructed In tho ue ofotheu. . THE BUST, THE CHEAPEST. Sold only by theooCmpsuy's Agent, L. FAIRBANKS, Office, opposite CueOnas<cz, Office. Whltby, Jane 25,1'79.- .26 Valtiable Farn for Sale. ARe. TLOT 8, IN à tis CO14 10 ECIRINO. 15 acosmciesred- remnaluder wslh timbered (mostiy beecis au sueple). Tisinl a very desirable property 'for tise wood aous Sn very valuable aui wiil ueariy psy tise urohaso money, ii tho situation aiftise ?ai Os a suffloient puar entes for tise land- Terme liberel Ca rollepTies A. AMPST P. O. Box 202, ihStb3 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRYi GLASGOW. Allan Line 0F ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Sumimer Service via Quebec Sisorteat Son PaaeoEconomy, cund Comfoct. E very Saturday from Qucisce, an arrivai aiflise train leavlngWhitby Mt 8.10 a. mu. evsry Fniday. TîiîHouusshDATEsS MiON WMfTUY. (Jabla lares 881 anC $91, ste., accord. Iug te position ai atatorooa. ,Loirer rats fer retua tickets. Intermecliate, 046. 5le aget lowest rats. PeraOsu July 12Cb, 1870. Pehlyneslan ... 0lDtbil Sereossilfi 211h, Circesisu .A g. 2oC, Sardinisu..... . Oui, Steerage passangeos are forwardotaLon- iaudgrry Bsfals., Glsgowr, Questoiru, Bristol,' . ardiff, sud Londanst aIme rate Pate rxigta sendl fer Choir frienda can ebtalu tickets et loir rates. Tise fies passage from, iand te land uver. age about szer as air, tira afwhlch are leünt iii the smçoti waters ai the -.St, Law-. curce.> TiaSteeeoiipe cf tîsoAllen Lino came. direcit tatisa Grasîi Trnnuk llailway wharves. t* Point Le-vi, (Sousth Qusisce) and Special -saisiesae clispetulhed wlthi the passoriers humeletcely on arrivai. Dy Chi.4 er.ange- ment, passaugers avoidideliay sudexpense. -Circulta girls g &ai lformtoss, msull frce. tFor tickets aZ'C brtser informatilon apîîly GRO.DB. ULE. Exp. sud Tel. Offie, hILtbY, Msy 015, 1879. n a (i 'h BROOK-ST., WIIITBI 'y. -WTLL CURE- S-CR-OFU LA, Scerofulous HRumor. VIIOLTINE will eradicate fram the systein ovexy tint af serofula anai Sorafuhous Ru- mer. tt ham ermsnently cured thousanda in Boston sud vlialnty who had been long and painful sufferres. Cancer, Cancerouis Humor. The marvelans effeet ai VurEGETEuinCase cf Cancer sud Caucerous HIumer challenges the inost profauud attention cf the medical faculty. lnany af whom are preaeribing VE. OSTISE tathele patients. Canker. VEUF.TINE lias neyer failed ta cure the most inflexible case ci Canker. DIerourial Diseaises. The «VEGETINEC meets with wondoe mUe- ces& lu the cure af this clas af diaies. Salt Rheum. .Tetter, Salt- Rhseum, Scald Ilead, &c., wthl certaluly yil et the great alternati-ve Erysipelas. VEUEruse bas neyer faled te cure the =eost luveterete case ai Erysipeles. Pimples and Humors on the Face. Beesan ehaulfi tcach us that a blatchy, rough,.or pheuplefi akin depends entirely op. un au interna cause# aud ne eutward ap- plication cen ever cure the defeat. Vgux. TIs, la the greet bloafi purifier. Arecssnused'bysu Sm pucrestste ai tise I loCd. Clease tise bioC Ciorangily wiCh VEozrN4z. sud(bos e omplaluta wSll dlsp- pear. Catarrh. l'or tbis campîsint tise oùly substeuthai. benefit esu le abtainued orougi tise bloofi. VEcsrETIEiste s great bloofi purifier. Constipation. Vauxîsas doos nul ot s a cathertie Ca debllllste tise bawels, but cloanses ail the ar5sgan, enalhig escis Ca perfarm tise fane. tions devohviug upon Chezu, Piles. VEyzTîsE bas restorefi thaussufis to healhswh'o lave heen long sud paini ni sut- forera. Dyspepsia. I VEacETIE lm aleen regnlarly, SOrdii5z ta directions, a certain sud speedy cu=0ii falloir its use. Faintneiss at the Stomnaoh. VaErvscssis uetal s Clmulatlug bittera whlcis eroates a lctitlous appotite, but e gche CO oic, iwhicis assists nature Ca restare tea elattiy action. ]Female Weaknesis.- VEQETIEZ asesdlrectly apon thoe ies serlr r ansd allersluam a Uieneral Debifity. lu hie campisint thae ocaeffocie ai (ho VLûarsicit arc roalicef inmeduîtsy sitar eommeulang &0 talie it'; as ds'bility denotes ds(icieiuthY af thse llod, sud VIXOETIU sets dlroctiy upon tise bload. VEGETINE IropsrodC l'y Hl. Ils. STEVENS, Boston, rMass. V0Ogtine isSotd by ail -DrUgglistse Sai8EMI-ANNUAL S T A TE M E N T -F TE- TRAVE LE RS. ASSETS. Resi estate -$517,204-87 cash on haud and lu Lauk, 127,904,69 Loans op bond sud mortgage an rosi estate » 2,250,108.18 Interest ou boans, accrued but Dot due, - . . 5 8,178.98 Loansonoucollaterai seurity, 22.100.00 Deferred its premiause, . 51,272.02 Preuiluma due anduursported ou Lufe Polieiea, - - . ,re,ic1 'United States Goverumneut bunds'488,420.00 tteadmunicipal bauds, 259,078.50 Raiiroad stoceks sud bouds, 820,888.00 Bank sud Inaurence stocks, 600,04.00 Total Asaetm, . $4,595,445.31 LIABILITIES. Reserve, four par cent., Life Department, . . f2,972,511.69 Remerve, for re-ilurauco, Ac- cident Departmsut - 21868 Claima unadjuated anâ xat 21868 due, sud ail othor iabili. tisa, . 1. 144,600.00 Total Liabilities, 8 3,338,337.93 Sa lusasaregarde Poiicy. a olers, .- - *1,257,107.38 statisSice fror the Year 1878. LIFE nEPART1IENT. Namber of 1 efe Polices writ. Cen Iu 1878, . - . 1,080 Whoto nmber Lie Pliys" written ta date .- . 30,297 Whale number ai Lufe Polil. cias lu farce - I1i11 ZO7 Amount Lufe fnsur;ncs in farce, - - - *Ià ,307,5ro.(oe Tatal Claimes paifi lu Lif6 Department, . 0192719137.80 ACCIENT vDEI'A1TMENT. liumber ai Accident PolioSes written in 1878 - - 43,118 Caoh Premiums recaived for came L s. . *75,592.sî Gain lu Premlums over 1877, 056.587.00 Whole number Acident poil. clos written, 517,085 NumberAccideu't C;algs paifi lu 1878, ' ..4,760 Amunt Accident claims peld in 1878, .- 0284,343.23 Whoie number Accident Cleinus paid a 33,049 WhhO e fMunt accident Claimo pelfi, .03,041,981.94 Total Looses paid, bath De- partments. $4.313,080.80 JAS. G. DATTERSON, Presadene. G. P. DAVIS, Vice.Prealdeut. RODNEY DEliNIS Seeretary JOHN E. MOfiRIS, Assistant Secr'y. - GEORGE ELLIS, Aetuary. EnwÂABDV. PaESTaac 8u't ai encos«. J. Il ]DAVIS, m. W , Ifdicailalur J.:lB. Lawis,., Surgeonuand Adju6tor.g C. l". RUSSE LL, Agent, Prov. Ont. Office, 88 Adilaede, Est, Toronta. C. NOVUSE, Agent, . .Whhtby. WHEY SMOKE i lbu Eau The 'hON DR I v A camman tobeoco WRiEN for thie same prie icao gel the MyrtIe Navy? BER -NGILT4 LETTEbS, iEA.CH PLUG. ýW STORE!1 NEW GOODS I NEW PRICES 1 underîOgnea lma opened ont in tise TARIO B-LOOK, ROCK< STREET, WHITBY, A NEW AN4D SBLECT evMopo IY -GOODS & GROCERIES, s ho vill eell At ?rism as low as As ne Books wmll ho kepi no beci debts wMi ho luceurrefi sud custamera vilInot havo Ca py othr peope's dbta AT, EA.STMAN'S. A oaUin lrespectfuly salieefi. I la no trouble Ce, show goadi. If you want suy.- tilg yen dCanot mee, ak fer le. 'W.lgCby, Juat Ord, 1878. Kn-25 & co~ BURNS, Will seli seil for 30 days AT CO-ST!, Womens' Prunolla Boots and Shoos, Womens' Kid Boots and Shoos, Misses' Pebble;,Boots and Shoos, w M. A New and well Sclected Stock. Cail and examine. member the -whole is cS'ered at cost. FOR --SALE. New Lumber waggon, with box, Whif- trees and neckyoke, cheap ; Large Mare 5 .yéars oid, ouly $100 ; Three Buggies, now. Termes on above to suit pur- chasers. qROQUET, Afew imported sets, CIIEAF. Cradles, ScYthes, Snaiths, Forks, Bakes, &o. DON'T RLJN1 Our Buy tho best and buy no. other, And only buy from Hateli & Brother. HEATOH I& 11110. Importero Hardware. Wiitby, Juna lOtis, 1870. 25 BOTTOM PRIQES 1 For ail kinds of Foot Wear. Cheap at DONT FIRET TrHAT S Is selling the Best and Cheapest *0 q- Me h o flJE Ladie8&' Be8t Button Boot8 and ,Shoes. TUE BEST MENS' WEA1b iOU EVER SAW. Watson's Blocks, Brook Stroot,.Wisitby. J5 H Y S 0O-ME AND SEPE US 1, AND BUY CHfljAP CONFECTIONERY, of ail Kinds, Having bought the business of Mr. J.-G. MoDougall, Brook Stroet, Whitby, is now propared to supply evorytising in tise Uno of Con- foctions, attise very Lowost prices. Ho koepp on hand, the best Stock, made of suporior material, and doties competition, Ho will -always bc proparod.to snpply Suppor and .Wodding partioo, et tise very lowost rates. CAKES & BEEAD, will bc. suppiedi assiseretofors. A eall and trial ho feola 'satisfied, v Pmlg iniir a paying trae, andaut tho samo tino. viii Pay bis enstemere. PIPES, CIGARS and TOBACCOS, oft hoe/bout brande, oheap. FRUIT, ail kinda, and soasonable, kept on isand, and wil bo sold et astoundiug,'l Low pria.. Theo Daily aud Weekly papors-ý reeoivo&,daily. Stationery and Sohool Bocks, cf asi kinda, vili b. sold Ton oes u, tiss'a et any otlier store. 'C> ThseStore is inlmmoiaely.opposite Groue&Graingos-Hardware slore, aud oee for nomo f GolChmtwo: Hall. W+~ TheHighest Cash Piuce paid foz EGGS. A4. 7ý YARWOOD. Whitby, Juue lOtis, 167-. -84 WBEIMN IT, and are prpared t e o~rt h at 93rOUR, AUGERS are operated entirely by HORSE POWER, sud CUARANTEED to bore attise rate of 10OIo 15 FEET PER HOUR. Tle oro 3 Io 6 Feot inl fiafflor, and NY flEPTH Requird! They are WARRANTED TO BORE SUCCESSFULLY IN ALL KINDS 0F EARTH', SOFT SAND) aîd LIMESTONE; BITUMI. NOUS STONE COAL, SLATE, and -HARDPAN, and make the BEST 0F WELLS in QUICKSAND, GRAVEL, and CAVY EARTHS. They areMEaully Operà tesi, Simple Iu Coastrnueton. isu.5 Durable 1 The Cheapeut nudntS usaPraectessîi is <he WoirbsI gMM MANUFACTURED AT OUR OWN WORKS, frnm tIse Very test cf Maeaial, isy Skilied and Practicat Vorkmcu., GOO» ACTIV AGENTS Wautcd in Evcry Côsnt in the Unitedi States sud Csaada, ta whom we affer liseraI inducemens. Sona for aur Illnstraled Catalogue, Prices, Terme, &c., proving ont advrnisement ilena jfide. GREES AT WETERN WEL AUGR WORMI J-OHN SAUNDEWS. RAS JUSTR1EOEIVED AT RIS BOOT. AND 8110E STORE. LADIES' AND MISSES' SLIPPERS JOHN SAUNDERS, Farms for Salear o en. om~ TVIO UNDEBSIGNED, OPPERS FOk OHNEDAOlS EN o ,o in the ëêh concession of Pickering,"con-._Tcmposed cf 100 acres, t.he north.half 'is*d tainn 86acre. ,ThoEoraety 's wlthm ,of Lot 1No. 85;in -theoOrd concession of lord (c 0n" and-à -a.hsMmlcs a0thogrowing vilbIeq Wlritby, and 100 acres, north-ha.f of lot bas'prc of Clareont. > There isana excellent'atone one, iii the Srd conccsian cf Pickering, ad-. mon ln hanse, aud splendid outbuildjngs on thM joinlng. About 100 acores cloaxed. Snb- recomi promises ; lso, a fine young Orchard. The ztantiid dwelling, cuthuings b-rna'un- P place la well watercdl. There arc about 5 derpaunficellar. Gpod archard, sud ling " aicres, ci excelent C e r on the lot'. strfflm of aitwter throue teJi lanfi. Posges.. <A lse, h e w sll i L ot No . 1, i nl th e O th alois cf th e P iclcorin g 100 acres o n firat O r ý con. f UxkLdgo coun in g 50 Acres., O ctbor uext, aund f theo W hitby 100 acres The ob 2~ acres cf this lot, #01l on Izt Aril, 188. Touant wvll haveo pnvi. WIdoded with becch and maplo. igoflgeu 5 3uasoapof For taztbex particulars, apply ta the o o e. nhig a.. 4..rp ff L S. i ' Dress-making -4 à Gouoral OA L'JaD B3LOW & SHOES. Ji 1 1 1 j 1 'l 1 1 - 1 i 1- -- 1 -, 1 1 1 1 il pfflce. AT Tailor'lný to order. 1 c9r 00. HarifOrd, Conn., January 11879. Re- COLLINS pure 1 liý DON'T FORGET THAT ltv. ANOTHER LARGE -ASSORTMENT OF milton, May 21,'79. 8m-22 1 W CHEAPER THAN EVEIZ. Wliitby, June 10th, 1871,). 1 WýAREýROOMS' 1