Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jul 1879, p. 3

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1returngoff ýel JloIaro! oeg, puroChe the SdYllwa theuxJuSe tmont),Of Mo-T4~ .. Juy,1879. jMO4N' ALE ANDP' $t 50 DOZi1 4ll'~»asur]ei Pain, flgqre I 'MES 11*"DEIN, H1 E #91 TO liENT. - )F? 100 ACRES, DRING No, 4, luth li oitA eep , lvs »il(5s trous tise love ra geodsâtstu et cultive- 1, ed bisalllignSssd Iise t l leait1ponnesmleu lillue woue. TIMIOTIIY O'LEAUY, Utica, 1P. 0. .ONTARIO IÇAY. CO, MAIL LINE. l, X(ligoton, set oltosl, Dàu.v.. S. S tý-Jobue, N. ib., in the Maritime P,'i" )f St. Lawrece, -wltlý' id pictiiresqti s oenery. s-uNas Tickets, enadlug routa, or Hamilton 10 Canal, Cornwall, V/i-. da, Preecott, Breok. ,Kiugstou, obourg, il pints lu tho Mar- furtiior informiation, -STEPIEIENSON, lsqraplh Ce. & Goeral tisy. - ýAL, COA LI eh te -pusclisse thels- k of Goal, eau îlo fo ibs prices, A lub, or 100 tous or more, è speial'iew rate, for resunt seith, Choie. Digliug, sitlîer et Iunr- e. tisebh isrituallty aed ut aIliasbols-,ivliser. JOUN IlLw < Notice, IEITY GIVEN TUÂAT ,f etorge lBro-wn, laie cf M'-i hol tIse Cun -thn day et Jusie, A. D. ae tia, lIirty,-Ilrst dej end' 1isy pelaI, pse-pali os- h Dui l 1Eieu, c", its- tu L' 1. - Dow, h3.ieeleiitl'y, thels- il sruameso, iRIsese ie fuit p articulas-s cf sent(i nttber accoasuts i sectsity (if aîiy) lieîd su snd after tie maid t lltet, theiso Exuuturs l8titliito theafc ts of et tRie Irtie ChtltRstl -i enlly ta il c lalîumot JIasv lîsen celved itîcviitorm ill not lie se) ditnlistcdt, or enly lessn vise.clamsao s-se 'ived ity tlaenhat strilsulliseofthtie ecid ereof, un ii, ecauee may - pu-4sîot t l 'loCbpier tutes e ofztaie. ils l711u JuRy, 1879. I" } siecloS, fes- lizcutury. 21ss-40 ILOR CQWi 'lidaiIlesysv &wlssg Crayo, 1< efa of t~ ~A gent f r7--RL N G jAL-rùI f < Ii 4i 1 t ~ i i 8 l~ 8 l z dur, I g < i y I, ~ e ~ t E~ A i c u z e f 0 ~ p e r c e n t . - 0 0 0 - a o *lFbw d d lli n k ý? 6OS . ' - $ PL& X E O R T.W n by eW ,h!8 9 Xy Q Pdk0 9~ u , 1~ t o g lo k r ok 8 r E. F-ROST. D 5 1~ k W e don t Wait f ort e s î oin ,st oc , oo e ha 's fest R e ~ L~3 ~ K~~? OOUAH 1 tomer te ask for this redue- 'CI YASOL.s ~ : : t tion, but th e ,dieount is takn flth- mon-of te Best Fregh G roCeries of ail kîùds* at - - o ~ - .A i R M ) P '~ büll, whether or neo u cx- peti. n you JAMESONe8.Theulidërsigjled, h1avejs eýieIa~ elto ooedSeilidcnet ohas a deznanding~~~~an ï ft."f upe rs ncd p adburern u o e h ts --IN____ of the, faniy ie o iaîg Iperishablerarane. D R Y G O O D S0 T I A D EW.résuit the times.Ï" Ce1eba±e~ i'e m e dous i,ýReduction and C lear in i la s s o u m e o d .F1n d 4i a îi s br n h s t li e Florid a S ale f ~ m m e r " O O u ~M il hi n e r y , . Lr e s s - mn a k in g , ý& ± a uÏ o r i n g Lo ur ue r . A etSo a a a S a n d l s o k . C i n e Ia chst , Dot , *....de WE Z 0 BUND TO SELL 0aUT! f ampBRes, "1;lIneeOur Stek of Sumer G'ods, and willgive tho public a They have t, lagestockofGep ugradWLKNO'BLK, IImtdkrch~ tthTà-ilet'auc in th, and ho Ac Milhe.y et 60cents- 'n -hedollar. T a q tt a d on t leute itpep -a1i YA esk for the u Lu en s ntesdou r e ho thesole pro. I Goo00ds ut einxost aypîe P-r salE J LLPCANlaA CTUALustreflt 1M ADE WaITHicTf-p 's d ? :O r u r S D u g i o sB l a c k C a s l i m e r e s a t 5 o c e n t s , u w o o l . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Cý' ~~q PE A gentAs ON L REC , GI t higL . good T w eed Suit, w o ll m ade and trim m d for $ 0 O ~- - - ~- ~'2 . A e n t , M N T R A L .G o o d D ia g o n a l B la c k S u it b a u tif u l f in is h , f o r $ 1 4 o o . I B7 N . T N j RN, ' - ' U I ~ . 1 BON ES WANTED I O. F. STEIWART, aoth.SM-ANNUAL A TITAPtf (od wagcs ean bcemade b oleýg-h Und l.bby eolig bcts t'O Uh. Easionablo" Dry Good , and CO thing 'fouse. S T A T E M E N TBROOK STREET, V J J. J J lago lo anied s Prompt reittanlce. îeor -0 T E- N TW T OF THE-Will seli seil for 30 dyýA ftirparttculars adàoss C L A N GE.I- PTRI.LMBGRAND CLEARINrSALEIRA VEL ER S.Wome'rrunella Boots and Sihoes - PET R . AMJ& c. (- A X1T8S AE9, RW omens' IKid Boots ~~Vg OtaRaTe.OF- Hartford, Conn., January 1 1879. and hoes July nd, 879. 8-28Misses' Fbble Eots and Shoen ~ -_ B O O T S .ant a HSIEeReal estae, $617,204.87Mi es d B ot an Ste . DoB O O T S AaN Dse Cash on hand andin t enk, 127,904,69 M se Anlyone wenting -teROEent';or rootssed -a cmortalîle residenco mi Y, ould oo:---..... ntrei o eta re d 2,t56,19i (10 well to cal' sud examine Met ef G. T..1 ANe an Loansi clce oer'. . oaeznsnde - 55,îs.08 inember the whole je ofl'ered ât «st oecuity, 22,100.00 Hall at is efloe 'o-er R H. emee n'sD eferrea Liie p e -s 51,272.62- -_ _ _ _ _ _ Office. ~A T HEW C TL NS Preminmde and nep rd________________________________ Whitby, July Oth, *'79. tf-CeUnte taesGvenmn on Lite Policies, W 5,760,12 The êreaRt Blod P'tirifes o rprd ail al bis Stock of New Boots and bonds, -.483,420,00 Is s F OaEd MunA .ipal bondsndF Shoes, AT AND UNDER COST, at Auction e2a afraa bns 59,0850 __ _ c ha je eapolled to mako arrangemnts fotI l n stre Bank snd Insurance stocks, 59040 Cý Everything in the Boot and Shoo ioie tc Total Aseeis, - 40545N ew Lumber waggon, with box, hf liei tc ilLUtIILITIES. -910nr,,bflJi '-SarsaParilla1 positively be cearod off at a sacrifice. Rsandle pe en. Lf $0; hckeug, ew.Trnsonaoy;d tf ur A4ND PILLS. Ris lbase being cancelledlho will for a fow weeks work off Resor10, fore.InBurgics,Âc. cha ersmeI O rateed lie a n ofalilîb cure fr W litby nay b expecte . No trouble to show goods. am duse d ailtherJuti j olin luits worgt or~ su blou TTtie 4,5<0 COU&r, and lexâ-t s.ary ;O E, C ME A L ics IcTuonif 4J, l col lL2J .9-Total LiabIlieies, .O RO,3QLiETo i lond or bulpOI or». , l heu al tm a aIrsurpus as regarda Pelicy. e -m otc es lE P nîxd aIl diee8scs o sorts l4roduced byholders, - va ul730 er BRISTOL'S 3Ugnr.Coated PILL5, DEVERELL'8 BLOCK, . DRTB. s EP20M- OUIII, LL IVEi CMPUIÇTS OO -ST, WIIT3Y. Statics for the Year 1878. L'Ter by ali Drugglgs and Dealers _________________________________ tnud7 Number ci flis poflces writt-T AetM N R L.Whole number Lite 1,050y Cradlles, Scythes, Snaiths,-Forks, R ues, &. he p t 29- A ents MONT EAL.number et Lite Poli- -PERR- SAVIS A80M AA LAWREEE,-WM11 SI GERI?- . isn foîe . . 1107 AT R & B .t . R E A T TA ! E W N O M C IN .I 1, U Amout éi nsuraunde in e7 D O N T IR IJ u u e P r s thDo L TWIIIY ino NS CR O FUL A, Tot,,m.,;Psl, in Life'0 Green fixes theni 50 they eant n ToWEd HeLd AT W5rdUT I , 'o9.Buy teBest, ]3uy ne other. Serofulous IHumor, Departîment, >- - *lZ71,187.8gcul..' 2rJuy, '79 NONE BUT THE VEOETINE will eradicate from the gystem A&COIDENT DEPAETMENT. Buy the best and buy neoOther Tho dncsdayffg p every t aint f S erofula and S refuleusEu. Number cf Accident PoliciesE M A Zfldêe~ eao odm ntaoteio nùii cuptti IoIgIrlzes iwB bc Offoreid for Genuine Singer Bowing Xa- mr thssraetycrdtesed wrtten in 1878 . . 43,118 And only buy fromfliatel i Bother. lac. Sugle eul! Rcu-Ditauce milinwtthstonn.andputlsierers. -ho had besu long Cash Ps-enclume received for turn, ln Lahtreak, inriggedd sa chine.sBiome - - *75 S2 î 4,ýlait onniil) 1 Wjitb Harour;TIM EST Cancer, Cancorous Humnor, Whole number Acient Poli. TA T C H I & B R O . ef' O U R A U G E R S areqo pin teClestfrclyeb y on 211A t. kue ortin o lur i l et 15j , an M AED C H E IN P Ie TH E E OR D EST Ca c ran one o su ie s A ccident, - - P id 517,985 W l îtby, .une it , 1879. r p te s H dw e U R N E tanc-on 'uloetu sCauser suded ho Canc es- Hmr challenges - w 1 t 'Id . r , AI t nr i yD, A13 ; u , , a r le. S u y b r eet H nn1 r e d T oue n e p l e t h e M o s t p r o f o u n d t t ç n t i n u n c ft h e m e d i c a l f112l ll 1 t li, a l4, 7 0 0N If t inri a brizi, d, a $1- o w ho ii Snr M chins. l 187.Over fallty, aeinsc in A m dcaim pad 470 iJl t6îtb g ubgiut t t racbe, si;te ro. ---I Pl-illm. % Br itrXI cunts, e ls-t rae, 1 ceaccntsAreaid.ent_ r ocitte, Sîlendild and full set et Attacliments Canker. Whle numbeA ccien Ut rbfr Mna,2e Iaflufe intueo tsacbms N a nvr ald ocrete Whes amont accident I ,Iiyaei llâeTt14OE parties n.Ah.*MtinéibOe cake r. To laimsLO.pai~d, b £h3D.041.S 0F01%1-0&Vi S NI an1L ME1 -; BITMnve a lrt ose «i 814 Ust Soi t] 'Y 'tg len -01 19 lez ber ide RC Ir th Sf PC mi, ON ào1 D, ,h xir se bla *1 At la StL 4 as. -IT hs ss2posed etof lgredisuts indentca iLb et Lifu Iteit !s duectiy depen<Uenn ul,-- nme et lhsmn. ,ils union. vithlie blcoud 4ats s fct suhe g th oier ite sta]hiugtho (ue ni iae or taisis tapab~le fculonis s-, sudtuensCnuspeh a srss~Nrouf' asa Mulicuui tdation of e ù' wdaitù:- ~eauofetIntellect causeil by grieýf, it evertax O- irregniar habits, Bren-. lAcute or ChrenjoCcongestion Of tise i veni lhsMost alarming stages. ursAsts-mL,J -Sîo~eNls-ih Eus Riange, y, - W0tcç,pig àNeti uda anct vnd4- net teo - Zisdsl aitnu !ng tseproces etDipîbsatla. ueneosinlo f ge)d effscta is 1uined - LOWS- COMPOUIND -SYRUPI DF HiypopHO§PHîTES Ce u medèe 'n4s; îtÙ jsieà a,,« ne cdl by any othe,- canbfizii, asý thé, à. alae and s-ICIENTLY POTENT ta iluesde- leuefit yst hessiýea,, -lovsosvsr long ay bce toetlnied. Tii ciicater. dOsgessed by ne eths- -suady. B-ITS DIGESTION sud aesilmil4 ETALIzES TSF, DLOOD1 supply. InJ sedients au Iny bu required. 78 OILE8TONE te ire cs. rVEB POWER ot endurance sud cf- ration tetse mimd. -OMOTES VIGOR i luthe ogarng apeuilfo tes-hlth ou tIse hsc-olunts-y S action, vs. the Live-rnss omnacis sud Geultels. aIe affifcted vits some discae lu- SOLOTE esucesozeLo5is t *ill us- system Untl if I sChes thes ageai- mu5an ) n fiet Cxeat.s-. PRLL O Uï)IHlTFS lyfeioal th dis- cfu s WSHiYPOPHOSPHITES INCýEPTIONq. xperimauts vheh pretscied tisis ,noocuied snsny menthe, sud 'ttedvstha viev et cna-ieg uat CULAR cONSUMPTION. 1er te supply the dsficianceeails sphitai alrsady lu use; to, ai- sIec nature vas correct as teo ie- 'PrePa-atjeus versowing te ilseir ocgsnlzatlon,*toussi wantisg lu teY caased lise tormation etfaflt at;ed beat, lisey adidinot impuite I-" The tone ffeet "pn ile d muscles vasulcumigclmsu'd tssir dllutud state luiltsssg si they veresoeoe xpansive. idems-a egbt; by Mr-. Feilo-w , aient palatable remedy; eohng sed contlnunuey yet isotnue at: sny lime vitLsoui Fould indues su appetite;- lu digestion;j assimilation; allthy biood ; Leathe nus-ses sud muscles; se subjeet te sueccesf ur. m dsuetly scenomica for ail. ~ las Iscesix im all aie-d. et ofthe. vok-kàCOM!plate;- sud Vypophi;pllteî stands toremeet i remudai«sftacchreule os-gssle ,ssigprerties te vhich ise ueheeverspi-sil STRACT EFFECTS. 0o ate, on heinlu t 0a , nlles *gt h. unu.ditely.. ents-stseCcula.- beidyereUly mscible vits PO*P ft oe ves-y Pa-t f île afcte are fis-st decls-ed îlightiy increeoin lfullui b, s geuereexeiation CithL. tiens sue-exhllaration of the ,ove-s. ,Ils epecide inlunc duadnrossubstance, itn- ctivlty ef tse absorbents, sud lbloode lthug causng tise seavy nmation seno csu inylurester, 'fue ofthie p=yvlo ely akon. e tenue ftesétcsnervens sud etuIt foilovsa ta, vhau Msud' for sxtraordlncry exe-- t inveluabe, mince it supplias the eh Uin n suss- Xi iet id e atlaful Ca-eove- etO tise b-snMmore requlsite M et iof oUS nos-vous force, y'sinkat lner nsmental teiL ily y uco;p$ thse tudamst Mvs- leond tise dlctates Pl en llowu Hypo. - us alae t t Ie b o ie s bu t l a ses a i th s H a m ilton, M ay 21, '79, 3 M -22 ' 't n t a b T±RS.-iui-tblrd cash, payable on the Shoricat Sea Pabsage, EcOonmy, and organs eu ebh hte paer= helun.iNO'T'IEr LAREASR N Fitlete uley of ale ; thse balance in tlirty daysConr frnuisale witout nturet, C mfor. tins &Vlvir eeulngo. - - ilitions cf iilo will bu the standing couiii. SauraY frorn QuebePlsN W T R linîlti ofthtIe Court ut CI!ancery. on arrivai ititthe train leaving Wlitby VaîEîTxss ha. restored thcueeude te A D B Y C E PL lerhr atcuasca uha rnt lt8.0a M vryPisy eilhWobave beau long ana pailulf. NEW GOODS 1 U HA W oudg t o ok, or A. ( i. eMil n -thra r aia rste1 s d 9 ,sto acrd- If D y s p e p ,ja EI I I UciIeI J 4 e td a t of u'iîokibstwfly thl rae cretucuixticets. Isitermediate, #54e8rte directions, a cerana seey ore TheuiOsge a p doti h ay tJe 1879. t tloweet rates. fellow ils nie. P audriudbuoee u uts igned> 1-H . .EARD, euvian.Ju ly 12th, 1879. FVaintnss at thc Stomach. ONTARI O B L O O K, A . F . Y A V O OI ,reu-s 41-7Mastter at Woodotack. -POyns à$n" 1th f B 0 4 - --- - -- - Sama"tîls.'......208 h, î VEGETINE le net A stlMUlating bitte. BOI<SyE, HTY Circaslan.A u . 2nd, whleh croaaes a fictitione appetits, but aHRC TREWIB, 1aving bought the -buainess oi Mr. J. G. Mouogail Brock W"CEPRTA EV ., rcIsu F A R M F O R S A L E Sarinlan-----------. geutle tanic, which assiosenature te restes-ra w N EE T T C F Street> Whitby, is now preparedtc supply everything ii n~ e n fC n gasare tcrwacded te Lau eahatyaton. feotions, at the veryLowost price, Re keepe on band l*. boat Stok, QS suhse - - ~doulder, fit, asgow , uaenslavn, Fem ale W eakn eusi. Y G O O S &made of supero aeii d d fe o m eiin l ila w y . W ib , J i0l t, 1 7,A e t 0 u~ v Bristl, C rdif, an Lond n er or M teri l, ate etraluM hieîon ';wedly FIlMot UE e t Liverpoo1. at S5 ame rats VzEGET,4U at direty 4ipu cnas the 'O-&î t supD RSYqpes an We&i»'pariesiaItis erJlo estrats. tks!W1 T £ewn e b ut b ong L t as-4 , 7 bantck t tlw r tes, r e n o t e. wh îstn tzsgcates u d O C E J E opa KEr R A 1 w l ' î~ p d a e e e o --F rm s fo r S a e a to R r t isTista-m Is tsapasag tem land £ver- tise cetive o 3e i ad aays ianlusLa. G Rys ow A i a nd #W if h. ollstomur s ainOFFRES FOB c]0îflfllSIandas oleliI ietantheseuSs- age about îEVEN PAYs tw<,Ofet ien.Wlich ho Winll 11 toei e aI puc es «M. ânie Mpaby hm etJtteEsîNEza trive Mtinl1-itthei WPo ,Uss-,p uvtch aic is 'us ae araiiT L.lj o 7M4lf ot 1 ars Ri osti-iit cftOS Ii orie ttlnnutseW P . & L. It'y., spont lu thse smçith walere c eSt. Lw. 44eaal& ..'luuy. possible forPS TA g.d-eOBOp, eieeseb csa. la i.êtM oucellelnF Pics-mgenTW c-NozI rilaIntfrlIse Pet use conOniN rncY..PRI, kiGAf nd seasonal, kpon hand, an wiliab,- o inaf thes su-a.nceseiLton ofl te f are turetIllzed CA Il cluo ad mile.l'lae Thhero te ps o theAllatlLnntcntetoIns à thy, sudte f1n0 eqer 01 he ieap.1 Wdiàgps liras Th uru 162 Aire of wii-,120 Io citaas-sd le dis-et te tIse Grand Trunk Itailway vbarven 1 ccmmEInclng - sud ep did eutbulCldlng'sN on tUITRio Joluslndng.Abeuti 1 ket onf PIlInaeerlb«.& md-a l i a t c l n i a t î n e t c u îalon , v l f e n c d a I I ' i t L v l , ( S o u t I s Q u b c ) s d S p i a i c i l 6 1 t t eh e Il a - V a u b l t I e u e t s D c sl ~ l r d o fî ' , i a s - n s n - s u e s l n e v e alt vt te areil ; tise balane le good liard. Trains are dispstoed wvl themtis ie c tly u s ld sd-VOTItacaheatudigboutwpie. ~ai dseqIaot lm edstîoacaria. 3ytc a-rnlse he heblc. -As ne oosvil be kept ne bail deble i M The Daily andl Weelcly papere recsiv-- il aad n e yn wuiiîtlol ontîsb, Paceenge ne veug Os-cRiard. Tise staata, dwelllng authol;dlng (i o t Fr r a ivelling h n e, a s- n s d m e t, sd expe us .B s fsol ,PA7 otherlieaa.5î Tdebtcen ts leureteonaAtlv - F a c e S arrage.be lncorelad Iîdctomsers vill net have t idwl usllTncnssta t 0y tr toreeue le, te p-t lse hred -r.bu TIrrudclas,(oc schrsdlvng rcm eAI ],'or- îarllculas-s, apply te tIse owner on th. For ticketsud fustiser informiation Prpetit tcaeppdlY - ' s t oeandoned im ni oldoross--& «xpjico. bresc e on uleltait-aif~lrti-1en.Ps lis-rani, e, pv houlite undeceilgued. t-..apy [I .SE EqBoston, maJse, - BooThoa a, o! as &r Ep. B . T eloU.Ml~wallE.~l ou M - tb ih o al oddwt bèhm Jian'- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W lîi,171 7Wst- --~~-ipgYondo Dot o,em -i

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