Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jun 1879, p. 4

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7> ,wi ookqd 0uporrt I". ,, g - =laur- G bhoel- 6McipARLÂIM3 a dlgronloen, by asklng iand.Ou U tbe rol afrlbandwhlcf' IN8LIRANCE CMAY engzhi bar. TilwaSBCMAY t ay:l was a pdKSD7E. KAMILTONq, eOAKDÂ ooinoithilig botught J'TL 1oOoo favbu areal dowu. ArL Iton tibmnc, 'roý hê&Il CssDepolt withi the DoDaou aLGovert IJnB. # td horseiL" ewo, %PPY ? Ana juaybe she-»soos vhs' aBohb hs JhEaveSamulton IJ"s.Blipso, tub home, m60- of the T. Oaverhui, Montrpal. 'UGrene ýjoo te l, ana ralse s for bis Jib.alty u rO 'EàY AE ~MSN aldfipwasonefor P. E. DESPAIÊD, Manager. ry's humà poalybsosera ~uIws a mot, iud wbo was carrent rates. ti. resern lb. firt stSpsalaquotatlons on brick aud woed hM titis cf the '8ohclar.' r'dwelllgsrGadn ditotharpoducecovr. id 1.tIis ed 1àorsholerms a esniWeba .4.=wfluOUD. E W. ABNOLD, Wbutby, id oh ou~it he eMbois Agent coenty Ontafie. ïi lte burut out, sud Feb. th, 1879, P- ancd boni-lnuthe main. uporabted sud roUIred 1<> AT1t0NrgE HlOMECoMp'ANIES. 9 oebat fisdl. STANDARD j F/BE INSORA NOË COMPA NY, Pr.. of Cost. Dit. KReNGaw Dieeovsay for'Cou aqnptle, on ghs ad calds, -Asîhaci Braneblîls, H.Ày Feveri, etc., la Rive, aîway in trWibatlesfre, aof ceai la Il aitbileel. If yen havea Segvers econah 00o1d, diiiulty of hreatbleg, hoiasneaoi of nu 9ffc Ubofte thinstl or Inn rsuaedY s triaî . As 7yenvalue yonr @a. îsené, o yn eau ual affrd ta etothli oppiortunhty pera. W. could not afferd etd eI4mt Rive lioisrenaedy awa' tieos voknew h w tould acouIlsh wlaat we cdairm for il. Tiionsan ds co he)parîes cases hiave alroady been cern pletely eu-ou byit, There is no medi. Cins iu the werid Iliat vilii cure eue. liaif the cases tuai Da. Kaoras NIIW DIenovERatvili cur-For sale byS W. B. 3. m!lh& ( oWhltby. A Marvelous Transforataion. phsa s on5régênerai thilug ai-e or any new nemealy. Bl witb-remark. .1,1. unamilY tbey have recoived and * Ondck'eal lias PÂLATA5II CÂeTRosOIL tuanufactnred by Scott & Brown.- They lîréserlbe il for'ail auqes sud canditlions, M bt opecilly fer claldi-en. The trans. formation: of luhe anst estima~ble casian. tic kuevu fricmbolng the Mosticu. ALGonsBtus the nost pâlatabie cf med.1 faias le thé groaleat blessiug thal has been caîiferreai on thé -aga. Prise oely 21) oints l)er hotie. DFor oaie-by T. G. Wliltfll, Witby. 20-4in Farms for Sale. r j1I1B UNDERS!GNED, Oh-Fzlr on J. Sale, bis excellent FLrm, Lot Ne. 12 lue m UtlConcession ci Picker-ing. con. tallulng Mi acres. Tlhe .prity la vilain teallie iad-.liaalf miles ci taie growiaig village ci C.laremnon. Thora lnsa, excellent atope 110o40, sand splendid oulLelIdiugs on 'the preautees> aise, a ice Young Orchard. The Place la 'Wll watered, There area about 5 aci-se of excelent Cedar on the laot. -Allio, buwlt sl!Lot No. 11 lu the otfh Coii. 01 Uxbmldge, ceutalulaîg W Acres. There ars-about Rt0 acres cf Ibis lot, vel ,wodd wit bci sund maplle. Fer furtilmr paricialars, apply ta liae ewiler, on ùlà preinse. JOHN COLLINS.' P'ikerng, LuJas 0, 1879.2wO THE > llCAXJtILN A/IR 0GA8.MA CH/NE, TasMcnela for Il ghtinug Privai, Dwolhngs, Mis, Factoris, Cherches, Public Halls' Hotaîs, &C,. Cl all atioxaineathé e acllue lu opera. tillîai JOSilPII ILLIP'5 solseblacicti-, l'itimbehr Rsud Oa-lter, 1581 York mstie, Toi-ente, Senti for eir aursuIprlcc.llsî. ~h R IE R'S SARSAPARILLA The Great Biood Puriller. qoAnuuo lcluidektradc f 1Retior Jaaual. fouaelmu i the cure et ail dîseases Asflslng bora lmpmrty cf the. tu.1. Nt-'srly ailthe dises-es hast trouble the lamamaîsu. rate are Influencati by the state cf lb. bliiocI indloepabe atti totilititleOf eln s puce anal healtby SAs a puituofr il ILsbbaiet, a Itenovator t) he system. ndmai teseiver cf thé pcv. j)'m e. caera'$ sralarla 1141 n11 ()er oaItteDru5 Stores. RRIr, WAT@oe &dc O., WaeaeDrvsglate, Montréal" R.(41n LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERY# GLASOOW, 0V e YIS.L MAILSTASps Summer SeméeV~cia Quobso ShroiBsPabsag, Eocr d, ra lat~dn 'foin Queboo, train j5 Witby s t81' aud 801, asdeaccord. lton o ai lttoora. Lower na tiokets. Itiuélt,88 "Moet rates. cn..... i14i1h l Woeogensare fcoÃŽi-ded btaLen- alugo semAfor liai,,r-lui koaat loy iates' t lises fraielanaI te lafn aver- Inéatit ars af thé t Ly f thelhlt pca rtla i=. nm Y waese~r 1 raitlo -1pl Di*ect from thle Pactor r onrs, a New alld obby-from $1,60 tb $7. DEVFBMLL'S IBLOCK, - ROOI J$8itve J~act8the Grc ein every ýïwrety, fresh,, Finoa'an Teas fron ei prl.'Spn on -so Tý for 8e.per lb. Extra Black Tea from docts perlb. a nsdian 4nd roreffin Sugara, at bottom pices..'Extra iLrgains i Coffees,, C9cooas,1 and (lhoco1atm.. .ýBat .4és eoý*ko)~~,dPoiee Pant ick ' IaSues , y P3 1owdi, Frênclt Oajck,'àna & Bio. id Jàm , anined &mo, Ã"bt.gridinà, Tomstoée aud Corn, Pure Extract, Pure Spices,, 251bs. Fine (iJrants for $1., Raisins, Fresh Tur-. koy e;o ed,3ooby& &f.eb~ig Polish, 5 08u. per bo,'IglyPein&P C,per, dozn, al other 8 ôsoat pices that dey cornpetition, Patent Pails, Waah Tubs, Brusheg, Brooms, a large stock Mea~il, at wholeealepes for $2 C omplete Toilet Setts. for $2 60. 93 1.,Sea- FeÉka True to their lunde, £rom dite moat relia- bic 8eoýjsmer n aXçBritai, at 6 veeÙeBtdck - Broçk Street. i HEDOPPIQE, HÂMILTON. R E A D Y GO S, -AUTHOTIZZD CAPITAL, #%00,000. O D ý4 Gavrn t îDepabit. $20,0w0. ofndte tiisProvic. GIIOCE ? o A1W W B T D.B. CHISHOLM, H. T. CRAWtFORRD, R 8 OR prfs4eat. ,Bc-R ôru c BhU~ A Pa D. DEXTER, Assistant Secretary. sa EQUITÂbLfl IN Eàxs.-AlI applications ai for Insurances recel,. the clesest sc -ny su ad oulythese deemed desirable ne si;ade- Sqa.rates are acsepted; our i- mibsiug te --o eclsthe rate lu eacbi case proportlonate ta :the naja carried.-..1~. n 1 FAna ix AeîoTiXUNT-Eýveay aimmuade Be3gs to inior jiS j rien UP e the O oa y er los or dam g lis11 f y huiaeadwiohs on 'lie thaj ho b-as nowý on ,hand an eu f~y new and well-se- tob ho hest are prbxuptly sud cheerfnllvlctdstck eb 1nri h aoebtswxhh i l.aIatmtîfi-sud are and evýer wv!i l o Stck E. W. A1INOLe Agent1 selling at uinpreoeden.tadI 93rZusurance -effected at lewest rates in the Lest B egll sh aud Canadiau Cenipanies. Custoimers r advisod.-togivea l, B.E W. ARNOLD,,ar 17.General nusuraucn 1ei n c eewhetauethycaxuaget for ':théjir money uat a hème TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE.MOE LNT , store, post Office ana Telegrapli Office. LTTNTIL FURTE NOTICE, TRE Brougham, April 20th, 1879. U Office cilthe Town Clark sun Treas._______________________________________ ni-or wlll b. lu the ODDIFELLOW'S' hALL WHITBY ýBOOK ý,'ANDMUSIC STORE. THOMAS HUSTON, iil. .11 Town Clark, Whllby. Wlaltby, Fetî. il, 1879. tf.8 ~ ~ . . X Begs tô announc'e to tho public, that cihe ias opened a iell 10 AIL 1H HEO 0F MONFII ssorted Stock of Books and Fanoy Goods Onitn f SOHOOL BOKS.ÀNDGIFT BOOKS, Te Renew L oans alfeady ex/Bt- Bibles, prayr ook,>' y ooe i.nda Shoo Bok Ing, to Pay Debte, or, to make and carda, Hliday and Vieitinge C arde, Plain, aud Fanoy Note râper:, Impovmles Inks,. Slatei, Pena, Pencila,- Blsnký and Note Blooks. BERLIN WOOL AND WOOL WOR4Cî HEi UNDE BSIGNE» 18 PRýIEPAIIE Embzoidery, SilkLinon, Flose, Chenille, Wooi, Taseele, Car boar-d. Mot- Lte enake adysuces iott e atasoeurft tocs, Coeiesi Vasce,'-Toioet Mats, and Ornamcuî5 of al knd. ciri-a esciatefer perloda te suit Lorroeoi snd repayabis iii auy manuer applicitut mas adeOi~re, i, ee, n lg J ADPS'* WOÉK BOXES AND BASKE TS. ate cti terest SixG loenoand Hi h IO - n andkcrchiof B oxes, C ard C ases &,.&O. W C have a g a i t per.cenut. accordlng te repayanants.aalrg rit bibletits lasais6actry the lea cm uof patterus on ixanui cf all,4iolait styles iu Aindrican 5Stampibi-all kiuds cf Le comPletcd and m2oney paîd over lu, Ton riauy Wcol Work doune te ordert, iialuding infants Jackets, Bonnets, Breakfast .Paya. Shavis, &c., all orders protaptly stteuaied te and, aItthe lowest possible. ratesl. 1;-' WANTitD TIi PURIrAsp aoo»i I bave Juet ocuedý a large assortimeut cf Childazcus Aprous, Lace Ties. MOItTGAGES. FIL« . ILY Cenvoyariaies careflly preparcd. rA .8R CLT 0111e Iilclw's Blocck er . ilvng'iui connccioiwithp~ botury àna' siness, seccured a firet-elase 'Droee Ma. Ilcspectfelly',Yeuzrs, kor, ahl. teflùdertai thé inhag of any dress,if cau waýrrant tto.givo ënlire satioe. 421THOMAS PXU.factice1 hsiù a persan that ?ba1aea ieape la i ctIeq, thé stylès ar L - ', ,uô- pains will ha sparcd sud ail orders proniptly a'teuaeidlo0, Sêîinig roqeus ,ak cfC - ---- ---------. 1h stre.I hae ase 6~t.alss an4er ak.r,: 1e. a»pab1e cf .making, Man. "P ~ ~ ~ ~ ds G >tesote, Dolmans, of any description and iu the. la"tsî-styles. Tis, attention0 "PR.0'.'ECT O ofthe Ldues1 ï. es eeia1ly Invited te liais deparlacent. Fittilsngin lu osif thbc - s!tore, Oddfehlowg' li. HIOME GIIOWN SEEDS. T TS 1AN ÈSTA13LI5BD lactiliel S. . O.Brown'a Hoen.Grown Seotis si-obs- omiug more popular Jrom year te ycar. T~he publiç tbsy vaut thean, thé marchants obasp 0tp e arc O ure ta gi-ev FeLOW1Eli SEEIDU A SPECIALTY 1 All seedesent hy mail fie-s cf:péstagi. Lzr Use BraesIin'aLinimeant Fui- sa.e by wzursSg'adiuan, ses 1 dca-g1cerall C. BNOW, Bags le luborra bis mnemortuaiiendls anI patrons thal hh asagaira lakan bIs 01 SAN U UU~ STREET, sud vlli ceustaatliy keglustcat f CONPE CTION.E1%-y, .CAKES, PASTRY, la genenaily adretaase1, iéllasboit sud siecsi-sud beps j . luEfr h pandfpragi iI a diopteatbeeeY¶ra4fnvvd aMont prospérons ilnavue , btO=eUntop.'d b.aaayca in Ne A Pro NT -LOAN AND SAVuIes Co aANed ol:ýnBa osý $tt tap tea rone f ou0, 01b.héabove, ysiéan, au r~ds hlnliiau Eawl EshaChast Isfend-th lU eau eachlIltu, auysu ý' on W , iyen0 glaire, as an z lMe for Say ter~'m os ý chose, n t eooeting ta ld.,iInle Or j tu uf Vn5dio sde4a honaîal frsellelsonpy o t.yu eatu.blvr ,o ,S - or0tle m fe anal alher éxpeuses. tu Sr.- o cn -éaleymn ou. thé- Company, sud psy lt back thi-egb tbe Agléticse f th .nmpu aero ii-as ai change. Thé man AgeneanoolÀé ieouey. Mb ren'IIttances vIi c le b>' d b -gathé1roleti Manager, pscueldedbrLltg5O Pésientani 011ari anr'Qnbai L t 1 1arly latffi s'bitaft ào suen- Cth-Y~ thay sa I nenaena as Anadan9p el U untsaaîtnu et six per cant. pet- annusi bchat-f wdffor, a. V M4th.. uWo*po44 y s, Com'aYbasa ed p4e '.Iayjuont in sways 7t.-.EXAvlug tOe taerMortenée iy RUenSUInstalmemts, at a 1vrt i~~l ~ea s , akUyflésC 0 e P~Plmrbor-oaga lnrEt , g a1101e OuWr-aunual payanen Ifrnolqpal and4 s0~csaye~eus.a are éxal*, d oer than then nusil>' ehai-aL The'; may bo iCtOdltaeiittpss, sud 4dback ltbthé insh.lét4, *bo&a tgiiLnasali. sitar'or ala o ie r s isadaint s -',l -yoatfi Onu te nslyaer en- 15.S5Mrtg sLo 4 ne, ammunllngte about lfémbi-itho Idlea ns oauu ANTAiJusNm« 9QJUsEO :eRFPAY AOAN 0F 81000 I1HE F5 OLLOWING PERIooa ËüïPbaly_2 elà' - 1 ;1Y3I~ *yo~uimiJ, L06.A0ra 177rOM l'FUIT of iaii-i ie tSea,o, SODA W.rIT',eli and fl-catideoilvereti dail>' and ai c-tens prempti>' ettendsd te. Dionersansd Seppors sappliod ai romin. aLla ,ratas. DeU't foi-gtel lb. aies, S OR L E, AT TEE GLNMAJOR 'L$I SO ot 1Pluti , nbet,vWou ïeaes' I IneLBoaars, îf fora'don, lst qmlt' -' 15,0011. Suare Timbe,, Ai i! myheli vIli o l4 eimap fer cash. Hsw~~d isebcjte, gay ltaibhéGriot~ Fmobis nan, e.onriie, o- 151 10 y* i lthtk, for averq 'R. ijQow, 1 a~ie~isra Au. aL,- - PraPÊioto leu~ I W bitby, Apri 4th, 1879;-.Y i~ A Y ~ a -NE~W,-TIN-p ~_00 ý 1 or 8tOfl' to94ldamlth's Hall,"oh 8 UlUrrron i aUactnred P» aworxa likeé~nr onSOTNTÇ~~dat reaoiab1e'at's'.: ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS 0fýSUP-ER IOR'QUAL 'YO Ail kinds çf Japaned Ti, anà Sheet-ronà reoontait, k ti sok PR PA INýXcj o;tp ojevply- and neat1y~ i lwr ga- lanteed atifcoyoo~ - ÂÃ"îi~ax ~td Gn~d 30CAL OIL. Lamp Ohiimneys, :Wicka, ]3urners, &o. Wliltby, Feby. 24th, 1879. J. W. BARNES. FOR S1-AEA U WfLAIBY HIE PLASTERI HWIOLESALE AND ýRETAIL. TE A S TORE;t CASH PAIL FOR GOOJ) Butter, Egsl,,PoultrY, APpes, ]Red and Alsike Clover Seed. QFFIC BROWN, & 'A lu pi-eonlin8 cen Twenty.sccqpal Anual Cttaýogue of Agrionitural Impie- mérta ta tàfaiers of!-Cauais for the ydar 1877, We do no with maore than the ai-dinar7 dogme ocf piit anti coiqgdence, frein thé niaricti faveur sud patronage confr-eti pon ns, anal tbhe t-a<y and iuereaeing alemant fi-cm year to e a f ormwclbue az Inaplements. Wc shÃŽ1h cntinue se heretofore, as manufat'err, t maisc a spccialt of Agricultural Machinaiy-lb. Johuston SeMfiaking Beaper, thé Triumph Coan- bice1i efeabe. ad Moyen, the Caynga Moveýr, -ha Young Cenaula Mower, sund oui-név Whitby'Harvester clainîing a large share cf cer'lime andi attention. .d For the lst Twentytwc years vo have givn di- mont careful ant undiviti- W. J. GIBBON, OE OF THE TTER?80N iMpg. Go, iE- PUBLI.j aptin and ropa ....x. orra.qngerrai-s, .oriito' Aprilt hJl, 1871). éaptsaagmna i 1 paprioi~~ rt 1as Fon Stea. siat.To-nl, A il orders for M agazines and P apers, p rornptiy aitte'nded e té er iî la eu g s tip ri soi- a-as te. Daily sud weely pgpors alwvys calnihundaàa.lsubscriptiono, rcceived. We empioy ociy th. bealiniechanical skili, ïmd oui- machines pase neder lhue toc 1 I' Shot Musi euîîlied o nt~ie. ~ Most car0fùl spr'sln niscrtiny-éevary delail heing aubjecteate bthe sever- - 5li0ite5B -est crtiOlsma~id-Lï gli Machine le thoroughly tested before'iéaviug oui- vorko, t heni u prf t io 00 l n y a of ev 7 part, andt lerai l, no dif i ulty- l u tp ti g- . - tu i o ei.à Ïy î y perso e m tsi0 s neh anleai abiiy. .. 'L ýi ,LNT i .... 11811, B= -st. -hawb1,aesoiacysd -with a epecla) efrec ta ii, manufadtmre cf cci- own lacinee-nîany bools havie5 béen matiefor tis T îèrl.lapooe, auid:bI o o p e ot dap !for other iÏ'ork, and oui- workmecn iredn. - 81W7Ciilpeie11rvery cata 4 1w C ivnt i requin cfoui- mani factÏé-obtainmugathor- CANADA PERM ' oqq- O N cgh keovledgo of tb. construction cf oui- machine, nd ai-e thuoe eablcd ta ob- s.J. u~, tain a hig er d gi-sé f kill anti prcicinc 1y than w e ege usal m annfcturing 41'IY T0RON'P ~ le carrild on,. i AIfD SAVIGS COMP are tiasrsiore suablei ati ho ucn a mare pedefct systein into ail thé ds--- I I W Q P O , 1 A J J r D , ~ - partuints of mnufacture, atding ut only te th é p énection of the. orl, but ai- solo tbO ýiiro lis eiecntion-auti auOonoeguet rýdmdtion of ecet. î i 1f __T @prfripW ia tegarad d eeeïàry In a weU i-seelatd establiabmont, anti Very Speciali nuucements 1 FAID UPI CAPITAL, à v c lsd te turc ont ouimachinse i tii a higlier degi-e cof perfection. uda STARTING HOUSEKEEpING T O T A A S F~ T , - 2, X ), 00. prices se lo ysas ab oltite y ta d fy com petition. FA M RS ND - $~OPCO0~ THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKINGREAPER U N D E RTI KI TO rA 1E 'S'AN 'LAND'OWNE R S. isuow :a veliintivn as a Single ileaper,that a wordof cormentitiiin wouîdFul DO YOL. WANT, TO7 BORROW MON EY P machine vho have adhIer4edto thei olti original Johnstônasuioeino, vithoiut lceep.Stc ofC k ts Co in i g p 10 t é i p rovem e ts ; t at ju stice t e ou r slves ý n ti p atron s iequi e f us *t e n o s a i s l t t i i o i Tao buy moi-o ana foryourselves or cor. youmt sons'? To build.-a bouse or ho aats Ihat va ha vs modifidt inlualmost evéry assenlisi pst, aud for strougth 1'asd durAbility, llualityv .f cut, in oesiy kiud andcocahitiou if, grain ; lightues o Pbarn ? To fonce, ofear, ýunderbii, c'oî therwýo;isc i pve onr Isià 9d? a soî D4ajaempit-.them ùfourbyne..-stands A XVE LL-APPOI TED 5 17o psy off a Uiýrtgage, or othet- dobte? Or for suy oth optps? iy b ae il ier "Jonsonp's a 'ufctri 1 Ci- e,?,- Pte-Ysîtl espre.lu i-c1ffls position'v av'uy If you, do, thoi-oduccd Icima,,o! the CANADA PY-B-MANFNT LOAN tue pointltathe mauy Fi-s-Piies avartiet es-at lie i4st Pr-ovincial trial of Ou.W ibOtbe 0h 87 ptariead many county trials viaich have laken place ail ovai- Canad6, vithinWhbyOtbe th187 kND &19,VINGS COMPÀNYý,aÉord superior facilities for effecting the théelut fcv years. Loan ait the low"st rates, sud for ils easy i-rqerveùlt, , THe.SINCINGLT.4XTN.> 7-q - %I*ýq7i 5A5 ...-- 'e lot of adigsBa ise Clubs suplied on short nc rks of Fiction;in stlôok amea',' Soli001 nakë, efts' caânesjust to handi 'xgaziaesý at publisher& - ~ Josre~.DANIEL KENN£EDY. 8 Bauns. Base ace. .6 'n es. lob A Spring Goods,110W to hand.. WATCHES CLOCKS ,AND J'EWELRY. 'Choice.G'oods in Electro Plated Ware, jimported from lcadaing factorios. New magnificont patterns at pnices less than else., where, asked foi- shop worn goods. Another lot of the celebrav er- fècejon IRON GRANITE TEA AND'COFFÈE-POTSJ, LAMPS, CUTTLERY, NICIIBLITE SPOONS AND FOUES. Baby Carr1àges, new, just in aüd very cbêap.- Clark's Di àmond< Dust- Polish, wholesale ana retail. The beet polish known for pise e y0 14-tf W,~ - e a i fan live ( Silver Ws.re and Nichel Silver. Jewciry niade te order. Partieular at. tention b Watoh repairing. JAUS. JQII1WSTO~- - r'nToa vvatsonnatitr, Malrd PROtFSA 1879.l FIRE PROOF SAFE uuuîoigjustice emnher to flimself or lis BTHR creditors if hée does without a safe to proteet hie Book-, Remov t b Oinobck, Brock-St. Notes, or other vatluablepaper.Tel-Prap% Office.D- thaplaco to V5 R ' F ,a R I E a Ef A GOOD JOINT AND JUICY STE-AKC: Who bas deeds, notes or money in the house, ouglit to Hro tise Legs ta annaunce tathie inhaluit- have a Safe to. guard both against Burglary and Tire. at fWlb n liiy htleb A-Safe is as a G-od Asset, a it, not onfly ,preserves EDST R its eoiutenes, but keeps its ownvalue as as f0'tf;r asigthoghFLO UR &FEE ST R firea semail outlay will mU]ke il as good as ncw, sund il eau always be aold ln connoction with busflutcberslmop, vbené for neal its firet cost. he Wil always hae con baud J. & J., T.YLOR have turned out about 20,000 Sales in AG SOK0 the lasI 24 yesrs, sud noue of them klas failedl in trial Fariners anid Mer- Choicé Flour, -Ci-acked Wheat, chante, thie is the kind of Il Protection" sud something that the Tariff Oi s, Corumeal, can't givc. Go te tho Toronto liafo WorIeesud geI a Safe. Osîs, Peas, Shorts, &c., &c. 1 AGENTS W 4NTED to *hom we will fiay s god commission te canivas3 tbcir acality. For panticelans, riler bookas, specîmen copies, &c;, address the pabUhihs, BELFORDS CLARRE & ca. 11.11) 60 York St., TORONTO. OMNIBUSES To *d fi-cm G.T.E; Station. . Toand frora Wbitby, P. P. 20ln *a ~IlY Station ..................0e. Those conveysuces -are aie sud comiont- aLlé, ~ ~ o adncag fcanotai drivera. AIl baggagecbeokedaAcaref nily boed sfic,,. LOUIS SE]3EET, Whitbyi Pcb. 2lJth, 1879. h-10ieor LEVI STONEY r Ontario Block, Whltby.ý Dec. l7th, 1878. t-O R~ EAUCTION SALES 1 131EG itnu îMy slnciere thanas tlahec X.. public for IL.e'ai-y liberal patonag Libesiowed upon me lun thé pasl,suti Linenataisti ii haon haund road.yte cuajaay salesthut I maal b. eutrused EN SON. - Terras libsi.siSatisfaction ga- 19NS NO Iy " ook la bcfound ai liae Ontario Hotel Whlthy Àrangsuaotaas ttdsayl's , mdc. aybemadeowth Mn..7so, th0eronoftbellow Ordera Ly mau oirr a haiisudsd te. THE TORONTO Gn. 42ad i NO R/SE,1K PR/CE ON, ACCOUNT C-F THE N AT iO0N AL PO:,LIC:*»Y, Gants' Sprng Suits, latest stylos, Verycihcal?. A large stock of line clothes. Hanidsome Vogt patterns, Gents' furishi nga, a fin lino. Garmaeveut n lfsbionable Etylo. Al 'branches Of Taoineeiepmp attectian and satisfaction guaranteo. "Go where. yon willg, et a wl.fitt garment and ful ýAlue for your nwney. An inspection respectfuly invited. g vwithîsâte impro'véeilats, 'la U hal cau bedesireib lu a Combineti Machiné, andi caneotr'fail to meét aIl thé requireménts cf purchasérs. , !I Ou, lmpreved C.ayuga Oli/f JI d., and aur. Yoùng Canada ýMowers are betuh flrts-claos machines -constilttid ainiost whollyi of Iran Aud Steel. The C a y g a 3 t . b a s a i are ï u i , s u d h h s Y o o e g C i l a a s f r o n Ï 7 r Ou , ; b o ;t h t t - c eg , <d u - - ab achines, and not éxcled by any machinesa lu the nart for qality of eut, derabilit>', hîgtuésa cf dah'iipsuitsdosse anagemol. k)fPRN~ 'WHITB'Y-HAMV$~. As tb. counti-y bas bccon, beotsi- adapted ho mschine-y, anti many o!fcnt-fat-m. 'si, hav é becom é k k i n uth é. u eé of m achines, a g tc ing de nan t a s op t-a g nup foi-a Ligit,Dt-i, 'atCaa'ep. Alve o the rquiranusto ite dy, vo ave aoced(déa liuiveitinýg a ma- c in é e n tie W i- gt T ro 'r a m oe , it i th é ýl es t ebl.g e a rin g - w t i4 a r ~ a b~a-f~d~ rlvsvhéor-,aitise o.rnceed t Pthe'frame sd tabltaislt aMei 's â i Ii é.;ý h ' ,k ' -'iy n " th é P lm= D al w y s lu il e ith à-i b. e fe. -T h ii d r ft ' e d n o w é ai t p é e- b o ie s es n e c . W . i rs i'é ê fid e n B uth a t, v s h i vé pltjddýn- luvsnting',-h. mbiti pei'fecti . : per, ,takiug.,il mi ite prt, ia b a s a evai-b een p i-d u ce i. W . a v e ÈI. i d f ai-e ters p $' nt 'dh lo à o i invention, for ou i- ow e*exclusive m a nufaiétu re,0n tà v reff m Ë' e t i i - for the-oming lia-vit. Thé "Whitby Hrati"'viis i l,60pnus but bo lg m a te p= Supa ly o off S qn b ! lo n and! stol, a !fr in ls i e- geuouîis ti copact conatrucîOn, flB conaübinesathé stre'uaaite-bity a! tb. Ale! foui- machineara fniiy vat-anteti. W'jfl thua liaI o! machines,, v ofeol'confident that ré eau rmesi ev.ryi-e., qui-éenit, anti vs nestfohy oliità trial et oui- machines, believinathatw., eau fruieli a béltrmachine fr thý money than eau be oblinèedslaévhér - BROWN &PÂTTERSON MF'G, 00. Whitby, Qatwarifebruary,1877. R. PRINGLE, Wbutby, Mardi 241h, 1879. Brock.&. Whiîby. CUTTDER, BGGIES SAis$ortment ôf 1GCutters and - Buggies A Lai- TOMS.& -AT- N EWPOR Tsaballas are usafl lu IIheiieîaiisui-,, Neural a' Ceugha, Colas ,Con4uailan, Bronchitis, Srofflu, 5kimDisesci, 411 Iu. flamumations. Blcunse 2evaa.<id for SauiharY Peu-oses. Tii. vapoi-bTaths are psztculaîly i t'la- . ble toaal Skin diseai!es, capaciai' 4ihile, 1h la nov iiîivrajly ceecedeti thitl bath thé Terkleh sudYapr Dtale ntlasbest presei-vaiivea cf heaitha ithln lime i-cdioe medicitl xpaite aùdnA l oM.puueiouVitb ractiiosi tu-cament the pilaent in mors ia-sp idly and euccessiuily treeted. - a i-en i-aizd thi-oughout tuba vend fi-cm rayaIt>'davu ate bepoorest masu. Thèse Turiiebbathi iaethe oaly eues lu the City' of Toente. 'Qnalatl'ousand reccmuz sdatioensare oves fi-ara theWLit ical sud sanitaryLari-n hies lu all'Oauties, HLOUBS-Gouilean, 7 te 8.80 a.m., 3 to O P,=. Sahurida> antIil p.rn. Ladies, 10 a.M. ta 1,80 P. à. FeIQES-Turish Bathze one tieket $Si 12 tickets, 910. Vapor Batis, 60oe aeb; 12 tickets, $0. 23 3 QUEEN-eT. WVEST. Sikilia sd attentive male and ftomais attendants. J. S. DIAMOIqD, M.D,' 89) Saperntensdaut. nii THE TOWNSHJE[P 01 aoc, lice-R-yns Wbitby, C 3, Whitby.- MONEY lu auras UP L.G. EcarSa aîacer, &o. St-eWb -ü -Jallu22,1878 VAMU HIECTOR CAME RC S yron S Dr, BYR4 '.DYSIcIAI R AD. -D i 'Physician, su Whltby, Sept. 1 Office bourgsireî lm80ta 6, p. M, sud Gilbert sire, local aumsi tuia -a nov newblock, c Kring Street, Orbx JOHN I -5.Saloon, Bri JOHN AGENT-P~OE £1 Settiah G, of Jouaiban Wolfe BL.AOKsMIZ' <saccoajo,, t'a Iiors. shaeing ai vonk. il. FA4 OFFICIAL ke- OFFiICE 0F Wbftby, Mai-ch 26t E. O'DRL A TH 1 Wlùtby,.,ýÈibruar*Y llth, 1870. ý -LVO - MI A -- LT Tc A*,% a -2 . 1 TO -Th 1 1 ý. .1 all 1 1 î TOR SALÉ-, AT TUE uu U M PH COM BI N ED i MACH 1 N ES. 1 CLOTHINCT CFI F, à PVP ý Tg,& IV rl 1 r 1 'ù 1- D il IrIAIN V,.VM.K 1 - 1 1 ,

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