Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jun 1879, p. 4

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077105,. i*it.1hn Harvey Hamilon JaR.Simplon, RAM'> ansd u cn., A suvey, 7.E »EPE,é~pr.. y 0 a a ih . clas ai fprpr,,i 'Jui a r ~ 4~ sodue cavr. t rs Aeniila rates E. W.ARQDWitb, =st Oounty Ottc b. ôh, 167. 7 "21;, n2,1 Lady >Uresilu oan &le tretted-st boat, týeth@ir lu liard'.' Parale were euib9sloswci ly receivat! lu Ibis ceuutry b 0&o' a forward bythe JohnS tis ai, ti (110 orsewaï nglib,l and eew eu in com lteFrencis papersansd ibld fer. a iiar. la tisa trictuis, becatise, Mn. Loi. lfislen! ua Frenciman. Noti evenslte Lido aud talcéw' sent teb. lait te EgyptManimum os re -Iregulari ursiupluîou pafnt. Tisey are ued for thtisiporpole-bocause li0se aphal.- tom witis which tisey an. Irmprogiatedl, is of a.qualit> sapaier ta that whlish cati leswh.re b. precared. Thsey ro ducs a pecollar browïoh tlnti, whha hlglily prisesl by thé beoiartisle. In Central Aine. a large'number ei Jowis nregrosu have beau disccvered, Nssnly very f&wnjey poieiueo tise law cf Muoges on parssimpnt. Tisev trace thcir orli&te the irai eaplivfty, wisec senft hse-lbîews fled (o tise ueart andl intermatriet! with tise natives. Tise Proeeui Louis. lias taken tise - trouble taýdeoy la enophaîlo terons tise nePort cf ta Lonsdon ocieiy joura ai tisai Ab sit as bsia g grestly hîs yber Osoadîin experienice. l'ise ri.womeu employei l lte Natiossel Tnc.eesîry were appectinidl 1802. T'Fise are uDow 1,800 lta:lise De- Paentslents ai Walitutn, wlio receive saierivu vsryiog frazu -#DU t0 leo80 Tise cijalpol belonging tg Onace Clatirei1 New'Yorlo, wu@ thse giscf Mrs. * Cetloerlue Woolf, anust osi08,00. It wam occuples) fer tise irst t11mntethîe * c3ebraLtIon fsant of tise Conversion of BelgatPaul. Xluidri]tiret Qoen Vitorii, ini fier, -fkvulîoe books, umssimper maarks upon wiloli are iâoscrlbed ila-Leanthce werdii lioly Wri : "Thir Lape is- illl')filuuotaity-fudholives aven I a romaîkabre tact that !n ersae onele y ta was 1 ver s truck by 1J19lâting, ntsya wy w b& of Iran. bytasiwicW15bt rherc ro re living atil lRiver, Ma"., a marriad pair,'whoso unntad ages are more tihan two Isundreila and fliýve yari. Williau m eirog pBaker offirs 0#200,. 00())te the Pfibiié oat g tnf 1105(00, on endito that o: cf imore be coatrbteil by otheri. 1pb. Oomýaitteeant Paris on itobuloal tl1atiel3def thea'Canal' CongiBis bava adotodby 0 -o 9tise panapa.hopinu. Tii. potato bug bi ai lasg put la an aPIppearaaos. Lit evsryone "pÉut bis foot down" on tisent, Fur sale b,' T. G. Wiil &Id, Witby, LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, aLABGOW, Summ, rvicOvia Qee Shoet eli *,'aIrc Eoiotyand lou Pb,189 '2do atia=* à"iI, ' l*961 thé sbe t.rLv- PÂTEoxizB HOME OOMPArmE. STANDARD' ~ IREIN8L/RAbC OMÈA N Y, READ OËÈfloE, RAMIIrir.. G yn 'e t1Depdoit. 020,000,. B"usns confinsd te Ibis Provkas.. D, B. ORISSOLM, H. T. OEAWIOZD, Presieul. SacyTra. D. DEXTER, Assistant Seoirslsy. E.Quîsnm 8 EÂTs.-Al a i4ctins snd enly tises. dasmaSdasirabis su t atdeS- q3oâas ratas ars aciapled; oôfa sOn'buingte m sks th. rate lu%,acl sepwqrdrieutîe te ~t 0 el aca.ett su aiasEo', evsr im maSs tpeats Ootup=uyfor lousor> ,amage l @arsfaly Iavestgatea, and wiile tisoe toun [ta e . onest are promptly anS cheerfuliv g:id,a&IlattemptestaI ranS are sudever wil sot rasiased. gî' Insuraoce effected ut lowest rates lu tisa bestEnglisanS Canadian Coatpaules. E. W. ARNOID, Ganeral Iosur&uce.gont, Peb. 0, 187. tlibY. TOWN CLERK'IS OFF, 1CE. JNTML FUBTEER NOTICE'TE Office of tisaTown Clerknua e& urer whibe lu tise ODDFPELLOWS, HALýL. THOMIAS HUSTON, ..WistbyFab. Town Clork,lWii9>- 10 AIL IHHF[B 0F MONFI' To Renow Loans a/ready 0>18 Ing, to Pay Debta, or to make Improvemente. ME11UND!iiSIGNilD 15 PRl1P it 'T t make aavanssss upo ise of ruai estatu for prn su uit borno.er eu! eayabte la any mannerapca à at ci t.est, six, Savon, asaBlé par cent. oscordlng ta repaymenîs. Wisea tltllssattsfaotory lise bau c ho completed apa mono,' paiS over oin2T Day#a. W WANTIID To PUROHASE 000: MOIITGAGils. - Couveyancos carefnll,' prepaneS. Office Blgelow's Block, Port Penny. Respeot(plly Tours, 121 THOMAIS PAXTOI. cIPRO'IrECTION! HOME GROWN 'SEED - ITS?1AN BTABLISHD ftaut tisi 0.Bowa'a HomsGrava Seade are cemltsg more popuki1tfryan tua yo Tise puh'i0 ls11ewanl t, tie 0more is the ~ vesp sOzu as tho, ane sure tue p aniegeu si tsfaqtlon. PLOWER sERfS A'SP>ECIALT I1 16'Use Bnowu's Indisu Liniment. r -Sale b,' Seat,. gensnatly. SC . BROWN7, S"demaa, 16. Witis,'O t, R SNOW, Baga to Ialorm his aum.ron5 friands ahs patroas tisI be Las again takau ie ~LB IJMil N ONfS SIREEI Lately ocenpied by, W. -P. Willoak wisere he vit) h ppY t ese.$4aI l cd inda, sut! viii cous tuti,' keelalnubeels efras OONFECTIONERY, *CAKES, PASTRY, FRESE OYSTÈRS, - PRB UIT of al l knda in Seso,, SODA WATER and - GINGER BEER. Brsa& eiae al, u!alordors prompti,' attendeS ta. SDinuers anI SupparssuppliaS st reascu- ablo rates, Deu'i fergit tise iddriss, F OIRSALE I E GLEN MAJOR MfILLS!1 00,000 fMatPlue Luber, ve» seeuid. Isch ords. Pioornug i 4 Scantling, 9-incls Plank, penolpnlBoards, Aile! wbiois i ia, aIquily I.Sqae iubr &Y iiiptfe ad"s. JO0HN, s ,Q1 , sI AMOTJNTING TrO OVERS <f >1'.. a$ï,OOO, WILL BE OFPEBED AT The Stock is ail new, and purohase*d'from the boat hous. ",in b th radeï No 1191 O %Or ihO e ', j ' ' * lf o do net 8sea whatyo a -tw wi m&nfactur y ote or- al sc a o u reqetl , vory oliap, m izrne cAA ,PERÉMANENT 17LOANI ÂNîD sAViNGB ýiOMPA1â, T0"lÀ TO, PAID ,UP CA'itALÀte$,o000 TOTAL ASSS- - $6,OOOOOO. TOý FARMERS AND LANDOWNERS. DO YOU WANT TO ëORMOW MgI'5Y P, .Ta buy more labd for yoursçlvea or foi your sS? To buci.faihuse 0e2 a b ? Tofenice, clair, undbrdiain;' or otheri ia. prove ' yo& hl 9d To pfy off s Mdrtda-ge or >otiser deb *9? Or fri.sny otheriurOse ? If *ou do, thse reaucea>:terme cif-the CANADA PRBIANENT LOAN AND'SVIG$ QOMPÂNY afoSrd soper!«or fciities for effecting tje Loan at th& octrtsai o t easy repaymcnt. - 'THE SI.NXING FUND SYSTEM Iu genierati,'admtIsil tube tiis bil u uataàcsaei ls vryleiefor Prol4 Jng for tise paymenzt cfUibhls. 'Itubis 4yoneute, tauàwpauiesa, and iy tise mont preeparoos aud progressive >andcsrs lath nEuropesud » 'laat iuI Tam OAXADA 1'zuKhim vLoAiÇà A.61 Sveac olir n Wssgy k. itit ta tise Province of Otarle, on tise aboya syslsm, aSa"ffars-stise foflg fsaciles ani adran taI gs te borrovars: c&ýt ! fi il -Ton can obtain sny sut'yen rala, aa'tinte, fe'ay terra you chais. net excesdin a da s a amoderate rate cf'l.... 2n.-Tisefnl ameunai Mtise Loan ia advanuasl, neuion being made for cosmission, pi,'. mente lu advauce, or il debîned, for sollter>s fus, anAchier expenies. Gri-Ybeoa s.cceveynron"y fron t te ompnay,, and psy Il bacS Ibrongi tise Agenos oi tiseCempny' Esuers fro cf isage. isa Cpavha* ne Agente for coisacting monsy. AiU rensltiances wl heýo okowldged b,' eepte, slgaedbiy tise President sud manager, 4tlis-Yen cois repsy tise Loan y, lustal enmo 'bsniti70r eouvani- 5ti-Yucuc pay acsmmyen ypissa.ici adysuse of lise regniar lust*lmientu, sud lutercat aI six per cent, per annantvilbe aIloed for every cleesmontS. Instabmeuls netpald visen due, are subjectto a cisree cf one cent lu tise dollar pas. tontiulll palsL eti.-Yocn capyu,'oomotme fIl. foiy denirs, wvtiout notice, apon fais. and eqaît- able tenufs, sud au tise Company isnsusexSocallen, tisa pince ioepaymant in siays tth.-Risvng t-say c0 yeMour gag b,'aissi talmeuts, &taI's16W .&4 of interetI, "sun yo0r tisM e ,you avoaiS aIIrl1sof lbang yens.properly, or of his sutoberrowagain vnees inb ii t111hmore tissu viat oy o ei hav e psy fer Iternett ie.. 8tis-Tise necesssrv expcuses arc fixeS, and lover tissutisi. neail, cisarged. Tisey ma,' bu IncludeS linlise Molgage, suS palS back vIls 55utam$anjta, vhea lisere vii hacne soif- citas.'.or othi, s3re riaed out cf thes.5un. ti.-You soeur. thi strl&olemlprtvacy as tlu es.affafrs, lu yens. onu neighbiorhood sud as.e net ot subloct 10 tise menu, or caprice cf oa,' lndlvdldÎi4euS stise Compsu'cannt ovuniai estata, il cen isave ne possible tateresîta opprseslng you.lf nupraparsrto esai yons. en- ou151.- e as. silùg vIlS a vealtis,' coponof long standing iii a led aS 18,0b0 Mortffage Ioas, amounting te abotfourte ilosc oUtas.,;&andin no instance has Il takean due adysulage osoe.I àter&oei;efoemr INSTALMENT RE UoRgD O REPAY A O.OAN 0V $lOOWION THE FOL.LOWINO PaRStOs gy- yr. .yr. 1 Yr.1Yr.ov17 îyni:y Iîo rsîYs1y Wot~erl..27.10 1 ilaoO 501 MM5 18100620ku 6 5 TIIOJIO InstalMents, payable at tise end of sach year, pay Olt entire ýdçbt Priàncipala0is4 et THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FIOR GOODi MORTOGAGESlI POR PUItTREEIt<OMUTION APPLY TO cNOURSE, Appralser, oppeutte "Chrontcle" Office, Wbltby. FRESHI GROEI~ -RE S'fTiA -Cf Iiest Wines. and Liquors, Brandies, Ale and Porter, at' R4 H. J-AMESON'S, DUNDAS STR.UETp WHITBY.' Liebig's Extract of!Beef . Crawford's AmylaceQups.,-Ibodf or.,Irish - oru Flo ur., Prepared Carrots, Potted 'Tongue, repared Barley, Potted Hani.,udnaChicken, >ea Fleur, Potted Gaine, ~engal Chutney. potted Anohovy Fate, - ~trassburg Meat, - - Potted Pt.ai'ind'Diable, I -'-- ------Potted Deviled Hamli. RESIIIOYSTERS. itby, March 1lOtis, 1879. PRING Alarge and'selei JO HN F E1 w o0, for, prices and style -C AUl garments ÂATESTSYL =ad at the LOWEE Lprices.> nspection soli R. Hb JAMESON. >t stock- of Spriig- st to hand, at Q»2~N0T fL SURP&SD li 8màde,-i luthe ES 0F- FASHIION,ý ST LI-VINGBATES 1 styles, and. at Ail Mn&sof JapanetTin, ana S«heot-Iron ware constantly kept in tSok. ohlyan" nêaly.An.woik:giiar- aotoy >?no pay. Amerioan.ýand Cîadian, GOAL OIL. 'La mp-Chimneys, Wicke, J âne, o. Whftbyey.tl180 J. W. BARNES. FQR SA$-LE ZAT THE WHIB'CHINA PLASTER, ýTE.A STO'RE, WHOLEALE AD IETAIL. CASH PAID FOR GOQI> Butter, Egsé5 Poultry, A4pples, ied, and Alsike Clover. Seed. Whitby, February litis, 1879, BBO WN &~ PATTEJISON Ut 'g. Co, W. J. GIBSON, - ý Whitby China Tes Store. WBITBSr, *la proseuting eus. Twenty.iseaand Aninual Catalogue cf Agnicuitunai Impie. mentis te tisa fariers cf Canada for tise year1877, vo do no vitit more than tisa oordiusry degrée cf priSe sud conlides, fron't ls. maîket! faveur sud patronage -coa2farrý-es upon nu, enS tise steady ansi incrieing Semaaa fron year to year ai eut. no* celebrâtod Pau;t I'mpleme2nl.' We sisal continue se iseretafore, a manufacturera, te make a speisît,' of Agrisultural Madmuaery-Ibe Johaston Seif-raluing ecaper, tise'Triumph Cent- blueS Resver. an Mower, tisa Cayoga Moirer, tise Ycung'Canadà Mcwer, anS on,' new,,Wisthy ýUÈvnetr, claiming a large sisari of or tinte sud attention. , Foei tisalait I!vnt -twc years va have given ar ons et carefulasud ndivid- ed attention bu ie mnufareand, epération of lise vasrionsmachines lu use, utigeu tsebX -cititredyndee m, aoifying.ussd coirecting errera, 'stangisiingw~kpitsadspt nsd proportioning eveiy part au aur inoreas. W. onploy ul y lise bést mecùal ski)!, and car maciines paso nader lte mnt care sun ivWou sud urttiy-cevery Selail ising abjeoled te tise sever- - aeitciticblunt-at acis machine Is tisoiongily lesteal belon. lesving our venkg, toprov. 'tisa' omiplotenoas cf', very part, sud tiser. lu ne Siffienity in puttiag tbirn in operai os b, an,'peruon cf moerato mecisanicai siilit,': 60 = 104 sa e.eted a4culutdvlia special reference te -tise 14t, fsqi à 0'b *n'ràacblues-mntlch i'gbeau madle for tiî partianisi purpoeo, sud net adsplad fo er es vrk, as u corenoaare oSa- citeS oup ta tise irantu anS riqolrementis cf oui maùuuaclnie-cislainiag a thor- ongis kuowladge f tie-oastotiou of oui machines, sud are thus enablosi te ch- taini 'a hi e ' ei ofeklli anS preliciene, thiu visre général msnnfaclurin'g la carnieS on. W. are tiserffoiea eassid to inîredoce Îmore perfect system nto iiail tise de-1 parinteate cf maunfacture, aSlng net oui,' te thé perfection cf lise vork, but ai-, 'a.to the rapidit Wefil& exetoô4 -und 'A conséquent reducticu cf coul. Thsisuciéioiso n*.a iaasaryIn a vel regulateat cetablisiseut, anS va' enaisiet9b tuel out 'cr bacisines vitis aisiisaer dégreé of perfection, and et prioensgo 1ev an abusoitely (o dii,' compétition. THE JOHNSTON. SELF-RAKING REAPER ls'owtevii'tievg a' Single Reaper, tisat a word cf cominadalion wauld aimouite ein aupefueu, but an there are mnan,' claimntng te manufacture tii machine veia'eadisered to, lb. ,olS original Toisumtou machine, vitiseut keep- mlg up te tise' mpoe teutia justice te ourselvena sd patrons require of us ta ste thMaIi i Wemedfiledit: in:alnteit ae 'erýsenti% uprt, anS for stieisgtb and duriilit,' M!ý tfcuhiee,'kind and condiion of grain»'ligisînesa cf1 draft sud aaue of ma idmetth csuln à snaefsatnnd b,' as-stands pre.inxineouly abead ai.ther reapers. Iu proe f of tiispesition vo bave cl wt tônî t li;.Dn),iy ri'. ePrises avardad au-at tise lait Provincial' trial cf On- taisud n,' counu4trialu vielshave tabù iplace al cvii Canada, vithin isa lut f»,w yes ,OUR ,TR'ilMPH COMBINED MACHINES, wilis ble ntroventenIta ail11tisaI eau be dseured in a CombineSt Machine, sud canuot fani ta met al ni rquiremante of puroissr. Opr lmrved Aya Chiefd, and oui' YoupgCanada Mowera ir w~hu4ickuhsabisue-ôeuutllted almest'whil,' cf Iron mùd Steel. Tise Vcayaa 3'haa a reasoucu, Stise Young Canada a front Ct ; botS slreug, dur* ibl, machines, sud net ;eeiledb,' any machines: in tise maskel for qualil,'cet eut,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~» -Ïeui,à iitearrf.aapaiiy u se f'maagemenl. OUR EW "VHITBY -ARVESTER:' Ai tht eunir,'hba beconie better adapteS (o machiner,,asd msny of our farm. qrjaeboceu»_ -4 thé nie cf machineai, agrowing Semand ison sprungý uplerail fnab .q h a lsu Es apie >siisncced inluiuenting a ma- -à luwittWrb» ïr4 Pram, wlt 'ise liaitpossible g- ig-with large broimaeSdrive wsal -ads coasslrutesi tisatishe frami sud table tilt ai èý aaa.;ten~ti~e #.theIn; tis a lsualwra7i nlino vilS tise' muffe. 'ie 'tbesàil ih*.~hereaihno p.roeeýbeiiiilad- ~rat~ aS nesêlgItups iseboe. eoka. We' are confident tisaI' va'have ina meci'pIniioi Bpar, *ldg 1tlna i is parii, Usat b as e a eu produce @b. ave cppiieSfor lattera patent, -sud &lsallbo ir k<olsion, oi euewRaxislii's'xstqrK,'and vo respectfafl7 jappaI tei- mudnpicssr, tisat t 'ÏiolSii Ii macine before lging their ordera toi iseaontug arvet. fc"Whiib ,'Hafraut>"wl ghu, ailtold,'600 potnudi, but~ ~ ~~~af ben a) nnia f tise bout qnslity ofjrcu and Staal, sud-fron t fa u., sud ompat ooo9etlon, ilcomnbinas dia trengLi sud duirabilit, of thse' Ai leurmachies arifoly wamted1 'Wilis I istiof maclands, vi e el obéladont tisat Wvoeau Meeovmryre- ietn,wer pe!'soliit'a trial'et our znacbinei, ble n hfwa esu <mih?& :ett 1 e frtise moue,'tisu eau b. obaied eIeere. ONTA2aIO. I3BOWN & F~eRSON MF'G. Gco, ProoticalWtohmn Maroit2h, 1879.- I. 'J~Q FIýRE P ROC IWO'~ Is doing justice -ei h éreditors-if h. ýdoes 'withiot'f NýoteS, 'Oroth - Who lias deeds,- notes or'Mi have a Safe to guard both gaik SA e 5.is - lways à Good: Asi its contents, but keepe its own viàuc a lire a asmalu tlky w el o ga for nearly ito first coset. J. J TAYLOR have t rneça the lest 24 years, and noue of the4-hsi chants, this is the kind af IlPraocdio can't givo. 'Go ta the Taranto Safe.W J MY Steko Is now Complete iniEvery Line. Brook-Bt. 'Whitby. au)SAF: I . TE PC to himself or his O rorn sa e to proteet'bis B ookse ' If ht faim re hiable -p apers. S pe n î !ny mA he.1AGEeNT4tt 6ty i the 'bseodght to 6iet Buasrmo'y Freeie îefo ft asitno oLy p trservs s ne-w,- avnal ià can elways be -salal e ut-about, 20;000 safs -in faied in tria.l'ariera and Mr- t"s and iamething -that the Tariff Srks and geta Bafe. &J.. TAYLOR, Very Spe cial," JnduJeients to those STARTINO- HOUSEKEEPING. UN D ER'T A KI NG.- Full Stock of Caskefs, Coffin s,'and al the -necessaiies lunlýhis Ihue. Alsol A 1WELL-APPOThý,TED .IEAIRSE. ]E3tbM& ORtober Mth,_1877 CARD'.PICTUJIES, $1OSPEIR- DOýZ CABINEIT " $2éOO The work byý the New Prooesà is supetior to allythi ng of the kind yet introduoed. It coinplotely revolutionizes the. art of photogratphy. Cail at o0 ce and get piotures taken by the New Process.- CLOTHING CHEAPER TRAN EVER! AT E]p ?vI2r 0-GLEmiS. NO R/8E ./N PR/CE ON A CCOUNVT OF Tf/E NATIONAL POLiCY. Gents' Spring Suitsj, nat estyles, i Mry oeap. A Àlarge stock of fine ciothea. Handsômîb Veut patterni, Gents' fi rnisbings, a full lino. Garmeotg eont in fashionaýble style. Ùlt branches of Tailori'ng roeive promýpt attention and satisfaction qparaàntesd., Go where, you wili get a weU-ûtlî~g garment and full value for your onny. An inspection respectfnliy inviteil. JOHEN R.IPRINGLE, Wisitby, Marais 241h, 1879. Brook-S8t Whitby. OUTTERS, Buggi SALE A Large FOR ,TOU -&NEWI? TAGES. b f Cutters and ~CHEAP, -c RAILWAY TRAINS!- FABE S.- To sud front G.T.R. Station. .... .. To sud from W'itils,, P. P. & Lindsay'-- E','-station ..................10e. Tiscie couveyauces are sale sud ccmfort- ab",,and in chsarge cf careful drivers. mi baggage ubeckid anS carefuRlllke altes.. LOUIS SEBE'RT, Wisihy, cb.~, 179. Proprietor. LIEVI ST-ONE, Eemoved te lise Ontario Blbck, Brook-St,, tise oit! place nezI Suer te tise Meutreal Telegrapis Office. Theaplace te GET- A GOOD .-30311? AND -JUICY STEAK 1 Hels eg'taunce le. tise tlkit- aleai cfWstb, sud vicinity, tisat iss- bas - openeada FLOUR & FEED STORE in coanection viths bi Butaier Sisopvb am ha wii alwayu have on hsnd A LAGE STOCK 0F, Cisoico Fleur, Cracked Wisoat,_ Ositmeai, Coramesi, Osîs, Peau, Shorts, &c., &c.. Orders deliereal lu an,' part of tise teva.. A caUinaseliailed. *LIEVI SToNÈ, AUCTION SALES 1 T EG tnern y sincere tisa the i.~ ~ ~ ~~~e pulcfrts eylbr patronage be5oe pnm uts at, and tu conduci say îsales 1 tisI =aybc t"a ýwfth. .,Terma libeas. Stoin guar- aPleed., My ale book ill b fcud at the Ontarlo .Hoté! Whitbq. Arrangements as ta da's cf sale, &c.,May be made witb mr am a, -ise Ïrpretor of-thse Rtel- Orers by maIor téemphattendea t. N. B. -Sale Ealkaand biaknotes fnriised free. L. T. THE TORONTQ Turkish cd Vapor2aths, T7ise.batha are aseful infliseraitiam NeragiCuFis. slduq eae4W o: flansmations. Eillcnsncss, Peveri, ma for The vâpàr7latha lare purticulssly srplies- Èie ta anl Skia diseases, especiy Syp ÏBi, it Je now untvcroaly ocaceded litIbotis tiseTnzklah mil Vapor Batiss are tise beut presertives of haalth witiitise reacis oi medicalexperts snd iu compunctio. wyuL medial'trealmient'tise Patlsnt-li mors rap. 15?tSscesatnily Ireated. arnedtsraagiiat tise worMd front royalty down. t e sepooreat man. Tisî Turéais batisi aa tisa oly cnes in tise City' -of Teronta, Qnbtations and recommea dations are 'iVen frron thse beatmedical sud aanitary asri- tiesI u Ucentries. HOUES-Gentleman, 7 ta 8,80 a.m., 8 ta 9 pa. . aturday n=fil 11 p.m. Ladies, 10 a.mn. talB.8. 1PEIOES-ýTur!dah Batiss, one ticket,#1 - 12 tickets. 010. Vapor Batis, 60c esacid '233 QUEEN4ST. WEST. Skilflfna uattentive ziale sud lfasle attendants. J . 8. DIAMOZID, MD.' 80) Superlutendaut. Valuable 'Real EBtate 111 TEE TOWNSHIP 0F BEACH. FOR SALE BY PEIVÂTE CO14TRACT Lot No. 2adthseSentishallf t -SUGO Byro Deiea byaor 'C AnD. 'Physicien, st 'Wiitby, Sepî. ROOMs 0' 1.0tI0, p. m. Imnd SGilbert str -C, N. 'Teetis exIraes 'local a est5 *ýsf'a slow block, KRing Street, 081 * JJAIR DRE *LJ -Salon, B -~JOUN LÉ B CKSMIII (Sucessr t HOrM ahoeing a wcrk. OFFICIAI ii-tqSY il 1 oroÈto, Aprfl,29th, ý 1879. OFÉICE THE TO THE Whitby, October 10th,. 1877. i f JOHNSON. ý U. B L 10.

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