t'o. Da uesy~ or se- of menacer, * thatho J.e noésrlrctned a.un;for sthe.cile crn- ensr ~e duded off, the. uttle shootsaisr - lsrisedaa, ~in,-sn&Med mon. Wives - gsay ave IIzuoh nmoresoantes Mcan tlcefr lcnabsnds, *specis.Iiy wben lice bUcbsc&Dlu are olever- mon. Tice vifs'. advides are hie lice ballast that k@eépe theic.seédJr. Tlcq. are like tice ~wciaethoagh *TkinfùI, cheai - nlpplung off lihtie growtbhg of glf.oon. ceit and foiiy. Tau!r.- Trtithtalken as a wholé, à . not agroeo6bIe. Rvecry man, warnan, andi clild clslikos it. Ther, are agree. able trétîhe snd disagresable trutis, snd it lé thé province of ducreion or souî Wag sn buake à seloction froua Iiheso, hld Dt ubtuapioy lhem aIl In. dClscrluiaosely. . spéaking tt tçntic cet nottalwayo à e'Virtue. Ooneealhcxg à i m Vùary Ofteajucticions, It ýiuaaly whéa duYIy eîlsupon Yon ta rêvés.! db.truli thiatit is éomwaleA , é.Âtale-tellér Mcay hé a tratla-tellor, bul évryane tikilCO hiolie cbac.acta1 of a. peoon who gats froua oneéliause td anotléer and in. Ltrcainiicatéc ail liécees or lié4rs. HaATc-To robinc or récayer lcéaléi, peraosa s b e éreiieved tronc AnxietY eoncornftag discaco. The cntnd ha liuPOWér avér thé hoy-for a porion _t bnhic hueasdiséasé, vil! ofta Pro. aduce ébat discasé. This wé sée wlén thcs inidis-intenuaciy cancetitraléci npo Vics digeage of anolicér. Wé havé séén S pors:n Ka-click, ln anticipatn cf a voae eoereacing lice vessel. A blinidfjclded man ahl lgtlyprked icn thé iirw has faitted and, diutram bellev. icig bo vas biceding tu death. There. foré, perans wolitoturemain vé111 sbouid hbc ceerfai and lcsppy. ; and ick persoas sionici ave tble i mnde divert. ed as u n spossible from ltbemaelv.. Plioooi.-Eveîybody lalk about r- trsiealnsçt nowA.das.y, but particular. iy te mou. They takçit i for grsuted t tit womeù -muet cda ticé oaving, haw- tiver, sud masculine vritérc on dômes. Liéecooni>' ara peréioîtlariy vigrous in their sdvocacy of woman'o ballon. --- abia riglat ta work apdS aiv. one of bics bot nations is ébhat aer>'woman eholntiIcçotné bar own millnar 'anS "Issîaer af teladuiles," lice> swy, ver>' aoBirahié point-waulcl ho Raineti,"No douBtl of Il. 'Andtihie prnccipis luivolvét In athé geinicag ai this "dIesirable pint" ic boa good ta bé limc. - Iuacinlu lbapplieation' btictheladies aluils. Tlue geuflemen vico have dis. Ouvansd il ehoniti hé péinittéi ta ahane lu lé, -Tîcie licey oaci do by makiccg tlicr Own c lSaandi clobicos. Ticus WoIUIlaolaicr "doiccrablé point" b. gaineal. l Inche liOard tiansé,thé more désoirable points ltai cdca hogaines icn u1moiaucsteeaonyl ýbe ibor. " Wioré dIS lice irnot corné froua, 1talnauà ca?" mamogs.-"From Afnisa, My êler,'-Cialé~.."Tlanwicén Ilknows- liow ta alk Fil!l l 1Us ail about the Tic8ote ab ce r's illustration cf luc rQOssi .5 ua Iliti ta have consider. ébje force. '1é vauld bché a lirsle" h. rrackedil a covoie éotly up a tics And willio ike aà naîvis.", Wliot grava hlggéi as ycsc cantracéý' il? Doit, Green Irllo-tbosé tues éAllow éliém. solves ta be eauilit. EMULSION' 'PURE COD LOVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME 9SODA L..s.aédiy ' 1, é e oasusiepna. ig-- Mhéîé.cé . Il 1é . uthé ésasé foat nu alal rlés sv r èeta thée a ucIIas adpiut. iro1r1 febu< *t, curiches l~rntIe~d eUliccicéa cf és nds rte cetida: l kYrsaebyéaa D Irpi§U seSlpa t ggleîsuaG ouale, For isais b>' T. G. Whltlléld, WhiLby. LIVERPOOL,,- LONDONDERRY, OLASGOW. -Ser'ic via Quebso at PJaa:0 cescosuy, sud atiirdisy frein' Quebec Plttatsin ell-vn- Whl'-' m. Etre eoé rer , il ..... May' lotb, i970. î4th, seecge re !forwvrddtaLau- tat, Giéuagéw eenséows, ag d ,L a i -l ame raté UIéqé suéSn for their hMnde tata-Milmvrates«-. "Ufoain l" tel cl ve. oi the Allaai Lia. camé êmclTéua nalay wéoveà BEAD QOM - N.UULTN, CIN4DA. CAPITAL. 41,000,000. Casb Deposit weuh the. Dominion Goyera- ment, W5,000. Joare Raitn IJa Smeo, aa T. 0avorbll, IfotroLe l . .Grqe Président. VIce-Preldeut. spà . aEy bu us, mureS d-et the low.st Speela quotations, on brick an& wood 4wemir g~*Griti anS ther produce coyer. réIo ýtterni i tr. q boameAe. Agent douîntyQa ýo. Fab. Mh11879,1 STANDARD FIRE IN8WiANCE COMPANY, NEMI OFFICE, IlA MITTON,. A UTîqTIZBD CAPZTAL, 1 8,000,000. Gtoercnmccut Depesit, 026,00 Business candooed ta Ibis Province. D. B. CRISHOM H. T. CRAWFORD, Preutent. SeayTresa. D. DEXTER, Asstant Secratary. EQoîrAicLe cI -RATE.-AII applications for Insurmince- rsceîve thé closent écratin>', anS occiy those Seeméd désirable anS stae- quate ratos are acooptédl; aur aIre belug ta moite thé rate lu a ah eues prortnaeo the risit cernéS. oatooet FuIie rs N;&)Usrczvé.-Evéry, daim made upon thé Compan>' for lacs or'damage le casrsfnuflnvesélgatéd, and wlilé Ilosé faonS ta b. nest are pramptly ana chéorfulj palS, ail attempti at irauS are alla evér wi 1 E. W. aROl. C..ént, 13r Innrancefoctea YlMet raés l the hast Engllsh aSCasStnCmai B. W. ARiQLD, -é.17 Gonéral Insurancé TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE. IJ NTIL .UJRTHER XOTICE THE Office af the Town lerk a&t Treas- nier will hé in thé ODDFIELLOWS' HAIL. THOMAS HUSTON, 1 Town Clérk, Whltby. Whitby, Féb. 1l, 1870. 1-6, 10A I E OrFM0NfYI To Renow Loans aiready ex~t ing, ta Pay Debts, or ta make Impravements, HEUNDERSIGNED 18 P1IEPAI4M J. t aké advanôes acitt scit aif réal éatate: tan périodeto soith barrcui. aa repayahlein cian>' mannar applic4its ancTtof întérest Six, Savait, sud Eiïht Por cnt . acaardlug ta réps.ymous. Whén tléIs satlsfactory thé lac an hé ComplétéS ana mona>' paida ver lunT an' Day8 1 W- WANTIID Tii PUlCHASE GaobD MPRTOAQES. ConvéYanCOesciyeiuiy prépareS. Office Dîgelowý'é lack, Part Pcrry, d2) Respecttull>' Yoorfp, 421 - TROMAS PAXTýN. "PFROTECTION 1" HOME GýROWN SEEDS. S NESTATiLIBRED fat t& S. 0. lracwu's omc GrownSeeds are ec. comlng more populan tram year to y$anr. Tho ubll0,héy vaut ééth m rch ta - th Jee hi ste r sure te gMow PLOWER SE-Da A SPECIAL I1 AU! sUadéaut b> moil free of poHtog0o Lý3 Usé Drowu'u Irdian Linamnt. jo'r 1 salé b>' dealers «sueral!y. 7.C. DRO WN. S--éditait,1 ISNOW, Doge ta lulorm 'i uisLnt uecl n patroné titlhé bpas gl a i bLI W. P, ON iJloAS S1wfire~J :.ud pl Sel~~e sa$Ol. afrnds OONFECTIONERYl CAKES, PAMTY, FREsH OYSTERs,- FR UIT f all kinds in Siago,, SODA IWATEII and GINGER REER, déliveed dai ailores ýnipVt¶7séttenedto. 1 is ad Support supplie stetoues.s. Do't foagét thé addresé, R, SNOW, DunSas.Séreeé. Whiéh,, - AT Tan O-LEN 'MAJOR MrILL Pleng Bors ikaie fori as, lut éuié Dasivood, - o ilh1>16,000O16. Square Timuien A ivcciW$ hé soiS éesap for ceeu. iO.tf) G11i't~A J OH-+N S AUNDERS> TM. VHOLB 8¶JToolî0W AMOUNTING O QYEBula$,OOQ WUî13 O'F-EÂT A4 SMALL IADYANCE ON COST PRICE -il Thie StockAg ail new, sLnd'pnirohéged frÃ"É 1iébëjtjlusL .es in the trade. No anus or oad Lidonea wholesl;e k ify.ou do no0t ýe 'Wh,ýt yô wanit we wiil mantufacture an tl fboots or shoes you aý reur, ' ~ girantep WbitbY, April l6t4, 1879. JON AUDR..,eit CANADA ?ERMANIENTi LOAN Â&ND SAÂVIIGS COMPANY, TOR~ONTO, EËËd*'PL TED GOODS'OfSUPERF0 ÙÂýULTYl. Ai icsof Japaned Tin, and SheetIron.ware coistantly kept-in stock. REPAIRING done ohoaply and neatly. Ail work guar- on1r~1 ad C0ndian GOA L Wicke, Burnérs, &o. Wluitby U'eby. U 4thi, 1879.. OIL. Larnp Ccme J. W . BAJRNÈ S., WHýITB:Y.,CHIN-A TE A- STORE, INCORIorEfl~ ~ '~I LATR PAl» «UPCAPlTAL, . - - $2,00,00. TOTAL AST, -' -- - $6,000,000. TO FARMtRS ÀA.ND LANDOWNERS. DO YOU WVANT TO BORROW,.'MONEY P To buy more land-for yotursalves or lor your sons ? To build a hanse or ar o 2 To felice, clear, underdrai'i" or otherwise *mrv ou ad To pay off îA Mortgage or oth rf4ebts 1 Or ýà r any, other rose If yoii do, the reduced terms î oÇ the JANÂI)ÂýPEÈRMAýNENT LOAN AND BAVINGS CJOMPANY afford supèrior facilities for efféting the Loan at the lowest rates, and for its easy rqpayýment. THE -SINkING FUND, SYSTEM la gener&Uiy admitttod ta bc the botrad surent, and chéapéat plan, over yet devisod foryprovld. ing for thé paymént af1i lilieu. siaadopteb ovérpments, bmunlclpallties, and-b>' the Miost prospérons amd progressive landowner h mEroeami Amerlos.. T'unCs(ANADA Pmncuxzxr Loà x .n Rmos cCoxrAsqy fends mon alnBéiste'sasth. In the Province of Ontario, on thé- aboyé ysténi, s» oruthéetf940dngfaélléls eidadvan. taI esuta borrawéiRs-..ý,0ýûd le -Yen ean obtalu s.nysnom yourelloire, t'a t fo n «-oncoe e xed 2u é-yearsandeta amodraté raté o itere~ rs> en o hsntéuéln c frwmuntil he oanin dvaced nodednatlon. béong made for commission, Puy- montésluns.dvancé, or If détlra4&for sollitor's fléu-snd othér éxponsé-e-----.-. I 1ý ara.-Yon auco éévé n usfrom thée<Company, and pay lé bsok tbrongh thé Agénoles af thé Compadys 1o.nkors, rte ofcharge. ZThé'Compa.ny bauno Agents ,for coUéactlng menéey. AUl réuitts.née w il hé aaknoiédgéd b>' -récuipte, slqzueêby OiuêPz2eiden1 ana Manager, .. ÃŽ .' 11. . __ý 1 4th.-You con répay thé Los.nb ,rlj or haff.,.ly Instalments, as bout solts your convéni. once, ancIpayters 2 sntv it inetahtoe.u méethe. 5th-You en puy backayg=um oU ussiéain advéae of thoyognJrio =-p% ansd intéernat ut six per cent. par.snu amwý lWbe ulloiréS fo.eve aérmnj.RstlmteopeB whén dné, are, ubjet Ioa "larg aionu éoutJn the doflu.pér uuoéth tlfl ps.d." ath.-Yon con puy off your Mortgage = mlI you désiré, wlthout noticé, apon fair aud equl t. abletotanais thé Company' han a 1used location, thé -placé for Vaymeént ln always 7t-Rai tape>' off potir MOrtagd b>' sn ntebnenîit steià $loo f iIntérest, and in your own tuée, yen avaldiSnriiks ai lostng your provéré>', or of ha qi gta horrow agaln tpay off thé boan. lOy talclng thé bongeét tarau your annuel payient for prluclosl and intéret willhéclIttle more thon what o would have ta py for lutéréét éloné. 8th-The neoarepenses are fixed, and 1,nwer titan tbqfsé usually chargéS, Théy m.y bc inluedntaMttag-,ud dbaok wthéeismnà ,we hrwl ezwoi otl.-'You soeuré thé striotéét privaoy au ta pour affirs n ydur ownoéieghborh o, sud axeé fot éubjoact ta thé moeroy or aarlaé of eny ludlvdual * and au'thé Coaipanv aaunat own real ..t.te, lé con bavé ne possible lutareet lu opprsésln , nfnpéazft ée oité- wgYe gémeaita g eé.yur lith.-!Yon ré 'dé' >witha e 'lty corporat1io ailong standing, whîab has alréady -énadée M0050 Mort &go 0n, monl ta about lourteon millions ai dollars, asu nnoa luétanco heu Il itoen undu us tgé0o na Its anatomaru. l au uaIn oo(téfetd1ir than 2,0000loané.ntya ln i fetdMr Lonne moy4,é obtainea for any terncnpti20 year, répayeblé s.ccordlng teathetflowlngtablé: INSTALMENT REQUIREO TO REPAY A LOAN 0F 81000 IN THE ÇoLLOWNG PERIODS : G Ti.j Tu, 4 ré 1 Yr.jSYs.17 ià 18 5 ra. 19é l rri s r. 1St. é Thc% ua utaii, pay;babte endéoné ach yoar, pa>' off onire débelpt 4ur~s. THE 'HIOHEST PRICE PAiD FOR QOOD' MQRTOOi FORi } UXTHElé INFOIIMATIGN APPLY TO O. ýNOUIISE, Appraiuar, appouité 'i1hrouia1e"Oflé, Whitby. Besgt Wine8 and:L.iquar.s,,,-B wand#es andi P rte, ,a-t DUNDAS STR EET, art Liebîgýs Extraet of Beef. t Qrawford's! AMnylaceous FooÃ"d-!ýor, Ijri-sh1 -Curry Powder, - or PF ouý - Preparcd Carrots, ýRôtod- xfgé> Prepared Barley, Potted Ham-' and -Chioken, Poa Flour, otd sè - 1--- Benlgal Çhutuey. Potà ~d'.Anohovy Faste, ~Strassb r Meat, -- .POtted Pate and Diable, 7 - nPotted Deviled - Ham.. - ýVlitby, Maich loth, 1879. R. 1-I. 'JAMESON: rPý CiNGedI'je Tw*eed, juast tIha d,« t w!h 0for prices: and syeC2NO E RPE : LÀATEST STY&S 0 ?SIN PLASTER WHOLE SALE AND tEýTAIL. CASH PAfD FOR~GO Bultt erl Egs, Poultry, Apple$, iRed and Alsike Clover Seed. Whitby, Februoxy 111h, 1879. BIROWN & PA TTEfWON UMp-g. Co., W.J.'GIBSON, Whitby China Tea Store. I~rI~B~, O3~WTARJIO. TO0 THE PUBL,1O. hIÙpneéatngoiTwnysconl Annuai Catalogué of Agnicoiboral Impie- nattahéfarmere cf Canada for thé yes.r 1877, we o isa with more thon thé ordinary clsgrao of priSa andi confidence, froin théenrarkéd favour anS patronage conferneS ulacu us, snd lice steady sud increasing demauci froua yes.i la yoar cf ouiuav wceléhnibécPan Implémenas' - 'We shail continué se. h4et6fao, as -manufactureas, tb make s speciaily cf Agiiéùlllural Ms.ciinry-the Jchcnetou 'Self-araking Reapor, thé Triumph Com- binoë eSRavêr à acd Mowori, thé Ca yuga, Mer, thé Young Canada Moyen, anS dur new WiibifHavester, e-là iwýiug a large sbire of aur liane usut attention. Foôr tl.naséTwan ty-two yeare ws havé givén aur most caneful sanSi-viS-- et(4atlqntiacclo'the mnanufacture'- sd opération cflice various machines in use, itfti,lcg itthý-iaést points,'-rémédying déféots, modifying and onnacting erroné, séîengthening *eak pointé, s.tapting and propontioning aer>' part as oun incrans- .4exporiecice bas auggestéd. *à :M LOY onl1thé eet smécianical akill, sud aur machines paso undén thé - ri wn rS srutiny-éveny dtalbecng abec I t he cver- ~lertirsan.ucdesch -masiciné 'is thcoiougicly testéS béfi>r-é lea-viag our vonke, tpeathé pstné e" ory -pènt, anai thens je no difficult>' in putting tMî:y' emc'pénatianhy ay 1érof modocate méchaniical abilit>'. t 'Our machine'> bas been selected and construcéeti vilc a upécial neference ta tc. ann4~xr af~urawn mcicu'os~.mny 4lc avinbhén -mado for titis ps.riiur purpese.,anS not adaptéS dfor ctirwrk, "4ou corakn ar nedo e*AAd; np ta thé-vents and, reqorencante cf aur nianufaatnré-obtaining a thar- qugh knowlodgs cf thé consetruction cf aur machinés, anti ana élus enabiea teoho- tixntj hfgwlcutS1gee of skill and pîcficienfy Ihan vicéré général manufaclorng W. -aré théréfoné enahilet t inétducéea more perféet sysésua intoall thé de- paréécenés cf manufacture, édlUngnet an!>'ta thes perfection cf ltée vork,,but ai- so e t ébe rs.pidity of lis executicn-.iý a conséquent réduction cf coult. Titis puinoiple le.regardeS nécéeeory ici a véil rogolated establishiment, 4at wé énable eélt jn out 'ôur machinés 'with a hcighec. cegrea cf porféttian. sud et pricés ec-otw as aicéentély ta 50f>' compétition. T-REJOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER le ine* se wa-ui cowu ASe.as.Single Reaper, ébata vend of coammandalion vauldj ,,ae séisperînous, but as,-thiare. man>' claiming ta manufactura Ibis machine-vWho bavé adhered ta thé aid original jalinélan machine, wiîliahubý keep. cug up tathe impravéinénta ; that justice' teoursmolvea and patrons réquliiç cf la bo state ticat vo have modifieS it in afihict evei'y éssenltl ;part, andc for stc'engtic -anft durâbî1itf.., quslilv 01 cul, in évé>'> kinci anS condition cf grain,; ligitues of - rkf Si ae âidüdst-he'ià otn, a maofctre y:us-sotands pre-eminentlY à aeadIaf &Il othén réers. Iu prO faof tIbis peliion vé have oui>' ta poîtée a tie rany'ist 1Piszes avanded us-at tice lasé Provincial trial cf on- toitstid -icS nsu1 ousty trials whlic havé tahen place al over Canada, vithin telait fév yere. OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINES, vibli lite' .ncprovemeu?ýi leal ihat eau 'bc dexieSlun a Combiued Machine, and cannt f l amt ai thoreq oieant$ cf purchasei. Our mp/véd6oj~,g- Chbiai Jr, and our .Young:0.à nida Mowr are bth fwït.olùémshlnes- conelilnted simâtoatvcl>' fIon anaStSeel. The' Captà gà Jr, liaiïrsai esit, aud thé YOu>, Caaiida a frà ont ul; hbli rong, Sur- ab&dimachines, and noi excelléS b>'y maoy_, lthé iairet fan qualit>' cf eut, durability, lgicInuai of fdraft, adaptajihiiy, neecfmc.ent ,,O iEV "WHfltBY 1-ARVE8TER." .4ihe oüùtrybtco 'obetýer'sdajtîà b ncachluer, sud msny cf aur faim. hae ' cm, i4~ lsd u:l luse Mof î e, a gncv sinenand, bas spruLng ufor à &Lgt niuable Fite Rser. chin ~tc~a~rdghliron Fram6, vitb ,MG HATs-Laie'tst ýtyes, and at irioeë. -A-n inspection solipited, ' t- - -- - Jr . 44ELGUSON Baby Carlages, lnw . (t DiainondDnst Poliah, wholesale ahid, retail. The béat polishk Bilver Ware anad NicheiLSBilver. Jé;welry made to oaider. Parti tenltion ta Watoh repairiig. "Practicel ,Watochmaka rt -- rkSu Whitby. - I Maroh 2Oth, 1879, kdoing -justice eit1hier*t himself or lis creditorsa if lie does without a Safe ta proteet hie Booke, Nôte,? or other valuable papers. Wlio lias deeds, notes or 'oney in1 the house, pught to have a Suife to puard both ag inst- Burglary and Fire. A Safe je alwaysa Good 4set, as it not only preserves,, its contents, but keepi itýe own valu as well, for after passing througli a fine a amIal outley 'aill miake il asgýod as new, and it eou alwoys ie's-old for neary is first cost.: 1 J. & J. TAYLia have turned out about '20,000 safes in the asat 2i yars, and ncone of them fias fai1èd in> trial. Farmers and Mer- chants, this -is the kinci of i"Protecition" and"sometliing that the Tn.riff can't give. Go to the Toronto Safe ýWorlrs and get a Saufe. Clark's mo-vn for iola it- My Stock of 117 ITôIi6 rox>t STr1; zrtTooni Is now Complete , îiEvery Line. Very Spiecial Inducements to those STA1RTING- HUSEKEEPINCr. Full Stock of Cskýts, Coffins, and al the necesà aries iià this- lime. Also,. A W-ELL-APPOINTEID HEAIRSE. Whitby, October lOth,- 1877. 4 W r CARDLPICTIJiREý,' $1.00 PEIR DOZ. CABINET $20.0. The work by the -New Proess is superior to anything of the kind yet introduoed. It couipletely revo1utiionjzes the art of photography. Cal, at opce iand get pictures taken. CLOTHIN-G CHEAPÊR THAN EVER,! NO R/SE IN PR/CE O/y ACOUNT, C F THE r- -NATIO'NALI POLIC - YI Gea e' Sprixcg Suite, la t "esy 8, vory cheap, ÀA large stock of fin " cltiea Hndome Vestattalenn, Gntefnnzciing, s hll uine. - Garmeoti coutln féchianahîs style.> Ail bran-chés of Tailoning ecéiveprnp attention and-satisfaction- guaéranlecti. Go,.w ee you ,viii gel s. vell-fltting JORN R. PrINGLEWhtb Ijllcleaat possible geenig-vitb largse,- alà Y WlaF lino vlth the loufé. t TI . tillE aleekgs -We are confident tiat vs ihaveUG I S 'a Reseapé, $ak1nIlin &H its pa, tic à or] ter jaen, ýd'hgLol oýAN D CSLoe ASES., Hsree'¾<iglis, an toflLargetdoAssortrnent Qf(utters and a1lt f !ton anS steel, and frein uts in- Buggies Mieth trengélu sud Surabiity cf 111tCi i~d.- -Y. ---FOR SALE,, CHEAP, 1- cOM#ufiétat s eeau ncéet even>' ré- 1A niai o~f aur Machines, h.lieving tbel vo ce>' titan cab. obtalnéd elsewliére. 0 S & Nl WP j,' ~TEI8QN-T 0 M0. s Nr' E T-'au#nYrn épécinmec copias, aL., .ree h pblsb BELFORDB CLARNE & Co. Il-t!)- 60-York St., TORONTO- ,NOTICE cS-nulpof Ontaro ~s iHEEEF (W- itT . l. - an thât thé Courté 01 Gonerul 'Semis aoi.thé Peacé and thw -Céutiny Court,-in sud for thé Coun-ty.of Ontario, *4l bébicldon lunlice COURT9 HOUSE, lu TOWN- 07WHITBY. 2',UESDMY, JUNE the 10th. n87%'. At thé haur ai 12 a'alack, ncot, of whiuh élit Justieo!flice Pesée,Copronfers, Constables,. sud atheré concerheS, will laite notice undi gavera théinsalvesaccordingly.- NELSON CG. BRXlJLDS;. Shari'é Office, Shorif (. G.. Wlcitby, Ma>'lt.h, '79-. 21 0OMNIBU$ES TO AND. PROM ALL Tcansd froua G.T.R. Statin,.... 2e( Tcansd froua Wcltby, P. P. & Linsay> R'y Station .....................loc. . Thosé cianvoyancés aré,sais ana confort- able, sud lu charge of terefuni drivers. MUJ baggagEhhecked sud curoful>' lookéd uftet,. -LOUIS SRDRRT, - -Proprator. lVibPl,25th, 18709. l-ll LEVI STONEý Removed ta thé Onterlo, Blockt, ]rock-St.,, thé olS place, nexé ti er ta ticsMontreel - Tébagraph Office. Thé place ta GET GOOD' JOINT AND -JUICY. STEAK i Ra aléa begs tu- onnouacé ta the ilhabit- ote of Wltirbyand viciit', tat lhe bés apeneaa -FLOUR &'FEED- STORE in connectin wthhiailtchér Shop,-whéré hé Win llaiéhavé ou baud Ai LAR 'GE STOCK OP Chcaico Fbaun, Cnackcd Wheuî, Oatuacal, . Cancmeal, date, Pcau, ->-sbhorts, &C., &r. Ondoya deliveodlina n> part, et theé tawta. A eau isle olicitad.- LEVI STONIE, - Ontario fllock-, Wlitby. AUCTION_ SALES 1 bestyed upon e lu thé peet, aStcj intlnZé ht Ii el éOn baga réaS>' tu. condu fa> aestalc a ctli on gtitati wlth. Tonnélibéral. - Saafateti guar.- suteed. âmy salé book vii hé ioüucS aIt tc- Ontanco HlaS l Ltby. Arrangements " te Savu cf saIé,etl&c., nia>' hé made witlt. Mi ,asnthepoprieéor ai tha HâoteL. Ordons b -maiorteIaeaph ttendeS te. Anctionéer, <litlq. N. È. -saléeflaultansd biaitnotas furnabhd frais. THE TORONTO s Turkish ' Vapor Bathsa These bath. are useful ln Rhauiuatîsnm, Neur Co oué l édé, COngestIon, at iS ,Skia Diseas, al l n flaùmationé. Ih3ilibonnsé; Paévané, anS for > The vaporysths arc psrticulail>' applira- bisb ta alSkia dlseasas, cépéciailly Syphilis, lé is -now niiversali>' concédéS -ébat bath thé. Tarkiuh and Vapo Baths areéthea basé presérvatives fai hIwlthin thé reacli-of medicau experts sud lu oompunctionqwlth médical traémant the patient !S more rap. Ja&trnd trohu t thée n rancro rayait>' oya ta thé pooreit man. Thèse Tnrkish'bs ae nthe oaiy onés lu-thé City' ai lToronto. 1- Qé,tatinsonreanc men ations ee frua ticsét neti a s anltairy authon- ties la &B écuntrles.- H OUES-Gentlemen, 7 t?8.80 a..,,8 ta> 9p.m. Saturda>' cati! l Up-.Ladies, I1> PJRIOES-Tairkith Batho, tué ticket, 81 - 12 tlckes, O#10.Vapor Bath, 0o c- hl 2334UEENST IEST. Skiifnl and attentive male anS feniale attendants.- 89) 1 uperintà ndant. J3ARRISTHI -Street,Wbty MECITOR OANEIIOI,ç ýQ*TRGEON TC 'Witby. BYRON pHEYSICIAN: Wm. naBRII ulJY'e HIOSPI ~J~thée yé 3.,f Wbitby, Sept. aot1 --ROOMs OVRI 1.80 ta 6, pý. B -and Gilbert séreééa -C, N. V)~ IffAlT EETI SethettéGracd-r lcal ntha ofén A=LÂOL SM, -""'LFAI OFFIXCIAL id & J. -TAYLOR, Mgch 26th, 1879. Toronto, April 29th, 1879. OFFICE *F T. 14 IE 1 Whitby, Marali 24thi 1819. OF S A YEl,.ý; J-. JOIINSON. ý