À c nistorner, living a' mile n)rth 71frozm larmomt, eBaya t1 Au ioe nCreoant," ee rýig-t9 aur owflmacOer&Ulb he-lave just Ç)pened: tIlce (8) lBk Cses -of God-agthat1 ~cA ntd contantly in oery 'ily, and have* Put Low PErices 7purtieuhiry Lively at thé O)DD- FELLOWS' HALL. There is coiderAbIee- qiliry for BLACK 0 'ILaer, (S11k DplIMSPO, Mantlc,, 1&o$$- boing 00 âijionable this e SSon,) iehavé a pretty large stock of Black 0 ok on band, . ad agi long m tt y lwld out ire uhai ocll at nd, udvancc on account of extra Dt.Thleso silke*ore bougit beýérc the N. P.,' and 'wfi remain at tho nid loir pricc»,.-legs, lu act than.prcsent WHOLEÈÂLE :FR082 ( Oddfeilows' Hall. jcnsso, T(-vi in au s mmentc e nes blas aked a lady, te dance th Poîkawith i hm, a sOmusuhat mcdia val ýtyl6 of dancé whicb, boméves-, fan '100 ha recellect4 à sométhing-about- airhîly.) *'Ab, do you-or-géuérlsll bgi wilh the-er-o0ps.i..r..or.th lida ? Tley ait it out. >A man sud lbis iWe au jeveiagr upofilwlisl ceutitutes afiidy-loolnm recel; a& vcanaseu ilgres-iÃŽtabrilb wleu &bu fla all -a dezen cisa slimps tlcking tb tb& acorcbed _Man tePWicOan sd lhécan't hé expecied iý - hep calw iwhn, Suds s bundla0 lcb "cuibngs b sWiug Mug NEW ADVERTISSMENTs, Aui TION SALE oF REAL -ESTATE. Mie tîifslersiguîd bhbm received instruction, frein OSCAXI DELONG, te ssii hy Public Anstilon on the ps-sines, LoI 29, Con. 6, T0W~IIP F WHITBY, lus Fanu - cotslning 2M0 Acres, inorm,.o Icosf, couslistlng oethlie SguIl tbre.fonf5b cf Lut 29# sud Sontis.hait et Nosths-halltc Th ul Lot Trmeo.ee Th Sîuià ni comprise a Paeaýel bcsg bouse uibh kituben attacheul, train bacin, sving boulse, sisesial neasly nuis Theus4mllis firt-ciasa 100 acres under culil voliation,4e ssmchoppeS sud rsudle s- balance lImbes-, cf uhicistwauty-îivs or ire trot.cltisa cedas-. The Fus-m as Wual waters, s living itresin runng tîrongh tleé nS, The Sale uilli take p lsue on - THEURSDAY, JUNE 19, '79, At Ouon 'cleck, P. Mu. TIMS-41,000 ut lime of Sala ; eneugh --Io make up One.half tne puschse mcney o tieAres-t otOctoher ; balance te ho secus-ou by Mos-igago at 7 lies- cent, on lernis le suit .ns-dhces-.uiil.Psssingie o -21) Jue 4tb, 179Antocs, COUNTY COUNCIL. r IE CôI onseile usCorporation et tisa Coumityeti Ontarilo will mcci, pus-suanit te i5Sjons-nmeul, lu tle TOWN 0F WHITBY. st2 o'clock, p. us., ou 7111!1118DA 1', 1011 f .J UNE, 18V)7. Alilacuosmuti net lu tle bania ettise Clos-k lcora the 7tlm of Joie, wil halie luloves- in- Iiilihe noxi sesion et Ils counnil. .JOHN SIIIER. Cesmty oesk!, Clice, omsyClos-k. WVlsttby, ~My lOts, 918M.11 tylin-I-i A THO1BOUGH SERVANT. AVI-c.v TO- MRS. T1108. )0W. A8S TIIO1IOUGIISERIVANT. Ci ymis1Woman wantsl a silu-hoe C in a odreommsns-ed. Apîply aItîleé .i OIII1ONICLII OFFICE. WlsitlY, Jue 411, '79. C tAD IC-NIC. A grandulPic-sii uilaiS cf ihe It. C. Clos-cii, willbbIeil l iiMR. GOlIDONS boanîl- tIful (lIbyE, noms- Duffn' Oseek, o n IVENEIIDAY, LUNE 1881,, 1870. I)ixmiimwill te ses-voS aInoon. Dr-uaeansI Quadrille Bands lu atendtaice. Ail klîîds cf Gammao, Runuinu, Wailsg, Jiiupng, IluîrSle IRacng, Foot ail, &c. Tise Cemmsitteac- woskiug lias-S te miake Ihis Pic-silo as piessari sedagrarablo ns sssIlsat bave ies-siiirid aittise Creok ins tlle îlot. L-,-- e Creuses slua Tempes-as-sc DIl-hie, te b l Isuon ties gsoude. T ICKETS. (usdittilig lu css-uilileassd 3iim- 0 uslits. Clilids-cisumîd l 12yeas-î of uige, 20 Cse-si. Disiifi' Os-es-k, Joie Iiff, '79, -145 AUCTION, SALE. Tfin sislos-eigmsodlbas isec iis;ts-cted loîaell by 1'iilis- sus-ioe, %wtlieuîresuirvo at Ms- CIIOSiYS STI/i, Dudas St., wlitby; o u 71h(I(>.> , 4)isoJUNE, Iii8t., Tise folowlug Gods, riz. l'îvo vos-y fina Amas-mosu 8-day Welglsb Cois, Ilis luge, tincly ilulîesI casai ouell lie., exracîrris-v-S; a lasgi quatlty cf ileokl; lis Tlselogy, limtos-y, llfogs-apliy, iivt-l,, Arnusisais allsd Connty Atiases, &o0., m'ltii au agiostment sof Amerlesu Gons ijuil lttilorerl ol islsllug lu-part cf Ladies' ansi Cousisr' Ilose suilliorse ; Cosemts, Sua- isoudaîs, 0o1 Clotli Aprana, ta hasuhifuil ati-e)Kulveman sd Tes-s, sud a nun1bar of Ysankee Notions ulsicl mil lis tonu sIoel unlie u s; à alioas mail qnantity'of tisaI superlor alowing Copal Varnisis.B Saleote commence aI 1 o'clouk pin. sharp, Tes-ms CASH. L. FAIRIBANKS, Wili1ti3, Jue 4t1, '179. Anobionees-. TIso advrstisci-, laviscg Tus-e tatseslese s.lîildrëîî luiti umidashie tisas-g, (2(Il-leasd a 13eY) le8-elleecns cf laclng tiss in lrse- îîîo-ltabla amllic. Tise agasemtthelimejl-l ii' S ani10) yens-, rspctlveiy; lieslilhy, sus-tii -and duO irmt; tiss boy la balveen 4 sud S1ycas-rs g e , liseioltlîy sud sro. isî. TCîmbuoy smim Syoungcsî giinigbt be hlad lu adopl. ASsi-es 130X 140, witcy 1P. O. FOR FENÇE. 'rl(iiiis-- iw l lis- -s-ciI-eS isthe slsr fl50 os-cs-tnsof amfeCCe ni ilus, CATi-OLIÇ CHURCH GROUND>s. m-stp-in-r eapplicatkintus Msy 10.87U.. 931 .W]i4 ;.n ouit';s-e at 8'nSr cet.nt, u. -ý Asth lime 2 ttésa1b Svtdc I Wll1 hava te bu ate vftol rases-va. luhe-F Parzw tseub.talnMed rm «Wtby, May 92%11879. 81 Ta (w$svlTi E ud libm=lsuc!«à oiplsnta, TOWN!,TREAS8UBRRs Sale of L'aedfor txe0 ...... 1f<... .. 'The Busines omry are nb TýHE FIRM, 0F ILAINO A TE AT ias lis day -been dissolve1d by mut#1al .-onsent, the busi-, ness wi» hereafter lie cundncledl by 0. Y. Stewart, wha uiltusé évéry pas- s.Ile1 edeav= rta Plisse the zuaUY kind and lipmérouspals-ens cf thé old - -i~~ ~(iNT'1D URN±bIj.N<f ANID MfiLL ËiNEý,,anad i gvo Town cf wnitby, By virtu ocfa War- his Mny patrons the very béat of gooa at thé lowcet possible prices. Çouny of Otri, rant under the sd . .,. * . coWî f the Mayor, sud I oiifer veI3' speoî agams %airng .t±8next îwoNe 1e't Sealcfthe Ce rtioncft;hé T f montbs to iuake a cearance before thé £41 trada cNencs.IStar a le îSPGcommaudtqg mete le upon dotiCemmnces.awIà ce nlletined lu thé f aIl t, 11snchb h. Thanking ail où u tn n ho 4g patenteSlands,, for lime arisas-s cf taxes th",ulei eea o - bareen n d coîtos lee a e "rh ast fa rsand hopiug 1 mnay still receive, their.supot : Teoeaets rfretgiéoie that, b.y n4.eF. the"osid 1 3New, W ool Ca methAcTon Hall, ..to eell PuleAuction <e lti ~ l et Adon , ip thealc n IiDry os, Cot g, and Ml'e Ta esr bwTE'RODAXithe 4tls day cf Sety 9ie, 12 01her cfTéuoloukr Whby {mue Lnd, 187. 'beveroll's Blook, Whitby.Ne Ta st' ca f as ina y h uecessary for time taxas, sud al la-wf,1ui cargea lncnrred lu sud about sncb PEBRY's PLAN, NORTH WAR, - FJNT R !FURNITURE! Fres-h Te's "ni of WET 0F BROOK STRET. ..~~~* Fo~r the next 6o db.s'iln rT i *141 1624 40 145 la9 ou O S I', Whitby, May 7th, 1870. 142 14 81 86 1 45 16102 148 8 65 21 1 45 Io81 si 144 8Be 21 1 45 Io aiii re ie Iifwi ere o e 1456a869 8 1 45 512 At hJLis ] pe is5 fo le-rnivs IL « UF ! 1478 859 81552-~BTT~ neeto ic147 8 19-S 1-45 "5'12 to -bise 3UIL IN , now incourse Of eet OR ots EIoNNn 149 8 59 8 1 45 5 12 Brook Street. 8t EIANA *152& 6 29 12 1 4 _6 80 Dr 154559D 8 1465i1 Parties in want of any kind of Good S TA TE ME NT il, ~156 8 59-8 1 45 8512 Furniture 1wil Save fMly 25 pr cet*by prhsn e O IE ci157 8 59 8 l145 5122*scren 15 8 59 8 1 45 C, 12 fore his reinoval. 16 u8 1 415 à 12 Splendid Parlour, Drawmngroorn and Bedrooin Sets, e T RA V E L E R ~ g6 85 8 1 45' 5 12 uesgnis, udt worthy of inspection. Dimîug.room Extension Tables-a- 1614 8 59 8 1 45 5 12 9:ýr <lut Corniccs, and Picture Fs-aming in oves-y style. Soins fine * SE. 116 a 69 8 I 45 ô 12 Crmsand Engraviugs for sale. 1168 859 8 1485 512Cros Real asiate, $ 517,204.87 117. 8589 8 1 41 ,12 -y--,-. -- A Cash on baud sudliaulm, 127,904. 09 1118 859 8 1 45 512 LJ .J.N ..n.JMfl-1:;b . .. .. f,%<. Lirais ou bond sud inos-gage - 1log 8 59 a 1 45 5 12 G- e n real estate -. 2,256,198.18 170 8 88 20 1 45 10oualIn all ils branches; funerais fully suppliCd.AsokoeegCaks. Intarest on loasiaccrnad but * * 172 19 87 48 1 45 Si180 100 1 178 10 92 48 1.45 21 85 Hearsle Constantly iu readiness. Defers-si Lite preiuns, 6 1,e272 1 ~~180 ô528 12 1 45 680 rmuedesdueptd 181 à 24 12-1 45 6 80 United States Goverument 111. 5 24 12 1 45 1181 hudse ' 488,420i00 184 5 23 12 l145 0650 Stste aud mucpalboud, 259,085 185 5 24 1 1t45 6e8 lie Raloadsto su ad bondeta, 8,888.00' 8168a bu8$1 45 5 12 .Positve 3 t8 for te ubu Bank an unrance stocks, 509,004.00 187 8 59 8 1 45 5 12 Total Assets, $ 4,595,445.31 18P 8569 8 1 45 5 12 -~LAIIIs 18 Ù9 8 1 45 51Rnses-vs, tons-par cent., Lifo 196 6S23912 1 45 o SE -roceries in every variety, fresh,.choice uéiefo r-surnce, L- 1,,15 1911 5 24 12 1 45 o icie80 armnt- 221,826.84 108 ô 28 12 1 45 6 80 AND CHEAF, AT ciSmt e anà not~ 199 524 12 145 6 81 _ due, sud an other liabili- 2 0 0 5 8 2 4 6 M S r E m Vt i e s , . . * 1 4 4 , 0 0 . 0 0 201 5 24 12 145 0 81 211 12 43 80 1 45 14 8F Total Laiiin 338379 212 12 43 0i 45 14 1 Flue Japan Teas from 2ôcts per- lb. Superior Youug Hy- Laiiis 335379 218 12 du 80 1 45 14 18 -son Téas fsrn Ots. per lb. Extra Black Tea fromu 40cts. pcr lb. Ca. Surplus as regards Poiicy. 2378210 5 1 45 8560 ns-'drs 287810 8251 45 il 08 ndian aua Foreihu ongars, at bottoni ps-cees. Extra Bas-gains inu Coffees, oSse l27173 244 12 28 80 1 45 14 018 Cocon, suad Chocolatés. Batty & Co's. Nubob ]Iickels, Mived Piekels, Sbtalsîlcs fer ihe.Year- 1876,8 245 12 28 80 1 46 14 013 Waliiut Pichels, Nabob Sauces, Curry Powder, Frenchi Capes-s, and assort. LIPE DEPÂRTENENT. 7240 12 28 80 1 45 14 09 a 2118 1488 835 1 45 Io1us cd Jsxia, fned Salmuon, Lobsters, Sardines, Tosuatoci aud Corn, Pus-e Nuniba-of i itsPolices uni. 8211 8 88 7 1 45 4b85 Exîs-nets, Pure Spices, 25lbs. Fine Currauts for $1. Raisins, Frcsh Tus-. WbeinumerLis78,~ y 8278 883 7 145 4 85 P-ds1 &C's oenlumb1878, . - 198 838 101 25 1 45 il 86 key Prns, Doine Lead, Jacoby & 3s illaut Self.aehiuing 'Polieli, 5 rittsn to date 30,297 U40 0 017 161 1 45 8 24 es. per box, Ilighly Pcsfunied Faxnily Toil0t Soaps, 80ets. par dozen, ail Wbole numi ci e Lite Pli_ 8412 60 81 I4 4 82 otlies- Soapi at prices that defy competition,. Patenjt Pails, Wash tTubs, Amount Lite lnsnr;nceýj 11,207 8611 12 42 80. 1 45 14 17 Jsuhsf r s..*83780O 8112 8 81 '21 1 45 -10 47 Brse, ]3sooms, a large stock retail, at ubelesale prices.ToaClespSluLt 80310' 123 25 1 45 il 03 Bas-gains in Cs-ockes-y, China and Glasswas-e, &o. Complete Ta SetsToalDlepsp4,.in ,27,13.0 870 8 838'- 1 45 4 85 for $2 00. Complote Toiet SOtUS fer $2 50. eato, 877 8 83 7 1 45 4 T85 AcdsF-s ndT-e eter ot . ubrCCIDEN 0.,55EN 1878 8 83 7 1 45 4 85 Ka iirip ed-rs ndTu ot kinds --frein the rot elia' um tro Accdebt 'oli'e - 880, 5 08 12 1 45 6165 blé Scedînien iu Greant Britisin, at -2 !.written in 1878 . - 4311 m'cîiRRY08 LedX, i'Eiiss's PLAN, NOBTic WAnu, Cash Pramulumus recelved fer EAeST OF EBROC£l s-ruis. % ~saine . . . 76825 I 182 W1 4 16 1 45 188 69 S M I Gain iu.Premiumsovés- 18f7,- 050*587.69 8 162 6os415DeI145 188 69 Dvrl' lc, -wbolenmbr Accidenit Poli. PLII&'l PAN uiT wnD rETOP131OC Dveel'sBlck Brook Street. oieh ms-itaen, - 517,085 rEry LeMiTisWAn> Ees . îaNuinbes-Accidenl Clains paiS mrsxzr -~inu1878, . . 4,70 * 168 46 11dr ilAý Lcietclîepi 1119 7 18 17 1 465 a 8 UR0 TE NOTICE. IE Yi18, 170 10 19 25 145 I1189 -J.I E -Y wOlus sd «3,4 171 15 46 87 1 45 17 28 Notice la ss-srby ivsn thal, atter the ex- * hle nuaber Melent 175 1o 88 d4(1 145 18 2 eirtio ftusnty aysfs-cmtlimé fis-at pub- .l mnt.ocdn 1701 8 88 21- 1 45 10 49 cation of tbis notice, application wllbe irlai aun, acient195.0 177 4 67 Il 1 45 6 28 made byJTosepis Adamsi, cfibmheTownship Cotlama espaS, . 03041,5i.9 178 8 88 21 1 45 10 49 et Wbilby, lu thé Ceunty cf Ontario, Esq. ; TotalLses. pal3,3bo99.8- 179 3860 8, 1 45 a803 JohnAdain,_et tiseTownsip ofutScngoq,prteni 041,090 ~-000 New IDress Goodk,, very attrac±ive i - . B.POWELL N.ew ili Ory:( aest styles.)-e B P W L r 'h. giove nitting and, sBide liuice 182 4 72 il 1 45 6 28 18j' 1081 41 1 45 18117 195 4 72 Il 1 45 0 28 1911 8 52 21 1 45 10 18 805 49Du 12 1 45 6 56 806 4 99 12 1 45 6156 wE1l5i>ES PAx. s-si iasugo oast,1 17 S 41 20 1 46 10 06 18 8 41 20 1 45 10 06 lu 19 1122il1 45 11119 2()> ô 12 i 5 2 1111 9 T5iOiN<Is-'isPLANu OF' s-UT OF LOT 28, lOT' 2 101la 25 1 45 11 85 4 6 52 15 1 45 8 12 5 4 72 Il 1 465 28 8 lu049 25 1 45 12 19 9 6153161145 8 14 12 4 50 1i 145 6 061 20 8 03 7 14d5 455 IJALT'SiPLANilOF s-biT-OS' LOTS 25,126, B. 5P. CiuîNCLHOiiai. - 178 M1 2I1 45 2 38 279 86 2 1 45 2 88 2m0 86 2 1 45 2183 281 86 2 45 2883 282 86 2 45 2583 281 8(j 2 1 45 281 1124 86 2 1 45 283 285 m8 2 1 45 2ciii 22 1 26 13 1 45 2 74 2196 U 05 1 45 a855 800 1898 4 1 45 8 42 801 1 93 4 1 45-842 802 19os 4 1 46 8 42 -5A5)ENJICitiST'i PLA.&N 11k -A.' Kiist. . 1 Il 62 '28 1 d5 18-U 2 il162 28 1 45 1a125 S Il149 28 1 45 18 22 Ds-cck St, 9 5 91 14 1 45 7 60 WmALLAC's PLAN Ors-Ais-s-Os- LOT17, lST dCoNCEMBieN. Bieckî1, 9 4 W Il 1 45 6016 etM, 4 .459 8 145 5 11 WALLAC-E'»iPLAN OP s-Is-r eLOTs-28, 1liT. Bock A, 7 5 1/12 1456 6as là ' 8811i 12 1 45 ô68 TIiWioMBi ff LAN eF PAUT or' LOT 27, las-. 14 *12 45 81 1(1 207 il 145 4 08 13 572 M i1 45 7 80 218 81 2 i-o 10,18 ÉbC-tesscINUJ'ePLAN u 55' i is-- sLOTS 26,_27, U. Y. CONCsuI;Mloi Bloc-k , 1 8 85 22 1 45 1058à 2 8 40g1 1 40 10 25 ri *7 M 44 1 45 19 74 S4, 4 1'7 82 19 1 45 9 46 D'fi 23 12 1 45 6 80 5, Ji; 17012 44 1.4j 1971 THIOMAS hUSTON, -Trt!-uiuror,-To-gsi ofstWiitl,7. T-sis Treaeurs-rue Cilice, Whlthy5 21111may, 111711. J- 23 (Fatpubllaimasl8911 Miy, 1679.) In 084 u mouny, Droker ; anti David' Y. Adams, of the Village et Port Ferry, lu Raid County, us- by sonseor oua cf lsamu, le lime Jusig ofthlie Surregabe Cous-t, cf thme Ccunty et Ontarilo, tes- stîars c uGas-dian- ship, lu Mary Elizabeth Adaini, Aunle Francisa-Adamus, John lieusy Adams, Josephs Fs-edanick Adams, 'andI Tbenîas Edugar Adamus, infant s-lilds-eu cf HeuryAdamus, laIs ut tise saiS Tewusis/p f .11set Wiby, Esquire, deccased. - DataS aI Pas-t Pers-y, t(so 27s-l day ot May, A.. n.1879). JOHN IILLINGS, Siu-23 S olicites- fer Applilants. GENUI NE HIELLEBORE PARIS GREENI 40 CENTS per POUND, at T-. G. WIIITFIELD'S, MEDICAL HALL, BROOK ST., - WRITJIY. A cominu Icacco %IUEN for laou an gel the Myrte Naq? IN GILT, LETTERS, ON E ACH PLUG- HIamiltn, May 21, '79. 8 -22- A IRGAS8 MA CHINE, 7h15 Macine ie es-orighîlug Pelvato Dwailings, Millael1ctorica, Chus-chas, Public î-allails' oîs, &c. Cali sud examinelime nsauiné lu opea. tien aI JOSEPIH PVtiI-iS, sole !u4uuct'r, Pîimubar and Oafj-fittes-, 158 Ycs-iistriaI, Tos-ento., SenS for "ircular asuds-i-a+. T II, u0 s gned ipply Livrey ,good o itîtbstrict Pssnctnality. Tes-ma lbu. Lires-ystables ut Royal ISotl. A. & J. (C, PRINGLE. -Wliitby Maroh 111h, 1878. - 12-If Tm0 LET-Honse wtth six Booms, sas-S .Lsud saft vatar wood obid sud stable, sud large gardan vitis fruit Irais &. For. malyocauupied by Mns. Lavw. lisras- onable. Pussassîcu at once. Apply te 20-tf HATCH .& PRO. Chicago d Lake Huron Railroad. 1/OKDLeNBED TIME-TADLE iW-t-rdl;S TATIONS.,,i9)-. 8.05 7.15 Accommodation trains halva Port Rus-en 188 ..45 P.m. TesoiCacissas-ssuhowePortE~uron CHAS B PCK, EARSFUNNL,-W. E. DAVIS, Rceses.- upt- Goa Tktà egt J. E. QUICE, Ticket Agont, Port Eus-on ,-ounty ofHa//burton. FARM .L,,OTS, close tesa Esiimy, aL&iba u b VILLAGE 0F IIALIBUVRRON,. thé Tîeým!nî os e .Victoria Railuy POR SALE, ON EEASONADLE Appiy te C. J. IIZOMPIELD, Manages- CuAdla Lard &-.2Emigrtion do., 4-ly Hlbsl JAS. G. BATTEESON, Preadens. G. F. DAVIS, Vice.Proaldént. P.ODNEY DENNI SScrsbary, JOHN EB. mofRiis sist&nt Saor'y. 'GEORGE ELLIS, Actua-y. EuZWuneV. fP isxoi, éu boftA c es.. J. P. DAvIs M , Euîi Examincif0 J. D îiDSrmuuAJir O.P. RUSSELL, Agýent, Ps-cv. Ont. Office, 883Adulsude, EsI, Toronto. C. t(OU iSE, Agen, - - W iby. T EEXAMINATION- OF PUBLIC SOHOOL TEACIIERS' kcor Ces-tidoates, ým ll hiheut at thé Oonty TOWN and HIGH SOHJOOLS, FOB iiC@l<iiCLABS, OcN TUESDAY, JULY 8mb. Rat 29, M s. AnS- for ThirS-cla#st athelsounly Town, On MONPAY, JUL'Y, l4th., at 2, p. m. Ib is l"lseeaable Ihat Ounldateýoshould neiy th o,0 Ina tes-, net later Issu thé Fis-st of June, o "et r - itention bu présent tmiselves for Exnaination. ' Ina. P. aO. Ont. Mys-Ili, April S9tb> - 19 NQOTICIE vsi ru r as n bl i a i e uOf the ao r.? Lesve ordérs toecAilerlyi%#hé orm 3E..YUL 11.) - Agent, 1wstby. .A',G-OOD'.OPEN* G F- n tiS o-lNg aIle!. J M P B O V E D B U WM bvI l o . t .fth sr- at on aims. Everythlng vil! IÙteWYO e=labour as aoi-acwJtes- an pructical ahIly vil!bu requi-eS Al8 o. oFmp'and others, 10,000 Ac2ý res9et gd lasm aimlii WMbu slSon eu'yles-iln ilotso of50 t o = , er lu ,bîlakcf6 500 surs-e. isaié,bo aa- lu Settlementi wu' aonsris em a 1is'ï g 't6 O. JOHOSoir, mml. by, or ut theé,of atMs-.BoyS ]Bôbeaýt e snanpdsan sd u-asy infs-ntio is-c, &.,atorel. - W h itb y , Ap s- e io îo, p . B o l b ndpel - ts er, ehB . WL 2d~~~~. ei tvryhaPWL iretè,be atil-paJ. B. POEL brpet ~JbauBifPO atterns C ar*pts andF B.or O E LLts Carpes andFloorO Clots ïid Géneral G'roceries. .B. POWEL & &00. c (oi & 00. Co. ço. 3B. POWELL& NE W A 1.)V E- t i8 EI, BNT S WiIl seli sell for 30 days AT COSI Womens' Prunella Boots and S:hoes, Womens' Kid Boots and Shoes, Misses' -Pebble Boots and Shoefs, Misses' Xid Boots and Shoes A New and welq Selected Stock. 'Caîl and examine, B - member the whole is offered at o ost. GENERAL DRY GOODS, 0100FR Y d HARD WARE 8 'T0?ý BROUrGH A M Begs-to inform his friends and-the pub lie, that lielias now on hand an éutirely new and well s( lected stock, emhraoing in the above lines, whicli hoj -..Customers are advised to give a cal anid see wliat value tliey can get foi, their nioney at a hom 13stalismrlnth,189 Are receiving a ýwell assorted Stock oi HYLS, AE, HOES, ;GARDEN RAKESJ SPADiNG and"MN' EFRKS e BUILDER'8 HAR tDWARE: Jnt and Wrought Nails, Locks, Latties, l'Bitts, Sorews, Eiýcs, Glass, Putty, &C,, &o. TO PAINTERS.-Boiled and IR9,w 011, Engliali Lead, 4nadaLead, Varnishes, Turpentine, Brushes,, Glass, Putty, &c- i S o R .53 MOSES LINTON, OJ.Brood Mare, or suitmble for farni purpose, for sale, Sens-s old. $0 ah or time on npps-oved'note to'suit the purchase Aietue Buggies sud -two Delivery Wnggons. cbeap. TH*E PLACE FOýR BOOTS AN-D -HE Begs toreturu miany ýtlianks for the libea upr io mo i g M o isnéw Store, tk s pleasure in stating that his Stock for t h b e P N-* M d S M M R r a e s n w d y f o i t i s e t o . - h puble mi fudi, a usal, *haLargéést In loup opmm h ic m asi ty uoh s-bes t , ni d n h a e i t O ey a n d a k n a uled g é o f th é0 Complete aMsortments xiLdies' <eentsi, Misss, a na The Lore' nd Hanan'- Soeailsizei,_ from $1.70. 02rCustom work a speoialty. Direct from the FactorY, MontrpAl, "a large assrment, Newr and uobby-fromï $1ý,50 lb$7. *- *- - - M~COLLINSI~ -DE flE L'SD QO1, - OOL T..W 1TBSm the isse aïd pur. 7ial raide deiand 4'5s 0,10 per loîîle, #75 or ix Droiutes. *Orders ad&Wd tùdo, "PerlyDai& Son & Lawrence, 377 Bt. Piul St. Monts-cal P. 0. mi have lliu&eýûeAbattention. Farin FoË Sale. ShU tapressfor ,toring purpomes, th. xpras ffle, lo. Apply tb -GBO. K. YU1J 2- - Express1 Drawing, Painting, Ci'ay4 M88 MARI BRYS* rea * residence, Brook Street, Whitby. Pa lars can be obtalned froin ifiss- MéE Drs.skr rook-st. Whiitbj, Jau. 21, 1879. In composed cf. Ingredlezits indentîcal * bse which constitute Hes]±h, Bil Muscle aà id Nervé sund Brain Subîti Whist Li:e itslf je directly depffndent on soins cfibtm. By its union with the blood sud its0 ùpon the muscles, rd6eitabllshîng the sud loniugtbe other, It la oapable of ci teglthefolowiug reaulti:. 1ItwlldlsplaCeor waih out tuberoi niatter, and thus cure Ooumuptiou. Co y incqeaslng Nervous aidu. Vigor, il wfll cure -Dyspepi, eble ci terrupted lbution cf the e raee sd Pali tion, ¶eaknescf Intellect cauied bye" worry, ovêrtax or irregular habitsf clutis,-Ac4te or Chroniu Congestion' cf Lunge, even in the inuit alarming etageî Il cures ià athn2a, Loscf Voici Nèura St. Vitus Dance, npileptie Pite, irbea cougkl. NEbývOusuems, aud je a munit woni fui adjunclte ether reinides in austii Iffe ugifte process cf Dipiheria. An end. ss chain cf good efficti is fori by- ' ; FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRI an eai e safiisayiug, frein a long perience luninedeciue, Ii vis-tues are cf/mere&yayoi"cmbinaiion, as, f1l'OU niII wildemonstrate. IT I S ACCEP BE cpat, stomacb. TBL t alI SUFFICIENT]LY POTENT te insure cmded lienefit, *yet harmleis, howioever le its use may té c outiune&- This char-e isti je posesîed by ne other remnedy.- I7 BIÂiITS DIGESTION suid assimi IT'VITALIZES-H- BLOOD, ùp tngseuuh imrediento s 5may b. requrd IT RE 8TORBES TONE te lthe nervis. IT GIVES POWER cf endurance sud couceutration te, the mind. IT PROMOTES VIGOR lu the orge wbich depend for health on thme invonta cnmucnlar action, viz. , the Liver, Lunl rHeurt, Stomach and Geultals. Aildunuesi affictled with some disease1 f. VOlvmng ABOOLUTE OBsOuf oos, it wlll st tait. the systein until- it reaches the age1 l te r mn b a beneficient Crestor. 10PEasoN will hadisappoinfed iu ti effertofFELLOWS HYPOI>HOSPHMTE wlà rigidly foflow the directions. FELLOWS' HYPOPllo8PITE INCEPTION. lha experiminti which prefected thi prEuaation occeuied nany mouthi, an werefnsitued h aview eofcurlng the ialcious disease, j-TUBERCULAR CONSUMPTION andinu order te aupply the delcieucies H; 0hoiphites already, lusnia;for, as theegis their nature wau correct as te the ory, their preparations were, owing to thei *inpsrfect organlzatlon, fouu4 wautlug ii practice. While they cansed the formation cf fa ~-anz generited hat, they did not mps-o-i le the bMa. The toiente u np on th, 8nelvel and muscles-wua urroumibed asu owgte thair diluted «state, lnvoivin, =ai oses, theytwes-e aIse toc expansive. lime desiderata songh, by Mr. Fellowî A convenient, palatable reredy;. tUalts-able by tina;colnui Zarniieii, lhough used cAinul e migbt ha discontinu ilntany timte jLu *au il efact ; ýhich would Indue s a appetite; Strengthcu digastion; Proiuote assiilation; Create healthy blood; Slrengthen the nerves sud mîlî Enable thé subjauttole aceessfull comn- bat liseaae ;1 And snfficisnîly economical for ail. *Al Ibis has bien in disypntably attimmed. The suoussa et the werk Je coumpletse; and -Febiowî' Hypophoi.philes stazýds fcremnos >aine ngîl the reniedies for chmnulcocrganie disasesosesaing propirties te, which no f othr méeine basever aspired. ABSTrRACT EFFECTrS. Félowi'Hophop~les c 0lceing lu. trocuce inc, stxà ah, uites 'sIth the, food, sud i-redia tély inters Ibe'circula- tion*; sd, hein g pesfecîly zuiscible with' th, t'S ieeIy pexvades -evpry part ef the ysté. It afectelirefit declareul Jby s pulse slightly -mcresaed sinfluesis sud iitreugt, a genersi exaltation cf the rnetnhe bocS,-aanalculIDe, týh can iIosfbthe . - Ai.t lksuv uuuLm ai E suugisu, #!5iiswa. 0901 Mssr. Blligs ,Vl(iflivayPort For-y, ýone'o ]c ie-undenisgued îYendoe's solicitors, recit- Oshwacf teBi atrai u- c o e ti eueer ' . .. a . u.io- s d t e A c ilcG l&ýif.DARTN1 L,_ rulas- MIE&JONES, ster-. s-sun- - ndor's Soliclteis, 0(lawau. pita- I time AUCTION SALE OFi VALUABLE HO TEL I PS OPERTY îing -8 TULP- med TOWN 0F'WH>l1'BY, >'IN TIlE COUNTY1 0F ONTARIIO. Tues-eulill be solS by PuiesUc i, 0x ON SAÎÙRDAY, JU NE 1th, 1879, usof limhe At 0.naoc in uthiü rl-noce, by Leii 1Fairbanks, Auctianis.aattise ROYAL Ho0- sud TEL,-su lb. 7owncf Wnitby, by vis-tue et s Poer s- ale coutumreS lu a ces-tain, di- Mus-tgeg à icm mlli-lie produceul at Ibm ,ong Sais, the tollowing Propes-îy, under Mes- las-- gags frein James, Pring- AIl that pas-t cf LUt Na. 26 in tma luS lia. con. cf lise Townsisip oý Wbitby,neiw tes-m- igpart of tlie Town 1cf Whitby,-uw ll~sddesaribeil ou a plafsthereo inuse hy John Sbiit, P. L. -8., as Firitiy --.-To-wil lot 4, Pes-ryA IOC14 eat af Brook ats-elt; 1 of SëcndIy:ý Those Imo ceaIs parts ot Townm lot 8.; in seS Pers-y's Blôokas arc pricn- sus larly mentioned anS deà cribid>in two cer-r ms-y tin1sdentures, beariug. date respectiveiy, ig, tisé Ssd day etf Augnit, Âi,. . 6. sud lime 911 day cfý Octehér, A.- D. 1808, sud -mindi lu- betusen Mary Pis-sy, 'if ime.-Town ei Wbit. eue John Haû Pes-iy, e-f il -lc# uansd TIsirdiy TIsaIpas-.cfTaOn'ros-i BaiS Pers-'K thi Block, dess-ribad as follÃ"i oamussg ,i attse nostb-wesl angle iet saiS -Town lotS, thence southeslyon thse1 western lheu cf - miS lot -I10 test ilincises, tissuc.e ssterly :8 ale w time. ucrtii4elit of SaiS lus/ 8Q ee muinei ~tienci, rscuth' 89 degcs-<a45- nd tieuco castes-h' parallel 9ihthe sautsos- ltlins etf saiS lot l1fee~tistence soutbs-sly pas-allpi uith tle meste inset fsaiS lot 14 etactSluches, muese us0I i, l h ets BAY alyI it et sadla lt, teue' easterîy-on,- iu tise imitheru Irmil cf sAîa9lot 80 fait 2lin., 1- mos-e Or legi, te tise scuth-aast corner et e- said lot, thence ncrlherlyoau tisa asles-n >Ir leit cf suid loti49fe incises, te ha in -ne-tis-éat cernes- cf îskU1, limons usaI- erly on-lime nos-lies-nuit et saiS lot, ut 192 test 8 luches, sue or lîmi, te Iho vo place of begluuning. le Time tislowing 1mprocvarentg ais saiS ta id bc on lmeprielas - Asla8 abs-y Bs-ick ig Buildigun asImeToa Htwitb cammo=9ous Parlons-aJ, Dîiuiug, S9iling sud- siBed raDns,Is a BilIia~4rliTocaou tise *greunS Sos- 7-l im r a-sà lso canuodieus stables, ahe dosand dises- eùthuildingo. Tiss Hi le i ael da p ted for à fisa-ldis bus§i- 3t neubein imte-cintrd of lime buiness TERMS.-PuQetantm ci thé purchase monty tle ;bcepaid lown on the day cf sale.- as- balance, terh mli bc maSs kuowu at lima sala. - For tusther pusticulare ôpply la-- iolEs :BÈQ. & M[AcKEIiZns - Solacoo-,Iaioul Hall Tes-ailo: Oz to ÇC. NOUlISË, Eiq.; Whlby. , -May 191b, 1679, -22 Cosumeuclos--Manday, 2stIL Pepsil, wll malte ber s-erw trionpson Ibis rente. Lsaviug Caeus-gi, at 7.80, [sud Pas-t Hope st9.80 virisy xuos-mg, (Suildasaexueptd) en as-svalcf trains mein Bise H st u suid Mccli, couuecting vis/c Itse aiiway >Liùea aI IRecher, f or al),points lu the UnitedlStats. Retuning, havis Oissrlol$, (part et 11e- cehastes-,) ut, 9, p. m»., excetI Salurulsys, uheu amebes aI 8t 345, lp, m., fusr Port Hoeim in Stock, &c.,wilflSud tIbis tise- cheapeatanùd ét direct raoute te Bomew, Albany sud Neu York. Foifr stbas-informuation a ply to, E. STEPHENSON, Agent, Dom. Tale- graph Office, Witby, or. OspI. Shérmeood -Poe, Hope, Ont. - * M&y 26th. 1879. - - 2 s TANDÀBD B"I4KOF ÇANADA. Divideoud NO. 7 1 lnds, anid bie ,thereon erected, Miuli ail, abor Slue Tlousand whilh saiisoin cf time lid lundi vs~ç~dte so- fet lise saiS se- Beumhary for the socl Debeitit-m, ecfunand lDollars MeutioniesE; ans oü insi cf Elevasi s-ismeS aunuaill s ubole rabeableé iunusemm and existng dsbt lenodIred sud 1, udîles-e la pal os- lutermal île cf eueMil ut on -, dlay o cd Usd Jufathe k, iseon, la l eu anud plae ei Mayor et i-scîtfil te ut- laee, suS s.i er ons c teSd lié , amnd île 0% .Ittw, Qune ttisiis- ivîssty iliSio, la1 les-m y ace fes- 0is cf tise maIS sucs At votai ie pýy.îaw, , lis Ob 20th. 1879, 7'l BROOK STREET, WI-IITBY,' X, q> icur ý Whitby, AprÃœ 80th, 1879. ]Ene IIATCE[ & BRO.